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The Hollywood Assistant

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Offered a dream job in Hollywood with a famous director and his actress wife, an insecure woman becomes their personal assistant where their secrets and lies place her in the crosshairs of a murder investigation.

Cassidy Foster is heartbroken, stuck in life, and getting a little too obsessed with plants. Then when a well-connected friend becomes sick of Cassidy’s moping and gets her a gig with famous Hollywood couple, Marisol and Nate Sterling, Cassidy jumps at the chance to move to sunny L.A. The Sterlings are warm and welcoming. A perfect couple. All Cassidy has to do is be available a few hours a week for errands. In return, she has access to luxury. Designer clothes. A sparkling pool. Great pay. When Nate takes interest in her, asking her to read scripts he’s written, Cassidy thinks this could be the key to kickstarting her writing dreams. As their business relationship grows, so does their attraction. Nate is sexy, talented, and Cassidy can’t believe her luck. Clearly, Marisol doesn’t know what she has. Maybe that’s why the two are always fighting when they think Cassidy isn’t around. But Cassidy learns she was hired for a different purpose. The Sterlings aren’t the perfect couple. Marisol isn’t the perfect wife. And when one of them is found dead, Cassidy becomes the perfect suspect.

401 pages, Hardcover

First published July 9, 2024

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About the author

May Cobb

6 books979 followers
May Cobb is the award-winning author of The Hollywood Assistant, A Likeable Woman, My Summer Darlings, and The Hunting Wives, which is being adapted into an 8-episode series for STARZ. She earned her MA in literature from San Francisco State University and her essays and interviews have appeared in The Washington Post, Texas Highways, Good Housekeeping, and more. A Texas native, she lives in Austin with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 266 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa of Troy.
760 reviews6,349 followers
June 17, 2024
May Cobb is the queen of guilty pleasure; however, this one missed the mark.

Cassidy, a 20-something young lady, goes to LA to recover after a bad breakup. She works as a personal assistant to a Hollywood couple when one of them ends up dead.

While Cassidy is supposed to be a young lady, she acts more in line with a mature 30ish year old, going to The Container Store for an exciting night out on the town (sadly not an exaggeration). And I just wanted her to be a bit more irrational and diabolical! Give me a wild Cassidy!

The book also seemed a bit slow, which is strange for a guilty pleasure book.

There are two timelines: a later and a now timeline. And the later timeline is really inconsistent.

This book was ruined a bit by reading Daemon Voices by Philip Pullman, a collection of essays on storytelling. Of course, the exact quote eludes me, but it is something to the effect of “Don’t start a story with the cheap trick of ‘She entered the slowly darkening room’ because readers will instantly be annoyed wanting to know who she is.” Ugh. This book essentially implements this trick and stuck to it like a dog with a bone for 75% of the book.

Now, don’t kill me here because I am going to share something that you may not have noticed before, but you will now be on the alert. For some unknown reason, the word “click” was used 29 times! 29!

Well, I didn’t click with this one………

May Cobb --- I still love your work; we’ll get the next one!

*Thanks, NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for my fair and unbiased opinion.

The Green Light at the End of the Dock (How much I spent):
Electronic Text – Free/Nada/Zilch through NetGalley provided by publisher

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Profile Image for Kat .
289 reviews972 followers
May 25, 2024
It’s perfect that this book is set in Hollywood, because my mind feels like it’s been in Lalaland while reading this!

Cassidy is a wannabe romance novelist from Texas fresh off a break-up, when her bestie Lexie uses her film industry connections to get Cassidy a personal assistant position for glamorous Hollywood power couple, Nate Sterling and Marisol Torres.

So begins a bizarre personal/working relationship between Cassidy, Nate and Marisol where we go from “You’re a complete stranger who I just met” to “I trust you implicitly with every aspect of my life” in about 5 minutes. But do you really know who you’re working for, and do they really know you? This trio all have their secrets and motivations.

In a book where pretty much everyone is playing each other, booze seems to be the main staple of breakfast, lunch and dinner, and every bush/tree/window from every angle no matter where you are allows you a PERFECT view into all the naughty activities you might want to creepily spy on, I feel like I just went on a short break from ALL reality!

Those who enjoy an OTT, soapy, sexed-up mystery spotlighting the extravagant lifestyle of the Hollywood rich and famous - this may be just the book for you. I could see why many readers will have fun with this. In fairness, I’m just the wrong audience for it.

