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Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country

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From former lllinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, a gripping account of the January 6 committee, examining the forces that led to the attacks on the Capitol.

On January 6, 2021, America watched in horror as a violent mob led by right-wing extremist groups stormed the U.S. Capitol in support of then-President Donald Trump. It was one of the darkest days in recent history, yet to former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger it was also the culmination of a cultural and political rupture he'd known had long been building. Constructive criticism from within the Republican party was no longer enough. It was time to act—not just for the sake of the soul of his party, but for the very future of our country.

Despite vitriol from the media, fellow colleagues, even members of his own family, Kinzinger became one of only two Republican members to join the House select committee to investigate the January 6 Capitol riots. Now in Renegade , he reveals the inner workings and surprising findings of the committee he served and helped lead, including how the bloody attack on the Capitol was indeed foreseeable and even welcomed by President Trump. Along the way, he examines the forces that allowed such an attack to happen in the first place, from the misinformation campaign waged by Fox News and partisan media to the inculcation of extremism in families and faith communities, and draws from his own personal story of faith, military service, and politics to unpack his most crucial decisions that eventually led him to break from his own party.

Part memoir, part searing examination, Renegade offers a searing account of one of the most tumultuous events in recent American history—and the devastating consequences of letting extremism go unchecked, so that the events of January 6 may never happen again.

8 pages, Audiobook

Published October 31, 2023

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About the author

Adam Kinzinger

6 books20 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 206 reviews
Profile Image for LaShanda Chamberlain.
459 reviews20 followers
November 6, 2023
While I already possessed some knowledge about Adam Kinzinger before his service on the January 6 House Committee, this book has significantly deepened my understanding of his background. My admiration for him has grown substantially as a result of reading this book. Adam Kinzinger's remarkable courage in putting his career on the line to defend democracy is truly commendable, and I am confident that history will ultimately view his actions favorably.

I recently had the opportunity to hear Kinzinger speak at a lecture series hosted by my alma mater. Although I had initially intended to pick up his book before the lecture series, I became even more intrigued to read it after hearing him speak. I purchased a copy within a few days of its release. Overall, I found the book to be a thoroughly enjoyable read. It is exceptionally well-written and offers insightful perspectives on a challenging period in our history.

I firmly believe that this book should be considered a must-read for all Americans.
130 reviews
November 11, 2023
I have respected Kinzinger for being willing to sacrifice his political career in order to do what is right in speaking out and also joining the Jan 6 commission. It was interesting to read his story about how he got there.
Profile Image for Allen Walker.
200 reviews1,521 followers
January 29, 2024
This was ok. I always liked Kinzinger, even when we didn't agree so I picked this up for some insight into the chaos that is Congress atm. The latter half is good and provides some of the windows into the legislative process in.such a divisive time but the first half is just Kinzinger's bio which I wasn't that interested in so it dragged some for me. Still worth the read for the look at how the sausage gets made.
1 review
November 6, 2023
The one and only true Republican

I just bought this book 5mins ago.
Normally I would download a sample and read the book before I decide if I like to buy it. This book is an exception for me.
Why would I buy this without even sampling it and more importantly why would I give a 5 star review even before I read a single page?
Because Adam Kissinger (and Liz Cheney) are the only 2 true Republicans who care for their country and dare speak out against Trump and the cronies. For their unyielding courage they are being ostracized by their own Republican party.
I hope more people (especially politicians) can be like Adam and Liz.
So without reading a single sentence yet in this book I already know this a book of truths.
Profile Image for Katrisa.
384 reviews12 followers
January 5, 2024
I am a life-long bleeding heart liberal but I am so tired of the political division in my country. I am looking for political voices that aren't just party, party, party. Adam Kinzinger fits that bill. This book let me know about the organization Kinzinger started called Country First that is dedicated to giving voice to those of us who are interested in building bridges and finding common ground. Ideologically, I am far left, but I don't believe that our democracy can withstand the inability to compromise that is standard in our politics now. I appreciated Kinzinger's memoir and I hope that more voices like this get heard.
November 15, 2023
I got really tired of the Obama bashing. However, I still admire Kinzinger’s work on the J6 Committee.
Profile Image for Rob Lund.
302 reviews20 followers
December 20, 2023
This was a very fast read for me, which rarely happens. I find the character and person of Adam Kinzinger very compelling, myself a Democrat. His position in history is now so cemented after his thoroughly committed stance on the January 6th Insurrection.

