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Someone's Story

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- Next Generation Indie Book Awards YA 17+ Finalist (May 2021)
- Literary Titan Seal (April 2021)
- Reader Views Young Adult Book of the Year (March 2021)
- The Wishing Shelf Red Ribbon (Feb 2021)
- Shelf Unbound Notable Indie (Dec 2020)
- Readers' Favorite Seal (July 2020)

“B. A. Bellec has crafted a masterpiece of emotive and well-rounded young adult fiction.”
K.C. Finn – Author

“A gripping story of teenage life and the many problems they face. A RED RIBBON WINNER and highly recommended.”
The Wishing Self Book Awards

“The variety of personages, situations, and mental illnesses represented allows all readers to relate to this book and take something away from reading! This novel is on our list of all-time favourites!”
International Girls and Books

“B.A. Bellec has truly created a masterpiece that deserves worldwide recognition, awards and so much more.”
Rebecca Ryan – Reedsy

In his debut endearing coming-of-age book, B.A. Bellec writes about a group of weirdos that find and save each other from the dark depths of their minds. Someone’s Story is literally Someone’s story, as in a first-person narrative of a teenager that calls himself Someone. As he struggles to find a new footing in a new space, we encounter the many ups and downs of modern teenage life, the difficulties that adjusting to adult feelings bring, and a few tear-jerking surprises along the way.

Littered with music, mental health, friendship, loss, meditation, advice, pop culture, and even inspiring an EP, there is so much nostalgia, inspiration, and depth here it is hard to absorb it all. Cozy up somewhere warm and enjoy!

Kindle Edition

Published October 1, 2023

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About the author

B.A. Bellec

5 books225 followers
B.A. Bellec is an award-winning author. His debut novel, Someone's Story, was a coming of age tale and it went on to win multiple honors including the Reader Views Reviewer's Choice Young Adult Book of the Year. For his second novel, Pulse, he changed it up and wrote a dystopian sci-fi horror thriller. That novel became an IAN (Independent Author Network) Horror Book of the Year Finalist continuing Bellec's trend of writing high-level stories. His third novel was a direct sequel to Pulse and released in late 2023. He also produces music to go with his books. Check out his YouTube channel for more content: https://www.youtube.com/c/babellecspr...

You can also find him on Instagram:

Bellec resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba with his wife and dog. He spends those chilly winter days writing!

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Profile Image for Rajiv.
966 reviews69 followers
July 28, 2020


When I started reading this story, I didn’t find it very remarkable. Sure, the characters are nice and friendly, but the story goes nowhere. It just feels like random things happen to the main character as he starts school in a new place. However, once you are in the story, you slowly see it take shape and form into something much bigger. Pretty soon, the story-line completely immersed me. I loved the main character, “Someone”. He is just your average insecure guy, but someone who starts experiencing the challenges of life. Each experience he faces contains a powerful meaning that even the reader can relate to.

The author has done a wonderful job in the storytelling. The style of writing is very simple, but there is so much depth in them. Once you finish reading this book, you feel will like you were in a life-changing voyage. There are so many themes that the author breezes through, about life, family, business, love, loss and so much more. Even though the story focused on people facing mental health issues, I thought this book had many inspirational passages that anyone would find helpful. Moreover, the author highlights how everyone faces challenges, yet you can find something common with anyone to befriend them. Also, this is one of those stories where the second half is much better than the first half. Moreover, there are a few shocking twists in the end that I did not expect at all. It completely threw me off and make the book so memorable.

Overall, “Someone’s Story” completely blew me away and turned out to be an unforgettable experience.
Profile Image for Rosh.
1,923 reviews3,234 followers
August 19, 2022
In a Nutshell: I can see why the book has such a high rating, but either it wasn’t my kind of read or I picked it up at the wrong time. Left me with plenty of mixed feelings.

Story Synopsis:
Narrated from the first person perspective of a teen who calls himself ‘Someone’ through the book, this is literally “Someone’s Story.” With his mom not being part of his life since he was just a child, 12th grader Someone has only his single dad to connect with. When Dad moves to a new city, Someone, who is supposedly a loner with anxiety issues, finds himself struggling to fit in and find a space for himself. But with some help from a new counsellor and some school and work friends, Someone begins to adjust, though the journey isn’t the one you would imagine.

Where the book worked for me:
👌 Despite the 300+ page length, the book goes by fairly quickly. The writing doesn’t force in embellishments, keeping things simple.

👌 I didn’t expect surprises to come my way in such a story. But they did. These twists were unexpected, thereby elevating my final experience somewhat.

Where the book left me with mixed feelings:
⚠ The story starts off as a regular ‘lost teen trying to fit in’ kind of narrative. But as it progresses, you see it getting darker. Most readers seem to have enjoyed this dark turn and hated the slow start. For me, it was exactly the opposite. I loved the slow-paced insight into Someone’s character but then found the developments too random. The ending brought me back on track but the repetitive middle section took away a lot of my enjoyment.

