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Behind His Lens

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Twenty-three year old model Charley Whitlock built a quiet life for herself after disaster struck four years ago. She hides beneath her beautiful mask, never revealing her true self to the world... until she comes face-to-face with her new photographer — sexy, possessive Jude Anderson. It's clear from the first time she meets him that she's playing by his rules. He says jump, she asks how high. He tells her to unzip her cream Dior gown; she knows she has to comply. But what if she wants him to take charge outside of the studio as well?

Jude Anderson has a strict "no model" dating policy. But everything about Charley sets his body on fire.

When a tropical photo shoot in Hawaii forces the stubborn pair into sexually charged situations, their chemistry can no longer be ignored. They’ll have to decide if they’re willing to break their rules and leave the past behind or if they’ll stay consumed by their demons forever.

Will Jude persuade Charley to give in to her deepest desires?

**Recommended for ages 17+ due to language and sexual situations.**

291 pages, ebook

First published December 21, 2013

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About the author

R.S. Grey

39 books11.7k followers
R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty-five romantic comedies. She loves books, chocolate, reality TV, and cold weather. She lives in Texas with her husband, two daughters, and dog. Visit her at rsgrey.com.

Instagram: @AuthorRSGrey

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/RSGrey/


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 436 reviews
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
August 25, 2014

OMG Why I haven't read this book sooner???It was funny,sweet,hot and fast passed!The characters in this story are fantastic and the story so lovoable!!

Charley is a model but don't you think she is arrogant or too talkative but no no she is sweet,shy and quiet.On the other hand we have Jude who is a photographer.He is sexy and he knows it!He doesn't do relationships and the only thing he wants is sex.

But when he meets Charley something happens....You can instatly feel the attraction to each other..The scene when he has to take pictures of her it's so romantic!!


Charley has to deal with the demons of her past and Jude makes her come face to face with who she really is and that scares her a lot. Jude, on the other hand he is scared because he has feelings for Charley.

"I like driving you, Charley.
I don't care if we both go insane, as long as you stop fighting me.
Let me in."

I absolutely loved the relationship between these two!Their relationship developed slowly.I liked how they react to each other and this make me love them more!!They're just perfect for each other, and of course there was so much sexual tension between Jude and Charley!!!

"I don't want to go to bed.I want to be with you.
I want to feel you moving under me.
After everything that's happened, you make me
feel alive, like the last four years don't have to be what the rest of my life looks like."


I love this author so much!!!She knows how to write amazing books!!!She touched my heart with With This Heart and make me swooning with Scoring Wilder!And now with this book she makes me addicted reading whatever she writes!!! :))
I honestly loved it!!I hope maybe the author will consider to write a siquel because the ending was too short and I wanted to read more and more!!! :))
If you need something refreshing this is what you need!!
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,713 followers
December 27, 2013
4.5--Jude Loving--Stars!!!

LOVED LOVED this one.....once I started reading, I couldn't stop. It was similar yet different for the NA/MA genre which was nice. Told in dual POV--my favorite.

Jude is a photographer. (Just ignore that wedding ring)

He doesn't do relationships after "the incident". He doesn't get attached. He doesn't let anyone get close. Until he meets Charley.

Charley is a model.

She hasn't been in a relationship since "the incident". She doesn't get attached. She doesn't let anyone get close. Until she meets Jude.

Jude and Charley:

Jude sees Charley for the first time at a night club. He's there to meet up with another woman, but one look at Charley and everything changes. He doesn't speak to her. He just looks at her from afar. Knowing that he has to have her.

As luck would have it, Charley is the latest model for Jude's photo shoot. The sexual chemistry between them is electric but neither are willing to act on it. The tension builds and builds and builds.

Both Charley and Jude keep a lot of their feelings bottled up. Not willing to completely give themselves to anyone. Jude is quicker to open up to Charley, then Charley is willing to with Jude.

At Jude's suggestion, Charley ends up as the cover model for a swim-suit shoot that takes place in Hawaii. It is there that Jude and Charley finally give in to the sexual tension and chemistry that has been building between them.

In Hawaii, they can forget about their pasts, their secrets and just be Jude and Charley together. But what will happen when they return home?

I'm begging you Charley

Things are so perfect. But Charley is a bit unstable. In order to have any kind of a future with Jude see's going to have to be willing to let go of her past. She's going to have to open up to Jude. Will Charley finally let love in?

Once both of "the incidents" were revealed my heart did break for Jude and especially Charley. They both experienced a lot in their pasts. They both really helped each other to see past the pain.

I really enjoyed this one. It was sweet. It was sexy. There wasn't a bunch of crazy drama. I loved Jude and Charley together.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews886 followers
July 20, 2014
4 solid stars.

Charley has spent the last four years separating herself from her former life, the life going on around her, everyone but her best friend Naomi. Modeling is her way of making money so that she can do the one thing she loves, painting. But she never imagined the man behind the lens on the photo shoot was going to ignite something within her that she had long forgotten about.

Jude has a few rules. He doesn't date the models he photographs and he never lets the women that he allows in his bed to stay for very long. He harbors his own dark past that haunts him. Detachment is the easiest way to keep his life in order, to keep the demons at bay. But when he saw her, an angel in the crowd, he knew he should walk away but there was something about her that he couldn’t stay away from.

