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9 hours, 30 minutes

The second in a charming and hilarious mystery series by Kat Ailes, Dead Tired follows a group of new moms who didn’t think their maternity leave would involve so much murder.

"Full of charming characters, including Alice’s goofy dog, this fast-paced, original cozy is great fun."—Publishers Weekly

Being a new mom is murder.

Alice didn’t think her maternity leave would involve so much, well, murder. Before becoming proud new moms, she and her friends bonded more than members of a prenatal group usually would, as they became accidental amateur sleuths and solved a crime together. Now, with all this behind them and Alice’s son Jack somehow already a year old, Alice is keen to finally catch up on some sleep. So when an opportunity presents itself in the unlikely form of an eco-protest, Alice and her friends willingly chain themselves to trees and settle in as an excuse to get some overdue rest. Not the most comfortable arrangement ever, but at this point, they’ll take what they can get.

However, the next morning one of their fellow protesters is found strangled, and any hope of a peaceful interlude is suddenly swept away. Soon Alice and her friends become entangled in a plot involving rogue artists, an enigmatic local entrepreneur, and nude (optional) protesting, offering an unexpected—but not necessarily unwelcome—break from changing diapers and wrestling baby toys away from Helen the dog.

Alice, whose success rate in solving countryside murder is at an all-time high (one out of one), cannot resist the chance to demonstrate her detective skills once more, and assembles her gang of new moms to investigate this latest mystery in their not-so-sleepy English countryside village.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published June 4, 2024

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Kat Ailes

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 277 reviews
Profile Image for MarilynW.
1,487 reviews3,678 followers
June 4, 2024
Dead Tired (The Expectant Detectives, #2)
by Kat Ailes

All the soon to be babies from the first book have been born and and Alice and her friends (they are her friends aren't they, sometimes Alice isn't sure) are dealing with one year olds who keep any of them from sleeping at night. At least Alice has her partner to help out with baby Jack. One of her friends is single, with twins, another of her friends seems to be down since the birth of her baby, and Hen, perfect, perfect Hen, is now working for an eco friendly local company that wants to do something very un eco friendly. While Hen works, the others watch over her baby for her. Alice is very shady in the way she makes Hen's baby look pristine at the end of the work day...Alice has a LOT of shortcuts in life although they don't always take her where she meant to go.

I will admit that I was less interested in the actual mystery than in laughing at Alice and company attempt to get through early motherhood. Add to Alice's motherhood woes the fact that she's yet to have mastered pethood with her unruly dog, Helen, and it seems Alice is pretty much a mess all the time. I mean, a literal mess, along with her mess of a kid and mess of a dog. Her house is a mess, her beat up car is a mess, nothing about Alice is clean or well put together. Never having had kids and knowing if I had ever had a kid it would have been enclosed in bubble wrap until its twenty fifth birthday, Alice makes motherhood seem both very unsanitary (surely I'm not telling parents anything they didn't know), exhausting (ditto), and possibly not at all like books, TV, and your friends make it look. Or it could just be Alice...I don't know.

So when Alice and her eco minded friends do a wee bit of eco protesting, jumping in feet (or torso first) by getting chained to trees, they end up being present for a murder! Everyone is uncomfortably asleep when the murder happens so no one saw the murder but it is certainly causing a ruckus in this tiny Cotswold community. So of course, Alice and company are going to solve this murder despite the fact that Alice's partner put a nix on her ever solving murders again. What to do, what to do...guess what Alice does! Jam and whatever else stained baby, Jack, unruly Helen, and totally unorganized Alice have been bamboozled by her eco friends to do a lot of the dirty work in this murder solving caper. For me the fun is in the little things, the justification of McDonalds more often than is healthy or eco friendly, and Alice being shocked when the most militant of her eco friends turns to disposable diapers. What is the world coming to?!??!

Pub Jun 4 2024

Thank you to St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books and NetGalley for this ARC.
Profile Image for Liz.
2,445 reviews3,316 followers
May 6, 2024
Dead Tired, the second in the Expectant Detectives series, is just as humorous as the first. I found myself chuckling out loud numerous times while reading this.
The babies are all now about 1 year old and the mothers have all remained friends. Alice’s dog, Helen, hasn’t calmed down at all and continues to provide much of the comic relief. On a picnic together, the mothers meet two nude protestors and accept their invitation to a meeting of their environmental group. That leads to them agreeing to chain themselves to some trees overnight in hopes of finally getting a full night’s sleep. But things go awry when the next morning, one of the protestors is dead - strangled. Of course, the ladies can’t just leave things to Inspector Harris and end up doing their own investigation.
I adore Ailes’ writing. She has the ability to create a fun turn of phrase. Or the perfect idea. “It’s good to have a friend who is morally superior to you in almost every aspect - it gives you someone to look up to, someone to hold you accountable, someone to lie to on a regular basis.”
She seems to just nail new parenthood - the sleep deprivation, the inability to keep a clean house or clothes, the desire for adult company and conversation. But she doesn’t stint on a good solid mystery and I had no clue who was behind the murder. I can’t wait to see what Ailes has in store next.
My thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press/Minotaur Books for an advance copy of this book.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,870 reviews12.5k followers
July 28, 2024

