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Louise Rick #7

The Forgotten Girls

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In a forest in Denmark, a ranger discovers the fresh corpse of an unidentified woman. A large scar on one side of her face should make the identification easy, but nobody has reported her missing. After four days, Louise Rick—the new commander of the Missing Persons Department—is still without answers. But when she releases a photo to the media, an older woman phones to say that she recognizes the woman as Lisemette, a child she once cared for in the state mental institution many years ago. Lisemette, like the other children in the institution, was abandoned by her family and branded a "forgotten girl." But Louise soon discovers something more disturbing: Lisemette had a twin, and both girls were issued death certificates over 30 years ago. As the investigation brings Louise closer to her childhood home, she uncovers more crimes that were committed—and hidden—in the forest, and finds a terrible link to her own past that has been carefully concealed.

312 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Sara Blaedel

32 books1,912 followers
Sara Blaedel is the author of the #1 international bestselling series featuring Detective Louise Rick. Her books are published in thirty-seven countries. In 2014 Sara was voted Denmark’s most popular novelist for the fourth time. She is also a recipient of the Golden Laurel, Denmark’s most prestigious literary award.

In 2016 she published the first book "The Undertakers Daughter" in a new trilogy set in Racine, Wisconsin:

Already widowed by the age of forty, Ilka Nichols Jensen, a school portrait photographer, leads a modest, regimented, and uneventful life in Copenhagen. Until unexpected news rocks her quiet existence: Her father–who walked out suddenly and inexplicably on the family more than three decades ago–has died. And he’s left her something in his will: his funeral home. In Racine, Wisconsin.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,723 reviews
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
January 29, 2016
I have not read any other books written by Sara Blaedel but I was curious after reading the book description for The Forgotten Girls.

This book features Detective Louise Rick, who is featured in the authors other novels.

Police detective Louise Rick. Louise is now the new commander of the Missing Persons Department in Denmark.

Two weeks as the new commander and Louise is working on the case of an unknown woman whose body was found in the forest. The woman has a very unique scar on the side of her face. However, no one has reported the woman missing. As days go by Louise decides to release a photo to the press in hopes that someone can help identify the woman. When someone does contact Louise, they indicate that the deceased woman is named Lisemette. Lisemette was abandoned years ago and lived in a mental institution. She was known as one of the "forgotten girls." Louise also discovers that Lisemette had a twin sister and both were declared dead many years ago.

As Louise investigates even more crimes related to the same forest where Lisemette's body was found, she is reminded of her own childhood. With her partner Elk Nordstrom and old friend and journalist Camila, she investigates the lives of the twin girls and what could have happened to them. I found the plot intriguing and I thought that the author did a good job of showing how mentally challenged people were treated in the past.

This was a good mystery, fast-paced with many twists and turns. I was able to keep up for the most part although there were a couple of times that I was a bit confused. Occasionally the flow seemed a bit disjointed and would transition very quickly. When that happened it would take me a moment or two to catch up. There were some things (especially in Louise's personal life) that didn't seem to have enough back information. Although when I did find out this book was part of a series, it made that a bit more understandable.

This was my first book by Sara Blaedel but I suspect it won't be my last. I'm definitely curious about other books in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Karen.
219 reviews7 followers
February 8, 2015
The premise of this book was a good one but it was very poorly executed. The main character Detective Louise has just moved to a new position and will be a heading a division that investigates missing persons cases. As the story begins she gets her first case and is sent to pick up her new partner who is passed out drunk in a bar. Within minutes of her retrieving him he is alert and making suggestions on how to investigate that Louise seems unable to think of herself. While he is doing all the important work Louise is dropping off crafting material to her friend that is getting married to a wealthy estate owner (uhhhmmm...why couldn't she pick up her own crafting beads???) and checking up on her random foster son.

Louise seems incapable of doing any actual detective work as she is very busy driving around the forest doing God knows what. When it all becomes too much for her she calls in sick (what???!!!). Fortunately, her friend Camille who is getting married to the wealthy estate owner suddenly decided to try to "find herself" and add some excitement to her life. She begins investigating the case and finds out more info in 3 pages than Louise and her partner have throughout the entire book.

There are so many other random story lines in the book (too many to go into here) that the book is almost 70% done before any real detective work gets done and the case gets a few breaks. By this point I am so confused and annoyed about why these other seemingly pointless story lines are going on that I just want the book to be over, especially because it is also at this point in the book when you know exactly how the story is going end.

I was really looking forward to reading this book when I read the description. Unfortunately, I was disappointed.

Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.1k followers
December 2, 2015
I would like to thank Netgalley for a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

A woman's body is found in the forest, but no one seems to know who she is. Louise Rick then discovers that the woman is already dead, or rather that she was a patient in a state mental institution and was declared dead 30 years ago. Now Louise and her colleague Eik must find out how a woman can be declared dead and then end up dead for real decades later.

This book was far less gruesome and gory than I expected based on the blurb and cover art; however, I didn't find that to be off-putting. This ended up being a much lighter read for me in the sense that it was as graphic as most mystery/thrillers I tend to pick up. I enjoyed this story and ended up really liking Louise's character. One of my favorite aspects was the cover art; I think it tied together well with the story and is partially what drew me to read it in the first place. I'm very interested in reading the rest of the series and look forward to it!
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,973 reviews844 followers
September 6, 2017
A woman's body is found in the forest, but no one seems to know who she is. Louise Rick then discovers that the woman is already dead, or rather that she was a patient in a state mental institution and was declared dead 30 years ago. Now Louise and her colleague Eik must find out how a woman can be declared dead and then end up dead for real decades later.

Have you ever read something good, but at the same time revolting to read? You know the kind of engrossing book, but with a really really sick ending? This book is that kind of book. I started to read it yesterday, read it this night when my cat didn't want to sleep and kept me up and I finished it today. And, it was such a good book, a real page-turner.

Louise Rick is the new commander for the Missing Persons Department and I sometimes found her to have a bit of an attitude problem, but slowly pieces from her past reveled and that made it easier to understand her. Eik her new colleague annoyed Louise quite a lot in the beginning and I can understand that since she had to pick him up from a pub in the morning and he was a bit hungover not the best first impression, but they worked well together when she realized what a great cop he is. The case itself was interesting and as I mentioned quite disturbing. Besides the fact that they have the dead women mystery to figure out, a rapist is also attacking women in the woods where they found her. Louise also has to deal with memories from the past and her best friends problems with her upcoming wedding.

The book was really good and I want to read the previous six books in this series.

4.5 stars

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,888 reviews14.4k followers
February 8, 2015
3.5 Two young girls, both mentally challenged, are institutionalized as their mother died in childbirth and their father can no longer care for them. At the institution, the father is told that his visits upset them and is told to forget about them and get on with his life. When the girls are eighteen the father is told that they have both died from pneumonia. How then to explain when the body of one of the girls, 30 years later, is found. Where has she been all these years? Where is her twin?

