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Bergman Brothers #7

Only and Forever

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It’s a room-mance for the books in this tender, steamy story about unexpectedly finding love and being brave enough to let it revise life’s narrative in the final book in the beloved Bergman Brothers series.

Viggo Bergman, hopeless romantic, is thoroughly weary of waiting for his happily ever after. But between opening a romance bookstore, running a romance book club, coaching kids' soccer, and adopting a household of pets—just maybe, he’s overcommitted himself?—Viggo’s chaotic life has made finding his forever love seem downright improbable.

Enter Tallulah Clarke, chilly cynic with a massive case of writer’s block. Tallulah needs help with her thriller’s romantic subplot. Viggo needs another pair of hands to keep his store afloat. So they agree to swap skills and cohabitate for convenience—his romance expertise to revive her book, her organizational prowess to salvage his store. They hardly get along, and they couldn’t be more different, but who says roommate-coworkers need to be friends?

As they share a home and life, Tallulah and Viggo discover a connection that challenges everything they believe about love, and reveals the plot twist they never saw happily ever after is here already, right under their roof.

368 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 2, 2024

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About the author

Chloe Liese

18 books9,125 followers
Chloe writes romances reflecting her belief that everyone deserves a love story. Her stories pack a punch of heat, heart, and humor, and often feature characters who are neurodivergent like herself. When not dreaming up her next book, Chloe spends her time wandering in nature, playing soccer, and most happily at home with her family and mischievous cats.

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5 stars
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61 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,829 reviews
Profile Image for Chloe Liese.
Author 18 books9,125 followers
April 2, 2024
Finally, Viggo's and Tallulah's story is here and with it, the Bergmans are complete! For SIX books we’ve been watching Viggo Bergman meddle & heckle & prank & Bergman summit & love in his high-handed, hopeless romantic way, & now he finally gets his own happily ever after.  This (rather steamy) hug of a story is for the hopeless romantics aching for their HEA, for those of us who've been hurt and are scared to hope again. This story is full of joy and affirmation and celebrates how beautiful (even when it's hard) it is to be vulnerable, to grow, to truly let someone in and let them see all of your mess. It's about the miracle of discovering that in the face of that vulnerability, you can not only be seen but understood, considered, cared for, and wildly, profoundly loved.

Paperback, e-book, and audiobook are now available for purchase from major retailers and also for request from your library!

Enjoy book playlists? Like all the Bergman books, ONLY AND FOREVER has a playlist, one song per chapter. Listen with Spotify.
Profile Image for Meagan✨.
169 reviews799 followers
June 19, 2024
"For those still waiting and hoping for their happy ending, and for those who worry they'll never find one: There's someone out there waiting and hoping, who'll love all of miraculous, marvelous you." 💖 🥹 ✨

3.85 lovely⭐️'s.

This was such a cute story and will live rent free in my mind for awhile.

Brief Summary-
This is the last installment of the Bergman Brothers. In this story you follow Viggo and Tallulah as they get themselves in a situation. Viggo is a hopeless romantic who wants to open a romance bookstore and Tallulah is an author struggling to finish her next book. They end up becoming roommates and the story unfolds.

What To Expect-
💛Forced Proximity
💙Friends To Lover
💛Grumpy Sunshine
💙Workplace Romance
💛ADHD Representation
💙Love & Heartbreak
💛 Dual POV

My Thoughts-
This was my first book by the author and I really enjoyed this one. When I requested this ARC, I did not realize it was apart of a series. But I found out you could read any of these books as a standalone. This book was sweet, I loved the dynamic between Viggo and Tallulah. I loved the honesty the characters had with one another. The tension and the humor they brought to their dynamic. This book is filled with heart and humor. I loved the the ADHD representation with Viggo and the diabetes representation with Tallulah. I feel like you dont see those topics addressed enough in books.The pacing was great. Once I started this book I could not put it down. I loved, I laughed, I screamed, and got teary eyed. The banter was very cute and kept you engaged throughout the story. Oh just to let everyone know… there is no third act break up.

