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Cage Foster can’t catch a break. The discovery of a dusty skeleton in the antebellum home he’s caring for is bad enough. But the unearthing of two fresh bodies, buried during his tenure at Ironwood Plantation, may land Cage on Mississippi’s death row. Even worse, the one person certain of his innocence is a pushy Yankee newcomer, a woman who talks too fast and still believes in the romance of the Old South.

A specialist in historical renovation, Dani Evans intends to restore Ironwood to its former glory while she rebuilds her life after the death of her mother. Death, hidden treasure, and falling in love with a murder suspect were not part of the plan. The lure of the infamous Ironwood treasure cache convinces Dani the skeleton is the key to unraveling the legend, and that the treasure itself is the motive for the murders.

Cage is certain an old grudge is setting him up for murder, but the evidence against him is mounting and time is running out. Dani believes she can find the truth before Cage is arrested, but her search for answers will uncover a descent into madness that should have stayed buried.

343 pages, ebook

First published October 14, 2013

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About the author

Stacy Green

38 books1,020 followers
Stacy Green is the author of the Lucy Kendall thriller series and the Delta Crossroads mystery trilogy. ALL GOOD DEEDS (Lucy Kendall #1) won a bronze medal for mystery and thriller at the 2015 IPPY Awards. TIN GOD (Delta Crossroads #1) was runner-up for best mystery/thriller at the 2013 Kindle Book Awards.

Stacy has a love of thrillers and crime fiction, and she is always looking for the next dark and twisted novel to enjoy. She started her career in journalism before becoming a stay at home mother and rediscovering her love of writing. She lives in Iowa with her husband and daughter and their three spoiled fur babies.

She is currently working on a new crime fiction series and is represented by Italia Gandolfo of Gandolfo, Helin and Fountain Literary Management for literary and dramatic rights.

Website: stacygreenauthor.com
Facebook www.Facebook.com/StacyGreenAuthor
Twitter: @StacyGreen26

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 236 reviews
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,360 reviews1,185 followers
October 31, 2013
The set up
Deputy sheriff Cage Foster is coming to terms with the fact that his long-time crush will never be more than a friend when Yankee Dani Evans arrives in Roselea, Mississippi. He's also the caretaker of Ironwood Plantation, the last of the antebellum homes in town that hasn't been restored. Dani is an expert restorer and the new owner of the home. She's looking to fulfill her dream of restoring one of these historical Southern treasures and he's hoping she'll appreciate the loving care he's tendered the last six months.

The issues
Skeletal remains are found in Ironwood's basement right before she arrives. It's obvious they've been there for decades but as the area is excavated, two very fresh bodies are discovered after she moves in. Now Cage is suddenly the center of focus while he and Dani are also grappling with their obvious attraction to each other. And, one of the investigators has it in for Cage and is determined to close the case with him as the perpetrator.

The romance
I love it when I love both characters in a romance! I felt SO bad for Cage in Tin God when his heart was broken. He's such a good guy and deserved to be with someone who would love and appreciate him. Dani is so very likeable and is excited about starting in a new direction after her mother's death. Their banter is funny and clever and I rooted for them from the start. They just worked!

The mystery
What better venue for a mystery than a Civil War era antebellum home in the South, with dead bodies showing up in the basement, secret hideaways and passages, missing heirlooms and secrets that everyone seems to know. I kept changing my pick of suspects and was completely surprised at the end (the person crossed my mind briefly but was low on my list). It was a meaty story and I loved learning about the restoration process.

The bottom line
I've looked forward to this story since I finished the first in this series and it met my expectations. It's a good romance, a satisfying mystery and a very interesting story. This is such a good series and I'm really looking forward to the third and final installment. 4.5 stars

(I received an ARC from the author)
Profile Image for Margitte.
1,188 reviews617 followers
March 23, 2014
Skeleton Key

I will review this book as a stand- alone and then as book #2 in Delta Crossroads Series

1. As a stand-alone book:
Dani Evans never considered the possibility that her love for old historical homes would result in the discovery of human bodies and a skeleton in the home she bought in Roselea, Mississippi. She wanted to fulfill a promise to her dying mother to invest in one of the old antebellum plantation houses down south, as a specialist in historical renovation. She finds Ironwood and falls in love with the old house. But she is met on the first day with the discovery of the grim remains of people, both ancient as well as recent, down in the basement.

Cage Foster, a police officer, who was appointed as caretaker, initially welcomed her to her new home and also became her tour guide through the house, never realizing what she was about to discover on her first night in the house. Due to the house being declared a crime scene, she must find temporary alternative accommodation. Cage arranges with Jaymee to host Dani.

