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Slated #3


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The riveting finale of
the Slated trilogy—
a thought-provoking psychological thriller set in a disturbingly plausible future where the government and its enemies compete to control the minds of the young

Kyla is in danger from both the government Lorders who erased her memory and the terrorists who tried to use her. So now she’s on the run. Sporting a new identity and desperate to fill in the blank spaces of her life pre-Slating, Kyla heads to a remote mountain town to try to reunite with the birth mother she was kidnapped from as a child. There she is hoping all the pieces of her life will come together and she can finally take charge of her own future. But even in the idyllic wilderness and the heart of her original family, Kyla realizes there is no escape from the oppressive Lorders. Someone close to her may be one of them, and even more frighteningly, her birth mother has been keeping secrets of her own.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published March 6, 2014

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About the author

Teri Terry

26 books2,129 followers
Teri has lived in France, Canada, Australia and England at more addresses than she can count, acquiring three degrees, a selection of passports and a silly name along the way. Past careers have included scientist, lawyer, optometrist, and, in England, various jobs in schools, libraries and an audiobook charity. The footpaths and canal ways of the Buckinghamshire Chilterns where she now lives inspired much of the setting of Slated. She hates broccoli, likes cats, and has finally worked out what she wants to do when she grows up.

Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/TeriTerryAuthor
Notes from the Slushpile: group blog on writing for children http://notesfromtheslushpile.blogspot...

**IMPORTANT: Please do not message me on Goodreads with requests for review copies, swag, interviews, or anything else. See the contact section of my website for that. Messages on Goodreads may (and probably will) go unanswered!**

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,166 reviews
Profile Image for Nea Barabea.
321 reviews48 followers
March 12, 2014
Holy shit. Through the first half of the book I could't help myself but wonder, how will Teri Terry wrap it all up in so little time and space? Man, I was so wrong. She's done it perfectly. SO perfectly I was speechless till the end. Well, with the occasional crying and sobbing. Cause I did cry. This is one of the best dystopian books I've ever read. And that's a fact.

Kyla. Rain. Lucy. Riley. I'll stick with Kyla. This girl, I cannot believe all that she went through and she was still standing. We can call it courage, but I will call it determination. Wow. Really, Kyla in this book was totally badass. Gone is the scared girl full of doubts and fears. In this book we are faced with a Kyla who is strong, determinated, courageous, brave, smart and still fast at running.

I actually changed my mind about the boy.. and that doesn't happen often ;)

The writing was stunning! And so realistic. Really, I could see it in my mind. Everything, and let me tell you, it was pretty terrifying. I could feel my heart beating so fast, the adrenaline pumping through my body and the feeling was as scary as it was exhilarating! And I quite forgot how amazing it feels to look at the clock and see it 5am and not being bothered about it at all. Some thing are worth it. And Shattered definitely is!

Shattered is an amazing conclusion to an amazing trilogy! Slated was awesome, Fractured was incredible, but Shattered takes the whole serie to a whole new level. So, if you haven't yet picked this serie up, I highly suggest you to do it ASAP! It's goddamn worth it!!
Profile Image for Cora Tea Party Princess.
1,323 reviews863 followers
July 4, 2017
5 Words: Mind-blowing, amazing, secrets, betrayal, family.

I'm sorry, the review you're trying to read is not available right now. Please come back later when this bookworm gets her shit together, because this book blew her mind and right now she's struggling to think cohesively.

Nope, still nothing. Just read it.

Profile Image for Brittany.
71 reviews
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September 7, 2013
I bet it will be called 'Shattered' or something like that. Can't wait!!!
Profile Image for Faye.
266 reviews56 followers
June 30, 2014
Hmmmm, if I was being fair, I would'be given it a 3.8 stars rating and rounded it to four, but the ending just killed everything to me, so it's a 3.5 star rating rounded down. Whatever.

The whole book was pretty fabulous, but the ending just killed it. And the romance wasn't so great in general.