All the characters in this book were very well liked.
Viggo is truly so special. I loved the his character and the storyline for him. He was very well-rounded. He was ever the sunshine golden retriever lover boy we all expected but getting a closer look into his struggle with ADHD.

Tallulah my blue haired princess. She was everything. She added such an amazing dynamic to this story. Her character portrayed so many complex feelings in such a raw and relatable way.

I was kicking my feet and giggling for them. Watching these two come together, taking risks, being vulnerable… it was all just so beautiful.

I think this is a great book. I think I might be mire attached if I read the rest of the books in the series. So I’m def going to work backward and read the rest of the series. I think people that has read the rest of the Bergman Brothers will love this conclusion.

The author included songs for each chapter which I loved. So I will not be creating a playlist for this one.

✨ Thanks to NetGalley, Chloe Liese, and Berkley Publishing Group for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ✨
Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
615 reviews1,901 followers
April 3, 2024
3.75 stars

Finally it’s Viggo’s -the sweetest ultimate people pleaser- book. I’ve been looking forward to his book for so long. He’s the romance reader, the one who was always up on his sibling’s business, the hopeless romantic, and the romance expert. I was interested in seeing how his love story would turn out. And it was really adorable. I loved Talllulah and their reverse grumpy/sunshine dynamic. I loved watching all the family members again. This was just a sweet goodbye to the Bergmans. What a beautiful sweet book to end the series with.

Huge Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for providing this copy.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,214 reviews35.1k followers
March 14, 2024
5 stars
“...my world is meant to have you right at the heart of it, that my life is wider and brighter and sweeter for sharing it with you.”

The Bergman family is one of my favorite fictional families. This book is bittersweet. I was equally thrilled to get a new book and sad that these stories were coming to an end. It ended on such a high note, not only for Viggo and Tallulah, but the entire Bergman family!

Viggo Bergman is the brother who’s been invested in everyone else's HEA, but is yet to have one of his own. Then he sees her again. Tallulah Clarke. Tallulah and Viggo met in college, but Tallulah was stand-offish and even though Viggo tried to engage with her, it didn’t go anywhere. It seems not much has changed…

Viggo and Tallulah are very much opposites attract/grumpy-sunshine. Add in some forced proximity and these troupes were really giving it! I loved Viggo’s optimistic outlook, hopeless romantic heart, and all-around fun-loving personality. Once Tallulah came out of her shell she was wonderful too. She balanced out Viggo perfectly and I loved that she gave such a great romantic gesture towards the end.

As always, Chloe writes the best kind of inclusive and diverse books. This book was no exception. It made me smile, laugh, swoon, and even tear up once or twice. If you haven’t met the Bergman family I can’t recommend these books enough!

Profile Image for Sydney | sydneys.books.
792 reviews138 followers
April 2, 2024
"If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I love a happy ending."

I didn't cry when I finished the final Bergman Brothers book, but I am in tears writing my last review for this series. I don't know how Chloe managed to finish this and turn it in, because if this was my series I'd be procrastinating the finale until I die and then it would be published posthumously. But she did it. She wrote the last book in this series that legitimately changed my life. And I don't know how I'm going to move on.

CW: toxic family (all off-page), divorce

The beauty of the Bergman Brothers series is how diversity and disability is not just accepted and included, but celebrated. Nearly every single member of this massive half-Swedish family is disabled in some way, but we see them fall in love, grow their families in each passing book, always there to support each other, not a drop of toxicity on the page.

There's not even much internalized ableism in these books either. Being disabled is almost treated like a privilege, and you know what? It should be. No amount of therapy helped me reframe my disabled experience like this romance series has. No prescription medicine or meditation app changed the way I viewed myself as a potential life partner. I am sooo worthy of a relationship, and there is surely someone out there who is going to be my partner and treat me like I damn well deserve.

I have many favorite romance novels and authors, but there's just something about these books that is different.

"That’s how you know you really love something, Tallulahloo, when it feels worth the hassle, when even the hardest parts of it feel like a gift.”