There is a few sparks in the works for Cage and Dani, but also sudden challenges when Cage becomes the prime suspect in the murders. Time was running out to get Cage out of trouble, especially when some of his colleagues turn against him and want his seat booked in the electric chair.

Deep secrets are lying in wait when the history of the stately old home is dug up and mysteries are screaming to be discovered. Only the skeleton keys could unlock the secret behind the skeleton in the basement and open up a labyrinth of intrigue behind the two other bodies.

Comment: An entertaining read. A well developed plot that is opening up the world of historical old houses by digging deeper than the romantic perceptions of these old homes. And it has a stand-alone ending.

It is not a gut-ripping horror experience at all, but it does contain enough drama and suspense to make it an adventure as well as light-read experience as a whole. For the female reader who thrives on romance, there is enough of it present in the fiddling between the sheets.

2. As the second book in the Delta Crossroads Series. (First one is 'Tin God'):
Although it is a relaxing read as a stand-alone, it will be much more enjoyed when the first book has been read first. And as a series it works really well. I recommend reading all three books.

There is not much of the first book repeated in the second story, which makes 'Skeleton Key' a new experience with some of the characters being present again, but with a totally new, and for me, highly interesting, scenario in which the tale is further developed.

I dodged a few responsibilities, I seriously played hooky, by being unable to unglue myself from the story. A delightful, great read! Once again, there were no senseless dumping of words to fill more pages. It is a straightforward down to business, to the point, read.

The third book, Ashes and Bone will be released in February, 2014. I am looking forward!

EDIT: "Ashes and Bone"
Profile Image for Jean.
818 reviews20 followers
April 29, 2015
No, this wasn’t a grownup, Southern version of Nancy Drew in The Hidden Staircase, although there were moments in this second book of Stacy Green’s Delta Crossroads Trilogy that brought back memories from one of my childhood favorites. But Skeleton’s Key is full of secrets that would have made Nancy Drew shiver with delight. This is a tale of relics and rumors – some more than a century old – speculation about hidden rooms, treasures, and perhaps even more sinister things.

Dani Evans is an expert in restoring historical homes, and she and her recently deceased mother had long dreamed of owning an antebellum mansion in the Old South. Now Dani is the owner of the last unrestored manor in Roselea, Mississippi, so she leaves her Indiana life behind her and head to the stifling heat and unfamiliar ways of the South.

Cage Foster, whom we met in Tin God, is part-time caretaker for the old, rundown Ironwood Plantation when he’s not working for Roselea’s police department. When Cage and Dani first meet, it’s a charming Southern guy butting heads with an independent Yankee woman – not quite enough to start another War Between the States, but enough to generate sparks – and the sparks that come later are actually good, as their North -South collaboration leads to romance.

Not only is Ironwood in need of repair, not to mention air conditioning, but Dani has an even ruder welcome when she learns that a skeleton, possibly from the Civil War-era, is found in the basement of her new home. Later that night, a nocturnal critter digs up a body. Further exploration reveals a second body. Ironwood becomes a crime scene, and then they learn that both victims were killed and buried within the past year, which puts Cage near the top of the list of suspects. Although she barely knows him, Dani has a good feeling about Cage, and she is determined to help prove his innocence.

Not only are there potentially hidden passageways in the old manor, missing keys, lies, greedy real estate dealings, to say nothing of the identity of the old bones and the murderer of the two men in the basement, but Cage and Jaymee have a past together that people keep referring to and then won’t talk about! But as we see over and over, Dani is a determined woman, and when she loves something – and someone – she will keep going until she finds the key.

This is not a fast-action tale, but it didn’t drag. The pacing was steady, and the plot kept me very interested. I got wrapped up in Dani and Cage’s love of the old house, and I wanted the stories of hidden valuables and heirlooms to be true. I had only vaguely suspected the person who turned out to be responsible for the murders, but all the pieces fit, so I didn’t feel totally shocked at the revelation.

The characters are wonderful! This book could be read as a stand-alone, but I found it very helpful to know the backstory of Jaymee and Cage. I was struck by how different this novel is from Tin God; each is delicious in its own way. Skeleton's Key has history, drama, romance, mystery, and humor. I love Stacy Green’s writing, and I look forward to reading book three, Ashes and Bone.