Louise has taken over a new police unit and this is the first in a planned series featuring her new unit. Very suspenseful, more than one case that eventually will come together and finely written. The plot is
full of surprises personal ones and professional. Very good start to this new series. What they find in a barn is very creepy and will effect Louise in personal ways. To find out though, you will have to read this book.

ARC from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
April 15, 2016
4.5 stars

It's books like this that give me anxiety at the mere thought of going into the woods. This is the seventh book in the series, but the first I’ve read from Sara Blaedel. I have to say, I’m pretty impressed. The writing, the characters, the creepy setting - I didn’t want it to end.

“Something like that haunts you for the rest of your life.”

From the start there’s a sad and ominous undertone. The best way I can describe the setting and my feelings in the beginning - a dreary, rainy day. Louise is a detective that’s been put in charge of a new sub-agency tasked with investigating unsolved missing person’s cases. There’s a part of her deep down that’s broken and distraught and has been for a quite a while.

Along the way, the author gives us bits and pieces, here and there, about what happened to Louise and Klaus all those years ago. She projects a tough exterior, but underneath is a vulnerability that makes it so easy to connect with her character. I walked away from this book really liking Louise and wanting even more of her story.

Louise’s new partner, Eik is sort of an enigma. At first glance, he seems sloppy and irresponsible, nothing like what you would expect from a great partner, but he actually turns out to be an asset. In more ways than one! Talk about unexpected. Similar to Louise's reaction, I sort of wrote him off in the beginning. His backstory and his attitude in general changed all that for me though. I think they recognized a familiar pain in one another and that’s what made them fall into each other’s arms. I certainly didn’t see it coming, but I can’t deny I’m dying to see where things go.

Their first case involves a woman who’s found dead in the woods at the bottom of a steep slope. Suspicious circumstances lead them to a hospital for the mentally challenged. That’s where the “forgotten girls” aspect of the story comes in. Children with mental defects are taken to this hospital and left behind, soon to be forgotten. That’s exactly what happened to this woman and her twin sister.

After another woman is found raped and murdered in the same woods, the story takes a creepy turn. Louise and Eik uncover multiple attacks, disappearances and bodies that span a 30 year time period. It’s horrific and depraved what went on in those woods. Not to mention the cover-up. Wow!

I’m not sure what it says about me that I enjoy disturbing stories like this, but I couldn’t put this book down. There are so many things that went unanswered, things I have to know! Are Louise and Eik going to make a go of it? Are Thomsen and René going to get what’s coming to them? And most of all - what really happened to Klaus? I guess I have to read the next book to find out.

“He didn’t have the fucking guts to put the noose around his own neck.”
Profile Image for Maria.
1,006 reviews106 followers
June 21, 2016
Com crimes hediondos, algumas personagens malignas, sem esquecer dose de romance q.b. As Raparigas Esquecidas tem tudo para proporcionar uma óptima leitura. Gostei da escrita, do enredo, do facto de, apesar de ter tentado adivinhar quem seria o assassino não ter conseguido chegar lá, e o querer saber mais em relação ao passado de Louise, que ficou em aberto. Assim como ao presente...

Ficarei a aguardar pelas restantes publicações da série.


Opinião completa em: http://marcadordelivros.blogspot.pt/2...
Profile Image for Cat.
372 reviews
February 8, 2016
When I read the story line for this ebook, I couldn't wait for it's release. The mystery sounded intriguing, unfortunately it failed to deliver. There wasn't a single aspect of the story (the mystery around the twins and where they were, the romance between the protagonist and her temporary partner) that I would consider suspenseful. While the crimes against the mentally handicapped children was awful, I felt that way because of my own morals and not because of any narrative by the author.

I thought the story jumped around a bit as well, without smooth transition from one scene to the next. I found myself re-reading past paragraphs to see if I'd just missed something (but I hadn't).

Additionally, much of the story was just unbelievable. The romance between the lead detective and her partner comes out of nowhere and leaves me thinking even less of Louise Rick. When the primary detective contacts the victim's family so that he can come to claim his daughter before even calling her superiors or other investigators? When the perpetrator's whereabouts is still unknown? Seriously? In what country would that really happen? And, another crime occurs there the same afternoon (trying not to include a spoiler) ... how quickly they must have cleared that crime scene? Maybe I watch too much TV, but I would think that the nature and length of the crimes (over 30+ years?) and the still-missing women would have kept that scene active for a day at least. Additionally, nothing in the book made me want to invest in any of the characters.

I was willing to give the author another chance when I thought this might be her first book, but finding out that it's book 5 (or 7) of a series tells me not to waste my time with any of her other titles.
Profile Image for Lost In My Own World Of Books.
623 reviews287 followers
February 26, 2019
Nunca pensei gostar tanto. Um livro que já tenho à algum tempo e agora, que dei uma oportunidade, não estou nada arrependida. Este livro fala de um série de assassinatos de raparigas de uma antiga instituição para doentes mentais que, supostamente, já estavam mortas. Um livro com pormenores macabros e violentos num contexto assustador.
Profile Image for Wendi.
371 reviews104 followers
June 25, 2018
Just once - once, damn it! - I want to read one of these mysteries wherein the detective isn't berated, stymied, threatened, or prohibited in their investigation by their boss. Just once, I would be so impressed if the man who hired the person to do the job he has entrusted them with would actually just trust the person to do the damn job.

At least in many of these police procedural-type mysteries, the protagonist is being condemned because what they want to do is dangerous or wildly outside the bounds of procedure or the law. In The Forgotten Girls, Louise's boss stops her shortly after the investigation begins to demand that she close the case - when evidence is just emerging that the victim could have been murdered or, at the very least, was declared dead by a medical examiner and subsequently disappeared thirty years earlier. His demand that she close the case is inexplicably unmotivated (other, apparently, than to be a foil for her) and would, I would have to assume, be somehow extremely derelict or possibly criminal.

And if you consider that a spoiler and you'd like to read this novel without any spoilers, you definitely shouldn't finish this review because there are definitely more spoilers below.

This is the seventh in a series starring the detective Louise. Blaedel does a commendable job of providing just enough backstory so that a reader (i.e. myself) who hasn't read the previous novels in the series can generally understand what's going on but without overwhelming with unnecessary information.

Although I have to wonder if Louise is the same stereotypical insecure-female protagonist in the previous novels as well. She's supposed to be strong and independent and I presume she's found herself in tough situations before but when a new fellow employee, in the second sentence of their very first meeting blatantly sexually harasses her, she slowly backs away and then is so relieved when her new bad-boy (alcoholic, of course) partner intercedes to say, "She's mine." Instead of saying to her harasser, "Fuck you, asshole, where do you get off?" and then turning to her partner to say, "And how in the hell am I yours?" she is, instead, thrilled that her partner is her "rescuer" and then nods politely to the harasser and "flees".