We finally got Viggo's story. The hopeless romantic, the meddler, the one who helped all his siblings find their happy ending—now he gets to shine. I almost feel like his arc of forever waiting for "The One," expecting a meet cute and for falling in love to feel like a romance novel, despite having no real experience when it comes to relationships or intimacy, was written on purpose to shake all of us readers and remind us that we can't live our lives waiting for the IRL version of a fictional character to waltz into our lives.

Maybe we already found them, and we just don't know it yet.

The scenes in this book were so lovingly crafted, it felt almost sappy at times. The cover art is from an actual scene, at the A-frame, of course. They do mundane things like build furniture and go to Ikea. They are honest with each other in a way I rarely see in books, communicating right away when something goes wrong or they feel bothered or upset. There isn't really a third act breakup? There's developed emotional intimacy before physical intimacy. It's signature Chloe Liese, and it's wonderful. It makes you believe in love.

I think I have a new favorite microtrope? Acting out scenes from books—in this case to help Tallulah write her novel. But I wouldn't be opposed to a character being a reader and wanting to recreate their favorite scene from a romance novel, either.

“I think love is . . . wrapping your arms around every emotion, even the hard ones, even when being numb seems so much safer. Love is hoping, even after disappointment has taught you not to. Love is that bone-deep hum of peace through your body when you’re hugged hard, when you’re listened to well, when you’re not left alone in your sadness. Love is stubborn and persistent, an indomitable weed that springs up in those slivers of soft soil in our concrete-jungle existence."

You probably noticed that I gave this one 4 stars and the other books were all 4.5 or higher. When Chloe announced the rights to the series were acquired by a traditional publisher and the finale would only be published traditionally, I was a mix of excited for her and the massive deal she brokered, and terrified that the final book would feel different. I am truly sad that my fears came true.

Viggo's character arc was beautiful and fleshed out, and I didn't have qualms with it. But Tallulah's story deserved so much more. We're told in the content warnings that she will have a toxic family situation, but literally all of it was off-page. I couldn't root for her in the same way because I don't know her origin story! Theoretically, I know why she struggles with the concept of love, but her overcoming that mental and emotional obstacle felt like cruising in a fancy car. It was nice, but not powerful.

When Charlie was introduced I literally was the scene from Mean Girls, going "She doesn't even go here!" Like. Whomst? It felt like she came out of nowhere, and suddenly her love story was taking precedence over Viggo's for a tiny bit. I think she was mentioned in Ziggy's book, but it really felt like I was sitting in the first day of AP Bio again and I had no idea what a prokaryote was. No shade to Charlie as a character—she was important in the end—but her introduction was jarring.

And if I had to read about Viggo pulling his ball cap lower one more time I was going to throw a chair out of a three-story window. Thankfully, it was mostly present in just the first half, but it was literally in one chapter TWICE. How the hell did no one notice that? I can only hope that the final version will not include that phrase so many times.

Also, I really thought (and desperately hoped for—still do, btw) that Viggo's story would be a single parent romance. She's burned by love, he comes from a big family so he's used to having room to love lots of people, she lives in Escondido, he still opens the bookstore but it's in her neighborhood... And tbh I think that my plot was better! Sorry. Kind of.

“My heart has been, and always will be, only and forever yours.”

I can't believe this journey is ending. I can't believe how much the last three years has consumed my life and changed my reading habits. I'm supposed to go into 2025 without a Bergman book release date on the calendar? I can't comprehend that. And I refuse to try.

This conclusion wasn't my favorite book (and it seems like that's a general consensus), but it was still a satisfying finale, and I do think Viggo got the ending he deserved.

Chloe is not going to read this, but in case she does: Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

Rep: main character with type 1 diabetes; main character with ADHD; side sapphic couple; multiple side characters with disabilities and multiple queer side characters

Thank you to Berkley Romance for an early copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Read my reviews for the entire series:
1. Only When It's Us
2. Always Only You
3. Ever After Always
4. With You Forever
5. Everything For You
6. If Only You


We now have a description! I have so many questions! Also how did none of us guess this plot??