Jude & Charley have chemistry and sexual tension, they also have secrets that keep them guarded. When Charley walks out from behind the screen, Jude can’t believe his eyes, his angel, the one from the club is standing before him. What starts as a photo shoot turns into burning desire as they both feel the desire that flows between one another.

When their paths continue to cross the feelings they have are beginning to become harder to deny. When whisked away for a tropical photo shoot hiding is no longer an option. Both must face the emotions they are feeling, but even though Jude knows what he wants, Charley is far too broken to be ready to give him everything he demand, even though she wants to.

This was a beautifully told story that had that fiery sexual tension that I absolutely love in NA Romances. The kind that you can just feel pouring off the pages. All the teasing leading up to it, the winks, the charming words and wandering fingers kept me completely glued to my Kindle just waiting for these two to explode.

Jude was Jude. He made no apologies for the man he was and once he stopped fighting his fears, his brutal honesty was refreshing. He was such a lovable character with the right mix of sex appeal with a bit of assholery thrown in.

Charley slightly annoyed me with her inability to open up, but her story was tragic. She coped the only way she could, the only way that would allow her to survive. No one was there to show her any different way, until Jude appeared.

This was such a lovely quick read that although had a bit of drama in it, it was that guilty pleasure romance read. I loved that it did not veer off into area that many stand-alone NA reads tend to do, it ended on a beautiful note. I am not sure if this story will be continued or if Naomi & Bennett will get a spin off, but I do know that I would love to see something more from this group.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
August 3, 2016

"After everything that's happened, you make me feel alive, like the last four years don't have to be what the rest of my life looks like."

This is going to be quite a tricky review to write because while I enjoyed this read, there was quite some things that I struggled with while reading.

Behind His Lens tells the story of Charley, a young model who is not your typical bitchy, Barbie-like model. She's more of a girl-next-door type; humble, shy and completely likeable. But beneath that facade lies a young woman fighting with demons from her past & unwilling for anyone to get too close to her. Not until Jude came along.

Then in comes the sexy blue-eyed photographer, Jude. He doesn't date models and harbors a dark past on his own. Staying away from relationships has always kept his demons at bay. But when he first spotted Charley at a club, he knew he couldn't walk away from her.

"She's like a wild horse; I have to slowly coax her away from the isolated life she's made for herself."

When their paths finally collide at a model photoshoot, it was nothing short of burning desires and continuous sexual tension between these two.


What I enjoyed:
Although it does initially hint at insta-lust, I was quite surprised that it was actually a slow build-up romance. Well yes they were both really attracted to each other at first encounter (hell I don't blame them, I imagined that they are both superbly hot and sexy too. I wouldn't be able to resist!). But there was no immediate "jumping into each other pants" and I enjoyed how it progressed between these two. The sexual tension buildup was rather enjoyable & made it VERY worthwhile when we finally got some real action ;D

I think RS Grey really did a great job in bringing out that wonderful sexual chemistry between these two. It was slow and sensual but also at times, it was great to see these two slowly tearing down each other's walls. And omigosh the entire Hawaiian scene was just so sinfully delicious to read :D :D Yeap Jude has definitely made his way to one of my BBFs for sure teehee ♥

What I struggled with:
While I enjoyed the interaction of both MC's, I found the story to be rather lacking in terms of the characters' development & the depth of the overall plot. I'd like to say that I didn't fully connect with both MC's and also I was disappointed that I didn't experience the emotions that I should have felt when the secrets of the past have been unfurled.

While I was definitely shocked and heartbroken by the revelation of Charley's demons, I would have preferred if it wasn't done so rushed towards the end and probably would have been better if it was done progressively throughout the story. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if the story spent more time on dealing with her demons, instead of wrapping it all up so quickly at the end. It just didn't come off as very realistic for me.

On the other hand, I expected to hear more on Jude's past but we were only given a glimpse of it in one small part of a chapter. Sadly, that definitely didn't leave much of an emotional impact for me.


On overall, I would say it was definitely an enjoyable read if you're looking for a sweet, sexy read. There was no OTT drama surprisingly for a story that touches on the modelling industry (which I'm also skeptical of if I think of it realistically lol).

However, the book makes up for some its flaws by having the story well-paced and engaging enough for me to be hooked on from the beginning. Also side characters like Naomi & Bennett made my read more enjoyable :)

Sidenote : Special thanks to my bestie, Penelope for recc'ing me this little enjoyable sexy fun read while I was away on vacation! ♥ FYI Charley & Naomi sorta reminded me of us when I read this part in the book:

Naomi + Charley = Bad Bitches for life (no exceptions, not even on the sad days).


Profile Image for Jen.
750 reviews136 followers
May 4, 2016
Four years ago, tragedy struck Charley Whitlock's life and ever since she's been trying to create a new life for herself while distancing herself from her old one. She's a loner except for her best friend Naomi. Her senior year of college she started modeling. She found that it was an easy for her to pay the bills, but what she really wanted to do was paint.

"She's the type of girl that becomes your muse, the inspiration for your entire life."

Jude Anderson is a fashion photographer. He too has a past that haunts him and so he doesn't let women get close. He's more of a player in this regard. He's not into serious relationships and walks away the second a woman gets too clingy. In his line of work he sees tons of beautiful women, but he has a rule about that, "don't shit where you work." So he never dates models. He can't afford for a relationship to go bad and end up giving him a bad name in the business. Well, that is until he meets Charley.