5 stars

Profile Image for Brenda.
4,591 reviews2,881 followers
October 1, 2013
Cage Foster had been caretaker of Ironwood Plantation at Roselea in Mississippi for the past twelve months and had spent the time he wasn’t working as a Sheriff’s Deputy for the Adams County Police Department, cleaning, repairing and trying to bring the run-down old homestead back to its former glory. But the going was tough; the Baptist church funding the home had a tight budget, and it was almost to the point where it was too dangerous to be there. As it was, the upstairs rooms had been locked as the staircase was too rickety to climb, so Cage concentrated on the lower rooms. The cellar was another matter though – creepy, dank and with an earthen floor, the smell was something he wanted to keep away from. Built in 1835 Ironwood had been majestic, a beautiful old lady – his love of history and the old homes fuelled his desire to see this beauty restored.

But the day he caused the power to crash, Cage called in a professional, and in the dim light of a torch they both made their way down the ancient, creaky stairs. The dust, smell and darkness made them jittery, but Cage was on a tight schedule. He had the new owner arriving in just over two weeks, and he needed to get Ironwood into a liveable condition. Every step of the way, he was finding things to hold him up; this was just another in that long list. The irritation of the new owner being a Yankee only added to his disgust.

When the torch light flicked over a crumbling foundation and showed recently disturbed earth, they realized raccoons had been digging. But when they saw what they thought were old animal bones, and then discovered that no, it wasn’t animal it was human – they suddenly wanted to be out of that cellar as fast as possible. With the Adams County Police Department on scene, the investigation began. Cage contacted the new owner immediately, and was shocked to discover she was female – he had thought Danny Evans was a man, but it was Dani Evans who answered the call.

Arriving as quickly as she could, the heat and humidity feeling like a heavy blanket on her skin and her breath taken away, she was still in awe of her new home. Ironwood Plantation was everything she had dreamed of – but she certainly didn’t expect what had been found in the cellar. And the horrors were continuing with two more bodies found – but these were recent, nothing like the first. With Cage on the suspect list, and her home now out of bounds as it was a crime scene, Dani found herself face to face with incredible danger. What secrets were about to be uncovered? Was the killer still in the area, and would he kill again? Dani, her new friend Jaymee and Cage were doing their best to discover the hidden secrets; they needed answers – they needed to stay one step ahead. Could they?

This is an incredibly fast paced and gripping novel. It’s the follow up to Tin God, but could certainly be read as a stand-alone. Cage and Jaymee are two of the main characters we meet again in Skeleton’s Key and there will be a third book coming to complete the trilogy (I’ve heard!) Stacy Green writes beautifully with wonderful descriptions of the old South, the homesteads and of course the debilitating heat. Her characters are well-developed and strong, the plot is fantastic and the flicker of romance just adds to the enjoyment. The twist at the end shocked me, as I had absolutely no idea where it was heading! I have no hesitation in highly recommending this novel.

With thanks to the author for my ARC copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,845 reviews83 followers
February 22, 2022
With his love of the past, Cage Foster was glad to get a job as Caretaker of Ironwood Plantation, a rundown Antebellum Mansion with a long history. He wants to see the mansion restored to its former grandeur and is happy when it is sold to Dani Evans, a specialist in historical renovation. But repairs come to a halt when a skeleton is found in the cellar. As experts are unearthing it, they find two recently murdered bodies buried near. As the Caretaker, Cage is the prime suspect in the murders. But Dani believes his innocence and works to find the real murderer.

This is a good follow-up to "Tin God". I was pleased to see Cage featured in this book after having his heart broken in the last. Dani is a strong character and a great match for him. I also liked her relationship with Jaymee and was happy to see them become friends.

The mystery elements in this story are very good. There is an old abandoned house in need of repair, years and years worth of stories, secret passages, and bodies in the basement. I kept changing my mind about the identity of the villain, but never guessed the correct person. My rating: 4 Stars.
Profile Image for Julie.
4,171 reviews38.2k followers
May 30, 2014
A 4.5 rounded to five stars. My review will be posted on Night Owl reviews website in the near future.
Profile Image for Heather.
243 reviews
October 2, 2013
Skeleton's Key is an edge of your seat murder mystery set in historic Mississippi.

When Dani uproots her life after losing her mother to move to a quaint southern town she hopes to be greeted by warm hospitality, sweat tea and exciting finds as she restores the beautiful old plantation home she just purchased. What happens however, throws her in the path of a murderer. When bones are found in the basement of the Ironwood plantation, Dani realizes that the legends of hidden rooms and treasures may not be just stories after all... and the south may not be as welcoming as she thought.

