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Where Are You, Echo Blue?

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A smart, juicy, and page-turning novel about celebrity, fandom, and the price of ambition following a journalist's obsessive search for a missing Hollywood starlet

When Echo Blue, the most famous child star of the nineties, disappears ahead of a highly publicized television appearance on the eve of the millennium, the salacious theories instantly start swirling. Mostly, people assume Echo has gotten herself in trouble after a reckless New Year’s Eve. But Goldie Klein, an ambitious young journalist who also happens to be Echo's biggest fan, knows there must be more to the story. Why, on the eve of her big comeback, would Echo just go missing without a trace?

After a year of covering dreary local stories for Manhattan Eye, Goldie is sure this will be her big break. Who better to find Echo Blue, and tell her story the right way, than her? And so, Goldie heads to L.A. to begin a wild search that takes her deep into Echo’s complicated life in which parental strife, friend break ups, rehab stints, and bad romances abound. But the further into Echo’s world Goldie gets, the more she questions her own complicity in the young star’s demise . . . yet she cannot tear herself away from this story, which has now consumed her entirely. Meanwhile, we also hear Echo's side of things from the beginning, showing a young woman who was chewed up and spit out by Hollywood as so many are, and who may have had to pay the ultimate price.

As these young women's poignant and unexpected journeys unfold, and eventually meet, Where Are You, Echo Blue? interrogates celebrity culture, the thin line between admiration and obsession, and what it means to tell other peoples’ stories, all while ushering us on an unruly ride to find out what did become of Echo Blue.

336 pages, Hardcover

First published July 16, 2024

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About the author

Hayley Krischer

6 books187 followers
Hayley Krischer is the author of two young adult novels, SOMETHING HAPPENED TO ALI GREENLEAF and THE FALLING GIRLS. Her adult debut, WHERE ARE YOU, ECHO BLUE? comes out from Dutton July 16, 2024.

She has also written for many publications including The New York Times, Elle, Marie Claire, The New York Times Magazine and The Atlantic.

Hayley lives in New Jersey with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 115 reviews
Profile Image for Kayleen.
269 reviews127 followers
June 10, 2024
I'm tired of things not similar to Daisy Jones and the Six getting comped to DJATS because it is related to famous people...saying that this book was fairly comped to DJATS. Now that I've said that, there are a lot of differences and I loved the way the story was told. Alternating between Goldie and Echo was an amazing choice. I could not stop myself from reading this book until I got to the end. I was really scared that there wasn't going to be a satisfying ending and without spoiling anything, the ending was exactly what I would want.
Profile Image for Andrea Bartz.
Author 9 books2,195 followers
May 30, 2024
WHERE ARE YOU, ECHO BLUE? glitters with crisp prose, a juicy plot, and razor-sharp observations about celebrity worship, the cost of living a creative life, and the roles we allow women to play.
Profile Image for Hannah Gordon.
672 reviews743 followers
July 6, 2024
This one had me right from the premise. When child star Echo Blue goes missing on the eve of the millennium, reporter Goldie Klein sets out to discover the truth: is she in rehab? Is this a publicity stunt? Or has she chosen to start over somewhere new, somewhere out of the spotlight? Goldie vows to handle the story gently — she’s an Echo Blue fan, after all — but resorts to unethical means to secure the story. And the further she goes, the more manic and delusional she becomes. Will she find Echo before she loses herself?


I love love loved this. Especially Echo’s story. It’s so reminiscent of Drew Barrymore or Lindsay Lohan or even Jeanette McCurdy — and in fact, the author credits those women in the acknowledgments. You really are rooting for Echo the entire time.

Goldie on the other hand? She’s going to make you cringe and make you angry but honestly we love a messy main character.

I do think this is expertly told and I enjoyed the author’s writing style but I felt like the ending told us too much. In fact, the entire story was very “tell” and not “show.” I wanted a little ambiguity at the end, but I know that wouldn’t have gone over well with the general public. I just think it would’ve been more interesting/nuanced!