So we know this is Viggo's book, but after reading If Only You I feel like I have even more questions than when I started. What is he doing in Escondido? Will we get another queer romance? Or will I finally get a Chloe Liese single parent story? What are those papers he was hiding?? HOW WILL I WAIT UNTIL 2024?!?!?
Profile Image for kimberly ☆.
304 reviews5,094 followers
April 12, 2024
this is it… i’ve officially finished the bergman brothers series and i’m a WRECK

this series has been a light to me for the last couple years and i’m so sad to say goodbye but this book?? was the perfect ending. viggo is my favorite brother so i was elated to see him finally get his own love story that he so perfectly deserves. tallulah is a misunderstood character that just wants to be loved and she got the best one to give her that!

my perfect people ugh i’m so :,)
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,198 followers
March 16, 2024
the diabetes rep was the best part of the book, i fear.

Chloe Liese clearly did her research— it was accurate, nuanced and handled with care, but it wasn’t Tallulah’s entire personality or life either which i really appreciated. her diabetes was casual, it existed and it didn’t define her. i just wish i had loved the romance, too :(

it was kinda bland and mediocre. im indifferent to Viggo and Tally as a couple, and this book just confirms that Ziggy Bergman has always been and always will be the superior Bergman sibling 🙏🏻
Profile Image for Noi .
425 reviews291 followers
April 23, 2024
Can't believe it's the last one, gonna cry when it's over
"We'll be brave together, little bit by little bit."
"It's not every day you meet a spry strapping specimen of a man who adores the genre devoted to love" - Viggo is prefect
ADHD rep
Therapy rep
Diabetes rep
Dysfunctional parental relationship
Kids being the parents (not on page)
Profile Image for SmuttyBuddy.
337 reviews156 followers
January 18, 2023
01/09/23- Well, Viggo, my main man, that means this one's for you buddy! And we all can't wait! ❤❤
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,626 reviews423 followers
June 8, 2024
—Te amo, Tallulah. Mi Lulaloo, te amo tanto, tan profundamente, que ni siquiera encuentro las palabras para describirlo.

Cuando comencé esta serie nunca me imaginé que se convertiría en una de mis favoritas, en cada libro vemos temáticas de enfermedades mentales, neurodivergencia, o enfermedades crónicas y muchas veces me sentí muy identificada con los protagonistas.
Y ahora estamos en el último libro I´LL MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! Siempre van a estar en mi corazón Bergman Brothers.

FINALLY tenemos el libro el libro más esperado de todos el de VIGGO BERGMAN y Tollulah la hermana de la mejor amiga de Ziggy.
Viggo está teniendo una crisis existencial, él es el más romántico de sus hermanos y anhela un amor épico como el que lee en sus novelas de romance y ha visto como cada uno de sus hermanos lo ha encontrado y él cree que cuando lo encuentre será con light Fireworks y aparte de eso es entrenador de futbol de niños, va abrir su librería de romance que es su mayor proyecto por lo que tiene las manos llenas y y aquí entra en la ecuación Tollulah ella es escritora y está estancada en su nuevo libro por sus escenas de romance que no tienen esa esencia, por lo que ellos hacen un trato, él la ayuda con su escritura en cambio ella lo ayudará en la librería.

Tollulah y Viggo son totalmente opuestos él es un romántico empedernido y ella no cree en el amor por lo que cualquiera diría que son improbables.

Este libro me ha encantado, Viggo es el hombre que toda lectora nos merecemos en nuestra vida, es tan lindo, servicial, amable PURE PERFECT, en cambio Lula no me agradaba mucho al principio y ya sabía porque no suelen gustarme las protagonistas grumpy, pero a lo largo del libro me conquistó y empecé a empatizar con ella, pero sobre todo con su gesto de amor al final.

-Me encantan esas historias de amor, pero no son la nuestra . Nuestra historia de amor es la única que quiero.

