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Everyone knows it’s a bad idea to crush on a straight guy. But when that man is also your bodyguard?
It’s just asking for trouble.


Our rise to stardom might’ve helped me escape from the chaos that was my childhood, but that didn’t mean it was easy for me. Now, with fame and an almost unlimited bank account, you’d think I’d be happy. But I’m not. There’s no escaping the depression that dogs me or my past that refuses to leave me alone, no matter what I try. There’s no-one to stop the self-destructive spiral I’m caught in.

No-one, that is, until Jack.

As soon as the stoic man who looks like he could crush me under his thumb is assigned to me, I know I’m in trouble. Not only is he every one of my wet dreams brought to life, but he’s straight. Oh, and tasked with keeping me out of mischief.

What I wasn’t expecting was the friendship that followed. The way we would come to depend on one another.

When it’s all ripped away, can I find a way to exist without Jack at my side? Or am I destined to love someone I can never have?


After leaving the SAS, going into personal security seemed like the next logical step. Having been briefed on my client, the drummer for the rock band Caffeine Daydreams, I believed I’d be guarding some spoiled kid with more money than sense.

But as I get to know Arlo, I realise nothing could be further from the truth.

With the line between professional and personal blurring, Arlo quickly becomes the most important person in my life. When I have to decide between keeping him in my life or protecting him, I choose the latter.

I will always protect Arlo.

What I didn’t know was that the price I’d pay would cut me far deeper than I’d thought possible. Can I persuade Arlo to give me another chance? Or will I have to resign myself to just seeing him on my screen?

Red Haze is a demi-awakening, bodyguard x rockstar MM romance. The final book in the Caffeine Daydreams series, each book follows a different couple as they find their HEA. Although better read in order, these books can standalone.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 21, 2024

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About the author

Lark Taylor

15 books702 followers
Lark lives with her family in southern England. An obsessive romance fan, she loves nothing more than a Happily Ever After – especially if there’s a good plot and a hefty amount of spice along the way. When she’s not reading or writing, she can be found hiding from adult life in escape rooms, travel and the MCU. As a Bi woman with OCD, Lark is a fervent supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and an advocate for mental health awareness and support.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 212 reviews
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
April 18, 2024
It was going so well until the paranormal invaded 😂

I'm a big fan of paranormal romance books but I have to know it's paranormal from the outset. Then if humans pop up my brain is ok with it.

What short circuits my brain is reading a contemporary book and then having characters that I KNOW are Mages, Demons and Vampires pop up. It doesn't compute for me! I'm that person where if an alien appeared or an animal started talking to me I'd assume I'd lost the plot, not get chatty with them - it's actually a big reason for why I hate E.T. 😂😂

I know Caffeine Daydreams are mentioned in Lark Taylor's paranormal series so they exist in the same universe, but it was too weird for me when River, Mori and Sebastian featured so much.

I know that's a personal thing but it really threw me out of the story and then I really struggled to stay focused on the plot, which sucked because I was really invested in seeing Jack and Arlo get their HEA.

I did like the heartache and seeing the history between Arlo and Jack though. I enjoyed that they were both possessive and obsessed with each other too.

Definitely prefer this author's paranormal books because they don't hurt my brain!
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
March 12, 2024
I loved Arlo and Jack's long-awaited story. I was not expecting their complicated history or slow-burn, push/pull dynamics, but find those were necessary for the eventual declaration of their feelings for one another.

Red Haze is a brilliant story that is my favorite in the series. It has amazing moments between Jack and Arlo that are filled with sizzling chemistry as they try to navigate their growing complicated feelings for one another. I enjoyed how Arlo is quicker to his feelings than Jack, even though Jack is super possessive and domineering when it comes to Arlo's protection, which is a great starting point for them to be in each other's vicinity and naturally grow more comfortable with one another as their feelings develop.

Another great aspect of their story is how humble Jack's journey toward discovering this identity is and how that plays into his feelings for Arlo. He is a very practical man and once his logical side combines with his long-buried feelings his determination to prove and show his affection and devotion to Arlo is one of my favorite aspects of their story.

Overall this is a great ending to the series. I enjoyed seeing all of the previous couples appear as well as many cameos of other characters from another series. Those were unexpected, but very welcoming, especially a special surly someone.

*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this story.***
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
June 6, 2024
This was so good, I loved it! I love bodyguard/rockstar romances and I thought this was so well done. I don't always love books with time jumps and long separations, but I thought it really worked in this book. I could really feel the longing, desperation, and sadness from each character during this time- it was so emotional and so well done.
I initially skipped book two in this series, but after I loved this so much maybe I'll go back and give it another try??
I loved everything, it was almost perfect but one thing that I really didn't like was I really disliked that, but since I loved everything else I'll still go with 5 stars.