That being said, I have a feeling this is going to be a big one. Thank you to Dutton for the early copy!!
Profile Image for Nev.
1,251 reviews178 followers
July 8, 2024
I love books that explore the ways that fame and fandom impact young women, both in fiction and non-fiction. So I was really looking forward to this book when I learned it was about a young reporter trying to figure out what happened when the starlet Echo Blue mysteriously disappeared on New Year’s Eve right before the turn of the millennium.

This is a fascinating story of both the reporter Goldie and Echo Blue. I loved how the book was exploring Goldie’s fandom and love of Echo while also showing what was really happening with Echo behind the scenes that the general public didn’t see. This is a story of becoming famous at a young age, what it means to grow up in the spotlight, strained parental relationships, feeling lost, obsession, and looking for meaning in the wrong places.

The story alternates between following Goldie as she’s working on her story and flashing back to show Echo’s account of her life. Sometimes in celebrity narratives like these it can be hard to care about the reporter because the famous person’s story is way more fascinating. However, in this book I cared about both plotlines and felt like the author did a good job of balancing the narrative.

I’d definitely recommend this book for people who enjoy stories about young starlets and how Hollywood has treated them unfairly over the years. Or for people who enjoy exploring celebrity obsession and how being a fan impacts people’s lives. It’s a nuanced story full of complicated characters and personal growth.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an advance copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Stacy40pages.
1,710 reviews238 followers
July 14, 2024
Where Are You, Echo Blue? by Hayley Krischer. Thanks to @duttonbooks for the gifted Arc ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Famous child celebrity all grown up, Echo Blue, had disappeared. Goldie, a New York journalist, jumps at her chance to find her and cover the story. Echo shaped her childhood and became important to her through the screen and media.

A very unique read, it takes us into the very real world of celebrity worship. I loved how this has both perspectives, the journalist obsessed with the celebrity and the celebrity herself. They both grew in ways I was not expecting. I found myself really rooting for both of them, despite Goldie’s lack of ethics. She grew on me in the end.

“Fame is a sickness that torments you, like a compulsion that refuses to shut off. Fame isn’t real; it’s a fixation. It’s a need for acceptance and empty love. It’s a weakness, a hole that you can’t stop filling.”

Where Are You, Echo Blue? Comes out 7/16.
Profile Image for Erin.
2,438 reviews119 followers
February 3, 2024
ARC for review. To be published July 16, 2024.

Echo Blue, a very famous child star of the 1990s disappears just before she’s to take the stage for MTV’s 1999 New Year’s Eve bash. Goldie Klein, journalist and self-described Echo “obsessive” believes a story about what happened to Echo will be her big break so she heads to LA to begin her search.

While there she begins to uncover the truth about Echo’s parents (both Hollywood royalty,) her Oscar win at 14, her issues with friends, her bad relationships, her trips to rehab and her struggles with fame. The story is told in alternating points of view between Echo and Goldie, then and now.

I mostly enjoyed this tale of two troubled young women (other than some odd sex scenes with Goldie that really didn’t seem to fit the book.) Echo’s struggles were expected, but Goldie’s behavior toward Echo when they were both young is the type that simply added to Echo’s downfall, and even as an adult, Goldie still seemed to look to the myth of Echo not only for a career break, but also to stave off her own loneliness…at least this time she realized the issues. Overall a good read. Recommended.
Profile Image for Sarah.
29 reviews11 followers
July 17, 2024
Echo Blue is 1990s Hollywood royalty. She’s successful, famous, and the daughter of actors. When Echo misses her scheduled tv appearance on MTV’s NYE celebration, everyone starts wondering what happened to her. She seems to have disappeared, and no one knows where she is. Goldie Klein, an up and coming journalist and one of Echo’s biggest fans, heads to LA on an assignment to find out the details of Echo’s disappearance.

Set throughout the 1990s/early 2000s, Echo and Goldie’s alternating POVs give a glimpse at how life as a celebrity isn’t always everything it appears to be.


As someone who grew up during the 90s/2000s, I loved the nostalgia of this book! The celebrity culture of this time period is so well represented and fit right in with my memories of that time period.

