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The Daymakers

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The Daymakers were the hottest alt-rock band since the nineties, the masked members making fans swoon at the very thought of who might be hiding under the skull masks. Known only by their stage names–Royal, Hero, Poet and Knight–their real identities were a carefully held secret.

I was third-generation white trash who had no value to society. That was a direct quote from my guidance counselor, by the way. She wasn’t wrong, not really. My mom had OD’ed and my dad was in prison. I had no one and nothing.

Our paths should never have crossed. But by a weird twist of fate–and the flying fists of my ex-boyfriend–I ended up in the wrong place at the right time. Hiding from my ex beneath a tour bus, I was a convenient solution to an ongoing problem for the tour company.

They needed their band members to stop screwing random groupies and risking the anonymity which brought in millions of dollars for both the band and the label.

I needed to get the hell away from LA and earn enough money to have a fresh start.
I was taking back my future, and if that meant going on tour across the country as a glorified toy for the pleasure of some masked rockstars, then it was my choice.

Unfortunately, the demons of my past weren’t done with me yet.

THE DAYMAKERS is a standalone why choose, RH, rockstar romance. This book has sensitive topics. Always check the trigger warnings.

343 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 28, 2023

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About the author

Grace McGinty

55 books1,736 followers
When I was nine, my grandmother and her friends used to read and swap Harlequin Mills and Boons novels. When I was busted reading one, they started sneaking me boxes full of strong heroines and rugged men. Thus started a long love affair with the romance genre.

Then I discovered urban fantasy, and fell in love with broody Alphas and sexy paranormals, and combining them together was a no brainer.

Then I discovered Reverse Harem.... Oh my. Why choose, am I right?

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 522 reviews
Profile Image for Vee.
304 reviews49 followers
May 5, 2024
It’s always very clear if I’m enjoying a book, by how late I am willing to stay up to finish it. I stayed awake till 4 am, on a work night (very tired now), but I think it was worth it. It’s definitely up there as one of the best Rockstar books I've read.

I found this book by chance and was not let down from the start. That first chapter yanks at your heartstrings and you can’t help but feel so much empathy for her. The need to throat-punch her ex-boyfriend is so strong 💪🏼.

👇No big spoilers are revealed 👇

So the premise is that she enters into this situationship, where she is basically a legal sex worker for this band. Her options are limited in how to make money, but this choice was never forced onto her, she was given an out at many points. She thinks of it as regaining her independence and finally being able to make decisions for herself. I never thought of her in a negative light, maybe because she is such a likeable character.

The MMCs all wear masks for anonymity on stage, but they also wear them in front of the FMC. It’s basically Fort Knox. Nothing is getting out. It was a different way to explore their intimacy, but ultimately it really added to the plot. The FMC’s personality definitely changed after she got her own mask. In a very positive way.

I loved the names the MMCs created for themselves as well, especially what they represented. I didn’t love the name ‘Dreamer’ so much for the FMC, but I understood it.

Overall, I really enjoyed it and it got me out of my book slump. Slightly sad that it’s a stand-alone, but I will definitely be checking out her other books.

FYI. There is no third-act break-up. I feel like this is important to say. Most of the rockstar books I’ve read have been and I hate them that’s twist.

⚠️Triggers: Domestic violence & attempted SA.
Profile Image for Stef.
768 reviews21 followers
January 9, 2024
I loved the story but was a bit disappointed about the ending.
The beginning really pulled me in. I was laughing, I was crying. I was feeling all the feels. But at some point it was like the author was downgrading the storyline to ensure it didn’t have too many pages or something. There were whole gaps in the timeline and as a result it became tell instead of show in those parts.
The ending was a let down. I expected a big bang-ending and it was like a fire that stopped burning at the end of the rope. Also, why tease about bisexual sex, without writing a scene where there literally is bisexual sex happening! That’s just blasphemy 😂 there was a lot of kink implied in the book and there was nothing to show for it in the actual sex scenes, other than C making R get to his knees.
So yea, i did like the book, but there was stuff missing for me too. I think this story would’ve been better told, with better character and relationship development in two books.

A btw: I’m an amputee and if you are rich and can afford latest technology you need to look for prosthetic research when writing. There’s better prosthetic’s than what Poet was wearing; for the amount of money he has he shouldn’t have to live with (that much) limping and discomfort/pain.
Profile Image for Jackie Stone.
854 reviews28 followers
February 27, 2024
This book is kinda fun, kinda cringey. The first half was a high 4 stars (it’s a very fun premise), but it started to drop when the gimmick wore off.
Profile Image for Tea&Biscuits.
149 reviews5 followers
July 13, 2024
The Daymakers by Grace McGinty is a delicious masked rockstar romance.

