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The Image of You

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“Absolutely gripping, this is revenge lit at its best. Provocative and compelling. I was left breathless at the final twist.” —Lisa Jewell, author of The Family Remains, on Two Dead Wives

Can you ever trust anyone you meet online?

Anna and Zoe are twins. Identical in appearance, absolutely opposite in personality, they share a bond so close that nothing—and no one—can tear them apart.

Until Anna meets her perfect man.

Anna thinks Nick is the man of her dreams.

Zoe thinks Nick is a liar.

Zoe wants to protect her twin…at any cost. But will Anna pay the ultimate price?

432 pages, Paperback

First published August 24, 2017

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About the author

Adele Parks

50 books2,761 followers

Adele Parks MBE is one of the most-loved and biggest-selling women's fiction writers in the UK. She has sold over 4 million books and her work has been translated into 30 different languages.

She has published 21 novels, all of which have been London Times bestsellers.

Adele has written 19 contemporary novels and 2 historical ones, Spare Brides and If You Go Away, which are set during and after WW1. Her latest novels, Both of You, Just My Luck, Lies Lies Lies, I Invited Her In, The Image of You and The Stranger in My Home are twisty, domestic noirs. Adele likes to scrutinize our concepts of family, our theories on love, parenting and fidelity.

During her career Adele has lived in Italy, Botswana and London. Now she lives happily in Surrey, UK with her husband, son and cat.

If you want to stay in touch you can find Adele on Twitter @AdeleParks, Instagram @Adele_Parks or Facebook @OfficialAdeleParks. You can sign up to her newsletter at eepurl.com/cI0l and there’s lots more info about Adele and her books on www.adeleparks.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 354 reviews
Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,003 reviews2,615 followers
March 25, 2019
Book Reviewed by Linda on www.whisperingstories.com

Adele Parks your books just keep getting better and better!

Image of You starts slowly with a lovely romance for Anna, plenty of emotion, empathy, and love. Then we meet Anna’s twin sister Zoe the yin to Anna’s Yang as stated by the author, and the story takes off with plenty of deceit, lies, and drama all holding us in suspense and keeping us intrigue until the final page.

The book has been brilliantly written. It is a good page-turner with no predictability to how it would end! The mood was both light and dark, with plenty of highs and lows.

The descriptions of all the character’s were superb, dear Anna, she was so kind and would do anything for anyone and all she did was fall in love. Zoe had a dark manipulative way, she even cast a spell on Nick, who was a confident, almost arrogant man about town, who fell in love. I loved the unusual plot with its extraordinary twists.

This book totally and utterly drew me in and kept me hooked the whole way through. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it to all who love domestic thrillers. I now look forward to reading more of Adele Parks books in the future.
Profile Image for Danielle-Gemma💜.
313 reviews23 followers
September 26, 2021
This is my first Adele Parks book and I loved it! What a brilliant book - didn’t get much time to read it in the first few days but I’ve devoured it really quickly!
What an amazing and unusual twist - don’t want to say more as I don’t want to spoil it but WOW I never saw that coming!!
Will deffo be on the hunt for her books moving forward! Fully recommend x
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,457 reviews176 followers
July 27, 2021
Popsugar Challenge 2021 - A book from your TBR list chosen at random

It is always refreshing to read a book in this genre that has a thirty something year old protagonist.

Anna and Zoe are identical twin sisters, from A to Zee they are opposite in every way but their looks. Anna is thoughtful, considerate,  kind. Zoe is selfish, spiteful and gets off on self destruction. 

But all is not as it seems.

There's few twists in this which I did see coming however it didn't affect my overall reading experience. I was really invested in all the characters here.

Thought the mental health issues were unrealistic in overcoming but I get it, its a book, fiction, and it needed a fast ending.

Fours stars.
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
1,911 reviews34.3k followers
July 10, 2024
1. It’s too easy, too early to guess the twist

2. The logistics of the crime needed some work—the crime itself is already asking the reader to take on a lot already, but it would have easily been more convincing if only a few of the details had been better thought-out/explained

3. The resolution is a bit annoying, because this is not how mental illness works.


I do like this author’s writing—she has a real knack for getting you inside a character’s head and drawing you inexorably towards places you wouldn’t personally want to go, but the POV makes the decision seem completely reasonable for them. I’ve read three of Adele Griffin’s books by this point, and with each one, multiple POVs have been clearly and vividly presented with worlds, attitudes, and uncomfortable scenarios that are easy to get lost in. The plots are riveting, too; she’s like a more restrained,well-written, upmarket Frieda McFadden, with similar sensationalist popcorn entertainment value.

