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Christmas Kitsch

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Sometimes the best thing you can get for Christmas is knowing what you really want.Rusty Baker is a blond, rich, entitled football player in a high school full of them—just the type of oblivious jock all the bullied kids hate. And he might have stayed that way, except he develops a friendship with out-and-proud Oliver Campbell from the wrong side of the tracks. Rusty thinks the friendship is just pity—Oliver is very bright, and Rusty is very not—but then Oliver kisses him goodbye when Rusty leaves for college, and Rusty is forced to rethink everything he knows about himself.But even Rusty’s newfound awareness can’t help him survive a semester at Berkeley. He returns home for Thanksgiving break clinging to the one thing he knows to be Oliver Campbell is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.Rusty’s parents disagree, and Rusty finds himself homeless for the holidays. Oliver may not have much money, but he’s got something Rusty has never true family. With their help and Oliver’s love, Rusty comes to realize that he may have failed college, but he’ll pass real life with flying rainbow colors.

256 pages, ebook

First published December 7, 2013

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About the author

Amy Lane

201 books3,435 followers
Amy Lane dodges an EDJ, mothers four children, and writes the occasional book. She, her brood, and her beloved mate, Mack, live in a crumbling mortgage in Citrus Heights, California, which is riddled with spiders, cats, and more than its share of fancy and weirdness. Feel free to visit her at www.greenshill.com orwww.writerslane.blogspot.com, where she will ride the buzz of receiving your e-mail until her head swells and she can no longer leave the house.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 513 reviews
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,994 reviews6,237 followers
December 5, 2014
I stayed up until 3:30 am to read this book and instead of feeling exhausted when I finished, I wanted to jump on my bed and sing "The hills are alive, with the sound of music!!!" and twirl and wake up my husband to squeal at him. I, in fact, did wake him up with my annoying Kindle Paperwhite glow and my muffled shrieks of glee. He ended up sleeping on the couch in the basement, grumbling about books and me losing my mind. I didn't care. Yes, THAT is how much I loved this book.

Did it make my favorites of 2013 list? ----> YES!
Did it make my all-time favorites list? ----> YES!
Did I love it so much that I'm not even mad that I bought it at full price when I already HAD the review copy on my Kindle? ----> YES!.... well, kinda. I'm a little annoyed that I had such a brain fart, but I'm working on letting that go...

This book was low angst Amy Lane and it was still wonderful!! I usually love the Amy Lane books where she beats up her guys so much that they barely make it to the finish. I love the angsty ones and have been less than impressed with the "lite" books. However, this book... my god... this book. It was sweet perfection. Amy Lane gets a few get-out-of-jail-free cards from me right now. She was just ON while she was writing this. It was a magical reading experience.

Even though this is marketed as a holiday story, it feels more like a coming-of-age book than a holiday tale. Rusty and Oliver were a couple that I could truly get behind. I loved seeing them grow and evolve together. It was so lovely, so spot on, that I wanted to sleep holding my kindle to get closer to the story.

Amy Lane, I want to write creepy, stalker poetry in your honor. I want to sing off-key and buy this book for my friends. You have made my night and my day.

My husband, however, is less enamored with you. You might want to avoid him.

January 29, 2015
5 bright, gorgeous, wipe-your-tears-and-laugh-with-joy stars

We tell ourselves fairy tales to believe. Not all stories end well, but some do.

Christmas Kitsch is the best kind of fairy tale, the kind about real, lasting love.

It manages to be sweet and hopeful without being maudlin. Brace yourself, because you will cry, laugh, rage, and feel your heart bust out of your chest.

Rusty is a good-enough athlete with a big heart. He's not particularly book smart or introspective, but he tries hard. His parents plan his life, which includes only what THEY want. His senior year of high school, Rusty meets Oliver, who's openly gay, Hispanic (in a very white California town), and not rich. Oliver lives with his dad and has a big, loving extended family. Rusty and Oliver become best friends, then something more.

Rusty's parents want him to go to Berkeley, even though he's really not "smart" enough to go. His SATs suck, so his dad pulls some strings to get him in. Of course, Rusty is miserable at Berkeley, what with his professor, who considers him a worthless, spoiled brat, and his sex-crazed roommate. Coming home, though, isn't an option - until it's the ONLY option.

This story is about two boys loving against the odds. But it's also about family, growing up, getting to know yourself. Even though the MCs (the book is told from Rusty's first-person POV) are young, they are mature. Life doesn't hand them roses, but, with help, they plant a garden.