First off, this was much more engaging than the other two books. I don't know why. Maybe it's because the stakes were higher or something, but it was just more addictive. This world, with slating and everything is pretty cool. I'm not big on reading dystopian novels, but I like this one. Overall, I would say that it's a nice ending. So here comes the spoilery stuff:

Also, introducing a love triangle in the final book??????????? So not cool.

Even with that, I loved the action and all the revelations and everything. But the romance (and the ending) just killed everything. And the ending was also predictable.
Profile Image for Agresif Spoiler Kraliçesi .
856 reviews79 followers
February 14, 2019
Karmakarışık düşüncelerim, sonra yıldız 4 e çıkabilir ama sıcağı sıcağına 1 mi versem diyorum🤯ilk kitaptan sonra gitgide düştü bence sebep ise yazarın bizi şaşırtıp şok etmek istemesi ama yapamamış daha doğrusu yanlış yolla yapmış...ben parazit-panzehir ya da kusurlu-mükemmel tarzı hafif ve akıcı bir seri bekliyordum...
Profile Image for Renu (The Page Turner).
98 reviews118 followers
December 23, 2015
As far as conclusions to trilogies go Shattered was a good one.

Kyla is still wound up about what happened to Ben, and although I felt sorry for her I wasn't actually too bothered about Ben. Why? Because I wasn't emotionally invested in the romance between Ben and Kyla in book one. It was dull and so was Ben to be honest. For this reason, as harsh as it may sound to some, I didn't really care much about what happened to him.

I was, however, pleased with the way Aiden and Kyla's relationship evolved. One thing I appreciated about Aiden was that he completely supported Kyla, without being pushy or condescending. In contrast to Ben, he was a fully developed character.

Many of the long awaited answers to questions readers have dying to know are answered in this book. Kyla's journey of self discovery continues and she finally learns the truth about her past. If there was only one thing I could say about this book it would be that there is no lack of character development on the part of the mc. She grows and grows, coming out stronger in the end. Furthermore, Terry's writing style really adds to the horrors of what goes down in this book, adding tension and edge to the story. The freakiest thing about this trilogy is that it seems realistic, like the events that took place could actually happen.

In an overcrowded genre, Slated is a unique dystopian trilogy.

This review also appears on my blog, The Page Turner.
Profile Image for Hollie Turner.
12 reviews28 followers
September 2, 2016
EDIT: It's been almost 2 months since I finished this series and I still can't stop thinking about it. I miss Kyla and wish there was more to her story. Ugh!

ORIGINAL: What a way to wrap up an amazing trilogy! I don't think I'll be able to forget about Kyla's story for a long time to come. This is my favourite book in the series.

What am I going to do now? It's going to have to be a pretty damn good book that I read next in order to top this.

Hats off to you, Teri Terry. You created a masterpiece.
Profile Image for Livia Winata.
218 reviews167 followers
June 15, 2016

It surprised me in the way no other book did before. It really TERRIFIC. What the hell with all about twisted and complicated mystery. OMG, I never did a right guessing. All little thing in this book was amazingly complete all the puzzle in my head. It's a VERY STUNNING WRAP UP OF THE TRILOGY.

Well, what can I say. The idea, the starting, the ending, the plot, the characters, and all of them are great. I could write a review but I will not able to praise this trilogy, this book especially. I wasn't so sure how it gonna end after a whole long roller coaster rides. But who knows, it really end very well that one will be so surprised.

Here I start with the starting. It started slow in a good way. It gave me a big question mark in my head, how can Teri Terry end this if the story was went out of the storyline? The slow pace continued in about one third of the book. Then everything came up, every puzzles was revealed and placed. All about Kyla's past was already settled.

Then the wrapped up was half of the book left. I was wondered how everything gonna end in such few pages. But OMG, TERI TERRY NAILED THE ENDING, also . She made everything in sense. How come everything became connected to each other that well. I love the ending. I never imagined it will ended like this. I'm still in shock. It's soooo unpredictable yet so sweet.

In this book, don't hope for romance. Romance was such a bullshit. Her romantic partner ended betray her. Then an unpredictable character that never be counted at first became the good guy. OMG, it's so twisted I couldn't even think about it to be like this.