Me sentí muy identificada con Viggo, con su miedo a fracasar, con su inseguridad hacia el mismo, con sus grandes ideas, pero nunca las llevaba a cabo y me pareció un personaje tan humano y entrañable TE AMO VIGGO

Me encantó ver a todas las parejas ya establecidas felices y contentas algunos con hijos o en la espera y al final con mucha nostalgia al ver que cerraban todas la historias, btw me gustaría que la autora sacara un epílogo extra de cada pareja nos lo merecemos.
Profile Image for aleerless.
418 reviews342 followers
April 11, 2024
me and chloe liese don't get along anymore
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,992 reviews6,223 followers
August 2, 2024
I think I suffered a great deal because I read this book as a stand alone. I think readers who are super familiar with this series will enjoy this a whole hell of a lot more than me.

I liked the twist of the hopeless romantic male MC and the cynical, tough female MC. Obviously, we see a lot of the opposite in romance, so I was hopeful for a stand-out story. Alas, I was underwhelmed. Even with the forced proximity trope, I wasn't loving the story. It felt kind of boring, and it took me awhile to push through.

Props to the diabetes rep and the ADHD rep, and it was a nice and easy romance, but nothing special, IMO.

*~*Follow me on instagram for more reviews, book talk, and deals posts*~*
Profile Image for Melanie THEE Reader.
351 reviews49 followers
August 25, 2024
You really can't go wrong with Chloe Liese and The Bergmans. I loved it. Full RTC.

Viggo Bergman is the family's resident hopeless romantic: lover of romance novels, mastermind behind the Bergman Brothers Summit and the person who drags his siblings kicking and screaming to their HEAs. Now it's his turn, and his love story was just as delightful as I hoped it would be.

After getting off on the wrong foot in college, Viggo Bergman and Tallulah Clarke once again find themselves in each other's orbit when Viggo becomes good friends with Tallulah’s sister, Charlie. Surprisingly, they end up having a really wonderful conversation about their respective goals (Viggo's bookstore and Talullah's second book) Unfortunately, Tallulah ceases all contact for about a year, that is until Viggo's family/friends give him a taste of his own medicine and Parent Trap them at his bookstore's soft opening 😂 They then come to an agreement: Viggo will give Tallulah a place to stay for two months AND he'll help her with the romantic subplot of her book, in exchange for her helping him with his bookstore. Naturally, Bergman sibling hijinks ensue, adorable pets are adopted, and they fall in love.

This book gave me all the feels! I love watching two genuinely good people fall in love. I love that while Viggo was a big romantic, Tallulah, a realist and self-proclaimed cynic, never ridiculed his interests. She was NEVER cruel. Even when she was initially skittish about being friends, she was quick to tell Viggo that he wasn't "too much," she just had to adjust to his kindness. Their friendship and later their courtship were about meeting each other where they were. I will also ALWAYS be a fan of characters (in any genre) going to therapy. Viggo and Tallulah communicated and put in the work so they could love themselves and each other, the way that they deserved.

Vague Spoiler Below

There's something about reading a book that doesn't have a 3rd act breakup that's incredibly soothing. It was nice not having to brace myself for conflict 😭😂
Profile Image for Valeria.
275 reviews11 followers
April 12, 2024
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: This title is so Viggo because it sounds like it’s taken straight out of a Historical Romance.

Now that I’ve said that I better see Viggo reading (and loving) Chasing Cassandra soon!!!
Profile Image for Caitlin (The Love Librarian).
608 reviews1,220 followers
March 19, 2024
Every Bergman book feels like coming home, and this was no different😭. If you've been with this family from the first book, you know that Viggo Bergman is the family romantic. He loves all things historical romance and is the first one to champion his siblings' relationships. Ironically, love has not happened for Viggo, and he hopes that one day soon his happily ever after will show up and change his world. Well, Viggo got his HEA, but in the form of his grumpy ex-classmate, Tallulah.