Let me break down where I struggled:

Length/Pacing: This didn’t need to be 400+ pages. The first half particularly felt slow and could either be tightened up or spiced up to keep the reader engaged.

Plot: A murder is alluded to. You don’t find out who the victim is until the 80% mark. The story leading up to it is pretty slow and uneventful. Cassidy is doing her job and fantasizing about all the hots she has for Nate. And spying. The story after the murder felt predictable. I saw where this train was headed and hoped Cobb would turn it in an unexpected direction. She didn’t.

Characters: Not one likable character. ANY would’ve been appreciated. If unhinged women are your thing … here you go. Some readers love that!

Dialogue: Cassidy and Lexie speak to one another in ‘cool girl' slang like “prolly”, “ridic”, “superhot”, “obvy” and Lexie’s go-to word for Cassidy “chica”. Please make it stop. Cassidy also frequently talks in exclamation marks as if she’s in a perpetual state of excitement!!!!! Like that. Unfortunately there was plenty of cringey dialogue to go around. Maybe this was intentional to highlight the shallow reputation of Hollywood? I could see that.

Ending/Epilogue: A couple decent twists that may work for less seasoned thriller readers. It did the dreaded villain monologue (aka Scooby Doo ending) where the baddie confesses at length when they could’ve just kept their mouth shut like smart people. Also, I wish the whole epilogue didn’t exist. Ugh. It didn’t need to go there. Let the reader use their own imagination. Ambiguity can be so delicious!

Here’s the GREAT news. There are many strong ratings and reviews so far that prove there’s an audience who will LOVE this book, so PLEASE read those reviews before deciding on this.


Thanks to Berkley Publishing, NetGalley and author May Cobb for this digital ARC to honestly review. It’s due to be published July 9, 2024.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,659 reviews53.7k followers
August 20, 2024
Juicy, spicy, naughty, twisty, stimulating, hot as hell! Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present the best book by May Cobb so far. While "Hunting Wives" held the title of my favorite, "Hollywood Assistant" surpassed my expectations, throwing the smartest, most scandalous twists my way and cranking up the wild ride potential a notch. Despite a slightly slow start, a few chapters later, things got intriguing. I felt like a little fish, Nily, hooked by the author's line, allowing myself to go with the flow. The last third had me screaming with amazement, especially the latest twist I never saw coming, even though I usually pride myself on my high-alert spidey senses. This time, they went out of radar.

The plot execution was successfully crafted with balanced but mostly fast pacing, keeping readers guessing about the secrets characters hide. Whose side should you pick when the main character is unreliable and shows some obsessive tendencies (even though she emphasizes she's a neat freak, punctual Virgo, giving off some Scorpio vibes)? All these women in the book exude a femme fatale Scorpio charm that leaves you torn between despising and respecting them, mostly both.

Now, let's dive into the plot, set in my favorite city that I simultaneously love and hate wholeheartedly: La La Land! Even though it's a dreamland where only villains or villanelles may survive!

Enter Cassidy Foster, twenty-nine, a Texan Belle, book smart, shy, mediocre in looks, recently dumped, finally finding the courage to move to Los Angeles for her new gig as the private assistant to Hollywood power couple Nate Sterling, a successful, charismatic movie director, 45, and his exotic, joyful, Mediterranean pearl of a wife, Marisol, in her early thirties—a social butterfly contrasting her husband's old-school loner style.

Cassidy is paid 4K monthly for mostly doing nothing but a few errands, shopping, and organizing Marisol’s clothes in exchange for more designer clothes. It seems like everyone's dream job, too good to be true. She's happy with the Sterlings, even though she accidentally witnesses their fights and make-up sex. Her attraction to Nate grows as he takes an interest in her, encouraging her screenwriting career. You might be asking, what's the catch? Nate finally reveals the main reason she's hired, and Cassidy realizes she might be entangled in secrets, betrayal, a dark scheme with the Sterlings. The more she stays in their circle, the more she's doomed to be ruined, like a moth to flame.

The second half of the book is a crazy, wild ride that had me exclaiming, "What the actual hell?" several times. I shoveled more popcorn, sipped more Chardonnay, gave my villanelle laughs, and read more! What a fantastic time I had! I wholeheartedly recommend you read this dark, sexy, unconventional, steamy, smart mystery.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for sharing this wonderful book's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest opinions. Freaking fantastic job, May Cobb!