The secondary characters in the book, Oliver's warm and caring dad, and his loud, kind, giving, in-your-business-cause-we-love-you family; Rusty's larger-than-life-college-roommate Rex who makes away with all the socks (there's a reason, and it's laugh-out-loud funny); Rusty's younger sister Nicole, who yearns to break free of their parents' judgements and expectations; and Rusty's snobbish, upper-class, obsessed-with-appearances parents, are utterly REAL and believable.

Just like in real life, the characters aren't perfect; some are truly good, others not so much, but even Rusty's asshole parents have moments that let you peek behind the veneer; you don't condone them or sympathize with them, but you get to see beyond the masks.

And of course we have Rusty and Oliver. God, I loved both of them so. Rusty is sweet, insecure, unsure of himself, his future, his sexuality. He has no idea what he wants. Oliver has so much patience and love. He adores Rusty; he cajoles and pushes a little and makes Rusty a better man. This is a first everything kind of book: first love, first kiss, first home of your very own, first Christmas together, first dream of the future. Rusty sometime pushes Oliver away because he's ashamed of how little he has (his parents cut him off after Rusty drops out of college), but Oliver makes him see that they're in it together, cramped apartment, second-hand car, flat inflatable bed and all (that bed had a VERY good reason for popping!).

Bonus: The guys spend the summer before college swimming together. They're just friends at this point, but we know better and can envision the possibilities:

I don't like YA/NA romances as a rule. I always feel like the MCs are too young to know what they truly want. I hesitated to read this one, even though I love Amy Lane, because it's about two high school boys falling in love.

But the skeptic in me suffered a silent demise by the end of the first chapter. Because this book? Is just THAT good. It made me believe. It made me weep, and it made me SMILE the kind of goofy grin you just can't get off your face for days. And the last chapter cut me open with one of the best HEAs I've ever read! (Don't let the title dissuade you. It doesn't really fit the book. This is much, much more than a Christmas romance; recommended for any time of year for a quick burst of love and joy!)
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews438 followers
June 8, 2023
Re-read June 2023

Still one of my favorites.

Best Christmas story ever!

Rusty is a high school jock. But he's not the person his parents want him to be. He's not super smart, he's not a womanizer, nor is he excited about a future as a lawyer. But he's still trying to be everything they want him to be.

When Rusty meets Oliver, they become instant friends. Rusty isn't sure what it is about Oliver, but Oliver just makes him feel good.

When Rusty goes off to study at Berkeley, he is struggling with the course load. He feels he’s not smart enough for Berkeley, but with non-stop studying he might make it.

But trying to juggle everything, his school work, his new roommate, his confusing feelings for Oliver, Rusty isn’t doing too well. When he goes home for Thanksgiving, Oliver is waiting for him in the driveway. But when his parents catch him kissing Oliver, they tell him he’s no longer welcome at home.

So Rusty has no other choice but to drop out at Berkeley and sleep on Oliver’s couch for a while. Oliver’s father tells Rusty he can stay as long as he wants, but Rusty doesn’t want to impose. Luckily Oliver’s family helps him out wherever they can, and it is not long before Rusty has a cheap apartment and a cheap car. And he can even work construction for Oliver’s dad….

This had so much hurt/comfort that I was in heaven. Rusty was hurting so much, and Oliver and his family provided so much comfort, it was absolutely wonderful.

Rusty didn’t t have much, but sometimes that just doesn’t matter.

”Promise you won’t leave me alone,” I said, my voice so clogged I almost couldn’t get it out. “Promise you won’t leave me in this shitty apartment, all by myself, when the only thing I want is you.”

”We don’t need a bed to be in love.”

These guys were just perfect for each other.

Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,633 followers
December 10, 2013
Dammit, Amy, you made me cry. Again. This is my vote for Christmas story of the year, (at least so far.)

Rusty is another of Amy's trademark crack-your-heart-wide-open guys, doing his best, sometimes not sure what that is, trying so hard when life kicks him in the teeth. He's wounded, bleeding, and sometimes he doesn't even feel the blade slip in for another stab. But the people around him see it.

Rusty's not stupid, but he's not quick and he's taken that to be the equivalent of dumb. He has a big heart, and his willingness to speak up for a stranger in high school earned him the friendship of out-and-proud Oliver. And that friendship slowly creeps up on him as something more. This book is full of great characters, from Rusty to Oliver, to the oversexed roommate Rex, the sister Nicole, and all the rest. There are lovely and painful and poignant moments, all told in Rusty's wonderful narrative voice. This just hit the sweet spot for me. I reread bits as I was reading it the first time, to slow it down and not finish too fast. This goes on my favorites shelf.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,713 followers
July 9, 2015

This might be one of the sweetest, melt your heart stories I've ever read. There was some serious love in the air with this one!