And then, of course, despite her new partner being a disgusting asshole who smokes every chance he gets and is drunk off his ass most of the time and invades her personal space, she easily has sex with him after the first time he bothers to ask if it's okay that he smoke in her presence and touches her back.

All the character's actions are qualified; they can never just say something, they must "burst out" with it.

Lots of people disappear. As in, not just the victims in the main mystery but also just random people from the past who probably don't have any bearing on either the current mystery or a future one; just if there's some character at some point apparently it makes them more interesting if they've just disappeared. There must be some sort of vortex in Denmark.

In one of the final scenes, the bad guy decides to rape Louise and while he's brutalizing her and getting ready to rape her, she says his name in alarm, but then never cries out otherwise. There are other people nearby enough to help her if she screamed but, inexplicably, she doesn't. When he stuffs her blouse in her mouth to keep her quiet I felt like laughing because it was entirely unnecessary up until that point.

After the brutal attack (during which, despite freshly broken ribs and her "agonizing pain", Louise manages to attack and strongarm another massive and disgusting man who probably killed her boyfriend decades ago), Louise's doctors at the hospital give her references to a psychiatrist which, of course, she immediately throws away. Because she's a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself, remember? Again, just once I'd like to see one of these detectives actually do the responsible and healthy thing and take care of themselves (especially since they always have someone else - in Louise's case, a foster son - that they're taking care of on top of their brutal and stressful detective work). To claim that therapy is just useless or that talking to a therapist implies weakness, just shows the character's weakness... or stupidity.

I will say that the essential mystery in The Forgotten Girls was engaging, and I was compelled to keep reading to figure that out. If I've read any other mysteries set in Denmark recently, I haven't marked them as such, and the setting felt novel (though more of a feel for the culture might have been appreciated). I'm deeply suspicious that an action taken by Louise in the final catching-the-bad-guy scene would ever, ever be taken by an official detective, regardless of their culture or the situation, not because she's rebelling against the system but because there was no perceivable beneficial result from her actions for anyone involved.

I was provided an advanced copy of this novel by Grand Central Publishing (an imprint of Hachette). I am typically excited about and satisfied by novels coming from Hachette but this one was a miss for me.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,074 reviews894 followers
September 7, 2017
1 Star for the narration. The book is set in Denmark, yet the leading detectives voices are read with an American accent. Other characters, however, were read with several different accents: US South, and then maybe Wisconsin? Then there were characters read with what sounded like a Scottish accent. Not sure what was going on here, but I wouldn't recommend the audio version AT ALL. Thank goodness this was a library lend or I'd have to return the book. Needless to say, I won't be listening to the next two books as it's the same narrator.

3 Stars
for the mystery. It was interesting, but didn't knock my socks off.
Profile Image for Maria Lavrador.
457 reviews33 followers
March 20, 2017
Um policial bastante interessante e do qual gostei. Confesso que tinha muitas expectativas cridas e como tal, fico um pouco aquém do esperado. Mas foi uma leitura que apreciei, apesar de achar que existiam muitas pontas soltas. De qualquer forma, como penso que se trata de uma saga, provavelmente nos próximos livros teremos mais desenvolvimento das situações
Profile Image for Stephanie Swint.
165 reviews41 followers
December 20, 2014
'The Forgotten Girls' is a good addition to the Scandinavian mysteries that are being translated for English readers currently. Blaedel has been writing them prior to their recent popularity and if Goodreads is accurate it looks like there are a few installments prior to 'The Forgotten Girls' surrounding Louise Rick's friend Camilla Lind we will need to learn about as well. I believe this is the first book where Louise Rick is in the spotlight. It is a fast paced mystery centered around the story of a mysterious woman who is found dead in one of Denmark's forests. What makes her distinguishable is a large scar on her face, but no one can identify her. For a woman in her thirties someone should know her if not trying to find her.

Louise Rick has recently been put in charge of a new missing persons department. She has a lot to prove in an office of men where the only other woman is the secretary. The secretary doesn't want her there and seems to have a grudge against her for unknown reasons. Louise has been assigned a detective, Eik, who has a reputation for great solves. She, however, had to scoop him off the floor of a bar his first day...in the morning. To say she is concerned is an understatement. When Louise learns that her missing person's case will take her back home she is forced to deal with personal issues she would rather leave buried.

Louise's boyfriend committed suicide when she was young. They had just moved in with one another and Louise, unable to cope with the loss, ran away. She built a life for herself and her son, away from her home town, with a supportive neighbor, her parents, and close friend Camille. Through the years she didn't deal with the loss and when the young missing woman is identified as a young disabled girl who was committed to a mental institution that leads to clues in her hometown Louise gets dragged back. She must investigate it's connection to a string of rapes and murders and the missing person/persons Lisemette. Stranger still Lise and Mette, known as Lisemette, were buried 30 years ago. How can the dead woman they found possibly have death certificates for 30 years back?

Blaedel's story is fascinating. I wonder if some of the story has been lost in translation. There are pieces of the book that are amazing. They make you feel you are in the moldy detectives office and the woods. Others aren't executed or translated as well. The flow seems disjointed or transitions to quickly. I enjoyed the book, especially the parts including Eliselund, the mental hospital, and Lisemette. I was left wanting to know more about what happened to Louise's boyfriend and hope that we get more information in the next installment. I would definitely read more by Blaedel. That being said I think the editor may want to work with some portions to ensure the translation matches the original work and/or smooth out a few rough spots.

I received 'The Forgotten Girls' from Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mafi.
1,143 reviews230 followers
February 28, 2017
Gostei mas tenho pena que seja o 7º de uma série mesmo sendo o 1º de um trilogia. Curiosamente, os crimes não me impressionaram ou chocaram. Talvez leia o próximo, dependente da minha vontade na altura.


Embora seja o primeiro livro lançado cá, é o sétimo de uma série homónima do nome da protagonista: Louise Rick. Simultaneamente é o 1º livro de uma trilogia e portanto embora tenha torcido o nariz aquando do conhecimento de ser um volume avançado numa série, também entendo a jogada de começar a publicação por este. Parece que funcionou bem pois poderemos contar com a publicação do volume seguinte (o 2º da trilogia) num futuro próximo.

Dentro de todos os ramos da literatura de ficção, a vertente policial/thriller é talvez aquela a que dou menos destaque nas minhas leituras mas também é verdade que a pouco e pouco tenho vindo a descobrir bons autores deste género e Sara Blaedel é mais um a juntar-se ao rol.