Fate seems to keep putting these two in each other's path. Within a span of days he first notices her when she's dancing at a bar he was at, then she shows up to be the model at his photo shoot the next day and then she and her friend turn up to his soccer game. There is electricity sizzling between these two that neither can deny, so Jude decides to go for it. There's just something about Charley that makes him throw his old rule out the window.

"She burns away the loneliness and scar tissue encased around my heart every time her gentle blue eyes fall on me."

Charley is battling some old demons and as much as she wants Jude, she pushes him away. When the model who's supposed to be in the photo shoot suddenly backs out Jude seizes the opportunity and gives Charley's name as a replacement. A few days in Hawaii spending time together should be enough for him to convince her to give him a chance.

Hawaii, oh my favorite place! If Charley can't succumb to the beautiful beaches, the blue water, the gorgeous sunsets and roll around on the beach with a sexy photographer, then Jude is truly out of luck. I've been to Hawaii and it's magical to me. It's easy to see how in this setting Jude was able to break through a few of Charley's walls, to make her start to feel again.

"I know she's had it hard; I can see it behind her eyes, but she can't hide forever, and I want to be the person that saves her. I want her to be mine."

But will it be enough to get Charley to open up all the way and let him in and chance love? Or will she let her past continue hold the power over her. Can she face her demons and finally break away from it?

This was R.S. Grey's debut book and I think she did a fabulous job. It has three things I love in it: Hawaii, photography and a hero that doesn't give up on the heroine. Charley was a little annoying, but she has a dark spot in her past that she has to overcome and she does the best she can. Overall this was a great read. Grey has quickly become a favorite author of mine and I can't wait to read more.

Profile Image for Nina.
872 reviews319 followers
September 1, 2018
"Behind His Lens" was another one of those books I didn't have to force myself through because it was a really quick read, but that just didn't leave a lasting impression and wowed me.

It took me some time to get into the novel and even though I started enjoying the story at some point, I also noticed how I started skimming it a lot during the last third of it. The plot was okay but just really unoriginal and like so many other contemporary romances I've read. I also didn't really like the main characters because they were just your typical characters that were absolutely drop dead gorgeous and super fit and just didn't have an interesting character. Thus I have to say that I also didn't care too much about the romance and I think that's what then made me begin skimming part of the book.

Nevertheless, it was still a quick read and I didn't hate it or anything. It had its good moments and also a few that really made me laugh. To be honest, I wasn't really sure what I should rate this and ultimately decided to go with Goodreads's rating system which says that 2 stars mean "it was ok" and that's pretty much exactly what I thought after I'd finished "Behind His Lens".

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Profile Image for Alia Ros.
162 reviews30 followers
February 6, 2017
It was downright amazingly hot! Hahaha
So good i can feel their chemistry in the air! Buzzing ❤❤❤ loved it lots
Profile Image for Warda.
1,262 reviews22.1k followers
May 30, 2018
God, I loved this! Once I started reading, I could not stop.
R.S. Grey is just phenomenal. Her books do not disappoint.
Profile Image for Corina.
775 reviews2,492 followers
November 7, 2016
I really liked Behind His Lens. I always thought storylines about photographers, models and the industry were very fascinating.

Behind His lens was an easy and very enjoyable read.

Jude the photographer and Charley the model were thrown together professionally and privately. Both felt the attraction from the very beginning but Jude was a bit more hesitant. Which made sense. Dating models, and having to deal with the breakup will turn a workplace into a mine field. Of course the attraction won. As soon as Jude manned up he went after what he wanted. I loved that he didn't care at all about what other people might think about it. How their relationship might be perceived. I adore that in a H - have the balls and go for it, life is way too short. So, he went after Charley, even though her baggage stirred up some drama in the end.

I also have to mention that the other models weren't bitchy at all. No psycho, knife wielding bitches. Which made a nice change. So, all in all there wasn't much I didn't like about this book.
Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews777 followers
November 4, 2016
Ok before I do my review just let me say this is not a rant. This was an enjoyable read and I was able to read it in just a few hours. I think I've just read too many tortured hero and heroine books lately and need some people with normal boring ass lives. I will say however it was a different type of story whereas the "torture" per say wasn't necessarily the same old shit I usually read. Anyways here goes..

Charley is a model who has a past she is trying to escape.

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Jude is a photographer.

He sees Charley at the club and thinks she is mighty fine and gets lucky when the next day she winds up being the model he is photographing at his shoot.

pretty photo tumblr_mglm63lg9Z1ql5yr7o1_400_zpsff15afda.gif

They are both very turned on by each other but nothing happens further. A few days later a friend is in need of a replacement Cover Model and Jude offers up Charley's name. Then you put them together on set in Hawaii and BAM! there go the fireworks.

o photo Did_you_just_have_an_orgasm_zps564e6110.gif

Jude gets over his issue pretty quick because Charley is just the one for him. Charley is a little bit stubborn though. He helps Charley work through her problems so they can have their HEA together.

yay photo tumblr_mb66bsLpDD1rcny7ko1_400_zps694bad46.gif

Profile Image for Serena (The Book Comedian).
124 reviews168 followers
August 24, 2016
read until 12% skimmed until 78%

She would be blonde
They would have blue eyes
She would describe him as more handsome than any male model she has ever seen even though he isn't even a model, he's a photographer, because he's that modest
He would find her the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on
He would accuse every other girl he see's as a slut who wears cheap clothes and cheap perfume and they all want him

Oh and she's not a model because she's superficial, oh no, the author made sure to make it clear that Charley doesn't want fame or fortune, she just wants to paint.

