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The Score That Matters: Growing Excellence in Yourself and Those You Lead

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USA Today Bestseller

Redefine success based on who you are and what you value with this indispensable guide from the authors of The Pursuit of Excellence and Surrender the Outcome.

People love to keep score. Managers keep score of a range of business market share, revenue, profit margin, growth rate. In our personal lives, social media has us keeping score by likes and followers.

These external scores are outcome-driven and serve as proof of our success—money, fame, material possessions, wins—but this constant chase for more validation often leaves us feeling exhausted and empty.

In The Score That Matters, Ryan Hawk and Brook Cupps show that the internal score is what matters most—it reveals whether we are living in alignment with our purpose and values. It also measures how we are leading ourselves and others, prompting us
Differentiate between the two scoreboards that run our lifeUse our fear as fuelAvoid the poison of comparisonEmbrace the mundanity of excellenceRegulate our emotional thermostatCreate a mentality for attacking adversity
Offering both descriptive and prescriptive advice and anecdotes, The Score That Matters will help you unlock true fulfillment and happiness by discovering your purpose, identifying your values, and creating critical behaviors and living them faithfully every day in all aspects of your life.

256 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 26, 2024

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Ryan Hawk

3 books16 followers

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13 reviews
May 21, 2024
So this is Spencer’s book that I took haha. But it was written by his coach, Brook cupps and AJ hawks brother, Ryan hawk! Cool to see Coach Cupps’s way of thinking and his style of leadership. He reminds me of Coach Dobson and I think their great coaching is shown in the teams’ successes.
Profile Image for Steve Bullington.
73 reviews1 follower
April 29, 2024
Many years ago, I started studying the writings of Coach John Wooden, HOF basketball player and coach, 10 times NCAA champion coach and famous Hoosier. His definition of success: "Success is the peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." became a guiding force in my leadership and parenting.

So when I recently started reading Ryan Hawk and Brook Cupps new book The SCORE That Matters, I couldn't help but imagine that Coach Wooden would not only appreciate this book but probably would have been honored to write the forward for it.

In this book Ryan and Brook focus on our Internal Scoreboards vs External Scoreboards. By this they mean, are you going to evaluate your success by the internal drivers vs the opinions of others on your performance. Throughout the book, the authors share stories from their own careers and break down the various components of how you build a Internal Scoreboard life.

At the end of each chapter, they include a Take Action section where they prescribe two exercises where you can take stock of how you can better define and take actions on the topic of that chapter. These are simple yet powerful exercises that allow you the opportunity to take a hard and honest look at yourself, your approaches and your success and see how you can move towards the Internal Scoreboard.

If you are a leader, want to be a leader, or are a parent, you NEED to read this book. Ryan and Brook can help you crystalize who you want to be and craft the focus on building the peace of mind that comes from doing the best YOU are capable of doing every day.
Profile Image for Píaras Cíonnaoíth.
Author 124 books162 followers
August 2, 2024
Providing a different viewpoint on success and happiness...

Ryan Hawk and Brook Cupps' "The Score That Matters" provides a different viewpoint on accomplishment and fulfillment. This smart book questions traditional accomplishment measurements, focusing on internal alignment with one's purpose and beliefs rather than external validations. Hawk and Cupps make a persuasive case for valuing human development and true leadership over superficial measurements of success. They offer real tactics for overcoming anxiety, avoiding comparison, and embracing the sometimes unsung path to success. The authors' approach to emotional regulation and resilience in the face of hardship deepens their philosophy. "The Score That Matters" is a useful guide for individuals seeking genuine contentment in both their personal and professional life since it emphasizes the necessity of living according to one's principles. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for CarlitasFox.
1,077 reviews19 followers
August 1, 2024
A must read
When it comes to useful and life-changing books, I believe that “The Score that Matters” can be considered as one of them. Ryan Hawk and Brook Cupps have penned a detailed guide that will enlighten people to lead their own life by finding life’s purpose. Sometimes, it’s hard to find it but after reading it, for sure, it can be easy to achieve anything.
The internal part of a person is what matters and helps to identify values and shape people’s lives. Here, readers will learn how to control their emotions, to use their fears as fuel and to embrace diversity.
It’s a well-developed and explained book since Ryan and Brook give a variety of anecdotes to help readers grasp the nitty-gritty of it and start applying it. I found it very interesting and I definitely recommend it.

