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Sleep Like Death

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New York Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation Kalynn Bayron returns to fairytales with a lush, thrilling and original YA Snow White retelling that brings a new and exciting voice to this familiar tale. Perfect for fans of Cinderella Is Dead.

Only the truly desperate - and foolish - seek out the Knight, an ancient monster who twists wishes into curses. Eve knows this first-hand: one of her mothers was cursed by the Knight and trapped in the body of a songbird. With the unique abilities to communicate with animals and conjure weapons from nature, Eve has trained all her life to defeat him.

With more and more villagers harmed by the Knight's corrupt deals, Eve believes she's finally ready to face him. But when Queen Regina begins acting strangely - talking to seemingly no one, isolating herself, and lashing out at the slightest provocation - Eve must question if her powers are enough to save her family and her kingdom.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published June 25, 2024

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Kalynn Bayron

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews
Profile Image for Nora (NoraLeest).
344 reviews219 followers
June 24, 2024
I sadly have come to the conclusion that this author’s way of writing and story telling simply is not for me.

The story is about Eve (16-17 y/o), the princess of a kingdom. One of her mothers was turned into a bird by making (a really really stupid) deal with “the Knight”. He travels a la Howls Moving Castle in a metal beast type castle on legs. Every wish he grants he twists until it becomes a curse. (Literally EVERY wish he grants, how people are still dumb and stupid enough to bargain deals with him is absolutely beyond me and annoyed me quite a lot). Eve was raised under the impression that her magical powers allowed her to best the Knight when the time comes. But then her other mother, the queen, starts acting strange and isolating herself…

I don’t know how to describe what exactly I enjoyed about this story. This does not mean that I didn’t enjoy anything (that would be 1 🌟). The story is easy to read and although I have quite some remarks, it was easy to read quickly. Moreover, the author is able to paint a very atmospheric picture which helps the setting of the story.


Now comes the negative stuff so stop reading if you don’t like negativity or are intending to read this book bc I don’t wanna ruin it for you.

Please note this is my own personal opinion and experience with this book. I can clearly see how others might looove this book, but like I said, it’s not for me.

The story started off too slow for me and I did not understand where it was going for the longest time. It was clear the author planned out an exact plan with steps of how this story evolved. This made the story fall very flat for me and made my mind wander too much to how the story was planned out instead of being immersed in the story. It was too methodical instead of a nice flow.

The “Snow White reimagined” only appeared around 50% into the story. I would suggest calling this a YA fairytale or something, since it contains other fairytales as well and the connections to the story of Snow White started very late and were not that big of a part in the story.

The magical powers of Eve are so unclear, I still have no clue what the extent of her powers are. At one point she says that everything she creates disappears into black smoke as soon as she lets go, but other times she creates weapons or blankets that others can use. I think her magical abilities could’ve used more attention and should’ve been explored more.

Lastly, I was not able to build a connection with any of the characters and they all seemed kind of stupid to me. I did not care what happened to any of them.
Profile Image for Zana.
485 reviews132 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
July 14, 2024
DNF @ 23%

Life's too short to read boring ass books about overpowered Chosen Ones in yet another YA fantasy with bland prose and even more bland worldbuilding.
Profile Image for Quill&Queer.
1,260 reviews474 followers
Currently reading
June 25, 2024
predicted to be the continuation of the world started in cinderella is dead
Profile Image for elena.
229 reviews
Want to read
November 18, 2023

Profile Image for Richelle Robinson.
1,239 reviews35 followers
June 3, 2024
Thank you Bloomsbury Books for my advance reading copy.

Sleep Like Death might be my new favorite after Cinderella is Dead. The story sucked me in from the very beginning, had me all in my feels and I couldn’t read fast enough to see how it would all play out. I’ve been reading Kalynn Bayron since her debut and she has NOT missed! If you are a fan of fairytale novels definitely check this book out.