This book was cliche, everything about it was superficial, and it had no substance

the end.
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,465 reviews283 followers
December 27, 2013

[image error] photo Holymotherof_zpsf52aac61.png
..debut novels..I am in complete and utter shock that this is in fact a first book by this author. The writing was solid, the sexual tension and angst was flawlessly developed in ways that some established authors can’t even get.

Behind His Lens held me from the first page, never once did I check my place in the book other than thinking..”and the shoe will drop now!” The way the characters attraction built from the first glance until the final page was brilliant..in my humble opinion.

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Charley was a hot model, and Jude was a fashion photographer..both running from a past that held them prisoner. Never letting life fully engulf them, but with each other they found their bliss..

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The emotion leapt from the page, from knots in my belly to butterflies and panty changes, I never wavered with wanting more! Scenes between the two were hot and written in a way that even when there was no sex, I left feeling completely satisfied, possibly with hands in pants..

The supporting cast helped tell the tale of the two broken souls and added to the mix without taking away from their story. I would love to hear more about Bennett and Naomi as well..

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This book would have completely slid by me if Tara my book pimp had not mentioned it me. And that would have been a shame. I implore anyone that loves a solid, sexually tension charged love story to read this book. I look forward to more from R.S. Grey, I won’t let it slip by me!

For more reviews come check out the ladies and I at Sizzling Pages Romance Reviews
Profile Image for Tara OG.
361 reviews58 followers
December 28, 2013
Fuck me running with sexual tension. I thought at one point I might actually explode if someone didn’t make a move. Wow! This book was suggested to me to read and I can’t say how grateful I am to have had the chance to read it. I started this book and by 4% I knew I was going to fall in love with Jude. What I didn’t expect was to fall in love with everyone and in the end with R.S. Grey. Good God the book was so well written that I was so engrossed in the damn story I forgot to highlight all my favorite parts. Every smirk or arrogant line Jude said had me grinning from ear to ear. I read so many books that I find myself looking for something that always seems out of reach.

Ms. Grey pulled me in with her back and forth banter and the predator and prey game between Jude and Charley. I’m always looking for that book that draws me in with writing so well-done that you can practically feel the lust, tension and suspense building up to the first time. This book made feel like I’m the one in the book being wanted by a hot guy and she did this superbly.

Jude is the guy you read that when you’re done you say “I just found my new book boyfriend.” He is tortured with a past of pain and learning to fill voids with a no attachment future. The thing I loved about Jude was that he wasn’t an ass. Yes he had some ass like moves, but once he knew that Charley was it his whole focus was on making her his. He wanted to uncover the secrets that she held so close to her and in the end hopefully free not only her, but he also wanted to free himself.

Charley was running from demons. She was secluded into a private world within her own walls. Four years building up a tough and private exterior that melted at the sight of one man. He owned her from the get go, but that doesn’t mean she was going to make it easy. I loved these two they were great and just the right amount of annoying that made you want to yell “Just do each other already.”

I know I'm usually the first one screaming about waiting half the book for my sex scene, but when you build it up like this author the only thing I can do is squeeze my legs and applaud the ability to have to me so damn turned on with looks, smirks and touching. You have a new fan R.S. Grey. Your writing sucked me in from the first page. The style flowed throughout this book making for a read that you don’t want to end.
Profile Image for Ailene♥.
300 reviews228 followers
December 26, 2013
***3.5 stars***
Two damaged characters... Both had stories to tell... Too guarded and skeptical to open up with chances, but still trying to live life as best as they could. Nothing new with the plot. But perhaps it's the other factors that separate it from others just a little distinctly. She's a model, he's quite a renowned photographer and their relationship had evolved mostly on a tropical island. Those alone were what drew me in...

From the start, I totally enjoyed it. It was highly engaging and I even tried to slow the pace of my reading to savor each moment. Their chemistry was just too intense! Unbelievably hot that it left me speechless. However, there were times that it became a bit frustrating. When the sexual tension kept on rising too high, the story kind of became like a prolonged foreplay that it somehow lost its essence...

And when some of their secrets were being confessed, I was distracted. I just wanted them to have sex already. Haha! The focus on the sexual tension somehow messed with my head, I think. Their “dark pasts” were not that convincing enough for me as well or maybe I’m just insensitive that I found them overdramatic or perhaps there was no build up that it felt like they were suddenly being laid out in front of me. If this story incorporated more of their journey towards discovering love, learning to open up and having that deeper emotional connection, it would definitely be a 5-star for me.

I'm not complaining too much though. It’s not that often to find characters with great chemistry these days. Add that to the fact that the pacing of the whole story was flawless as well. I would’ve easily rated it 4-stars if there were confessions of “I love you’s” or even just their inner thoughts of how they really felt for each other. I know not all stories needed that and it was just fine here. I think their relationship could work in the long run and I could see there was potential development. However, I’m such a sap that I still wanted to hear those words…

All in all, I liked it... It’s a worthy read.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,679 reviews213 followers
January 8, 2020
It was cute.