I rather enjoyed the little surprise at the end as well. I didn’t expect it (probably should have if I’d thought about it more), but I’m happy with where the story went.

3.5 stars

Audio Notes: Lucy Paterson’s vocal performances for the various characters were spot on.
Profile Image for Nikki Lee.
342 reviews211 followers
April 18, 2024
Well, that was a nice surprise. Shout out to The Hive at HTP books for the gifted opportunity. This psychological suspense story is about to hit theaters May 10th, with that being said, I’d read this bad boy before it hits the big screen! So glad I was able to read the book first as I am always the opposite.

Girl meets boy. Anna and Nick. Anna is the reserved quiet type, watching out for what she says. She is longing for a nice boyfriend who would eventually become her husband. She has no problem addressing these feelings to Nick. Nick on the other hand is a piece of work. His goals are to keep it casual. Sort of like a smash-n-dash 🤣. Ya know, a hit-it-n-quit-it kinda dude.

Meet Zoe, Anna’s twin sister. They could not be more opposite. Zoe isn’t keen on Anna’s new beau. What is really going on here with Nick and what’s the motive for the twins?

That's all the breadcrumbs I am leaving here. The reader will have to read The Image of you to find out! If domestic thrillers are your jam, pick this bad boy up.

Thank you so much Harlequin Trade Publishing and Brianna at The Hive for inviting me to buddy read. It was my pleasure to read and review The Image of You by Adele Parks. 3.5 ⭐️

Profile Image for Laura.
380 reviews77 followers
July 20, 2018
Anna hatte bisher wenig Glück mit Männern. Da sie nicht mehr an die klassische Liebe auf den ersten Blick glaubt, macht sie sich im Internet auf die Suche. Über eine Singleseite lernt sie den attraktiven und erfolgreichen Nick kennen. Nick jedoch ist nicht wirklich auf der Suche nach etwas Ernstem, doch auch er scheint sich in Anna zu verlieben. Doch Zoe, Annas Zwillingsschwester, traut dem scheinbar perfekten Nick nicht über den Weg. Sie will Anna zuliebe Nicks Treue testen, doch die Dinge laufen aus dem Ruder und Zoe und Nick beginnen eine Affäre hinter dem Rücken ihrer Schwester.

Zwar steht auf dem Cover geschrieben, dass es sich bei “Bei deinem Leben” um einen Roman handelt, auf der Verlagsseite wird das Buch jedoch unter den Thrillern und Krimis aufgeführt. Ich würde sagen, dass das Buch zum größten Teil tatsächlich ein Roman ist, jedoch gerade zum Ende hin eindeutige Thrillerelemente liefert.

Wir beginnen zunächst mit den Ereignissen aus der Sicht von Anna, wechseln jedoch bald regelmäßig zwischen ihr und Nick. Im Laufe der Story kommt auch Zoes Sicht der Dinge hinzu. Obwohl Anna und Zoe Zwillingsschwestern sind, sind beide grundverschieden. Während Anna recht ruhig, besonnen und nett ist, ist Zoe das genaue Gegenteil – offensiv, extrovertiert und sehr darauf bedacht ihre körperlichen Vorzüge zu betonen. Die Unterschiede wurden recht gut herausgearbeitet, wenngleich ein wenig zu sehr bedacht darauf, immer die extremen Gegenteile zu zeigen.

Die Kennenlerngeschichte von Anna und Nick war sehr glatt und eigentlich zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Nick schien mir wirklich kein sehr tiefgründiger Charakter zu sein und ich wurde nicht richtig warm mit ihm. Auch seine Entscheidungen im Laufe des Buches waren mehr als oft einfach nur dumm und unreflektiert. Er rannte quasi sehenden Auges in sein Unglück, so dass sich mein Mitleid in Grenzen gehalten hat.

