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Fae Isles #4

Queens of Mist and Madness

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"Fae wars don't end in surrender."

Emelin has finally found the bindings, the key to her victory. But to use them, she needs one last piece of the puzzle … and the only person who can give her that information is a stubbornly silent Thysandra.

And an uncooperative captive is the least of Em’s problems.

As the Mother prepares to strike, the magical world continues to squabble. Something ominous is plaguing Creon. And Em’s own newfound powers come with a dark side she did not expect, forcing her to decide just how much she’s willing to sacrifice for the fate of the world.

To find allies and gather the forces they need, Em and Creon have no choice but to face the shadows of their pasts. But when disastrous secrets are revealed and the Mother finally deals her devastating blow … will they still have a future?

Queens of Mist and Madness is the thrilling conclusion to Em and Creon’s epic enemies to lovers romance.

689 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 2, 2024

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About the author

Lisette Marshall

22 books1,124 followers
Lisette Marshall is a librarian by day and a writer of steamy fantasy romance by night. She combines a lifelong love for fairytales, mystery novels and sexy adventures in her books.

When Lisette isn’t dreaming about gorgeous heroes and sensual heroines, she can usually be found reading about weird history, plotting unrealistic fictional murders or baking way too many chocolate cookies for herself and her boyfriend.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews
Profile Image for Fey Flowers (enbytweenthepages).
270 reviews44 followers
April 3, 2024
My 10th ARC from you and I'm overwhelmed by your writing progress - just fantastic, Lisette - you truly made it!

All the characters feel like friends after these 4 +1 books. So much grief, hope and love all in all. We've been through so much 🥹

It's hard to know there probably won't be another book for Em and Creon but I love their ending so much and all the little pieces fell in the right place for me. That definitely makes it easier to kind of let them go.

Nonetheless I felt so relieved when you told us about Fae Isles book 5 ❤️‍🔥
So glad to know that I don't have to let all the characters go - yet - there are still so many stories I'd love to hear - hopefully more joyful in this new age 🖤

Rosalind was my highlight, I waited thousands of pages for her and I would have waited a thousand more 🥹

The pain of Thysandra and Creon fueled my hate in a way I can't tell anybody - my soul danced around bonfires after Feather.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
799 reviews189 followers
April 11, 2024
What an absolutely fantastic ending to what has been a brilliant series!

Creon and Emelin are just perfection and the growth both them, and their relationship, underwent was so satisfying.

I highly recommend this whole series!
Profile Image for Bea27x.
61 reviews15 followers
April 21, 2024
Every morning that I wake up with you in my arms, you change the world all over again, and I want more of that – more of everything you make me see and feel. So I’m not going anywhere – not as long as you’re with me. Do I need to make that any clearer?’

(I’m beginning with one of my favorite quotes of the book)

Oh my, I don't even know how to feel … Elated for sure, because this book is perfect and amazing and I had been dying for it, but also with the kind of sadness that comes from finishing a series you love and closing a chapter on the characters you can not get enough of. I know there will be spin offs and we might still see our main characters, and thank you for that, but Emelin and Creon focused story is over. I'll miss them and reread this series over and over.

This review will be extremely long and I apologize in advance, but I adore this series and feel the need to express it.

‘What was the line again?’ I said. ‘I don’t need a coat …’
‘And even if you did, you’d rather freeze to death than wear mine,’ he finished without missing a beat, laugh lines deepening around his eyes.
‘I’m glad my witty conversation left an impression.’
‘You started leaving an impression the moment I first laid eyes on you.’

There were a lot of things that had to happen in this book and a lot that I was aching for (most of all Creon’s voice, Agenor reaction to Em and Creon and Allie’s return) and nothing could have been done better.

The whole plot was as always great and engaging. Our beloved characters had to unite as many alliances as possible to try and defeat the Mother, and in order to do so Em had to do some more travelling and because of that some new interesting places were showed. And the final showdown, well… More on that later.

What I love the most and gonna write A LOT about now are the characters.

‘You’re not too much. The place is too small. Very different problem, very different solution.’

Emelin is an incredible protagonist, she feels so real, and, like Creon, I adore her; she’s clever and witty, good hearted and compassionate, brave, stubborn and feisty, she struggles but she finds solutions, honestly she’s brilliant.

There was some apologizing she needed to do at the start of the book and she did and that’s great because Creon deserved it, despite that tho I was never angry with her, she made mistakes sure, but the reasons why, her thoughts and fears, were always very understandable to me and I empathize with her a lot, so, like I said, I was never angry with her, who I was very angry with was everyone around her who made her feel judged and added to the weight on her shoulders. Since my review for book 3 was for a big part a rant against Tared, he was the one I was most angry with, but, as always, Lisette made an incredible job, because one scene with him being apologetic and remorseful and generally being the character I got to like in book 2 and I forgave him right away. I adore his scene in chapter 4, he gave Em a family and that means a lot, and later the scene where they give her the sword is proof of that and I loved it.

