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All My Love, Detrick #2

You Are My Sunshine

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Young artist Manfred Blau finds favor with propaganda chief Josef Goebbels and quickly rises through the ranks in the Nazi party. But when his father-in-law is caught hiding Jews, Manfred must pay an unthinkable price to prove his loyalty to the Führer.

When the raging storm of Jewish persecution buffets Zofia from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka extermination camp, the sun seems to have set on her life. However, an unexpected assignment as a housekeeper for Manfred Blau's stricken family gifts her an unlikely ray of sunshine—little Katja.

Caught between the constant threat of death and Manfred's soul-sucking depravity, Zofia must hold onto the little light she has found in Hitler's dark world to survive.

You Are My Sunshine is the second book in Roberta Kagan's heartwrenching WW2 historical fiction series, All My Love Detrick.

683 pages, ebook

First published March 20, 2014

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About the author

Roberta Kagan

61 books553 followers
I’m an American writer of Jewish and Romany decent. I write Historical Fiction and Historical Romance, most of which is set during the holocaust. Although I never discount the horrors of the time period, the main focus of my work is on ordinary people who prove to be strong heroic characters in unfathomable circumstances.

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98 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 373 reviews
Profile Image for Kellyn Roth.
Author 29 books1,091 followers
February 19, 2024
Well, that was awful. However, since I DNFed at 21%, perhaps I shouldn't judge. Still, if the book continues with its horrid writing, lack of editing, dry cutout characters, historical inaccuracies, jumpy timeline, lack of a central character, boring style, and failure to live up to the blurb's stated plot, it would've gotten a 1-star rating if I finished.

If you want to know how the book is written, look no further than the blurb. The novel is written in that exact same style - nothing shown, everything told. It doesn't just need a good editor; it needs a complete rewrite.
Profile Image for Mary Ann.
434 reviews59 followers
January 12, 2021
The characters, good and evil, are cartoons; the plot is completely implausible; the prose is dreadful, and the ending is a cheap trick. It's one of the worst examples of Holocaust fiction I have ever come across. I certainly adhere to the maxim à chacun son goût, but I cannot believe the stellar ratings this book has received.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,032 reviews42 followers
March 4, 2019

I recommend the book. My review is on Goodreads.
The author's writing mechanics were good. The storyline covered a time in history that must not be forgotten.

Thank you, dear author, for a good read.
Profile Image for Laura.
776 reviews111 followers
October 27, 2017
The second of a four part series about the Holocaust and some of its greatest victims of its persecution. The story leads somewhat from the first book although there are entirely different characters to meet; Zofia is a beautiful young Jewish girl who rather suddenly is seduced by her older music teacher and falls pregnant. What follows is her struggle to raise her daughter as a single mother, with the gracious help of her employer.

The story continues over the war years as Zofia is shuttled between the Warsaw ghetto through to some of the most notorious concentration camps. I thought the author did an excellent job of her descriptive work as she detailed Zofia’s journey. The story is at times truly heart breaking and reinforces how much the Jewish population struggled throughout wartime.

The book ends somewhat suddenly although I anticipate this is just to preclude the third instalment. I look forward very much to continuing this riveting series.
Profile Image for Phyllis Eisenstadt.
48 reviews92 followers
August 11, 2015

The transition between the first book of the "All My Love, Detrick," series and this second one,
"You Are My Sunshine" was smooth and seamless, and could readily be a stand alone book, if so desired. This was a bittersweet Holocaust tale, and interspersed between the cringe-worthy events were moments of kindness, tenderness, and humanity that are not to be forgotten. For readers of Holocaust novels, there will be many recognizable horrors mentioned in other novels, but this book offers yet further perspectives on the goodness and badness of mankind. It builds on the collective consciousness of the survivors. Roberta Kagan is, indeed, an extremely talented writer and researcher, and she is to be admired for documenting this black era in the history of mankind.
Profile Image for Eva.
4 reviews
May 20, 2015
Story and characters were interesting, but there were some very annoying inconsistencies in the timeline - and typos in the book :(
Profile Image for Mary.
678 reviews
June 16, 2015
I love historical fiction. I liked the characters, the story was both horrible and compelling, but there were parts of this book that had me perplexed. The timelines were very confusing, much like the prisoners of war I found myself wondering what day / year/ century we were in. Some of the dialog, which went on and on and on at times, was very poorly written, there were typos and other grammatical errors which I was willing to forgive. This was a decent book, the writing was ok but needed some polishing. Then ending flat out stunk. I believe I actually said out loud, and please forgive my french...wtf? I felt cheated. And I'm not so sure about reading the next in the series to find out wtf happened.
Profile Image for Barb.
1,449 reviews35 followers
May 23, 2015
What the Nazis did