Insgesamt hat mir das Buch echt gut gefallen, auch wenn prinzipiell in den ersten zwei Dritteln kaum etwas mit Thrill passierte. Trotzdem war es einfach sehr interessant wie sich die Dinge entwickelten und wie sich die ganze Geschichte langsam, aber beharrlich, hochschaukelte. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass die Wendung am Ende für viele recht überraschend kommt, vor allem wenn man noch nie ein Buch mit ähnlicher Thematik gelesen hat. Für mich war eine (zwar vorhersehbare) aber gute, und vor allem auch nötige Wendung, um dem Ganzen den gewissen Pfiff zu geben. Für mich ist “Bei deinem Leben” sicherlich nicht das letzte Buch von Adele Parks. Die Autorin hat bereits einiges geschrieben und ich hoffe, dass noch mehr Bücher von ihr ins Deutsche übersetzt werden in Zukunft.
Profile Image for Lisa Kusel.
Author 4 books210 followers
May 20, 2024
2.5. rounded up.

Audiobook. Lucy Paterson was pretty good. Pretty good.

As for the story....dammit. This was the first Adele Parks book that actually made me cringe a little. The conceit/twist of the novel was patently, blaringly, obvious from the outset. Still, I persisted. Why did I continue on, you wonder? I'll tell you:

1) Because NOT ALL THRILLERS NEED A MIND-BLOWING TWIST at the end to be good. (Sorry for yelling, but I am getting a tad tired by all the suspense/thriller reviews that focus on nothing but that f'ing twist! There is more to a story than the unreliable narrator, the dead woman who is not dead; the obvious killer not being the killer; the split personality; the whole thing being a dream....etc. Sure, I love me a good twist, but it shouldn't be the end-all, you know? I want a good story, well-told, regardless of the genre.

Which leads me to the second reason I continued on:

2) Ms. Parks knows how to write. Her settings and descriptions are sharp as a tack. Her characters' inner monologues all ring achingly true. In this book, as with the many other Adele Parks I've read, I wanted to know what was going to happen because I felt invested in the people who populated it. I rooted for Anna. I hated Zoe. I had mixed feelings about Nick (although I honestly found his vacillations to be both riveting and believable). I was swept up in the drama. Yes, I really was.

Until I wasn't.

Oh, but it took so long to get anywhere. And the sex...all that ____ing and ____ing and ___ing got a bit tiresome. I understood the point she was making by the repetition, but sometimes I felt as if I were being clobbered over the head.

I'm not being clear. Sorry. In the end, I felt the book was too long for the story concept. There were too many scenes that should have been edited or cut altogether (for example: the wedding dress shopping. One visit should have been enough).

I'll stop here. Otherwise I will be guilty of doing exactly what I am accusing Ms. Parks of doing.

Profile Image for Catherine Myers.
151 reviews
June 8, 2018
This was a very disappointing book. Not one character was likeable or believable. Not one I would recommend.
Profile Image for Erica⭐.
381 reviews
November 19, 2020
Anna and Zoe are twins. Identical in appearances but polar opposites in personality. Their bond is so special that nothing can tear them apart. Until, Anna meets Nick. Anna thinks Nick is perfect but Zoe believes him to be a liar and sets out to prove it.
We see Anna and Nick meeting and their ensuing relationship. Then we have the complication of Zoe thrown in.
I did like the characters in this. Anna, Zoe and Nick are very strong characters and for the most part, likeable. There were times when I get frustrated with them, some of the secrets they keep from each other are pointless and so minuscule, at times they come across extremely childlike. This aside, I did enjoy reading their story and the developments in their lives.
Profile Image for yadi.
354 reviews4 followers
April 17, 2024
4⭐️. 1.5🌶️

I went into this book not knowing much about the story and also it is the first time I read a book from this author. The beginning of the book really hooked me and I thought that is was going to be a sweet romance but too soon Anna and Nick were to get married. And then things started to happen.

Then the story took a turn that I never saw coming and it was just wow for me. At that point I didn’t know what to feel anymore towards these characters. But the plot twist did blew my mind🤯.