4 1/2 stars
Profile Image for Jordan Murray.
Author 4 books130 followers
May 7, 2024
Sleep Like Death was my first fairytale retelling, and I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the intricate fantasy world that houses it. Kalynn Bayron captivated me with her prose and storytelling abilities, and this writing style fits well with the book's motif of collecting stories and those who tell them. Eve was a unique heroine to read about and was very incongruent to the traditional princess archetypes in popular fairytales; but that's what makes Eve such an interesting character. She's brave, disciplined, devoted to her family and kingdom, wields magic, and is a gifted hunter - a far cry from the naive, sing-song Snow White I grew up with.

However, I did have some confusion about this being a Snow White retelling because until 50% through the novel, there was really no sign of this being a retelling whatsoever. After, though, the signs became clear and it was recognizably a reimagining of Snow White; it just took a long time to get to this point.

Thank you to Bloomsbury via Bookinfluencers.com for providing me with a review copy of Sleep Like Death in exchange for my honest thoughts. All thoughts and opinions are my own and are not influenced by any third parties.
Profile Image for Raynee.
419 reviews301 followers
June 24, 2024
Eve, is a strong and determined heroine on a mission to defeat an ancient monster known as the Knight. She has unique abilities to communicate with animals and conjure weapons from nature, Eve faces the challenge of saving her family and kingdom from the Knight’s corrupt deals.

I enjoyed the storyline and found Eve to be a realistic and relatable teenager, marked by moments of defiance and frustration. The writing in this book is stronger than Barron's previous works, with a well-crafted setting and atmosphere that adds a touch of grimdark to the narrative. Overall, this was a fun and engaging read, showcasing Barron's growth as an author.

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced readeres copy of this book to review.
Profile Image for Lit_Vibrations (Sammesha D.).
251 reviews21 followers
June 30, 2024
What a clever twist to Snow White‼️ In many ways Sleep Like Death is very similar yet it still stands in a lane of its own. Not gonna lie this book gave me bursts of excitement when I was able to put different clues together. I also love how the author wove a few other fairytales into the mix like with the Knight. I kept thinking I know this character from something else then by the end of the book it all made sense.

Now of all the characters one of my favorite was Grump if stay ready was a person it would definitely be him. I loved Eve’s character too she was stubborn at times but also very brave. Holding magical powers with the ability to conjure weapons from her surroundings and a gift for communicating with animals. She trained her whole life to take down the Knight and would stop at nothing until that destiny was fulfilled. There are so many things I could and want to say about this book but I’ll keep my spoilers for now. I honestly feel like the author did a fantastic job with this one and I hope everyone enjoys reading it too. Special thanks to @coloredpagesbt @kalynnbayron  @bloomsburybooksus for my #gifted copy‼️
Profile Image for Cam.
337 reviews5 followers
June 21, 2024
I don't know if I would consider this a YA retelling of Snow White. It wasn't until much later on in the book where I saw similarities to Snow White and even then, it didn't really have much significance on the plot. Though there were some parts of the world that were developed well, the concept of the Knight's and Eve's powers were lacking. I wish there was more explanation on what they were capable of. Also, I didn't really understand how and why the Knight was so powerful. Everyone who makes a wish suffers from the consequences so I didn't get why people still went to him for help, even if the idea of a wish was enticing.

Personally, I also struggled with the characters. Eve was so impulsive and she was definitely a YA character. She's quite naïve throughout the whole book and doesn't learn from experience, despite the many struggles she faces. I also thought she was selfish because she didn't seem to care about who she put in danger, despite being aware of the risks they're taking for her. She had such tunnel vision and would ignore the advice of people around her. Nova didn't really stand out to me either and I was bored with the story. It was an interesting idea but the world and characters lacked depth.

Thank you to Bloomsbury YA for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for LaceyBanana Reads.
150 reviews3 followers
July 1, 2024
3.75. Sleep Like Death is a creative twist on the Snow White fairytale with an imaginative storyline and characters that possess depth and relatability.

