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Small-town librarian Ophelia Jensen is finally starting to embrace her lot as one of the "chosen"—a psychic and folk magick practitioner, a.k.a. a witch. Expert loving guidance from her magickally adept grandmother Abby helps—and adopting Tink, an exceptionally talented teenage medium, has given Ophelia's life new purpose . . . until a brutal murder clouds the sunshine of their days.

Ophelia's co-worker and best friend, Darci, is distraught when her cousin is implicated in the small Iowa town of Summerset's most recent murder—the violent death of a biker. Unfortunately for Darci's cousin, it's her fingerprints all over the murder weapon. She claims she's innocent, but it'll take Ophelia and Abby more than a good incantation or two to get to the bottom of this crime—what with ghosts, crooked cops, secret identities, and a small army of outlaw bikers thrown into this devil's brew.

292 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published May 29, 2007

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About the author

Shirley Damsgaard

16 books436 followers
I’ve read many bios that start with the words “I wanted to be a writer all of my life and wrote my first story at the age of five.” I honestly can’t say that’s true for me—at the age of five, as an only child growing up on a farm, my career goal was to be a princess. Unfortunately, all those positions happened to be filled, so I followed the path so many other women have traveled—marriage, children, a career outside of the home—in my case, with the United States Postal Service. It wasn’t until the tender of age of 48 that I really decided to try my hand at writing.

My first attempt was a disastrous romance novella, and I might have given up had it not been for my late husband’s suggestion that I give mysteries a try. He pointed out my knack at spoiling movies for him by deducing how they would end. (Hey, it’s no fun being clever if you can’t share, right?) I combined his suggestion with my life long interest in the paranormal, and Ophelia and Abby were born. And in the end, creating the series helped carry me through a very difficult time.

Now seven years later, I still live in the same small town that I have for over twenty years, still have a career as Postmaster, and my grown children, with their children, all live within driving distance. I still enjoy gardening, reading, and needlepoint, but my world is larger thanks to Ophelia and Abby. Becoming an author has been the ride of a lifetime, and one for which I’ll always be grateful.

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Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,117 followers
September 1, 2020
Witch Hunt by Shirley Damsgaard is the 4th book in the Ophelia & Abby paranormal cozy mystery series. I began reading the series a few years ago and am trying to catch up on all seven books that exist. Ophelia is the granddaughter of a witch, Abby, and she is learning how to use her powers, run a town library, and solve murders. The killings only started when she returned home. Now she's got a 13-year-old adopted daughter to care for and teach the ways of the coven (not that there really is one in the books). In this caper, a mean motorcycle gang has taken up residence in Summerset. One biker is found brutally stabbed to death by Darci's visiting cousin. Darci is a good friend of Ophelia who is turning her life around, but now she's got more drama to handle.

One of the aspects I enjoy in this series is the light paranormal style and sub-context. It's easy to follow, methodical, and fun. I also enjoy the town setting and the minimal amount of characters in the backdrop. It's full of side stories, but they're always integrated into the murder. It makes for a good, immersive read without trying to remember who everyone is, especially if it's been a year since you last read. One of the aspects I'm not too fond of is that the characters can be a tad dull. I think they are strong on some levels (visual and mental) but lack some interaction with family and other relationships. I want to see another layer in them to make me find this a truly memorable or 5-star series.

That said, I do enjoy it and will keep reading the next 3 books so I can finish it out. I would recommend it to others who like a bit of paranormal and some occult, but nothing too complex, or for anyone looking for a nice, quiet Iowa setting with a library and witch theme. On we go...
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,646 reviews1,148 followers
January 27, 2016

Another charming installment in the Ophelia and Jensen paranormal mystery series.

Despite my slight reservations, I'm delighted to see that Tink has taken a creative role in the story, helping it rather than hindering. I was put off by Ophelia's almost narrow minded and snobbish attitude at first with the local bikers, but that proved right - but I can't get over her judgment of the women.