After reading all my love Dietrick, I had to read this book and I am so glad I did. Everyone should read this book and see what the Nazis did to the Jewish people. I think Roberta Kagan is a great author about World War II. And now I will read The Promised Land to see what happens to Zofia.
Profile Image for Michelle.
267 reviews71 followers
December 8, 2018
I've read tons of Holocaust stories from various perspectives.
This one started out slow. The plot is fairly good but there is a lot of repetition. A host of colourful characters, some more developed than others.
I award four stars for the following: the actual storyline, Zofia's resilience, her emotional journey, Manfred's rise to the top.
The Lebensborn Project interested me. I wonder what happened to all those babies?
Lack of proofreading has resulted in too many errors.
The ending was abrupt. Somebody calls Zofia's name and then----- anticlimax.
Profile Image for Sarah.
2,771 reviews202 followers
November 12, 2016
Having read, All My Love, Detrick which is the first in the series, I was very interested in reading the next book. If you haven’t read the first book, don’t worry as apart from a brief overview at the beginning, this novel is based on a new set of characters.

In this book we see the war from both sides.

Zofia is a Jewish girl who ends up getting pregnant out of wedlock. I loved Zofia’s character. Having a baby in a war certainly is not the best of times to have a baby. Zofia has to make some heart breaking decisions as well as losing people that she loves. Her time in the concentration camps in a way is better than some but in other ways is still horrific. Through Zofia we certainly get to feel the emotions and fears that people at that time must have gone through.

Manford Blau is on the opposite side. He is part of the Nazi party and is doing his best to work his way further up the ladder. To start with Manford is quite a nice character but the further up the ladder he gets the colder and more hard hearted he becomes. I felt so sorry for his wife. She is such a kind hearted soul and to have the man she fell in love with, turn into some sort of monster is just to much for her.

This is very much a story of love and loss and the friendships that can occur in the most unlikeliest of circumstances. It was good to see how a lot of the people in the Nazi party dealt with the demise of the war as we see so many sides from the victims but not of the perpetrators themselves. Another good read in the series.
Profile Image for MS Meagher.
139 reviews5 followers
May 15, 2019
So badly written. Couldn’t decide if it was historical fiction or a factual book, switching between both genres (but simultaneousky playing very loose with the “facts”). Needed a good edit; stylistically weird (I don’t need English translations within the text, thanks, it’s jarring, unnecessary, and redundant in the google era), dialogue was clunky, etc., etc. I finished it because I’m behind on my annual Goodreads challenge and didn’t want to waste the time I’d already spent on it, but othereise it would have joined the very short list of my abandoned books.

“Once he’d graduated from gymnasium (high school), Manfred would take these drawings to Goebbels himself.”

“You mean the Reichsführer (commander of the SS, special rank), sir?” Manfred looked at Goebbels and thought about Hitler and Himmler, whom he had met.

“Congratulations, Untersturmführer (Lieutenant) Blau.”

“She even told Zofia about the boy she dated and slept with before she’d met her true bashert (soul-mate).”

“Goebbels lit a cigar and placed it into his pelvis(?) ashtray.” (Sic, not my question-mark).

Spare yourself.
July 24, 2016
I had read All My Love, Detrick by Roberta Kagan, the first book in this series, several months ago and although I still have several books that I have won in giveaways to read and review, I picked up You are My Sunshine: A Holocaust Novel and once I started reading it I could not put it down. I highly recommend this book. It was one of the best books I have read this summer.
Profile Image for Sam.
3,309 reviews253 followers
October 17, 2019
This was a good gripping read that tells the tale of Manfred and Sofia, two people at opposite ends of Hitler’s Germany. Manfred begins as a relatively innocent young man who just wants to be accepted. In doing so he finds himself at the right hand of Goebbels heading up the ranks of the SS with great speed but making quite a few enemies along the way with his innocence and naivete being eroded until he is just another SS commandant, filled with hate, anger and loathing for those around. Not a good combination when he finds himself given total power over those in his charge. Sofia, however, has her innocence and naivete lost in a very different and much more rapid way as she trusts the wrong person and finds herself being taken advantage of. As a result, she becomes stand offish and emotionally protective, which is vital to her survival given where events lead. These two stories weave together eventually crossing paths in the most dire and grim of situations.