The characters weren't flat. All people in this book was in deep character . They're somehow so unpredictable. One can be so good then became bad. One can be sooo good that I almost cry losing them. But most of all, I love how Teri Terry worked with Kyla's personality. Lucy is innocent and brilliant. Rain is strong. Then Kyla searched through all the characters for being her now.

Profile Image for fionavalsa.
21 reviews
August 9, 2022
“I have both been given and taken so many identities, but at last I am beginning to grow into my one true name.
This was the gift my mother gave to me: Hope.”
― Teri Terry, Shattered

You guys have to read this! An excellent conclusion to an excellent series, One of the best dystopians out there! Lovely.
Profile Image for Sherrie.
38 reviews116 followers
August 11, 2016
Speechless. Overwhelmed with sadness.
Secrets unraveled, confusions cleared.
The ending is what shattered my heart.

WHO does she actually end up with?
Profile Image for Gina.
170 reviews10 followers
January 26, 2024
Ich mache mal nachträglich eine kleine Rezension für die ganze Trilogie.
Es muss etwa drei Jahre her sein, dass ich die Trilogie gelesen habe und ich habe sie verschlungen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war ich bei so einer richtig langen Leseflaute (ca. 6 Jahre 😅) und tja, die Bücher sind fast die einzigen Bücher, die ich gelesen habe. Für mich die beste YA-Dystopie mit einer richtig guten Message. Ich hatte richtig viel Spaß beim Lesen gehabt und habe richtig mitgelitten. Ich erinnere mich immer noch an das echt gute Ende. Das war wirklich ein schönes Finale. Als ich das Ende gelesen habe, musste ich grinsen und war einfach glücklich.

Die Trilogie gehört wirklich zu meinen Lieblingsbüchern und deshalb habe ich sie jetzt endlich in Goodreads nachgetragen. Ich habe übrigens alle Bücher gleich geliebt!
Profile Image for Spartan Ranger ☢.
181 reviews31 followers
June 16, 2021
Bezwungen, Slated #3
T. Terry, 2014

Von außen macht es ja nicht viel her. Aber so ist es ja oft. Gerade bei Menschen kann der äußere Eindruck täuschen, was insgeheim in ihnen vorgeht. Wozu sie imstande sind. Bei mir war alles so gut verborgen, dass selbst ich nichts geahnt habe.
Aiden hält vor dem heruntergekommenen Gebäude. Er sieht mich an. "Du brauchst keine Angst zu haben, Kyla."

Gelöscht: ★★★★☆
Zersplittert: ★★★★☆
Bezwungen: ★★★☆☆

Kleine Vorabinfo: Es ist irgendwie traurig, dass dieses Buch das letzte war, das ich für meine Reading Challenge noch habe lesen müssen. 🥳

Diese Reihe war ein Auf und Ab der Gefühle und insbesondere der letzte Teil ging drunter und drüber, denn mal gefiel mir das Buch richtig gut, manchmal langweilte ich mich zu Tode und manchmal konnte ich nur die Augen verdrehen und mir einreden, dass es ja bald vorbei war und ich es bald geschafft hatte.

Zunächst zum Buch: Nach dem zweiten Teil konnte und wollte ich eigentlich gar nicht aufhören und wollte direkt weiterlesen. Also tat ich es auch und bis an den Punkt, als Kyla auf einmal zu ihrer "leiblichen" Mutter zurückging, gefiel mir das Buch auch richtig gut. Aber dann kamen lange Kapitel, die ich einfach nur irgendwie versuchte hinter mich zu bringen. Ihr "neues" Leben in Keswick. Es war einfach nur langweilig und öde. Stella und ihre ganzen Regeln waren komisch und ich hatte irgendwann Probleme, mit den Namen mitzukommen und neigte oft dazu, manche Textstellen einfach zu überspringen.

Am Ende gab es lediglich ein paar wichtige Hinweise zur Geschichte, die man auch hätte spannender verpacken können. Okay, nach einigen Twists, die wirklich Lust auf mehr machten, ging es wieder zurück zum alten Setting und dann begann die Geschichte langsam etwas mehr Fahrt aufzunehmen und ich merkte, dass mich das ganze wieder gepackt hatte, so wie schon die vorherigen Bücher. Ich las ein Kapitel nach dem anderen, merkte allerdings schnell, wie verwirrt ich war, da mir Zusammenhänge einfach nicht klar wurden und ich irgendwann auch bei den Charakteren total durcheinanderkam.

