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Library Wars: Love & War #12

Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 12

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Iku est en mode girlie, car elle a rendez-vous avec Dojo pour boire la fameuse camomille. Or, pendant leur sortie, ils sont rappelés d’urgence à la base ?! Un romancier célèbre est pris pour cible car un attentat terroriste venant de se produire, où un hélicoptère s’est lancé contre une centrale nucléaire, ressemble à s’y méprendre à celui qu’il a décrit dans un de ses ouvrages. Le Corps des bibliothécaires passe à l’action !

190 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2013

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About the author

Kiiro Yumi

39 books137 followers
See also 弓 きいろ.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah .
824 reviews16 followers
November 5, 2014
There were so many squee-worthy scenes in this volume that I lost count! This series continues to be a favorite not only for the innocent romance, but also for the deep moments that really make you think about free speech.
Profile Image for Lauren Schnoebelen.
792 reviews7 followers
May 7, 2020
Man, oh man. This is the volume we have all been waiting for! Iku and Dojo go for chamomile tea! I enjoyed the hell out of this volume especially with the interest twist and push for an expansion of the MBA due to an attack on a nuclear plant with a connection to an author. Loved the political twists and romantic twists near the end. Can’t wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.4k reviews410 followers
April 27, 2021
Re-read 2021: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this was such a good volume! A date between Kasahara and Dojo (which was just so sweet, even though I was sad that they had to go back halfway in), lots of deredere actions (they are so cute), our second couple finally kissed and that made me squee in happiness because that was SO NEEDED. I love Shibazaki and how she doesn't give up and makes some diabolic smart plans. Heehee. There is also some excitement as an author has to hide (and I love seeing Dojo fanboy around him). And there is plenty more. I cannot wait to read the rest of the books that are left. I will be sad though, because this series is just too good! Guess I will just have to re-watch the anime again then. :P

Review for vol.10/11/12.

Wow, what an action-packed 3 volumes these were. And not only action, but also a lot of romance that finally happens (no, not just between Dojo and Kasahara) and I really enjoyed these 3 volumes. I was pretty sad to hear that this manga will soon be over and that we will have to do with just re-watching or re-reading and to continue hoping that the novel will get an official English release.

Kasahara was really wonderful in this volume. Lots of typical moments, but also some stunning, beautiful moments which made me love her even more. She has grown up so much if you look at volume 1 and then compare it to this one. I really love it when a character grows. I always hate it when a character stays the same throughout the whole thing.
I am also happy that she is finally realizing about her and Dojo, finally seeing in something that everyone saw since the start!

The date between them was soooooo adorable and I was so happy to see them both in civilian clothes, enjoying lunch and dessert + the most important thing of all: Chamomile tea.

The other characters are also great and all get their spotlights. Sadly we barely see Marie, I would really see more of her.

There is lot of story and plot twists. At first we have the battle about Barber, then a museum that has a very controversial piece of art and then we have the whole terrorist + ban books/authors thing. I really can't wait to see what will happen in the next few volumes, since I am sure things will get rolling and we will get some interesting conflicts happening soon.

All in all, 3 volumes that I really loved and I can't wait until some more volumes come out so I can buy 3 volumes in one go again.

Review first posted at: http://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,135 reviews60 followers
February 9, 2022
I liked this one! The cute "acting" as a couple with Dojo and Kasahara to start it off. Those two are so damn adorable and it finally felt like their story was moving forward while the story of the library also took a step forward. The about time kiss with two other characters that was just so in character. There's an author to protect after one of his books was similar to a terrorist attack and blamed for it. This was just a really enjoyable volume!
Profile Image for Kendra.
605 reviews32 followers
December 19, 2017
Eye rolled so hard at the first half of this that I think I strained something, but the rest was good.

Especially the Shibazaki parts, obviously. And Tezuka is pretty great too. Those two are so hot.
975 reviews
January 16, 2021
Dojo and Iku have an awkward "This-Is-Not-A-Date" date to drink that cup of chamomile tea. Poor Iku: truly hard to want it to be a date but uncomfortable assuming it to be one. Dojo, on the other hand, knows exactly what it is. He lets Iku know in subtle ways: "From now on ..." and "Next time ..." (Umm, Iku's not one to translate subtle or she would have figured out exactly where this is heading long ago. It's one of her many charms.)