Sendo um thriller, é normal que a carga psicológica seja mais forte e embora não me tenha chocado com os crimes em si, confesso que fiquei sensibilizada e ligeiramente perturbada com algumas passagens do livro, especialmente nos relatos de como os doentes mentais tornavam-se pessoas esquecidas, e aí a alusão ao título do livro. Ler em como os pais são instigados a esquecer os seus próprios filhos, em como lhes é pedido para se afastarem das suas vidas e em como são privados de contacto com os seus primogénitos, acho que é de perturbar qualquer um. Ainda na secção do crime, gostei de como todos os casos acabaram por formar-se na mesma teia de crimes, acabando por estar todos interligados. A autora deu espaço a cada crime e soube ligar bem todos estes aspectos.

Sem qualquer dúvida uma boa aposta da Topseller e agora é aguardar pelo próximo volume para ver que casos trará Louise Rick de volta às prateleiras portuguesas.

Profile Image for Heena Rathore Rathore-Pardeshi.
Author 2 books278 followers
October 20, 2015
Note: I received a copy of this book by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

The Forgotten Girls is a brilliant book with an exciting plotline which engulfs the reader right from the beginning. The enjoyed the storyline thoroughly and would definitely love to read more from the author. This book has so many elements that it'll keep the reader guessing at all times. This book is what a real psychological thriller should be. The twists and turns were well timed and the intrigue factor was always present.
I loved the story from beginning to end and I'd recommend it to everyone, especially the genre lovers.

The characterization felt a little weak to me. The main character, Louise Rick, is a decent character. I won't say that I felt an out-of-the-world connection with the lead, but still I was able to relate to her on some level. Maybe it's just me or the fact that I don't particularly enjoy reading about 30 something women. Still Louise Rick, as a character, was quite good.
I enjoyed reading about her partner, Eik, and her son and neighbor. All these characters are also well-built and relatable, but again, only at some levels. but the little bit of romance seemed a little awkward as again I'm not used to reading about women with children.

There were one or two killings, which contributed to creating the whole mystery. The killings were not really gruesome or gut-wrenchingly intense so I'd say that it's actually a light thriller.
There was also a little romance, though it was more like flirting and it was quite awkward cause it happened so suddenly that I thought that I missed a page. It doesn't even matter as it's a thriller and not a romance book.

The book is written in third-person narrative and the writing style of the author is really simple and understandable. To be honest, I felt that the writing was decent, but the story-telling was quite weak. With a plotline this amazing I was expecting the book to be an outstanding read, though it was not quite there. And for me, that was because of the story-telling.
Having said that, I think maybe it's because of the fact that the book is translated or poorly edited. Whatever it is, it's the only thing that, according to me, pulled the book down a little.

I enjoyed the beginning of the book and was sucked into it right from the first page. Though, after the prologue the story flowed quite slowly. But after a while it picked up the pace.

The ending was quite unpredictable. I was completely blown off by it and it's one of the strongest parts of the book (after the plot itself.)

Cover Art:
I love this cover art. It gives the feeling of being forgotten and the darkness of the woods really intensifies the feel.

The blurb is just perfect. it made me accept the book in spite of being completely packed with review requests. I would have definitely bought it if I had stumbled upon it either on Amazon or in my bookstore.

You can also read this review at The Reading Bud
Profile Image for Biljana.
368 reviews87 followers
December 17, 2019
Kada tijelo nepoznate žene bude pronađeno u šumi, Luiz Rik, glavna junakinja ovog trilera i šefica novog Odjeljenja za istraživanje slučajeva nestalih osoba, zajedno sa svojim timom, počinje istragu koja će je odvesti mnogo godina unazad.

Zanimljiv, prilično kvalitetno napisan triler, koji odiše atmosferom Skandinavije prepunom gustih šuma, kiše i magle, donosi mračnu priču zločina koji će se razgranati i dovesti do brojnih otkrića koji će uticati na cijelu zajednicu.

S obzirom da su ''Izgubljene devojčice'' sedma knjiga o Luiz Rik, a tek prva prevedena na srpski jezik (ako se ne varam) malo je teško pratiti njenu ličnu priču, ali i pored ovog nedostatka, slučaj koji se obrađuje može se nesmetano čitati kao zaseban.

Dakle, sasvim pristojan triler za decembarske duge noći.
Profile Image for Paulo Pires.
246 reviews48 followers
July 7, 2016

Numa floresta da Dinamarca, um guarda-florestal encontra o corpo de uma mulher. Marcada por uma cicatriz no rosto, a sua identificação deveria ser fácil, mas ninguém comunicou o seu desaparecimento e não existem registos acerca desta mulher.
Passam-se quatro dias e a agente da polícia Louise Rick, chefe do Departamento de Pessoas Desaparecidas, continua sem qualquer pista. É então que decide publicar uma fotografia da misteriosa mulher. Os resultados não tardam. Agnete Eskildsen telefona para Louise afirmando reconhecer a mulher da fotografia, identificando-a como sendo Lisemette, uma das «raparigas esquecidas» de Eliselund, antiga instituição estatal para doentes mentais onde trabalhara anos antes.
Mas, quando Louise consulta os arquivos de Eliselund, descobre segredos terríveis, e a investigação ganha contornos perturbadores à medida que novos crimes são cometidos na mesma floresta.

Através de uma narrativa envolvente, vertiginosa e de forte impacto emocional, Sara Blædel não deixa o leitor descansar enquanto não chegar ao fim do livro.

Este é, segundo a autora explicou, o primeiro (#1) livro da trilogia da Unidade Especial de Busca. Apesar de já existirem outros livros envolvendo algumas das personagens constatei que, para meu agrado, a autora soube apresentar convenientemente o “backstory” e a contextualização das personagens.

Louise Rick é a nova directora técnica da Agência Especial de Busca, um novo projecto que arrojadamente abraçou e visa descobrir pessoas desaparecidas.

O primeiro caso é no mínimo insólito!

É encontrado um corpo de uma mulher na floresta, que segundo os registos morrera enquanto criança! Para adensar o mistério … e se essa criança tivesse uma irmã gémea, também dada como morta na mesma altura? O que teria, afinal, acontecido? Estaria a irmã viva? Quem estará por trás destes desaparecimentos? Porquê?

Esta investigação acaba por trazer à luz verdades obscuras... e pelo caminho vemos a própria Louise debater-se com fantasmas do passado.

Desde cedo o livro "As raparigas Esquecidas" apresenta-se como um livro de emoções fortes, para quem como eu, mergulha na história e tenta desde logo imaginar as consequências do que é narrado na vida real.

A história é rica em situações que semeiam a dúvida e que fazem questionae as razões por trás de cada nova descoberta. São essas dúvidas que agarram o leitor ao livro, que vão alimentando a sua curiosidade, envolvendo-o pouco a pouco. Quando damos por isso estamos a devorar as últimas páginas.