⚠ The writing style took some time to adjust to. The content is written in the usual descriptive text, but with all the spoken dialogues coming in a play-script kind of writing style. If you can’t put your head around the duality of this structure, this isn’t the book for you because this pattern exists throughout the book. I didn’t mind this style and just went with the flow.

⚠ I don’t know how to describe the plot development. It wasn’t exactly meandering, but it wasn’t straightforward as well. Sometimes, it felt like a lot of slice-of-life narratives were thrown in together. There is a connecting thread but it is not strong enough.

⚠ The teen narrator calling himself ‘Someone’ seemed quirky at first but as the story progressed, I expected him to come into his identity. But he stays ‘Someone’ throughout, even when the situation demands his identity.

⚠ Even beyond that vague first name, I couldn’t understand Someone’s character. He starts off as a loner in a new town, worrying about the fresh phase in his life. But his social skills don’t depict him as awkward at all. He connects with his coworkers and new schoolmates instantly and does well in whatever he chooses to with hardly any struggle. The introductory portrayal and the later development didn’t gel with each other.

⚠ There are plenty of themes covered by the author - love, family, work, friendship, motivation, running, mental health, addiction, teen pregnancy,… There are also plenty of pop culture references to popular (and not-so-popular) movies and music. All this works both for and against the book. You get a lot of varied content, but it goes over the top and interrupts the continuum of the main plot point.

⚠ For a first person YA narration, there is surprisingly minimal rambling or internal monologues. But this writing decision also means that we see only what the narrator wants us to see. Most of the rest of the characters don’t get explored beyond a surface level until Someone decides to tell us more.

⚠ Mental health is a key theme in this book, but I have a strong feeling the author didn’t get the portrayal of the disorder right. Unfortunately, without any concrete evidence or inside knowledge of the matter, my feeling has to be left at that level.

⚠ Through the character of Kevin the counsellor, we get plenty of inspirational thoughts. Those who love the self-help genre or general motivational messages are going to adore his thoughts. Unfortunately, I am not among those who like preachy stuff. In a strange anticlimactic coincidence, Kevin was still my favourite character in the book.

All in all, you feel like you know where the story is going, but there’s a great chance that you will be wrong. There was nothing I hated about the book, but then again, there was nothing that blew me away. It is a quirky kind of tale and will certainly have a niche audience who will love it for its uniqueness and emotional appeal. I just wasn’t part of the right audience for this content. At the same time, I appreciate this indie author’s efforts to bring to fruition such an unusual story and even inspire an EP that goes with it. If you do pick up the book, don’t miss out reading the author’s note at the end.

2.75 stars.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author through @LucyTurnsPages on Twitter, and these are my honest thoughts about it.

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Profile Image for Amina .
826 reviews536 followers
August 1, 2023
✰ 3.75 stars ✰

“Life is complicated. Things go well. Things don’t. You can’t control everything. Some things are inevitable. No matter what you do, you can’t go back in time.

You can’t change the past. What you can do is use the past to change the future.”

The title of this book speaks for itself - it is Someone's Story. By leaving the narrator without a name, simply going by someone, B.A. Bellec allowed this fictional take of self-help and motivation to speak to anyone of us - you, me, he, her, xyz, it does not matter. Because, the feelings and emotional struggles that encompass Someone's life and mind is something so relatable, that anyone can read this and leave with the knowledge that there is always hope for better.

“Despite the fact that I view myself as a lone wolf, humans are social creatures. We need each other. You can only be alone for so long before it starts to get to you.”

I relate to this, on so many levels - there were many years, where I really did not have any interaction with anyone of my age, where I was literally very much caught off from the entire world. Do you know that feeling? That the whole world is moving around you, and you're stuck at a stand-still? Perhaps, that is why I was drawn to this. I did like the idea - this story is to show that no matter how alone you may feel - you are truly never alone - that you can gain happiness, clearance, and a sense of belonging by interaction. The saying 'no man is an island' does ring true for this story, because for a long time, Someone was very much alone.

“A bunch of weirdos who became lifelong friends, who help each other, who talk through the tough times. Life will pull us in a bunch of different directions. Family, love, education, career, health, relaxation.

Find the balance. Know we will have a special bond forever. The weirdos who save each other. The weirdos who find each other in the dark.”

By coming to a new town, meeting new people, joining a new school, interacting, he allowed himself to feel. I appreciated how the author guided us through Someone's growth - that by associating with others, he allowed himself, not only to be open, but to understand that having people around him - seeing their lifestyles and feelings and experiences - would want him to bring better changes to his own life, as well. And in doing so, it also gave him perspective to the things in his past and memory that had been shielded away for so very long.

“Someone: A little confused, a little sad, a lot okay.

Amanda: I can only imagine.

Someone: The weirdest thing. The ticket to people’s hearts is showing them just how crazy and messy you are.”