And the epilogue is hinting at some sort of Phoenix bodyguard spin off and I need that so bad. please please give it to us!
Profile Image for taylor :) (in a slump).
210 reviews41 followers
March 21, 2024
I received a copy of the book, and this is my honest review.

Okay so to be honest, I didn’t want to read this. Not for reasons you think. I have been excited for this book since I read White Noise. The bodyguard trope is one of my all time favorites, so I was chomping at the bit to read about Arlo and Jack. My issue is that I am in such a slump right now. I don’t want to read ANYTHING. And it stinks so bad because I have soooooo many good book in my tbr right now. But last night, I was like well it’s getting close to release day, and I really need to read this arc. Just get it over with. So I made myself start the book. And then I couldn’t put it down. It was so amazingly good. Like I was still reading at 4 am, and I was like oh god I need to go to bed. And then I see my alarm for 7:30 am, so I could pick it back up. Wild. So good.

This book is set in 2 parts. Before the issue and after the issue basically. If you read the other books in this series you’ll have a vague idea of what the issue could be, but you still don’t *know* And just let me tell you that you’ll want some tissues. I was like what the hell WHY can’t this author let me not cry in a book for once. It was great. I loved part 1 more than part 2 actually. We just got to see how codependent Arlo and Jack got with each other, and I know that is super toxic, but I eat that up everytime. Love me a toxic obsessive/possessive jealous needy codependent relationship (in books). Part 2 was good as well, but most of the time I was like come onnnnnnnn. What is the hold up here (I knew what the holdup was, but I did not like it). I feel like I am speaking in morse code right now. Book was great.

Oh and I also want to add that there is quite a bit of a time skip between part 1 and part 2. It’s expected honestly like I knew it was coming, but it was 5 years. That’s so damn long like whyyyyyyy. I’m not the biggest fan of time skips. Quite frankly I hate them, but I understood it here. Even though I hated how long it was.

The sex was okay in this book. This author always writes great sex scenes. I’m not upset about the quality, it’s the quantity, I’m not actually upset either it’s just that I don’t feel like I got enough sex scenes to feel satisfied. We got some in part 1. And we got a little towards the end in part 2, but it just wasn’t enough for me. It was way more than she wrote in Green Light, but not as much in White Noise. It still doesn’t take away from me loving the story, though.

We have an issue in part 2. I’m not going to say what it is. You might have an idea on what it could be based on a hint given in White Noise. I was expecting it. I always like this trope. I can’t really explain why I like it without giving it away, but it falls back into the bodyguard trope. Just know it’s good.

We got some Reckless Damned cameos in this and I LOVED IT. There were a few comments said that led Arlo and Jack into believing they were talking to the mafia. and I laughed so hard. Like baby you don’t even understand. The mafia is child’s play to what you’re actually dealing with. So funny.

I’m looking forward to what this author has planned for future books. It seems like she’ll be writing more bodyguard books, and hell yeah am I on board. Girl knew I was starving, and she had to take care of me. And I love her for that. Thank you and good night.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
March 21, 2024
"None of them noticed that I wasn’t really joining in. That my smile barely tugged at the corners of my lips. That was fine. I would drown alone. I wouldn’t take them down with me."

Red Haze is the third book in the Caffeine Daydreams series by Lark Taylor, about the life and loves of the guys in a rock band called - you guessed it - Caffeine Daydreams.

This is Jack and Arlo's story and it's a heart-wrencher, so come prepared with the tissues! If you love bodyguard/rockstar, seemingly unrequited love with ALL THE ANGST, this will be the book for you!

What to Expect:

🌶️MM bodyguard/rockstar romance
🌶️Pining (all the angst)
🌶️First times
🌶️Mental health rep
🌶️Found family
🌶️Age gap
🌶️Slowwww burn
🌶️Hard won HEA

4 stars
Profile Image for Amy Imogene Reads.
1,133 reviews1,057 followers
March 26, 2024
4 stars

This third book in the trilogy is bittersweet—I was absolutely dying to learn the story of Arlo and Jack, and I got it. It was mostly everything I wanted. But now it’s over 😭

Romance: ★★★★★★
Plot: ★★
Enjoyment: ★★★ 1/2

Red Haze is the third and final book in the Caffeine Daydreams series that begins with White Noise. These are not easy standalones—I really recommend you start with book one before reading this review.

I've been anticipating Arlo and Jack's story for quite some time. Ever since they were first teased for us in White Noise, actually. Arlo and Jack appeared angsty as heck, tortured with their own story, and in desperate need of a reconciled happy ending.

For someone who LOVES angst and second chances, this was the ultimate teased story for me. I wanted Red Haze soooo badddddd.