What’s better than one masked rockstar, though? FOUR! Then add one more to the mix! This why choose, RH beauty is well written and keeps you wanting more. Angsty with great spice and wonderful character development. I would definitely suggest checking the trigger warnings, though, as there are some heavy themes.

The Daymakers audiobook is a duet, multicast production. Narrated by Alexis Paige, James Cassidy, Grayson Owens, and Theo Sinclair. Already being a fan of Alexis and Grayson, I had no fears when it came to their performances. Of course, they hit it out of the park. I don’t have as much experience with James and Theo, but I’m definitely a fan now. A perfectly picked cast for the characters they portrayed. All the wonderful performances made for an excellent audiobook.

I’d like to thank Sparks Fly Studios for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook.

Book: 4.75/5
Spice: 3/5
Narration: 5/5
Profile Image for Shanna Ferris.
315 reviews7 followers
May 29, 2024

This was definitely a fun read. It had me interested from the start.

There are definitely some things that I didn't like....

I feel like it teased us the whole book only to give us zero group scene. It kinda didn't even feel like an RH.

I would have loved to have connected more with Shep. I honestly didn't connect with any of them. It was like BOOM. These are our real identities. Like we were expected to be like WOW. It kinda fell flat, and I felt like I connected with them even less.

All in all, it was a fun read. With so much potential!
Profile Image for Lilibet Bombshell.
842 reviews82 followers
December 23, 2023
The Daymakers is yet another feather for Grace McGinty to put in her cap. McGinty is already one of my auto-buy romance authors–especially when it comes to why-choose romance–and it’s books like The Daymakers that remind me why I love her so much.

You can read the plot synopsis online. I don’t need to repeat it here. (Go do that if you need to and then come back.)

Okay, so the plot isn’t exactly a brand-new idea, but I’m not taking off points for that because I rarely tire of why-choose rockstar romances like this. One of my favorite why-choose book series of all-time has a plot that’s in the same vein as this one (a desperate girl ends up on a rock band’s tour bus and ends up being their personal toy and they both have mm in them, but that’s where the similarities end) and as far as I’m concerned I could read several books with that same general vibe and never tire of it. McGinty does it particularly well here, leaning into the sex worker and feminist aspects of Charlotte’s (the FMC) role in the book and making it about her taking back control of her body and her life when so much of her life has been in the control of so many other people who used it and abused it. Sex work can be empowering for some, and I loved how McGinity leaned into that.

The spice was a solid 3 / 3 on my spice scale. This was due to the number of spicy scenes, the language, the kinks, and the shared partners. There are no large group scenes in this book, but I actually think the book was better for it for once. This book is more about Charlotte’s individual dynamics with each band member than it is with the band as a whole, so the individualized attention works better (save for the shared experiences with Hero and Poet).

I don’t think I need to tell you that the boys are definitely book boyfriend material. Grace McGinity does love her bad boy exteriors with marshmallow interiors. And the villain in this one is most definitely someone you’re going to love to hate (I personally wished he could’ve been done in). The supporting characters were fun and sweet, and the concert scenes were fun.

You’re going to want to read it. You’re going to love it.

All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. This review was written without compensation. Thank you.

File Under: 5 Star Review/Contemporary Romance/Kindle Unlimited/LGBTQ Romance/Polyamorous Romance/Road Trip/Rockstar Romance/Sex Worker/Spice Level 3/Standalone/Why Choose/Workplace Romance
Profile Image for ♥Milica♥.
1,347 reviews538 followers
September 2, 2024
This was a fun listen, more so in the first half than in the second. The concept was interesting and I liked the characters enough to wish this wasn't a standalone, but did I connect with them on some deeper level? No. That's okay though, and I do have a favourite (it's Shep, duh).

The narrators made this experience more enjoyable for me, but not even they could save the somewhat disappointing ending. It felt like partial closure, but also not really, because justice wasn't served. This would be the perfect time to announce a sequel!! I'm just saying.

As far as rockstar romances go, this was pretty good. Like, I don't really have any complaints, and I probably liked it more than some other rockstar romances I've read, so yeah.