June 6, 2024
Great read for anyone who wishes to be a better leader

Several years ago, I was introduced to Ryan Hawk when he was a guest on a podcast that I listened to weekly. I really enjoyed what he had to offer in that episode so I listened to one of his episodes of The Learning Leader podcast. At the end of that first episode, I subscribed.

Over the years Ryan has invested in my leadership development through his podcast and introducing me to other incredible leaders like Brook Cupps who push me to pursue excellence. This book draws from first hand experience of a championship-winning coach and an avid learner (and successful salesperson). It was chock full of actionable and relatable content that will make you a better learner. Don’t miss it.
Profile Image for Diana.
33 reviews1 follower
July 29, 2024
I really liked The Score that Matters because this book will definitely help you be better, happier and more productive. The narrative inspires excellence in oneself, and the best thing about the book is that it is very dynamic since each chapter ends with an objective and a task to reinforce what has been read. The activities are very practical, and helped me strengthen my life purpose through self-awareness and a growth mindset. I learned from reading that before leading others, we must first lead and know ourselves, and always have beginner's thinking to be open to learning new things. I recommend this book if you want to learn about different leadership perspectives always oriented toward personal growth.
Profile Image for Evelyn.
981 reviews18 followers
July 31, 2024
This book offers a fresh perspective on a fascinating topic. “The Score That Matters” helps readers unlock happiness in a unique way. Let me say that this guide is quite thought-provoking since it invites readers to reflect on their own lives and values. It often happens that human beings spend their lives asking themselves whether they are basing their personal experiences on their beliefs or acting in accordance with their values and purposes.
The narrative is absolutely catching and easy to follow, making it an agile read to be enjoyed at any time of the day. The exercises proposed in its pages provide the reader with an accompaniment so that they can put into practice everything they have learned.
Profile Image for Caro Rey.
221 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2024
Awesome read!

I really enjoyed this amazing book! I believe this book is written for everyone, no matter where you live, where you are in life, and what you do. Now a days, we somehow have given ourselves value depending on how many likes or followers we have but life is much more than that and there are other things that matter much more.
This book will help the reader see beyond that number and that basic trend of today. A thing I really liked from this book is that after each chapter, a sort of assignment follows that chapter to reinforce it and help the reader better understand it.
The purpose of this book in my opinion, is to lead the reader to greatness and success and I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Liz.
1,078 reviews20 followers
August 2, 2024
The world evolves and human beings live more comfortably, but despite this, we are not happier. Obviously, we are looking for happiness in the wrong place. More often we look for achievements, goals, and scores that do not compensate for the emptiness that some situations make us feel. That's why authors Hawk and Cupps share with readers tools to see if we live aligned with their purpose and values.
I think books like this one should be in any reader's library, because they make a difference, since they do not try to make them the best or the first in what they do, but rather they help readers to be focused on their goal, without harming those next to them, without comparing themselves and mainly prioritizing the values, which we often forget very often. I certainly recommend this book.
169 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2024

This author is too clear about what is really important today. The book, more than teaching us, reminds us that internal validations, even if we don't notice it, are what should be the engine of our goals and our biggest dreams.
The book wakes us up, because it makes us see that we live so dependent on the metrics imposed by society in order to fit in and measure our success. But have you ever thought about what success really is? Through super interesting anecdotes, the author gives us the best guidelines to grow but from within, not competing with anyone but with yourself, reevaluate your standards and your life models to achieve fulfillment in your own development.
I was completely enthusiastic about this book.
Profile Image for Sol Tyty.
1,018 reviews21 followers
July 29, 2024
Author Hawk has put pen to paper and described plenty of techniques and tips which can be used to help so many people. These have been well-crafted and they are easy to put into practice.
This book offers all readers profound insights into who we are and what is holding us back to grow excellence in ourselves and those who we lead.
The pieces of advice given within can help us achieve both our personal and professional goals. We can accomplish what we never dreamed possible, and reading this book can be the start of our metamorphosis into someone and something greater than we have ever dreamed possible.
Overall, this book is well-structured and a useful resource! Recommended.
Profile Image for Mariana.
380 reviews7 followers
August 1, 2024
Leadership positions have a major impact on any organization, whatever the industry and as leaders we have an obligation to educate ourselves daily to be the best version of ourselves to not only achieve our company's goals but to motivate our employees and generate new leaders for the future. In this book, I found a guide to achieve fulfillment in life. I understood that in a world full of metrics, the only important thing is the internal score that should be the one that shows us if we are living in balance with all aspects of our life. It is a very interesting book and full of anecdotes that will make you change several aspects of your life.
Profile Image for Aneley Sánchez.
802 reviews21 followers
August 1, 2024