And now we're finally here. It's Arlo and Jack and their love story over the years.

I'm not really here to talk about the plot—check out the blurb for that—as I just want to get right to the good stuff. This is a pure reaction review.

So... I did love it. I read it in one sitting like the others in the series and I was truly obsessed. Seeing Arlo and Jack's narrative played out over more than a decade of situations, scenes, and angst? Perfection.

I feel like this story had a few flaws, though. And as much as I want to gush and gush over the great, I think it's fair for other readers to hear about the not-so-great.

The not-so-great was twofold for me.

1. This novel was really, really hard to believe due to its extreme time jumps + lack of time spent in each time jump. Let me explain. We're with Arlo and Jack for more than 10 years over the course of this slim 300-page romance. And while the setup and the payoff were both well fleshed out (or at least, by ebook smut standards) the actual finessing of their romance in the middle bits was rough. I believed that Jack and Arlo had a bombastic first run as bodyguard/rockstar. That was clear and we were given just enough scenes to fall into the story. And then I understood their freeze out in the middle when they weren't speaking...even though Red Haze didn't really fill that void—the narrative relied on the reader's prior knowledge of this slice of time from the perspectives of White Noise and Green Light arcs to do that job. But then when the "drama" of this book's plot commenced, I had such a hard time understanding the reconciliation arc for Jack and Arlo. The lack of payoff in their reunion based on the sheer length of time their build up required seemed off to me. I don't know. I might not be honing in on the right words to get this feeling across correctly... In short, I needed a more realistic hand dealt to us readers for this exquisite angsty setup.

2. This is one is a me problem, and for that I totally recognize that it's not something I can fault this book for, or even fault other romance books for doing. I personally hate when romance books bring in characters from the author's other universes/worlds without a lot of context or reasoning and integrate them into the main plot of whatever book is going on at the time. Now, this can be done well—I love when it's a small little nod, like a random interaction at a bar that then fades into the ether and is never revived. I DON'T love when that nod to other worlds becomes so integral to the book plot that you have to have context of that author's other books in order to actually enjoy the story. Red Haze crossed that line into the latter camp. Lark Taylor brought in characters from both her Devil's Mark series and her Justice series and, in the context of Red Haze, it didn't make sense to me and I, as a reader who hasn't read those series yet, was extremely confused and didn't care for their involvement in this plot. It'd be one thing if the entire Caffeine Daydreams series included little nods to those other books... but they didn't? Red Haze was the last book in this completely separate/isolated trilogy and was somehow a book that became overrun with a side plot/climax sequence hinging on characters that we were supposed to know from a totally different Lark Taylor series that we hadn't necessarily read. This rubbed me wrong and, not gonna lie, soured the ending of this book for me.

Blog | Instagram | Libro.fm Audiobooks
March 9, 2024
Ok, so I started this book a little wary as it has some of the same themes as book 2 with the pining etc. but once I got about 25% it took off and I loved every second of it. We got so much more than I expected from Arlo and Jack’s story. Pining that hurt so good, action, some absolutely amazing cameos and a beautiful story!

In books 1 and 2 we got glimpses here and there and we knew something had happened between Arlo and Jack and I loved finally figuring out what it was! Arlo, sweet Arlo. All of his actions make sense now and even though it took a while I’m so happy he found his family and HEA!

As much as I really wanted to shake Jack and make him figure out his feelings I understand now why it took so long but still these boys were in pain for so long! But once he figured it out Jack was exactly who Arlo needed!

If you have read any of the PNR series’ by this author you will love the cameos! They were so perfect! I highly recommend all the books by this author and can’t wait to see what they come up with next!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
186 reviews6 followers
March 9, 2024
Lark Taylor keeps upping the ante and shredding my cold dead heart by making me feel things I'm not prepared to feel. The feels are absolutely next level in this book!

Red Haze is a bodyguard x rockstar romance about unrequited love, pining, and features a demi-awakening and all the feels. The epic love story between Arlo, drummer for Caffeine Daydreams, and his bodyguard Jack will break you just a little before giving you the sweetest happy ending. Arlo has been in love with Jack for decades yes decades. Nothing seems to work- spending every minute with Jack is killing Arlo, staying away from Jack is also killing him. Their love is undeniable and neither can move on with their life until they sort out what is going on between them. With that said, the book isn't all pinning, it's also a journey of self-discovery for both of them. Arlo learns that some battles can't be won but they can be managed, and Jack finds important parts of his identity over the course of the story. There were more than a few moments that broke my heart, but don't worry- Lark always gives us a happy ending!

I probably shouldn't admit this, but my absolute favourite part of the book was .

Red Haze can be read as a standalone but I recommend starting with book 1 in the series so you get as hurt as the rest of us when you realize how long Arlo has to wait for Jack.