Either way, interesting enough story. Instead of solving a murder to find out who is guilty, she's trying to help prove someone innocent instead. There are a few fingers you could point, but the villains weren't a surprise. The pool of suspects was a wee obvious. The end scene held some intensity in the fight but I miss the awesome display of powers since her climax fight at the end of the first book. Shall we never see that again?

Again the author overdoes the character mannerism repeats, causing almost comical stereotypes. Chin stroking, finger on the nose rubbing, fingers tapping. The author may weave a good story and concept but she creates almost cartoonish characters in some ways. These details should be implied with imagination rather than drawn out.

I hated to hear about Henry, she never has an interesting love interest by book four. I appreciate the author not wanting to focus on that but a little rope thrown in every once in awhile never hurt anyone's interest - I even had hope for Cobra.

Overall another good book in a series that has grown on me. Despite its flaws with cheesy character mannerisms, I've become charmed by the basic characters and the basic town. I'm curious about Ophelia's future and if she ever decides on a guy to actually date. Tink's power is a different sort from the MC and grandmother's, and I find the balance of the trilogy intriguing. Worth a read if you're into this cozy series.
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews221 followers
July 29, 2013
I love cozy mysteries as much as the next person, but when the main character starts acting as if she doesn't have a brain, then they are not so enjoyable. I could say that Ophelia is very judgemental and full of herself, but I won't.

Darci's cousin Becca came from California to celebrate Darci's birthday. The town is full of bikers. A bank accountant committed suicide. One of the bikers was found dead in Darci's house with Becca holding the bloody knife. Oh, and the teenager Ophelia adopted is having teen problems.

Even though Darci knows that the town is not ready to know about Abby and Ophelia, she almost blackmails her best friend to help her find the truth about the biker's death. No, wait. To help her with the truth would be fine if Darci even thought that her cousin could be the killer. Darci is just like everybody else, though she is the only one I could forgive. She was relentless in all other cases, so why not when it comes to someone she loves.

Regarding the teen issues: I can't accept that a woman older than thirty acts as Ophelia. Tink begs her not to go to school to report some cheerleader types for bullying her, and she talks to one of the girls' father. Smart. There were tons of other things I found annoying, but that's just me. I am not a fan of teen/adolescent drama.

Abby is acting dumb too. She buys a puppy for Tink without asking Ophelia.

And my favourite: Ophelia is ready to judge all those bikers as soon as she sees them (actually as soon as she hears them), but when she hears something about the banker who committed suicide she can't believe it because he was "so quiet, so unobtrusive.". It doesn't matter if the bikers were bad or not. Ophelia decided who is guilty right away and no matter what anyone else says, she knows best. Somewhere around 60 or percent of the book, she finally has one normal thought: "Had I desperately twisted events to suit my premise?"

I hated how the characters acted in this book and the big surprise in the end wasn't a surprise at all. I was waiting for it from the first moment that character appeared.
Profile Image for Vickie.
2,121 reviews6 followers
November 23, 2011
There's trouble brewing in Ophelia's neck of Iowa. A motorcycle gang has moved in and the cousin of Ophelia's best friend Darci has been accused of murdering one the gang. She can't remember a thing, but was found in a compromising situation. It's up to Ophelia to help clear the cousin's name.

There's a plethora of schtuff going on in this one: murder, Ouija boards, spirits, outlaw motorcycle gang and one of the gang in particular, Cobra, has pegged Ophelia to intimidate.

I enjoyed this fast moving paranormal amateur sleuth mystery as I have all in the series so far. I look forward to reading the rest of the series, any of those not read yet.

Five ghosts and motorcycle gang beans......
Profile Image for C.  (Comment, never msg)..
1,464 reviews187 followers
November 1, 2012
I gobble this series, partly from familiarity and because this is truly a unique storyline. A likeable Grandmother is a herb and energy healer, teaching her Granddaughter. Occult front covers misrepresent gentle, positive pages because Abby and Ophelia are witches in the folk medicine sense. I was new to the witch theme and found Shirley Damsgaard's books a light, benign introduction. This title wasn't any more dynamic than investigating a biker gang but is a worthwhile mystery with one expected culprit and two twists that are achieved very well.