This book has both the found family aspect and the reunited family and they’re done incredibly well. Emelin deserves all the family love she can get and it’s incredibly heartwarming to see her finally having it; she ached for it all of her life, for a place to belong, for a family that cared, trying again and again and still never getting a scrab of affection, always being made to feel wrong for who she is, and now finally she has found people that would never turn their backs on her. She can heal, she can start to let go of her fears, and it’s done in a very realistic way, because patterns and traumas are not overcome all at once and never felt again, it takes time, so Em still struggles, but she also grows.

I was my mother’s daughter, after all, and my father knew where I got my brains – so what was I born for if not this, bargains and trickery, games of wits on the most uneven of battlefields?

Her new powers also bring about some questions about the morality of how to use them, the perception that others have of her and what her place in the world can be and it makes for a great journey of self-acceptance.

I found myself unable to care much, the eyes and whispers a mild annoyance rather than the burden they had once been. Let them see a symbol in my place, then. Let them wonder and speculate. I knew who I was and where I was going – I no longer had any phantom voices to please.

Chapter 28 almost made me cry, it was heartbreaking and beautiful and Emelin’s feeling of inadequacy broke my heart and Creon is perfect with her, he just understands and loves her so much, and knows exactly what to say.

‘You keep trying to be perfect, Em. You keep trying to be the flawless hero. But I truly don’t think it’s perfection that will save us in the end. It’s persistence. It’s digging your heels in the sand and refusing to give up until things are finally as they are supposed to be – and mistakes or no, you’ve always been frighteningly good at being stubborn.’

The scene between Agenor and Em after he found out about the relationship with Creon was perfection, everything I wanted, needed, and more, at the same time adorably sweet and funny as hell. There’s just something about Agenor being an awkward father and being thrown out of his comfort zone and silently freaking out that is hilarious to me.

‘Yes, yes, you love him and he’s perfect and you’re going to make him a flock of tiny demon babies’
He cracks me up with this line. 😂​

And at the end she hugged him and called him father 🧡​. I can’t get enough of their moments together.

It was a rather terrible hug. But he’d once been a rather terrible father, too, and even in this dumbfounded state, his arms were strong in a promising, reassuring sort of way; I dared to believe we’d get better at it with a little practice.

And finally, Allie (I’m gonna keep calling her Allie). I was dying for her reappearance, and her scene with Em where she told her story and expressed her feelings and they embraced really really moved me.

‘I couldn’t make sense of it,’ Rosalind whispered, unseeing eyes trained on the floor between our feet. ‘I still can’t, truly. How dare they get what I so desperately wanted and then handle it so poorly? How dare they refuse so heartlessly what I could hardly bear to give up?’

I was so giddy when the moment came for the Allie-Agenor reunion❤️ but please, please, Lisette we NEED the scene in the tent. I need to know everything they said to each other!

I always thought since reading Lord of Gold and Glory that either Allie had already turned into a vampire during the 20 years disappearance or she had to become one in here so I'm nothing if not happy about it, it was the only way for the three of them to have all the time in the world to be together after losing so much of it.

Now I have to, of course, talk about my beloved Creon: he’s such a well done morally grey character, good and clever and self-sacrificing but also dangerous and willing to do what needs to be done, I love his naughty and sarcastic side and he’s 100% the perfect boyfriend. Creon suffered so much in his life, he carried so many burdens and punished himself enough to last several lifetimes, and finally in this book some people actually stopped being awful to him and started seeing the reality of him and what he sacrificed. Amen! And he and Tared more or less made peace and even kind of joked with each other!

‘They have always rebelled.’ And suddenly I understood what was going on – what festering open wound my father had accidentally prodded with one thoughtless remark. ‘But you could simply send me and forget about it, and I was the one who had to go there and slit their throats and feel their fear as they bled to death at my hands. Do you understand just how frightened they were, every single fucking time they took up arms again? How many times they have taken exactly that risk you’re talking about?’

After dealing with the trauma he had regarding his father and his demon powers in book 2, it was time to face the big betrayal that shaped his life: his mother. In the years after he was hit by the truth of who she is and what she’s done to him Creon had a lot of time to think and come to terms with it, but it still must hurt, that your own mother is a monster and you meant nothing to her beside your “usefulness”, that you would have given your life for her and it wouldn't have been worth it. He despises her now and he accepts what she is, but it’s a scar, it’s closed but he can still remember how much it hurt back then.

Old pain is not the only thing growing up the way he did left behind, there are also fears and distorted ideas of self-worth, and so we have chapter 32…

‘I know she made you believe you were good for nothing but bloodshed. Which isn’t a lie just because there’s so much else you do and do flawlessly. It’s a lie because you don’t need to be good for anything in the first place. You just need to be. You just need to love me and feel like home in this world I can never make sense of on my own, and that, that doesn’t have the faintest thing to do with anyone’s bindings, broken or otherwise. It doesn’t have anything to do with use.