Dead Tired is the 2nd-installment to the Cozy Mystery series, The Expectant Detectives. I had a lot of fun with the 1st-book and have been anticipating this release ever since.

The main character, and our narrator, is Alice, a new Mom, who lives with her boyfriend, baby, and high-spirited dog, Helen, in the quaint country village of Penton.

In the 1st-book, the couple had recently moved to Penton after discovering they were pregnant, and Alice ended up meeting the other characters, her now best friends, in a prenatal class. That's where they solved their first murder.

As this story begins, it's been a year and the women are closer now than ever. It's on one of their regular picnics with the babies that they first encounter Rowan and Layla, eco-protesters, who are buck-naked at their first meeting.

In an awkward conversation, Rowan and Layla mention that they are prepping for a photo shoot to help bring awareness to a wind farm that will soon be overtaking this lush and vibrant natural countryside.

Alice and her friends agree to help with the protest, thus finding themselves shortly thereafter chained to trees on an overnight protest. Ah well, anything for a bit of rest, I guess.

The next morning, one of the other protestors is found dead, still chained to her tree and a new investigation begins. Can Alice and friends discover the killers before anyone else is cut down?

I had so much fun with this. As with the 1st-book, I listened to the audiobook and cannot recommend it enough. Kitty Kelly's narration is Alice to me a this point. Her delivery, with the humor and everything else, is just so spot on!

I also love Ailes sense of humor. These books don't take themselves too seriously and I cherish that. Ailes knows, we're here for a good time. Let's have some fun. Just because it involves murder, doesn't mean it can't be cute and cozy.

I'm so properly attached to these characters now, which is one of the best things about Cozy Mystery series. The longer they go on, the more attached to them I get.

Alice, Ailsa, Poppy and Hen (the other mum) are such a dynamic group of women. I love being with them and spending time with them. There's a lot of differences among them, but they just fit so well together, as they navigate new motherhood, and amateur sleuthing, all at the same time.

This went by too quickly. I tried to savor it, but I just couldn't. The mystery was so compelling, the hijinks and banter, so good, I just ate it up.

Additionally, Helen, Alice's dog, is such a special treat. I appreciate so much the way she is written and Alice's relationship to her. I can relate to the non-stop chaos those four dirty paws can sometimes bring. Even reading about Helen's predictably wild ways puts a smile on my face.

Towards the final reveal, I did find it a little muddled. I was actually surprised by the whodunit, like so much so, I wondered what I missed; like, did we get all those clues?

Nevertheless, in the whole scope, I didn't really care that much about all that. It was really the journey getting to that point that I loved the most.

The way this left off, I'm definitely anticipating a 3rd-book, and cannot wait for it. You'll find me first in line!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Minotaur Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. This series is an absolute blast. I recommend it to all Cozy Mystery fans!
Profile Image for Anita.
2,363 reviews195 followers
June 1, 2024
With young kids you grab your "me" time wherever you can find it and Alice uses her "me" time detectoring the murders of two people she barely knows. But she is pretty good at it. I love the sarcastic humor and the real life with a one-year-old and friends. I had no clue as to the baddie, actually I had a lot of clues but didn't put it together, till the very end.

Sleep deprivation, continuous laundry and a house that could almost qualify as a bio-hazard zone. Welcome to the world of new parenting. Alice loves her son, Jack, and partner, Joe, but life is tough for a young mum. She and her friends solved a murder case a year ago before the babies were born and now the group has another murder to spark the little gray cells. When the gang get involved in an eco-protest to save a meadow and old growth trees, the last thing they expected was a member of the group to be murdered while chained to a tree.

Suspects abound and clues are nil. This is going to take some deep investigative work on the part of Alice and her new mom friends. Lots of people have motive, few have means and when a second body drops, could the two murders possibly be connected?