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Profile Image for Dee - delighting in the Desert :).
421 reviews86 followers
July 26, 2024
4.5 stars, rounded down - I really liked this one, very fast paced with short chapters and a super crazy double twist ending 🤯🤯 May Cobb's switch from TX to LA totally worked for me & I think this was her best yet - she's def staying on my "auto list" and I can't wait to read her next - this years been a bit disappointing with so many of the books I was looking forward to, so I'm really thrilled this one was so good! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Profile Image for Keila (speedreadstagram).
1,505 reviews117 followers
March 29, 2024
Thank you to Berkley @BerkleyPub and Netgalley @Netgalley for the e-arc.


Cassidy takes a personal assistant job in Hollywood after a horrible breakup. She’s broken hearted, and just fed up, so she jumps on the opportunity.

She finds that all she has to do at her new job is show up for a few hours, run a few errands, and she’ll be fine, with some designer things thrown in for variety. However, things aren’t always as they seem and there are always strings.

Nate, the husband to Marisol and her employer, seems to take interest in her. Cassidy can’t believe her luck, even more so when he has her read and summarize scripts for her.

Turns out, her employers aren’t the perfect couple they’d like people to believe. So when one of them is found dead, Cassidy, as their closest person by default, is the prime suspect.


I love May Cobb so much and this book did not disappoint me at all. It feels like every book she writes, she gets better.

This one left me so happy just reading about all the twists and turns and delightful ways people are horrible. This book grabbed my interest straight from the start, and then it sucked me into the pages. I didn’t want to come up to take a breath because I was so immersed.

May Cobb writes amazing characters, and I feel that even if you wouldn’t typically relate to them, you always can and then you are taken on a wild ride. I particularly like that she writes them all with flaws, while showing their good side as well. She writes them as whole people, not just glamorous ones. They are just so well written and captivating.

I feel that this book was long, but it didn’t feel that it was long enough, it felt like the perfect length. The pacing was on the faster side, but not so fast that I got lost or overwhelmed. I do wish a few things were further explained, but I did enjoy this one a lot. I did particularly enjoy the ending and it was a fun way to wrap up the book. Not what I anticipated at all.
Profile Image for Dennis.
906 reviews1,846 followers
May 28, 2024
THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT IS MAY COBB'S BEST BOOK YET. I said what I said. If you've been a fan of May Cobb since The Hunting Wives, you are in for a real treat.

Cassidy Foster is left heartbroken after breaking up with her boyfriend Carter, but when her bff Lexie offers her a job placement in Los Angeles working as an assistant to actress Marisol Sterling and her director husband Nate, she jumps at the opportunity for a new beginning. The pay is great, Cassidy loves working for them, and she can finally clear her mind and start fresh. Marisol and Nate are the perfect couple and Cassidy is so intrigued by them. However, when Nate begins to show interest in Cassidy romantically, she realizes that their marriage may have some hiccups that she didn't expect. Nate is attractive and Cassidy clearly feels the same, but she knows that this relationship is inappropriate. When Cassidy finds out the true reason for her hiring, she must make the decision to continue with the Sterlings, especially when one of them is found dead.

This book is spicy, over-the-top dramatic, and all kinds of fun. This is the summer beach read of your dreams! THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT is my favorite by May Cobb yet! I truly feel like Cobb is at her best with this book and you must prioritize it in your summer reading. THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT will be in my top reads of the year for sure.
Profile Image for Creya Casale | cc.shelflove.
467 reviews384 followers
May 16, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