Behind His Lens was an okay and cute book to listen to. In it, you will meet Charley and Jude. She is a model with some secrets and he's a photographer who slowly falls in love with her. Meh, who am I kidding - he falls hard at first glance. It was cute that they "tried" to stay away from one another but when push comes to shove - they were made for one another.

Now sure it was all insta-lust and stuff but at least it wasn't insta-love which I absolutely hate and despise. They actually felt like a real relationship because of how realistically slow they went. Painstakingly slow but I enjoyed it all.

Other than that, the romance was good and kept me interested. However, I was bored a lot while going this audio and I'm not quite sure who to blame. I am happy that I dove into it though - another R.S. Grey book marked off. On to the next one!
Profile Image for Yna from Books and Boybands.
841 reviews399 followers
December 25, 2018
I loved it!
My heart was looking for a romance.. something that's a breeze to read.. something short and sweet and I got it.



🌻 Blurb:⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Hero:⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Heroine:⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Support Characters:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Writing Style:⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Character Development:⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Romance:⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Pacing:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Ending:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Page Turner:⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌻 Book Cover:⭐⭐⭐⭐

☁FINAL VERDICT: 4.18/5 ☁
Profile Image for -ya.
518 reviews64 followers
September 3, 2016
I really enjoyed reading this book. Sexy and Sweet. The drama doesn't go OTP. You won't find cheating, jealous bitches and annoying characters in the story. This is a delightful read! Highly recommend:)
# like the hero # steamy # stand-alone # lovely ending
June 15, 2014
Really enjoyable read. Jude gets added to the shelf of book boyfriends that ruined me because let's be real, there's nothing about this guy that I could fault him for. He's sexy, intense and pretty good when it comes to communicating with Charley, something that I found really amazing with this book. If the book had any communication problems between the two, like the typical 'she won't say what's on her mind and neither will he and omg he really hates me now!' that these new adult books tend to have, it would have made it much less than what it is. But Grey does wonderfully with portraying the relationship between these two that you're immediately hooked and dying for them to finally get it on. And admittedly, I wasn't expecting Charley's demons, a surprising plot twist which I enjoyed. I kinda wished Grey would have delved in more with Charley's demons, maybe strung it out a bit more, but I'm glad she makes the decision to face them on her own terms and not just have the hero come in and save the day. Overall, would definitely read another from this author.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,046 reviews939 followers
December 30, 2013
Jointly Reviewed on: http://totallybookedblog.com/2013/12/...

I did enjoy Behind His Lens, the setting was different, it was very well written and I couldn’t put it down as I needed to know where it was going to go. However, I didn’t love it and I felt it lacking in emotion, character development and the storyline at times left me wanting to know why and how this came to be, I was told rather than left to experience. Despite my problems though, I did like it, it was a sweet, sometimes hot and quick easy read.

We have our main characters Jude the photographer and Charley the sought after model. Both have demons from the past which are running their present and is on course to ruin their future happiness. Their paths collide and changes everything they knew, thought and believed as they embark on a journey where both have to open up and alter the way they go through life. They have to learn to trust through honesty and confessions.

“I wish I could keep you…”

There’s some pretty big moments in this story where your heart will be touched. It’s these moments where I felt they could have been handled more thoroughly in terms of emotions. Because quite frankly we’re talking heart breaking stuff here!

‘…I have to walk away. She has her own issues and I’ve got mine. She needs lightness, happiness. Not someone who has their own demons…’

How did you feel about it Jenny?

Jenny: I was the same as you Gitte. There were things I really enjoyed about Behind His Lens and found myself immersed in this story but not really connecting to the characters and their story. There were certainly some high emotional moments that should have brought me to my knees but didn’t quite get me there which I’m gutted about because Charley and Jude’s story was such a passionate and moving story.

“You’re allowed sad days, Charley. I wouldn’t expect anything less, but you aren’t allowed to have a sad life.”

This story about two damaged characters finding solace in each other was well told through dual POV’s but the character development and the “after” just wasn’t there for me. Whilst the relationship did build to a crescendo and the chemistry sizzled, it fell a bit flat once the build-up was over. I wanted more of Jude and Charley down the track, after they had found each other and felt it was all over a little too soon.

Gitte: So, first we have Jude. The playboy photographer who doesn’t date models and only believes in one night stands. He’s rugged, cocky and gorgeous. This man has a past that is heart-breaking. As a highly esteemed photographer he’s seen things and experienced trauma that’s stayed with him resulting in an inability and want to form a meaningful relationship. That is until he spots an angel in a crowd. Jude is a bit of a filthy talker, possessive and very commanding.

“I want everyone to know you belong to me..”

Yet he’s also gentle, caring and has a manly vulnerability.

‘I can’t toy with Charley. She’s not the type of girl you bang out of your system. She’s the type of girl that becomes your muse….’

I have to say Jude got to me and those scenes in Hawaii, wowsers…..they were HOT!!! Jude lives his life in a bit of an arrogant and emotion-less manner yet when he meets Charley, he matures and grows, facing up to his feelings. The path he takes is quite life altering for him but then again he’s fallen completely for Charley who comes with her own emotional baggage.

“I see straight through you, Charley. I’m scared too, but I’m not the one running. You are..”