Focando o abandono e rejeição a que estavam sujeitos os doentes mentais, e as consequências desse fechar de olhos da sociedade, acaba por ser transmitida uma mensagem forte de crítica social, item recorrente na escrita nórdica.

O que mais me fascinou no livro foi a impetuosidade da história. A dura realidade, tão bem desenhada, tão absurdamente cruel de algumas pessoas que vivem sob o jugo de outrem.

Uma realidade que prolifera durante vários anos e que se enraíza e sufoca quem a ela está sujeito.

A personagem de eleição: Louise Rick, 40 anos, trabalhou no Departamento de Homicídios, é uma mulher determinada, com alguma resistência em se comprometer afectivamente depois de uma má experiência da sua juventude. E é esta resistência que a torna tão verosímil! O reconhecimento, a consciência, sem grandes remorsos da sua falta de aptidão para relações do fórum afectivo.

A autora apostou no comprometimento (...)»

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Opinião: Opinião: As Raparigas Esquecidas de Sarah Blaedel |Livros e Marcadores
Profile Image for Sofia Teixeira.
600 reviews126 followers
August 29, 2017
As Raparigas Esquecidas, livro de Sara Blaedel, mais conhecida como «A Rainha Dinamarquesa do Thriller», chegou até mim através de um exemplar de avanço e com a promessa de ser arrepiante, intenso e sociologicamente fascinante. Verdade seja dita, eu andava numa letargia irritante no que toca a leituras, principalmente por ter dado conta que o livro que estava a ler tinha um predecessor e que mais valia parar. Peguei então neste thriller e em coisa de três ou quatro dias, com viagens de norte a sul pelo meio, ficou lido. É fácil justificar esta rapidez e facilidade na leitura, a escrita de Sara Blaedel é fluída e a acção decorre a bom ritmo. Mas falemos um pouco sobre o enredo.

Louise Rick é a protagonista de eleição e cedo percebemos que a sua história de vida pessoal é complexa e com acontecimentos mal resolvidos. Ao mudar de departamento - e aqui, tal como em várias outras ocorrências ao longo da leitura, senti que me faltava informação prévia para encaixar todas as peças, pois existem outros livros anteriores com esta protagonista - depara-se com um novo parceiro, Eik, cujo primeiro contacto é ela ir buscá-lo a um bar, com ele muito bebido e quase sem segurar a cabeça. Poderia ser mau agoiro, mas a autora foi inteligente na forma como desenvolveu a relação entre os dois, mesmo que no fim fiquemos em suspenso.

Conhecemos várias outras personagens como o filho adoptivo de Louise, a sua melhor amiga jornalista e a sua família e o seu querido vizinho, que vão complementado a verdadeira trama - as raparigas esquecidas. Foi muito interessante por parte da escritora abordar como é que as crianças com atrasos mentais eram tratadas antigamente. Melhor, como eram facilmente "esquecidas" e internadas em casas próprias. Ou os pais sentiam que não podiam cuidar delas ou pura e simplesmente tinham vergonha de ter um filho, ou uma filha, assim e internavam-no/a. Tomamos conhecimento desta realidade após o primeiro corpo encontrado na floresta, de uma rapariga com uma cicatriz enorme, e de encontrada a sua identidade. Cedo se segue outro corpo e a verdadeira investigação começa.

A obra tem mistério suficiente, como já mencionei anteriormente o ritmo também é bom, sem quebras por entre as peripécias pessoais da protagonista, porém confesso que não me fascinou por demais. O fim, com a Louise, achei meio forçado. Estou com aquele sentimento misto. Gostei da escrita da autora e por isso continuo com vontade de ler mais, se forem publicados, mas não consigo dizer que adorei As Raparigas Esquecidas. Na verdade acho que os ingredientes estão todos lá, mas ao resultado final até adicionasse uma pitada de sal. Não sei se foi por ter tido aquela sensação de que certas partes careciam de informação prévia, se foi por estar à espera de algo mais violento ou mais chocante. Penso que quando se lêem muitos thrillers, com alguns que mexem mesmo connosco, a fasquia talvez suba. É lerem por vós mesmos :)
Profile Image for Aisling.
Author 2 books114 followers
November 18, 2014
The premise for this mystery is great; a body is discovered and then identified by her death certificate saying she died as a teen 30 years ago. More intriguing? She has a twin, also with a death certificate. Is the twin still alive, did she live beyond her 30 year old death certificate and what really happened in the home for forgotten children? The story gets grim and probes some ugly history of how the world used to treat children with mental/physical deficiencies. The author writes fluently and captivatingly about the detective and side stories while giving the mystery all the attention it deserves. I was completely hooked and will go back and read the rest of the series and look forward to more detective (?) Louise Rick.
Profile Image for JoAnna.
158 reviews34 followers
February 6, 2017
This was good! It was fast paced and very enjoyable! I figured out who the killer was at chapter 8.... so that was a little disappointing, but at the same time I had that I FUCKING KNEW IT moment at the end when the author revealed the killer. Who doesn't love it when you are the real detective in a murder/mystery book!
Profile Image for Merve Özcan.
Author 24 books33 followers
October 18, 2017
Klasik bir polisiye tadında, merak uyandırıcı, şaşırtıcı. Sevilesi. Okunup kitaplıkta tutulası.
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
876 reviews13.8k followers
April 28, 2015
3.5 stars

Sarah Blaedel’s The Forgotten Girls captivates from the very beginning. It’s a dark and disturbing read, and fits in quite well with other Scandinavian mysteries! My only criticism is that the translation seems a little choppy. Do not read late at night!
Profile Image for Xana.
734 reviews45 followers
September 18, 2016
A expectativa era muita, mas não correspondeu..
Uma leitura lenta e desmotivante até cerca de meio do livro. Depois daí lê -se bem, o final está bem pensado e as descrições são cruas e chocantes.
Apesar de tudo gostei muito de Louise e fiquei curiosa com o próximo livro.
Profile Image for Χρύσα Βασιλείου.
Author 6 books163 followers
May 18, 2020
Τα «Ξεχασμένα κορίτσια» της Sara Blaedel είναι μια ιδιαίτερη ιστορία, που κρύβει πολλά περισσότερα για τον αναγνώστη απ’ όσα διαβάζει στην περίληψή της.