Rating: 4.5
Angst: 4.5/5
Steam: 3/5

I received an advance copy of this book and this is my honest review.
March 18, 2024
A Rockstar/Bodyguard MM romance with All the feels, want, longing, heart breaking, smiles, hope. A Second-Chance at love that had never quite gone away, A found family that keeps us afloat. Action to keep it all extra exciting 😉. & a HEA that's long time coming!
I devoured my #ARC in 7hrs. Love Arlo & Jack so much, even if they're fools at time 🤧. All the characters in this world Lark made are my beloved ❤️.

The cover just does it for me, so cute!

Arlo is the drummer for Caffeine Daydreams. He's gay, & had a hard childhood. He's sassy, fun-loving, sweet, emotional. He has depression, my sweetheart 🥺.
Jack is the bodyguard, 10yrs older than Arlo. Ex-military, stoic but very protective of Arlo, will do all for his happiness, caring ❤️. J thinks he's straight, never much interested in sex tho.

This book gives us all. It tells us their start from strangers, misconceptions, the budding friendship to crush. The complicated. It shows us the lows, hopes, the heart-breaking 😭. I KNEW KEVIN IS SOMEHOW RESPONSIBLE!! A$$HOLE!

In present, it's like they're strangers (not). I must say, Jack is observant but damn such a fool, especially in matters of sex. I'm happy he figured his demisexuality out. I applaud Arlo for his patience! Will the past stay in past, Is it too late now? They can't even get over eachother lol. I love me a vers couple!! 🔥

And ah, the stalker. I thank the unhinged man, I knew he'll bring these 2 together! 🤣 We also got non-demon cameos guys yay 😍.

This book was so fun! I hope we see the band around, Love em! Give me the bodyguards' books 😉.

Story Ratings:

POV: 1st person, Dual POV
1) Overall Enjoyment—> 5/5
2) The Characters: 5/5
3) Top feels: 🥺😁🤭😏😭😍😳😤🤧❤️😅😢😈🥰
4) Steamy scenes: 3/5
5) Levels: Cute+Swoon: 4/5
Angst: 3.5/5 🥺
Dark: 2.5/5
6) Creativity + world: 4.8/5
7) Plot arc: (A heartbreaking love through years & Action) 4.7/5
8) Writing style + pace: 4.7/5
Profile Image for caffeinated.crystal .
308 reviews7 followers
March 27, 2024
Finally. Finally, we get the nitty gritty, all the details of Arlo and Jack. Talk about a love story that [redacted!] - featuring a demi awakening, "you're my person," bodyguard to best friend to soulmate love affair with so much pining. All the pining.

We get the Caffeine Daydream crew. More Kevin (woof). More BODYGUARDS!!!! A random creeper. Mental illness rep. Found family vibes. And did I mention the PINING? Oh my god.

Are ------- & Tristan gonna get a book?!

Oh!!! We also get &%×_/!@ . That will remain redacted, but it took me entirely too long to recognize [redacted] . *shame on me, honestly*

I simply adored Jack and Arlo. The chemistry. The intensity. The obsession. The perfection. The pining. The support. Everything. All of it. These two were tragically clueless, but when it happens, it's worthy of a galaxy worth of stars.

I hope we get a few books of the Phoenix team. I want more.

I loved going back into this world. I love the band. I've loved every book of this series, and thankfully, Lark didn't make me cry too much this time. I DID cry, but not enough to be puffy faced tomorrow.

Highly recommend this book AND this series.
Available 03/21!
Don't miss it!!
Profile Image for The Secret Librarian.
497 reviews57 followers
March 24, 2024
Rating: 4.5
Steam: 3
PoV: dual, 1st person
Genre: contemporary romance, MM
Main tropes: rock star / bodyguard, pining, sexual discovery

Oh, how I'd been waiting for Arlo and Jack's story - I'd been intrigued by them ever since Arlo first appeared in White Noise, and as it turned out, Red Haze was well worth the wait!

I loved how Lark captured the emotions between Arlo and Jack - the chemistry, pining and obsession were all really well portrayed and strongly present through the story. It was easy to feel for Arlo, and seeing him fall for his supposedly straight bodyguard and making some less than stellar decisions made my heart ache. I have to admit I was a little disappointed in how Jack handled some of the things between them, but at the same time I could understand his reasoning and his fear about losing Arlo.

The story was divided into two parts, with a pretty big time skip between. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to yell at both Arlo and Jack for not communicating and pretty much spending FIVE YEARS pouting and pining. There were some outside forces that played a part in them being separated, I won't name any names but I've rarely felt such hatred towards a character as I've felt for this one through the series. Still, I wish they'd had some more faith in each other and the other band members than they did, but it was great to see how the guys were there for Arlo once he let them in.