May Cobb does it again! Interestingly, this is her first book that is not set in Texas. Don't fret—the main character is from Texas, transported to sunny LA for a job opportunity. When she begins working for a famous director and his wife, she quickly realizes one thing: her bosses are a little nuts. Okay, A LOT nuts, but they take care of Cassidy so nicely, throwing her money and designer clothing... is it too good to be true? I thought Cassidy was a relatable character. Her social awkwardness and internal need to please others was very real. And Marisol's closet? UGH. It's me. 😭 I had an inkling towards the book's twists but their reveals still made me say, OOOOOOOHHHHHHH. A theme across Cobb's books: nothing good happens when you consume alcohol. 😂 One of my absolute favorite authors and I'm ready for her next.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,747 reviews916 followers
July 6, 2024
Do you like scandalous thrillers with twists at every turn? Then The Hollywood Assistant is a must read! I love this author’s books. They stand out to me because the plots are always thrilling, and the characters are also really freakin FUN! Who would have thought that a thriller book could have fun characters? It’s not something I ever really expected in these kinds of books but hers ALWAYS have this feature. I think this is why I always come back to her novels. They are just plain FUN! Anyway, this is a juicy thriller with lots going on, but you won’t be able to put it down for a minute- I couldn’t. I flew through this one in a day because I couldn’t get enough of it. It’s so good! Highly recommended!

❥ Summer thrillers
❥ Rich people acting fresh
❥ Lots of twists

𝗠𝗬 𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,120 reviews267 followers
July 23, 2024
Talk about messy crazy drama!! This had it in spades and was way darker than I expected. Rebounding from a breakup, would-be novelist Cassidy Foster from Texas, moves to the Hollywood Hills after a friend helps her get a job as an assistant to the Sterlings - - a Hollywood power couple- - paying $4,000 a month for little work; -Marisol is a hot actress, Nate is a hot director. Almost immediately Cassidy sees things aren’t “as perfect” as she’s been led to believe by this couple. The story flashes forward (multiple times) to her being questioned by the police for some undisclosed crime. But wait.. the flash backs to the past show Cassidy’s infatuation growing stronger (teetering on obsession) towards Nick as he takes more and more interest in her career. Nate asks her to read his own unproduced screenplay for a feminist, erotic thriller, and from there this tale takes on a devilishly juicy dark life of its own. Loved that GRANDE FINALE - - a truly DIABOLICAL TWIST!! Too much fun that I couldn’t put it down. 4.5 stars — Pub. 7/9/24
Profile Image for Chelsea | thrillerbookbabe.
598 reviews880 followers
July 15, 2024
Thank you to Berkley Publishing and May Cobb for my copy of this book. It’s about Cassidy, a woman who moves to LA to recover from heartbreak. When a friend finds her a job as a personal assistant to a famous couple, Cassidy is thrilled. Marisol and Nate seem like the perfect couple, and all Cassidy has to do a run errands and help out, and in return she has access to luxury. But as she gets to know the couple, Cassidy’s attraction to Nate grows. And it seems like he has the same feelings as she does. Marisol and Nate are constantly fighting, and and soon Cassidy realizes she has been hired for a totally different reason than she originally thought.

Thoughts: This was such a fun and dramatic story. It was so juicy and just a lot of fun. I think this is more of a popcorn thriller, as I was able to consume it quickly. I didn’t enjoy any of the characters at all, but they were they type I loved to hate. It had a lot of dialogue and each character had their own flaws and quirks. I thought there was a good twist, and this was a fun beach read, perfect to take on any vacation.
Profile Image for Christine M in Texas (stamperlady50).
1,495 reviews160 followers
July 9, 2024
The Hollywood Assistant
By: May Cobb
5 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶

Every year I cannot wait to get my hands on Cobb’s latest book! This one definitely needs to be a movie!


Nate and Marisol Sterling hire Cassidy to manage their lives as they both have busy careers. Marisol is waiting for her next big break. This couple starts to depend on Cassidy for more than what she signed up for.

I will NOT spoil this INSANELY and FUN plot, but I highly recommend you preorder this one!