Thank you Dutton Books and NetGalley for the digital ARC.
Profile Image for Megan.
890 reviews
April 20, 2024
I enjoyed this. It was a bit reminiscent of Taylor Jenkins Reid. I liked the to story lines and how it delved deeper into the idea of women in Hollywood than simple stardom and fandom. This is the story of a child star and one of their biggest fans but it looks more at that happens when they grow up than the initial thrills. It had a depth that surprised me. Thanks to NetGalley for the advance reader copy.
Profile Image for MiniMicroPup (X Liscombe).
291 reviews4 followers
July 20, 2024
4.5 rounded up.
Loved this!

Energy: Confident. Fretful. Confessional.
Scene: 🇺🇸 Set in Los Angeles, particularly Venice Beach area.
Perspectives (2): An up-and-coming journalist who wants to work on a story about her childhood idol who has quietly disappeared from the public eye. A child star growing up navigating the pressures of fame, friendship, and family.
Timelines: 1981-1990s and the year 2000

🐕 Howls: I didn’t love parts of the ending, but it wasn’t poorly done.

🐩 Tail Wags: Clues steadily revealed throughout character perspectives and timeline switches. The intrigue around where Echo Blue is + character study of the Idol and the Fan. Nostalgic exploration (and grounded commentary) of 1990s/2000s teeny-bopper idol industry with consequences. Characters’ minds and lives slowly unraveling. Goldie giving Fleabag vibes. How fictional pop cultural was merged with actual pop culture making it feel real and giving context.

🤓 Reader Role: Deep in the characters’ minds riding the emotional roller coaster.

🗺️ World-Building: Immersive, sensory, and nostalgic.

🔥 Fuel: Character evolution and investment. Where is Echo Blue? Is Goldie on to something big or is she unhinged obsessed and blind to truth?

📖 Cred: Realistic with sprinklings of idealism

Mood Reading Match-Up:
Fluorescent lights. Phish t-shirts. Magazine pages. Collages. Softball. Dancing. Champagne. Klonopin. Disney. Patchouli. Thai food. Hate mail. Paparazzi. Sunglasses. New Year’s Eve.
-Breezy, intimate writing style
-Coming-of-age psychological and moral growth
-The surrealism of child stardom
-Short chapters feeling fast-paced once invested in the story
-Enlightening life lessons learned the hard way
-Realistic social commentary of what feeds pre-teen sitcom industry, child star obsession, and its effects on fans and idols
-Quest for adult identity character study
-Alienation and loneliness of teen/new adulthood
-Anti-hero main characters
-Journalistic morally ambiguous sleuthing
-Betrayal, redemption & unlikely friendships
-Nostalgic late 1990s/Y2K settings & pop culture
-Complex father-daughter bonds
-Missing celeb mystery

Content Heads-Up: Narcissistic parent & abuse. Misogyny. Mentally ill parent. Depression. Anxiety. Insomnia. Agoraphobia. Paranoia. Loneliness. Drug abuse (anti-anxiety meds). Tobacco/cigarettes. Parental neglect. Parental rejection. Sexual content (consenting, self). Cannabis (edibles). Trauma bonds. Loss of parent (as young adult). Loss of spouse. Car accident (fatal; off page). Adult/minor relationship. Cutting (very brief mention). Addiction, recovery.

Rep: Jewish ancestry. Polish ancestry. American. South American, Argentinian, Swedish, Black American peripheral characters. Dark and pale skin tones.

📚 Format: Library Digital

My musings 💖 powered by puppy snuggles 🐶
Profile Image for Tayler.
630 reviews9 followers
February 27, 2024
Thank you to Dutton Books for my arc in exchange for a review.

This story blew me away. I went into it thinking i was getting a gritty dark thriller about a missing child star but this became so much more. The story is told in two different perspectives Goldie the journalist who worshiped Echo Blue growing up and is the first to try and find her as well as Echo Blue as we follow her side of the story throughout her childhood leading to her disappearance. This story touches on what it means to be a woman in a male run society as well as reclaiming your narrative as a woman. I loved how flawed both Goldie and Echo were, they show you that women don't always have to be perfect. We can be messy and I really enjoyed this.
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,993 reviews341 followers
August 9, 2024
In the vein of Daisy Jones or Almost famous, Goldie, an aspiring journalist and obsessed fan of child actress, Echo Blue, pitches a story to uncover where the famous star has disappeared to and why.