My thanks to the Publisher and the Author, for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.
Profile Image for LindaPf.
486 reviews52 followers
February 7, 2024
She’s back! Helen, the Legally Blonde of dogdom, has her own series! Well, so does her delightful, no longer pregnant, fur-parent Alice. And Helen has a little face that she can lick peanut butter off — one year old Jack. This is the second “Expectant Detectives” novel, the first taking place while Alice was 38 weeks pregnant as a murder occurred while she and her fellow mums were in a childbirth class. The mums, Ailsa, Poppy, Hen and Alice, banded together to solve the murder mystery. It’s now a year later and everyone is burdened by an intense year of first time parenting.

During a picnic in a Cotswold meadow, the young mums meet a pair of naked environmentalists, who are protesting the wind farm that will destroy the meadow, along with a 500 year old copse of chestnut trees. Hen doesn’t say much, since she’s the PA to the CEO of the corporation responsible. Alice is initially confused, asking “aren’t wind farms good for the environment?” but the two nude people insist it’s “greenwashing” — something that promises more environmental benefits that it delivers. Without Hen (who needs her job), the other three decide to attend an Earth Force meeting out of curiosity. Alice, Poppy and Ailsa go a step further: agreeing to be chained to the ancient trees to prevent their plowing down. It’s quite uncomfortable, made more uncomfortable by the fact that one of the chained up tree huggers (an original nude person) is murdered overnight.

Alice is such a delightful, funny and charming main character. She’s a reluctant detective, too — having to deal with a laughing baby at a funeral or Helen becoming a swamp creature makes her adorably different from other cozy sleuths. Her friends are also experiencing the same challenges, although Ailsa has it doubled with twins and only Hen is not on maternity leave. The author has constructed another wonderful mystery with a great cast of characters. 5 stars! Definitely waiting for the toddler installment next!

Literary Pet Peeve Checklist:
Green Eyes (only 2% of the real world, yet it seems like 90% of all fictional females): NO No eye colors are mentioned at all.
Horticultural Faux Pas (plants out of season or growing zones, like daffodils in autumn or bougainvillea in Alaska): NO A meadow and a copse of chestnut trees are part of the plot.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press/Minotaur and NetGalley for a free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for sammi_reads.
641 reviews16 followers
May 31, 2024
Oh my Alice. She's at it again. I don't know if I've ever loved a narrator as much as I adore Alice. She's so relatable. Just a chaotic mess, but smart, in her own ways. Constantly underestimated by those around her. She's the mom whose kid is wearing PJs in the middle of the day from a holiday 6 months past, eating sand and smearing fristing in your little precious' hairdo. (The background antics of all the babies and dogs in this had me cracking up.)

This is the second Expectant Detectives book. You don't necessarily need to read the first to read this,you just miss a little character and setting background. In this, the moms are on maternity leave when they get involved with a group of environmentalist protestors. While chained to trees, one of the protestors is murdered. The moms decide to break up their postpartum emotions by solving the case,like they did before. A big corporation, a group of activists, relationships intertwining.... a lot is there for the group to unravel.

I thought the mystery was good. Lots of different characters with motives. A bit unique of a setting and set up for a cozy mystery. The extras are what push this series over the edge for me though. I love seeing them bring their babies and dogs everywhere shouldn't and hearing about them getting into everything, even in casual references, because for Alice and the moms it's just another day with the kids. I'm not a complete neat freak with my kids, but i do sometimesget too nervous in dome settings. This made me want to chill a bit and drag them out somewhere messy. The kid stuff was all a small part, but it was just so much fun for me.

I like that there was less Joe. Alice's boyfriend just doesn't do it for me, so I'd rather have him be background and focus on her friends. They're all so unique and bring life to every chapter. They're a little bit of stereotypes, but written differently than I've seen these types written, if that makes sense? It felt fresh to me.

I want more in this series. I am such a fan.

Thank you so much both St. Martin's Press and Kat Ailes for my free advanced reader copy. I loved it, but my review is unbiased and opinions my own.
Profile Image for Haley Huckabay.
53 reviews29 followers
June 9, 2024
Title: Dead Tired
Author: Kat Ailes
Genre: Mystery
Media: ebook
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Favorite quote: N/A
Sum of this book in 5 words or less: Funny people!
KU: Yes


Themes: parenting, murder, dogs



Short summary - A group of new mom friends tackle solving crimes during their maternity leaves and after.

I laughed out loud for a couple parts of this book and I absolutely adore books that can actually make me laugh! I’m sad that this was my first book by this author, but I’m going to go back and read the first in this series! I love the friends' relationship with each other - it was pure gold!
Profile Image for LORI CASWELL.
2,655 reviews302 followers
June 14, 2024
Dollycas's Thoughts

Alice is almost to the end of her year-long maternity leave and she is tired, taking care of a baby that first year is hard. Truthfully parenting is hard no matter what age the child is. She spends most days with the friends she met at her prenatal class. Well except for Hen, perfect Hen, because her husband left her she is now working for a local green energy company. Ailsa has her hands full with her TWINS! Poppy is pretty lackadaisical, something is definitely off with her. The young women are usually joined by Poppy's dog Sultan and Alice's dog Helen.