What makes this your not so-typical coming-of-age YA story is how the author chose to write it. Aside from keeping the narrator nameless, the dialogue wasn't written with actual dialogue, more like a screenplay text that didn't allow us to see how the characters would convey their emotions - the words would have to speak for themselves. And it did - it captured the emotional impact for certain moments, the scope of intensity for when Someone's actions were not of approval, the descent into feelings of a lost cause and wanting to reach out and have someone to grab your hand, and reassure that everything is okay. That you can't let the past or your past mistakes define who you are and all that you hope to be. That there are ups-and-downs, pains and gains, loss of love and loss of life - but, it is our ability to rise above those challenges, to see the good in living rightly is what stood out to me the most in Someone's Story.

“Things are only impossible if you get in your own way. Remove yourself from the equation. Find the truth. Be one with the truth. The truth is you can do this if you set your mind to it.”

While I do applaud what the author was trying to achieve in terms of helping others find the balance with their mental struggles and dealing with grief in a positive healthy way, the twist near the ending did not faze me much; I wanted it, too, really! But, the fact that I had just read a book like this, that used the same plot device for the character to cope made the reveal not that surprising. Not to say, that it is what people do in order to cope with their mental struggles, but it didn't quite land with me, as it was probably intended. And it didn't very much enjoy the inclusion of closure Someone finally had with his mother - I understand that it is important in order to move on in a healthy manner, but it just didn't feel satisfying enough for me.

“Failure isn't the end. It's the beginning.”

I don't know what it says about me personally, that I somehow end up reading so many books that feature protagonists that are struggling with mental health issues; honestly, I feel like I should be concerned. But, what I can say, is that I always leave with a feeling for a better hope - a chance for a brighter tomorrow for not only the narrators to have, but for myself - to look at life in a different perspective and not let myself be brought down by my own dark thoughts and feelings of being left behind and not fitting in.

We all have our place in the world and there is no race to the finish line - just don't ever forget that there are others running alongside with you on your journey of life. ✨✨
Profile Image for Bonnie DeMoss.
901 reviews152 followers
March 4, 2021
This is an intriguing high school coming of age story with a unique twist. The story begins describing Someone's struggles with high school life, but develops into much more as it explores not only young adult issues but other issues including life, love, loss, and mental health. The way the dialogue was written took some minor adjustment, but it was worth it. This well written story reminded me a little of the movie "A Beautiful Mind." Highly recommend.

I received a free copy of this book via Booktasters. My review is voluntary.
Profile Image for P.L. Stuart.
Author 5 books497 followers
October 3, 2022
A sometimes heart-breaking, hope-filled, stunningly brilliant novel of teen angst, coming-of-age, mental illness, loss, and survival, B.A. Bellec's "Someone's Story" is a Young Adult novel extremely well-deserving of the many accolades it has received. Among the awards and recognition for this novel, the author has accrued a Next Generation Indie Book Awards YA 17+ Finalist (May 2021), and the Reader Views Young Adult Book of the Year (March 2021). 

Written with the spoken dialogues in screenplay style (an interesting choice), and first person perspective, the eponymous "Someone", the book's protagonist, is an average seventeen-year old, who undergoes some extraordinary circumstances. While Someone's name is never revealed to the reader, his name isn't what's important: his story is what is. 

Thrust into a new school after his father's work transfers him to a new city, Someone endeavours to find his tribe - other misfits at school whom he can fit in with - pines over unrequited love, and struggles at times to understand and connect his austere but loving single father, who raises Someone alone after his mother abandons the family.  

On the fringes of Someone's main story lurks the parallel story of another unnamed and unidentified runner, who is in the midst of undergoing some sort of extreme marathon race. This person is obviously highly determined, and enduring a severe physical and mental challenge, that he is resolved to overcome. 

Someone eventually finds his misfit tribe, and they are an eclectic collection of the popular and unpopular amongst the student-body. With his father, devoted friends, a kind, supportive, and empathetic adult counsellor named Kevin in his life, Someone seems poised to be able to capitalize on his natural physical and mental abilities, and make the most of his life, including his high school experience.

But insecurities, emotional and mental issues, illness, and the rough evolution from teenager to adulthood loom to throw Someone's world into chaos, and put his very life in danger.

The fabulous characterization in the book left me unable to put the novel down for any length of time. I burned through this book. Someone, and his compatriots, Erica, Samantha, Geoffrey, Caleb, Ashley, are so incredibly well-drawn, full of the quirks, awkwardness, intelligence, humour, aspirations, complexities, immaturity, and perturbations of teenage life. Impeccably done!

I loved Someone as an unreliable narrator, and a complicated main character, who has his share of issues, but overall is a decent fellow. He's far from perfect, and makes some highly questionable decisions, can be at times insensitive and somewhat petty. Yet ultimately the reader will root for Someone, as he struggles to fit in alongside his fellow "weirdos" with the greater student body, and even within his own small group of friends.  

The themes explored in "Someone's Story" are extremely compelling, thought-provoking, and occasionally difficult to read. Challenging topics such as drug use, attempted suicide, bullying, addiction, teen pregnancy and abortion, terminal illness, juxtaposed alongside more positive elements such as love, friendship, family, perseverance, motivation, created a dark mood to the story, and a very poignant, and captivating read. 