Tallulah is the exact opposite of Viggo, which is what made their journey much more special. Whereas Viggo is the romantic, Tallulah is a thriller author, whose experiences with love included growing up with toxic parents who constantly got married and divorced just to repeat the cycle and her own relationships that have gone south when she wasn't able to commit beyond a physical relationship. These two reconnect at a time where they need support, Viggo with his bookstore endeavor, and Tallulah with writing her second book that encompasses a romantic element.

So what happens next? After being kicked out of her last place, it makes perfect sense that Tallulah become roommates with Viggo, leading to their lives being intertwined in ways that lead to love before either of them can say the words. I loved watching Tallulah go through therapy and face her fears associated with love. She wanted a relationship with Viggo, but she wanted to give him all the love he deserved. Likewise, Viggo had to let go of what he thought was the ideal relationship, and accept that life doesn't always present itself in a storybook fashion. Love takes time, effort and two imperfect people willing to do the work to make their relationship grow, and that's exactly what these two did.

Of course, catching up with the Bergman family was as nostalgic as I thought it would be. It's bittersweet seeing everyone with their families, knowing that this is the last book. I have enjoyed seeing every single sibling find love, all while having the unconditional support from their family to help them flourish. Viggo and Tallulah were a great way to end the series, and I can't wait to see what this author does next!
April 8, 2024
It was with a bittersweet feeling that I read the last book in the Bergman Brothers series. Viggo's story, although much anticipated by me, marks the farewell to this family, which I've followed since 2020, and which I wouldn't have minded being a part of.

It was a tender and heart-warming ending, and it is without a doubt one of my favourite Chloe books.

This series has made me look at myself and some of my characteristics and peculiarities through different eyes, and for that I will always be grateful to Chloe.

Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,680 reviews353 followers
March 22, 2024
Another swoony romance that makes your heart sing.
The first thing that grabbed my attention in this book is how super sweet Viggo is depicted. He is the epitome of the best romantic guy you could ever meet or develop for a book. I mean, who in their right mind could not fall for him?

To balance that off is a stand-offish Tallulah who comes off like an ice queen. I really did not think I would enjoy her character much, but Liese won me over with her. Together these two had this spark and energy that bounced off the pages.

Only and Forever brings in many levels of anxiety between the two of them that sometimes came off to me as a lack of self-confidence. Needing others to validate you all the time is tiring, but at least it was balanced between the two of them as they both struggled with believing in themselves.

This story is definitely one where you need to focus on the development of their romance, even though it was screamingly slow. Only and Forever is a delightful, swoony romance that makes your heart sing by the time they capitulate to the reality of what was meant to be.
* I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
*Full Review - https://amidlifewife.com/only-and-for...
Profile Image for Muna.
155 reviews1 follower
April 3, 2024
Oh I feel so so bad for the rating and review imma give this book.

This series has held a special place in my heart for so many years. From ‘only when it’s us’ I was hooked. I think about some daily. Rated nearly all of them highly. But this book. The last book. Just didn’t work for me which is why I would have to give it a 2 star rating.

There were definitely moments I loved that were so cute and funny and sweet and hot and sad. Like there were good moments.

But overall I didn’t connect with either character. Viggo as a side character in his siblings books was great. Loved him. But as a main character he just didn’t do it for me. And his character just seemed so unrealistic to me. And tallulah too. I just didn’t vibe with it. This book fell so damn flat for me.

Also this book has a lot of diversity in some aspects but I wish it has some POCs as main love interests. I get the Bergman family are all white but they coulda had some POC love interests. This series woulda been even better if more of us could see ourselves in books. People who look like us. (I do have bad memory so do correct me if I’m wrong)
Profile Image for Katy O..
2,635 reviews711 followers
February 19, 2024
(free review copy) WHY CHLOE LIESE, WHY? Why does the series have to end after only 7 books? Let's move on to the Bergman siblings' friends and cousins and townsfolk near the A-frame in Washington! I am just so sad that this world is ending because it is one of my all-time favorite fictional families and the sweetness and the love and the locations and sigh.