Rusty, Rusty, Rusty....my poor, sweet, naive Rusty! I just wanted to give you the biggest hug ever!

This one was super feel good. Very coming of age. Maybe a bit on the YA side. But oh so sweet, and heart-warming. And gah, it just made me feel all gooey inside.

Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
January 1, 2022
*Reread December 2021

It's not Christmas until I read this. It only gets better! 😍✨

*Reread December 2020

I cried again. *sigh* It’s still everything good! 🥰🥰


First read December 2019

Let me just go ahead and say it up front. There is going to be no review here. There will be nothing but ridiculous, somewhat incoherent, rambling gushing, if I can manage that. I just...I don't even know how to tell you. My heart has burst right out of my chest and I'm afraid it's going to come pouring out in a bunch of giddy ridiculousness, so I'll try not to do that. *But maybe not too hard, because giddy, OMG yeeesssss!* <3

I'm sure there's plenty of other awesome reviews, go read those. Hell, go read the blurb. Then go do yourself the biggest favor ever and read the book. I suppose this is a Christmas story and it's got Christmas in it, sure. But it's about so much more.

I feel like I have a new family, like I was part of what happened with Rusty and Oliver, with all the love and magical in-your-business family that Rusty didn't know he needed and really couldn't handle and couldn't do without. I loved both of them so much and all the people that loved them back as well.

I highlighted whole swaths of text just so I could come back and swoon over them any time I want. And I will. I haven't read very many Amy Lane books, mostly because I'm not a fan of having my heart ripped out *so I've been told* but that's not going to stop me any more because even if she does that sometimes, she can also make me feel like this and damn, that's everything.

This is going to be a definite yearly holiday reread for me. There aren't enough words or stars.
Profile Image for Monique.
1,068 reviews377 followers
June 4, 2021
This book is truly outstanding!!! Seriously one of the best books I have read this year, it is profoundly moving, poignant in its delivery and I literally picked it up and it did not leave my hands until it was finished, every page is filled with emotion and for the most part I was welling up with tears in my eyes or sitting here with a silly grin on my face. I love Amy Lane, as a writer she is incredibly talented and this book is AMAZING!!! I can’t even begin to tell you just how much I loved it.

Christmas Kitsch is Rusty’s story, told from his POV and I loved his voice and Amy Lane’s depiction of him is truly wonderful, he is without a doubt a character who will steal your heart… a beautiful person filled with goodness, so utterly and totally believable, and what I wouldn’t give to have someone like Rusty in my life, I am hopelessly in love! But not only with the precious Rusty, because we also have Oliver who is also such a darling, so patient and understanding with a magnetic personality who knows Rusty better than he knows himself, especially when is comes to his sexuality. Rusty thinks of himself as straight and Oliver is gay, no issues there, in fact it brings out yet another endearing quality, that of the protector of Oliver from his asshole friends that think it’s big to pick on the gay boy.

“Thanks,” the kid said. “But you know, I’m gay. I’m not really big on the princess dress, but if he wasn’t an asshole, I wouldn’t mind blowing him.”

And that was Oliver.

Rusty has been starved of love and affection all his life and the feeling of sadness from him at times is overwhelming, he is unassuming and lacks confidence with zero on the expectations front. He is so honest, kind and compassionate, that it just melted my heart, and it’s hard to believe that someone so genuine and adorable can come from parents that are so cold and calculating. They are rich and successful with their own agenda and ambitions for Rusty, who of course has no say in the matter and is filled with apprehension, firstly because he feels he is unable to meet their expectations and secondly he sees himself as a disappointment, filled with trepidation knowing that the Berkley education they are adamant over is above his level of intelligence… because you see, Rusty thinks himself as nothing more than a dumb jock.

But it’s not only leaving for Berkley and the unknown, he is also leaving behind Oliver, the light in Rusty’s world, his best friend and the person that gives him confidence and makes him smile, and likewise Oliver needed to give Mr Oblivious a nudge in the right direction with a kiss, just a little something for him to think about while he is away and let him know that he sees Rusty as more than just a friend.

Ohhh . . . this was kissing. I sighed back at him, and he pulled away, leaving me to suck on his tongue until the last minute, because I wanted him some more.

And then it hit me.

Oliver had kissed me, and I’d kissed him back.

Coming home for Thanksgiving and having had time to contemplate that kiss and missing Oliver so much he thought his heart would break, he decides he’s Oliver-sexual (I loved that) and coming clean to his parents for him, seems the right decision. Mmm… not such a great idea when he is thrown out on his arse with nowhere to go the day before Thanksgiving! At this point I was ready to throttle them, parents they are not!!!