I found his book a very good and brief walk through his time in Congress, the now old-fashioned Republican values that he ascribes too, and his fairness as a good faith politician. He's unique view of the events on the Capitol on Jan 6 was also very enlightening. For instance, did you know that Mark Meadows sold property to a creationist outfit?! (https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-d...)

Kinzinger's organization, Country First (no, not in any way related to Trump's America First neo-fascist movement), seems to be a positive force.
Profile Image for Meggan Walls.
20 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2023
I purchased this book on release day.

I very much wanted to like it.

The first quarter, at least, was not what I came for. Given that I made my way through it only to get to the later content, I’ll reserve judgement except to say the way the timeline jumps around at times is a disservice to readability.

Later, in the content I was more interested in, Adam does himself no great favors by REPEATEDLY attempting to excuse himself for failings that he also sees fit to condemn others for.

He expected that the J6 committee appointment would come…and he very much didn’t want to accept it.

Ego AND a reluctance to serve? …seems ironic.

This read immediately follows a 5 star review given to Cassidy Hutchinson’s book, so perhaps expectations were too high…

Nonetheless, Adam's ego, hypocrisy, and lack of self awareness is truly disappointing.

It has become apparent in retrospect that I gave him far too much undeserved credit for nothing more than association with Liz Cheney whom I greatly respect. Unfortunately, it seems that Adam’s shared respect for Liz is not enough to make him the ‘famous’ ‘important’ person he sees himself as…at least in my mind.

Ultimately, Adam just fails to be the hero of his own story.
Profile Image for Kathy.
718 reviews17 followers
February 24, 2024
I can't give 5 stars to a book that had a ghost writer.
That being said, I did learn about the mindset of Conservative Christian Republicans and how they came to support Trump.
Some of the book was interesting, other parts made me mad.
Overall, I'm glad I listened to this, read by him. ( Since he didn't write it, the least he could do.)
I don't share his world view nor his steadfast faith in religion. I also would find it hard to ever vote for him - we don't share a value of universal health care, for example.
I'm glad I didn't buy it and I won't contribute to his Super Pac. I imagine his gig at CNN pays better than teaching.
I never liked him but I feel I understand him and the mess that is the Republican party now.
301 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2024
I have been avoiding politics of late but I was drawn to Kinzinger’s book more in my attempt to understand Christian support of politically un-Christian (in my mind) policies and behaviors. Kinzinger is a self-identified conservative Christian and provides an insider view of what has happened over the past several years. He has now experienced being “ousted” from the GOP majority. His point of view in this book is illuminating through his light humor but serious understanding of the consequences of continuing the un-Democratic dangers we face. I admire Kinzinger’s bravery, perhaps forged by his experience as a combat pilot, and his willingness to admit to his own short comings. He recognizes the addictive draw of fame and political power. My take away is that fighting those forces through humility, love and compassion is a worthy goal.
Profile Image for HR-ML.
1,216 reviews49 followers
March 1, 2024
Non-fiction, memoir, audio edition. 3.5 stars.

Adam's father was raised on a farm, had a business
degree, worked in a shipyard, for the American Heart
Assoc, and for clothing outlets which benefitted a
faith-based homeless shelter. He also did fund-
raising. His mom was a 3rd grade teacher. Adam
was 1 of 3 kids.

Adam & family attended an independent fundament-
alist Baptist (IFB) church. which taught, no : smoking,
drinking, dancing, no: listening to secular music or
movies, & mom did not work outside the home. All
were taught to be reserved. And show no interest in
politics. The Kinzingers didn't strictly adhere to these

Adam discussed his high school and college years and
his Air Force career of nearly 20 years. He served as an
AF fighter-pilot in Iraq. He also transported wounded
military to hospitals. One man who needed medical
attn, had blood in his eyes. A haunting image.