The writing is pretty good but I did find that the characters were slightly cliched and very much in the good and bad camps with only one or two managing to achieve the more realistic and human achievement of straddling both at the same time. I also wasn’t sure about the scattered sections of factual information as while it did add context it wasn’t completely clear that it was separate to the story. These also broke up the flow of the story a bit which was a shame as otherwise it flowed well throughout, even on the change overs between Manfred and Sofia.
Profile Image for Amanda Lauer.
Author 13 books72 followers
June 30, 2021
I'm very interested in WWII history, so this book was intriguing. The plight of Jews in Europe during the Holocaust was harrowing and Kagan did a good job of bringing those stories to light. The book would have benefitted from tighter copy editing particularly to make the language less modern/American, to keep the timelines straight (was never quite sure what year they were in at the time) and to shorten the book. It was incredibly long. As a writer, I understand not wanting to lose any words that you write after so much research, but audiences in this day and age don't seem to have the patience they did back in the day. That being said, the book has almost 2,000 reviews, so a lot of people are reading it. (What I wouldn't give for 2,000 reviews on any of my books!) This book is part of a series, but can be read as a stand alone, which is what I did since this volume was the one that I had the highest interest in.
131 reviews
September 16, 2017
You Are My Sunshine loosely ties some of the characters from the first book of this series into an entirely new cast. It would not have been necessary to read the first to follow this one. The war continues, plodding toward the end, and then ends, with Jewish survivors placed in camps trying to find relatives and Nazis scrambling to escape Europe. The story continues through the first post-war years, and the hopeful creation of Israel. Like the first book, this one reads like Young Adult fiction, and tends to gloss over the absolutely hideous conditions found by the Allies at the end of the war. But, it's fiction, not a history book, and is successful in maintaining a positive, hopeful tone.
Profile Image for Christine Cazeneuve.
1,275 reviews29 followers
December 13, 2023
Saga Continues

I swear that I read this story already as so much of it was so familiar. I knew much of the events that were going to happen but have no clue why. This also happened with the first book in the series and I'm pretty sure it's going to happen with the rest. The author does write similar themes but varies the plotline and characters so that each story is unique. I'm truly baffled with this series. I enjoyed it as I always do her stories but I wish I could figure this out.
Profile Image for Richa.
474 reviews44 followers
July 2, 2019
One of the reviews of this book opinionated that it could have been better since the premise had promise. I can't agree more. There are many wonderful and moving novels dealing with the Holocaust and the mass genocide by the Nazi Regime. When you keep this work beside them, the inadequacy and the unpolished quality (not considering the innumerable typos plaguing this work) stare out at you. It could have been much better... Alas! It wasn't.
86 reviews
October 10, 2019
I was engaged into this book from the beginning. It did cross over to different characters and plots in chapters, but was not difficult to follow. Each WW2 book I read, I always learn something new. Such a horrible time in history from the hands of the Nazis. This is the second in a series and plan to read the third
Profile Image for Pam.
4,469 reviews56 followers
April 24, 2016
You Are My Sunshine is by Roberta Kagan. It is book two in the All My Love, Detrick series. This is a series of Holocaust historical fiction books. This book is mainly set in Berlin, the Warsaw Ghetto and the Treblinka Concentration camp.
Manford Blau was in love with Christa Henkener while he was in school. As a failure in everything physical, he had never approached her. However, he had a plan. He would take some of his ideas to Dr. Goebbels and hopefully go to work for him. He would join the Nazi party and make something of himself through them. He wrote some children’s books demonizing Jews and took those to Goebbels’ office. As he was being graciously turned down, Dr. Goebbels happened to walk through. He decided to take a look for himself. He was impressed and hired him immediately. A few weeks later, in his black SS uniform, Manford gathered his courage and approached Christa’s house. She agreed to go for a walk with him. Thus he wooed and married Christa in spite of her father’s displeasure and Dr. Henkener’s anti-Nazi views. Manford was in heaven with Christa as his wife and working for Dr. Goebbels. How could anything go wrong?
Zofia Weiss lived in Warsaw, Poland in 1938. She lived with her parents and attended school. She had a big crush on Ben Taylor, a teacher who was an American. He played American swing to them and she loved it and jazz. Maybe this interest would get her his attention. What she didn’t know was that Ben Taylor already had her in his sights. He thought she was beautiful. Ben had a problem, he was a pedophile. He got her in his sights and took her to his bed. She thought it was love but it wasn’t. Zofia got pregnant and was turned out of her house by her parents. She managed to get a job with a seamstress, Fruma, and moved in with Fruma and her partner, Gitel. Later they helped her with her daughter, Eidel. Then the Nazis invaded Poland. They were swept into the Ghetto and to save her daughter, Zofia had her smuggled out to a friend who agreed to keep her safe. Would Helen live up to her promise? Would Zofia even come back?
This book has a lot of surprises in it. These twists keep it interesting and exciting. The action moves fast and the emotions it brings forth are many and varied. It is probably the best of the series so far.
Profile Image for Loraine.
3,225 reviews
June 25, 2022
This is book 2 in the All My Love, Detrick series; but it reads well as a stand alone. This book is a riveting holocaust read focusing on a a young Jewish woman, Zofia, who begins her tale shortly before Hitler comes to power until the end of the war, the liberation of the concentration camps, and the Nuremburg trials. The characters were realistic and well rounded. I found the plot intriguing especially the role that the two babies, Katja and Eidle, played throughout the story. This is not an easy read as Kagan obviously did her research. Her representations of the atrocities perpetrated on the Jews both in the ghettos and in the camps are true to what history tells us happened. Yet she also includes a thread of hope throughout the book with the people who help Zofia and her friends as well as the hope that continued to keep Zofia and others alive. There are several romance threads incorporated as well but they are not the main focus.