Rusty is a gentle soul and likes the simple things in life, is a little slow on the uptake, and yes, oblivious at times but when he gets things right, or even just gets things, there is such an endearing amazement, I just wanted to hug him. Rusty is sensitive yet tough, gentle but also strong, what he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in perseverance and determination, he is not thick by any stretch of the imagination, but he’s not an intellect and prefers manual labour that has structure and routine, something with a purpose and a result he can see and working construction with Oliver’s Dad gives him all that and more.

Making a new life with Oliver and being surrounded by his family that accept and love him for who he is, Oliver’s boyfriend, fills him with hope, he may now be poor, but in reality he is a rich man, because he is loved and welcomed as part of that family and that in itself is worth more than all the trappings of wealth… with Oliver being the only home Rusty ever wants or needs

A perfect day for me will always start with tiny dogs and a warm house in the winter, and coffee, and people glad to see me when I wake up.

This is such a charming story, stunningly executed, the characterisation is excellent, not only of Rusty and Oliver but also the secondary characters, all of Oliver’s family, Nicole Rusty’s sister and Rex, plus his Mom’s who we never met on page but they deserve an extra special mention… all of them are just as animated as our two MC’s, there is so much love in this book you are totally enveloped in it and my heart was fit to bursting, it is the perfect Christmas story, compelling reading and one that is tailor made for snuggling in a warm blanket and savouring... and if you are an emotional wuss like me, I suggest you have the tissues at the ready, because my eyes were leaking… a lot!!!

Amy Lane… you are amazing!!! Your storytelling and literary skills superb, you have delivered a book that I will read without a doubt every Christmas, in fact, anytime I am in the need of the perfect feel good read… Thank you!

Profile Image for Jo.
172 reviews74 followers
September 29, 2017

Everyone who knows me knows I hate Christmas Kitsch... I want to pierce my eardrums when I hear Christmas music, I am bored to.. Well not death because death would be a release.. when dragged to see Christmas lights. I hate Red and Green together how does that even constitute a color scheme?

Amy Lane is my Reading Goddess I always, ALWAYS buy her books the day they come out but due to the title I was not as excited as usual.. oh ye of little faith.. especially during this time. I am sorry Ms. Lane for not trusting that even when I hate the context I could never hate your work. This book was so perfect so right .. I want that crappy too bright Christmas cookie jar so bad... Why because you made it "home". Amy Lane has a genius ability to write the kind of characters you pray to know. You want to sit at their table and have hot chocolate, you want to know how the kids are doing..Her romances are always great but her characters are they ones you bring into your heart...

And I can't help but tell you why I am crying while writing this:

When I was 21 my boyfriend graduated and moved back to the city I was told under no circumstances could I follow him or I would be cut off.. I had no one and nothing when I came... We moved into the crappiest apartment. His family gave us cooking supplies and dinnerware, and old furniture. Our first bed was the foam mattress from his parents sofa bed, not the sofa or bed just the foam part. And yet thanks to him and them it was home.... Thank Goodness 20 years later our families are fine and we have a real house but "home" will always be with him even if it is on a foam mattress.
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
November 7, 2014
A sweet fairytale that mostly gave me the warm fuzzies. I loved so much of this story, but there were things that bothered me.

Some of the niggles:
I didn't like when Rusty thought of the boy he loved as the "little brown person". It felt like a lot of focus was put on Oliver's skin color.
I loved Oliver's family, but I wish the families weren't so one dimensional, one family so good and the other one so bad.
There were a couple instances where I thought it was weird how fixated Rusty was on his sister's clothes.
Oliver's characterization was a little inconsistent but maybe the variations were reflective of his age. They were both so young.
The constant presentation of Rusty as dim and clueless got a little irritating.

I couldn't take this story too seriously, but it's a heartwarming tale of love and family.

***Thank you to my secret unicorn elf for this book!***

Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews119 followers
September 6, 2016

Damn you, Amy Lane.

This was an ugly beautiful story and you made me weep last night to the point where I had to stop reading my eyes were so swollen.

This is all about expectations, both trying to live up to those pushed at you and coming to realization that it's okay to make your own.

There's a lot of heavy emotion here and Rusty is fighting to balance out what he wants and what his parents want him to be. Oliver couldn't be a more perfect match for him.