Oh, and this book? Well, romance-reading Viggo has always been one of my favorite Bergman brothers and this story cemented him as one of my most adored romance heroes of ALL romance reads. This story is simply exquisite. There's a romance-reading, bearded hottie with ADHD and a blue-haired diabetic author healing from her past. FIVE kittens. TWO dogs. A BOOKSTORE. A kids' SOCCER TEAM. And so many damn Bergmans and Bergman babies I can't even count. I loved it. Am mourning the end. Am now buying the entire series in paperback to have on my forever shelf.

NOTE: I read all of the rest of the series on my Kindle with the old covers and now Berkley has picked the whole series up and has re-released everything with new covers! It appears this newest and final book only has the new cover. YAY for wider availability but I'm a little sad not to have an older version cover for this title too?

Source: digital review copy via Edelweiss
Profile Image for Erica.
512 reviews800 followers
April 29, 2024
Reread update: Yup. Viggo is still my fav 😭🫶

“I’m no love expert, but I think I just might be an expert on loving you.”

Where do I even begin…

This series truly has my entire heart and saying goodbye to the Bergman fam made me cry several times. But Viggo and Lula’s story was everything I wanted and more. Viggo has been my favorite Bergman sibling throughout this series, and seeing him finally get his happily ever after was very emotional to read. The historical romance Easter eggs were beautifully done and honestly? This entire book is historical romance coded and, as a historical romance girly, I adored every minute.

“You and me, Lu. We’ll be brave together.”

Chloe flawlessly weaves her love stories with so much hope and authentic love, & they are very healing to experience honestly. I will genuinely sing her praises forever.

“This is what they do, love people who’ve got baggage and hang-ups. The Bergmans are different.”

P. S. Thank you NetGalley & Berkeley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Malene.
1,273 reviews717 followers
April 2, 2024
The final book in the Bergman series. Viggo’s book. I’ve really enjoyed this series and family. They’re so relatable and it’s a family filled with love.
Only and Forever is an opposite attracts romance. Viggo is a firm believer in love and Tallulah isn’t. It’s a slow burn like the previous books so I was ready. I liked the story primarily because of the Bergman family but also because of Viggo and Tallulah. The diabetes and ADHD rep were well executed and the author has done her work as usual.
Their slow evolving friendship and into love was really good as was all the appearances from Viggo’s family members. The story ended the series on a high note.

*The ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Luce.
506 reviews244 followers
March 21, 2024
I may never emotionally recover from this series. I am not ready to say goodbye.

Was this the love story I was expecting for Viggo? Absolutely not.

Was I initially disappointed? A little bit, I won't lie.

But the more I read Viggo & Tallulah's story, it made sense. Viggo & Tallulah felt like a subtle romance, with them both slowly falling in love with each other. I was expecting something big and loud, a bit like Viggo, but Tallulah was such a quiet character. This story worked for them both, and gave us a deeper insight into Viggo.

My only criticism would be, the epilogue did not feel like enough. I would have loved to have had updates from every single sibling as the perfect goodbye, but I'm hopeful that leaves room for a novella (slides credit card across to Chloe Liese).

- Roommates-to-lovers
- Grumpy x sunshine (FMC is the grump!)
- ADHD Rep
- Diabetes Rep

Final Series Ranking:
1. Only When It's Us (Book 1 - Willa x Ryder) - 5 STARS!
2. If Only You (Book 6 - Ziggy x Seb) - 5 STARS!
3. With You Forever (Book 4 - Axel x Rooney) - 4.5 STARS!
4. Only and Forever (Book 7 - Viggo x Tallulah) - 4.5 STARS!
5. Everything For You (Book 5 - Oliver x Gavin) - 4 STARS!
6. Always Only You (Book 2 - Ren x Frankie) - 3.5 STARS!
7. Ever After Always (Book 3 - Freya x Aidan) - 3 STARS!