While the first part of the book shared the background of Arlo and Jack, and also made sure I was totally invested in their story, the second part was more suspenseful and showed Jack in full bodyguard mode for most of it. I loved seeing them have some overdue conversations, with the help of a little forced proximity, and finally work things through - even if the circumstances were a bit dire. There were some really strong "it's always been you" vibes and I'm such a sucker for those... so no complaints here! These two truly belonged together.

Red Haze was overall another fantastic read from Lark Taylor - Arlo and Jack's story was everything I could have wished for, and I don't think I put it down a single time while reading. I can't believe this series is completed - I've loved every book and I hope we get the spin-off that was hinted at! If you're into rock stars, friends to lovers, sexual discoveries and lots of pining, you need to read this series!

Thanks to the author for the opportunity to read and review this book. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Jacqueleen the Reading Queen♡.
1,333 reviews88 followers
March 17, 2024
"I'd lost Jack. My best friend. My confidant. My love. He'd been my pillar of strength for almost a decade. How was I supposed to get through life without him? Was it even possible?"

I totally loved reading Arlo and Jack get their HEA, even when I wanted to smack them both upside the head so many times! So much hurt and loss could have been avoided if they had just communicated. If they could have let down their final barrier and truly trusted one another. It was so frustrating and heartbreaking at the same time. Because even though I wanted to hate Jack for a lot of the choices he made, I couldn't. I couldn't because he made them for the right reasons. Or at least what he thought were the right reasons.

"I'd thought I was about to be fired. Believed I was going to lose the thing that was most important to me. I'd been wrong about the first, right about the second."

Poor Arlo. Watching all his bandmates fall in love, especially Kai whom he felt a kindred spirit. It killed me how hurt he was. I couldn't believe it when we finally got the background on these two all that was going on under everyone's noses. The depth of their connection must have been extremely difficult to hide.

"Until you walked into my life, I never had anyone to love. I think that's why I've held on to it so tightly. You're mine, Jack. You were even when you didn't realize it."

On a lighter note, I absolutely loved all the cameos from a certain demon series. *wink wink*. They brought some needed levity into a bad situation. A situation that had such a satisfying ending. Take that as you will. And since I was teased an intriguing possible future couple I think I have to mention it in my review. Please tell me Corey is getting his own book!! 🙏🏻
Profile Image for Maggie.
222 reviews6 followers
April 22, 2024
"Eres mío, Jack. Lo has sido incluso cuando no te dabas cuenta." 🫂❣️

Tenía muchas expectativas con este libro, desde White noise que quiero saber qué había pasado entre estos dos.

Me encantó y me desesperaron las idas y venidas de estos dos! Lo que más pensé mientras leía fue "Jack, amigo date cuenta" 😂

Pero se ganaron con mucho esfuerzo su merecido HEA 🙌
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews82 followers
March 29, 2024
* 4 stars *

This book started out so promising. It's split into two parts: one to reveal the history between Arlo and Jack and one to bring us back to the present and the events unfolding following the first two books.

The story takes place over many years, specifically over two decades.

I loved the "Before" part so much. It's how they met, how they began, how they formed a friendship, and how Arlo's feelings evolved through the years from a simple crush to an all-consuming love.

The "After" part I was less excited about. There was a stalker arc and side characters from other series. It was also an introduction to a new book (maybe the first one in a new series). So I wasn't as interested in this part as I was in the first.

Arlo and Jack had a lot of history that tied them together and the things that kept them apart for so many years were mainly Jack's hangups. Maybe they could have gotten together a few years earlier than they did but the timeframe the author chose for them worked too.

I wish the second part would be more like the first and that it would have been lighter on the suspense but I still enjoyed reading about their past and was glad when they finally figured things out between them.

~ Copy provided by Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn't a requirement. ~
Profile Image for Laura Lou.
139 reviews8 followers
March 13, 2024
Red Haze is book three in the Caffeine Daydreams series. This rockstar/bodyguard MM romance story is about Arlo and Jack.

We got glimpses of Arlo and Jack in White Noise and Green Light, and with all the tension we could feel between them, I could not wait to read their story. And what a story it was! Arlo is the drummer in the Caffeine Daydreams band and Jack is assigned to be his bodyguard. We get to see their complicated history, their highs and lows, and finally their happily ever after. 

Arlo has been in love with Jack for so long. Even though he knew Jack didn’t feel the same, he would take what he could get from Jack and continued to pine for him. Jack was always trying to protect Arlo, and he was there for him no matter what. The mental health rep was amazing, and Jack's support of Arlo was incredible. Jack made Arlo his whole world, and they both became dependent on one another. It was beautiful to see what they meant to each other, but it was also heartbreaking to see how much time it took for them to finally be together.