I would like to have given this book a 5. Unfortunately, there were some errors throughout the Kindle edition in spelling and grammar that should have been eliminated with proper editing and proofreading. Also the ending was abrupt and left much hanging that will probably be clarified in the third book of the series.

I recommend this book for those who like historical fiction especially World War II and the plight of the Jewish peoples.

FAVORITE QUOTES: "But we must not dwell on the sadness. Instead we should remember the good times and the funny things that happened. That way, the good memories are the ones that stay alive."

"I think love is like that. It makes you happy no matter what else is going on around you. You just can't help but smile."

"If we forget people, then they will really die. As long as we keep memories alive, then they live in our memories."

"If you want to honor those you loved and lost, honor them by honoring God's greatest gift: life."

"I believe that God expects us to stand by him and to know that he is there for us."

"The world in which we live can be a narrow bridge. The most important thing is not to fear. Keep moving straight ahead and your heart will be led by God. Don't waste your day in dread."
49 reviews1 follower
December 27, 2015
A good read, once again reminding the world of the holocaust

On the whole, this is a well told story of a young girl's growing up as a Jew in wartime Warsaw, Poland. She develops from a naive schoolgirl who makes a serious error of judgment, through many trials and separations, into an independent and thoughtful woman who takes responsibility for her own life and for the actions she takes that impact the lives of others.

Many reviewers have mentioned the terrible lack of proofreading in this e-book. I only know because about three quarters through the book i finally became exasperated and went to Amazon.com to see what others had said. I love to read free books, and have come to find the free ones very full of errors, but this one stood out as the most chock-a-block packed with them I've read. I think the author just may have English as a second language. The writing shows effort to correct some things, but still keeps the original error right beside the correction, sometimes. As others have suggested, hiring an editor would be an excellent idea. A course in punctuation would be a good idea, too, beginning with the proper use of commas.

As for the ending, I think it is just fine! It leaves a bit for the reader's imagination. A conclusion need not tie up every loose end, it just needs to leave the reader satisfied enough to realize the possibilities and project her own images. If the author had left the characters in the woods, terrified, that would have been a cliff-hanger. This was not a cliff-hanger.

I feel this writer has potential. Enough readers appreciated the work, that she should take heart and keep on writing. I enjoyed it.

Profile Image for Carol Arnold.
336 reviews16 followers
May 23, 2015
An interesting story, but....