Κεντρική ηρωίδα είναι η Λουίσε Ρικ, η οποία έχει πρωταγωνιστήσει και σε άλλα έξι βιβλία της συγγραφέως πριν από αυτό. Εδώ τη συναντούμε σε μια κομβική φάση της ζωής της. Η καλύτερή της φίλη ετοιμάζεται να παντρευτεί τον αγαπημένο της και η ίδια είναι η καινούρια επικεφαλής του Τμήματος Ειδικών Ερευνών της Αστυνομίας. Στην πρώτη υπόθεση που αναλαμβάνουν εκείνη και ο νέος συνεργάτης της, ο Άικ Νόορστρεμ, καλούνται να ανακαλύψουν την ταυτότητα μιας νεαρής γυναίκας, το πτώμα της οποίας βρέθηκε στο δάσος. Πρόκειται για μια κοπέλα που επί χρόνια νοσηλευόταν σε ένα άσυλο για άτομα με νοητική υστέρηση, μαζί με τη δίδυμη αδελφή της, ξεχασμένες από την οικογένειά τους, όπως και τα περισσότερα κορίτσια του ιδρύματος. Γι’ αυτό και τις αποκαλούσαν ‘ξεχασμένα κορίτσια’. Όμως, σύμφωνα με τα αρχεία του ιδρύματος, φαίνεται πως εκείνη κι η αδελφή της πέθαναν πριν από τριάντα περίπου χρόνια! Η Λουίσε είναι αποφασισμένη να λύσει τον περίεργο αυτόν γρίφο και να ανακαλύψει τη μ��ίρα της έτερης αδελφής.
Ταυτόχρονα, βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη μια σειρά δολοφονιών νεαρών γυναικών. Παρόλο που το τμήμα της Λουίσε δεν είναι υπεύθυνο για τη συγκεκριμένη έρευνα, η ίδια δεν αργεί να βρει κοινά σημεία που ενώνουν τις δύο υποθέσεις. Το νήμα της ιστορίας, που άρχισε να υφαίνεται σχεδόν τριάντα χρόνια πριν, αρχίζει να ξετυλίγεται σιγά σιγά και οι αποκαλύψεις που έρχονται στο φως είναι καταιγιστικές. Επιπλέον, η Λουίσε αναγκάζεται να αντιμετωπίσει και τους προσωπικούς της δαίμονες, μιας και στη συγκεκριμένη περιοχή είχε ζήσει τα παιδικά κι εφηβικά της χρόνια, όταν ένα δραματικό γεγονός τη σημάδεψε. Και τώρα, όχι απλά θα ανακαλύψει πως η τρέλα και η αρρώστια του ανθρώπινου νου δεν έχουν όρια, αλλά και πως η ίδια για πολλά χρόνια ζούσε σε ένα ψέμα. Και έχει έρθει επιτέλους η στιγμή να μάθει την αλήθεια γι’ αυτό που έγινε στο παρελθόν, αλλά καταφέρνει και τη στοιχειώνει ακόμα…

Η Blaedel έχει δημιουργήσει ένα υπέροχο, άκρως ατμοσφαιρικό ψυχολογικό θρίλερ, μια ιστορία γεμάτη αγωνία, μυστήριο και κρυμμένα μυστικά. Το αστυνομικό κομμάτι της ιστορίας είναι σαφώς ενδιαφέρον, αξιόλογο και ιδιαίτερα καλογραμμένο, και σίγουρα θα ικανοποιήσει τους φανατικούς της αστυνομικής λογοτεχνίας. Όμως η ιστορία των δίδυμων αδελφών και των μυστικών που κρύβονται επί χρόνια πίσω από τις κλειστές πόρτες του ιδρύματος είναι εκείνη που κάνει το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο να διαθέτει αυτό το κάτι παραπάνω, που το κάνει να ξεχωρίζει περισσότερο.
Η σφιχτή πλοκή του αστυνομικού αγκαλιάζεται με το σασπένς του θρίλερ, της ίντριγκας και των μυστικών που δεν έχουν ξεθωριάσει, παρά τα χρόνια που έχουν μεσολαβήσει. Ένα αρκετά μεγάλο μέρος αυτής της ατμοσφαιρικής αχλής που τυλίγει το βιβλίο οφείλεται επίσης και στο φυσικό περιβάλλον, που η ταλαντούχα πένα της συγγραφέως χρησιμοποιεί προκειμένου να ‘ντύσει’ τις σκηνές της δράσης, και οι περιγραφές του οποίου είναι απλά απολαυστικές. Κρύο, απομονωμένα και γυμνά τοπία του δάσους, ερημικές γωνιές και διάσπαρτα σπίτια κρυμμένα μέσα στα δέντρα συνθέτουν το ιδανικότερο σκηνικό για ένα καλοδουλεμένο θρίλερ που κόβει στιγμές στιγμές την ανάσα.
Η πρωταγωνίστρια είναι η Λουίσε Ρικ, αλλά περιβάλλεται από χαρακτήρες εξίσου καλογραμμένους, που ο καθένας τους κουβαλάει τις δικές του ιδιαιτερότητες και έχει ξεχωριστό ενδιαφέρον. Κάποιοι αποτελούν το φιλικό και οικογενειακό της κύκλο και τους συναντάμε και στα υπόλοιπα βιβλία με τη συγκεκριμένη ηρωίδα· και άλλοι είναι ήρωες της συγκεκριμένης ιστορίας. Όλοι όμως παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στις εξελίξεις και έχουν κάτι να πουν στον αναγνώστη. Κρύβουν ένοχα μυστικά, κουβαλούν το παρελθόν στις πλάτες τους, ονειρεύονται για το μέλλον, νοιάζονται για τους δικούς τους ανθρώπους και θα κάνουν τα πάντα για να τους προστατέψουν. Αποτελούν ένα ενδιαφέρον παζλ χαρακτήρων, που ενώνοντάς το αποκαλύπτεται η ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα του περίγυρου της κεντρικής ηρωίδας. Ο αναγνώστης θα συμπαθήσει κάποιους από αυτούς, θα αντιπαθήσει κάποιους άλλους· κανένας όμως δεν θα του μείνει αδιάφορος.
Ένα ακόμα ατού που αφορά τους χαρακτήρες του βιβλίου είναι πως πρόκειται για απλούς, καθημερινούς ανθρώπους. Κανένας τους δεν έχει υπερδυνάμεις ή εξωπραγματικές ικανότητες στη λύση μυστηρίων. Αντίθετα, όλοι είναι άνθρωποι λαβωμένοι από το παρελθόν τους, που προσπαθούν να αντεπεξέλθουν στην κάθε μέρα που τους ξημερώνει και όσα αυτή φέρνει μαζί της. Άνθρωποι της διπλανής πόρτας, που δεν φαίνονται εξωπραγματικοί στα μάτια του αναγνώστη, που συμπάσχει μαζί τους και τους κατανοεί. Ενίοτε δε, συγχωρεί και τις πράξεις τους.

