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Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man

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“Thought provoking information…Eye opening…Terrifying...Everyone needs to read this…Reinforced what I knew…Best book in this genre I’ve read…The truth shall set you free…Outstanding book…A must read…A well-researched and authentic read…I Could not put it down…Read this book and research these things for yourself…Best book about the New World Order...I recommend everyone on the planet read this book…”The same occult group who have been ruling over humanity for thousands of years continue to do so to this day. The Luciferian one world government of Biblical prophecy is unfolding behind the scenes as you read this...and was given the catchy name of the New World Order. If you've heard of the "Great Reset" there are things happening behind the scenes you should know about.

The technology currently exists to fulfill all aspects of the Biblical prophecies regarding the End Times including the resurrection of the Antichrist, who was the architect of the New World Order over 4,000 years ago.

He will be resurrected using our modern-day DNA technology to rule the world once again, fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation 17:8…

"The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the Earth whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come."

I'm going to show you exactly who the Antichrist is, how and why the plan for the New World Order began, who ran it through history, who runs it today, and what is to happen in the very near future.

I explain very clearly all of the most important components of this evil agenda and how they interlock to form a pyramidal, compartmentalized conspiracy run by the global elites, to the ultimate benefit of only a few thousand of the people involved with bringing the prophesied Luciferian one world government to fruition. This book is literally a manual explaining all the most pertinent aspects of the incoming NWO.

Book 2 of the series is also out and well-reviewed, "Rise of the New World Order 2: The Awakening".I’m in the process of releasing ‘updates and status reports’ on Book 3 and also reporting on our current situation as it is rapidly unfolding. Please seek out these urgent reports on Rise of the New World Order Update Series.

I'm expecting to release my third book around the first part of 2023, Rise of the New World Order 3: The Great ResetThanks to all for your support! -Jeff

843 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2013

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About the author

J. Micha-el Thomas Hays

9 books30 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews
Profile Image for Michael.
487 reviews271 followers
July 31, 2022
This is full of well researched information, most of it I already knew about from David Ickes books but there was loads of other things.

It's an insight into how the world is spiralling into the hands of people who want to dominate and control every aspect of our very being.

It was written in 2013, so a lot of has already played out, such as forced medical procedures and the World Economic Forum and WHO basically driving society into totalitarianism.

I recommend to anyone wanting to be informed about such things..
1 review
September 24, 2015
It is a long and hard book to get through ( at times ). It is very much appreciated though. I always new alot of things in my heart, but the depth of the corruption,really makes me sick. Looks like Iv'e got alot of research to do.

It is a very long and ( at times ) hard book to get through. This is a book I'm appreciatve to have read. I always new alot of things in my heart, but the de!!!!pth of the corruption,really makes me sick!!! Looks like Ive got a lot of homework to do.
Profile Image for Emily Rooks.
54 reviews48 followers
September 24, 2021
A bunch of mumbo-jumbo mostly based on superstition and logical fallacies...Books like this don't help slim down the number of problems in the world, but they sure do fatten the author's bank account.
October 24, 2017
The author does a fantastic job in laying out how the New World Order/The Great Plan started in motion. I love that he uses biblical verses to explain/validate his findings. I highly recommend this book for all truth seekers. I have already started his next book, The Awakening and it is hard to put down :)
Profile Image for Bruce Jenkins.
91 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2016
Outstanding Read

This book is very informative. The author did a great job describing various situations that are a part of our present history. Great job! It's help me to understand how these things have come together to make our lives what they are today.
Profile Image for jean murray.
13 reviews1 follower
July 16, 2017

A rivetting read. Makes a lot of sense considering the state of the world today. More people should read it .
Profile Image for Angeline S Dilley.
5 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2018
Waking up

Found this book to be a real eye opening experience and know without question Jesus Christ is the true saviour and by his grace I am saved.
63 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2019
Thought provoking information

Well structured and well written book explaining some of the devastation man is facing. An atheist becomes a Christian as he studies mankind's history and the purported great plan for a one world government. Some of the theories proposed seem fact based while others are ,to me, speculative. The author bases his ideas from Revelation, the last book in the Bible. He encourages self study and preparation as he thinks the End Times near. Prudence and information gathering are helpful to all if you are open minded and a loving caretaker of humans. Who we are, where we go, and how we get there and by whose plan are important facts to know. This book gives one view clearly.
July 28, 2020
Anti Catholic bigotry