Ja, so in etwa war der ganze letzte Teil des Buches. Es war viel zu viel durcheinander und viel zu viele komische Twists und Aufklärungen und Geständnisse. Als hätte die Autorin versucht, am Ende noch einmal alles in ein Kapitel zu klatschen, was sie während der ganzen Reihe vergessen hatte zu sagen. Und als könnte sie sich selbst nicht entscheiden, wer nun besser für Kyla war.

Dieses Ende hat meine Bewertung am Ende runtergezogen, denn eigentlich wollte ich gute ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ für das Buch und die gesamte Reihe geben.

Wieso? Es war spannend, die Geschichte war interessant und die Sprache war sehr einfach geschrieben, ließ sich gut lesen. ABER

- Das Ende war viel zu kompliziert und war einfach nur ein unnötiges Durcheinander und Teenie-Gehabe.
- Auch im letzten Buch waren schon wieder Schreibfehler! Dass so etwas MAL passiert, ja, das kann jedem guten Übersetzer und Revisor passieren. Aber dauernd? In allen drei Büchern, zum Teil innerhalb einiger Sätze mehrere Fehler, die selbst einem Grundschüler nicht passieren? So etwas ist unprofessionell und sollte absolut nicht passieren! An dieser Stelle war ich sehr froh, dass ich die Bücher ausleihen und nicht kaufen musste. Ich will gar nicht wissen, ob die Bücher in meiner Lieblingsbuchhandlung auch so voller Schreibfehler sind.
- Die Kapitel in Keswick brachten zwar neue Informationen und Erkenntnisse, diese hätte Kyla allerdings auch in ihrer ersten "Heimat" erlangen können. Das Kapitel wirkte zu sehr eingeschoben und erzwungen?

Es gäbe noch so vieles mehr, das ich jetzt kritisieren könnte, aber das würde den Rahmen sprengen.

Mein Fazit

Ein sehr guter und interessanter Auftakt, der auf jeden Fall Lust auf mehr macht. Die Geschichte bietet viel Potenzial und dass Großbritannien aus der EU ausgetreten ist - in einem Buch, dass bereits 2012 erschienen ist - ist schon ein bisschen spooky.

Aber danach geht es auf und ab. Langeweile, Kinderliebe, Drama, komplizierte Zusammenhänge und zu viele Twists. Es wirkte alles ein wenig zu überladen und zu chaotisch? Als wäre der Anfang gut geplant gewesen, die Zusammenhänge waren da, Cliffhanger waren gut gesetzt und alles wirkte noch sehr mysteriös und man selbst als Leser hatte versucht, herauszufinden, was denn genau passiert war. Und am Ende wird einfach irgendetwas in den Raum geschmissen und Personen, die die ganze Zeit über kaum eine Rolle gespielt haben,
114 reviews10 followers
September 3, 2014
1/5, 1.5/5 if I’m a little generous (this is probably a little better than say, The Cure or Allegiant). I wasn’t impressed with the ending to this series. I gave the first two books 2.5/5; I was not a huge fan but there were some things that I liked about it. I didn’t get on with this one nearly as well though I disliked the first half of the novel much more than the second. Spoileriffic review coming up.

The first argument I would make is related to the fact that the first section of the book feels quite disconnected to what has happened so far. Kyla (or whatever you should call her) ends up in a completely different setting from the first two books. This is so that she can meet her mother Stella and find out more information from her about where she came from. My difficulty with the way that it was set up is that it is very difficult to pull off the main character meeting a bunch of new characters in the third book. It means that the characters that the reader had an interest in from the first two books generally get shoved out of the picture to focus on new characters that the reader does not care about because they haven’t built up a relationship with those characters. I understand the importance of Kyla meeting her mother and Stella was a new character who did need to come into it. However Kyla goes and stays in a boarding house with a bunch of new girls and these characters end up being characters that do not resonate with the reader given that we only have a few scenes to relate to the key girls at best. The key case I can think of to demonstrate this point is the case of Madison. Madison is a character who got on the wrong side of the wrong person and as a result she is arrested by the Lorders (one thing I like about these books: that term). But we only get a few scenes to know Madison so we don’t really care. Compare this to Ben being taken away in book one: we had the whole book to build up to the event so it invoked much more emotion in the reader.