This book follows a teen named Eve through multiple events that are loosely based on the Snow White story. The main difference is that Eve’s character was strong and incredibly talented with a touch of magic. The story intensifies when Eve witnesses her mother, the queen, exhibiting bizarre behavior in her chambers and the story unfolds from there. I loved the strength and depth at which we learned the relationship between mother and daughter as well as the originality in the story itself. What a fun read!

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Kalynn Bayron, and Bloomsbury USA Children’s Books for providing this free ARC. This is my honest review! This published on June 25th!
Profile Image for USOM.
2,858 reviews271 followers
June 6, 2024
(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

Sleep Like Death revolves around the desperation of desire. A wish which we would be willing to give up everything. All the bad bargains, imprecise wording, and futures we would gamble away. Our words are always twisted and we always think we are being careful, but desperation is never so. It's about sacrifices we make to keep ourselves safe, to protect our loved ones, and the ones we force, maybe unknowingly, our loved ones to pay.
Profile Image for piper | monarchsandmyths.
492 reviews67 followers
June 30, 2024
thank you to Bloomsbury and Colored Pages Book Tours for providing me with an ARC!

Kalynn Bayron is quickly becoming one of my favourite YA authors, and this book is a stunning example of why. Her take on Snow White is interesting and was written in a way that even when I knew how the story traditionally went, I was surprised by the way that the plot went, and it was so exciting to read, especially once the actions that we recognize from the fairytale really began. The writing was so visceral, and the slightly uncertain note to the story being truly wrapped up made it feel more like an upgraded fairytale than anything. Honestly, I would probably read about Bayron’s interpretation of just about every fairytale, and I think that SLEEP LIKE DEATH combines several types of fantasy to make a book that was definitely worth the read.

I’m honestly not sure what I was expecting going into this book, but once we truly got into the action I was hooked. The first part of the book, while interesting and fun to read, wasn’t as entrancing as the last 3/4ths but I think that’s more about me starting a new book than anything. Eve’s character was so interesting and I feel like you almost could have read an entire other book exploring her and more of the world that was built around Queen’s Bridge. The structure of the story is a little untraditional to some fantasy, but Eve’s story carries through into a more traditional arc.

As far as characters go though, my favourites were definitely the Kingfishers and I wish I could say more about them, but I don’t want to spoil something so just know they’re great! I really just loved how Bayron took elements of Snow White and created a different story in the tradition of the original, and how the characters were able to generally have nuance even in shorter times on the page. I look forward to any potential fairy tales she tackles in the future!
Profile Image for Izzys_Internet_Bookshelf.
1,818 reviews71 followers
July 7, 2024

I loved the fact that this book is centered around a fairytale but isn’t a fairytale. Let me explain, some authors when they write retellings will name drop characters and events that make the retelling seem just like the original, without going along and making these characters feel real, in the sense that the reader learns about them more and gets to have a way to connect with them besides just liking their original story. I loved how this story didn’t follow the original plot and made it its own story that you could read it and not instantly know it is a retelling. With that I will say the pacing for me wasn’t the best. It would be fast at time but most of the time it was just slow and even though I was able to finish this in my usual time I just found it to feel longer than it was.
Profile Image for Sammie V.
362 reviews164 followers
June 24, 2024
This retelling of Snow White captivated me from start to finish with its fresh perspective. I was particularly impressed by its focus on the relationship between Eve and her Mother(s). Plus the portrayal of Snow White as a strong, empowered female character, in stark contrast to the traditional image of her as meek and helpless
Profile Image for Sofia.
558 reviews49 followers
July 13, 2024
i have loved the previous books I read by this author and I wanted to love this one too but something about it didnt make it stick out to me

Profile Image for Leah M.
1,415 reviews44 followers
July 1, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley and Bloomsbury YA for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

CONTENT WARNING: grief, violence, death, gore, mention of death of a child, murder, mention of torture, suicide

I’ve kept my eye on Kalynn Bayron since reading her debut, Cinderella is Dead, and her writing has only gotten better and better. So, my expectations were naturally high for this book. And returning to her writing roots, she took on a neglected fairy tale for this book—Snow White, although there are hints of other fairy tales woven into the story.