When you enjoy a story or whole series, you are just glad to spend time with personalities you like. As it is with family, some habits grate on nerves, which is why frustration is mixed into reviews. Maybe others notice Ms. Damsgaard doesn't compose dialogue without someone "narrowing their eyes" and it’s surprising that the extreme over-use went unnoticed. It's also hard to believe people physically dragging each other out of seats and across rooms like Darci and Ophelia do. I'm a hugger and hand-holder but the space invasion in these novels drives me to distraction. From volume one, the author tried to establish Ophelia as a psychometry psychic, who disliked the toll of physical contact.

The unusually aggressive touchy-feely instances, along with habitually narrowing eyes, feel like the author is cut out as a film director. Her stories and characters are excellent. She just needs the advice that a book isn't a movie because imagination should have room to fill basic things in. Even self-explanatory punctuation like suspension points, regularly accompany the redundant description: "I let my voice trial off"... If this lovely author would lay out stories without this approach of logistically directing every visual element; she'd find her threads and audience unravelling together, with personal perception to spare.
Profile Image for AngryGreyCat.
1,500 reviews38 followers
May 27, 2014
This is the 4th book in the Ophelia and Abby Mystery series. I am not a big reader of paranormal cozies, but I really enjoy this series. Mainly due to the character of Ophelia, I like her a great deal. She has shown tremendous growth over the span of the four books so far in the series. In the beginning, she was very untrusting and closed off from everyone around her. Over the course of time she has opened up to more people and relaxed her rigid outlook somewhat, fostered a child, and has come into more of an accord with her powers.

This story involves a 1%er motorcycle club that has moved into town and is causing all kinds of chaos. Darcy’s cousin who comes to town to visit is implicated in a murder and Ophelia gets dragged into the investigation. The mystery is interesting, however I figured one of the main things pretty early on and then I just spent time waiting for the mystery to be solved. The resolution was interesting and watching Ophelia work through the clues was fun. Tink is becoming more of a substantial character and the relationship between her, Ophelia and Abby is fun to read about.

There are only 7 books in this series and I have been told the 7th is the best so I am looking forward to completing the series. Highly recommended paranormal cozy series!
Profile Image for Angie Lisle.
631 reviews64 followers
May 9, 2011
Shirley Damsgaard has carved a new niche in the market: Appalachian Paranormal Fiction! Being a West Virginia gal, I love how Appalachia figures into the books without all the negative stereotyping that usually goes along with it!

I always have problems getting started with Shirley Damsgaard's books. But once I make it past the first couple of chapters, I fall in love with the characters again (and again). I am sucked in by the storyline and I have a very hard time putting the book down.

I love that these books are "chick lit" without all those annoying sex scenes! Finally, we have a main character whose biggest concerns are her family (especially her adopted daughter and her grandmother), her job, her best friend, and her special psychic gift that helps her solve mysteries. There is a guy involved - sometimes, he even helps solve the crimes - but Ophelia's entire life doesn't revolve around him. And, because they aren't rushing off to bed together, they actually have a real relationship forming. It's a nice change from what's normally published and called "chick lit." I hope it takes!
Profile Image for Kimberly Ann.
1,658 reviews
February 10, 2016
Ophelia (the local librarian) & her Grandmother Abby have "the Gift"...they use this gift to help solve murders. Unfortunately, the gift of "sight" doesn't include seeing the killer's face, just his eyes and the murder.... Ophelia's adopted daughter & her friends play with a Ouija Board, which also has consequences in relation to the murder.

In this book a group of bikers (El Serpiente) have come to town and the library assistant's cousin Becca takes one of the bikers home with her. Becca is found holding a bloody knife with the biker (Adder) dead in bed, but Becca has no memory of what went on once she left the bar w/ Adder. The subplot is about another group of bikers....three of whom murdered 2 teenage girls in California. Two of them are in prison, the 3rd escaped....

I liked the book...but the "visions" are just a tad too descriptive (scary) for me.

