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Sentinels Saga #1

Sentinels: Children of Valhalla

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Book #1 in the Sentinels saga.

An epic story of friendship, honor, and valor, in the face of harrowing space combat.

Personnel File – Sentinel Space Fleet
Sentinel ID# 010–2739–J45
Name: Robin Starling
Age: 13
Service Classification: Pilot in training
Last Known Assignment: CVS Wallaby – christening flight.
[Mission Update]: Failed to report...
Ship and entire crew presumed lost.

351 pages, Paperback

First published July 7, 2012

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About the author

Linn Schwab

9 books5 followers
Author of the Sentinels Saga, and Stardancer.

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
402 reviews2 followers
March 23, 2013
I really liked this book. It drew you into the characters and except for a few spots was kind of a page turner.

You follow several young girls as they grow up on the planet Valhalla and become fighter pilots. There are no men in their army (or anywhere)and you aren't told why, or why they are fighting a war with the "earthlings". There are brief hints along the way, and one sentence that tells you a lot, but it is few and far between. Which, I believe is my main criticism. Maybe there is more in the sequel, but the reader deserves to have insight into this conflict. Especially since occasionally we are in the enemy (and men's) viewpoint. Again, perhaps this is developed in the sequel but a stand alone book should be a complete story, and I feel we need either more of the other side, none at all, or more background as to the conflict, better yet, 2 of those 3.

There were 2 or 3 synonym, type errors, their instead of they're, your instead of you're. Not many. And 1 or 2 places where words should have been left out because it was redundant, but other than that it was well written. I may have to look into the sequel "Childhoods Lost"
Profile Image for Hope.
750 reviews46 followers
March 29, 2013
Like the idea and world created - needs a little work.

**I received a copy from the author through Goodreads.**

First off, this is reminiscent of the “Ender’s Game” series, but with all female heroines (refresing!). You follow groups of ‘sentinel’ fighters on their journey to battle earthling men trying to take over the sentinel’s home planet Valhalla. There are brief hints towards why the conflict started, and numerous ominous moments of what’s to unfold. As I said previously, I really like the idea of this book.

On the flip-side, the storyline is most appropriate for the YA genre/generation, and should probably be labeled as such. I found the characters lacking in development, but maybe that comes with subsequent novels in the series! Some of the plot twists and conversations are too “spelled out” for the discerning reader, but this isn’t necessarily bad for younger readers.

Overall, I don’t think I’m looking forward to the sequel, but it’s worth a read for someone starting their reading journey. Happy reading.
Profile Image for Katie.
87 reviews
April 30, 2013
Sentinels is an incredibly interesting story, based on a war between an all-female planet and Earth, where both males and females live. The book is written from the perspective of Valhalla, the all-female planet and it is focused on a smaller group of the women/girls and the stories of their lives. No one in this story is totally the bad guy or the good guy, but you certainly end up mostly sympathetic to the females of Valhalla since the story is told from a variety of their perspectives, but from only a few of Earth's perspectives. It took me a few chapters to get into this book because the writing is not overly flowery or poetic, although it is quite clear and easy to follow; but once you get into this book, it's incredibly difficult to put down. The story moves quickly and you're eager to know the secrets lying behind each individual's life as well as the lives of the planets and the reason for the war. This is really a great book, and I'm eager and excited to read the next installment in the series! I want to know what happens!
Profile Image for Katie.
498 reviews31 followers
September 5, 2013
THis was a dystopia novel that was quite enjoyable, because it was set (for the most part) in Outer Space and talked about the never ending war between Earthlings and Valhalla. It follows two different characters in their growth of how their efforts help the whole of the "war".

One reason I enjoyed this book is because (with the exception of Inside Out) this is the first "space-type" young adult dystopia novel that I have read and I liked the authors imagination and where he went with this book. I also liked it how the author had a lot of surprises for you (SPOILER: you think characters the died, actually didn't and vica-versa). And I liked it how the author was able to draw youra ttention in with specific details that made you want to keep reading to find out more about what was actually going on.

Overall, I think that anyone who is into "The Hunger Games", "Matched", "Delirium", or "Divergent" would like this type of novel.
12 reviews
April 12, 2013
Very interesting story. Book starts off in the action and excellently portrays the internal and external battle raging in space. I'm going to say that I was not particularly excited about the story when I started, but I don't like to leave a book unfinished, so I continued on and was pleasantly surprised. Being a combat veteran I found it hard to relate to the emotions exhibited by the characters in the story during battle, but I have a very open mind and thought that this wasn't far fetched by any means as it only helped the story along nicely. It's only rated 3 stars because, while I liked it, I felt a huge chunk of plot was missing and was only able to piece together the big picture towards the end which may have been the intent by the author. As well as the ending that kept me attached to the words on the pages until the very end, very exciting but what a cliff hanger.
Profile Image for Capri.
9 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2013
I really liked Sentinels!
There were a couple choppy moments and I wasn't as emotionally connected to the story as I have been with some others. Still, I could not put it down. The characters are easy to love although their depth is somewhat lacking. Although this can make for a lower level of emotional connection it as allows for an easier read.
Over all, I could not put Sentinels down and am very excited for the next installment! How long do I have to wait?
Profile Image for Maria.
807 reviews48 followers
July 11, 2013
I enjoyed characters and the relationships between the different groups. I felt a connection to all the main characters. When a young Virginia lost her entire squad, I cried. I enjoyed following Robin as she developed. I was so proud of how she kept her squad together and succeeded in returning to the station. I even sympathize with Peter and the loss of his daughter that drove him to join the war. This was an excellent book. I received a copy through Goodreads First Reads.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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