I'd be open to reading something else by Grace McGinty in the future.

Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews242 followers
Shelved as 'abandon-dnf'
February 3, 2024
Honestly, I shouldn’t have even picked this up because of the subject matter. I don’t find any strength in a heroine who chooses to prostitute, because that’s EXACTLY what this is…she’s their toy and they pay her, out to men. I also found her quite weak all around. Based on her past she never tried to better herself, she’s the constant victim.

Obviously, this is a me thing because quite a few will find her strong for making the choice she did, hence the no rating.
Profile Image for Jordan.
304 reviews
January 20, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

The Daymakers was exactly what I needed when I stumbled upon it while looking for a “palate cleanser” to get me out of a funk. It was overall a light and fun (ignoring Charlotte’s past abuse) and smutty standalone read!

The rockstar reverse harem premise reminded me a lot of CM Stunich’s Groupie trilogy which I loved! But the masked bank thing gave this story and the plot a nice twist that made the story more unique.

The ending seemed a bit fast paced with a bit of instalove- or at least very quick falling, but everything was wrapped up nicely into a HEA and implied a nice future for Charlotte and the guys! Overall a fun read that was just what I needed at the time.
Profile Image for Anja.
208 reviews6 followers
February 1, 2024
This could have been 4 stars, but the last 25% were somewhat too long, boring and anticlimactic. Other than that, I loved the concept and the band. They felt real and I had a lot of fun to imagine how their stage outfits and masks looked like.
Profile Image for Kassey Jordan.
442 reviews1 follower
February 13, 2024
It was pretty good compared to the last few books ive tried reading while in this funk. I'd rate it at 3.5 star it would of been a 4 if we got an epilogue way down the line and they had little Rockstar babies lol. Would of been a 5 if we got some group scenes with mm and if knight and royal would of explored the tension they had on stage. All in all it was good.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for queen_of_the_books_18.
861 reviews231 followers
March 8, 2024
The Daymakers is my first book by Grace McGinty and it pulled me in straight from the start.

Anonoynous, masked rockstars. Yes please!

The premise of this story had me hooked and I binged the hell out of. I will say, it was a 5 star for me until the very end which felt very rushed. I feel, as a reader things were missed and not tied up properly. That being said, I would 100% recommend this to someone whose Royal, Knight, Poet and Hero stole my hearts. Charlotte was definitely the kickass heroine that I needed.

🖤Rockstar romance
🖤Why choose
🖤M/M relationship
🖤Enemies to lovers
🖤Band on tour
🖤No third act break up

Triggers for on page physical abuse
Profile Image for Neermboop.
220 reviews37 followers
March 28, 2024
This one fell a bit flat for me. I feel like there was so much more that this story could have been. Waiting for the MM that kept lingering over our heads. The whole arrest..... 😬 no. Didn't do it for me. 😆
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tink Magoo is bad at reviews.
1,275 reviews235 followers
January 16, 2024

The story was nothing groundbreaking but this was an easy and quick read, especially the first half. I'm a sucker for the build-up and it's common these days for my enthusiasm to dwindle once they've got together and that was the case here so it's a 4 star read for me. We did have a little backstory from each of the characters but this was mostly smut-focused for me.
Profile Image for Murphy.
725 reviews
December 20, 2023
"Perfection is for those who can't see past the surface."

Grace Mcginty has done it yet again! This book was that type of book where you get so lost in the pages, you don't even realize you've submerged yourself in it until you reach the end. I consumed this book and did not want it to be over.

Charlotte has been used and abused her entire life. So really, when she's on the run from her current boyfriend who just beat her up in a back alley, she has had enough. Jumping a fence and hiding under a huge bus, she rests until she is sure her Ex is nowhere nearby. That is when head security/Band Manager, Shep finds her. One look at her face and he is wanting to rescue the damsel and help her in any way.

With lots of in-between, she soon, willingly finds herself the newest plaything, for the IT band, The Daymakers.

"Dear Jesus, thank you for putting me in the way of a band of kind, somewhat degenerate men who'll give me money to blow them. Amen."

Meeting Hero, Poet, Knight and Royal is a lifechanging experience she hopes goes well. Knowing the masked band will never be able to show her their faces just adds to the excitement of it all.

"Were you ever one of the girls who wanted a pony?" I shrugged, because who wasn't? "Call me Seabiscuit and just ride me."