That one broke me and then healed me. Of course after getting teary eyes for Em’s pain it was time to get heartbroken about Creon’s and all I could think of throughout was “oh, sweetheart”. The truth is that Em and Creon really are a lot alike, and, just like I said before, emotional scars run deep, and Emelin is not the only one with parents created fears she projects on the person she loves the most, Creon does the same. He knows Emelin loves him, he knows it, but deep inside how could he not still be that lonely child that no one ever wanted just for who he was but always ever considered for his power first? After he expressed all of his fears about the expected rejection it made so much sense that he would be afraid, that the hurt child he’s inside would be afraid of losing the love of the one person who means everything to him if he can’t be the unstoppable warrior he’s always been; but Emelin doesn't need him to BE something, she just needs HIM, just loves him, he’s enough as he is as a person, and Creon needed to hear this so much. And his tears were both heartbreaking and heartwarming because he finally let out 300 years of pain and found peace at the same time.

He curled into my lap like a young boy looking for shelter, and for one heartbreaking moment, he was no longer Creon Hytherion, Silent Death and fae prince … Just the child tortured into becoming a weapon. The child so many had wanted to smother in his cradle before he’d even learned to walk.

‘I truly do believe I stand a better chance at reaching the Mother with you than with anyone else – and even if I’m wrong and we don’t manage … I’d still rather die in your arms than in anyone else’s.’
‘Then I’ll come with you to the gates of hell itself if I need to.’

Emelin and Creon are a couple that I love from the bottom of my heart, their relationship is real and felt and, like Creon said, neither of them is perfect, but they might just be perfect together. That is proven again and again, not just by how much they love each other, but by how well they work together, by how well they fit, know and help each other; chapters 28 and 32 are examples of that. They hold each other and push each other when one is faltering and they tell each other the hard truths, those things that only a person who sees you and loves you completely can see and help you face. They pick each other up, because they both see the other exactly as he/she is, flaws and all, and adore everything there is. They’re perfect together your honor.

Because he’s the only damn person in this world who’s never tried to make me more than I can be or less than I am. Because he makes me laugh when I’m frightened. Because he knows what it’s like to be everyone’s weapon. Because he stops me from doubting myself.

They even complete each other thoughts and work as the perfect team.

Gods help me, it was addictive, the way our thoughts intuitively found each other and took solid shape in the empty space between us. The wicked twinkle in his eyes. The sudden clarity of my mind.

Every time Em refused to hide their relationship and her feelings was beautiful to see and it was clear that it meant the world to Creon, because it was more than what he would ever even fathom to expect, seeing her not only being upfront to her family about them, but being unapologetic and proud of them in front of the all damn world.

And I will never shut up about how much Creon worships her, how in awe he is of her. He would destroy himself to help people, but he would burn down the world for her.

‘Emelin Thenessa, love of my life, you’re farther from a failure than anyone I’ve ever met in this world. Don't try to argue. It will win you nothing but more declarations of my heartfelt admiration, and they will be elaborate.’

They are both witty and mischievous and so exchange some of the best banter I have ever read, like, real top-notch banter.

‘Alternatively, you might wake up from your mead stupor and find you named your sword Creon’s Glorious Biceps, which I would of course approve of, but which would probably not be very happily received by certain alves in particular.’
I huffed a laugh, trailing my eyes down over his torso. ‘Tared would be lucky if your biceps were the first body part I’d think of.'

And also have the most beautiful romantic moments.

You’ll destroy me one day, cactus. You’ll be the utter ruin of me, and hell take me, you’ll be worth every moment of it.

Couples that can do both are just superior.

‘Fine! We're not giving up! We … we're going to try and save the city, and if we can't save the city, we're going to kill her, and if we don't manage that either, at least we're going to die bravely and with our weapons in our hands. There. Is that what you wanted to hear?’
His lips curved. ‘And there’s my cactus again.’
I wanted to slap him. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to kiss him until neither of us could string a coherent word together and the city and its dreadful fate were all but forgotten.
‘You’re a horrible, horrible person, have I told you that?’ I grumbled instead.
‘You may have mentioned something once or twice, so far the pretty face seems to compensate for it, though.’

I still haven't mentioned Creon voice! Those first chapters where he started speaking for the first time I was so excited! And now they can use the hand signs as secret communication ❤️.

Some other thoughts.

I adore war councils scenes, am I the only one? When all my favorite characters are together in a room exchanging strategies and snarky remarks it’s a joy.

I find the exchanges between Creon and Agenor extremely funny, with Creon baiting Agenor and Agenor being exasperated in return.

Naxi is so funny, she’s a menace! Does it say something bad about how my mind works that I immediately knew what Naxi’s plan was regarding Thysandra?

I’m here waiting for the Lyn/Tared book, it’s past time those two talked about their issues and got together.

Alyra always gets things done.

And now on to the final chapters.

The confrontation with the Mother… God Em is brilliant, the whole execution of the scene was bloody brilliant, Em’s braveness, her struck of genius realizations, the bargain looking only at Achlys, the throne, Melinoë’s body, the sisters turning on each other and Creon iconic final line to his mother. Perfection.

‘Sorry, Mother.’ His golden voice was low and deadly – like the sweetest, purest honey, dripping with venom. ‘I’m afraid you’ve rather … served your purpose.’