To start with, Bayron’s writing is incredible. Her stories are always written in a straightforward manner, although she includes vivid descriptions and makes it easy to immerse myself in the story. The book takes place in winter, and despite it being almost 90° where I live, I was nearly ready to wrap myself in a blanket and make some tea. I loved reading every page, and this is the kind of book that I couldn’t put down and walk away from.

Eve is the main character, and the only POV character in the story. We see everything filtered through the eyes of this teenager, who is nearly seventeen, and she has been training for her entire life to remove the threat of the Knight from their kingdom. She’s confident in her abilities, both physical and magical, but she borders on arrogant at times. I liked that she’s a flawed character—she makes decisions without thinking the consequences through, which is natural for a teenager; she has a short temper, but she’s able to leash it when needed; and she often speaks without thinking, making her seem insensitive to others. But it’s clear that she has a good heart, even if she’s typically so fixated on vengeance that she can’t always see what’s in front of her.

I couldn’t help but feel confused about the Knight and the nature of the deals that were made with him. Every single deal that was made seemed to go badly in the most cruel of ways, and there wasn’t even one deal that was made that didn’t end in misery. If this was the case, I didn’t understand why even the most desperate of people would go to him to make a deal, knowing that it wouldn’t end in the way they were hoping for. If there were a few deals that went well, I could understand this more, since some people would hope that they’d wind up happy, but even getting what you hoped for ended in cruel and torturous ways, negating the value of the deal.

However, this story completely subverts the traditional Snow White story, which involves tension between Snow White and her “evil” stepmother—there’s the presence of the evil other woman, who views Snow White as a rival and not a daughter figure—yet in this book, that isn’t the case at all. I can’t say much more about this because I don’t want to reveal any spoilers, but don’t expect to see the Snow White story that you’ve heard since childhood. This one gives agency to the women in the story, but especially Snow White, who isn’t a damsel in distress, but a strong, confident, and able young woman who is in a bad situation and needs to learn how to let people help her. So basically she’s the anti-Snow White, although there is still a romance subplot in the story.

I was a little surprised by the romance aspect in the story, mainly because there was a lot going on in the story, and the pairing is different than what I’ve seen in Bayron’s other books. She still has queer representation in the story, and the world is a queer-centric one, where same sex relationships are common and viewed just like heterosexual relationships.

Overall, this was one of the best fairy tale retellings that I’ve read in a long time, although I would have liked to see the Knight at least make one or two successful and happy deals to understand why people would still consider making deals with him. Without that, it didn’t fully make sense to me. But aside from this one snag, the story was written beautifully and tightly plotted. If you like fairy tale retellings with empowered women, queer-centric worlds, and subverted retellings, this is hands down the book for you!
233 reviews
July 8, 2024
2 stars!

I feel really bad but this did not work for me.

To start with some strengths:
- I think the writing of this book was strong. It was easy to read and that was nice.
- It was extremely fast-paced. I read Kalynn Bayron's book You're Supposed to Die Tonight last year and it was similarly quick paced.
- The representation was strong. As a Black woman, I love to read about other Black women just existing and living life so I appreciated that. Also like many of Kalynn Bayron's novels, there was a queer relationship (unfortunately it's not super featured) in this book which is also great!