I never in my life had been so mad and upset about the cheating trope in a book. I wanted to slapped both of these characters. One thing I do want to complain about is that there was so much filling in this book that could have been edited. I really don’t know why we get Nick’s mom POV, to me it felt irrelevant.

I still don’t know in what category or genre but this book. But the story was good and unexpected.

By the way the movie for this book is coming out soon I’m really curious about it.

*Thanks to The Hive on Instagram and to NetGalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Cleopatra  Pullen.
1,426 reviews320 followers
February 25, 2018
It’s always good to read Adele Parks books when you want to escape life and The Image of You was no different.

It all starts with Anna joining a dating website to find the man of her dreams. This romantic and lovely woman in her early thirties has come to accept that she will never find him if she waits for their eyes to meet across a crowded room. Anna has recently moved to London and as you’d expect she’s had her heart-broken but she’s also across the Atlantic from her family, her parents and her twin sister Zoe. The girl’s names designed to bookend the alphabet also have entirely different personalities. Zoe isn’t sweet and romantic, she’s a woman who parties hard, is flirty and unpredictable. Zoe is however on hand to make sure that Anna’s profile is designed to meet someone suitable, not someone who will hurt her.

Anna meets Nick, a high-flying banker who joined the site to worm his way into places other than a girl’s heart. Nick isn’t looking for love, he’s looking for fun. But he meets up with Anna and finds that sometimes a wholesome woman is better than his normal type.

So far so simple. Girl meets boy. Boy likes girl but only time will tell whether he is going to be the womanising cheat that Anna is keen to avoid. And then Zoe visits London and we find out what she makes of the relationship.

This was a compulsive read and so even though I guessed which direction the story was going in, I was still doubting myself until all was revealed. The twin’s characters whilst overtly stereotypical at the outset became more nuanced the further through the book you read so although Anna was way too sweet and perfect for my taste and Zoe far too wild, there was a proper back-story to explain their extremes. I think it is impossible for someone who isn’t an identical twin to be fascinated by this closest of all the genetic relationships, after all they are closer to each other in this respect than they are to their parents, or children if they have them. This alone makes the story a great premise and as it progresses this relationship is the one at the heart.

I also enjoyed the realistic portrayal of internet dating. The different aims of the people who use it in this consumer society is demonstrated in the early scenes which doesn’t forget the assumptions made by others about those who choose this method to find a partner.

Ultimately this is a book about relationships, not just romantic but between siblings, parents and workmates. Nick’s scenes with his mates and his colleagues all had an authenticity about them which are often rare in women’s fiction.

The Image of You kept me turning the pages, of course to find out how it all ends, that’s a given, but the author kept me interested in these people who I maybe would avoid in ‘real life’ but who fascinated with throughout the book.
Profile Image for Anne.
2,299 reviews1,147 followers
March 21, 2018
It's been a long time since I read anything by Adele Parks and I was a little surprised to find that she's moved into the psychological thriller genre. The Image of You is most certainly domestic noir; it's a study in sibling relationships, in rivalry and love, with a twist.

Anna is the quiet unassuming twin, living in the UK and dreaming of finding her ideal man. Creating an online profile on a dating website is not something that she's all that comfortable with, and when her twin sister Zoe insists that she must be a little imaginative in her profile, Anna is uneasy.

Zoe and Anna are twins, and whilst they may look alike, their personalities, character and lifestyles are the complete opposite. Anna runs everything past Zoe, even though she knows that Zoe's opinions and influences are not always the best.

When Anna meets Nick, she falls completely and utterly head over heels in love. He is everything that she ever dreamed of. Handsome, rich, successful and kind, just the type of guy that she needs in her life. Zoe, on the other hand, is suspicious. She doesn't believe that anyone can be as perfect as Nick and is determined to protect her sister, and make sure that she isn't hurt.

When Zoe and Nick finally meet, the story takes a dark and uneasy turn. Zoe's manipulative behaviour, and Nick's weaknesses slowly and surely take their toll and the reader is left wondering just what the hell is going on.

Adele Parks has written a clever and well thought out story that starts out as a domestic drama and turns into an intense and dramatic tale of mental illness, bereavement and dishonestly. There are secrets and lies along with shocks and twists that keep the reader gripped. Her character creation is excellent, with Anna and Zoe being especially well done. The female characters certainly take the edge in this one.

