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The Overcomers: God's Vision for You to Thrive in an Age of Anxiety and Outrage

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Are you ready to live fully prepared and fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? As Christians, we can be courageous and confident, knowing that God has placed us in human history for His purposes, and He will empower us regardless of our circumstances. Drawing on the book of Revelation and historical examples, The Overcomers will put steel in the spines of believers and remind them of the fierce, conquering, commanding authority of God over all the earth.

You were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today!

In The Overcomers, Matt Chandler reminds readers that they don't have to be anxious or afraid of anything in the present or in the future because both have already been won. We are not victims but overcomers—and we are a key part of what God is working out in our day. God is at work in the mess, just as He has always been, and He continues to accomplish His purpose of seeking and saving the lost.

In this book, believers

Find courage and confidence from fellow believers who have gone before us.Feel empowered as God reminds them of His promises fulfilled and yet to come.Understand the strategies, tactics, and deceptions Satan uses to try to keep us paralyzed with anxiety and fear.Learn to live a victorious Christian life marked by the power and presence of God. 

The apostle John wrote his letter to a certain group of people in a particular place at a specific time. Although it was written to them, it was also written for us. The Overcomers takes a chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation rather than a line-by-line deep dive, helping readers practically understand what God wants to say to us today through this extraordinary book written thousands of years ago. Believers will be reminded that they are uniquely wired and uniquely placed in this moment in history as part of God's big plan to push back darkness and to establish light. Christ has overcome, and in Him we, too, are the overcomers!

256 pages, Hardcover

First published May 1, 2024

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About the author

Matt Chandler

90 books713 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Matt Chandler is the lead pastor of The Village Church, a multi-campus church in the Dallas metroplex of over 10,000 people. His sermons are among the topselling (free) podcasts on itunes and he speaks at conferences worldwide. Prior to accepting the pastorate at The Village, Matt had a vibrant itinerant ministry for over ten years where he spoke to hundreds of thousands of people in America and abroad about the glory of God and beauty of Jesus. He lives in Texas with his wife, Lauren, and their three children: Audrey, Reid and Norah.

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1 review
April 28, 2024
Matt has written a timely piece for any culture. A book of encouragement in not only what the Christian believes, but the why, stirring one onto new hope of Gods work to reconcile the world back to himself and His invitation for us to take part. The Overcomers is a great read for young and old levels of faith. An avid Bible reader or not, the book gives fresh perspective that will motivate you to want to dive deeper into your relationship with Jesus and others in the church body. God has called us to live out our faith and The Overcomers show us why in a beautiful depiction of Revelation.
Profile Image for Joshua Biggs.
36 reviews
July 17, 2024
A timely book.

I listened to Chandler preach through Revelation at The Village a couple years ago and really benefited from it, this book is no different. His preaching, and this book, are timely words of encouragement for the church to keep being faithful, look to King Jesus, and take some swings at the enemy. The book is a walk-through of Revelation with a balanced mix of textual commentary and present day application.

The thesis of the book is simple: Jesus wins, therefore so do we, come what may. We were made for this day, and Jesus won’t stop building his church. This is why Revelation was written, to encourage God’s people to hold fast to Jesus amidst suffering! Not as a prophecy road map that wouldn’t be applicable until 2,000 years after it was written. I think Chandler does a good job of reclaiming a book meant to encourage God’s people that’s often used to confuse and scare them.

Would recommend to anyone. I listened on Spotify, and Chandler does the narrating so it’s a great listen.
Profile Image for Addy Gaines.
77 reviews
June 15, 2024
Revelation is a something I’ve been wanting to really study and this book was a good reminder that it should be nothing to fear, but instead an overflowing cup full of hope. This was the perfect primer to begin. He pulls from well known giants like: David Campbell, Eugene Peterson, and St. Augustine. This was practical, tangible, and encouraging.
Profile Image for Kyler Battles.
17 reviews2 followers
July 7, 2024
���Apocalyptic literature like Revelation wants us to feel something as much as it wants us to know something.” - Matt Chandler

I attend The Village church in Flower Mound, Texas (where Matt is a lead pastor) and this book is an extension of this church’s heart to encourage believers living in today’s cultural moment.