I received an advanced copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for allison.
341 reviews88 followers
March 19, 2024
it’s complicated, i’m giving it 4 stars because i’m so deeply in love with these characters however the story didn’t necessarily hit as some other bergman stories do for me. was it still sweet and real and funny the way bergman books are? hell yeah. was this one my favorite? definitely not. still super amazing quality writing, great disability rep as always from chloe liese, really great story about two people working through what love looks like for them.

good not great. brb crying and mourning never seeing new stuff about axel and rooney or gavin and ollie or ryder and willa or ren and frankie or aiden and freya or ziggy and seb
Profile Image for Tori - Novel Life.
1,497 reviews1,639 followers
April 17, 2024
UGHHH an end of an era. Chloe Liese really changed the game for Chronic Illness, Disability and NeroDiverse representation with this series and it will forever mean the world to me. I loved this adorable story. A golden retriever hero and a black cat heroine. Perfect.
Profile Image for alana ☁️.
900 reviews1,175 followers
August 21, 2024
the absolute best conclusion to this amazing series! Viggo & Tallulah’s story was everything i hoped for and more; it was full of so much love, humor, wit, diversity, and loving family moments. Viggo and Tallulah pulled at my heartstrings from page one, i adored them so much.

Viggo is just such a WONDERFUL soul and i am beyond happy that he was paired with a heroine who was wholly deserving of and perfect for him. his and Tallulah’s slow friendship turned to love was so tender and sweet and careful and written so beautifully.

Viggo & Tallulah loved each other so much, even before they really knew what that meant. i loved how they both supported, encouraged, and helped each other heal their inner wounds, loved how honest and vulnerable they were while opening up to each other. they both grew so much through the book together and individually. it was exactly what they set out to do and it was so good to see them accomplish it. i’m also a goner for the reverse grumpy x sunshine trope and i think it’s done perfectly well here— there is just something SO good about a golden cinnamon roll hero breaking down the walls of a black cat cynical heroine👩🏻‍🍳💋— Viggo and Tallulah were complete opposites but complemented each other so well and brought out the best in each other. 

in addition to the lovely main leads, getting to see glimpses of the whole Bergman family and their happily ever afters was lovely and made me love the book even more.

i have loved the Bergman family for years so it was bittersweet to be reading the final book in the series. loved seeing my favorite character get his HEA but i’m mostly sad it’s over because saying goodbye to these characters really took a piece of my soul 💔
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,669 reviews1,034 followers
April 3, 2024
Only and Forever
● Viggo & Tallulah
● opposite attracts
● Viggo: romance reader / Tallulah: thriller author
● Tallulah has type 1 diabetes
● had a college class together 7 years ago
● reconnected because of her sister
● they each share a secret about what they want to do in the future
● they’ll become each other's accountability partners
● Viggo wants to open a romance-centered bookstore & Tallulah wants to finish writing a thriller
● Viggo named his plants after authors he loves

The Bergman series is now complete.

Bergman Brothers Sisters series can be read as standalone. The Bergman’s are a Swedish-American family of five brothers and two sisters.

The birth order of 5 brothers and 2 sisters:
1) Freya (physical therapist)
2) Axel (artist)
3) Ren (professional hockey player)
4) Ryder (wilderness store)
5) Viggo (good at everything)
6) Oliver (soccer player)
7) Ziggy (soccer player)

#1 Ryder & Willa- Only When It’s Us
#2 Ren & Frankie - Always Only You
#3 Freya & Aiden - Ever After Always
#4 Axel & Rooney - With You Forever
#5 Oliver & Gavin - Everything For You
#6 Ziggy & Sebastian - If Only You
#7 Viggo & Tallulah - Only and Forever

The author has said, “All the Bergman siblings are getting books.”

Audiobook source: Hoopla
Narrator: Nelson Hobbs & CJ Bloom
Length: 11H 15M
Profile Image for lisa ♡.
140 reviews
July 29, 2024
the way men acted when the joke came out? this is my joker, except i will be so much worse


27-7-2024: yeah this was exactly what i wanted and needed, god bless chloe liese
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,829 reviews

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