Profile Image for Sfdreams.
130 reviews53 followers
July 10, 2009
I'm liking this series more and more. Ophelia is becoming more likeable as the series goes on, becoming more and more outgoing. I'm really glad that Tink is a regular character now...but when will her friend the Native American shaman Walking come to visit?

I absolutely LOVE Abby!! The best thing for Ophelia is to become more like her grandmother. It was interesting to meet Ophelia's mother as well in this book.

I'm vicariously enjoying watching Ophelia struggle with becoming a mom to a teenager all of a sudden.

I can understand why others have commented on this site that they don't like Ophelia. I found her too resistant, too anxious at first. But she is loosening up, so if anyone reads this review that hasn't liked Ophelia yet, give her another chance.

Profile Image for Rosey.
160 reviews28 followers
December 18, 2010
Ophelia brought Tink home (from book 3) and now has a thirteen year old girl to take of. It is fun to watch her try and be a good mother. A biker gang has moved into town and the majority of the residence don't like it. One is murdered and Ophelia is warned to stay out of it by multiple groups. Well, she just can't do that. Oh and Comacho is in Iraq. I feel we will never see him again and that makes me sad :(.

Profile Image for Kitty.
889 reviews21 followers
November 22, 2008
This one was much better than the last. Ophelia was less annoying this time around. She still made some mistakes, but she didn't get on my nerves like the last book. Biker gangs have infiltrated our sleepy little Iowa town, and of course, Ophelia ends up in the middle of another murder investigation.
Profile Image for Bonnie Drummond.
917 reviews19 followers
May 10, 2019
A series that will have you laughing , wanting to cry, shaking your head and finally having friends and family around to help you when nothing else seems to help. Shirley Damsgaard has one great Paranormal Mystery Series to read. She blend all the elements of Magic and Folk Magic together to come up with this wonderful series. Book #4 Witch Hunt brings to life the struggles a single parent and the being of teenager to a very real threat by a biker gang to helping her best friend try to get a cousin off murder charges. Can't wait for the next in the series.
Profile Image for BookNerdette.
635 reviews350 followers
November 3, 2016
We start off months ahead in time from the last book. We have gotten past all the awkwardness with the new move and all. We go into the story where everyone is feeling at home and peaceful.
Not many pages into the book the story sparks and you know the beginning and now you begin to anxiously anticipate each clue. I write down what I think are clues as we go along in my notebook. It is so much fun!

I identify so much with Ophelia’s personality, her lack of socialism and the way she lives carefully. She doesn’t focus on beauty and therefore we get to hear her constant theories. Ah yes a woman who has a brain … thinks!

Some of us are active thinkers! You ever ask a man what he is thinking about …. he will tell you ‘nuttin’. I have often wondered how you go through life not thinking.

A woman is a constant thinker – our minds are always busy and on more than one topic.
So to read of another woman that thinks and imagines and jumps to conclusions. Ophelia is stand-offish from people and she tends to be paranoid and a watcher.

So yes .. sometimes I want to do the V8 hit on her head and guide her to what she should be thinking. But I thought how the author Shirley Damsgaard lets us see Ophelia having this thought and at times she will hit her own self in the head.

She strays from the path of thought like an ADHD and I sooooo identify with that in this character.
In this one the tension between her and Abby bothered me as well as scared me. I don’t want Abby pushed to a back burner. I want them each to get ample amount of screen time.

My Favorite line from the book:
Hmm lets see… “Your grandmothers a witch, you’re a psychic, studying folk magick and the teenager your worried about is a medium. In what world could that possibly be considered Normal?”

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to any sleuth lover. Now with that said – on to the fifth book in the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shala Howell.
Author 1 book24 followers
August 29, 2012
Either Ophelia really is, as she herself says late in the book, really dense for a psychic or Damsgaard just isn't that great with the subtle. By page 24 I'd figured out half the murder team, although Ophelia herself was blindsided by the revelation that this particular guy was a baddie hundreds of pages later. By page 98, it was really clear that Ophelia's nomination for the other half of the team wasn't in fact a bad guy at all (although again it took Ophelia a hundred pages or so to catch up). Props to Damsgaard though for not having Ophelia and Mr. Not-Evil end up in bed together, which frankly was a huge concern for me since the rest of the storylines were fairly cookie-cutter.