Το μυθιστόρημα της Blaedel είναι ένα πολυδιάστατο βιβλίο, που ικανοποιεί ακόμα και τα πιο απαιτητικά αναγνωστικά γούστα. Ένα εντυπωσιακότατο μωσαϊκό μικρότερων ιστοριών που συνθέτει ένα μεγαλύτερο, άκρως ενδιαφέρον ψηφιδωτό. Τα «Ξεχασμένα κορίτσια» του ιδρύματος για άτομα με νοητική υστέρηση μπορεί να ξεχάστηκαν από τις οικογένειές τους, οπωσδήποτε όμως δεν θα ξεχαστούν από τους αναγνώστες τους.
October 3, 2016
Μπορεί η Sara Blaedel να έγινε γνωστή στη χώρα μας μόλις αυτό το καλοκαίρι, όμως στο εξωτερικό έχει μια μεγάλη λογοτεχνική πορεία, με τα βιβλία της να έχουν πουλήσει εκατομμύρια αντίτυπα, κερδίζοντας τις καρδιές των αναγνωστών της. Τα πλέον δημοφιλή έργα της, υπάγονται στη σειρά περιπετειών της Λουίσε Ρικ, με τα "Ξεχασμένα κορίτσια" ν' αποτελούν το έβδομο βιβλίο της σειράς, και το πρώτο μιας τριλογίας που έχει ενσωματωθεί σε αυτή με γενικό τίτλο, "Missing persons". Ίσως να σας μπέρδεψα λίγο με την εισαγωγή αυτή, αλλά θεώρησα πως έπρεπε να γίνει μια λίγο πιο εκτενείς αναφορά στη θέση που κατέχει το βιβλίο αυτό, στο συγγραφικό έργο της Blaedel. Όπως και να 'χει, όλα αυτά δεν πρέπει να σας επηρεάσουν, αφού μπορεί να μην γνωρίζετε την Λουίσε από παλιά, αλλά έχετε μια πολύ καλή ευκαιρία να την ανακαλύψετε σήμερα.

Η αστυνομία ανακαλύπτει στο δάσος το πτώμα μιας νεαρής γυναίκας αγνώστων στοιχείων, και η υπόθεση περνά στα χέρια της Λουίσε Ρικ, επικεφαλής του Τμήματος Ειδικών Ερευνών. Εκείνη δεν θ' αργήσει ν' ανακαλύψει πως η γυναίκα αυτή είχε μεγαλώσει σε ένα ίδρυμα για κορίτσια με νοητική στέρηση, αλλά και πως δεν είναι το πρώτο θύμα αυτής της ταυτότητας, αφού και άλλα κορίτσια που έζησαν εκεί, έχουν βρεθεί νεκρά κατά καιρούς. Όταν η Λουίσε θ' ανακαλύψει πως η νεκρή γυναίκα έχει μια δίδυμη αδερφή, με τις δυο τους να έχουν δηλωθεί νεκρές πριν από πολλά χρόνια, η υπόθεση αρχίζει να πέρνει διαφορετική τροπή. Η Λουίσε βυθίζεται όλο και περισσότερο στο σκοτεινό δάσος, το οποίο φιλοξενεί δεκάδες ματωμένα μυστικά, ενώ γεγονότα από το παρελθόν της -που είχε θάψει βαθιά μέσα της- έρχονται και πάλι στο φως για να την φέρουν αντιμέτωπη με προσωπικές συγκρούσεις που δεν ξέρει αν μπορεί, και πως πρέπει να τις διαχειριστεί.

Ένα από τα πιο δυνατά χαρτιά του βιβλίο αυτού, δεν είναι άλλο από την κεντρική του πρωταγωνίστρια, την Λουίσε Ρικ, η οποία μπορεί να έχει κάποιες ενοχλητικές ιδιοτροπίες, όπως κάθε αστυνομικός ερευνητής που σέβεται τον εαυτό του, όμως, όσο η ιστορία προχωρά κι εξελίσσεται, μικρά κομμάτια του παζλ που συνθέτουν το παρελθόν της, έρχονται στο φως ώστε να "δικαιολογήσουν" την παρούσα ταυτότητά της. Μπορεί να μην ταυτιζόμαστε απόλυτα μαζί της, αναγνωρίζουμε όμως το προσωπικό της δράμα, της δίνουμε αρκετά ελαφρυντικά και τελικά, θαυμάζουμε την δυναμική της προσωπικότητα που κατάφερε να παλέψει με τα προσωπικά της σκοτάδια, χωρίς να επιτρέψει στη συνείδησή της να βυθιστεί σε αυτά. Πολύ περισσότερο, τώρα που καλείται να τ' αντιμετωπίσει ή να χαθεί στη δίνη τους, με το μυστήριο των εγκλημάτων του δάσους να κινδυνεύει να μείνει χωρίς διελεύκανση, αλλά με περισσότερα θύματα στο ταμπλό της ιστορίας που αυτό χαράσσει.

Με σαφείς επιρροές από το κλασσικό σκανδιναβικό νουάρ, η Blaedel καταφέρνει να δημιουργήσει μια τρομακτική ιστορία που μας καθηλώνει από την πρώτη μέχρι και την τελευταία σελίδα, με τα φύλλα να γυρίζουν ασταμάτητα, σχεδόν με έναν φρενήρη ρυθμό, αφού παρά την αρρώστια που ξεπηδά μέσα από τις σελίδες του βιβλίου, αγωνιούμε να φτάσουμε στο τέλος. Στη λύση ενός μυστηρίου που αποδεικνύεται άκρως άρρωστο και διεστραμμένο, με έναν τρόπο που προκαλεί αηδία, όχι για το ίδιο το έγκλημα, αλλά για τα κίνητρα που το τροφοδότησαν. Για την ίδια την κοινωνία που με τον τρόπο της παρασύρει ανθρώπους στα δίχτυα του εγκλήματος, είτε ως θύτες είτε ως θύματα. Μπορεί οι φόνοι να μην ακολουθούν την γκροτέσκα μέθοδο, είναι όμως αρκετά ανατριχιαστικοί, κυρίως στη πηγή της αλήθειας τους από την οποία ξετυλίγεται συνολικά το όλο δράμα της αφήγησης.

Η συγγραφέας, με γλώσσα απλή και άμεση, αφηγείται σε τρίτο πρόσωπο μια ιστορία ιδιαίτερα τρομακτική, κυρίως επειδή θα μπορούσε ν' αποτυπώνει μια άκρως ρεαλιστική πραγματικότητα. Δεν προσπαθεί να εντυπωσιάσει με φτηνά κόλπα, αλλά αντίθετα, επιχειρεί μέσω της δράσης να ενισχύσει την αγωνία του αναγνώστη, η οποία εντείνεται όσο πλησιάζει στο αναπάντεχο φινάλε, ενώ παράλληλα -και με διακριτικό πάντα τρόπο- επιχειρεί να προσεγγίσει θέματα και καταστάσεις που έχουν κοινωνικές αλλά και ανθρωπιστικές, ψυχολογικές προεκτάσεις, κάτι που ως αναγνώστρια πάντα με ιντριγκάρει και αυξάνει το ενδιαφέρον μου. Κακά τα ψέματα, όταν ένα αστυνομικό μυθιστόρημα, πέραν του να σε παρασύρει με την ιστορία του, προσπαθεί να σου αφήσει κάτι περισσότερο από ένα αίσθημα αγωνίας, οφείλεις να του το αναγνωρίσεις. Και στην προκειμένη, λίγο περισσότερο, αφού η Blaedel πετυχαίνει τον σκοπό της με μεγάλη επιτυχία.
Profile Image for Kristie.
944 reviews397 followers
February 16, 2017
Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for providing me with a free electronic copy of this book for review.