And I cannot express enough how happy I am with the splitting courts decision. When Em was told she had practically become High Lady by killing the Mother, it just felt wrong. Emelin never wanted to be in charge and be responsible for an empire, she fought for peace, for a quiet life with Creon in which the fate of many many life wasn’t on her shoulders. So the solution and the ending Lisette wrote is perfect. The empire is too big, so it gets divided, and now Thysandra and Naxi can go beat into order the Crimson Court, Agenor and Allie can live happily and rule the Golden Court, and Emelin and Creon can build the home they dreamed of in the Cobalt Court, and after all of that time in which they struggled to find a place in the world where they were not too much, now they have. Blue for healing, how could it be any other way? Perfect.

‘I once decided in the span of roughly three seconds I was going to drag you home with me, if you recall.’
‘A bout of improvised kidnapping that could admittedly have turned out worse,’ I said, aiming for lightness and reaching none of it through the landslides of my thoughts.
‘Best decision of my life,’ he corrected softly.


Pre reading thought.

Either Allie hasn't turn up yet because she’s prisoner of the vampire king, Bakaru, or she's running the White City.

It’s the only explanations I can think of.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Madeline.
203 reviews8 followers
March 29, 2024
EDIT: just found this series is in fact not ending, and I will have to deal with more Emelin in my future - but also with that you get more Creon so yayyy!

This book was the fourth installment in the Fae Isles series which I love

This book however - didn’t love as much. My main problem is this did drag on, the entire book seemed to just be preparation for the final battle that seemed like a piece of cake when it happened

also we had to deal with more of Em’s endless repetitive internal dialogue - a dual POV with Creon would have made this so much better

Things I loved:
- Creon !!! (As always)
- Al & Agenor reunion (even if it was a little too good to be true & amicable between them, I was expecting a fight)

Things I didn’t love:
- Em: she is just an FMC that I can’t get behind - she reminds me so much of Violet in fourth wing (in every bad way)
- Repetitive plot (is this just a dragged on version of book 3?? After everything, it really could have ended there)
- Book long prep for the ending & the villain gets killed just like that (why act like it’s going to be so hard the whole book and then kill them like it’s nothing)

I do feel like this honestly could have ended in book 3, but that being said this was a good edition to the series!
Profile Image for Leonie (semi hiatus).
333 reviews207 followers
July 13, 2024
I honestly can´t tell you if it was me or the book, because I was in a kind of slump reading it. But some parts I really loved and other parts felt either dragging, or "too quick".
One star is only for Creon, welcome to the Top 10 of my book boyfriends darling!
Profile Image for Jen's Quick & Dirty Reviews.
392 reviews45 followers
April 30, 2024
3.5 Fantastical Stars

✔️ Single POV (Emelin)
✔️ Set in a fantasy land with humans, Fae, alves (elves), vampires, phoenixes, and more!
✔️ Open-door romantasy (3/5 🌶️)

The world building Lisette Marshall set up in this series was very interesting. The magic here is mostly drawn from color, leading to intricate battles.

This is the fourth and final book in this series. Emelin’s alliance with other magical creatures is at risk from her relationship with Creaon (formerly her enemy). This causes a lot of conflict and distrust. It also tends to be political gamesmanship, rather than action. Lisette Marshall doesn’t shy away from describing the downtime in plotting and planning for war, which is another reason the story’s momentum can stall.

The spicy scenes were actually a little distracting and crude. Emelin and Creaon’s love was best expressed with trust and tension. The graphic detail felt less necessary.

The early books in the series ended on major cliffhangers (middle of fight scenes, etc.), making this series one that you probably want to read consecutively to get the full force of the continued action.
Profile Image for Jena Kelsey.
257 reviews
March 19, 2024
Oh. My. God. I got the LUCKY opportunity to get this book as an ARC.

I think I cried 3 times? In the best ways possible. I seriously loved every minute of this. The perfect ending to the perfect series. Lisette Marshall has done it again. I loved how realistic Em’s mind works. I love Creon more than anything though. Sometimes I feel like authors make the men seem unbreakable even after facing trauma, but she gave him life in this book and I loved his little inner child being able to heal. Creons support for Em, was *chef’s kiss.*

I am so sad Creon and Emm’s story is over but I am so excited to see everyone else’s. GIVE ME TARED AND LYN. RIGHT NOW.
Profile Image for James McRay.
332 reviews23 followers
May 1, 2024
Short version here: this was an excellent conclusion to a Romantasy series that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. It wasn’t perfect, but a wonderful conclusion.

Sustaining the romance over a multi-book series can be tricky for an author. Most of the good stuff happens in the first book, because of course it does. The challenge is keeping the reader invested in the MCs romance through the end. For the most part, I have lived and breathed the ups and downs of Em and Creon’s relationship. If you’ve gotten this far, then you’ve been just as invested as me and have your own feelings.

My only negative was that Creon’s ‘personal conflict’ for this book felt contrived, and not at all consistent with the established dynamics of his relationship with Em. But that was just a scratch. Em’s character growth has been brilliant, and I’ve enjoyed all of it. In this book, it was her relationship with her parents and the resolution of that side plot that had me happy balling.