Author does not understand Catholicism, Catholics do not worship statues of Mary or the Saunts' They remind us of those in Heaven who are now with God they serve as role models in living the Christian life. What the author suggests is that she old antiPsychotic propaganda because he has no true understanding of the Catholic faith.
79 reviews2 followers
October 3, 2020
Required reading for times such as these

Everyone should read this book. It explains so much of what is going on around us every day. Is there a feeling in your gut that something is wrong, that there is something going on around us that all fits together, yet you don’t know exactly what that “something” is. I’ve had that feeling for some time now and it keeps getting stronger as world events, and events in our country, take yet another unexpected turn each day. We turn on the news, and we cannot believe what we are seeing, but even more than that, we cannot believe how these events have come to be accepted as the new “norm”. As the mainstream media shoves more down our throats and tries to act as if the “upside down” happenings are “right side up”, how “wrong” is “right” and “right” is “wrong”, there’s a feeling that this just doesn’t make sense, that it is all part of something bigger, some devious plan where all these puzzle pieces fitting together make some sort of sense to some evil “plan”. This book does an excellent job of explaining just what that “something” is and what is in store for humanity. A must read for every person trying to make sense of chaos. I highly recommend.
4 reviews
December 28, 2020
An Eye-Opening Dose of Truth

What an amazing and timely book! I thought myself somewhat knowledgeable of the Great Plan and it's proponents, but after reading this book I am much more informed and thankful to God for leading to purchase it. It confirms so much written in scripture (the Bible) and explains the connection to so many historical world events. Mr. Hays has definitely done his homework and then some. I especially love his boldness and how he is careful to give God the glory as he connects the dots for the reader to see the larger picture in current world affairs. The NWO is working hard to steer the entire world into the position they want us in, sheep for the slaughter, but God's will be done in all things. As a believer in Jesus Christ(Yeshua Hamashiac), I know how the story ends. After reading this book, I know, and understand a lot better what happens before we get there, and whose behind it specifically and why. I will definitely share what I've learned.
Profile Image for Carin Camen.
Author 25 books42 followers
May 13, 2021
Enlightening and Frightening

At the time of my reading, this book is about eight years old, but the information within the book brings clarity to current events. An awakening is occurring with new social media platforms which allows sharing of information, which would normally be blocked.

The research which has been done provides a tip of an iceberg of insight to the truth behind humanities life altering historical events. It isn't an easy read, due to the depth of truths shared.

As current events unfolded while reading this book, it allowed for greater understanding to the motives behind the destruction of America's liberties and our constitutional freedoms.

I appreciated the list of resources included at the end for further research. But, I would have preferred to also have footnotes referencing the quotes and started information. This is reflected in a one star reduction.

A must read.
8 reviews
July 28, 2019
Read this & everything will make sense

Firstly, thank you for taking the time, research and effort to write such an informative and true account of what is happening to our world. I know the facts are out there to find but thank you for putting them all in one place, backed up with evidence.
Everyone needs to be aware of these facts and so I stress to you all, read this... Especially if you have children.
Thank you for this, I’m just about to start your second book. Wishing you well and please continue, as I will myself, to spread the word and open peoples eyes to the deceit and lies we are being fed daily.
2 reviews
October 29, 2022
A Compelling Book

While you read this book, you must have an open mind that is willing to take a hard look at the world around you, the past and the present. I don't agree with the author's view on everything he wrote, such as who he believes the Anti Christ is, etc. But what he lays out in his book bears "looking into".

I have the other books in his series, and I am going to continue reading them, especially in light of all that has happened in the world since the pandemic.
627 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2024
To avoid become satanists we need to accept Jesus, otherwise we are done for. No thanks. That is more a type of religious preaching I am off.
There are several passages that this author displays complete ignorance and has been repeating lies of the first pepretators, in other parts he could be right.
Anyways, if the plan is to make everyone Christian, it is very similar to Islam, who wants everyone to be a Muslim or paying taxes and show submission. Primitive thinking. Not for me, thank you.
8 reviews
May 7, 2020
The truth

This was a very enlightening book .I am a Christian and know Jesus Christ as our savior ! But until I read this book I just didn,t connect the dots. It has opened my eyes I knew the world was getting more evil , but didn't know what I should do. I am a 64 t old lady ,caring for my terminally ill husband . So if The Lord gives me the strength I will start prepping.