Alternating POVs from Goldie and Echo we learn more about the star's fraught relationship with her famous father and absentee mother, her drug addiction, bouts in rehab and more leading up to her decision to run away from it all.

Moving and fast-paced, this was a relatable look at the high price of fame and society's obsession with celebrity. Great on audio too narrated by Alex McKenna and Helen Laser. Many thanks to @prhaudio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for ⋆ allyson. .
174 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2024
❝ You’re still my baby.” […] She looked so beautiful when she said that. ❞

⟢ rating : 4 ☆.

another successful addition to the mommy issues universe. an addictive read.
Profile Image for Laura Shipman.
60 reviews1 follower
February 26, 2024
3.5 rounded up. Echo Blue is the worlds most famous child star who’s parents are also incredibly famous. Echo disappears without a trace on NYE 2000 and Goldie, and journalist and her biggest fan, knows there is more to the story and is determined to find her. Goldie heads to LA for what could be her biggest story yet, but ends up getting Echo’s interests mixed up with her own. I really enjoyed the alternating POV between Echo and Goldie, but could have done without the odd and somewhat uncomfortable sex scenes with Goldie. Overall I really enjoyed this quick and fun read! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for a review.
Profile Image for ElphaReads.
1,794 reviews30 followers
July 25, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book!

This was a bit middle of the road for me. On one hand, I really enjoyed the narrative that followed Echo Blue as we learned about the highs and lows of being a child star, from her dysfunctional relationship with her father to her own aspirations to her descent into self medication and depression. I thought that these sections were incredibly poignant and paid a lot of homage to the terrible way that Hollywood can exploit children, taking inspiration from the likes of Tatum O'Neil (this was the biggest one) to Drew Barrymore to Dana Plato and many, many others. But Goldie's sections didn't really do it for me. I enjoyed the sleuthing she did as she tries to track down where Echo could have gone, but as a character she was just very hard to connect with. I don't need my female protagonists to be great and flawless people and I even like it when women characters are afforded the same messiness that male characters get while still being sympathetic. But Goldie was all over the place, obsessed with Echo, unethical to the extreme, and also sometimes over the top in her messiness that made her less interesting and more cartoony.

Entertaining for sure and the perfect pool read, WHERE ARE YOU, ECHO BLUE has some strengths and weaknesses. But it was hard to put down.
Profile Image for Hillary.
1,122 reviews19 followers
February 16, 2024
Echo's chapters, while not life changing, are reasonably entertaining and a bit more self-aware than I anticipated. Goldie's chapters, on the other hand, had a pervasive sour smelling sticky sort of film on them that was difficult to get through.
Profile Image for Sue Fernandez.
716 reviews11 followers
February 29, 2024
What a good book. Echo Blue was a child star who made the transition, albeit with some issues, to adult, Oscar winning star. She comes from parents who were both in show business as well. The adults in Echo's life don't seem to have her best interests at heart.
Finally, Echo just disappears.
A hyper fan, Goldie, who is now a journalist, wants to take on the assignment of finding her. Goldie has her own many problems, and it's often easier to look at other's problems rather than your own. She gets caught up in attempting to find her, and this starts affecting her life as well.
The story is told in the voice of Echo and Goldie, travelling back and forth in time. It works well. Otherwise, I don't think I would've felt I "knew" Echo. The characters are well developed.
It also makes one think about the whole child star, adult star boundary issue. Are they fair game because they know it goes with the territory, and if not, where is the limit.
Thank you to Penguin Group/Dutton and Net Galley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Amy.
119 reviews10 followers
May 8, 2024
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️From the publisher Penguin Group:
When Echo Blue, the most famous child star of the nineties, disappears ahead of a highly publicized television appearance on the eve of the millennium, the salacious theories instantly start swirling. Mostly, people assume Echo has gotten herself in trouble. Goldie Klein, an ambitious young journalist who also happens to be Echo's biggest fan, knows there must be more to the story. Why, on the eve of her big comeback, would Echo just go missing without a trace?