With twists and turns and possible feelings felt all-around, will Charlotte aka Dreamer be able to complete this tour with her heart still intact? She doesn't even know these men's real names, yet she's ready to give them everything they have to offer. Do they feel the same at all or is she just another hole to fill?

Then, with a plot twist out of left field, we are at the authors mercy, and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how all of the craziness unfolded.

I loved this book so much and will be adding this to my bookshelf as soon as I can! I very much enjoyed the authors writing and how she described each character. The storyline was different and unique, and it really was just an overall fantastic story to get lost in.

"For the first time in a long time, I felt powerful."

*Overall 5/5
*Heat? 4/5
*Fast Burn (30ish%)
*Multiple first person POV
*MMFMMM - Relationship includes MM, but honestly, we don’t have any sexual interactions with it.
*Ends on HFN and I absolutely loved it !!!!
Profile Image for Hania Dudkowska.
12 reviews3 followers
December 31, 2023
After the ex showed up with the stupid criminal case I was out. I love Grace's books but she fumbled this one.
Profile Image for Emily.
145 reviews17 followers
May 31, 2024
I only read this because I loved Grace's other books, I really didn't expect to enjoy the whole "masked rockstars" thing but I really really did!

There were a couple of moments where I was like... "how did she see his eyebrows wiggle if he has his mask on?" but overall it was done super well!

You know that oddly specific trope for reverse harem where there is one person who is the last hold-out and falls last? This definitely had that. The banter, the sass, the emotions, the wide variety of representation; from plus size, to disabilities and more.

Also, Grace you made me cry at things I probably should not have even cried at hahahahaha:
“One day, I’d like to have a home with a library. I’d put them in there.” “You like books?” “It was a way to escape. Pretend to be someone, anyone but me.” (right in the feels!)

"I liked to think that these books had seen so much, they’d had lives of their own. Tears had soaked into their pages. Laughter had ruffled their leaves. People had gripped their covers so tightly that they’d crinkled the cardboard. Corners had been dog-eared to remind the reader of moments they wanted to reread over and over again."
Profile Image for ✨Gretch✨.
275 reviews34 followers
May 29, 2024
If you are a Sleep Token fan and also enjoy RH books, this is the book for you!!

It was so damn good, I love Sleep Token so when I got this rec, I knew I would have to drive right in.

The plot was fantastic, and had a good amount of spice, but not too much that I was skimming over it.

The way the guys cared for Dreamer and saw her for more than her past mad my heart so happy and full.
Profile Image for Neapolitan &#x1f4da;&#x1f5a4;.
230 reviews3 followers
February 22, 2024
A why choose rock romance, parts were slightly predictable though it didn’t take away from the story. Hero and Poet were adorable, Knight was just right 🤭, Royal was a pain in the a$$ and Shep aww! My favourite ❤️ There were snarky comments from the FMC which I loved though it kind of went a bit stale later in the book 🤷🏻‍♀️ but could be bypassed as her mind being on other things. Hints at Hero and Poet being in a relationship but no MM scenes, no group activities but definitely threesomes 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Here’s a question if anyone can answer, or did I hiccup and miss it? Why didn’t they use the images stored in the cloud (C mentioned this at one point) as evidence for the police, the FBI or indeed as a domestic abuse comeback when Tom did his expose 🤔

Profile Image for Merri Bright.
Author 23 books536 followers
January 5, 2024
Sometimes you read reviews that say things like "if you like rock star romance, read this!"
I'm not going to say that. Try: "Even if you think you hate rock star romance, read this."
I loved the heck out of this, and will throw very weak, ineffectual hands with anyone who doesn't think it's fabulous. I rec this 10/10 for everyone who reads why choose romance.
Even those who don't yet know that they like rock star romance, like me, until Grace McGinty wrote it.
Profile Image for Christine Burke.
22 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2024

I’ve loved everything by Grace McGinty so I was disappointed by this one. Royal just seemed like an asshole who suddenly flipped when she had a panic attack? There just didn’t seem like the characters were developed enough to care about. And the climax was resolved quickly and felt just lackluster, not the typical satisfaction I typically feel with this author. Will still read others from her,, this just fell flat.
Profile Image for Jessica (Bestie Book Reviews).
237 reviews104 followers
December 24, 2023
Grace has done it again. This full length why choose rockstar romance sucked me right in from the start. Grace’s writing is just easy to fall into and easy to love. I especially enjoyed the fact that all four of the band members were masked at all times in this book. For all you out there who loved the whole masked men in TikTok craze this book will speak to your soul❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Aleesha.
639 reviews16 followers
July 5, 2024
When I reach for RH books, I typically go in not expecting much beyond a whooooooole lotta smut.