I received this book to review little over a year ago. It sat on my shelf unread all that time. Instead of informing the publisher that I hadn't had time to review the book, I kept re-reading the book blurb and thinking that I really wanted to read this one.

Ultimately, I think the book was pretty much what I expected it to be. It was good, some parts better than others, but not great. It was just lacking something to give it that wow factor. A few times the detective said something where I thought, of course it makes sense if something else happened or how has she not made that connection yet?

The story twists didn't feel very twisty because I seemed to figure out bits before the MC. I even figured out the end before she did. So, the story was good and interesting, but not thrilling or edge-of your-seat at all. There were also some parts that weren't necessarily meant to be twists, which I saw coming before they occurred. Not too much unexpected.

This is the fourth book in a series and I did not read the three that came before it, so I was a bit out of the loop relationship wise and with character development. The author did a nice job of catching the reader up on these bits, but by reviewing past relationships, etc, it gives the book a feeling of being part of a series and reminds the reader that you're missing bits. However, I didn't feel compelled to go back and read the previous books to see what I'd missed.

I found the Danish names and places a bit difficult to keep up with at times and pronunciation difficult, as I'm unfamiliar with them. I purchased the audiobook, narrated by Christine Lakin, for assistance in that area. She did an excellent job with the narration (and yes, I was pronouncing things wrong lol).

Overall, a good book, but not a favorite. I still enjoyed it and I would read more in the series, probably starting from the beginning, but I don't have a real desire to run out and purchase one right away.
Profile Image for Cass ☾.
165 reviews4 followers
April 8, 2019

i didn’t realize this was the seventh book in the series until i was ab halfway through it and checked it out on goodreads bc i was confused by some of the characters backstories so whoops 😂. i really enjoyed reading the parts ab the murders and especially reading ab the twins but because i have yet to read the first six books in this series (that’s embarrassing) i didn’t really enjoy anything else and was pretty confused ab some parts but that’s also my own fault for not checking before so i have mixed feelings 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Clube dos Livros.
33 reviews13 followers
May 15, 2017
Link: http://www.clubedoslivros.pt/2017/05/...

Sara Blaedel, autora de “As raparigas Esquecidas” é apelidada de A Rainha Dinamarquesa do Thriller. Com este título, apenas aconteceu uma coisa, os leitores atentos ficaram sedentos e curiosos por ler a sua obra.
Este livro, é o primeiro de uma trilogia que acaba por ser publicada, com o seu terceiro volume no final deste mês de Maio.

Aqui, neste primeiro volume publicado em Portugal pela Topseller, acompanhamos a polícia Louise Rick, que acaba de integrar e se tornar responsável pelo departamento de pessoas desaparecidas. Aqui terá de dividir espaço e formar equipa com o já existente e estranho colega Eik. Como primeiro caso, a equipa de investigação, pega num caso um tanto o quanto estranho. Dias antes, fora encontrado um corpo de uma mulher numa floresta dinamarquesa, pelo guarda-florestal, e por mais estranho que pareça, não há registos de desaparecimentos. Mais estranho ainda, é temos diante de nós um corpo que apresenta uma antiga cicatriz no rosto, o que à partida significaria que fosse algo de fácil resolução, mas desenganem-se.
Louise, a nossa personagem central, é uma mulher de máscara de ferro, mas só isto, porque por dentro sofre com os pesadelos do passado. Eik, será uma ajuda preciosa para tentar que ela esqueça o passado e desvie os seus pensamentos dessa tortura, disfrutando a vida e mesmo chegando a vias de envolvimento com este estranho nórdico. Pela descrição diria que é wild pig. Contudo, nem tudo é brilhante e este caso, trará ao de volta os seus piores pesadelos, devido à investigação em curso e ao quão longe, a nível temporal, esta a vai levar.

Sempre num registo sombrio e envolto de mistério, que a rainha do thriller nos leva até ao passado e nos envolve nesta investigação perturbante, e já explico porquê.
Se temos Louise que tem problemas por resolver, que são os seus maiores fantasmas do passado. Temos por outro lado Eik, um homem misterioso, que se apresenta como desleixado, abandalhado e que carrega na bebida, e eu acredito de que algo o terá levado a chegar a este ponto, o quê, ainda não se sabe. De resto, temos outros personagens mais relevantes do que outros, uns que nos deixam com raiva e outros que nos passam indiferentes, contudo entre eles existem culpas, existem passados sombrios e sofridos, e muito mais.
A investigação vai-nos levar até um sanatório em Eliselund, que funcionara há bastantes anos e onde eram internadas e tratadas pessoas com deficiência. Aqui está aquilo que me perturba duplamente, não só pelo facto de as crianças serem entregues num local destes, mas por se apresentarem com deficiência, são ali deixadas pelos pais, a recomendação dos responsáveis da instituição. Pior ainda, é saber o que acontece com estas crianças e todo o esquema montado para levar a cabo planos vis, que me deixaram a pensar o quão perturbante é ter algo assim num livro, quanto mais sabendo que na realidade terá existido, e depois vermos na TV casos que isto realmente acontece. É no mínimo arrepiante. Diria que, uma adaptação fiel deste livro ao grande ecrã, daria um filme daqueles que ao ver me deixaria, mais uma vez reforço, perturbado.
A autora, consegue na perfeição, com uma escrita fluída e simples, transmitir-nos as emoções e sentimentos, a um ritmo rápido entre os seus breves capítulos, durante o livro que deixará qualquer um que se sinta humano em estado emocional longe de feliz.
Profile Image for Lisa.
750 reviews157 followers
February 7, 2018
I tend not to enjoy police procedurals, but herein lies an exception. This was a solid mystery with an interesting and unique plot. I enjoyed this little trip to Denmark and I think I'll be coming back for more. 4 stars.

p.s. Although this is technically the 4th book in the series, books 1-3 seem almost impossible to find and I think you'd be just fine starting the series from this point. I think this was the first book translated and published for English readers, and subsequent books seem to be readily available. I couldn't locate books 1-3 at any of my regular libs. Just a heads-up.
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