I felt that for the first half of the book, Kyla was incredibly insular, and it bothered me. All of the focus was upon who she was and finding everything out. I understand why that was the case, but it felt both excessively selfish and also inconsistent with Kyla as already established. In Fractured, Kyla makes several references in the text to Ben so that it’s clear that Ben is still in her thoughts. However, in Shattered, there’s a real lack of references to him (he’s mentioned only in the context of Madison’s man if I remember right) and there’s even fewer references to Mum and Amy. This makes Kyla feel even more disconnected from the characters that we had already met. Nico and Tori also had basically no presence. The withdrawn nature of Kyla bothered me because she was supposed to be getting to the point of questioning the Lorder society through the events of the previous novels but there’s no real element of that during the time she stays with Stella: 90% of the focus is on her personally, to the point where she is thinking about careers in serious terms. It isn’t until about the halfway point that this turns about and Kyla starts focussing on bringing down the Lorder government. This also makes the book feel disjointed.

Regarding the second half of the novel, I am not sure I went along with everything that happened, but I’d like to pick up on one point in particular. I had real problems with how the author handled Tori. Here’s the rundown: in book 2 we find out that Tori was ‘rescued’ from death by a Lorder so he could take her back to his place and treat her like his sex slave. This makes Tori turn against the Lorder system and join the terrorists. However, Nico tells Tori that Kyla didn’t tell Tori that Ben was still alive and this makes Tori angry and she swears revenge. Following on from that, in book 3 Tori sides with the Lorder system in order to get revenge on Kyla. While I can understand her dislike of Kyla, I really do not find it plausible that someone would side with a system that was going to kill them and that was responsible for them being raped over Kyla just because Kyla didn’t tell her that Ben was alive. That’s ludicrous! I’m also tempted to argue that it’s rather misogynistic – of course a woman must put ~a man~ over everything else, even her own degradation. It reduces women to only caring about a relationship and makes Tori into another stereotypical and one-dimensional example of the ‘jealous bitch’ who’ll do anything to get the heroine’s man. It’s tedious at this point. I’m not that keen on what the author did with Nico either, but I can live with that element. But the way Tori is handled is beyond reason.

The extra 0.5 I’m willing to give this is mainly because of Aiden and Mac and MIA. They are actually kind of cool.
I think I’ll leave it there as that covers the main flaws of this book.
Profile Image for Carie.
1,228 reviews
June 4, 2014
Maybe 3.5 for this one… This book held my interest and had some tense, terrifying moments and some fascinating pieces to the whole puzzle of Kyla. BUT, I really hated how the romance was handled and I thought Kyla’s story got more and more convoluted and confusing as the story progressed, and the coincidences became REALLY ridiculous :(

I really HATED how was handled! I thought it was beyond obvious that ! And, though it really made me sad that , I think I could have handled it all a bit better if !! And, I have to say that I thought it was SUPER sad that at the end, too :( SO sad and disappointing!! I understand what the author was trying to do/say with the idea of :( The whole romantic storyline was just MADDENING and very disappointing!!

I also thought a lot of the coincidences in the plot really stretched credibility and that Kyla’s many names and bizarre history became more and more convoluted and confusing as the story went along. The end of the book was REALLY intense and scary and I had no idea what would happen, but I ended up having a hard time believing the climax and resolution () and untangling all the whys, whos, whats, and hows of the whole thing. I was very glad that the author provided some recap of previous books in this one, but it seemed like not everything fit just right or felt resolved/explained satisfactorily :(

I did think the whole premise of this series was fascinating and I always loved the paranoid, “who can you trust?” vibe of these books. I also liked many of the characters, including Kyla herself. I loved that she would take action and that she always came across as a good, intelligent (), brave, strong person.