Ugh, it’s a great feeling and a terrible feeling to get to the end of an extended series you’ve loved. Again, if you’re here, then you probably know what I mean. Fortunately, side character x.5s ahead, starting with Thysandra and Naxi in With Wing And Claw. [UPDATE: Marshall says WW&C is the start of a new four-book arc, not an x.5.]
Profile Image for Kristen Bowman.
164 reviews71 followers
April 5, 2024
I’m crying as I write this. I know we are getting spin offs of the other characters and that Em and Chreon will be in them, but this felt like goodbye and I can’t stop crying. These are without a doubt my favorite fictional character ever written (sorry Rhysand and Feyre), I’ve never had characters that I felt so deeply for. God, the DEPTH that they have is incredible and Lisette Marshall is a genius. This series was so unbelievably good, and this last book was an emotional rollercoaster. The journey they went on was so heart wrenching, and that ending has me sobbing tears of joy for these two characters that deserve the world. I love them so much!

A million stars! 🌟

Side note: I am begging Lisette Marshall to PLEASE give us a bonus chapter of a certain couples reunion after they went into the tent from their POV. It’s a NEED.
Profile Image for ms.Violetg Likes To Read.
156 reviews7 followers
April 3, 2024
✨A single loose lock of hair, black on bronze, brushing over sharp-edged cheekbones.

Last time, my thoughts whispered. Last time……A last taste. A last reminder.

Without warning, he rose and leaned forward, lips seeking mine in a hard, desperate kiss. It was all teeth and nails, that kiss. All the fears we wouldn't let ourselves speak out loud. His fingers tangled in my hair, pulling me closer; I all but threw myself into his arms, hands finding the familiar edge of his jaw, the pointed tips of his ears. A last taste. A last reminder.

A single thundering heartbeat, and then it was over; he pulled away as abruptly as he'd lunged at me, eyes wild, lips flushed.…

'Time to go.’ Mine was barely a whisper.

My gods, from the moment I started Queens of Midst and Madness, I was an emotional mess. I don’t think that I made it more than a few lines before the tears of joy and love poured down my cheeks, and they continued, on and off for this entire read.
Lisettes Marshall 100% delivered and far exceeded what I could have imagined for these MC’s and their last chapter so to speak. It is hard to outline the moments that meant the most to me in a spoiler free review… but I will say, in this story we saw so much incredible character growth!

We saw perfection in the found family aspects, mending of relationships, jaw dropping revelations, intense moments that kept me on the edge of my seat, steam, political intrigue, iconic banter, and All. The. Swoon!!

Queens of Midst and Madness was absolutely perfection and EVERYTHING to me!
Fantasy romance lovers, for all the magic that is reading, please add the now complete Fae Isles series to your TBR!

Here is what you can expect in this series.

✨Unique Magic System
✨Enemies to Lovers
✨Forced Proximity
✨Forbidden Love
✨Found Family
✨Hidden Identity
✨Fae, Gods, Humans and a host of other Magical & Paranormal beings

My most sincere heartfelt thanks to Lisette Marshall for giving us this story, these moments, and for allowing me to be a part of this journey on your ARC team.
March 19, 2024
✨𝗔𝗥𝗖 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 ✨

𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑤𝑛, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡’ – 𝐼 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑, 𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑢𝑝 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛 – ‘𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛’𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒’𝑠 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠, 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒. 𝐼𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛’𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑢𝑠𝑒.’

✨ Well deserved HEA
✨ Creon : Broken, scarred book boyfriend who only shows and shares his emotions with her.
✨ Found Family and Reunited Family
✨ Witty Familiar
✨ Final battle
✨ Original magical power with colors
✨ Banter
✨ Spice 🌶️🌶️

🗓️ April 2nd



I can’t believe this is over .. Lisette couldn’t have done a better ending for this amazing series. It deserves its 5 ⭐️ .. it’s a big book but the writing is so smooth it was an easy read .

Em’s growth Arc is excellent ! Finally we saw her strength.. I loved her and forgave her for her behavior in book 3 .
Creon , my sweet baby .. i wanted to shake him, hug him .. they were the sweetest couple .. full of heart, the emotions were *chef-kiss* , the final battle was like watching a movie ..

A nice page-turner , I didn’t want it to end.. so I’m sad but happy , the HEA was perfect. I recommend this series.
9 reviews
April 24, 2024
Thought I was going to have a seizure from incessant eye twitching brought on by the unnecessary high school relationship drama that has now lasted to book 4. Had to discontinue at 20% secondary to imminent health risk.
Profile Image for Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner).
776 reviews180 followers
April 1, 2024
This book is one of my anticipated reads since it’s the final book of one of my beloved series.
I feel sad and happy that the Fae Isles series finally comes to an end….

I really like getting back with Creon and Em again and follow their journey along with allies and friends they made to defeat the evil queen.

I enjoy the second half part when Emelin travelled and ask for help to the humans and it started to get more interesting the closer we are to the final battle.