Whilst I'll admit that I did guess the twist in The Image of You, before the reveal, it wasn't an issue as I was eager to find out how the author would present it to the reader. I wasn't disappointed, and the actual detail was extremely well done, and not what I expected at all.

With an intriguing hook, this is a gripping and quite compelling story that explores the intensity of relationships and the effect of grief.
October 2, 2017
The nail varnish yessss!

Even though I sussed "wot was the plot" lol! pretty early on I still turned the pages avidly because Park's ending could have twisted several ways ...a good read but I was left thinking "am I brilliant at unravelling or is the story transparent? And does it matter?
Profile Image for Mellisa.
537 reviews156 followers
September 22, 2021
Twins Anna and Zoe are identical in looks, but opposites in personality. Zoe has always been very protective of Anna, and when Anna meets Nick, Zoe doesn't believe he's good enough. She believes he's going to break Anna's heart - and she's going to be the one to prove it.

Wow! This book just did not stop, twist after twist, the huge one leaving me absolutely shocked - yet making perfect sense when thinking back through it! Adele has a way of making her stories so shocking and twisty that you don't want to put them down. Another fantastic book by Adele!
Profile Image for Rhian Eleri.
371 reviews22 followers
August 6, 2018
Nick has been using dating sights for years to get his own wicked way. He has no interest in relationships but doesnt declare this on his profile.
His life is one big funfair. He's loving life.
Then along comes Anna. And there is something about her, he can't explain it. None of his friends believe it, but he's actually fallen in love.
Nicks life changes in blink of an eye, he and Anna fall deeper and palan their lives together. Anna is beautiful and sweet, Nick feels ovewhelmed that someone as perfect as her feels this way about him. They meet eachotehrs friends and family, Anna has a twin sister who shes nervous to introduce Nick to... but she needn't have worried. Right?? They got on like a house in fire!!?
The story is told from various perspectives, Nicks, Annas' Zoe her twins', nicks motheramd Annas' mother.
At times i felt it was all building up to something...which it did, but having those particular perspectives didn't really add to the story in my opinion.
The ending was strange, i felt adter the 'big reveal' of the twist that there was going to be some kind of double twist... that never happened. Or else i dint think so?! There is an epilogue that did confuse me a little.. but i think i wanted it to be more than it was so im making things up and doubting the words iv read!!🙊
A good quick read nevertheless.
Profile Image for Sarah.
781 reviews
March 14, 2023
I guessed the twist almost immediately which kind of took the intrigue out of this novel. There's big swathes of the book where nothing really happens so it could have been a third shorter than it was. I also didn't like any of the characters but that's not a deal breaker for me if they're well written but they're a little cartoonish in this. The duality of the twins nature was particularly polarised and I understand why but it just felt clumsy. The male character, the main one, was just a twat and I didn't care at all what happened to him at any stage. The twins parents were also completely one dimensional and odd.

The writing isn't terrible in terms of the plot and it did keep me reading so it was engaging to a point. At the end though I was mainly reading to see if I was right rather than because I cared. It was a bit meh.
Profile Image for Kristin.
320 reviews61 followers
April 14, 2024
This book had me sucked in and captivated by the storyline. The second half just flew by!! Anna and Zoe are twins. They look identical but have many different personality traits that are totally different. Anna is more shy reserved, quiet type. Zoe is more outgoing, life of party, wild girl. Anna meets Nick and they start dating. Nick comes from a wild past and seems really shady. As they get to know once another something just seems off. I really enjoyed this story. Go in blind- I typically do with every book I read. This one I could see how many of the surprises could be innocently spoiled so just be cautious reading reviews. I’d just jump in and be along for this twisty wild ride! Many thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing, MIRA and NetGalley for the digital review copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Bree.
37 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2024
Dull, boring, spotted the ‘twist’ a mile off. Skim read the second half of the book waiting for things to happen. They didn’t. Stereotypical characters who I couldn’t have cared less about, cliched plot & I only finished it because it was a book club pick. I won’t be returning to Adele Parks in the near future
1 review
January 20, 2019
So many eye rolls ...