There is a lovely, slice-of-life element to the book, replete with lots of pop culture references of the period. This includes the emergent, ubiquitous "cell-phone" culture of the day, which Someone embraces, while at the same time strives against, hoping to establish deeper personal bonds, through personal meetings with his friends over his favourite blonde coffee blend, rather than just texting them. 

The writing is crisp, tight, outstanding. Bellec perfectly captures the perspective of a witty, capable, but troubled teen, who has enormous potential, and whose trials, tribulations, and triumphs made for a fascinating novel. 

Five glowing stars for "Someone's Story"! An amazing book by B.A. Bellec, a fantastic author!
Profile Image for Saisha.
76 reviews
July 13, 2020
First of all, thank you to the author for sending me a copy of this wonderful book!

This book is just... wow. At first, I was concerned because the writing style is so unfamiliar to me, but by the third or fourth chapter I was hooked. This is one of those books that I wasn't able to put down because I just wanted to know what happened next. I honestly didn't know what to expect but I was definitely not disappointed.

This book talks about so many of the issues that teenagers face without seeming out of touch or contrived and mental illness is dealt with in such a tasteful way. It really felt like I was reading about the life of someone I might run into on the street, not just a character in a book. The writing actually made me miss high school because of how accurately it was portrayed. I could relate to so many of the characters, even if I haven't necessarily gone through their exact experiences.

All in all, this book is amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an honest coming of age novel that will bring you to tears and leave you feeling inspired.
Profile Image for Erik McManus.
375 reviews321 followers
December 17, 2020

This book was told in a way that you were trying to discover the main character’s back story while learning about his current story. The main character was called “Someone” and that was something I have not encountered in a book before. The plot was interesting enough because I wanted to know how this teenager was going to try and fit in after moving to a new town.

The book deals with some hard subjects such as mental illness and I think it was portrayed very well. There were definitely some twists that I wasn’t expecting so that added to the experience for me. The author also told me there is a soundtrack that goes with this book which is really cool.

If you want an easy to read coming of age story about a kid trying to fit in while dealing with some devils of his own, then I think you would enjoy this book.
Profile Image for thebook_hoverer.
31 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2020
Well I can’t believe that I’m saying this but Someone’s Story was like a bomb thrown in my direction, it left me in complete awe and YES it influenced me more than All The Bright Places! CRAZYY I KNOW!
tysm @ for gifting me with this one hell of an awesome journey❤️
The story centers Someone, a 17-year-old messed up teenager, a literal no body ensnared by his anxieties, stress and loneliness. He moved in a new town hoping for a fresh start just to meet a bunch of resembling, yet completely different weirdos each with their own hidden and turmoiled background.
As he struggles to break free from his slough of misery, and settle in his own groove amid all of the senior year drama, a mouth-dropping twist will unravel with it being the culprit and the key answer to all the bafflement in his muddled life.
Ok so I literally devoured this spectacular must read book!
It was just the perfect combination of everything I adore , yup it spoke my language!
We’re talking about jogging🏃‍♀️writing and jotting down random thoughts ✍️ , the Business class which I found pretty intriguing even to those who know little about the subject,
and finally COFFEE!! Like that blonde roast which I’m dying to try made my mouth-water from just reading its splendid description🤤

The characters are poignant and soo relatable they drag you in their chaotic lives with all of its ups and downs.
Despite the fact that I felt that the plot was a bit lacking, I loved it all the same!
When I closed this book I realised that there were tears streaming down my face😭 as my heart was packed/welled with emotions.
Such an intense inspirational book that’s about loss, love, battling with the demon inside you and finding salvation.
It presses the issue of how life isn’t fair or easy but you just got to accept and learn from your own failures, move forward and never give up.
PS: I came across a reviewer criticizing that this books talks about depression, yet Someone has a job, friends and a hobby. I’d like to tell him that you could still have all those things, and still fall in an endless abyss of self-doubting and desolation. Just cause you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!

~I have danced with the devil inside my mind and am still standing.💔
For more enchanting reviews visit my instagram account @thebook_hoverer 💁‍♀️✨
September 30, 2020
Going into this I knew it fell into similar categories of books like The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This book writes in a very similar manner as we follow a young man who wants to be referred to as “Someone” as he navigates through life and senior year. We see him as he struggles with friends, his future, his past, and mental wellness.

From page one this book feels very relatable for young adults. Especially with his struggle with having to make friends. Though I personally do not have any mental struggles, I could relate to how he felt in some of the scenarios throughout the book when his mental wellness came into play.

At first, this book seems a little slow and a bit unremarkable. The further you get, the deeper things become. It builds up to something beyond remarkable and it leaves me standing here like “Woah! What just happened!” The format of writing is a bit unorthodox, but it didn’t bother me. It was refreshing in a way. Something different.