The story opens with everyone on a picnic in a nearby meadow. They are joined by some unexpected visitors who invite them to a protest against a wind farm set to be built in the meadow where they are having their picnic. They sans Hen soon find themselves chained to trees thinking they may finally get a little albeit uncomfortable sleep. When they are awakened by screams they find one of the protesters strangled. It isn't long before they convince themselves they need to investigate the murder. Can they do it again? Can these new moms find the killer? Or will they wish they had just enjoyed what remains of their time off?


I think my problem with Alice is that I had four children over seven years and worked full-time with a leave of 6 weeks for each child. I maintained my house for the most part too, but it was never how Alice leaves hers daily. A year off per child would have been bliss. But I set that aside because I knew I was going to laugh and laugh often reading this book. These new moms, especially Alice find themselves in hilarious situations. Seriously, nude protestors! And oh my gosh, what Alice dressed her son Jack in when she took him with her to a funeral. I had tears in my eyes laughing. Plus, Alice's dog Helen is such a lovable naughty dog who gets into all kinds of mischief.

The mystery was very well done. With one solved murder under their belts, these ladies have no trouble diving into this one, often bringing the dogs and children right along with them.  They have several suspects and they come up with ways to question them or set up diversions to enable them to snoop in interesting places. They uncover some important clues but they just don't fit together until Alice's a-ha moment. I really enjoyed all the twists and turns and was surprised by the ending.

Dead Tired blends motherhood and mystery together in a very entertaining way. The mystery will make you think and the young mother's and Helen's hijinks will make you laugh out loud. I hope there will be a book three because toddlers will drive these mothers crazy and I would love to see what happens if they have another murder to solve.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,795 reviews3 followers
June 10, 2024
Another fun book in what is now a favorite series of mine! This unexpected but seriously close friend group, who are willing to jump out of the comfort zone so easily for each other and to try new things is such a delight to read about. I feel like the MC is even more comfortable in this book so there are less gaffes and more genuine laughs. The fact that Alice and her new friends love to snoop and don't pretend otherwise is refreshing in a cozy mystery like this one and I totally understand them trying to find meaning and purpose for their lives outside of motherhood (which is of course miraculous and important, but also important for mom to find her own purpose as a singular person). As a newish mom I totally felt so many of the motherhood portions and wish I had such a close friend group, who would drop everything to help you and your new babe. The mystery had me all twisted up and very shocked by all the reveals at the end!

Note: I listened to the audiobook and so enjoyed the narration!
Profile Image for Maria.
2,209 reviews80 followers
June 11, 2024
Another fun adventure with Alice and her friends. I love the characters and their witty (read: snarky) take on life in the country and childcare. The mystery in this one was creative and had me guessing the whole time. And while the mystery takes center stage, there are plenty of laughs. Highly recommend the series but start with the first one to really get to know the characters.

I received a copy from #NetGalley, @Macmillan.audio and @StMartinsPress for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jamie.
212 reviews8 followers
April 14, 2024
This is the second installment in The Expectant Detectives series by Kay Ailes. I thoroughly enjoyed returning to the small country life of the Cotswalds to see how our new moms are handling that newborn life. Lo and behold they once again find themselves entangled in a murder mystery.

I really enjoyed this second book, it was nice to see the friendships growing among the characters and I adored how much they leaned in on each other as they navigated parenthood for the first time. I actually saw a lot of growth and depth to our main character and found her to be overall less aloof and annoying.

I had a great time watching these characters hijinks as they solved yet another mysterious murder in their small town. This series is hilarious and as light hearted as it gets for a murder mystery.

I want to thank Minotaur books and NetGalley once again for the opportunity to review an early copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Elizabeth McFarland .
446 reviews53 followers
July 23, 2024
This series is just delightful! The characters are fantastic, the mystery is compelling, and the setting is charming. I would love to live in this quirky little town!

There's so much humor in Dead Tired, and I love the way parenthood is portrayed. Kat Ailes has done an amazing job with this book and the last. I can't wait to get my hands on book three!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Book.ishJulie.
500 reviews22 followers
June 11, 2024
The Expectant Detectives series is back with book two, Dead Tired! After not particularly loving the first book, Kat Ailes has redeemed herself with this follow-up!