And don't get me wrong--there's a lot of fucking going on in this. But it's actually not nearly as much as you'd expect. The PLOT of this holds its own. And it's really good.

The characters are also super great. Each of the 4 band members had their unique personalities and quirks. They each brought something new and necessary to the table when it came to interacting with Charlotte/Dreamer.

And I straight up wanna be Helen when I grow up.

I also enjoy that Charlotte/Dreamer holds her own with the guys, too. Going into this and knowing it was a bit of a prostitution scenario had me a bit squirmy. I didn't know if I was going to like that aspect, but McGinty does an admirable job of hyping up the respect while being honest about the fact that this chick's fucking a buncha dudes for money. She turns something that could be dark into an empowering moment, giving the control to Charlotte to decide what she wants to do at every turn.

I will say this book talks quite a bit about domestic abuse, violence, and psychopathic stalker behavior. Charlotte's got a VERY harried past and it takes her the whole book to escape it. There's a trigger warning in the front of the book, but I don't really think it was explicit enough--stuff that happens or has happened to Charlotte is mentioned with regular consistency throughout this entire story. And while most of it is revealed by Charlotte herself, some of it is made flippantly or in offhand comments that were somewhat jarring to me. So if this is something you're sensitive to, maybe read with caution. Because it's NOT just something you have to get through in the first few chapters, rather it's something that keeps getting brought up the entire way through.

Lastly, I don't love that Tom doesn't get justice. That he flees the country. I've read so many stories lately where the villain doesn't face justice at the end and I dunno if this is a new trend in fiction or what, but I hate it. I don't care if the FBI is on his tail. There's no closure and it's annoying.

Reader's Notes:

This was a solid 4 star read for me. And probably the only RH romance I wouldn't mind revisiting in the future.
Profile Image for Jeanne.
545 reviews304 followers
May 18, 2024
DNF 61%

CW: Intimate partner abuse (on the page), graphic description of assault, anti-sex worker slurs and rhetoric (despite the FMC being essentially a sex worker), internalized ableism, ableist slurs.

So, this is very obviously Sleep Token fan fiction. Which isn’t a bad thing, at all. It’s part of had me interested in reading it. Sadly, its handling of disability and sex work is so sloppy and hypocritical that it ruins any potential promised by the premise.

The FMC has volunteered to be available for sex with the band members while they’re on tour. That is sex work. While she talks a good game about it being her choice and there’s nothing wrong with her doing this very specific kind of sex work, she and all the other characters constantly disparage other sex workers. Even making comparisons between her situation and other sex workers (using slurs to refer to them).

She’s not like other sex workers. *eye roll*

It’s clear that she’s the exception, especially because the men she’s haired to sleep with are all hot and fall in love with her almost upon first sight. I don’t have an issue with people living out their sex worker fantasy via fiction, but they better show some damn respect for the profession and people who do that work.

One of the members of the band is an amputee. There’s a lot of dialogue around how he struggles with other people’s negative reactions to his prosthetic and of course the FMC has no problem with it (unlike other girls *epic eye roll*). While this would indicate some thought was put into this representation several of the characters repeatedly use ableist language when talking about the disabled character. It’s so sloppy I was cringing.

The plot is paper thin, which isn’t necessarily something I’d complain about when it comes to this kind of fantasy fulfillment story, I’ll forgive a lot if the sex scenes are good. These were serviceable at best.

I also have a personal issue with how polyamory/open relationship dynamics were depicted. Two of the men are in a long term sexual and emotional relationship with each other that “never seemed to quite work until (the FMC) came along.” The characters say out loud that she makes them complete. That was the last straw for me.

I don’t doubt that there polyamorous folks that have felt this way, but when we’re talking about fiction where there are no other explicitly queer characters making a relationship between two men only work once a woman is involved feels homophobic as hell.