Shibazaki, on the other hand, is a force to be reckoned with - in all ways. Tezuka'll have his hands full if he ever decides to man up and claim Shibazaki. (And may I just add ... that kiss!)

The Library Force itself has now moved from protecting books from censorship to protecting an author's right to write. They guard author Kurato Toma till things get sorted out after a terrorist attack that resembles one in a fictional thriller by Toma. The Intelligence Department (Shibazaki) works behind the scenes to rein in the Future of the Library group to work with the Library Force against the Media Betterment Act (censorship).

Things are heating up.

Recommend: Such fun! (Remember manga though.)

***I meant to add that the translator changed in Vol. 11: changed enough for me to notice in this volume. An occasional awkward word choice caught my attention. I checked translators and, yeah, not the same one. Let's just call it noticeable (and not in the positive sense).
Profile Image for Mary.
543 reviews94 followers
October 14, 2015
This series is one of the most addicting I've ever read...

Which is a really good thing too, considering that despite all the filler episodes, I still highly enjoy anything the mangaka, or the original writer includes. It's like Kamisama Kiss, except without supernatural powers. And the guy falls for the girl first. And the love interest is someone I actually am 100% behind and if he were real I'd swoon in front of him...

Go watch the live action movie and tell me Dojo (played by Junichi Okada) didn't make you all flustered. Damn. That man is an amazing actor, and he's handsome...

Look at him!!!!!!!!!!!

Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,625 reviews48 followers
February 25, 2018
Cute, especially Tezuka and Shibazaki-I mean those guys are straight up and they actually express their feelings outright to each other. I'm thinking the main two will take a while :P

Also, I really think Dojo is just a bit rude sometimes, and it rubs me the wrong way when he talked about how taking a while for a girl to get ready is expected. Ugh. But that's just me.
Profile Image for C.
683 reviews
November 30, 2017
One of my favourite mangas! Love the plot love the characters!
Profile Image for Eva.
489 reviews15 followers
October 20, 2021
This one gave me all the feels! And I am living for it!
Profile Image for K.
798 reviews1 follower
June 6, 2024
I’m happy those two characters finally kissed even tho it wasn’t dojo and iku, I’m still patiently waiting for them to get together. 3 more books!
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,690 reviews219 followers
April 25, 2018
My biggest reaction to this volume: OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! (This followed by a bunch of squeals.)

I must have said that so often because this novel had almost ALL the things I have sooooo been waiting for.

And oh my goodness, those side characters!! *faints* Loved, loved, loved it!! I am SO excited for this new development and where things go from here. *faints again*

Such a fantastic and entertaining read! If I ever thought I wasn’t Team Dojo (and I mean ALL of Team Dojo), I most certainly am now. As soon as I finished reading, I went back and devoured all the scenes that had the feels (which was pretty much the whole novel).

Thank you, thank you, thank you Ms. Yumi for such an amazing series! I sooooo can’t wait to see what happens next! *squeals*
Profile Image for Miss Susan.
2,628 reviews58 followers
October 22, 2014
dang this volume hit the romance out of the park

like the dojo/iku date alone would be enough to please me but then we got amazing tezuka/shibazaki scenes!

the couple i never expected has somehow stealthed their way into being my absolute FAVORITE

exchange 'collateral' again my loves!