Overall, this story is very impactful as it covers such serious topics that aren’t always openly talked about. It showcases issues that young adults face growing up. Someone’s Story is definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. But I think if you enjoyed The Perks of Being a Wallflower, coming of age stories, or young adult books that cover serious topics such as mental wellness, I think you’ll enjoy this one.
Profile Image for Leah  Swingler.
78 reviews13 followers
August 21, 2020
This book is a really good coming of age story with a massive twist at the end which makes it a must-read for anyone!
10 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2020
The book is all about twist.
It seemed interesting when I first learned about the book.I thought it would be interesting.However,it was not.After reading the first 2-3 chapters,I was annoyed to have such kind of book.Because no way I could connect the stories.But the story goes on.You'll find jolly minded,mysterious,introvert...many types of characters in the book.Among all of them,there is 'Someone',who is describing you about his life.Not like what people write in the diary.A bit more.Here you can feel the emotions of someone.The best thing done in this book by the author I think,is to elaborate the thoughts of the readers.There'll be a lot of moments when you'll want to make a change.You'll try to get into a character more,again sometimes some characters may seem absurd to you.But all are essential part of "Someone's" life.
'Someone' is an introvert guy who is continuously trying to do something special so that he can impress everyone.
'Someone' is not like most of us.He is special.Those who'll complete this book may disagree with me.At the same time they'll agree with me.This book is filled with such kind of variations.
At young age we all want to build our career in our desired ways,but sometimes it doesn't happen.We cannot but face the reality of life.Sometimes it's sweet,sometimes it's so bitter that you'll lose the taste of your life.A juvenile,whose life is full of colorful dreams...about his father,his family,his friends.
'Someone' had many of the happy moments of his life.But he had to see the other side of the coin also.That journey was not easy or enjoyable.He overcame the situation through hard work,strong mind and obviously inspiration.But to know from whom he got the inspiration,you must read the book.
Once a person gets into the story,he cannot meet his hunger until he finishes the last page.After finishing the book,you'll get to know some people of the society who are around all of us,but we don't know how their lives go on.You'll get the taste of entering their minds and learn their thoughts,which will make a change when from next time you'll try to know a person in real life.And it also depicts the efforts of the author,how he observed people around him.
However, it is a book you'll love to read,besides it'll enlarge the world of your thoughts.
Finally,could 'Someone' be the desired person he wanted to be?You must read to know!
Profile Image for Jeff Bailey.
Author 2 books116 followers
September 30, 2022
B.A. Bellec’s coming-of-age novel, Someone’s Story, was a comfortably satisfying coming-of-age story. I appreciated the B.A. naming his main protagonist ‘Someone.’ For me, I was able to identify with the abstract character easier than if he had a name. Bellec speaks from the heart of Someone so well that I was able to identify and sympathize with him. Most of us have shared some of Someone’s experiences. The reader has only to check out the many awards shown on the front cover to understand what a terrific read this was. Not my normal genre, but I highly recommend Someone’s Story (everyone’s story.) I’m seventy-five but I suggest Someone’s story as a read for every teenager that is feeling a bit disconnected. We are not alone. Jeff Bailey, author of the conspiracy thriller, Not On My Watch.
Profile Image for Marieke (mariekes_mesmerizing_books).
618 reviews625 followers
September 27, 2020
I read some reviews. I knew the writing is far different from average -I love not average-. I knew the first part might be just okay. I knew the MC had no name and was just called someone. So I read. And I read.

Let’s first focus on the writing. It’s stripped from all embellishments, using short sentences, simple words, different font sizes and dialogues as in a script. Simple and affective. Very, very easy readable. Not everyone will enjoy this kind of writing. Because there are no great phrases, no wonderful words, no beautiful comparisons.

Then the story itself. Yeah, the first part was just okay, a teenage boy, living in a new place, finally finding friends and living an average life. Going to school, working, partying now and then. When I was almost halfway something happened inside me. The story hadn’t changed, still normal stuff but I felt tense, like something big was going to happen. Nothing in the story that indicated it but still. Then unease kicked in, slowly. I felt discomfort in my gut. And as I read on, the discomfort grew. Tears in my eyes at the end. Not just because of the ending but also because of the Author’s note.

Just an average story? So not true. Someone is not just someone. He’s so much more than that!

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book can also be found as a free ebook on different sites as Kobo.
274 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2020
3.5 ⭐️

Someone’s Story is an absolutely impactful book, especially in the last third, in which everything truly comes together in a heartbreaking way which will shock you but make sense when you look back, making you feel exactly like the main character. However I didn’t exactly love the writing style. It ended up sounding quite formal and unnatural, especially the speaking parts which you would expect to be more conversational but are all quite short sentences without many contractions e.g. “I have been going through a lot...I am just not ready for anything serious. I want to be friends. Look, I am sorry.” I totally relate to the rambling about pop culture but I think it was a bit too on the nose, because it’s set in 2010 and really hammers that in by over explaining things like the movies out that year. Additionally, I didn’t really get why they keep saying his friends are so amazing because they’re constantly drugging him without him knowing, which also made the middle chunk of the story feel quite repetitive. Initially, I really liked the idea of the MC calling themselves ‘Someone’ but I was a bit confused about if they refer to themselves solely as this in real life: at school and with their friends. Finally the last few chapters each felt like the end, and they were all well written and satisfying but it was a bit weird to keep getting the feeling we were done. It was symptomatic of how the whole story felt a bit disjointed.
Profile Image for Palak.
122 reviews20 followers
October 10, 2020
I want to thank the author, B. A Bellec, for contacting me to do write an honest review in exchange for a free copy of Someone's Story. I've read this novel and the following review is based on only my opinions and is completely honest!