The first 3/4 of this story was incredibly intense. I did find the ending a bit rushed though as it wrapped things up. This is a horrible review for a fantastic story and I'll come back later to add to it but just skimming the story as I'm writing this is making me weepy. I'm out for a bit.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews426 followers
December 23, 2019
**4.5 Oliver-sexual stars**

This was such a sweet story. Rusty doesn't even realize how hard his life actually was until Oliver comes in with a bang and shows him what love and family really mean. It's a story of growing up and becoming who you are meant to be, not what others expect you to be. A story of finding true love and family.
“I’m just lucky I’m Oliver-sexual”

"I think I fell in love with him the minute I saw him. I wanted him, wanted him in my life from that first second, watching him sit in AP English and not take any shit. He was my family. He was my home."

Just absolutely beautiful.

**I do wish we had gotten Oliver's POV. I think that would have bumped it up to 5 stars for me.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,809 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2019
***12/2019. Another listen to Nick J Russo's narration of this, which was really good as per usual BUT this time around, I couldn't help but notice the amount of times the colour of Oliver's skin was mentioned [usually as a little brown person 😡]. Did the author keep stressing that Rusty's skin was pasty white?? No...she did not, but Oliver and his family's background were frequently mentioned, almost as if Ms Lane wanted a pat on the back for being an 'inclusive' author. Suspect this will be my last listen to this story. Perhaps the reports a few years ago of some bigotry on the author's part (see my review of Lollipop) were fairly accurate after all...that one came out not long after this. Let's hope she has changed her spots...***

*** edited to include a mini review of the audio version by Nick J Russo, and what an awesome narration it was too!! I fell in love with Rusty and Oliver all over again...seriously, HIGHLY recommended!!***

Amy Lane, you'll be the death of me!! This Christmas story is ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY ADORABLE, Rusty and Oliver...words fail me......

I've loved every word of every line on every page, I've laughed , I've cried buckets ...both happy and sad tears, and I honestly couldn't describe my feelings at the end, I was drained emotionally. 10 Glittery Golden stars and a Christmas appearance from those dancing girls

Rusty and Oliver have wormed their way into my heart - like most of Amy's characters do - and together with a host of other characters from this story...in particular Oliver's dad and the rest of their extended family, Rusty's sister Nicole and especially Rex , the sex-mad bedroom Olympian with his 'lay anything that moves' attitude.....will stay there until this Christmas has long gone. I don't know how she does it, but she remorselessly tugs at your heartstrings until you're a gibbering wreck...I wish I did know how, I could bottle the damn stuff and sell it!! This is definitely my Christmas story of 2013.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,397 reviews1,546 followers
January 11, 2014
Amy Lane tends to be at the very top of my favorite MM authors and this book an example of the reason why.

Rusty & Oliver pulled me right in from the start and then when Rusty went to Berkeley and met his roommate, Rex, I was all in. Rex was so wrong with all of his outrageous escapades that I'd really love to read his story next.

Rusty's parents added just the right amount of drama, counterbalanced by Oliver's amazingly supportive extended family.

There were lots of wallowing opportunities in the book, but as usual, Amy Lane's characters are very good at taking lemons and making some pretty tasty lemonade for the readers.

It isn't quite the 'Promises' or 'Talker' series, but very highly recommended.
Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,229 reviews113 followers
October 30, 2023
3 stars.
My expectations were high, but I didn't enjoy this book as much as I had hoped for.

-There were times the story gripped me and I enjoyed what I was reading (mostly every time when Oliver's family was around), but many parts of the book left me in a strange mood.. the scenes with Rex (all of them), most of the intimate scenes between the MCs or when they talked about sex.. Rusty couldn't even say out loud what he wanted to do (and to me it seemed he needed much more time), Oliver kept pushing that Rusty had to be the one to top because Rusty was a carer, and therefore he should care for Oliver by being the one to top (sounds cringey when I write it like this but it felt cringey reading, too).

-Rusty and Oliver's discussions in the last part of the book were exhausting.. Rusty wanted to at least have a bed in the small apartment before Oliver moved in, but Oliver, again, kept pushing and was hurt when Rusty wanted time to think and didn't want Oliver living with him right away (they were 18).

-I kept thinking how much more I was glued to the pages while reading The Long Run by James Acker. The books have different storylines and characters, but the MCs in both books are around 18 and parental negligence is an issue in both books, and I just didn't feel any of the love I felt while reading TLR.

-I hated Rusty's parents (and obviously loved Oliver's family). I can't believe how Rusty's parents acted is a thing? Isn't there any law that obligates parents to provide their children with an education and a home in the US like we have in Italy (here 20somethings can even demand that their parents continue to pay for their college education until they finish their degree). I know there are many books with american parents kicking their children out, but it felt so wrong that nobody did anything besides commiserating with Rusty (and helping him get autosufficient).