After a year of covering dreary local stories for Manhattan Eye, Goldie is sure this will be her big break. Who better to find Echo Blue, and tell her story the right way, than her? And so, Goldie heads to L.A. to begin a wild search that takes her deep into Echo’s complicated life. Meanwhile, we also hear Echo's side of things from the beginning, showing a young woman who was chewed up and spit out by Hollywood.
My review: The book is written in two timelines. Echo in the 90's and Goldie in the early 2000's. For the most part I enjoyed Goldie's story a bit more. Her search and her determination was captivating, her poor choices were stressful. Echo's story seems so reminiscent of child stars and Hollywood gossip that are familiar to all. It was sad and I wanted her to be ok.

The middle of the book seemed to drag for me but picked up in the last quarter or so. I really wanted to know more about Belinda, another young Hollywood casualty and I wanted Goldie to make peace with her family and herself.

Good drama, pretty intriguing, and I wanted to find out where Echo was. I felt badly for both Goldie and Echo; they both needed some decent parenting and someone to listen to them.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️If you like Hollywood stories and have even been a super fan, you'll be interested. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Publishing for an advance digital copy in exchange for my review.
Profile Image for Amanda.
594 reviews8 followers
May 23, 2024
Thank you #netgalley for the advanced copy!

This was an interesting read following a young journalist, Goldie, who initiates a quest to find her childhood idol who has gone missing. Goldie grew up loving Echo Blue, to a level that concerned her parents. When Echo blue went missing on new years eve, Goldie reached out to her boss to see if she could do an investigative story to hopefully find her! During this time, Goldie travels to LA and does her best to track down Echo, but when a tragic family event occurs he life is flipped upside down. We begin to watch Goldie crumble and struggle with identity. Eventually the stars align and she given an opportunity to change her life...
Profile Image for Caroline Builta.
297 reviews10 followers
July 15, 2024
I had never hated myself more. Or felt more truly myself.

"Where Are You, Echo Blue?" by Hayley Krischer is a compelling page-turner that explores the dark side of celebrity culture, child stardom, and the obsessive nature of fandom. This smart and juicy read weaves together the lives and perspectives of both celebrity and fan, offering a fresh take on the price of ambition.

The story follows Goldie, an ambitious young journalist whose big break comes when Echo Blue, a famous child star from the nineties, mysteriously disappears just before a highly publicized television event on New Year's Eve, 1999. Goldie, a lifelong fan of Echo, is determined to uncover the truth behind her idol's disappearance. Her investigation takes her deep into Echo's troubled life, filled with parental conflicts, rehab stints, and toxic relationships. As Goldie gets closer to the truth, she begins to question her own role in Echo's downfall.

Krischer alternates between Goldie's frantic search and Echo's tumultuous past, creating a thought-provoking dual narrative. The novel shines in its exploration of the darker aspects of fame and the pressures faced by those who grow up in the spotlight. Echo's story is reminiscent of real-life child stars like Drew Barrymore and Lindsay Lohan, adding a layer of authenticity to her struggles. Goldie's character, though sometimes frustrating in her relentless ambition, is ultimately relatable and human, reflecting the complicated relationship between fans and their idols. Krischer doesn't shy away from highlighting the exploitation and objectification that often accompany fame, making the reader reflect on their own complicity in this culture.

While the ending may feel a bit too conclusive for some, it provides a satisfying resolution to both Echo's and Goldie's arcs. The novel's strength lies in its ability to keep the reader hooked until the very end, blending suspense with emotional depth.