The first thing that I noticed about Someone's Story is that the writing style is completely different from anything that I have ever read. It's formatted more in the way your brain thinks - short, precise sentences while conveying what it whats you to understand and feel. This unique style of writing is something I don't think I've ever encountered before and it made the story even more relatable. He effectively combined topics like mental health, anxiety, teen pregnancy, unstable family life, etc., to show how today's young generation especially teens struggle adjusting to the rules that society has put out knowingly and unknowingly. And seeing that I am a high school teen, this book connected with how I felt and I enjoyed reading how Someone (how the main character of this novel wanted to be called) worked hard and overcame every difficulty thrown in his path even if it took him some time to realize his mistake.

This is a novel that will pull your heart in multiple directions and will make you so emotional and connected with the book that you won't know where the fiction world ends and reality starts. Thank you, B. A Bellec, for giving me the honor of reading your novel! This powerful story is what I needed to show me that it's ok for me to struggle and to feel hopeless but it also showed me not to forget that every problem has a solution only if you work hard for it.
Profile Image for Angel (Bookn.All.Night).
1,574 reviews39 followers
August 21, 2020
Someone is speaking, telling a story that could be...well anyone's. In this moving and heartfelt story "Someone" has moved from his small town and he has to start over at a new high school. Someone is quiet, introverted and filled with anxiety. Luckily he befriends a group much like himself (in their own way) and during their friendship he learns much more about himself than he thought possible.

This is a beautiful and moving story. Many of us can remember our days in high school and just how hard it was to be on the outside of social standing. If we were lucky we managed to find like minds and somehow survive to graduation. Not many people are like the "Someone" in this story but I know there were some. I can only wonder about the pain and isolation they must have felt during those days...

The message throughout this story is strong and one we could all do well to remember - Not Done - There is always something we can learn, whether about ourselves or those outside our circle. Don't give up...keep pushing...keep growing. Strength when we think there isn't any left.

I sincerely appreciate the author gifting me this book for an honest review. The opinions stated herein are mine and mine alone.
Profile Image for Shiny  Jain.
319 reviews31 followers
August 14, 2020
Someone’s Story is a beautiful novel, written in great prose, very descriptive, and filled with insights about life. The author does an incredible job with themes of family, friendship, bullying, and personal development. It felt like I was reading a portion of my emotions and myself in Someone’s Story.”
Someone’s Story is literally Someone’s story, as in a first-person narrative of a teenager that calls himself Someone. As he struggles to find a new footing in a new space, we encounter the many ups and downs of modern teenage life, the difficulties that adjusting to adult feelings bring, and a few tear-jerking surprises along the way.
Littered with music, mental health, friendship, loss, meditation, advice, pop culture, and even inspiring an EP, there is so much nostalgia, inspiration, and depth here it is hard to absorb it all.
Overall it is an interesting book to read
The language is simple and the writing style is unique and attractive. The most amazing about this book is that we don't know that protagonist's name. In the whole story, the protagonist would refer to himself as "Someone". So, the title perfectly fits the story.
Profile Image for Ashleigh Humble-Larkin.
101 reviews7 followers
July 13, 2020
A Powerful Messay

This book is really unique I’ve never read anything like it, I don’t even know how I’d describe it, it’s not perfect by any means, the pacing is kinda off and you gotta push through to halfway to get into the story, but the ending is really powerful and it felt really easy to read so in that sense it’s obviously written very well, I enjoyed reading it and I really connected with the message on a personal level.
3 reviews1 follower
April 15, 2020
Recently picked this book up, I am a very casual reader. I thought the story was superb and the way the unique narrative hooks you into finishing this in one sitting.

I like that this Author is donating a portion of the profits to charity and I always like to support new creative author's, B.A. Bellec you are the real deal. Keep them coming and don't stop.
Profile Image for Billy Buttons.
Author 19 books147 followers
February 22, 2021
This book was entered in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. This is what our readers thought:
Title: Someone's Story
Author: B.A. Bellec

Star Rating: 4 Stars
Number of Readers: 15
Editing: 8/10
Writing Style: 7/10
Content: 8/10
Cover: 6/10
Of the 15 readers:
11 would read another book by this author.
8 thought the cover was good or excellent.
9 felt it was easy to follow.
13 would recommend this story to another reader to try.
Of all the readers, 4 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘plotting a story’.
Of all the readers, 9 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘developing the characters’.
Of all the readers, 2 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘writing style’.
9 felt the pacing was good or excellent.
11 thought the author understood the readership and what they wanted.