I think we have all been through comparison and measuring our success by the standards of others, and this not only is exhausting but also, it can make us feel "failures" when it is not true. For that reason, this book is so important for me.
The Score that Matters is a reminder about what is really important to guide our life. It proposes a path where each of us lives a life guided by our own convictions and beliefs. Also, it can be a great message for the self-esteem of many people, to know and remember that they are much more than likes on social networks.
It may be aimed at business leaders, but I'm sure there is useful and important advice here for everyone.
Profile Image for Denise Morse.
846 reviews7 followers
May 18, 2024
The Score That Matters will appeal to you if you are both a leader and a sports fan. In a similar vein to John Wooden and his style, this book takes a look at how some of the aspects of being a coach can apply to business life as well. I appreciated that the book focused both on personal and team development and leadership, as well as provided helpful exercises at the end of each chapter. I thought the book was interesting but some of the anecdotes fell flat to me as someone who is not a sports coach.
Profile Image for Steve Sarner.
Author 2 books376 followers
July 6, 2024
"The Score That Matters" helped my understanding of success and fulfillment. Ryan Hawk and Brook Cupps guide readers through the process of aligning actions with core values, emphasizing the importance of using fear as a catalyst for growth. That was an interesting appraoch!Q

From the very first chapter, I enjoyed their practical advice and engaging anecdotes. The book offers actionable insights that are both motivating and relatable. Whether you're navigating a career change, striving for personal development, or seeking a more meaningful life, this book provides a pretty good roadmap .
Profile Image for Laurie.
155 reviews
March 20, 2024
This is the first book I've read by Ryan Hawk. The premise seemed interesting, I have a master's degree in leadership, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Did it help me, "unlock true fulfillment and happiness"? No. *giggle* But was it a quick, easy, and sometimes insightful read? Yeah. He uses a lot of business jargon so, folks working in sectors outside business (higher ed, the arts, non-profit, NGO, etc.) keep that in mind when you pick this up.
Profile Image for L Becerra.
43 reviews2 followers
August 9, 2024
This book just entered in my top 5! Amazing topic, analogies and very easy to read!!
I’ve been a sports person my whole life so, since the very beginning, I felt connected with the book. But you don’t have to like sports in order to read this book. I think it is a must for everyone!!
I found very valuable how the authors used examples from different sports in order to convey their main message: you’re the one who determine your score and how much you value.
Nowadays, I’m training to run my first marathon and my main mantra is to enjoy the process and be grateful! It was amazing reading this book and how they focus one chapter for “The Process”. I felt it was written for me!
29 reviews
May 10, 2024
much appreciated point of view

Far too often we seek temporary happiness or achievement over a longer lasting pursuit of excellence. This book provides key insights coupled with real life examples to help us all flip the script and focus on the score that matters.
11 reviews
July 15, 2024
100% worthy read. Attainable lessons for coaches and players. Perspective is everything and this book proves it over and over with creditable examples and experiences.
Profile Image for Carlos mutua.
400 reviews2 followers
August 16, 2024
well educating

There key thing that I have been able to to deduce from the book, first is the respite the low moment one can still make it. Secondly there is always a second chance.
Profile Image for Starlight Wymore.
163 reviews2 followers
July 14, 2024
Using a variety of sports-related stories and anecdotes, the authors encourage the reader to focus on the score that matters - the score we keep within ourselves. They provide wisdom and advice that guides the reader to turn inward and reflect on who they are, who they want to be, and how they are going to get there.

I liked the book. I’m not much of a sports fan, so some of the analogies and examples weren’t as interesting to me as they may have been to someone who plays or even enjoys the world of sports, but I knew enough that the point wasn’t lost on me. A lot of the advice really resonated with me, either because it was something I already personally believed or because I felt it was advice I could apply to my own life.

Recommend? Yes. You should be able to find this one at your local bookstore and I would suggest picking up a copy.

Thanks to Ryan Hawk, Brook Cupps, BenBella Books and Netgalley for this ARC in return for my honest review.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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