After serving as caretaker to Ironwood for the past year, Cage is blindsided when the historic foundation sells it to a brash Yankee. He's seen too many beautiful southern homes get destroyed and modernized by northerners who think the South is some romanticized scene from Gone with the Wind. How can they ever appreciate the true value in the history of Rosalea?

Skeleton's Key is gripping right from the start. The reader is transported to a beautiful plantation full of mysteries and secrets. It's impossible not to feel the excitement that Dani does when she walks through the old forgotten dust-covered plantation and pictures it as it would have been years earlier… full of life, rich mahogany, and secret passage ways that may conceal antiques of incredible worth. When bodies start turning up, and Cage is a prime suspect, Dani will have to decide if she should run back North or if she should trust him and risk her life by digging deeper into the plantations history.

The characters are expertly written with depth, realistic flaws and admirable strengths. One can't help but get attached to them and cheer for them throughout the book. Skeleton's Key is cleverly written to keep the reader guessing on who the culprit is to the very end. A perfect mix of history, murder, suspense, & romance, Skeleton's Key made this "Yankee" reader want to pack up my bags & explore the south!

Skeleton's Key is an outstanding novel and I can't wait for Green's next book!
Profile Image for Valerie Cooper.
155 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2013
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Here it is:

Amazing! While not my chosen genre of choice lately this book, along with the preceeding one, remind me of why a good murder mystery just can't be beat. Set in the South amid Antebellum plantations Skeleton's Key draws you in from the first chapter. Pair together a 'Southern Gentleman' and a 'Stubborn Yankee' and sparks are going to fly. Cage and Dani are thrown together when Cage finds skeletal remains in the basement of Dani's new home; Ironwood Plantation. As a historical preservationist Dani's love of history comes in handy when searching for the who-dun-it in this story. As Cage becomes the prime suspect Dani's digging leads the killer to reveal themselves in a culmination you won't see coming.

The only negative thing I have to say about this book is this: how can you have a main character, who lives in the South, and have him NOT like Sweet Tea??????? {gasp} I mean really??????
Profile Image for Aly.
1,876 reviews61 followers
December 2, 2017
This book was an ok mystery for me. I was not blown away by this book like I wanted to be. To me, it took a long time to build up the story. I loved the part about helping to make an old historical house be beautiful again. I wish I felt more caught up in this book then I did.
Profile Image for Denise.
19 reviews
July 22, 2018
Yes, I finished reading this book in one day! It was that good and I couldn’t put it down! Stacy Green has done it again - written another great mystery in the Delta Crossroads Trilogy!

Let me begin by saying that Skeleton’s Key can be read as a stand-alone novel, or as part of the Delta Crossroads trilogy. There are several of the same characters here but not much back-story is needed. I will admit that this will be a much richer story if Tin God is read first.

Cage Foster, an intriguing character from Tin God (the first book in the trilogy) is caring for one of the antebellum homes in Roselea, Mississippi. He’s also still a cop who works the night shift. Ironwood, the name of the stately antebellum home, is sold to a young Yankee woman, Dani Evans, with a passion for historical restoration. Sparks fly as soon as the two meet adding a little romance to the story. During renovations a skeleton is found in the cellar of the home which leads to the discovery of newer bodies causing Cage to become a suspect for murder. Dani believes he is innocent and she is determined to solve the murder as well as restore Ironwood back to it’s original state. She also believes that finding the Ironwood cache (hidden in a secret room somewhere within Ironwood’s walls) holds the key to everything. With help from the historical society, a few detectives, Cage’s sister-in-law Jaymee, Jaymee’s boyfriend Nick, and the county coroner and his assistant the evidence becomes more and more of a mystery. John James Laurent, the owner of Ironwood, and his daughter CaryAnne left a legacy of secrets that Dani is determined to discover all the while creating many twists and turns on the road to finding the truth.

Stacy Green brings intrigue, history, murder, romance and family to Skeleton’s Key; my favorite novel in the trilogy so far. She continues to make the reader care about her characters and makes them relatable. She invokes enough suspense and adventure to keep things interesting while also making it smart. I am both looking forward to, and am saddened by it all ending, reading Ashes and Bone - the final book in the the series.