Readers’ Comments
“I think the whole Someone idea was mega clever. As he hasn't really got a name, it's easy to pretend he's me.” Boy, age 15
“I thought this was an inspirational book. Mental health is a big thing these days, and this author seems to understand what many teenagers are going through. I think this novel should be in high schools.” Boy, aged 16
“Thoughtful, but a bit slow going, this is not what I’d call a beach read. It's a little uncomfortable in parts. To be honest I thought these teenagers were pretty messed up.” Girl, aged 16
“Wow, the characters in this book think a lot - about everything! This is a pretty dark book, the teenagers in it having a lot of thoughts and emotions I can't begin to relate to. But I did find it enlightening and also thought-provoking. Possibly all teenagers don't have it as easy as I do.“ Boy, aged 15
“This story is not an easy read. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster and I found reading it rather exhausting. Being a teenager, I could relate to lots of it; it can be very difficult to adjust to adult life. I think the author did a good job of getting inside a teenager's head.” Girl, aged 16

To Sum It Up:
‘A gripping story of teenage life and the many problems they face. A RED RIBBON WINNER and highly recommended.’ The Wishing Shelf Book Awards
Profile Image for Nabiha Tahsin.
82 reviews12 followers
December 1, 2020
This is an incredible and powerful book!

I have never read something like this. It talks about various important aspects, most importantly- Mental Health. Deals with complex emotions and various diverse perspectives. I didn't know if I would love this so much, but I did.
It's a story of Someone. He's an introvert, talented, anxious and a new transplant to a small town. The book doesn't reveal his name. As a result, readers can be more connected towards the story. It focuses on mental health issues- depression, anxiety, failures, stress and so on. The way the Author presented this issues and talked about it, explaining various ways to mend the problems was surreal. It doesn't only stays limited to the Protagonist's problems but moves into the problems of other minor characters.
This book was absolutely unputdownable. I was flipping through the pages with curiosity and excitement. I was waiting to know what would happen next and everytime I was surprised. I could relate to many characters and problems. I wanted to know more about each of them, their baggage from past and everything. The ending was inspiring and hopeful. Loved reading this one.
Seriously, this book deserves much more recognition and reads. Thanks a bunch to the Author for providing me a review copy.
All opinions are of my own.
Profile Image for Krista Loreen.
112 reviews
October 12, 2020
Wow, I need some time to digest this! Just wow! I'll come back with a full review when I'm ready.

This book is a look into Someone's story. Someone could be anyone. He could be your brother, your cousin, your son. That is the beauty of this story. The writing was clear and straight forward and easy to get into. After about the halfway point I couldn't put it down!

As I continued to read, I wished that I would have had this book available to read when I was younger. It's very relatable. The feelings it gave me reminded me of when I read The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I was not expecting the twist and it left me in awe of the growth of Someone and shedding light on mental health, specifically in boys/men. It's not too often you see men's mental health highlighted. Coming from a family background in mental illness, I truly appreciated this novel. I had to take a few days to digest it as I was so impressed with it! This is one of those underrated books I want everyone to read! I am so thankful I got a chance to read this thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the copy.
Profile Image for Annabel.
Author 3 books26 followers
August 15, 2020
This was such a wonderful surprise! I think this book is best described as unique. Not only because of the writing style that's very different from most of the books I've read (different in a good way), but also because everything is so...deep? Or philosophical perhaps?

I loved how certain experiences were described (like going out for a run, listening to music or taking a bath), making me feel like I was experiencing it as well.
Also, the sudden plot twist near the end was very unexpected and I love that, especially because I'm usually very good at figuring these things out early on in a book. Well, not this time!

I want to thank B.A. Bellec for the free copy. Someone's Story was an absolute pleasure to read! 4.5 stars!!
Profile Image for Alex R..
6 reviews
October 24, 2020
I think this book was definitely worth a read once you got into it. It started off very slow but as you get to know the main character and see the struggles he is going through it picks up. The book has many inspirational passages, which I resonated with, as well as dealing with many themes. Mental health, family, social life. It has something for everyone. The reason I'm not giving this book 5 stars is because I thought the character of someone's dad should have been more fleshed out. I don't want to spoil the ending but it didn't hit me as much as it should because we don't really get to know Dad well enough at all.
Profile Image for Divya Agrawal.
162 reviews18 followers
February 1, 2021
Someone's Story is about Someone only. Literally the name of main character is someone.
The book tells the story of Someone, what he's suffering from without even knowing anything.

The writing is good. Though there were somethings that I didn't like, like script writing style while having a conversation, some short sentences after the long one with same meaning. I talked about it in detail in my Review video.

The overall story was good and the best part of the whole book was the ending, the twist it has. The middle part is kind of boring as it is nothing but usual school stuffs but the big revelation at the ending is worth the wait.