December 13, 2020
Everyone needs to read this!

I am so grateful for J. Micha-el Thomas Hays for putting the time and effort it took to write this book and piece everything together in a way it all makes sense. Everyone should read this and wake up! Jesus is closer than we think. I pray that those I'm sharing this book with will read it and help save more and help stand up for what is right! God bless
June 30, 2020
Great book, kept me wanting to know more. I thought I knew what was going on in the world but this book really has me thinking more of what is going on now and when you start putting all the pieces together your like WHAT! HOW! NO WAY! What can I do to save myself, my family and my country! A real eye opener.
2 reviews
July 5, 2020
God Bless You. I am afraid and truly inspired. I as I write this review i am afraid for not only my family but for all! I pray God grants me the strength to what what is necessary God bless everyone.

This book was truly a eye opener for me and I will definitely spread the news. Be blessed my friend!
27 reviews1 follower
December 27, 2020
Getting back in the game

Fantastic overview that encourages the readers to verify all that he says. Very encouraging to those of us who were informed about some of these things but became exasperated, wondering what we could possibly do.
Christ Jesus has prevailed. Their end wii come soon.
17 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2021

I am a Christian and believe that we are in the end tines. I do not go along with all of what I read. Conspiracy theories are always hard to grasp. I do believe that their will be an anti Christ but I do not believe anyone at this time can name him. I do give this book an awakening to where we are heading but I will do more researching before reading book 2.
February 10, 2021
I used to wait for mainstream media to show us the photos and/or videos of the aftermath of the Pentagon attack, and of course they wouldn't. I gradually became distrustful of the media. The writer is a good sleuth. He presents many coincidences necessary to take into account with any investigation. It is a wonderful job. I hope more people see better through him and of course God.
Profile Image for Florencia LaChance.
Author 4 books
June 7, 2021
A must read book to truly comprehend our current situation and our common enemy - NWO Luciferian agenda meant to ENSLAVE US

We must take our heads out of the sand, rise up out of our apathy and as Patriots fight for our FREEDOM. Knowledge is power and this meticulously researched book gives you the knowledge you need to see the big picture and enact change.
Profile Image for Brenda Bennett.
30 reviews
October 22, 2022
God Is Good

Though this is a frightening wake up I know God is in control and that facts are facts.
Realizing that there are those that want to control this world….those that are evil….it is important to believe in Jesus Christ as our savior and our way of life.
Praying that you all will seek God and His Way.
2 reviews
January 24, 2020
This is a very comprehensive book. It took me about 2 months to get through it because of all the research I did on most of the chapters. There is a lot of information packed inside 626 pages. I plan to reread certain chapters again in the future so that I can unpack even more as time allows.
10 reviews
July 2, 2020
I couldn't put the book down. I now know I am not crazy for thinking the way I do. I don't know many people who will agree with me, but I will try.

try. I live in a left wing city and state ,therefore, I have few acquaintances that see things as I do.
4 reviews
July 10, 2020
Eye opening ! I will never be the same.

This book was a comprehensive look at what has been going on behind the scene for years! I am telling everyone that will listen about the plan to create a new world order.
Profile Image for Eric pelfrey.
15 reviews1 follower
September 24, 2020
Eye opening

Wonder why our world is in dysfunction? The more you read, the more it all makes sense. I highly recommend this book to those who are tired of being lied to and want to know the truth.
7 reviews
December 21, 2020
Very interesting!

This book explained a lot of things to me, things I knew of, or questions I had. I was given reasons for these and why things were happening as they were. Although the book is very American, the same things are happening here.
234 reviews3 followers
November 14, 2021
It's been nearly a decade since I've read a book like this, but it seemed like the right time. Difficult subject matter at times, but a great book! It helps to keep an open mind when reading this book. Enjoyed this book greatly, will be recommending it to others for sure
Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews

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