Where this went wrong:
- The story progression of this book felt kinda odd. Everyone made decisions in split seconds, and it felt like the characters also decided to like and trust people for no reason?
- The romance. Don't even get me started on this. Why were people telling each other that they loved one another when they spent definitely less than 4 days together? It was so unbelievable, and every time the love interest was on the page I was rolling my eyes,
- The fairytale retelling aspect. This may be a hot take, but I love a fairytale retelling. I'm not entirely convinced this is one? I guess it's kind of a mash up of Howl's Moving Castle (the villain lives in a castle similar to Howl) but the Snow White elements barely came in (like maybe at 70%) and the way they were shoehorned in made it seem like in the last second someone was like wait wasn't this supposed to be a Snow White retelling.
- The characters. Unfortunately, basically all of the characters felt one dimensional. The villain? He was scary but when we found out his motivations I literally laughed out loud. The Queen? She kind of treated everyone else in the story like they were dumb and I so believe some issues could've been solved with communication. Eve? Fairly flat and not really different from many other YA fantasy FMCs. She also made so many stupid decisions that I wanted to yell at her.
- The magic system in this book also made little to no sense and was also not really explained which is alright? I guess?

Overall, this was really a disappointing read and it makes me sad that this didn't work for me.

Thank you to Bloomsbury USA Children's Books and NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Mel.
608 reviews29 followers
July 3, 2024
[Thank you to Bloomsbury for sending me a final copy - all thoughts and opinions are my own].

This was a good one! I'm fully convinced that Bayron is a master at retellings. I loved each one of hers I have read so far. I love how she takes these old stories and puts her own little Gothic spin on it.

The atmosphere in this one was top notch and I really liked how bloody it got at times. I also really enjoyed how it didn't follow the original Snow White story bar for bar, as it left room for some pretty good plot reveals I wasn't expecting.

Our MC was headstrong and arrogant at times (which she herself fully admits) but I felt this was a pretty accurate portrayal of the typical 17 year old who swears they know everything. Overall, it definitely fits for a Ya story.

I honestly wouldn't 100% categorize this as a Snow White retelling, as the elements of Snow White were pretty minor and didn't show up until the later half of the book. There are also sprinklings of different fairy tales in this.

The ending was a bit unsatisfactory for me but I truly enjoyed this book for the most part, and I look forward to Bayron's next retelling!
Profile Image for Tatiana Vila.
38 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2024
4.5⭐️ never thought I would like retellings as much. Second one that I read and really enjoyed
Profile Image for Lisa.
64 reviews15 followers
January 6, 2024
Another gripping & gorgeous book from Kalynn Bayron. It’s a joy to have another book in the “Cinderella is Dead Literary Universe.” So glad to be in this fight with such an incredible author and human at the helm.
Profile Image for Bianca Rose (Belladonnabooks).
822 reviews87 followers
July 12, 2024
I just can’t do this to myself anymore. Unfortunately nothing is holding my attention and I can’t see where the story is leading nor do I have any excitement about it. It does feel rather young so perhaps it’s a case of me outgrowing some YA fantasy.

A big thanks to Bloomsbury Australia for sending me a copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Manon.
1,778 reviews25 followers
May 16, 2024
This was such an enjoyable read! I love fairytale retellings, and Kalynn always knows how to give them a good spin. The plot was engaging from the very first moment, and I did enjoy the characters and how they grew throughout the story. I can heartily recommend this book!
Profile Image for Maria.
202 reviews16 followers
June 8, 2024
For some reason, for me, Snow White has always been the most boring Disney Princess ever so when I saw that Sleep like Death was a Snow White retelling I was both curious and scared.

Let me start by saying that this book surprised me in the most wonderful ways. I really really enjoyed following Eve, the plot twists intertwined with the Snow White original story, the “evil” queen, the mirror, the poisonous apple and this mysterious devil incarnation - the Knight. There is old magic and even older curses.

Eve’s sole purpose is to grow into this weapon that will defeat the Knight and bring the end of suffering to her kingdom. Little did she know, it might be a lot more complicated than she thought.