I’ll leave Charley to you J.

Jenny: Jude was wonderful Gitte and although he came with his baggage he certainly tried to coerce Charley to unload hers as well.

Charley was such a sad and frail character, yet also so resilient in her own way. Your heart did go out to her. She had a radiant beauty inside and out yet was clouded in sadness which brought her to the depths of despair at times.

Jude was a buffer for her feelings and awakened feelings and emotions in her that had lain dormant. Could he coax Charley to talk about her feelings, her heartache, her humiliation and her loss? Charley held strong feelings for Jude which made her feel alive, but burying the demons from the past and moving on was a struggle for Charley. She had lived with sadness for so long.

“I can feel it. Do you think those walls, that façade you’re hiding behind, is subtle?……..”I see straight through you, Charley….” – Jude

I really did love Charley as a character and together with Jude, watching them break through the emotional walls each had built up was wonderful but again, I didn’t find myself feeling the emotion between them.

“Don’t you understand?”……”for the past two weeks I haven’t been letting you in. You’ve been bulldozing through every wall I’ve subconsciously built…” – Charley

Oh I felt the heat and the chemistry and these two oozed the sexual chemistry which was built up beautifully, but I found the emotional side lacking for me and considering the subject matter for both characters and that saddened me deeply.

G&J: Behind His Lens was certainly a story we had to follow through to the end. We were invested enough in Charley and Jude’s journey to know where it ended and whilst we did connect to both characters in some ways, the emotional impact wasn’t there for us in this one, but once again, it was a story told with passion and heat and the setting really added to the story. We felt it was a little rushed at the end and would have loved more of the Charley and Jude story “together” after we had spent so much time getting to that point in the story. Also, the lack of “I love you” exchanges was missing. Yes, you did feel the love between these two but it wasn’t expressed between them.

“I’ve shown every demon in my closet, and yet you keep yourself hidden away from the world like a porcelain doll.” -Jude

We’ve discussed this book and our feelings and as we both love to experience the interaction between characters rather the narration of a story, we need to see the story rather than read it, we feel this is why Behind The Lens didn’t pack the emotional punch we were expecting. A lot of the story was “told” as opposed to “lived”.

Charley and Jude had a beautiful story to tell and we hope you love hearing it.

A copy of Behind His Lens by R.S. Grey was provided in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Desere.
758 reviews75 followers
November 20, 2013
We all know the easiest way to avoid pain is to hide, don't get involved with anyone, basically get up do what ever it is you do to get through the day and get back inside your corner, wait for the next day and do it all over again until you are safely back in the box.

Of course this does sometimes have the effect where in doing this the person will go mad. But lucky for us romance fans there is such a thing as books and movies always ending with the good news of such a person being saved in the nick of time.

This is not always the case in real life, but as I said books offer us this perfect ending and therefore I will once again say how very thankful I am for authors!

This was a stunning read, captivating from the start right through till the end. On the edge of your seat passion bubbling till it explodes into a fiery blaze, deep and powerful emotions in desperate need of being faced and a gorgeous romance blossoming against the backdrop of hurt,anger and pain.

The read tells of Charley and how she gets up and goes on each and everyday while making sure she is always in hiding and never gets close to anyone in fear of being hurt. She meets Jude the photographer and suddenly the man she is so consumed with, that she strives to do everything he says. He says strip she sees how fast she can do just that.

But Jude a) never gets involved with models and b) uses all woman and discards them, never form an attachment is his motto.

But with Charley he feels a different set of emotions, he wants her and he needs her. She speaks to his soul like no other. But in keeping with his no model rule he does not act on his feelings, and the story basically becomes about two people who both feel the strong and overpowering emotions between each other driving them so mad with passion they are practically bouncing off the walls with frustration, but out of fear born from the past they both just float along a " I want you but NO I can't have you" street.

Until they are thrown together in a situation where denying the all consuming passion is just no longer possible, but sex is one thing and love is an all together different emotion and soon the story becomes one of a journey these to embark upon to grasp onto the kind of forever happiness we all seek.

The characters were both very well written and I very quickly found myself rooting for them to make it. I loved, loved the intensity of this read. Strong characters, a believable plot and excellent pulling together of all the little here's and there's.

I recommend this read for all fans of romance who like that extra level of heat in their reads, but who also like to walk away with a powerful message of the meaning of life and love found when fear is overcome.

5 star review
" Through the lens he sees his downfall, behind the lens she sees her savior"
263 reviews16 followers
July 29, 2016
3.75 - 4 STARS


I've read so much good and just as much bad about this book. Therefore, I had no idea what to expect. What really got me was the fact that the male lead was a photographer.

He should be on the other side of the lens. He's too handsome to be a photographer. But on the other hand, he might even be too handsome to be a model.

We have Jude, the photographer, and Charley, the angel model. They both have a dark past that is not letting them live the present like it should be. They formally meet the day Charley shows up at a photo shoot and Jude is the photographer in charge. The sexual tension between them is something I'm sure you don't want to miss.

"I've never had a problem dealing with models before, but then again, I've never been affected by one the way Charley affects me."