There was some sappy emotionalism on pages 169-171 that I highly recommend you just skip right over. Abby loves Ophelia, Ophelia loves Abby, you know they are going to hug it out. I just wish Damsgaard had let them do it off screen.

Overall, while I don't find myself rocketing out to the store to get the next in the series, I wouldn't mind reading another one of these down the road. The main characters are likable, and while Ophelia is a bit dense, the story itself is reasonably well told. Even if it is predictable. But there are times when I want predictable. Obviously. Why else would I read so many Jack Reacher novels?
Profile Image for Jacki.
155 reviews11 followers
July 17, 2011
Once again Ophelia Jensen finds herself discovering a dead body. Well technically it was her best friend Darci finding the body, by Ophelia was with her.

This time, her wise grandmother, Abby, insists she keep her nose out of the case, as a rough motorcycle gang heads takes up residence in Summerset, but the top suspect is Darci's cousin. What's a girl to do? But her life on the line and figure out the truth of course.

With psyhic abilities, a disgruntled grandmother, a ghost, and outlaw bikers, Ophelia is bound to find herself in more trouble than she expected.

The Ophelia & Abby stories continue to entertain me with the great relationship between grandmother and granddaughter. Ophelia, now a foster mother to young Tink, continues to grow as a person and character. Tink's continued presence in the storyline adds a sense of innocence and Abby's strong exterior cracks a bit more, showing a much more "real" person underneath.

While not classic literature, this book, as well as the rest of the series, provides quick entertaining reads for any one who enjoys some mystery mixed with the supernatural.
Profile Image for Jeannie and Louis Rigod.
1,991 reviews36 followers
September 23, 2012
Ophelia Jensen, Foster Mother of a Medium, Tink and Granddaughter of an Appalachian Witch (Psychic Wise woman,) Abby is coming into her own psychically. When Ophelia's assistant at the library, Darcie needs her help, she defies Abby to immerse herself in a biker's murder.

Abby can only sense fear and is unable to back Ophelia in this latest case. Meanwhile Tink may be messing in areas that are dark and should be left alone.

This book really was about control. Control of their personal lives and control of others. Knowing one's boundaries in this world and in the psychic world.

Ms. Damsgaard writes with depth of subject. This makes each novel so compelling once you open the pages of the book. The novel deals with bad cops, evil bikers, ghosts, and so much more.