However, there are some trigger warnings: heavy drug abuse, age difference, bullying, schizophrenia.

Would recommend if you're alright with above mentioned warnings.
Profile Image for Holly.
168 reviews113 followers
January 25, 2021
WOW. This book had me feeling sooooooo many emotions! The writing style was so different from what I am used to and it was so addictive! I can not even tell you how many times I screenshotted beautiful quotes sprinkled throughout this book. This gave me so much advice on how to handle my own anxiety and struggles in life and it also made me want to go back to high school and hug all of my old best friends. UGH. MY EMOTIONS. ALSO... I was TOTALLY blind sighted. I just.... I can't. I can't say anything more on that hahaha.

Watch Full Review Here!

I do, however, just want to point out that because of the different kind of writing style where dialogue is written out as:
Versus the typical "he said she said" format, the pacing sometimes went a bit too quick and we don't get the most fully fleshed out characters personality-wise. (However we did get a good amount of intensely emotional back stories to make up for that!!) And there was also a bit of a lull in the middle where it was going through business classes at school and other typical school moments, but as I said before.. the pacing is very quick in this book so I never necessarily felt bored while reading though, was just eager for some more action or craziness!

Overall. this was a very accurate depiction of anxiety and also of school life in your senior year when you are trying to make friends and trying to figure out who you are as a person and where you want to go in life! Thank you so much to B.A Bellec for providing a copy of this book for me to review!

**I was compensated for this review - that in no way changes my thoughts and opinions on this book**
1 review1 follower
September 29, 2020
I want to thank the author's family for sending me a copy of this uniquely written book. I loved the format. Very imaginative and inventive that Someone is written in first person. Brilliant! A good read for me is when I cannot predict what is going to happen especially toward the end. Someone's Story is a good read. There is lots of emotion and it is a book that makes one (of any age) stop to reflect on things that occur throughout their lives. Very deep!

If I could personally be friends with Someone, I would give the same message as I would give to anyone who has an ear to listen. Keep moving forward and follow your dreams; even if it means you feel like you are taking two or more steps backward. There will be sacrifices on the route. However, you will get there; even if it is on a more roundabout, hilly, rocky yet scenic pathway. Failure is like a pothole. Faith in your forward movement fills the potholes. Eventually. When I followed my dreams with faith in my abilities, I found that paved onramp. It drove me further than I ever could have imagined.
Profile Image for Lara.
296 reviews
September 29, 2020
First of all, thanks to B.A. Bellec for asking me to review your book!
I’ve never read a book like this one and I’m so blessed I could be part of the experience of this book.
It’s about a boy who calls himself Someone and is dealing with mental health issues. The fact that he doesn’t have a real name is so original. Sometimes I find myself reading about a name in a book and I already have a feeling about that name because I know someone with the same name. Because the main character was named Someone, I wasn’t biased and I really liked that!

At first I couldn’t really figure out what the story was leading towards, but in the end there were some great plottwists that made me look so differently towards this book. It was a heartbreaking, but powerful story about a boy who finds out who he really is and learns to deal with his issues. He learns to love the people around him.

The dialogues were short, but strong and you really learn some live lessons in the dialogues.
Sometimes I did want to know a little more details of some conversations or events, because the descriptions were a little bit short now and then. But overall it
was such an inspirational and great book and I’d really recommend this book to everyone!

*Even though the author asked me to read his book, my opinions are 100% honest!*
Profile Image for Yu_Booktique.
5 reviews
October 2, 2020
Author did a great job. He used every simple words. Even though story focused on people suffering from mental illness. The plot twist was engrossing I did not expect that at all.
An important lesson I learnt from this book is NEVER GIVE UP. Failure isn't the end. It's the
beginning. Try to learn from your failures.
Overall , Someone's Story just blew me away I experienced an unforgettable journey.
1 review
September 22, 2020
First of all, I'd like to thank Booktasters and the author B.A. Bellec for the opportunity to read this book.
First, I have to mention, of course, BLONDE ROAST!! I have been so intrigued to try it ever since I read that book. I have to say that I was a bit on the wary side at first because the style of writing was not the usual, but then I got so used and comfortable with it. I loved it!
The ending was mind-blowing!! I must say that the first few chapters there was a bit of too much descriptions that just kind of made me lose interest right in the middle of something I was anticipating! So, if there was a no.1 advice I’d give the author, it’s to cut back on the unnecessary descriptions.

There were also some pages where I think that they were unnecessary, just filling a space. However the storyline was very interesting. The way I was walking in Someone’s shoe, experiencing everything he was going through at the same time was exhilarating if you ask me.

To be honest, at first, the story wasn’t gripping me. I had to push myself to go through the first few pages, because I thought that many books start out that way, so I’ll give it a chance. Everything was a bit vague, and thoughts were scattered. I couldn’t put my hands on anything. But I promise you after a couple more pages, I was w bit hooked.

Overall, I have to say, that story takes me back to high school. Who hasn’t got a few of these characters in their real life. It’s a story indeed!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews

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