Overall, I thought this was a fairly satisfying ending to the series, but I do wish a few things--the romance, in particular--had been different…
Profile Image for Zwart Raafje.
670 reviews
June 17, 2020

Toen ik het eerste deel uit deze trilogie las was het vooral het concept dat me aansprak. Ik vond het zowel fascinerend als beangstigend omdat ik me ergens wel kan voorstellen dat iets dergelijks ooit realiteit zou kunnen worden. Men blijft immers technologische ontdekkingen doen en jammer genoeg worden niet enkel voor het goede gebruikt. Het verhaal had een snelle start maar bleek vervolgens wat stil te vallen. Ik was toen benieuwd naar hoe de serie zou evolueren maar nog niet helemaal overtuigd.

Gebroken zorgde voor meer uitdieping en dat vond ik een groot pluspunt. Bovendien werden er meer pionnen aan het avontuur toegevoegd die voor variatie zorgden. In tegenstelling tot andere tweede delen kon Gebroken probleemloos mijn aandacht vasthouden maar het zorgde ook voor nog meer vragen. Ik was dan ook heel benieuwd naar de ontknoping en had daar vrij hoge verwachtigen voor vermits de serie me naarmate ze vorderde nog meer aansprak.


Mijn volledige recensie kan je hier terugvinden.
Profile Image for Sjule.
481 reviews7 followers
October 30, 2021
Das Finale war auf jeden Fall spannend und überraschend.

Langsam werden viele Fragezeichen aufgelöst. Kyla trifft ihre Mutter, die sie als vermisst gemeldet hatte und taucht unter. Aber natürlich muss sie weiter erforschen und hinterfragen und gerät so wieder in Gefahr.

Doch die Dinge die sie aufdeckt sind grausig und falsch und müssen an die Öffentlichkeit, weswegen sie sich an den MIA wendet. Diese hecken mit ihr einen Plan aus.

Auch hier ist mit Kyla trotz ihren Erlebnissen in den vorherigen Bänden teilweise zu naiv, gerade was Ben angeht. So waren ein paar Dinge für mich vorhersehbar.
Und es gibt den nächsten Typen, der sich in Kyla verguckt hat. Das ist mir einfach too much, wie schon in den letzten Bänden. Aber gut.

Es gibt auf jede Fall sehr viel Spannung, die mir in den letzten Bänden eben gefehlt hatte. Das Ende kommt dann aber etwas abrupt. Es wird aber alles gut aufgelöst.
Profile Image for Lesincele.
1,031 reviews113 followers
February 6, 2017
Los dos primeros libros me gustaron muchísimo porque me parecieron muy originales y muy bien llevados. Me daba miedo esta tercera parte pero ha estado totalmente a la altura, con unos personajes muy reales, una protagonista que me ha encantado y un final muy adecuado. De ahí las 5 estrellas porque últimamente me resulta difícil encontrar finales de trilogías o sagas que sepan mantener el nivel.
Profile Image for Claudio Silva.
258 reviews107 followers
November 27, 2017
Quando comecei esta trilogia, lembro-me que me tinha surpreendido pela positiva, talvez pela leitura fácil, por me transportar para uma distopia diferente do que estava acostumado a ler, pelo carácter das personagens ou pelo tom negro e enigmático que a história era conduzida.

No final do segundo volume, Kyla é finalmente dividida em duas fracções, fracções essas que a formam e moldam-na, deixando-a na dúvida entre o certo do errado, o bem do mal.

E é esse o mote que leva para o final do terceiro livro, a procura do seu verdadeiro eu, de quem é realmente, no que acredita e no que é verdadeiramente fabricado pela sociedade.

As respostas às perguntas deixadas no ar nos anteriores livros, são finalmente respondias e apesar do mistério sempre se manter até às ultimas páginas, arrisco a dizer que não me surpreendeu e fora um pouco previsível.