As much as I love this series, I feel slightly disappointed with this final book mainly because it dragged on a little bit and most parts of the book feels repetitive especially in the first half part.
I liked Emelin from the beginning, but I felt so frustrated with Emelin the whole time reading this....
The final battle also ended a bit too fast, after all the preparations Emelin gone through the whole book, I was thinking the battle would be a lot more intense.

Overall, it’s been a wonderful journey with Creon and Emelin. I really like this series, Creon remains my favorite character from the 1st book.
I would recommend picking this series up if you enjoy high fantasy with political intrigue, unique magic system and a spicy romance.

I received an advanced review copy for free from the author, and I am leaving this review voluntarily!

⚠️ 𝐓𝐖: sexual content, death, blood, abandonment
Profile Image for Anastasia Campo.
140 reviews8 followers
April 2, 2024
🌶️ Hot and Spicy
- Magical wartime
- Fantastical Magic system
- World class, emotional connection type spice
- Magical beings
- Great pacing
- Emotional read

This is the way you write a romantasy book. This is it. This series has been addictive and fabulous, Creon and Emelin’s relationship has developed, genuinely, with real introspection and growth. Their spice is absolute PERFECTION, but what I loved most about this book, out of the whole series, was that there was a lot of time spent between them for the reader. There are new worlds to see, new magics to discover, and happy endings to be had in the final installment, and it’s fabulous. I laughed, I cried, I’ll read this series 100 times more.

Book review:
Emelin and Creon, alongside their found family and alliances, continue to wage a final assault against the Mother and her tyranny, wanting to end the centuries of her violent and oppressive rule. They must turn to new creatures and people to grow their forces, all while Emelin attempts to train and hone her newfound powers into something deadly enough to take on such a strong and all encompassing force. The world still sees Creon as the enemy, forcing her to walk a thin line between maintaining allies and not losing who she is and her relationship. The Mother and this war will tests each and every one of them, her violence and cruelty knowing no bounds.
Profile Image for Elsa L.
119 reviews3 followers
March 15, 2024
THIS. It deserves all the stars.
First of all, that start. I was so exciting that I was highlighting everything. It was the most exciting start to a book I’ve seen in forever. The very complex character developments you see in this book finally make sense and come to a close in a very subtle and clever way.

Then there’s that reunion (which I totally saw coming, because what else would she have been doing these past 20 years). It made total sense. Then, the reunion we were all waiting for.

It was incredible to see Emelin finally have acceptance in her mind and then closure. She came a long way from when she started. And then there’s Creon’s development which is the dream of other morally-grey characters. They both compliment each other so well, they challenge each other and accept each other for who they are.

Then we have THAT conclusion. It was hard, it seemed conplex, but wow how clever to set it up. And for Em to come up with such plan. This series is just overall clever and intriguing from beginning to end and the conclusion of the series gives all the closure needed with all the smiles. I really hope we get to see this world again, because it’s so original in itself. And can we please see the labyrinth again??
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
75 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2024
I honestly just don't have the words for how much I loved this book. No, scratch that, this whole damn series!!

Every single line in the Fae Isles series is so achingly perfect. There is the perfect balance of complexity without it feeling like an exam, the magic system is so incredibly well thought out and so unique. Every single character in this whole damn series is fleshed out, none of them feel like a token NPC, I love all of them so completely it hurts.

The pacing of QOMAM was really nice, there was so much left to wrap up for the series, and yet its done in such a good way so none of it feels rushed or glossed over - Lisette really did cover all bases and answer all of the questions I had by the end of the series and that's a testament to the quality of her writing and her storytelling as a whole.

I love the raw emotion of Em and Creon's story. This isn't a classic romantasy where the FMC just randomly becomes special and insanely talented overnight and seemingly has flaws. Em struggles. Em messes up. And she is so much more loveable for it. And Creon is so much more than just a morally grey love interest, his backstory is so gut wrenching and I just want to give him the biggest hug at times, and especially in this book (when you've read it you'll know exactly when I mean😭)

SO happy with the reunion we finally get in this book, and equally pleased that although logically I knew it would happen, I did NOT predict the specifics of it (yet more proof of Lisette's incredible plot building).

I'm honestly so sad to see the end of Em and Creon's story, I can definitely see this being one of my comfort regular re-reads for the long run. Looking forward to seeing more from the other characters as the series continues.

**I am part of Lisette's Street Team and therefore received an ARC in return for an honest review**
Profile Image for AJ.
3,082 reviews1,030 followers
April 2, 2024
4.5 stars!

Wow, what a fantastic ending to a fantasy series that I have absolutely loved! Lisette Marshall’s world is exciting, intriguing, and fascinatingly unique, and she’s given us a wonderful bunch group of characters that I came to care for so much. And in the middle of it all, half human/half fae Emelin, and her incredible hero, Creon, have the most beautiful love story. This is a long one, but I devoured it, and I loved it!

This book picks up right where the last one left off (thank God!), so if you’re shady on details, I would suggest a quick reread of at least those last few chapters to get you in the zone. The rebellion against the evil fae Mother is gaining momentum, and our brave rebels are uniting to plan their revolution. But before they can make their move, Emelin will need to convince more allies to join their cause, bringing her up close and personal to the world that she left behind.