Readers note - Stacy Green has written a Cage Foster series of stories (the Delta Detectives series) which I will be reading next. Hope they are just as fun as this!
Profile Image for Mariluz .
19 reviews
June 18, 2014
Cage Foster did not imagine what he would find as he went around getting ready for the 'Yankee'. Things are going to get hot in Mississippi, and I'm not talking about the weather, I am talking about, family, honor, heritage,murder, secrets and getting even. Roselea, is once again the setting for the second book in Stacys Delta series and she has done an amazing job of putting together a tale that has all the ingredients to keep readers glued to the book. The expected again is the unexpected and Cage is in the middle of an investigation where he is the main suspect.
He has found a new love, a new reason to live, but its all put to test when he finds what should of never been found in the basement of the house where he is caretaker.
Dani is a young independent woman moving South to her new home. She gets an unexpected call from the caretaker about something found in her basement. When she arrives in Mississippi she is prepared for anything, except making a discovery of her own. She joins with Cage to help prove his innocence and finds more than she expected.
Profile Image for Pernette.
771 reviews13 followers
September 24, 2013
Skeleton's Key was everything you could want in a Southern mystery; plantations, the black/white conflicts, family secrets, the summer heat and of course sweet tea. (I don't really think it's all that sweet. This book started out with me trying to bring back images of Tin God (loved that book by the way) and tie them into the characters in Skeleton's Key. Once I got that settled I really got involved in the lives of Dani, Cage, Jaymee and Ironwood. The climax was a shock and I never even saw it coming. Can't wait for the next Delta Crossroads book.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,067 reviews65 followers
August 29, 2016
3.5 estrelas
Fiquei apaixonadíssima pelas mansões do Sul!

Um pequeno livro com um bom mistério, ou antes, dois mistérios - o do passado, sobre os verdadeiros acontecimentos em volta de CarryAnne e do pai e o do presente, a identidade do esqueleto e de 2 corpos encontrados na cave da mansão que Dani comprou. Teve momentos parados que esfriaram o ânimo, mas no geral é um bom livro.

Fiquei curiosa para conhecer a história de Jaymee que é o primeiro livro.
Profile Image for Monty Bates.
212 reviews19 followers
July 17, 2018

I loved this book. No other way to say it. Having been born and raised in Mississippi, I laughed my butt off at some of the parts about the heat and humidity! Hahaha It's a great mystery and suspenseful story too! I recommend this to all my friends.
Profile Image for OpenBookSociety.com .
3,973 reviews122 followers
October 31, 2013

Brought to you by OBS reviewer Sammy

What an absolutely charming story! This is the second story in the Delta Crossroads series but it can definitely be read as a stand alone. But, the first book in this series is also great. I recommend reading them both because it’s worth it. Wonderful writing and the flow of this book works so well, it sucks you in so quickly you find yourself turning page after page until you’re finish before you know it. Talk about a twist at the end. Amazing!

It took me a bit to warm up the Cage, he was so grumpy, unfriendly and stuffy. When he found the skull it was more of an inconvenience to him. He didn’t seem to have any compassion. He did get better and grew on me. I loved Dani from the first, she was filled with compassion and kindness stayed and helped her mom when she was sick. Who wouldn’t like her? I loved how she knew what she wanted and went for it. This author has a wonderful way of making her characters complete, with flaws and all, while at the same time making us understand them.

One of the most delightful things about this author is her ability to make you feel like you are in the places she is writing about. You feel the heat and see the house through loving eyes and smell the decomposition I could feel my nose turning up and my mouth turning down at her fabulous description of that. This wonderful ability she has goes throughout the story with everything making you feel part of the story. Taking you into another world. Yes, there is darkness in the story, but it’s not weighted down with it. Nicely balanced.

I enjoyed how characters from the first book were in this story as well, but for those who have not read the first book, it still works, you don’t feel like you are missing anything.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys well written romantic suspense, with surprises that you really don’t see coming.

Stacey Green can hold her own with any of the other well established authors in this genre. She is a force to be reckoned with. I’m looking forward to continuing to read her stories.
Profile Image for Jonel.
1,717 reviews311 followers
November 4, 2013
I love the way that Green plays with her writing style to create the perfect aura for a scene. The pace and flow of this story changes minutely to match the emotions and actions of the current scene. Green’s well crafted descriptions also paint the town for her audience while also allowing them the opportunity to use their imagination. This story is suspenseful as well as romantic. Green brings together a very well written, cohesive story that you won’t be able to put down.

This novel is completely set in the present day while remaining anchored by the history of the South. Green works a fully developed history of the area and of the plantation itself into the story. She presents it in a way that makes you feel like part of the town. The historical mystery behind this novel keeps you captivated throughout. It adds to the present day mystery while giving the story an additional element.