Before I read The Overcomers, my view of Revelation was that of a confusing novel that one day I will hopefully understand when Jesus comes back to get me. I had no idea that God’s purpose for including these chapters in his Word was to “embolden (our) confidence in the King of kings and Lord of lords, come what may.” My goodness, we have a living and victorious KING!

Matt authored a book that is meant to peel back the curtain of what God has been doing since the beginning of time. He shows us the beauty of this text in a simple and spirit-filled way so that we may understand “ultimate reality” and charge forward with great boldness.

It’s impossible to over-recommend this read for anyone, Christian or not, that desires a relatable understanding of God’s unending love and victorious story seen through the book of Revelation.
Profile Image for Carson Knauff.
69 reviews
May 11, 2024
I don’t know if I’ve ever been more excited for a book to be released than this one. Matt Chandler’s Revelation series he did in 2021 is one of the greatest collection of sermons I’ve ever heard. It was what the church needed to hear, it was sharp, it was courageous, and it put a fire inside of myself and everyone I’ve spoken talked to that listened to it. On top of that it is the best teaching on Revelation I’ve ever heard. But it’s quite difficult to recommend 10 plus hours of sermons that you have to seek out and compile yourself.

So it may be just my fault for overhyping this but I found this book disappointing. Chandler’s approach to the Revelation series was taking back The Gospel hope we have lost by deeming Revelation too confusing. Chandler’s approach in this book is your special and times are touch but don’t worry you’re special. I get it, not a lot of people are going to buy this off of the Barnes and Noble rack if it’s just a Revelation study but parts of this feel more like a pep talk instead of a call to action.

It may be simply Chandler is a better preacher than writer. I find his sermons to always light a fire in my soul and call me to be the most mature Christian I can be . While this book felt like an editor kept reminding Chandler to include more overcomers language and write to freshman in high school Christians. There is still great teaching in here and bold biblical truth it’s just not up to the level of the original. Maybe I’m being too hard on it and I’ll enjoy it more if I ever read it again but until then I’d rather they put all the sermons together in one giant YouTube video.
Profile Image for Abbie.
1 review
July 21, 2024
A beautiful walk through Revelation in exploring Gods mercy, justice, and glory through a personal lens
August 29, 2024
One of my favorite books by Matt. A very simple, clear, and helpful dissection of Revelation. Describes well what it is, and more importantly what it isn’t saying.
Profile Image for Leslie.
804 reviews
May 30, 2024
Excellent teaching on the book of Revelation and how it pertains to our lives right now. I listened to this and now I have to buy a print copy so I can go back through it and annotate like crazy. A powerful read.
Profile Image for Erin.
280 reviews3 followers
July 11, 2024
An encouraging chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation that helped me look at things differently and feel encouraged that I am an overcomer.

Definitely had some perspective shifts with Chandler's insights and am looking forward to carrying them with me as my Bible Study group studies Revelation verse by verse this coming year.
23 reviews
May 2, 2024

The 2020s have been a difficult one, haven’t they? The easy way to navigate these tumultuous times is to retreat or remove ourselves from toxic environments, bury our heads in the sand and pretend the tension doesn’t exist, or throw in the towel and enjoy what little time we have left. After all, life is but a vapor and Jesus is coming back soon, perhaps next Tuesday.

Wherever this season has landed you and however you have been navigating it, followers of Christ are called to hope in the One who has conquered the world. Things may look dark, but the Light continues to shine within us and around us. Anxiety, anger, defeat, & disappointment have no place in the heart of those who belong to Christ. We are not victims, we are victors! We are overcomers!