-Rusty's parents' 180 in the last chapter was totally unbelievable and out of character, I hated it nearly as much as I had hated their previous despicable behaviour.
Profile Image for Alisa.
1,835 reviews198 followers
December 24, 2023
I thought this book was "dumb" & "stupid". You know why I thought that? Because the MC told me 22x he was dumb and 38x he was stupid (I counted). And that's not even counting all the declarations of things like "I'm not smart". I can't even with this book. I have never disliked an Amy Lane book before but I disliked this with the strength of 1000 fiery suns. I couldn't stand Rusty's "dumb" ass and while I did feel bad for him in places the "I'm a bumbling idiot" routine got old very fast. I thought Oliver was charming but I couldn't imagine what he saw in Rusty. I liked all of the side characters but again the plot kept coming back to Rusty.

Lot's of things didn't make any sense to me. In example, he spent three months away at school and was miserable because he couldn't see Oliver. I felt bad for him until they said he was two hours away. Two hours? And he owns a car. How about you drive your "dumb" butt to see him? Then there was this big hoopla over Oliver not living with him because he doesn't have a bed. You're moving all of Oliver's other furniture over....how about you move the bed too? Boom. Problem solved. Lot's and lot's of stuff like this that got on my nerves. I thought there was a lot of manufactured angst (ok yes I know it's Amy Lane but still.....).

There's a zillion 5 star reviews on this book so clearly it's just me but ack.... I hate read this the entire time. I only finished because it was for a challenge.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,794 reviews429 followers
December 26, 2020
Christmas Kitsch by Amy Lane
Contemporary new adult M-M romance.
When Rusty goes off to college, he is a bit confused about his best friend Oliver. His college experience forces Rusty to face some truths. He’s more interested in Oliver than any female. Coming out is painful when Rusty’s parents cuts his finances and throws him out of their house. Oliver’s family is supportive and Rusty soon finds himself surrounded by good friends.

Lots of emotional ups and downs with the pain of self discovery, parental abandonment, finding love and good friends, and learning self strengths and pride in accomplishments.
A holiday novel because there are some pivotal scenes during the Christmas season.
First love. Forever love. A heartfelt romance for that feel good and satisfying story.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,076 reviews459 followers
December 30, 2019
4.5 stars

Loved this, I really did and inhaled it in one sitting. For a girl who's never been into Christmas reads I've read quite a few this year and I think this one is my favourite. The reality of it all, life sucks, life is hard but life is also what you make of it and Rusty did just that. I snorted, I sighed and finished this with such a stupid, mushy grin on my face. Rusty and Oliver are just perfect for each other.

A totally feel good read from beginning to end even though I wanted to do a damage to his hideous parents.

This would have been a 5 star read if I'd gotten Oliver's POV because I'm greedy like that and I wanted just the teeny tiny bit more.
Profile Image for Line.
1,082 reviews164 followers
December 19, 2018
Amy Lane is fast becoming one of my favorite MM-authors! And I think this book was FUN and beautiful and heartwarming!

The blurb pretty much explains the story, and except for Rusty's parents this story was just: LOVELY!
It is worth mentioning that I have a 'thing' for clueless/oblivious characters and Rusty was just... Perfect in that sense.
That boy needed a hug, a new family and more than one smack in the back of the head, but STILL... *sigh*
THIS was an awesome feel-good christmas story, and it will be read again.
Profile Image for Jason.
68 reviews
December 8, 2023
Wonderful, emotionally satisfying Christmas read. Amy Lane is so good at writing complicated, fully fleshed out characters. Audiobook narrated by Nick Russo. He’s such an engagingly talented reader.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews186 followers
December 22, 2015
I recall a big hoopla for this book two years ago. I bought it, failed to read it before the holidays, therefore it was set aside. Then again last December I meant to read it again. Annnd, the new year came before I had a chance to read it so I neatly tucked it into my holiday collection folder unread….again. I FINALLY read it this year and I’d kick my own bum if I wasn’t in such a happy book buzz. Happy. This book makes my heart so damn full, I’m afraid it might burst. Heartitist. It’s a real thing and Amy Lane gave it to me.

I believe what makes this story so exquisite is the purity it contains. Rusty is by far one of the brightest young men I’ve ever met. He shines from the inside out. Course he would disagree but his innocence is too charming to find bothersome. Oliver is without a doubt the most patient and kindhearted boy in the entire world. I adored how well he knew Rusty and that he was resolute with their future. The love they share is radiant, all-consuming and unforgettable. I was swept away with their story and imagine you will find it just as remarkable, that is if you are one of the few and far between readers that haven’t read their story yet.