My heart ached for Arlo after everything he had been through growing up, as well as for what he was going through now. I admit I got a bit frustrated with Jack. But as the story progressed, Jack discovers important parts of his identity, and it gave me a better understanding of why it was hard for him to figure out his feelings for Arlo.   

This was definitely an emotional read, but there was also some action that I really enjoyed. We got to meet some interesting new characters that I would love to see more of in the future. I also loved that we got to see the previous couples from this series as well as some cameos of characters from another series. 

Arlo and Jack's love story was certainly a special one. It makes me sad to see this series come to an end, but it is definitely one that I will enjoy rereading. If you have not read the Caffeine Daydreams series yet, now is the time to start. I hope you will love it as much as I do!

I received an advanced copy of this book, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Simoné (Colleen).
218 reviews4 followers
March 20, 2024
Red Haze is the third and final book in Lark Taylor’s Caffeine Daydreams series. Although this book can be read as a standalone, they’re better read in order. Red Haze is a MM rockstar/bodyguard romance with a guaranteed happily ever after. As always, please review the content and trigger warnings and always take care of yourself while reading. Here’s what you can expect from Arlo and Jack:

- Rockstar/bodyguard romance
- First person dual point of view
- Guaranteed happily ever after
- Demisexual awakening
- Forced proximity
- Codependency
- Hurt/comfort
- Mental health representation
Maybe I was being overprotective, but protecting Arlo was my job.
I didn’t know when it had become my obsession.

Red Haze is by far my favourite book in the Caffeine Daydreams series! We’ve been teased with Jack and Arlo’s epic love story throughout White Noise and Green Light, and although that’s a lot of build up, I think Lark more than delivered for us! I absolutely loved both characters, and the tension and angst between them was perfectly balanced with the swoon and steam. When combined with a little bit of suspense, glimpses of Ollie, Luca, Kai, and Silas, and an incredible Reckless Damned/Damned Connections cameo, this book was the perfect way to complete Lark’s contemporary series.

Jack was such a frustrating character at times (although not quite as frustrating as Silas and Kai in Green Light). There were moments when I wanted to shake some sense into him, and I’m glad his friends set him straight because some of his behaviour was unintentionally disrespectful to Arlo. Luckily, he more than made up for it towards the end of the story. I also loved the random little friendship he struck up with River from Deal With the Devil. And how can you read this book and not love Arlo? He’s such a sweet broken boy, and when he reveals his fears about being kicked out of the band and losing his friends, I think that’s something a lot of us can relate to. As always, Lark has come through with the mental health representation in terms of Arlo’s depression. Yes, Arlo has Jack to help him through some of his darker moments but he also takes medication and attends therapy. I also appreciated the representation for the demisexual awakening, and I like that we got to see the progression and discovery of this.

I immensely enjoyed the finalé to Lark’s Caffeine Daydreams series! She’s shown that she’s a versatile author, seamlessly releasing both contemporary and paranormal stories with swoon, steam, and the perfect amount of angst. Although it’s sad to say goodbye to a series, Lark more than did these boys justice!
“And where’s your heart now?”
“In your hands, Arlo,” he said softly, his voice trembling. “Right where it’s always been, even if I didn’t know it.”

I received an ARC of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review.
March 23, 2024
⭐️: 8:10 🌶️: 2,5/5 😭: 1/5 🤣: 1/5

🥁Close Proximity
🎤Hurt Comfort
🥁Bodyguard / Rockstar
🥁 Mental Heath
🎤 Demi Rep

“And where’s your heart now?” “In your hands, Arlo,” he said softly, his voice trembling. “Right where it’s always been, even if I didn’t know it.”

(ESP) Necesitaba leer esta historia desde el primer libro de la serie y por suerte no me decepcionó. Es imposible no enamorarse de Arlo, un personaje bellísimo con sus oscuridades que no quiere resignar su chance de ser feliz. Y Jack… debo decir que me dieron ganas de acomodarle las ideas a los golpes en algunos momentos pero cuando por fin logra superar sus miedos y entregarse a su amado es todo lo que esperamos de un bookboyfriend.
Está historia transcurre a lo largo de 15 años y fue bellísimo de leer todo por lo que atraviesan los personajes en esos años. Obviamente, se nos romperá el corazón en más de una oportunidad pero la autora, como siempre, logrará recomponerlo.
El toque de suspenso le aporta un extra a la narración que me pareció súper entretenido y nos permite conocer a los protagonistas de la nueva serie contemporánea de Lark.
Los cameos de personajes de sus otras series son EXCELENTES y los disfruté enormemente.
Muy buen final para esta serie que es preciosa y definitivamente recomiendo.