Just ew.
Profile Image for Yasmin Bandeira.
6 reviews1 follower
December 19, 2023
Did I stay up all night to finish this book? Yes, yes I did. Will I regret it tomorrow on my way to work? F*ck no because it was amazing!
Grace never lets me down, but I wasn't expecting to love this so much to put it into my top 10 of 2023.
Is kinda of a long review*, so bear with me! (Only tiny tiny "spoilers," so go ahead and fear not)

The plot:
After running from her abusive ex, Charlotte ends ups hiding under a tour bus, and is later caught by the tour manager Shep, who takes pity on her and helps her out giving her a place to stay the night. When the management of The Daymakers, an anonymous band, is discussing the recurring problem with the one night stands trying to reveal the bands identities, Charlotte volunteers herself as a concubine, making sure the boys would have their necessities met and no one would rat them out. But their relationship soon changes to something more, and it gives Charlotte more than she could ever hope for.

The plot was enough to draw my interest, pair it up with some tropes like Found Family, Secret Identities, and Rockstar Romance, and I was more than sold.
This book was amazing from start to finish. The writing style was captivating, the characters interesting, and the spice ON POINT!
Everything you could hope for a Rockstar Romance and more.

The characters:
Charlotte: she's the poster child for a down on her luck type of girl, but she is smart and resilient and turns the bad moments she lived into great opportunities. I cried because of her more than once.
Royal: the royal asshole Royal got on my very last nerve, but his development as a person and as a character as he grows to like Charlotte made me swoon and fall in love with him
Poet: My favorite! Poet is soft-spoken and kind, dealing with some old trauma from a bad accident that made him lose his leg. His kindness to Charlotte and view of the world were both inspiring and so hot!
Hero: his personality and kindness to Charlotte were amazing, his (and Poet's) threesomes scene was to die for, and his authenticity made him a great second runner for a favorite of mine
Knight: he won my heart with some bad jokes and super sexy moments! The first time he really talked to Charlotte about life was not only the sweetest thing ever but one of the hottest sex scenes in the book!
Shep: he is the band security/manager, but he also falls deeply for Charlotte. He is her first savior and protective to the core, making him the perfect book boyfriend.

My review is that this book is one of the best I've read in a while! The sexy moments were incredibly steamy but didn't steal from the plot, which is super important to me.
The characters were the type to make me wanna crawl inside the book and hug them out! They all had trauma. They all had problems, but they were all also unique and interesting without having trauma as their whole personalities. It was easy to love every single one of them.
Grace's writing style is so addictive I was reading while brushing my hair, reading while doing the dishes, reading while ignoring everything around me and I'm so sad the book is over because it was an adventure I loved being a part of!
Five starts is not enough for how much I loved it!

Overall review:
Characters: 😊🥰😂😘😎/5
Plot: 📚📚📚📚/5
Spice: 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶/5
Pov: Multiple first-person
Final Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Grace, please make up more bands and more stories, I now have a mask kink and need mooooore!!!

*This ARC was sent to me in exchange for an honest review. Everything in this review is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Lanae Kirby.
517 reviews9 followers
March 23, 2024
I honestly don't remember where I saw this book... I think it was while scrolling my kindle recs, but regardless, I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Some aspects weren't great, but I wasn't completely disappointed and actually liked the gist. This book to me gives like pretty woman meets sleep token fanfic. Very loosely. Just some of the vibes I got.

First, the premise sounds cringe, but I actually enjoyed it in a taboo kinda way. It gave pretty woman, but in a rockstar setting. I liked that despite her background our FMC for the most part held her head high and didn't let the guys walk over her and talk shit (although it was very minimal and the guys were mostly marshmallows).

All of the MMC were great and all were different and stood out in their own way. My biggest complaint is there were a lot of plot points that could have been expanded upon greatly. Like why write bisexual men characters and never show any MM action? When that happens in books it kinda gives me the ick and makes it feel like you're adding it in just for diversity. Also the dom/sub aspect of royal. That was barely touched and definitely could have been expanded upon greatly. Also the addition of Seb felt slightly awkward and left me feeling like the why choose was lopsided. If the relationships and communication were better developed, it could have flowed better and not felt quite so weird.

The amputee aspect felt rushed as well. If these men truly had all the money in the world, I feel like such better care could have been taken for the character and he shouldn't have been in as much pain. Or simply more explanation and time spent on the plot point. It felt like there wasn't a ton of research done.

This book is very vanilla for a why choose. Low angst with marshmallow MMC, but the author warns you of that in the beginning. I felt like the ex could have had a bigger role, I wanted a little more in the end to tie up that plot point.

Basically that's my biggest complaint about the book is that it felt too short and for as many characters and plot points, so much felt rushed or underdeveloped. But it was still an enjoyable read and I did like it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 522 reviews

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