Alice and the gang are back, and since I can now appreciate her spunkiness and charm, this was a fun cozy mystery! With their one-year olds in tow, I was especially impressed that Ailes didn't just cast these young toddlers aside for ease of storytelling; they were part of the day-to-day amateur sleuthing, and the characters' lives adapted to accommodate their children (how true to life)! Truths about motherhood were ever-present, and I enjoyed how honest and real Alice was in her journey as a mother! Although being a parent makes this story even more relatable, this mystery is universally appealing!

I still don't know how I'm supposed to feel about Joe, Alice’s partner, but I am beginning to understand his sarcastic remarks!

Continuity throughout a series is huge to me, and I was delighted that Kitty Kelly was again back to narrate these antics! I just love how she portrayed Alice and her emotions!

Bonus points for the mention of the old TV show CatDog!

I can't wait to continue on with this series and see what happens next!

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books and Macmillan Audio for the complimentary copies to read and review.
Profile Image for Dayle (the literary llama).
1,302 reviews174 followers
July 2, 2024
It was mostly a 4 star cozy mystery except for some character choices that really annoyed me. As to the actual murder mystery it was a lot of fun! Always a weird way to describe murder, but the varied characters, setting, and new mom shenanigans were very entertaining. Alice is adorably incompetent but genuine, mostly just along for the ride as her friends drag her into participating in activities. And the various ways all the new mom’s are handling parenthood makes for great reading.

What brought the fun down though, for me, was the way the women completely disregarded Hen’s position at work. No spoilers but it’s entirely shitty. And Ailsa is just too much here. I want to slap her and the way she judges everyone. It really brought the whole experience down.

Helen is still amazing.

Overall, though, I still enjoyed it, if not as much as book one. Definitely interested to see what could possibly happen in book three and how these women will get themselves in trouble and then out of it again.

* I received a free audio copy from the publisher
Profile Image for AndiReads.
1,330 reviews162 followers
February 12, 2024
Book 2 in a charming mystery series starring first pregnant women and now new moms.

Being a new mom is murder.

Alice and her friends are reeling from new motherhood, it is certainly not glamorous but they still find time for one another after they bonded following their mystery solving days during prenatal class. They plan a relaxing picnic but are interrupted by two protestors who introduce them to an ecogroup. Before she knows it, Alice is chained to a tree with her friends and enjoying a bit of time away from her one year old Jack. But when a leader of the group is murdered the moms find themselves quickly involved in a twisted mystery with plenty of culprits and few clues.

Join Alice and her absolutely hilarious look on life. You won't regret it! Ailes has created a great mystery that could stand on it's own but it is so much bigger and brighter with Alice and her friends (and horrid Helen the dog) navigating it!
Stmartinspress #deadtired #katailes
Profile Image for kim.
710 reviews47 followers
June 25, 2024
I didn’t realize how much I missed Alice and her whole crew until I jumped right into this book. It was so nice to see her and Joe as new parents and then her with her mom friends. I won’t lie, I was more invested in the women trying to figure out motherhood more than the actual mystery (which is a common thread with me and cozy-esque mystery book series). Still, though, this was a fun book and very enjoyable.

Alice’s love for McDonald’s was so relatable. I love her as a protagonist. If the series continues, I will definitely be reading it.

Thank you, St. Martin’s Press & Minotaur Books and Netgalley, for the ARC!
Profile Image for Brittany.
232 reviews6 followers
June 12, 2024
Alice and her friends are enjoying the last parts of their maternity leave with Jack now being one. During a picnic, Alice and her friends meet some interesting and naked members of a local environmental group and soon find themselves being chained to a tree in one of their protests. However, in the morning one of the members is dead. After the events that occurred during their last investigation, Alice is hesitant to start looking into this murder but soon Alice and her friends are right in the middle of it and possible suspects again.

I love these books and listened to Dead Tired in a couple of days. I couldn't put it down! Alice is the perfect main character for The Expectant Detective series, and I enjoy the chaos that surrounds her with Helen and now Jack while dealing with the realistic events of motherhood. I found myself enjoying this book more than the first. I am hoping that this is not the end of Alice and her friends.

Dead Tired is out now!

Thank you to NetGalley, Minotaur Books and MacMillan Audio for the opportunity to review Dead Tired. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Amanda.
308 reviews4 followers
May 31, 2024
I love this series., whether it's the antics of Helen the dog or Alice and her friends "dectectoring". Their theory is that dectectoring is all about just stumbling around until you find something, and reading/listening to their stumbles is entirely amusing. The first book in the series, The Expectant Detectives is hilarious, but the new moms as sleuths might be even better. I hope that the group continues to stumble onto dead bodies. because they're my current favorite detectives, the kind I can see myself being friends with.
5,873 reviews63 followers
June 24, 2024
Alice narrates the second story in this series, as the formerly expectant detectives must deal with their toddlers (including twins), changing economic circumstances, and murder that comes close to home for some of them.
Profile Image for Natalie Deane.
63 reviews
August 1, 2024
3.25 // Didn’t enjoy this quite as much as the first in the series, and I felt the ending was a bit rushed and lackluster, but still a fun cozy mystery read!