It's exciting and intense, with drama, action, and a whole lot of emotion. The different plotlines come together to create epic moments that had my heart racing, and so many times I read with a huge smile, or with shouts of “I knew it!”. It’s an adventurous ride, and I loved every moment!

“I’m fully fucking honest when I say no one has ever frightened me as much as you do. I’ve never had this much to lose before.”

The character development throughout the series is fantastic, and in this one, Emelin is coming to understand more about her powers, and Creon is facing his own challenges, but together they are a powerhouse.

“I don’t have the faintest idea of where I want to end up in life. Yes, in the past, I spent most of my days being violently unhappy, and yes, I have wondered at times if it was even worth going on. But I’m happier now than I’ve ever been, do you understand? Every morning that I wake up with you in my arms, you change the world all over again, and I want more of that – more of everything you make me see and feel. So I’m not going anywhere – not as long as you’re with me.”

The romance is sexy and swoony, with a wonderful sense of playfulness. Em and Creon are partners in every sense of the world, committed and strong and completely functional, and I freaking love them so much!

“I don’t feel like a villain,” I blubbered. “I just feel like a failure.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” His lips brushed the crown of my head, tender and chastising at once. “Emeline Thenessa, love of my life, you’re farther from a failure than anyone I’ve ever met in this world. Don’t try to argue. It will win you nothing but more declarations of my heartfelt admiration, and they will be

The dynamics between the whole group are so entertaining – snarky, sarcastic, loving and fun, there are so many moments that stand out as highlights, and I loved seeing them grow closer, come to understand each other, and the deepening relationships between them all.

“Look, suppose you ever change your mind about this, or that you ever end up feeling unsure of unsafe around him--”
I stiffened. “
“Yes, yes,” he impatiently cut in, waving my interruption aside, “you love him and he’s perfect and you’re going to make him a flock of tiny demon babies – it’s all good, Em.”

It all comes to a thrilling end, with lots of paranormal badassery on display, and a fully satisfying ending for ALL of the characters that I have come to care so much for. I was so happy with how it finished, but I would love to read more from this world (and I would pay a small fortune for that Agenor bonus scene!!!).

This series is going down as an all-time fave. I loved this one.

4.5 stars!

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Rebecca Friedlander.
137 reviews2 followers
March 17, 2024
This was the perfect conclusion to the series. It was unbelievably sweet and heartwarming with the characteristic drama of the fae isles. I loved the way that Creon and Em's trauma was fully addressed and the characters helped each other heal. The war was so well written - long and complex enough that it didn't feel too easy without the violence going on forever and feeling like it overwhelmed the story. The sweetness and spice between Em and Creon was so wonderfully done and I only wish I could be a fly on the wall for the rest of their happily ever after. I laughed and cried and cheered with the characters and I really appreciate all the thought and effort that went into this series.

Thank you Lisette Marshall for the ARC.
May 16, 2024
⚔️💛If you’re looking for a Romantasy series to binge-read then this one is perfect! The world was so lush & spectacular. Tears were shed. Lisette is an absolute word-weaver. I loved going on this epic adventure!💛⚔️

🩵All books are available through KU! 💜
180 reviews7 followers
May 30, 2024
4.5 stars!

From start to finish, I loved this book! It had the perfect amount of tension, the pacing was amazing, and I absolutely LOVE to see the character growth. This was such a satisfying ending!!
Profile Image for Danielle.
191 reviews26 followers
March 21, 2024
4.25 stars

Queens of Mist and Madness by Lisette Marshall takes place immediately after the events at the end of the previous book. And thank goodness for this because I was shook by the cliffhanger ending and not having immediate answers.

I’ve mentioned this in previous reviews about this series but once again the magic system is such a notable aspect to this world. Just when you think you must know everything there is to know about the magic, something new is introduced about it and this is something I love so much about this series. Em continues to find new ways to use her magic, unthought of before and I was once again so enthralled by this unique magic system, reliant on pulling colours from the world around oneself.

I continued to love the characters, both main and side. Creon is very overwhelmingly my favourite. I love everything about him, the smug sarcasm he wields so humorously, his overall badass nature that hides a surprisingly cinnamon roll-like soft side. The passion and ease with which he seduces and loves Em. The darkness he contains from so much agony and lack of caring from anyone else in his life. He has such a complex backstory that makes him so real and rife as a character. He has been through so much and doesn’t know what happiness is meant to be like and it provokes so much sadness and heartfelt caring in me as a reader. But there’s also Tared, quick with his little quips that always have me laughing, and his heartwarming devotion to Em that has him always looking out for her in an almost fatherly manner. And also her father himself, Agenor who has become such a quick favourite much to my surprise as his character steadily develops and reveals the man beneath, one who gets shaken up by his only daughter calling him father by accident.