Embora eu goste de finais felizes, sinto que neste livro; a resolução de todos os problemas, a destruição de uma sociedade manchada por um sistema radical, foi muito fácil de ser solucionado. Apesar de todos os percalços e as perdas que as personagens ultrapassaram com meia dúzia de diálogos e umas quantas linhas de pensamentos, não foi o suficiente para me convencer.

Mas no final de contas os maus perderam e os bons ganharam, não deveria ser isso o que conta?
Profile Image for Nadjab.
2,075 reviews
May 14, 2015
Erste Sätze
Von außen macht es ja nicht viel her. Aber so ist es ja oft.

Kylas Gedächtnis wurde gelöscht, ihre Persönlichkeit ausradiert, ihre Erinnerungen sind für immer verloren. Denkt sie. Kylas Leben ist einmal mehr in größter Gefahr, als Nico einen hinterhältigen Anschlag auf sie ausübt. Auf der Flucht vor dem skrupellosen Anführer von Free UK sucht sie Unterschlupf bei ihren Freunden von MIA. Dort kann sie mit neuer Identität untertauchen und aus dem Blickfeld der Lorder und der Terroristen verschwinden. Sich in Sicherheit wähnend, kreisen Kylas Gedanken wieder mehr um ihre Kindheit, und Stück für Stück kommen Erinnerungsfetzen an Lucy und ihre Eltern zurück. Als Kyla endlich ihre Mutter kennenlernt, erfährt sie, wer sie als Kind wirklich war. Doch wieso hat ihr Vater sie damals freiwillig den Terroristen übergeben? Und welch dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt sich hinter ihrer Familiengeschichte?

Meine Meinung
Das Buch ist aus der Ich-Perspektive geschrieben und zwar aus Sicht von der Protagonistin Kyla Davis.
Kyla möchte sich auf die Suche nach ihren Wurzeln machen, denn sie möchte immer noch erfahren, wer sie tatsächlich ist und wo sie herkommt. Doch im Laufe des Buches merkt sie, dass sie eigentlich schon weiß, wer sie ist und dass ein Name und eine Herkunft nicht entscheidend sind. Das hat mir wirklich gut gefallen. Sie entwickelt sich im Laufe des Buches wieder weiter und ist immer noch ein unglaublich starker Charakter. Mir hat sie wirklich gut als Protagonistin gefallen und ich fand ihre Handlungen und Gedanken nachvollziehbar.

Die Geschichte geht spannend, dramatisch und emotional weiter. Es gibt wieder die ein oder andere actionreiche Stelle und das Buch konnte mich wieder von der ersten Seite an fesseln. Der Schreibstil der Autorin ließ sich wieder sehr flüssig lesen und es hat sich gut lesen lassen. Es gibt wieder überraschende Wendungen und Entwicklung.

Ein gelungener Abschluss der Trilogie, der noch besser war als die Bücher vorher, daher bekommt das Buch von mir verdiente

5 von 5 Würmchen
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,414 reviews481 followers
Want to read
December 17, 2013
Synopsis alert!

The gripping finale of the Slated trilogy!

Terrorists fractured Kyla’s mind. A tyrannical government erased her memories. And now she is on the run from both groups. She plans to start over with her recently discovered birth mother, Stella, trying to fill in the blank spaces of her life pre-slating. But there is no escape from the oppressive Lorders—Stella's mother is one of them, and that's not the only secret Stella's been keeping.

With her world turned upside-down once again, Kyla reaches her breaking point when she learns that children as young as four years old are being Slated. Resolving to stand up to the Lorders, Kyla is reunited with Ben, who doesn’t remember her, and Aiden, whose feelings about her seem to be changing.