Something that was improved in this one, and was my only real issue with the first book: Joe’s general personality, thank goodness 🙏🏽 (It probably also helped that he was simply in the book less, but I’ll take wins where I can get them.)
135 reviews
May 29, 2024
My thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books/St. Martins Publishing for the ARC of "Dead Tired" in exchange for an honest review.

They're back.......and I couldn't be happier. And anyone who likes their cozy mysteries riddled with laugh out loud moments, should welcome the return of the English countryside's most unlikely group of amateur sleuths.

In their debut in "The Expectant Detectives", Alice, Poppy, Hen, and Ailsa, living amidst the bucolic green meadows and forests of the Cotswolds, somehow cracked a murder case while all of them were on the verge of giving birth. (And accomplished this much to the perpetual aggravation of Ailsa's sister Jane, the area's primary police detective.)

One year later, the ladies are coping with the exhausting, chaotic task of baby raising. but still find themselves embroiled in a fresh new murder case. How could they not? After joining an eco-protest group, their chained-to-trees-all-night demonstration ends with one of the protesters found strangled while still bound to their tree.

Once again, Alice (the book's narrator), ends up taking the investigative lead, even though her life is a riotous, whirlwind of diaper mishaps, breast feeding calamities, housekeeping disasters and the never ending, embarrassing misadventures of her out-of-control dog, Helen. Along the way, Alice also has to cope with Poppy's renewed detecting enthusiasm, Hen's nervous unease (since she's employed by the company targeted by the protests) and the always eye-rolling, suffer-no-fools disdain of fierce activist Ailsa, whose twin babies only slightly softened her. just a bit.

A plentiful collection of suspects, twists and reveals round out this mystery which I found, as I did the first of this series, so much fun to read, a book that keeps you smiling throughout and at times delivers genuine LOL scenes. And personally, I can never get enough of those, so I didn't have to think twice about rating this 5 funny stars. Here's hoping the ladies are solving cases till their babies are ready to enter college....

(and you can check out all my reviews at www.thesandyquill.blogspot.com)
Profile Image for Katie .
509 reviews4 followers
July 26, 2024
This started off slower than the first book. It picked up in the second half. I liked that Ailsa was developed more and less crotchety but Joe and Hen fell to the side. Glad Helen stayed Helen.
Profile Image for Becky.
230 reviews9 followers
April 12, 2024
The second novel in The Expectant Detectives is here, Dead Tired, and spoiler - it's great! Alice, Poppy, Hen and Ailsa are back with all their babies in tow. And surprise, Ailsa had twins, which I loved being a mama to twins also! This time around the mums and babes are having a picnic in the woods when along comes some naked protestors, Leila and Raven! They share that the area they are in will soon be demolished for a site for wind fans. The ladies end up joining their protest on a whim which included being chained up overnight to the trees. 24 hours off baby duty sounded like a good plan at the time. However they are jolted awake the next morning to Poppy screaming, as someone has gotten strangled. Now the story is off and running. A great cozy mystery with lots of twists and turns around every corner. I absolutely loved this one and it's great getting to know the characters more. Move over Helen, (woof), Alice is now my fav!! Her character is so funny and blunt; I was cracking up constantly. While this story revolves around a murder, I loved that it showed an honest look at motherhood, the sweetness but also the challenges, especially during the first year or so. Also found family and community is heavy with this group of ladies. Kat Ailes is getting her stride and I can't wait to read more from her in the future! Thank you Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the gifted copies in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,739 reviews915 followers
June 1, 2024
Dead Tired is book 2 in The Expectant Detectives mystery series. If you like momcoms, cozy mysteries, and books with strong female leads and friendships then I highly recommend this series. First and foremost, it’s relatable to all moms EVERYWHERE. If you have a funny “new mom” story, then I’m sure there’s a scene in this book you can relate to. Plus, it takes into account how important being a mom is while also showing that it’s okay to cut yourself some slack and not be perfect all the time. I loved this aspect! Secondly, the author turns a murder mystery into a LOL funny novel. Of course, murders aren’t funny, but these books are written for full enjoyment no matter what is happening. So, if you’re able to suspend belief I highly recommend this book and the first in the series.