Like I said, they both have dark pasts and they have built a wall around them to protect themselves. Jude is the first to knock down his own to let himself feel something for Charley. He even leaves his life as a playboy the moment he sees her the first time in a club. Hard to believe, right? Well, this guy had it bad. Charley on the other hand, is not so sure if she should be feeling anything for him at all. She's still battling with her inner demons and also her past coming back to haunt her. Thankfully a last minute photo shoot in Hawaii helps her clear her mind about them and gives in, but not fully.

She's like a wild horse; I have to slowly coax her away from the isolated life she's made for herself. I know she's had it hard; I can see behind her eyes, but she can't hide forever, and I want to be the person that saves her. I want her to be mine.

I liked the book, but I didn't love it. There were moments that I really enjoyed, and there were also moments that had me skipping pages. The build up was great, I loved that. As well as the intimate moments that were hot hot. It's told from dual POV which is the kind of writing I truly appreciate.

I guess my hopes for this book were more up than neutral. It just had no way to live up to them. However, I am not going to give up on the author yet. I have some more books from her in my TBR list that I can't wait for their release :-)
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,794 reviews537 followers
November 12, 2014

Suddenly R.S. Grey’s books are finding their way onto my reading list for easy, quick hours of reading entertainment. Readers will meet Jude, the very sexy and in-demand photographer, and Charley, an up and coming model on the verge of real star power. Together these two will stir your emotions as they expose their demons that keep them from grasping the total package of happiness that is finally within both their reaches.

For me, this one took hold of my interest from the very start and kept me engaged until the end. I really cheered for the happily-ever-after I so wanted for Charley and Jude. Through the dual POVs both characters outline their heartbreaks and desires but throughout they just never really expose themselves fully. I found this a bit disappointing – especially because I felt there was such a great story to be developed more fully.

The author gives romance readers plenty of what they’re interested in as far as the sexual chemistry, the dominating and devastatingly handsome hero, who doesn’t partake in a lasting relationship but only the one night stand varieties. That is, until his eyes land on a perfect angel named Charley. But can this sad angel with broken wings and a tarnished halo overcome her past in order to help mend another broken soul? This is the part of the story that lost strength in the development area. I will give kudos to the author for not rushing the bedroom scenes. There is definitely a build to the relationship – no insta-love. And there’s a wildly romantic trip to Hawaii for a modeling job that certainly will have readers begging for more.

All in all, I found Behind His Lens to be an enjoyable and satisfying book. It’s definitely not my favorite from this author, but still worth reading and recommending to others.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,488 reviews524 followers
June 27, 2017
Model Charley Whitlock isn't looking to make a career of being a model but a means to an end to working on her art work. Charley has a past that she is struggling to get past, it is one of the reasons why she is struggling to let people get close.

Photographer Jude Anderson has his own demons, but he lives a carefree life and doesn't let his job as a photographer get mucked up by dating the models he takes pictures of. However, he saw Charley once before she showed up at his latest assignment. Jude for the first time wants someone enough that he is looking to spend more than a one night stand with. However, Charley is not sure she wants to go there with Jude. When an assignment sends them both to Hawaii the attraction becomes too much they can't resist one another, but what happens when they head back home?

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. This was just what I was looking for. Charley is a complicated character and I liked how her story unfolded and Jude is just wow. Great read, checking out more by this author.
Profile Image for PJ.
609 reviews156 followers
September 12, 2014
This is such a sweet 'love at first sight,' with just a sprinkle of D/s story! The moment photographer Jude spots angelic model Charley he is smitten to bits. :) Me? I fell in love with both of these gorgeous, wounded characters. The author has such a deft touch and delivers some really beautiful passages. Pick it up to see what's in store for Jude and Charley.
Profile Image for Melanie♥.
1,074 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2016
This rating is for the audiobook.
While I enjoyed the story, I wanted to see a bit more character development. The female narrator did a good job, but the male voice did not fit the character and that kept drawing me out of the story.
Probably one to read rather than listen to.
Profile Image for Hannah.
282 reviews19 followers
June 22, 2020
Behind his Lens is one of the last books by R.S. Grey that I hadn’t read, and I’m getting pretty sad that my Grey tbr pile is shrinking so fast. This one isn’t a romantic comedy, but it was still a pretty good read.

Charley is a beautiful model and on the outside her life looks perfect. Deep down behind her smile, she struggles with depression and the trauma of witnessing her father commit suicide. When she meets photographer Jude, she is immediately drawn to him, but struggles with opening up to him. Jude has his own demons, but tries his hardest to get Charley out of her shell.

I love the ambience of the book. The whole model dating photographer scenario is great and they travel to Hawaii for a shoot and I enjoyed the change of scenery. Jude starts off being a player with a strict no model dating policy. From the second he sees Charley, he knows he’s a goner and regardless what he tells himself, he can’t stay away from her. They have great chemistry and I love the tension between them at the shoots when Jude is photographing Charley.

While Charley is obviously stunning, there is a lot more to her than just her looks. Charley is smart and complex, but has an issue with letting people in. She has had to deal with depression for the last four years und Jude is the first person who is really able to peel those layers back. Mental health is definitely prevalent and I enjoy when characters have to deal with realistic issues and when they aren’t just perfect.