In the thrilling conclusion to this series of thought-provoking psychological thrillers, Teri Terry examines the role our memories play in our lives. She delivers a fast-paced read with a strong, proactive heroine, a disturbingly realistic future setting, and plot twists galore.
Profile Image for Kyla (ourbookworlds).
359 reviews269 followers
May 4, 2015
I am really disappointed! She could of done so much with this story! There are so many things that were really badly written... It was horrible. The one thing that makes me laugh was when the dog breaks down the door and jumps in between a bullet of his owner. How much cheesier can you get? There were other things like that but aaahhhhh so stupid! Usually series gets better throughout out the series! This is the totally opposite: good first book horrible last book and for me the last is the most important.
Profile Image for Matt.
5 reviews3 followers
January 11, 2016
Der dritte Band war eindeutig der Beste. Obwohl das Ende einen kleinen WTF Moment hat bin ich über den Ausgang der Geschehnisse sehr zufrieden. Traurig macht es mich allerdings schon die Welt von Kyla verlassen zu müssen. Nicht weil die Welt in der sie lebte und kämpfte so wundervoll war sondern weil ihre Gedanken und Ansichten so schön aufs Papier gebracht wurden.
Profile Image for Maddie.
558 reviews1,140 followers
January 26, 2016
An excellent conclusion to an excellent series: one of the best girl versus government books I've ever read with so many plot twists, it's so easy to lose yourself in the story.
Profile Image for Esma T.
519 reviews73 followers
March 10, 2017
2 verecektim ama kendi türünde iyi olduğu için 3 veriyorum.

Yazar iyi bir fikir üzerine yola çıkmış ve iyi karakterler kurgulamış yalnız bundan sonra işler o kadar da iyi gitmiyor. Genç yetişkin edebiyatın, tek noktaya takılıp kalmak gibi bir sorunu var. Yazarlar güzel fikirler buluyorlar ancak bunu işlerken tek bir şeye odaklanıyorlar ve o güzelim fikri heba ediyorlar. Ki genelde odak noktası serideki imkansız aşklar oluyor. Bu seride odak noktası aşk değildi, Kyla'nın geçmişi idi, tabii aşka da odaklandı ama diğer genç-yetişkin kitaplar kadar değil. İşte yazarımız kızımızın geçmişine odaklanırken oluşturduğu dünyayı ve o dünya ile ilgili her şeyi geri plana atıyor bu da kitabın kısır bir döngüye girmesine ve yüzeysel olmasına sebep oluyor ne yazık ki.

Serinin ilk iki kitabını okuduğumda çok sevmiştim, bunda en büyük etken seride yazarın psikolojiden de yararlanmasıydı, işin içine psikoloji girince beni tavlamıştı. :D O zamanlar bu türde çok kitap okumadığım içinde güzel gelmişti ama son kitabı okurken keyif almadım, daha çok istemdışı olarak hatalara ve serideki boşluklara odaklanmış oldum. Yazar baş karaktere çok inanılmaz, çok şaşırtıcı bir geçmiş oluşturayım derken ortalığı biraz dağıtmış, yok artık dedirten(iyi anlamda değil), mantıksız bir geçmiş oluşturmuş. Keşke okuru şaşırtmaya bu kadar odaklanmasaymış da oluşturduğu dünyayı mantık çerçevesinde geliştirseymiş, aynı şekilde tek karakter odaklı bir kitap yazmak yerine diğer karakterlere de daha fazla değinse seri daha hoş olurmuş.

Seri bu kitapla son buldu ve 8 belki daha çok da ödül almış. Kötü bir seri değil kendi sınıfında ama bu kadar ödül almasına da şaşırmadım değil. Serinin sonuna gelecek olursak yazar biraz oldu bittiye getirdi her şeyi, hani hızlı biten dizilerde son bölümlerde her şey bir anda olur, her şey açığa kavuşur ya bunda da öyle oldu, çarçabucak onlarca soru cevaba kavuştu. Yazar sonu genel anlamda peri masalına çevirmiş, ancak sonda esas kız ve esas oğlan ile ilgili yaşanan gelişme konusunda gerçekçi davranmıştı.

Uzuun bir yorum oldu, kusuruma bakmayın. :) Seri genel anlamda güzel, genç yetişkin distopya türünden hoşlanıyorsanız tercih edebileceğiniz bir seri, hatta bu türde okuduğum diğer bir çok seriden daha iyi. Eğer genç-yetişkin edebiyatıyla aranız yoksa seriyi önermem benim gibi sıkılabilirsiniz.

Profile Image for Iduna.
120 reviews14 followers
April 19, 2018
My favorite part of this triology!
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