In ‘The Overcomers: God’s Vision For You to Thrive in an Age of Anxiety and Outrage,’ author Matt Chandler purposefully communicates this message and theme by empowering Christians to have courage and confidence for the moment they’re in because the present and the future have already been won.

Utilizing the book of Revelation, Pastor Matt Chandler exposits the letter of John chapter by chapter to teach and equip believers to understand the deceptions, tactics, and strategies satan is using to keep us off the bench and out of the game. There is so much wisdom and practical application found throughout this book while steering clear of literal or misinterpretation of the apocalyptic nature that is Revelation.

I absolutely loved ‘The Overcomers’ because I often find myself feeling discouraged or like there is nothing I can do to make a difference in this dark age and spiritual war. But that is not the case! Each one of us is needed and necessary and was placed in this exact moment of history, with the exact circumstances we are facing, and the exact environment/geographical location/sphere of influence/skillset/more we possess on purpose and for a purpose. We are uniquely called to be an active participant in God’s plan and He wants to use us for His glory and the good of His kingdom.

I highly recommend this book for all believers seeking encouragement for the time we’re in but also to receive expository biblical teaching. If you’re looking for further the discussion, Matt Chandler hosts a podcast of the same title that serves as an additional fruitful resource that I have benefited from as well.
Profile Image for Erick  Perez.
1 review
May 3, 2024
"The Overcomers" by Matt Chandler is a timely and inspiring read that addresses the challenges of anxiety and outrage in the modern world through the lens of the book of Revelation. Chandler's profound insights and down-to-earth style make this book a must-read for believers seeking hope and courage in tumultuous times.

Chandler's approach to tackling the prevalent sense of hopelessness in today's society is both insightful and refreshing. He acknowledges the bleakness of the world but emphasizes that as Christians, we are called to be overcomers. Drawing from the book of Revelation and historical examples, Chandler reminds readers of the fierce, conquering authority of God over all the earth.

What I appreciated most about "The Overcomers" is Chandler's use of real-life examples and anecdotes to ground biblical truth. Through these stories, he demonstrates how Gospel truths are not just abstract concepts but are alive and active in our lives today.

Furthermore, Chandler's interpretation of the book of Revelation adds depth to the message of the book. He offers an interesting perspective, viewing Revelation as a symbolic recapitulation of God's divine plan of redemption throughout history. This perspective provides readers with a renewed sense of purpose and hope in the face of adversity.

One aspect of the book that particularly resonated with me is Chandler's exploration of several key passages. His reflections on spiritual sickness within the church, the promise of feasting with God, and the expiration date of God's wrath are thought-provoking and deeply insightful.

In conclusion, "The Overcomers" by Matt Chandler is a powerful reminder that as Christians, we are called to live victoriously in Christ. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the world, we can find strength, courage, and victory in Him. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking encouragement and hope in their faith journey. - Erick, Blessed and Bookmarked
May 1, 2024
Matt Chandler opens “The Overcomers” by reminding the followers of Jesus of their identity in Christ, and the specific place God has for them in the unveiling of His plan and purpose for the world. Nothing in the believer’s life is the result of chance. God takes a personal role in our lives in ways that we are not even aware, from cell divisions in the womb to the geographic, professional, and social circles we frequent. This is supremely counter-cultural to the dominant narrative of the impersonal chaos of the cosmos and the struggle to assert one’s own identity in the nihilistic “pay-to-play” wasteland currently invading American life. From this foundation of the believer’s unique gifting and value, Matt unpacks the Book of Revelation not as a book of cryptic horrors, but rather as an affirmation of God’s ultimate power and purpose in reality and the life of the believer. Rather than viewing the book as a puzzle to solve or a blueprint to be superimposed on the news, Matt’s approach is one that fits comfortably in his wheelhouse, that of encouragement and exhortation. His heart for reaching the lost and the spiritual growth of the Christian is evident. He has a unique ability to ask probing questions and present inconvenient truths while simultaneously drawing his reader in to face these sometimes unpleasant challenges head on, with the assurance it is for their ultimate good. While the judgements presented in Revelation are certainly fearful, the Overcomer is reminded that
“God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind,” (2 Timothy 1:7) and that “In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37). Matt sums it up this way- “The God who made us for this day and made this day for us can strengthen us, grow our skills and abilities, and go with us as we fulfill our destiny.”
1 review
May 1, 2024
If you want to better understand how God explains humanity at its best (and worst), this is it. Drawing from the book of Revelation, this is a must read - and hard to put down. The Overcomers is FUEL for your soul for combating the real enemy and so much more.