Thanks for the free book Berkley Pub! #Berkleypartner, #berkley, #beekleybookstagram, #thehollywoodassistant, #maycobb, #booksconnectus, #bookreview, #stamperlady50
Profile Image for Courtney.
105 reviews19 followers
August 31, 2024
Wow!!! This was an explosive book! I was hooked from start to finish. This may be my favorite book of 2024 so far. I absolutely did not see the ending coming. I thought I knew where this was going, but I was wrong. May Cobb is one of my favorite new authors and 100% an autobuy for me from now on.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,211 reviews1,943 followers
June 16, 2024
This should be the guilty pleasure read of the summer, it was so juicy and scandalous and had everything I want in a summer thriller. Rich people acting like psychos will always intrigue me and The Sterlings were so batshit, I loved it. The first half starts a tiny bit slow but it’s all to set the stage for the unhinged and gripping second half, I was totally hooked. The characters were so messy and entertaining I couldn’t look away just to see what they would do next and then the author cranked up the heat, this was unexpectedly spicy and I was sooo here for it! There were so many great twists, a couple made me cackle they were so fitting and just perfectly executed. If you like over the top and dramatic thrillers with characters that are so fun to hate, plenty of glitz and glam and lots of secrets this was so much fun!
Profile Image for Diana.
857 reviews688 followers
August 2, 2024
THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT was a soap opera thriller, lots of drama and even some overacting (!!!). For me the book was a bit too long and too slow to get going. At about the 40% mark, we get the first real "conflict," then it's not until 80% that we find out who's been murdered. I enjoyed the twisty ending, but overall it was just an ok read.
Profile Image for Justine S.
421 reviews19 followers
July 25, 2024
There was a lot of build up and then EVERYTHING happened right at the end. A fun summer read!
Profile Image for Erin Meier.
75 reviews3 followers
August 29, 2024
Perfect vacation read!! I didn’t want to move from my lounge chair because I was hooked from the very beginning. And this one is lingering with me because these people are crazy. I love it 😅 sexy and twisty, my fav!!
Profile Image for hollyreadit.
415 reviews337 followers
July 3, 2024
I binged all 400 pages of this book in less than 24 hrs. I could not put it down! The short chapters were everything, and I found myself thinking about the characters even when I wasn’t reading.

The drama, the cringe moments, the shocking epilogue. The Hollywood Assistant is the perfect spicy thriller to read by the pool. I did feel like the ending was a bit rushed, which is the only reason it’s not 5⭐️’s but this could just be a me thing too. Anyway, regardless, add this to your tbr immediately!
Profile Image for BernLuvsBooks .
944 reviews5,041 followers
July 12, 2024
A famous Hollywood “IT” couple and their personal assistant become embroiled in a messy relationship that uncovers scandalous secrets, deception and leads to murder.

I love May Cobb’s scandalous thrillers full of people behaving badly. They are twisty, spicy and absolutely naughty with zero remorse.

The Hollywood Assistant takes us into the marriage of Marisol and Nate Sterling. Initially it looks like they are the perfect couple with the perfect marriage and Cassidy Foster thinks she has the perfect job as Marisol’s personal assistant. Of course nothing can be that idyllic. Soon we see that there are cracks in the facade of this perfect couple and Nate hired Cassidy to report on Marisol because he thinks she’ s cheating on him.

This was a wild ride with everyone having their own secrets, desires and reasons for acting unhinged. I freakin loved all the drama. I couldn’t get enough as things went off the rails and just kept going at full speed. It’s fun, over-the-top, dramatic and definitely twisty. A perfect summer thriller to pick up!
Profile Image for Laura Emerson.
148 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2024
What did I just read?! What a trip! This thriller follows Cassidy as she starts her new job working for Marisol & Nate, a famous Hollywood couple. I enjoyed the rich & famous lifestyle details and imagined what life would be like as an assistant. It had a predicable element about 70% through and I found myself catching some clues here and there on what the ending may twist to. Overall I enjoyed this one and it’s a solid beach read!
Profile Image for LianaReads blog.
2,504 reviews224 followers
May 8, 2024
4.5 stars

I was completely captivated by "The Hollywood Assistant" by May Cobb. The story follows Cassidy Foster, who lands a dream job as a personal assistant to a famous Hollywood couple, Marisol and Nate Sterling. At first, everything seems perfect—luxury, opportunity, and a hint of romance with Nate. But as Cassidy delves deeper into their world, she uncovers dark secrets that place her at the center of a murder investigation.
This suspenseful thriller kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The characters are complex, and their relationships are filled with tension and intrigue. I found myself questioning every motive and suspecting everyone, unsure of who to trust. May Cobb expertly weaves together themes of obsession, jealousy, and deceit, making for a gripping and unpredictable read.
As Cassidy navigates the treacherous waters of Hollywood, she becomes embroiled in a web of lies and betrayal that kept me guessing until the very end.
“The Hollywood Assistant" is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and mystery books.