While still in the AF, outside of a Milwaukee bar, Adam
saw a woman with a stab wound in her neck, who called
out for help. Adam subdued the perp and took the knife,
till police arrived. Adam received several hero awards:
Red Cross, Air Force National Guard award & AF Airmen
Medal (latter seldom awarded). Recounted in chap. 3.

Adam showed an interest in politics from age 6 onward.
He assisted his sire to run for an Illinois state lawmaker
opening. Dad, perceived as "too honest," by voters, lost.

The author ran/ won a US Congress seat to represent
his district in Illinois. He learned quickly that the GOP
intertwined politics+ religion & they failed at times
to live up to their own lofty standards. The GOP's
agenda was, by design, opposite of the Democrat's

I can't agree w/ the author's perception of Pres. Obama,
Dick Chaney, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. He seemed
'right on the money' describing how Kevin McCarthy
physically intimidated his Congressional colleagues.
McCarthy put his political ambition to be Speaker ahead
of the truth about events leading up to and including
MAGA, Oath Keeper etc followers on Jan. 6th storming
of the US Capitol. He and I also agreed on the negativity/
alleged unethical breaches, etc. of Jim Jordan, & George
Santos. And Matt Gaetz.

The majority of GOP Congressional lawmakers of both
houses acted as lemmings/ enablers for Trump's alleged
unethical/ Unconstitutional/ and criminal behaviors.
(Other books indicated Trump admired Mobsters.) The
author, Liz Cheney, Jeff Flake and a few others proved
the exception to the rule. IMO history will not be kind
to Pres. #45 & his Congressional minions.

Liz and Adam participated on the Jan. 6th US House
committee. I learned atty John Eastman at 1st informed
Trump that VP Mike Pence had no legal standing to
question the electoral vote counts certified by each state.
Nor did Pence have the authority to accept alternate
electors for several key states. Eastman changed his mind.

The author admitted some mistakes in his personal and
public lives. An interesting book.
Profile Image for Melissa Gilbreth.
271 reviews
June 29, 2024
Really interesting book by a military veteran and Republican congressman that stood up to Trump. I’m always interested in learning from those that take the time to research difficult issues and change their mind after learning more. It takes humility and respect for others to acknowledge that you don’t already know but are interested in trying to understand. Thank you for serving our country afar and at home.
Profile Image for Lynn.
951 reviews
February 2, 2024
Not sure what I expected, but this was not it. Part autobiography with special emphasis on his military career, part rehash of January 6 that contained nothing new, there was nothing very interesting here.
12 reviews
November 18, 2023
If I was just rating the writing, it would probably be a 3; however, I think the material itself rates a 5. A must read for everyone who feels that the GOP has left them behind.
87 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2024
A reasonably honest overview of Adam's career in politics, with a brief overview of the rest of his past. While written autobiographically, the primary focus of the book is the change in the GOP that started after Reagan and resulted in what it is today.

I would have liked to see a bit more of the back story of Adam's career when he was in the House. He talks a little bit about the first 6 years but limits that discussion primarily to the parts relevant to the rise of extremism in the GOP. For example, Adam mentions his opposition to the ACA but never delves into why he wants to repeal it (except for a fleeting mention of the mandate), or what he would like to see in its place. He also discussed his goal of eliminating waste within DOD, and specifically mentions his opposition to an Air Force Flight Suit program early in his House tenure. He doesn't talk about any other reforms/examples of waste, or mention that the program he spoke out against in 2011 was continued by the AF and was still receiving money in the 2020's.

Overall, I enjoyed the honesty in the book and that he has a plan(hope) to have the GOP get back to governing and being an honest counter-balance to the Democratic Party.
Profile Image for Shelley.
686 reviews3 followers
December 1, 2023
Watching all of the January 6th hearings, I developed a deep respect for this author and was eager to read his book. This is a transparent, engaging, and well written accounting of his early life, military and political career, and his role in investigating the failed attempt to negate the 2020 election results through a violent attack on the US Capital. With surprising humor and obvious intelligence, he shares his perspectives, concerns, and hopes for this country and the deep disappointment with the spiraling decline of integrity within the Republican Party and the Christian Nationalism movement. This is a fascinating and important book for anyone truly interested in democracy, living a life of genuine faith, and the true meaning of patriotism.
2 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2023
This is an important book for concerned citizens to read. Of all the books I contemplate recommending to the various Trump supporters in my life, I wonder whether this is the one that could possibly break through.