Characters that are recurring from the 1st novel in this series become more fully developed throughout. That said, Green ensures that she introduces each character as they first appear. Because of this, Skeleton’s Key can be read as a standalone, as well as reading it as the brilliant sequel to Tin God. New characters are also quite well developed. Each and every one has their own role and place in the story as a whole. None of these vividly realistic characters exist solely to be there. The large variety of character personalities that Green presents supplement and accent each other. They meld together in such a way that you really feel as if you get to know the whole town. The characters in this novel interact with each other very naturally, adding to this feeling.

Overall, this is a thought provoking and exciting novel. It was intensely satisfying on many levels.

Please note that I received this novel free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sheila.
Author 82 books190 followers
February 11, 2014
Stacy Green’s Skeleton’s Key may be second in a series, but it stands alone as a pleasing southern romantic mystery. The scenery’s evocatively described. Southern heat oppresses. Beautiful houses enthrall. Smooth writing offers a taste of skilled storytelling. And the characters have enjoyably different points of view, from Southern gentleman Cage to Yankee Dani. Luckily they have an equal desire to do right by the old house they’re restoring, and by its dead. Meanwhile an enjoyable romance, nicely low-key and genuine, ensues.

The dialog is convincing and easy to hear, with minimal swearing and pleasingly different cadences between characters. Beautiful touches of history and culture (and even forensics) weave naturally into the novel, and the author has a deft hand with backstory and timing. North-South contrasts are convincingly-drawn, with an underlying sense of real events adding verisimilitude. Characters are neither perfect, nor perfectly flawed. And this South is real; real people suffered in the past; and real goodness exists, both now and then, waiting to be found.

Meanwhile there’s a mystery to be solved, and the solution is nicely plausible as well as convincingly dangerous, making this a truly enjoyable romantic mystery suspense.

Disclosure: I was given a free ecopy and I really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Heather.
152 reviews13 followers
October 6, 2013
This is the second installment of the Delta Crossroads Series and Stacy did not disappoint.

I will say I have been waiting for this story, Cage had stolen a bit of my heart in Tin God and I am here to say that he stole my whole heart in Skeleton's Key.

Ms. Green is an author who knows how to use words! Yes, all authors use words, put them in sentence form, paragraph form and in a few pages begin a story, they don't however always use the right words and make the story believable. Stacy Green makes you believe.

Her characters come to life and the story is something that you can believe happened and will be splashing on the news feed. The story kept me on the edge of my seat and once again I didn't see the ending coming.

I love the interaction between Dani and Cage. I loved seeing Jaymee and Nick again. As in the first installment the love that bloomed between the characters never felt forced, the story developed at just the right pace. Cage being all alpha until a little ol' Yankee comes in and knocks him right off his feet. The best part is the romance although there and believable never takes over the mystery and suspense.

I was lucky to receive a copy of this newest installment for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jo Ann Reinhold.
422 reviews44 followers
February 17, 2015
Dani is a {GASP} Yankee newly transplanted to a small Mississippi town determined to bring the antebellum house she has just purchased back to life. It was her and her mothers dream and now with her mother gone she is more determined thank ever, that is until two bodies are discovered in the basement and the cop/groundskeeper comes under suspicion. Dani has only known him a short time but is sure he is innocent and wants to help. Cage can't believe that the people in his town would suspect him, of all people, and he is out to clear his name by investigating a crime he has been told to back down from. Keeping himself out of jail is only half the problem, can he do it while keeping the distracting Yankee safe? If all this wasn't bad enough, Cage finds he is increasingly attracted to this strange creature who has dropped into his world from the north!
Once again Stacy Green's crisp, fluid writing puts us into the heart of Dixie and brings us through the twists and turns of another amazing tale!
Profile Image for Michelle.
471 reviews
October 15, 2013
This is the second book in the Delta Crossroads Series. This book follows Cage, who we met in Tin God. He has been the caretaker of Ironwood and now the house has been sold. We follow the story of Dani, the new owner and the problems that arise after she takes ownership and her interest in Cage. Ms Green makes you envision the house as you are reading it with her great attention to details, and really get to know the characters as well. Along with a big twist at the end of the story! I enjoyed this book even more than the first, and I really enjoyed that one. I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Sherry.
105 reviews8 followers
September 19, 2013
Wow!!!! She's done it again. Skeleton's Key is a very good romantic suspense book with exciting, come-to-life characters. The story was very well told with descriptive words to make me feel like I was right there with the characters. Surprising who-done-it ending, this book is sure to keep you engaged from the first page to the last.
Profile Image for Sara Freitag.
96 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2015
Loved this book. Yet again I didn't see the who done it coming! This book was so good! Loved the characters! Loved the story ! Loved it.
Profile Image for Linda Sharp.
93 reviews
July 19, 2018
An intriguing mystery with a love triangle but a very surprising ending. Northern girls moves south after caring for her dying mother and fulfills their dream of buying and restoring an antebellum plantation home. Upon evaluating and inspection of the home a Skelton and two bodies are discovered buried in the cellar. This is one if mysteries as to the why and who. The other mystery is is there really a secret room filled with secrets? I enjoyed reading this book and recommend it.
Profile Image for Sherry Herndon.
19 reviews
October 7, 2018
Great book!