From someone who didn’t grow up in church and became a believer later in life, I never expected the book of Revelation to be this encouraging; this was the one that intimidated me the most. Until now. Matt Chandler offers a granular, chapter by chapter biblical teaching with a solid, faithful conviction and a much needed sense of urgency for a full surrender to Christ. As Overcomers, it’s imperative that we understand the Ultimate Reality, and how we can make war against the principalities and powers that hate the people of God. What a privilege for those who are in His kingdom to be invited to participate in the disarming of The Dragon!

The bits and pieces that I loved — We were made for this day, and this day was made for us // Live by faith with your eyes on the throne and our confidence in the indwelling Spirit. He’s God and cannot fail // If you rightly understand who He is, then you’ll rightly understand who you are // Throughout scripture it is said that we will rule and reign alongside King Jesus in the new heaven and earth. We will see him face to face // We have the Enemy right where we want him – on his heels! // This is the eternal bliss that awaits the Overcomers // Our Faith will be sight.

I long for this.

Dare to gift this book to someone who doesn’t yet know God. It is that good. It is that necessary.
May 3, 2024
The Overcomers is a book that does exactly what the author intends for it to do. It will put steel in the spines of believers everywhere. Through this book, Matt Chandler brings a fresh perspective on the Book of Revelation by boldly and lovingly urging Christians everywhere to “embrace our calling to endure the brokenness of this world and let others know there IS a way out”(Pg 99).

The Overcomers is organized in an extremely readable format, offering a ton of context for each chapter of the Book of Revelation. Chandler boldly calls out the lies of the enemy that are so prevalent in our culture today. He brilliantly invites the wisdom of both our ancient friends as well as more recent Bible scholars to remind us that the Bible always interprets the Bible; a simple, age-old truth that seems to have been forgotten or maybe even overlooked by many believers today. Whether or not you agree with a specific interpretation written on these pages..... the message of hope endures. I encourage you to read this book through the lense of St. Augustine: "In essentials UNITY, In non-essentials LIBERTY, In all things CHARITY."

Every believer should read this book and it should remain on your "read again and again" shelf. I have read the Book of Revelation and many times scratched my head at some of the passages.... Chandler's book has fiercely ignited in me a renewed desire to read the Book of Revelation (and the entire Old Testament) again and again and again with fresh perspective. Why should you read this book, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?? Because this book, in your hands, is a massive threat to the enemy and so are you! Pick up your sword and fight! #overcomers
Profile Image for Ruth.
7 reviews
May 3, 2024
In his timely and deeply encouraging book, Matt Chandler aims to embolden the believer to live a life marked by ‘Spirit-besotted courage’ and ordered around the ‘inexhaustible well’ of delights and glories that is the real Jesus Christ. He guides the reader like a friend and mentor through the book of Revelation, unveiling afresh the ultimate reality that our culture hides so well with the many distractions and causes for anxiety that surround us. We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed. This book has helped me to fix my eyes more on the unseen, eternal things and much less on the seen, temporary things that have kept me down and fearful for too long. Matt magnified some glorious truths about the goodness and mercy of God that set my heart singing.

‘When you can spot the accusations, reject the deceit, and stand on the promises of God, you begin to walk in the courage you were designed to walk in. By the end of this book, I hope you can feel in the deepest places in your soul why the apostle Paul said, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).’