I found this story to be more family focused in terms of relationships and I thought that was a really good way to go! There is a little bit of romance but as a reader (and it’s only my opinion), it felt a bit too insta-love as the time where they’re “getting to know each other” goes by rather quickly and you don’t see them “getting to know each other” - if it makes sense.
Profile Image for do.
988 reviews65 followers
June 29, 2024
Unfortunately this was a letdown for me
Profile Image for Raaven💖.
533 reviews39 followers
June 21, 2024
3.75 stars

The classic tale of Snow White is flipped on its head with the tale of Eve and her mission to defeat The Knight; a magical being plaguing the land with horrible backfiring wishes. The Queen has raised Eve her whole life in order to defeat The Knight. She is her fury and her right hand. There was so much about this that was interesting. I love retellings and the story of Snow White is so well known. I enjoyed seeing how it could change.

One of the things that I didn’t really like was the way people died. It seemed to just happen for no reason. There was also a lot more tragic deaths than I expected. This was actually quite sad, even though I didn’t fully feel things for everyone because the story just went by so fast. I wanted to connect to everyone but it was hard. I also was a little mislead about how sapphic this story is but that might have been my fault.

I’ll be able to think of a better review for my tour post but I did enjoy this story and now I need to read Cinderella is Dead to get more of this world.
Profile Image for Julia Pika.
741 reviews
June 25, 2024
Thanks to Bloomsbury USA Children's Books and NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

This was pretty disappointing, to be honest. It started out strong but all these uninteresting side characters bogged it down. I wish the protagonist used her OP magic more often.

Also thought it was hilarious how people STILL kept making deals with the Knight despite all of his deals turning into crap. "I want to be the best singer in the land!" Gets turned into a bird. Literally everyone knows about these bad deals and STILL makes them. I thought everyone in the book was an idiot--especially the arrogant protagonist who kept getting most side characters dead. Not a very enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Ama Aggrey.
18 reviews
July 14, 2024
Kalynn Bayron steps back into a well known fairytale and uses her dark, gothic imagination to twist this story into new shapes.

A little background first…

Our main character Eve is gifted — skilled warrior with the unusual magic to fashion natural elements into fierce weapons. She is known in all of Queen’s Bridge and other kingdom like Mersailles as The Queen, her mother’s fury. Though under the benevolent watch of her just mother, the land is plagued by the crooked dealings of a mysterious magician called The Knight.

The double meanings of his deals always grant the wisher the desires of their heart but end with the user’s deep suffering. As Eve trains to face the Knight, she is confronted with the truth hidden from her. Investigating this information, her mother starts to act strangely and a mysterious mirror appears in her chamber.

My thoughts…

This story wove a tale that I won’t soon forget. Characters with flaws and layers of grief that permeate their journeys. The strength of this novel is the coming of age tale as Eve’s perspective begins to blossoms around the ideas of regret, morality and love.

What I enjoyed most about her fierce and loyal characterization is that she had a level of arrogance that is often discouraged in young women. However, unlike other Bayron stories, she exists in an almost sheltered world when she is thrust into the grips of life. As a black woman, watching a young woman unafraid to speak her mind, defy authority and question the status quo was satisfying.

Trying to toe the line between powerful and nurturing is never put into question with Eve or any of the other women in the story because instead of using masculine elements to hone power, their femininity empowers them. Unlike Cinderella Is Dead that takes place under a harsh regime of patriarchal ego, this story is based in a benevolent matriarchal society that is being imposed by the threat.

Kalynn Bayron’s glorious pen (or typing fingers) crafts a story bore from one that we’ve known as long as stories are told but leaves no elements out on how stories evolve. The added layer of complexity that comes from realizing how the storyteller can editorialize truth to wield their own purpose is addressees delicately.

It made me think of how perspective affects how we deliver and receive information.

I digress, overall, this story gets high marks from me. There were a few parts that lacked transitional support but they were remedied with significant moments that clearly marked the passage of time. This was a fast paced, deeply emotional coming of age story that showed how far a young woman will go for those that see loves and how that journey shapes who she becomes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews

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