Loved reading this book. Kept my interest from beginning to end. Loved the characters and the setting is one of my favorites!! Old plantation homes.
Profile Image for Andrea Corley.
566 reviews112 followers
January 29, 2015
Title: Skeleton's Key
Author: Stacy Green
Length: 313 pages
Publisher: Misterio Press
Published: October 28, 2013
Genres: Fiction; Mystery/Romantic Suspense

Visit my review/blog HERE!

My Rating: ✮✮✮✮✮

Cage Foster can’t catch a break. The discovery of a dusty skeleton in the antebellum home he’s caring for is bad enough. But the unearthing of two fresh bodies, buried during his tenure at Ironwood Plantation, may land Cage on Mississippi’s death row. Even worse, the one person certain of his innocence is a pushy Yankee newcomer, a woman who talks too fast and still believes in the romance of the Old South.

A specialist in historical renovation, Dani Evans intends to restore Ironwood to its former glory while she rebuild]]of her mother. Death, hidden treasure, and falling in love with a murder suspect were not part of the plan. The lure of the infamous Ironwood treasure cache convinces Dani the skeleton is the key to unraveling the legend, and that the treasure itself is the motive for the murders.

Cage is certain an old grudge is setting him up for murder, but the evidence against him is mounting and time is running out. Dani believes she can find the truth before Cage is arrested, but her search for answers will uncover a descent into madness that should have stayed buried.

My Review:
I met Stacy Green on Goodreads and was fortunate enough to be able to read the first book in this series for her, Tin God, in return for my review, and let me tell you, I absolutely LOVED it from the very start! So when she asked if I would be interested in seeing Skeleton's Key, I jumped at the chance!!

So, I must say that when I first started reading this book, I was slightly disappointed to not go right back into Jayme's life, to see where she was at in her life after Tin God...however, that only lasted a quick moment, as I completely fell into Cage's story, and it was soon, Jayme who? I was surprised to see Jayme come in later, but still thrilled to get more involved with Cage.

Green does a superb job of providing such detailed descriptions that the reader can't help but imagine everything in all of it's glory...the heat and beauty of historic Roselea, Mississippi, the magnitude of the plantation homes, and the deep relationships of the characters involved.

With both books, I was amazed at the ease Green appears to have in writing a great mystery novel! This book was full of mystery and suspense, and just enough romance to spice up your life! Green has the perfect touch with romantic suspense! In no way was this book predictable, as I was blindsided when the real culprit was revealed. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book!

I couldn't help but fall even more in love with the characters of this quaint little town, due to Green's expertly written characters with real-life strengths and weaknesses.

I can't wait to continue to love and grow and meet all the characters that The Delta Crossroads has to offer! I couldn't be more thrilled with this book and as always, will anxiously await Green's next novel!

**This book was provided to me as an ARC from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.**
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,286 reviews732 followers
December 15, 2013
4.5 Cage Foster, a local police officer and caretaker for the Ironwood Plantation discovers an old skeleton in the dirt floor of the cellar and contacts the new owner Dani Evans. When she arrives, noises in the night and a raccoon uncover fresh bodies. Cage quickly finds himself suspect number one. Imagine his surprise when Dani is one of the few people who believe he is innocent. The tale that unfolds was suspenseful as together they searched for clues and developed their relationship.

We met Cage in the previous novel, and we know the heartache he has suffered. Cage believes in preserving Mississippi’s history and loves taking care of the Ironwood plantation. Its recent sale to a Yankee has him concerned, and he is determined not to like the new owner. I liked Cage, he is a good old boy and easy on the eye. He is a faithful friend, works hard for the community and has that southern charm that makes you swoon. Dani Evans has recently lost her mother and is fulfilling a dream they both shared. She has been working as a restorer and has a fascination with the past. These two are funny together. She talks too fast, and her romantic notations regarding the south make Cage crazy, but her belief in him moves him. I loved watching their relationship move from dislike to attraction to something more. Green did an excellent job of developing the characters and gave us a health list of suspects. From villains to over eager detectives these characters added to the overall suspense.