Very grateful to the publisher @ for this copy , opinions are my own
Profile Image for Stacy40pages.
1,718 reviews237 followers
July 4, 2024
The Hollywood Assistant by May Cobb. Thanks to @berkleypub for the gifted Arc ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cassidy moves to Hollywood to become an assistant for famous couple, Marisol and Nate Sterling. At first it’s the perfect job until a connection with Nate grows. When one of them is found dead, she becomes the perfect suspect.

This will be a perfect beach read for the summer. It’s light, a page turner, and a super easy read. While I thought I figured out the twist, which I did, there were still a few more surprises that I did not expect. The main character really irked me, but I appreciated her naivety for this particular character.

The Hollywood Assistant comes out 7/9.
Profile Image for Michelle.
255 reviews
July 10, 2024
May Cobb is a favorite for an author who writes complicated over-the-top characters who get themselves into bad situations. The Hollywood Assistant is her latest and will be a great vacation read to escape into this story. Push through the first third because once it goes off the rails is when the story gets good.

Thank you Berkeley Publishing and Netgalley for the electronic advanced copy.
Profile Image for Liza Armstrong.
161 reviews10 followers
July 12, 2024
My first vacation read and this book was JUICY. If May Cobb writes it you know it's going to be sexy, shocking & full of delightful twists. And that ending?! So satisfying.
Profile Image for Danielle B.
1,017 reviews178 followers
February 17, 2024
THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT is nothing short of amazing! I was hooked from the start and immediately swept up into the lives of the Sterlings. Once Cassidy started working as Marisol's personal assistant, I knew things were going to get juicy. Filled, with love, lies and deceit, I had a tough time putting this down. I have enjoyed all of May Cobb's books so far and this is another "must read" to add to your list. The way she writes makes me feel like I am right there watching. Highly recommended!

Many thanks to Berkley and NetGalley for my gifted copy.

This review will be shared to my Instagram (@coffee.break.book.reviews) closer to pub date.
Profile Image for Samantha (bookstasamm).
810 reviews80 followers
July 9, 2024
Cassidy moves to LA to work as an assistant to a famous director and his actress wife. It's not all glitz and glam at their Hollywood hills estate and when Cassidy gets in over her head, she finds herself the suspect in a murder investigation.

May Cobb is back with the perfect summer thriller! One thing I love about Cobb's books is that she writes characters that we love to hate, and she does it so well. This book was no exception as I didn't really like Nate, Marisol, or Cassidy at all, yet I was sucked into their lives from page one and loved every juicy twist along the way. Cobb transported the reader to LA and made the life of an assistant in Hollywood seem so glamorous, that is of course, until it wasn't!

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Brittany Wilkerson, and she did a great job of narrating this story. She gave Cassidy a naivety and awkwardness that suited her character, and she did a nice job with the different accents and bringing these characters to life.

This is Cobb's first book that isn't set in Texas, and I loved this setting. When a thriller is set in Hollywood, you just know it's going to be scandalous, and this one certainly was. The pacing was a bit slow at times, but it really picked up after we find out who was murdered. There were some killer twists that I didn't see coming especially the one at the very end! If you're looking for the perfect thriller to bring to the pool, then throw this one in your beach bag!

Thank you, Berkley Publishing, PRH Audio, and NetGalley for advanced copies in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Morgan.
89 reviews5 followers
July 19, 2024
Ooo this was fun and spicy!! This was an easy read and had several great twists!
Profile Image for Caileigh (thebookpear).
131 reviews35 followers
July 10, 2024
Cassidy Foster relocates to California post-breakup and takes an assistant job for a famous Hollywood Actress/Director couple whose marriage is in a questionable state. She is hired to run errands a few times a week and the pay seems way too good to be true. Of course there is a catch.

No one writes over the top, twisty, AND salacious mysteries like May Cobb! The Hollywood Assistant is a voyeuristic look into the dark side of life in the Hollywood elite. The characters are extra unhinged. They live in a town where success is everything. They lie, cheat, and steal to make it to the top and will do even more to stay there. I do wish the length was a little shorter, but I enjoyed the plot and was hooked from the beginning.

The Hollywood Assistant is a fantastic summer thriller! May Cobb Summer Solstice is now officially a yearly tradition! I read A Likable Woman on the first day of summer last year too.
Profile Image for Valerie Wiesner.
69 reviews4 followers
July 24, 2024
Ooo the build up in this one!! 🔥🔥🔥 So many twists, I did lots of audible gasps reading this!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 266 reviews

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