I know that a significant other can ease the burden of depression, but I wish Charley would have found healing in a more healthy way. She ends up completely depended on Jude, basically going from one extreme to the other. She makes it clear that she doesn’t believe in therapy or medications, which don’t always work for people, but I find the message a little problematic. If you have depression, starting to date a hot guy doesn’t just magically make your problems disappear, so I had to remind myself that this is a fictional story and I can’t get too worked about this aspect of the story and simply enjoy the beautiful love story.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,882 reviews2,067 followers
January 10, 2014

Gitte: I did enjoy Behind His Lens, the setting was different, it was very well written and I couldn’t put it down as I needed to know where it was going to go. However, I didn’t love it and I felt it lacking in emotion, character development and the storyline at times left me wanting to know why and how this came to be, I was told rather than left to experience. Despite my problems though, I did like it, it was a sweet, sometimes hot and quick easy read.

We have our main characters Jude the photographer and Charley the sought after model. Both have demons from the past which are running their present and is on course to ruin their future happiness. Their paths collide and changes everything they knew, thought and believed as they embark on a journey where both have to open up and alter the way they go through life. They have to learn to trust through honesty and confessions.

“I wish I could keep you…”

There’s some pretty big moments in this story where your heart will be touched. It’s these moments where I felt they could have been handled more thoroughly in terms of emotions. Because quite frankly we’re talking heart breaking stuff here!

‘…I have to walk away. She has her own issues and I’ve got mine. She needs lightness, happiness. Not someone who has their own demons…’

How did you feel about it Jenny?

Jenny: I was the same as you Gitte. There were things I really enjoyed about Behind His Lens and found myself immersed in this story but not really connecting to the characters and their story. There were certainly some high emotional moments that should have brought me to my knees but didn’t quite get me there which I’m gutted about because Charley and Jude’s story was such a passionate and moving story.

“You’re allowed sad days, Charley. I wouldn’t expect anything less, but you aren’t allowed to have a sad life.”

This story about two damaged characters finding solace in each other was well told through dual POV’s but the character development and the “after” just wasn’t there for me. Whilst the relationship did build to a crescendo and the chemistry sizzled, it fell a bit flat once the build-up was over. I wanted more of Jude and Charley down the track, after they had found each other and felt it was all over a little too soon.

Gitte: So, first we have Jude. The playboy photographer who doesn’t date models and only believes in one night stands. He’s rugged, cocky and gorgeous. This man has a past that is heart-breaking. As a highly esteemed photographer he’s seen things and experienced trauma that’s stayed with him resulting in an inability and want to form a meaningful relationship. That is until he spots an angel in a crowd. Jude is a bit of a filthy talker, possessive and very commanding.

“I want everyone to know you belong to me..”

Yet he’s also gentle, caring and has a manly vulnerability.

‘I can’t toy with Charley. She’s not the type of girl you bang out of your system. She’s the type of girl that becomes your muse….’

I have to say Jude got to me and those scenes in Hawaii, wowsers…..they were HOT!!! Jude lives his life in a bit of an arrogant and emotion-less manner yet when he meets Charley, he matures and grows, facing up to his feelings. The path he takes is quite life altering for him but then again he’s fallen completely for Charley who comes with her own emotional baggage.

“I see straight through you, Charley. I’m scared too, but I’m not the one running. You are..”

I’ll leave Charley to you J.

Jenny: Jude was wonderful Gitte and although he came with his baggage he certainly tried to coerce Charley to unload hers as well.

Charley was such a sad and frail character, yet also so resilient in her own way. Your heart did go out to her. She had a radiant beauty inside and out yet was clouded in sadness which brought her to the depths of despair at times.

Jude was a buffer for her feelings and awakened feelings and emotions in her that had lain dormant. Could he coax Charley to talk about her feelings, her heartache, her humiliation and her loss? Charley held strong feelings for Jude which made her feel alive, but burying the demons from the past and moving on was a struggle for Charley. She had lived with sadness for so long.

“I can feel it. Do you think those walls, that façade you’re hiding behind, is subtle?……..”I see straight through you, Charley….” – Jude

I really did love Charley as a character and together with Jude, watching them break through the emotional walls each had built up was wonderful but again, I didn’t find myself feeling the emotion between them.

“Don’t you understand?”……”for the past two weeks I haven’t been letting you in. You’ve been bulldozing through every wall I’ve subconsciously built…” – Charley

Oh I felt the heat and the chemistry and these two oozed the sexual chemistry which was built up beautifully, but I found the emotional side lacking for me and considering the subject matter for both characters and that saddened me deeply.

G&J: Behind His Lens was certainly a story we had to follow through to the end. We were invested enough in Charley and Jude’s journey to know where it ended and whilst we did connect to both characters in some ways, the emotional impact wasn’t there for us in this one, but once again, it was a story told with passion and heat and the setting really added to the story. We felt it was a little rushed at the end and would have loved more of the Charley and Jude story “together” after we had spent so much time getting to that point in the story. Also, the lack of “I love you” exchanges was missing. Yes, you did feel the love between these two but it wasn’t expressed between them.

“I’ve shown every demon in my closet, and yet you keep yourself hidden away from the world like a porcelain doll.” -Jude

We’ve discussed this book and our feelings and as we both love to experience the interaction between characters rather the narration of a story, we need to see the story rather than read it, we feel this is why Behind The Lens didn’t pack the emotional punch we were expecting. A lot of the story was “told” as opposed to “lived”.

Charley and Jude had a beautiful story to tell and we hope you love hearing it.

A copy of Behind His Lens by R.S. Grey was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 436 reviews

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