(ENG) I had to read this story since the first book of the series and luckily I was not disappointed. It's impossible not to fall in love with Arlo, a beautiful character with his obscurities who doesn't want to give up his chance to be happy. And Jack... I have to say that at times I wanted to knock some sense into him, but when he finally manages to overcome his fears and give himself to his beloved, he is everything we expect from a book boyfriend.
This story takes place over 15 years and it was beautiful to read everything the characters go through during those years. Of course, our hearts will be broken more than once, but the author, as always, manages to put them back together again.
The touch of suspense adds an extra to the story that I found very entertaining and allows us to get to know the main characters of Lark's new contemporary series.
The cameos of characters from his other series are EXCELLENT and I really enjoyed reading them.
Very nice ending to this series, which is beautiful and I definitely recommend.
March 18, 2024
We met Arlo and Jack in the previous books of this series, we had seen the tension between them and also Arlo's feelings towards Jack but were they reciprocated or not?

Arlo and Jack had met in the early days of the Caffeine Daydreams where Arlo had an instant crush on Jack but Jack never wavered through his professional behaviour and also he thought Arlo was a rich brat who liked to party. But when Jack realised how wrong his assumptions were about Arlo, he became protective of him and they started spending time together and forming a wonderful relationship but Arlo's crush on him was only increasing whereas Jack was oblivious to his feelings.

I freaking loved Arlo, I was so proud of him for taking the measures for his mental health and not letting Jack or anyone come in between his happiness. I hated to see him hurt and the author had written their emotions so excellently, my heart hurt for both of them. I loathed Jack for being so hesitant to pursue a relationship with Arlo but after knowing the reason, I liked him a little more. His possessiveness, protectiveness and how needy he was when they were together ... gah I loved it so much. The slow burn was the right amount and their sexual chemistry was damn hot and intimate, they were so freaking obsessed with each other.

I enjoyed the scenes with the other bandmates and their security details and also Jack's military friends, I liked how they supported both of them and helped them when a problem arrived in Arlo's life. Also, the cameos of the other characters from other series the author has written made me intrigued to read their book.

As always hated Kevin... that's it.

Even though I am sad that this series ended, I loved this book and it was a beautiful ending to this series. I am curious if the author is considering writing a book for the Phoenix guys, if so I will be reading them.

* I received an ARC copy from Chaotic Creative Services and this is my honest review *
Profile Image for Sus Would Rather Be Reading.
156 reviews9 followers
March 11, 2024
Drummer is desperate for his straight bodyguard to handle his stick.

Look, I am the moodiest of mood readers and there are certain tropes that I absolutely cannot get into. Leave it to Lark Taylor to get me reading a rockstar, pining, second chance, former best friends novel. NONE of these are my jam and when I tell you I ate this book up?! Best jam sandwich I ever did eat.

Arlo was a precious baby who needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap and carried in my pocket. Jack is….well…Jack needs to be throat punched for a lot of this book BUT when he finally extracts his head from his ass, he is redeemed. He just wants what’s best for Arlo. He just does a piss poor job of going about it for a lot of the time.

The mental health rep in this book is PHENOMENAL. It does a beautiful job of showing a character with depression. From the pre-diagnosis confusion of “something just isn’t right with my brain” to the struggle to accept a diagnosis to the years it can take to get the right med cocktail to the days when even with all your work, you just can’t get out of bed. Meds, therapy, and lifestyle changes help but even then sometimes you have those bad days AND THATS OK. Falling in love and getting a perfect HEA doesn’t magically cure you. I felt so seen and so validated.

Let’s talk cameos. Anytime I see familiar faces and former MCs in a book, I always get dumb giddy and we got to see some of our favorite morally grey MCs from other books (and series).

Five stars. Highly recommend. I mean it’s fucking Lark Taylor of course you should read it. You should read everything she writes.

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
930 reviews22 followers
March 4, 2024
Here is the thing about this one I enjoyed it immensely. However, too many times, I wanted to smack someone for his choices. When someone continues to make the wrong choices for the right reasons yet doesn't talk to the other person involved, it leaves me cranky. The story overall keeps you drawn in from start to finish, like can not put this down. When they are together, they are so good for each other. I just wanted more communication.
The cameos from Larks' other boiks were perfect! I loved to see more of them. It's totally worth a read to see the last of the Caffeine Daydreams boys get his much deserved happiness.
Profile Image for Kamryn M.
49 reviews4 followers
March 25, 2024
This book ugh 😩

This story followed Arlo, drummer in Caffeine Daydreams and his bodyguard Jack. This relationship has been teased and hinted at all through the Caffeine Daydreams series. I definitely recommend reading the first two books before this one.