I find the series continues to interest me as it grows.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,458 reviews22 followers
August 31, 2012
I missed the title before this one and have to get it pronto. This is an excellent series. Ophelia and her grandmother Abby are good witches who use their psychic talents to help people. The series is very tastefully done and I really enjoy it. In this one, a motorcycle gang comes to Ophelia's quiet little Iowa town and Ophelia gets nothing but bad vibes. When one ugly gang member is murdered and her friend Darci's cousin Becca is accused of the murder, Ophelia gets involved in yet another case. As usual, though, getting involved isn't at all safe, especially when not only humans are after you but also a vengeful ghost!
Profile Image for AM Hazel.
213 reviews8 followers
April 21, 2013
By now I'm really familiar with Damsgaard's storytelling format. But I'm still fascinated with the characters. Ophelia is still stubborn & dense but loyal to her friends & protective of her family. The more I read about Abby the more I like her as a character. She must be based on a person as she seems very realistic. Ophelia is less endearing which I find a little surprising since readers can get turned off by a protagonist that's not likeable. Darci is a hoot & Tink is quickly showing that she can hold her own. I went through this book in record time because it was hard to put down & I also wanted to see what happens in the next book. Great stuff!
Profile Image for Nell.
252 reviews78 followers
October 5, 2013
I'd give this one 2 1/2 **. Ophelia's alternately ignoring and exploiting her abilities has become tiresome. New characters are not likable and key ones poorly developed. It becomes obvious to the reader who the bad guys are long before Ophelia figures it out. The ghost who wants Ophelia to find his killer is malevolent and destructive.? In the end, the author rushes to a climax. Hope the next one is better.
Profile Image for Sue.
2,170 reviews31 followers
February 9, 2017
I worked out part of the solution early in the novel, but not all of it, so it was still fun. The characters are an intriguing lot: a small-town librarian in Iowa who has some precognition she's still trying to embrace, her folk magick grandmother who is very wise, and her teenage foster daughter who happens to be a talented medium. They are surrounded by friends who draw them into murders or help them investigate. It's a fun romp, what I call mind-candy, because you just can't read heavy stuff all the time. The mild paranormal aspects make it all interesting and different as the main characters try to keep their talents hidden in their small town.
Profile Image for Kellie.
1,300 reviews30 followers
June 17, 2012
Maybe it's just me, but I found this to be the most unexciting, boring Abby and Ophelia mystery of all. Either I'm getting really good at solving these things, or they are getting too predictable. I just figured it all out way too early and way too easily. Danny, Pete and his wife, the ghost, everything! I also didn't like the ending; I thought there should have been more dialogue or interaction or something between Ophelia and "Cobra" at the end. I really don't like the addition of Tink to the mix. These are Abby and Ophelia mysteries, not Abby and Ophelia AND TINK mysteries!
Profile Image for Lauri.
400 reviews108 followers
September 23, 2016
This was the first Ophelia & Abby book I've tried & it was very good. You have your psychic, witches and a budding medium all wrapped up in one family! It's kind of hard to always do the right thing when you're a teenager -- it's still hard when you're thirty-something! Ophelia is a psychic witch who's still learning about her abilities & Tink is her foster daughter who's turning out to be a powerful medium in her own right. They use their abilities to help solve a grisly murder in order to exonerate a family friend. Very interesting stuff! I want more!
Profile Image for Calamity Ayne.
83 reviews9 followers
September 17, 2016
Okay, I obviously wasn't expecting a literary masterpiece, I just wanted an easy, quick, mystery and it fit the bill. I have to wonder whether I'm the only person who read this who objects to a character's rape (she was roofied) as "casual sex." I almost stopped reading it (I wish I had) but I thought the author might come back to address it. She didn't. The first couple of titles in this series were better, after this one I don't know that I want to read any further.
Profile Image for Diane ~Firefly~.
2,060 reviews78 followers
October 21, 2010
Wow, the clues were so noticeable, they might as well have been in bold print, not that they seemed to help Ophelia much. I don't remember the previous books being so obvious, nor Abby being so clueless. The story was ok. I definitely like the addition of Tink, I just hope the mysterious are a bit more mysterious in the next books.
Profile Image for Jan.
456 reviews
April 8, 2010
First of the series that I have read although it is #4 of the Ophelia and Abby mysteries. Ophelia, a small-town libriarian, and step-mom of Tink, a teen-age medium, is just coming into her own as both a reluctant witch and a detective. Outlaw bikers in town and in the past are bringing trouble and murder to the quiet town.

Willing to read more.
Profile Image for Joyce.
536 reviews
August 5, 2010
Ophelia Jensen is finally starting to embrace her lot as one of the chosen. Expert guidance from her magically adept grandmother Abby helps, and adopting Tink, a talented teenage medium, has given Ophelia's life new purpose--until a brutal murder takes place and a cousin of Ophelia's best friend is implicated.
Profile Image for Lisa.
268 reviews12 followers
April 28, 2011
I enjoyed this book, even though it is the fourth book in the series, it stood alone just fine. I enjoyed the characters, although for a witch, Ophelia was not very "smart" when it comes to paranormal activities. I mean if you live with a medium, wouldn't you expect to have a ghost around? Anyway, I liked this book and will seek out the rest of the series to read.
Profile Image for Melissa.
Author 3 books7 followers
April 15, 2011
Ophelia is helping her best friend Darci free her cousin from a murder charge that she might or might not committed. But with a biker gang roming the streets causing fires and intimdating people, Ophelia's temper flares. Tank is settling into small town life and is having a bit of trouble at school.

Good read. Wonderful characters a nice light read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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