In summary, "Where Are You, Echo Blue?" is a compelling read that offers a nuanced look at the complexities of fame and the cost of ambition. With its sharp prose and well-drawn characters, Hayley Krischer has crafted a novel that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Highly recommended for those interested in stories about the impact of celebrity culture and the relentless pursuit of truth.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dutton for providing an early copy of this book.
Profile Image for Reedmylife .
519 reviews54 followers
July 5, 2024
Where Are You, Echo Blue? is a stunning and intricate look into the life of child stars. I loved the way Hayley Krischer was able to weave a story together between child star and journalist in a way that felt so real and trusting.

The story begins when we learn of Echo's disappearance and her impact on the world through the eyes of a super fan turned journalist named Goldie. The immediate intrigue of wanting to know what happened to Echo now makes much more sense as aren't we all a little enthralled by the idea of a missing celebrity?

This novel is brilliantly written as it continues to draw you in as it switches between the real-life of Echo Blue and the surface-level story the rest of the world believes to be true about her life. It might seem like a stereotypical, "Well duh, child stars lives aren't as easy as they seem," but when have we truly put that thought into practice? Where Are You, Echo Blue? takes place during the '90s and yet we continue to treat child stars like animals. Like they are grown adults that we can devour and surround with fame and paparazzi. There is something so beautiful and honest about this book that I have not found in many past celebrity fiction novels. As the past of Echo is revealed and we continue to solve the mystery alongside Goldie, it will be hard for readers to not connect the two in some way. Although they have never met, their stories feel familiar with each other as they both struggle with a father who ruins their mental stability, and are trying to find their true callings.

Goldie is a powerful character as she learns through her search for Echo that she is part of the problem and I think that is a hard thing to admit to yourself. As civilians, we cannot possibly understand the constant pressure of the world when every move you make is public, especially when you are young and in the spotlight. Overall, this is a beautiful and raw look into the world of being celebrity-obsessed, It shows what it does to the celebrity and what it does to the mind of those who create false realities of who these celebrities are and how they fit into our lives.

TW: Domestic Violence, Abusive Parents, Death, grief
Profile Image for A.
155 reviews1 follower
May 3, 2024

Thank you Netgalley & Dutton Publishing for an eARC ♥️

The story follows Goldie, a young journalist who's determined to find out what happened to Echo Blue, a former child star who disappeared without a trace. I mean, who wouldn't be fascinated by a mystery like that?

As Goldie digs deeper into Echo's life, she uncovers some pretty dark secrets about the entertainment industry and the price of fame. It's really eye-opening and makes you think about the impact our obsession with celebrity culture can have on the people involved. I mean, we're always so quick to judge and speculate about celebrities, but we rarely stop to think about the human beings behind the headlines.

Echo's story is heartbreaking, and it's clear that Hayley Krischer has done her research on the challenges faced by child stars and the long-term effects of trauma. You can't help but feel for her and the struggles she's faced, and it's a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion.

The writing is engaging and immersive, and I found myself fully invested in the story from start to finish. The author does a great job of balancing the mystery and suspense with deeper themes and character development. And the twists and turns? Wow! I didn't see some of them coming at all!🤯
Profile Image for Krissy (books_and_biceps9155).
1,012 reviews61 followers
July 10, 2024
Thank you @duttonbooks for my advance copy! I am loving the vibes of this cover and it goes perfectly with the story. I absolutely adored Krischer’s novel Something Happened to Ali Greenleaf so I was curious to see her first adult novel.

This is told in in present (2000) and past (1980-1999) and alternating between Goldie and Echo. Both women from different walks of life and yet struggling with their own demons. I felt that Krischer depicted a child star and her troubles/actions perfectly and also that of a normal woman trying to find herself. There is a bit of mystery but it’s mainly a character study. Anything to do with the dark and gritty part of Hollywood is interesting and this one really shows you that things aren’t what they seem on the outside. I grew up during the time frame of the novel and I loved all the references from the early 2000s!

I think everyone compares “star” stories with Daisy Jones and this had some characteristics that were similar but it stands on its own. I look forward to more of Krischer’s work!
Profile Image for Leah.
114 reviews8 followers
July 24, 2024
How far would you go to meet your favorite celebrity?