Rusty is the boy who has it all, at least that is what outsiders see. And then we have Oliver, the boy who has nothing, or does he? Life teaches us many lessons, and appearances can be deceiving is one I’ve yet to forget.

Rusty is drawn to Oliver and though Oliver doesn’t truly require protection, he wants to protect him. It doesn’t take long and without questioning why, he calmly places Oliver in the center mass of his heart. He is so caught up in his new found state of euphoria, that he doesn’t notice he’s fallen in love. As the world tries to convince him to ‘declare a sexuality’ he studiously remains undeclared. Kudos to Lane for highlighting the vast and flexible realms of sexuality identifications. It takes a bit, but Rusty confirms that he is ‘Oliver-sexual’ and *giddy dance* this was one of the hidden gems in this story.

First and foremost, Rusty and Oliver were my favorite components of this tale. However, it wouldn’t be Amy Lane if it wasn’t glorious writing and a kick-ass cast of secondary family. Family. So much revolved around family and the power to choose your own. Rusty may have lost his parents but it appears he never had much to lose. Oliver gives Rusty everything he has; his family, his heart and his body. Rusty may be starting over but he realizes most material things can become optional if necessary. What’s truly essential is a partner who loves you. He can do anything with Oliver by his side.

Coming out, coming of age, and *grins* cuming too. I could babble and rattle on and on and on…but I want you to discover the magic in this story.
Please, allow me to share the joy…if you only read one holiday book this year, read this one. Wait! Who am I kidding? If you only read one more book this year, let it be this one.

*5 loved-it-loved-it-loved-it stars*

Profile Image for Meags.
2,320 reviews592 followers
December 27, 2016
4.5 Stars

This was a beautiful YA/NA read by Lane – the high ratings and positive reviews do not lie!

Rusty and Oliver become the best of friends during their senior year of high school. They complement each other well; Oliver is kind and caring, and Rusty is protective and loyal; Oliver is also smart as a whip, whereas Rusty is a bit slow on the uptake most of the time, but he works his ass off to live up to his parents’ ridiculous expectations and eventually gets into Berkeley.

On the eve of Rusty’s departure for college, Oliver takes a chance and kisses him. This action awakens some unexplored feelings for Rusty because Oliver is out and proud, but Rusty is so far… undeclared. Rusty knows he cares deeply for Oliver, but after the kiss he begins to realise that his feelings for his best friend go way beyond that of simple friendship. Although, it doesn’t help that college life proves to be everything Rusty was dreading. He finds himself struggling to keep up with the coursework, no matter how hard he tries to succeed, and he also finds himself flustered by his friendly but cheeky roommate, Rex, who has made it his personal mission to help Rusty define his sexual orientation. Mostly, though, Rusty misses Oliver something fierce and just wants to go home and explore the possibilities between them. On top of all of his struggles, Rusty stresses about his parents’ reactions if he fails out of school and also what they will think if he declares his sexuality once and for all.

During Thanksgiving break, Rusty decides to go home and clear the air with his parents. He finds Oliver waiting outside his house and the two immediately fall into each other’s arms, which leads to a passionate reunion kiss. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, Rusty’s parents witness the exchange and promptly give an ultimatum: come inside, forget this ever happened and never see Oliver again, or Rusty is on his ass and disinherited immediately.

Rusty chooses Oliver. *happy dance*

The second half of the story follows Rusty as he begins building his own life (with Oliver), living by his own rules. It isn’t an easy transition, but Rusty has Oliver, and by extension, Oliver’s fabulously supportive and generous family.

There is lots of cause for laughter and tears in this story. There is angst, yes, but it is offset by all the joy and love that Rusty is inundated in through his blossoming relationship with Oliver and through the friendships and familial bonds he forms with Oliver’s family. The secondary characters, with the exception of Rusty’s douchey and snobbish parents, were fantastic. I adored Oliver’s father and my heart went out to Rusty’s fierce and loyal little sister, too. Lane truly created a great cast of characters, here.

This has easily taken position as my favourite Lane read to date and I eagerly look forward to re-visiting Rusty and Oliver in the future during Christmas themed re-reads!
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,920 followers
October 7, 2016

Wow I liked this was way better than I expected. The reason I'm surprised is, that I don't normally like Christmas stories. Yep you've heard me right...no Christmas stories for me

Susan however doesn't care about what I like and what I don't like and she made me read this one anyway. Ofcourse I listened because I'm a good friend like that :)

Anyways, this was a very sweet "friends to lovers" story and it didn't feel to christmasy to me.

Rusty and Oliver meet in high school and they are the best of friends right from the start. Oliver is gay with an awesome family, while Rusty is straight (or is he) with a rich stuck up family.