Skeleton’s Key has elements of a cozy mystery, wrapped in romantic suspense and it kept me engaged. Green brings the town of Roselea, Mississippi to life from the townsfolk to the old plantations. She shares its rich history allowing you to imagine the south in its grandeur. Besides being a pretty intense murder mystery, Skeleton’s Key was also a fascinating look at the Ironwood plantation and its history from slaves to the civil war. Green has an easy flow to her tales, and the details while rich didn’t weigh down the tale, instead they draw you in giving you a panoramic view. I could feel the oppressive, sticky heat and imagine sitting on a rocker sipping overly sweeten tea. While, in the beginning, the romance felt a little rushed, the overall thread felt believable, and I was able to connect with this couple. The murder thread was well done, with twists and believable suspects. I loved how Green tied all of the clues together cementing my faith in her as a mystery writer. I closed the book satisfied and eager to return to this small town.

Fans of romantic suspense, history, cozy mysteries and small towns will enjoy Skeleton’s Key. Stacy Green has become a favorite mystery writer for me, and I am looking forward to visiting the Delta Crossroads series again.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review​. ​Full review​ originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Profile Image for Teena in Toronto.
2,322 reviews78 followers
November 24, 2013
After the death of her mother, Dani pursues their dream of buying and restoring a plantation and moves from Indianapolis to Mississippi when she purchases Ironwood Plantation. As a specialist in historical renovation, she luckily lands a job nearby. Cage is a local cop who had been hired to be the caretaker of the plantation ... he gets his back up when a Yankee has bought his beloved plantation.

A skeleton is discovered in the basement and days later, two fresh corpses are found nearby. Cage, as the caretaker, is a suspect. Dani gets to know Cage, believes in his innocence and works with him and his friends to prove it. Does it have something to do with the rumoured hidden room which may still have treasures from the owners during the Civil War? Or does it have something to do with the big bad developers who wanted to buy Ironwood and demolish it so they can build a resort?

This is the third book I've read by this author and I enjoyed it. I liked the writing style and thought it flowed well. The language isn't offensive (just a couple "sh!ts"). The ending had an interesting twist and I was satisfied with it.

I liked the characters. It was fun to read the contrasts between Dani (a "Yankee") and Cage (a "Southern gentleman"). When the story begins, Cage is still heartbroken that Jaymee chose Nick (Cage's dead sister's widower) over him so that causes some initial conflict. Of course, Dani doesn't know the history between them and they don't want to talk about. There are lots of supporting characters who are involved in what's going on ... you don't know who is innocent 'til the end.

Though it is the sequel to Tin God, it also works well as a stand alone. There are references to the happenings in the Tin God but doesn't give them away. Characters brought back from Tin God are Cage, Jaymee and Nick. There will be a final sequel ... it will be interesting to see who is in it and I look forward to reading it.

Blog review post: http://www.teenaintoronto.com/2013/11...
Profile Image for Marcia.
196 reviews
November 19, 2013
I will start off with I LOVE this story! Stacy Green has done an excellent job of capturing the Old South through their traditions and way of life. I can honestly say I enjoyed reading every single page! Just a few pages in, BAM! Action begins and twists and turns throughout the book. The ending was a complete surprise to me, and I wont say more about that so I dont spoil it for anyone. Usually I hate it when that happens and I found myself getting annoyed with this wrench that was thrown into the mix, but as the author continued to write, it made wonderful sense to me. I can say for the first time I was happy that I failed in guessing the ending! Its refreshing to be surprised for a change!
I could completely relate to the lifestyle in this book. As a northern Yankee myself, I understood the Heroine and the problems she faced moving to Mississippi. Several years ago I left my home state of Ohio to move to the deep south, Alabama. People had problems understanding my speech as I had problems understanding theirs. As I read, I felt as I was reliving all the issues I had faced when moving to the deep south. The descriptions of the area, the people, the plantation and plantation life, the life of small towns and how they work, Stacy nailed it on the head! That is exactly what life is like in a small rural town in the deep south. The descriptions of the humidity, heat, rain, mud, lifestyles, gossip, etc. are right on! If you love imagining life in old plantation times and the stories and secrets those old homes hold, you'll love this book! The story was excellent and so natural. I felt as though I was there each day with them, walking through their day. Kudos Stacy! This is my first novel by Stacy Green that I read and I am certainly going to read her others and look forward to the final novel in this series.
I would also like to mention that this is my very first FIRST READS from GOODREADS ! Thank you so much!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 236 reviews

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