This book delivers on its aims. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to be encouraged as they walk the life of faith in this present darkness, in this time in history for which we have been uniquely wired.
2 reviews
September 1, 2024
I was excited for this book upon the recommendation of a pastor friend of mine. We are beginning a study of Revelation for the semester, and this was a resource meant to be an overview of that book. I only gave it three stars because it was too much of exactly that, an overview. While I appreciated Matt Chandler's exhortation to live courageously, with an eye toward Jesus' eventual and total victory over Satan and his associates, I felt the book was far too much of a 30,000 foot overview. There was valuable truth in The Overcomers, and I certainly wouldn't dissuade anyone from reading it. If there is a Christian brother or sister in your life who expresses anxiety over the state of the world or wonders what's the point of living for Jesus in a culture that seems to be heading rapidly away from Him, this might be a good encouragement for them. To be fair, it's made clear that Chandler did not set out to write an in depth study on Revelation. However, that decision means there are many interpretations given in the book that the reader has to just take at Chandler's word. I'd encourage anyone wanting to pursue a deeper analysis of Revelation with a more rigorous focus on each verse (or even just subsections) to grab a good commentary or more academic text.
May 11, 2024
Matt Chandler handles a complex and confusing book of the Bible in a way that is accessible, comforting and empowering. On the heels of a global crisis and in the midst of a rapidly changing societal ethic, this book is timely and necessary, especially for the western Church.

“The Overcomers” delivers theological clarity and correction, disrupting the fear and avoidance that comes from a wrong understanding of the book of Revelation. As in his other books, Matt’s tone is both pastoral and dynamic. He offers a balanced and practical yet wildly compelling explanation of the last book of the Bible.

This book is stirring my heart towards a deeper understanding of how God uniquely created, gifted, freed and equipped me to be an Overcomer and a force against darkness in such a time as this. Highly recommend!
1 review
April 26, 2024
Honestly, I was a little skeptical when I saw the title of the book as I thought it would be a continuation of the stories from his podcast. Boy was I was wrong! I was an overcomer prior to reading this book, but lacking in theological backing, having mostly relied on prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit. After reading this book, I feel much more equipped in the Word. Matt Chandler took the scary, difficult to comprehend Revelations and turned it into something I can wrap my head around and concretely understand. This book is a great read for someone newer to diving into Bible knowledge or a person well studied in the Word, as it is a champion to encouraging you on your journey to recognizing, naming, and overcoming spiritual warfare, a battle we all want so desperately to Overcome! Read this book, be encouraged, and keep overcoming.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2 reviews9 followers
May 6, 2024
The Overcomers reminds believers that we are “a major problem to the enemy” (p. xi) and provides teaching and commentary on the book of Revelation. As a teacher, and a pastor, Matt makes the book of Revelation accessible. He helps readers examine the imagery, and themes in the letter.

The Overcomers also includes Matt’s personal stories and the stories of others. Each story is an example of actions, behaviors, and mindsets of an overcomer. We ultimately see that as sojourners in the Christian life, God is accomplishing His purpose. He is at work in our lives.