4 stars
Profile Image for Barbara.
96 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2015
Five stars just because of Dojo and Kasahara's date+Tezuka and Shibuzaki
Profile Image for Sarah Ryder.
778 reviews156 followers
April 10, 2022
Eee, this whole volume was super, super cute and sweet and gave me ALL the feels! Iku and Dojo are such adorable dorks and I love them both to death! 😍🥰😍🥰 They are totally perfect for each other and their connection just keeps growing stronger and more obvious as the series goes on. Tezuka and Shibazaki are wonderful for each other too, and I’m very happy things between them have grown serious because they both deserve it. 🥰

Tezuka’s brother I still want to throw off a cliff, but I guess he could redeem himself slightly. *grumble* Maybe. *grumble* We’ll see. I still don’t trust him, though I suspect someone else is going to be more of a problem then him in the end... 👀

Super excited to see where things go from here! I have a feeling things are gonna get INTENSE…

Content: mention of a terrorist attack (not shown); a girl is shown in her underwear (bikini style); a character buys beer; violence and blood (nothing over PG-13); kissing
Profile Image for David Basora.
456 reviews2 followers
November 16, 2017
The game is afoot! A new intrigue takes hold as relationships continue to develop. Iku and Dojo have their not-date for tea, and Shibazaki uses a crisis to her advantage to leverage both another layer to her and Tezuka's relationship, as well as a play against his brother. The title of "Revolution" seems to really fit this story arc, so I am excited for further developments. Also, this volume was funnier than the last few!
Profile Image for Ailurophile.
157 reviews42 followers
August 14, 2019
It's the beginning of the end and KO! MA! KIIIII!!!

I mean really!

Really, really!

Not to mention, Sibazaki and Tezuka!!!

And the collateral damage...teeheehee
Profile Image for James.
392 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2022
It’s a new year and more drama and controversy happens in the new year. A nuclear attack occurs and the government forces begin to look for an author who wrote a book on a nuclear attack which could have inspired it. The Library Defense Force in Kanto goes to the author’s defense. At the same time, love is in the air with Iku and Dojo rather Dojo has another gal on the side who is acting suspicious.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,246 reviews33 followers
April 11, 2019
Aah~! Dojo and Iku go on a date! (Sort of) And work forces them to pretend to be dating for the rest of the day~! So much hand holding~

Plus someone steals a kiss~

This will be the shippers’ favorite volume so far as more than one couple take their first steps into a relationship.

This series has 15 volumes.
Profile Image for SaraKat.
1,819 reviews35 followers
October 17, 2022
Finally some kissing. Shibizaki rules in this volume. Well, she kind of rules the whole series, but she is definitely the one representing the feminist vote in this series. I love how strategic she is and she always knows everything that is going on. And Iku/Dojo fans will enjoy the fake date.

Content notes: light swearing
Profile Image for Debbie.
453 reviews
May 10, 2017
More library awesomeness! As certain relationships deepen, and some opposing factions decide to work together, the Library Forces harbor and protect an author that the MBC is trying to censor and stop from publishing.
Profile Image for Nadina.
2,895 reviews4 followers
December 2, 2018
I like that some relationships are finally coming to fruition in this volume. It seemed a long time coming.
This was a cute volume with an adequate balance between relationship and trouble with the library.
The bonus manga were also quite cute.
Profile Image for haven ⋄ f (hiatus).
800 reviews17 followers
July 28, 2020
That was totally a date in the beginning. It’s amazing but also weird how the library forces focus on one author and thing at a time. I would think since they’re such a huge company against censoring they would have multiple missions. I suppose not.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Pinky.
6,861 reviews21 followers
October 4, 2020
Dojo and Kasahara go out on a "work" date. The library task force is tasked with protecting Mr. Toma from the MBC who want him to forfeit his right to write forever. Tezuka and Shibazaki kiss and Tezuka gives her Satoshi's phone number.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Julie Bergley.
1,398 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2021
This was freaking adorable. Not only did we get developments on the "Future of the Library" and the aspects of censorship that our heroes are fighting against, but we also get to see some really cute moments between our two main couples too. Including some truly SQUEE worthy scenes.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,688 reviews36 followers
April 13, 2022
I've said it once and I'll say it again: The perfect balance between character-driven story and themes exploring the dangers of censorship. Very, very few books with romance keep my attention, but this one manages to not only do that, but do it perfectly.
Profile Image for Talia .
88 reviews
August 21, 2017

(i prefer them to Dojo x Kasahara, sorry not sorry)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews

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