Rusty's parents want him to go to the college and try to mold him into someone he's not. Poor Rusty ism't really the sharpest tool in the box though, so he really struggles. With who he is, with how he feels and with all his college classes....

Through all of this, Oliver is his rock, even from a distance. And don't even get me started on his awesome roommate.....I would really like to read a book about him !!

Rusty slowly begins to realise his feelings for Oliver run much deeper than just friendship and during Thanksgiving they share an amazing kiss....in his parents driveway. That doesn't go over very well and they kick Rusty out, taking away their financial support...even for college.

Now Rusty is on his own....but not really. He always has Oliver, who is an awesome boyfriend that comes with an even more awesome family...

I really enjoyed reading this one and I would like to thank Susan for kicking my ass and making me...lol :)

The sexy scenes between these two, eventhough there are not a whole lot, were very hot and sweet.

4 Stars from me !

Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,257 reviews259 followers
August 4, 2015
I'm on vacation so super short & sweet...

Read it in one sitting.Great characters & story. Gave me all the feels.♥

Highly recommend it! 4.5 Stars!
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,295 reviews166 followers
December 13, 2022
If you're looking for a Christmas romance that's not the typical over the top fluffy read, then you should give Christmas Kitsch a try.

We follow Rusty as he begins to realise that he's attracted to guys, specifically Oliver. The term Oliversexual was used; which was a bit cringe but I'll allow it because they're so cute together.

A big part of the story are Rusty's parents, the pressure they put on him and the negative effect that has on him as that's not who he is or who he wants to be. He goes to college, he doesn't want to be at and has a breakdown from the stress, but they still kick him out for being gay. It was so good to see Rusty break out from their clutches.

One of my favourite parts of the story are Oliver's family. They're so loving and accepting; the complete opposite of Rusty's parents. It made me so happy to see how they welcomed Rusty into their family.

I was hoping that Rusty's college roommate Rex got his own book, but it doesn't look like he did. This book did come out in 2013 , however it's still not too late to write his story Amy Lane!

Thank you, Sir Reginald Percival Elfcelsior Whiskerbottom, for the gift!!

Profile Image for Papie.
780 reviews166 followers
December 10, 2023
What a beautiful story.

We get Rusty’s POV. Big, strong, athletic, gorgeous. Sweet, naive, a little slow. A giant heart.

He meets Oliver in high school. Smart, hilarious, geeky. It’s love at first sight. For Oliver. Rusty is just confused.

They grow up together, surrounded by tons of wonderful and not so wonderful characters. It’s not always easy, but there is so much love. And tiny dogs. And food.

Does anyone know if Rex has a story? Because damn, I love that guy so much.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,351 reviews186 followers
November 24, 2019
Okay, I have to admit straight out that if I hadn't received a copy of this audiobook for my 'fair and honest' review I'd never have given it a try. The title and cover pic are a complete and utter misrepresentation of what's going on inside... Sadly, I've never even read the blurb!

Christmas Kitsch is an incredibly sweet story about growing up, coming out, and finding an accepting group of folks to make a family. The main character, Rusty, is adorable and pretty clueless, and told from his point-of-view, the story flows over about a year and a half while he figures it all out.

Performed by Nick J. Russo, he's got Rusty's character nailed perfectly. All the emotions from Rusty and the characters who surround him, just made me smile and sniffle and sigh. Really wonderful Christmas (and every other time of year) story!

an audiobook copy of Christmas Kitsch was provided to me for the purpose of my review
Profile Image for Daniel.
507 reviews89 followers
December 13, 2022
Ever get tired of saying the same things over and over in reviews? This is my fifth Christmas read this year and the fourth 5 star book. It was wonderful beginning to end with great characters. So ... yeah ... perfect Christmas story ... read this. 😂🤷‍♂️🤣
Profile Image for Barbara.
433 reviews86 followers
January 19, 2015

Another Amy Lane’s winner!

Rusty and Oliver are just meant for each …awww.

I love this book. It is so warm and full of heart. The characters are amazing. It is emotional and heartbreaking at times, but not overwhelming in angst. But there is so much love here, so much sweetness, hope and wonder, so I can say that Christmas Kitsch provide a good few hours of feel-good lasting way beyond the final page.

Thanks to my girls for reading it with me!
Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews264 followers
February 7, 2018
This was a super funny and super emotional read. But I wish the use of italics was a little less. As it was, they seemed a bit overdone. But apart from that, a really cute love story about Rusty and Oliver, and a great family to read about, and one not so great family but which tried to redeem itself for reasons unbeknownst to us and our sweet couple...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 513 reviews

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