𝗠𝗬 𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Profile Image for Taylor - taylorsreadsandreviews.
211 reviews12 followers
June 30, 2024
Some things I loved about this: absolutely laugh out loud funny motherhood moments. I think fictional books about motherhood and pregnancy are few and far between and I enjoy that representation! I loved the plot of this one, much more than the first. However, the pacing felt off for me and it took me much longer to finish it than I would’ve hoped for
Profile Image for Carmen.
620 reviews20 followers
May 10, 2024
I received a copy from Minotaur Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A year after becoming entangled in a real life murder mystery, Alice is struggling her way through parenthood with a lot of snacks and caffeine to keep her going. Thankfully, she’s not alone in this new sleepless life because she has Joe and her close friends in Penton. It’s why Alice finds herself part of a protest, getting chained to a tree, and stumbling her way into a whole new murder mystery. Now Alice and company are on the scent with Helen and the babies in tow.

I absolutely love this series. We follow Alice, a first time mom who is still new to paying attention to her eco footsteps. What I love about Alice and her friends is that they don’t always know what they’re doing. They’re fumbling around and figuring out investigating on the fly, which makes it more realistic on top of being absolutely hilarious. They touch the evidence they come across, look forward to finding out what the lead investigator has on file, and they get caught up in new gossip surrounding the people they’re investigating. This time around, we see Alice find herself getting chained to a tree only to doze her way into a new murder mystery a year after helping solve the first one.

We have our regular cast of characters from the previous book with a whole new cast of characters thrown into the mix. Alice and most of her friends find themselves getting a little involved with a local group of protesters who are in a weird phase at the moment. This local group is where most of our new characters come in, which lead to some hilarious moments, like baby Jack having a grand time at the worst of times.

One of the things I like about this book is that no one really knows what they’re doing with the investigation and as new parents. There’s a good balance between the serious tones and hilarious moments so that things aren’t bleak. We see that everyone is struggling in their own way, new parent or not, and that Alice is only going along with the investigation because it’s the first time that Poppy has perked up in a year. We also see the emotional toll of everything on Alice, especially as we get closer to the end of the book.

My only complaint is that we hardly hear about Joe’s dad and the commune. I understand that it’s a separate storyline, but ever since Joe learned who his father was, I was expecting his dad and the commune to play a bigger role in this book. I found it kind of weird that the first time it was even mentioned was around halfway through the story even though Joe was hoping to get to know his dad, and now brother, ever since he learned he was going to be a father himself. We never learned how Joe’s relationship with his dad is going, but we do learn that he’s developed a friendship of sorts with his brother even though we don’t see or hear from him until later. It just seemed kind of weird, so I’m hoping that this is covered more in the next book.

All in all, I really enjoyed this story and getting to know more of the characters. It was nice to see Hen come back around after she understandably dipped for a bit from the group in the series opener. I do think it was really weird that Joe’s dad and his commune were barely mentioned, but I was happy to see his brother again.
Profile Image for Sacha.
1,397 reviews
May 22, 2024
4 stars

I just love this series and you will, too, Prospective Reader, if you can get down with a cozy purely based on bonkers characters.

While this series is not complex and one *could* read this second installment as a standalone, I cannot recommend that approach at all. For maximum enjoyment, get to know the characters and their backstories in the first book before jumping into this one.

Alice, the m.c., through whose perspective this series occurs, is dead tired, as the title suggests, because that baby she was working on when readers last saw her is now out and free (and making a mess!), along with all of his peers. That doesn't stop her from getting into the requisite trouble, which seems to be as much a gift to her as it is to readers. This woman is truly wild in the best way. She seems to be at least as messy as her infant and dog (more on this one shortly), but she's also still strangely skilled at finding herself in the midst of crimes and their solutions (and, yes, their barriers to solutions, at times).

While Alice is a worthy and engaging protagonist, the reason I couldn't wait to devour this is the same reason I loved the first book: Helen. This dog is outrageous. She brings joy to every scene in which she exists, or in which someone even thinks of her. I'd be furious if she were my dog, but I'm thrilled she's still galivanting with Alice, and I hope that continues for many books to come.

Folks who enjoyed the first book, who love a good cozy, and especially who can appreciate an absolutely wacky protagonist AND HER AT LEAST AS WACKY AND FANTASTIC DOG should queue this ball of hijinks. I'm already eagerly anticipating the next book.

*Special thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Minotaur Books for this alc and widget, which I received in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
Profile Image for WhatSamReads.
82 reviews55 followers
July 8, 2024
Dead Tired by Kat Ailes is a phenomenal audiobook that seamlessly blends the chaos of new motherhood with a gripping mystery that had me hooked from start to finish.