I will say I find Em to be a very frustrating main character to read from her point of view and hers alone at times. She can be the definition of if you just communicated this wouldn’t be a problem. Lack of communication causing issues between characters is a big pet peeve of mine, and Em has the tendency to take the cowardly route, and instead of pursuing a conversation and getting to the bottom of the issue, she just takes the easy way out and ignores it which always causes issues later on that could have been simply dealt with. She does this multiple times with Creon and it felt so unnecessary, creating strife between the two that could have been solved if they just talked. At this point I just wanted things to be simple between these two because I felt there had been enough problems to keep them from their happiness together in previous books and I just wanted a break for them.

However, I also felt a lot of satisfaction in her growth. As Creon tells her multiple times, she works so hard to make herself small for others and this is something she finally sees and understands. This was a satisfying revelation for her and it forced her to actually make peace with who she is now and just made for such incredible character development.

Then there’s the plot itself. Wow is this finale intense. There is so much politics in this book, which I ate up, not to mention the intense battles at every turn. I’m all for both and the politics seemed next level in Queens of Mist and Madness which I ate up. There was so much navigating of allies and trying to recruit more groups of people to the cause while tiptoeing around their disapprovals and difficult requests. It was phenomenal and had me eating the whole story up, flying through the pages like never before. It was so action packed and full of character development which had me so invested in the entirety of the book, it frequently anxiety filled for said characters.

If you haven’t started this series yet, this is your sign to do so as it is officially complete and it’s perfect for fans of fantasy. If you have, you won’t want to miss the conclusion as it’s a wild ride and worth every minute. The ending definitely had me a bit teary and filled with nostalgia for the entire series, not to mention dealing with the inevitable sadness that comes with a phenomenal series coming to an end.
May 18, 2024
I cannot express just how much I loved this book and this series and I don’t understand why more people aren’t reading it/raving about it!
Em is one of the best mfc I’ve come across and Creon is now firmly at the top of my book boyfriend list. I was as emotionally invested in their relationship as I was with Aelin and Rowan.
The supporting characters in this book were also great, the sass from Alyra and Rosalind was particularly enjoyable. Only thing missing for me was a very specific Agenor POV scene, if you know you know 😶
Lisette Marshall really knows how to write 🌶️ scenes and I can’t wait for the spin off books. Hopefully more spice and closure for some of the supporting character stories.
Now to find something to cure this bitch of a book hangover 🫠
Profile Image for Britt Libot.
Author 2 books14 followers
June 23, 2024
Needless to say I need a sassy little diva-bird as my own familiar now
7 reviews
April 22, 2024
what a finale to this gorgeous story

Blood, battle, smut and family angst. This book has it all. I fell in love with the characters and this world from the first book - A Court of Blood and Bindings, and this conclusion did not disappoint.
In this book, you see the characters experience full breadths of emotions and it is exquisite.
Thank you Lisette for creating this world for me to get lost in.
Profile Image for Deanna.
85 reviews
May 2, 2024

You’re telling me now that Creon gets his voice back he and Em communicate less!? I did not enjoy this drawn out ending of the series. What happened here!?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lia.
307 reviews22 followers
April 2, 2024

Once again I am asking you to read this series!! This is the fourth installment of the Fae Isles series and the culmination of Creon and Em’s story. This whole series has been 5 stars. It is one of my favorites.

This book did not lack in action, romance, and surprises. Perfect for fans of political maneuvering and warfare and tricky fae bargains.

It was such a breath of fresh air reading this ARC. I didn’t realize just how much I missed this world’s unique magic system and arguably one of my favorite executions of found family.

My heart felt so healed seeing so much effective conflict resolution and the overall growth of our FMC Em. She spent so much of this series trying to mold herself into tiny spaces she couldn’t fit in to then being authentically and unapologetically herself and fitting into all the places that mattered…the only places that mattered. Into the hearts of her loved ones. Conversely, we get to see her stop holding space in her heart for those unworthy. Honestly one of the best book glow ups I’ve seen.

Creon of course always a gem. Bless him. Loved how vulnerable he has been able to be. How much acceptance and healing he has had. Ugh my HEART.
Profile Image for Adrianna.
170 reviews5 followers
April 2, 2024
The way the author writes is absolutely beautiful. I fell in love with this series from book 1 and enjoyed this book.

The magical system in all these books is so unique and is one of the most memorable I've ever read.

The banter between Emelin and Creon is superb. They are both so quick and witty.
I love how well they know and understand each other. They both know when to push each other more and when to be the moral support the other one needs.

Emelin and Creon are desperately trying to find a way to end the Mother once and for all, while being met with distrust and fear from so many around them.
They're also learning to deal with some unique changes within their relationship, while trying to protect the world around them.

This book was such an adventure and a delightful end to Emelin and Creon's part of the story.

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book, which I am so thankful for. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Aleksandra.
406 reviews12 followers
April 9, 2024
3,5 stars.

I really wanted to love it! It's last book from this series (last about Em and Creon at least). But when previous books was mix of adventure, humor, intrigues, spice and politics this one was 89% politics and war preparations. And war topics are not my favourite... Especially when there's real war happening very close to my country.

I will still cherish this series and will recommend it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews

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