This fictional story of life in the Third Reich was an interesting story. It was told mainly from the point of view of a young German boy growing up under Hitler and eventually becoming a member of the SS. This is a different point of view for me since most of the books I have read so far are from a Jewish perspective. There was, however, a secondary character who was Jewish. This gave a depth to the story that is not usual in stories of the holocaust. The characters were well developed and the story kept me interested.

However, as many have pointed out, it was sorely in need of editing. There were instances of using "your" instead of "you're," "than" instead of "then." A couple times she described a stripped dress. I am assuming she meant a striped dress. Then there were a lot of sentences that had very poor structure or just did not make sense. Also, there was a little German girl who celebrated her 4th birthday in 1943. Then in 1946 during the Nuremberg trials, her mother told her friend that the girl was four years old. Apparently she did not age!

There was surely immorality during this time period, but there were a couple of descriptions that were over the top in details. I don't feel that the details were necessary to the story line.

The end of the book left you hanging more than any other book I have read! I know that the authors today tend to do this in order to sell the next book, but this one seemed to be the worst yet!
63 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2014
Eagerly awaiting the next novel

The story for me was slow to start, that's why I only gave it 4 stars. I knew that it would somehow mingle all together at some point but it was a little slow start. Once it got past the beginning,I became enthralled in the story. Just like with "All my Love, Dietrich" I found myself connected and unable to put my kindle down. I read this book in about 9 hours. I am anxious to see who Zophia sees boarding the Exodus. I have hopes it would be Isaac only because of how things were left with him, so uncertain, but considering the end of Dietrich, my hopes are not too high. I would definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Beth.
593 reviews4 followers
October 8, 2015
I liked this book. As do most books about the Holocaust, this books showed the humane among the inhumanities especially of the leaders. This is always amazing and makes one wonder if they would be brave enough to do the right thing to fight for right. There were some lovely characters and some detestable. I didn't catch typos that some other readers noted. I thought the tone of the book shifted at some point after Zofia went into the woods to one that seemed like a young adult/teenager was telling the story and I didn't like it as much as the rest of the book. Maybe that was intentional because she felt somewhat free but it didn't work for me. Still I recommend the read.
Profile Image for Mimia The Reader.
449 reviews12 followers
November 23, 2019
2.5 stars (but not rounded)

I liked the the idea of the story in most parts, but there were some aspects of the story itself that made me have to give a low star review.

Not overly graphic but there is mention of what happened in concentration camps and some details of a rape.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1,067 reviews8 followers
May 1, 2016
Amazing. Well written. At the beach, def not a typical beach read!
Profile Image for Shreedevi Gurumurty.
827 reviews5 followers
October 12, 2020
A child's innocence is the purest of all.In Nazi Germany, Helga Haswell is at a crossroads. She's pregnant by a married SS officer who has since abandoned her.Left alone with the thought of raising an illegitimate child, she has nowhere to turn--until the Lebensborn steps in. They will take Helga's child and raise it as their own. Helga will now be free to live her life. But when Helga has second thoughts, it's already too late. The papers are signed,and her claim to her child has been revoked.Her daughter, Katja, belongs to Hitler now. And when Hitler's delusions of grandeur rapidly accelerate,Germany becomes involved in a two front war against the heroic West and the fearless Russians.Helga's child seems doomed to a life raised by the cruellest humans on earth.But God's plan for her sends the young girl to be raised by the most unexpected people.In their warm embrace, she's given the chance for love in a world of hate.A heartfelt story of second chances.Helga Haswell may be tied to an unthinkable past,but her young daughter has the chance of a brighter future.But,as Germany begins to lose the war and the Third Reich crumbles, the plans for Lebensborn children must drastically change.Alliances will be broken.Love and trust will be destroyed in an instant,secrets will rise to the surface and people will prove that they're not what they seem. In Nazi Germany, career and educational opportunities for women were curtailed.Education for everyone instead was focused on racial biology, population policy,and fitness for military service.Lebensborn was an SS initiated, state supported, registered association in Nazi Germany with the goal of raising the birth rate of Aryan children of persons classified as "racially pure" and "healthy" based on Nazi racial hygiene and health ideology. Lebensborn provided welfare to its mostly unmarried mothers, encouraged anonymous births by unmarried women at their maternity homes, and mediated adoption of these children by likewise racially pure and healthy parents, particularly SS members and their families.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 373 reviews

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