I recommend reading the book, listening to the podcast and engaging in a study of the book of Revelation. Don’t be in a hurry. God wants to meet with you.
1 review
May 1, 2024
If you are tired, weary, broken or just long for some truth straight from Scripture, get up and go get this book. You will want to underline every sentence because every word applies to you right now, no matter who you are or where you come from. This book defines our current time and place in history and how we are interwoven into God’s intimately designed plan. Don’t be afraid of Revelation any longer. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s too scary or condemning. Book 66 is the complete opposite. Revelation is instead an answer to your existence, your uniqueness and how our powerful Creator wants you with Him for eternity.
1 review
May 2, 2024
In our current state of living in a world that is exhausted with feelings anxiety, depression, anger, and rage, Matt Chandler's book "The Overcomers" provides a tangible reminder of God's promises of hope and healing. Reading through Revelation has always intimidated and confused me, and this book has opened my eyes to it's beauty and emboldened me to live passionately for Christ by explaining the scriptures in a context that is both understandable and applicable. I couldn't recommend this book enough!
1 review
May 6, 2024
Pastor Matt, thank you for a new look at the book of Revelation- taking it out of the foreign and obscure and bringing it to relevance and light. The book is tangible, and I appreciate your breakdowns and call to attention for this unique time and space in history. Coming out of 2020 and moving into a deeper time of transition, for our world, I am thankful for The Overcomers as it sets my compass true and keeps me headed on becoming a problem for the enemy and focused on the here and now. Here's to pushing down darkness!
Profile Image for Carol Roskam.
3 reviews
August 3, 2024
It was just okay for me. I bought it looking for encouragement and help to build my faith in the dark world (getting darker) in which we live. I didn’t realize it was a book on Revelation. Because of my differing interpretation on the book of Revelation it was hard to follow. As I know and was addressed by the author at the end of the book the different viewpoints of Revelation are not a salvation issue. So, I tried to be open to seeing what he was saying. But in the end it didn’t excite me to be an OVERCOMER!
August 29, 2024
From beginning to end, I appreciated Pastor Matt's approach to the Book of Revelation. So many times we get caught up in the apocalyptic imagery of the Book of Revelation and we try to figure out every last detail and while doing so we miss the bigger picture of the Revelation. In this book we see that we, The Church, are overcomers! That is the encouragement throughout the Revelation and throughout this book by Pastor Matt. I highly recommend you read this and gain a refreshing perspective on the Book of Revelation.
Profile Image for Julie Jones.
2 reviews
April 26, 2024
Oh my goodness! I cannot say enough great things about this book! If you want to be challenged and excited at the same time about Revelation and what it says to us as we walk in confidence as Overcomers, this book is for you! Matt thank you for taking a book of the bible that was for years one of the most confusing and sometimes frightening reads and creating a beautiful symphony of God’s love for us!
May 5, 2024
This book has been an eye-opening amazing journey for me in unlocking truth in the book of Revelation. Matt writes plainly and powerfully on biblical truths applicable to our day. One of my favorite overall themes is that this book was written FOR us, not TO us based on theological dating and study.

If you have overcome hardships, are going through hardships and see no light at the end of the tunnel or are trying to find answers through healing after you have reached a small respite of reprieve; this is a must-read book to start you!

I have been looking for answers, and this book has helped direct me to those answers. I am gaining understanding in the reasons why I am the way I am, and why my experiences are worth rejoicing in!
4 reviews
May 7, 2024
I have listened to Matt Chandler for years now and I have grown up in the faith because of his teaching style and practical wisdom. The way he is able to bring the spiritual and make it meet the everyday practical in this book is great. I loved the series he did on Revelation in 2019 and this book is an expansion of that. I sure am glad for the comfort of this book, I would HIGHLY recommend mostly anything from Matt Chandler.
Profile Image for Dan Mays.
66 reviews
May 30, 2024
"The Overcomers" shows us from the book of Revelation that "we were made for the day, and the day was made for you." We get a clear picture of God and how the "end times" is intended to be an encouragement to believers.

I really like the quote on page 96, "The world needs Christians who hate their sin and can be the living embodiment of peace in calamity."

If you are struggling for a positive and encouraging view of God and self, this book would help you. 
1 review
June 29, 2024
"The Overcomers" is a must-read. I’ve read this book twice already and have listened to Matt Chandler’s Bible study on it as well. It is thought provoking and eye opening, helping you understand the book of Revelation and the “end times” in which we are living. I’ve read and studied the Bible for many years and I feel that reading this book has enlightened me on God’s ultimate plan and my purpose as an overcomer in our current culture.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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