There are so many celebrities these days and everyone treats their time in the public differently. I completely understand their want to have private time away from the spotlight. If a celebrity supposedly disappeared, I feel many would be concerned, but would not go as so far to figure where they are.

This story walks the fine line of concern and obsession and the consequences of trying to get that headline/breaking story. The way it read was like talking out loud while reading; with your thoughts in view to validate the questions and things you were just thinking about.

I enjoyed the non-linear multiple-pov to get a full picture of the different facets each character felt, was dealing with, and discovered. It reads as very conversational and flows well.

Thank you so much to the author, Hayley Krischer, Penguin Group Dutton and NetGalley for this eARC of Where Are You, Echo Blue?!
Profile Image for Elizabeth .
886 reviews8 followers
August 20, 2024
I really enjoyed this book, set in early 2000 with flashbacks to the 90s. Goldie and Echo are two distinct main characters, we get Goldie as a journalist for a NYC magazine, researching when her favorite actress Echo Blue disappears from public life. We go back and forth between the beginning of Echo's acting career at age 11 and early 2000 when Goldie pitches the story idea and heads to L.A. to look for the truth and maybe find Echo.

TW for addiction, parental abuse and neglect, and grief over losing a parent. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the writing. Krischer is an author I've read before as this is her adult debut after publishing YA. The two main characters have distinct but complementary voices. 4.25/5☆
2 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2024
I gave this novel 5 stars because it’s the first fiction novel I have been able to read, enjoy and finish in ages. (I have been consumed with current events). Krischer’s style of writing is so descriptive yet so real. She delves into the hollywood world, the journalism world and the travails of family and friendship with such an honest hand. One particular scene between Echo and her father after she wins the Oscar was particularly gripping and emotional. Because I have read that this book was based on Tatum O’Neal .. I could so clearly see Tatum and Ryan O’Neal while I was reading. Can’t wait for the next one.
Profile Image for ShanKL.
1,302 reviews12 followers
July 23, 2024
Goldie Klein, Echo Blue super fan, is on a journey to uncover the truth behind the star’s disappearance.

Inspired by the true life events of Tatum O’Neal, this novel sinks into a fictional character all its own. Drugs, alcohol, and Hollywood parents fuel this salacious story set in the 90’s.

Oh boy this is a fabulous story. I was absorbed in the pages as I learned more about this child star and her upbringing. It was as I was reading a People Magazine cover story and unable to put the magazine down.

Thank you, Dutton.
Profile Image for Darrian Warach.
42 reviews
May 6, 2024
Thank you so much to NetGalley & PENGUIN GROUP Dutton for this absolutely amazing ARC. I could not put this book down, I loved how nostalgic it made me feel for my childhood in the early 2000’s. This book also serves as a great PSA for parasocial relationships and provides a look into the psyche of a super-fan of a celebrity. It was uncomfortable at times to see how obsessed Goldie was with Echo (think: Helga’s shrine to Arnold in “Hey Arnold”), and I truly loved the perspective swapping between Goldie and Echo to show both sides of the story. Overall, this is one of my favorite reads of the year so far & I will recommend it to my friends!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rachel.
407 reviews21 followers
July 15, 2024
A very interesting concept for a story as someone who grew up with celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears in the limelight. I appreciated the non-linear timeline, the idea of following an obsessed journalist, set in the 2000s/but also late 90s, the mystery, and the desire to publish a big, career-breaking story. This story definitely is reminiscent of the vibe of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s Daisy Jones and the Six, and yet the author makes it her own. The only thing I really didn’t like was the Goldie sex scenes. I think they could’ve been cut and the story would’ve still been the same.

I felt like Goldie was a somewhat unreliable narrator, which is interesting as she is a journalist - definitely flirting with the moral dilemma of ethics while hunting down sources. As a journalist, it was kind of hard to read and not judge her, but I don’t think she’s meant to be a super likable character for most of the book.

I had read Hayley Krisher’s YA What Happened to Ali Greenleaf and I see similarities in her writing she carried from her YA to adult debut. Definitely an author to watch!

Thank you to the author, Dutton and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 115 reviews

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