I won’t give too much away, but this book follows their relationship over 15 years. It’s not an easy journey and neither character is perfect, but it’s so real and honest. It shows that no matter how much you want someone, how perfect that person is for you- the timing might not be right.

These characters are beautiful and heart wrenching and I love them. They were obsessed and codependent as hell. Arlo feels broken and all Jack wants to do is piece him back together.

There is also some drama going on unrelated to their relationship that will have you stressy (well it had me stressy) in both part 1 and 2. I felt violence towards so many people on behalf of these two. However, I digress. It may take some time- but their HEA is earned.

I really loved this book and experiencing their relationship change over time. I honestly wish it was longer- I wanted more time to see them together and happy. I will be reading their bonus scene the second the book is released because I cannot get enough of these two.

If you like
•mental health representation
•pining out the wazoo
•hurt/comfort is your emotional support read
•intriguing side characters (possible future books?👀)
•really sweet guys who might have fared better is they had just used their words 😘
Then you might like this book! (And should check out this series)
Profile Image for Mimi.
593 reviews133 followers
June 9, 2024
Sweet if somewhat too drama-filled and drawn out conclusion to the series. Arlo and Jack are a match made in heaven but boy did they test my patience with their dumbassery 🫠
April 2, 2024
That was actually the best book in the series and I loved the crossover with the guys from The Closet, in particular River and Sebastian.
Good job, Lark! 🫶🏻
Profile Image for E.L. Ough.
Author 5 books78 followers
April 13, 2024
Anyone else want to slap Jack up the head for taking so long to be with Arlo! I know he had his reasons and I’m glad he was able to move forward, but come on, years and years it took him!!

I loved Arlo so much, mental heath is such a big part of many peoples lives and I’m goad he was able to push through and manage it. But my heart pined along with his over his crush on Jack which took FOREVER… I totally would have given up lol but Arlo was in deep and I’m glad he finally got his man!

Loved this series so much but I love all of larks books. It’s sad to see these men come to an end but I really enjoy the found family of band mates, all the damn pining and the spice when it hit!!!


🥁Forced proximity
🥁Ex-best friends
🥁Found family
🥁Crush that lasts years

Profile Image for Avery.
308 reviews9 followers
March 10, 2024
The story of Arlo and Jack teased me during the other two books, and I couldn’t wait to read it. And did Lark deliver, we get a full history between these men, starting from their meeting and hitting all their lows and highs during the years they worked together.

In White Noise and Green Light you feel the tension between them and you just know there is more going on but that it was to this level I never could have imagined. Jack was such an integral part of Arlo’s life, living his life to take care of Arlo.

"You know it's you. It's always been you, Arlo. Even if I couldn't see it myself, everyone else could."

It is heartbreaking to see how much time it took them to finally get around to being together. Jack’s realization being a huge part of taking that final step to their happiness. But it was always meant to be this way.

To have them figuring out their feelings and the way forward was a great story in itself, where the stalker storyline made this an even more thrilling read. It gave an extra aspect to the story that had me on the edge of my seat.

"This thing I feel for you, it's not normal. I'd love to tell you that I'd be a relaxed boyfriend, but I think we both know that's not true. I'll probably be possessive and overprotective. And needy. So fucking needy. I can't pretend otherwise. If you let me touch you again, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to stop."

I am so sad to see this series ending. I just need more of Caffeine Daydreams, I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review,
Profile Image for Bethany (Bee_TheBibliophile).
625 reviews43 followers
March 19, 2024
The last member of Caffeine Daydreams, their drummer Arlo Beckett, fell in love with one of the most complicated people he’s come across - his bodyguard Jack Stokes. Their story takes place over many years and the story’s divided into two parts to highlight how their relationship changed over time.

The “Then” section of their story made me so invested in the two of them - Arlo and Jack’s rockstar/bodyguard relationship was so much more than just that from even the very beginning. Jack’s extra work to figure out how to help Arlo through his dark days made me smile and their holidays together were absolutely the sweetest. But once they started changing their relationship, things were destined for complications.

The “Now” section really highlighted Jack’s adorable obliviousness. He spent so long not putting two and two together and hurting Arlo in the meantime, but once they figure it out, it’s really enjoyable. However, I spent a lot of time wanting to punch one or both of these two to make them sit down and talk with each other. And the stalker storyline just didn’t quite do it for me - I felt like everything wrapped up really quickly and was only a thing to bring Arlo and Jack back together, though I was happy that it forced them to FINALLY sit down and talk things out.

Loved seeing all of the other Caffeine Daydreams members enjoying their happiness and rallying around Arlo when he needed them most. Their bond between the four of them is the sweetest. But I would have loved more performances or band activities on page instead of just mentioned. Sad to see the series come to an end, though seeing some of Lark’s PNR couples made the ending a little less sad in the end.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 212 reviews

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