Kat Ailes crafts a narrative that is both witty and suspenseful, drawing readers into the life of Alice, a new mom navigating sleepless nights and unexpected murder mysteries. The premise itself is refreshingly original—when Alice and her friends find themselves embroiled in yet another murder investigation during an eco-protest, I was immediately intrigued. The contrast of chaining themselves to trees for a nap with the discovery of a strangled protester sets the stage for a thrilling and very humorous adventure.

What sets Dead Tired apart is its cast of characters, each uniquely portrayed with quirks and depth that make them feel like old friends. Alice, in particular, shines as a relatable new mother whose determination to uncover the truth is both admirable and endearing. Her journey from overwhelmed new mom to amateur detective is portrayed with authenticity and empathy, making her victories and vulnerabilities resonate deeply.

Ailes' writing is sharp and evocative, painting vivid scenes of the idyllic English countryside and its eclectic inhabitants. The mystery itself unfolds with expert pacing, keeping me guessing and eagerly anticipating each twist and turn. The audiobook narration enhances the experience, capturing the humor and emotional nuances of the story with skillful delivery.

Dead Tired is more than just a mystery—it's a celebration of friendship, resilience, and the unexpected joys and challenges of motherhood. It's a testament to Ailes' talent that she seamlessly weaves together themes of motherly love, community bonds, and the pursuit of justice into a cohesive and immensely satisfying story.
Thank you Kat Ailes, Macmillan, and Netgalley for this ALC of Dead Tired.
Profile Image for Suzi (Lil Bit Reads).
647 reviews54 followers
June 7, 2024
The Expectant Detectives are back! Dead Tired is the second book in this mystery series about a group of new moms in the Cotswolds who investigate crimes they just happen to stumble into. The moms met at a prenatal class in the first book, and this one picks up when the babies are all about a year old. The moms, babies, and dogs are enjoying a picnic when they encounter two naked eco protestors. Next thing you know, Alice and company are chaining themselves to trees as part of an overnight protest to protect the meadow from becoming a wind farm. The next morning, one of the protestors is dead. But never fear – the moms are on the case and about to get down to “detectoring”!

This clever cozy mystery is so much fun! It’s light but twisty, with no shortage of potential suspects and motives. Fans of cozy mysteries will be charmed by this quirky cast of characters. Alice is hilariously endearing; she’s cute and chatty, sarcastic and completely socially awkward, and the way she stumbles through new motherhood is so relatable! Alice’s unruly dog Helen is such a hoot too, constantly getting herself and Alice into embarrassing scrapes. I am loving this series and am thrilled that the author is leaving the door open for future installments!

The audiobook version makes this story even more enjoyable. Narrator Kitty Kelly is perfect as Alice! Her delivery is wry and humorous, and her British accent really makes you feel like you’re in the English countryside.

This series is perfect for fans of Finlay Donovan and Dial A for Aunties. Many thanks to NetGalley, Minotaur Books, and Macmillan Audio for providing me an advance copy of this book.
Profile Image for Rachel.
554 reviews11 followers
July 16, 2024
Big thanks to @macmillan.audio for the gifted ALC of #DeadTired—a delightfully cozy mystery! 📚🔍✨

𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: 📕
Alice joins an eco-protest with her mommy squad, hoping for a break from baby chaos 🌳🍼 But when a fellow protester is found strangled, their peaceful retreat turns into murder mystery 🕵️‍♀️

With her baby in one hand and magnifying glass in the other, Alice dives into a tangled web of secrets involving rogue artists, shady entrepreneurs, and quirky nude protesting 🎨👀 Will Alice and her friends crack the case before nap time or will they end up as the plot of the next bedtime story? 📚🔍✨

𝗠𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀: 💭
We’ve been traveling and visiting family for two weeks, and time has become a blur. At some point on our “vacation,” I listened to Dead Tired—fitting since this vacation has been exhausting! Despite the tiredness, it’s been great seeing friends and family. 😅

I had a fun time with this cozy mystery. It had a lot of humor that parents can totally relate to, though I felt the moms in the story were a bit self-centered and resentful towards their kids, which made it hard for me to connect with them. The story also strayed from the typical cozy mystery formula, but it still had those charming red herrings.

That said, it's a cute, light whodunnit, perfect for those who don’t dig on-page violence or the stress of suspense. 🔍✨

𝗡𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄: 𝗞𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗞𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘆 🎙️
Kitty Kelly did a solid job narrating Dead Tired. Her voice was pleasant and easy to listen to, bringing the characters to life with distinct voices. Her performance was enjoyable and definitely added to the overall experience of the book.

*2.75 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 277 reviews

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