There is broad discussion of the changing role of Christianity in American politics, and there are crucial details such as Donald Trump's financial incentive for capitulating to the Turkish president's desire for US troops to leave northern Syria. Certainly there will be readers (and voters) who forever doubt Kinzinger's sincerity, but for me his contrition over (for example) his vote against the first impeachment conveys a willingness to learn from mistakes that sets a much-needed positive example.
124 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2024
A fast read that breezes through the life and times of Adam Kinzinger. Adam covers his early life, time in the military, and his path forward in politics up through earlier in 2023. Adam’s claim to fame was being part of the 1/6 committee and was one of ten Republicans who voted to impeach Trump for his actions on 1/6.

Having watched the 1/6 hearings, I didn’t get anything new from the book that wasn’t broadcast on the TV.

Overall, the book was a quick read but was shallow and in my view didn’t serve to advance the causes that Kinzinger cares about.

At the end of the day, it was a down the middle of the fairway narrative that didn’t add a lot to the conversation that hasn’t already been said.
Profile Image for Scott Holstad.
Author 22 books75 followers
May 6, 2024
Very recommended. I differ with him in many areas, particularly religion, but despite our undoubtedly not sharing some mutual policy issues, I've been as impressed with him as with any in the GOP in many years and think it's a shame that he's not a viable leadership candidate at the present. As opposed to the anarchic traitors ruining DC & the country in their ongoing fight to be the world's greatest dicks?!? He's practically the voice of reason and not afraid of killing his career (or previously even his life) for the good of the country and our still-standing democracy. Something to be said for that.
Profile Image for Phillip.
28 reviews2 followers
April 15, 2024
My favorite line from the book was Adam's description of "Trump-infected zombies":

"The man's words had overtaken their brains like parasitic worms, rendering them pathologically loyal and incapable of independent thought."
Profile Image for Mike.
1,441 reviews24 followers
July 31, 2024
Kinzinger is a clear-eyed and straight talking Republican who gives a chilling behind the scenes look at the rise of the Tea Party and Donald Trump. A good read with a sane call for more bipartisanship in our politics.
Profile Image for Kathy.
496 reviews7 followers
December 29, 2023
well worth reading. The more I learn about him, the more I like him.
158 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2024
I didn’t know who Adam Kinzinger was until I saw the January 6 committee reports of tv. Since then I’ve seen more interviews with him which made me want to read his book. He seems to be one of the few politicians who has chosen Country over Politics even when it meant he would lose his job, friends, and even family members because he stood by his oath. He doesn’t mince words in telling his perceptions of fellow politicians on both sides.
Profile Image for Azim Tejani.
82 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2024
This political book by conservative frat-boy-turned-congressman Adam Kinzinger is worthwhile if only as a post-mortem of the GOP...
Profile Image for Sandy.
908 reviews
March 4, 2024
This is more of an autobiography of Adam Kinzinger than the tell all I was expecting. It offers insight into what made him choose to participate in the committee to investigate January 6th and his opinions about many current members of the legislative branch. While I’m not a fan, it is good to know that there are some people who will stand up for our country and for truth.
Profile Image for Lynnette Kunkle.
18 reviews
June 9, 2024
Adam's book was enlightening. Although he assumes you have certain pieces of knowledge about the military. But other than that a well-written book.
Profile Image for Christine O.
70 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2024
Book was "meh" till around the last third, and even then, I didn't feel as though I gained much new insight. But I do commend Kinzinger's willingness and bravery to stand up against his party for what's right. I don't agree with a lot of his politics, but his willingness to work in a bipartisan way when a lot of other politicians are now refusing to is also admirable.
Profile Image for Kavanaugh Kohls.
124 reviews1 follower
April 7, 2024
I can't pretend the entirety of Kinzinger's life was interesting to me, but his vision for an American political scene defined by justice and morality rather than fear and power seeking is compelling.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 206 reviews

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