I never can guess the twist in the tale, so when I spotted this one - so obvious after just a few chapters, I was intrigued and of course just had to finish. Huge disappointment. Don’t bother - was not worth it
October 25, 2021
Mediocre reading

Unfortunately I suspected the “twist” about a third of the way in and continued reading purely to see if I was right. The ending…. Not for me this one, sorry
Profile Image for Kita .
92 reviews1 follower
April 29, 2024
I knew I had to read this as soon as I saw the movie trailer with Sasha Pieterse in it, playing a twin nevertheless. My middle school heart who used to devour the Pretty Little Liars book jumped out of my chest. In another universe, unruled by Marlene E King, this is the story of Alison and Courtney for adults. Maybe I was biased going to this one. Because of the similarities, I felt I’d like this one.

I loved this thriller. It was addictive, well written with a twist I didn’t see coming. Maybe this is a one you read with your (thrilled and exhilarated) heart instead of your head because some plot holes may come to light. Without spoilers, like 95% of it makes sense but some things are a head scratcher. Sometimes it’s good to suspend disbelief for the sake of the plot and a clear cut ending. If you like well-written thrillers about twins and a fast paced book, I would recommend this one before it comes out on the big screen.
Profile Image for Katrin Schäfer.
407 reviews7 followers
August 8, 2018
Bei deinem Leben
von Adele Parks
HarperCollins Germany
Ich bedanke mich herzlich beim HarperCollins Verlag und Netgalley für das Rezensionsexemplar, meine Meinung wurde dadurch nicht beeinflusst.
Das Cover wirkt auf mich düster und bedrückend durch dieses Treppenhaus und gehört eindeutig in das Genre Krimi/Thriller als welches das Buch auch auf der Verlagsseite geführt wird.
Anna ist auf der Suche nach der Liebe und findet im Internet Nick. Die beiden beginnen eine Beziehung, doch Annas Zwillingsschwester Zoe traut Nick nicht über den Weg und will seine Treue testen. Kurz darauf haben die beiden eine Affäre.
Das Buch ist eher ein Roman als ein Thriller, obwohl es zum Ende hin einige Thrillerelemente aufweist. Zum Beginn erzählt nur Anna in dem Buch doch im späteren Verlauf wechselt die Erzählweise auch zu Nick und Zoe. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Zwillingen wurden sehr gut heraus gearbeitet, wie Tag und Nacht, daher vielleicht auch etwas zu extrem. Nick ist nicht ein so tiefgründiger Charakter und es liegt am Leser selbst ob man mit ihm warm wird oder nicht. Seine Entscheidungen sind weder durchdacht noch sonderlich klug so dass es kommt wie es kommen musste. In den ersten 2/3 des Buches fehlen die Thrillerelemente und kommen erst ziemlich spät zum tragen. Dennoch ist das Lesen interessant, da sich die Entwicklung langsam durch das ganze Buch hinweg nach oben schraubte bis zur der vielleicht überraschenden Wendung am Ende. Eine gut verwobene Story, die leicht lesbar ist und durch das Ende überzeugen kann. 4/5 Sterne
Profile Image for Chanel Lindsay.
549 reviews8 followers
March 30, 2018
I didn't really have high expectations for this but boy, what are a read. An highly enjoyable read that was very cleverly written.

This book follows twins Anna and Zoe. Identical in appearance, utterly different in personality, they share a bond so close that nothing - or no one - can rip them apart. Until Anna meets charismatic Nick. Anna is trusting, romantic and hopeful; she thinks Nick is perfect. Zoe is daring, dangerous and extreme; she thinks Nick is a liar. Zoe has seen Anna betrayed by men before. She'll stop at nothing to discover if Nick is as good as he seems.

I was hooked on this book right from the very first page! The twists and turns just kept on coming and I found myself enjoying it more and more every chapter. Extremely well-written and I found it very hard to put down!

This one featured great characters! I found myself sympathizing with all the main characters at one point or another throughout the story.

Although I guessed a couple of aspects of the story early, the twist at the end was something I didn't see coming! Brilliant! A rollercoaster of a read that I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Charlene Wedgner.
39 reviews32 followers
December 16, 2017
Firstly a huge thank you to the headline team at bookbridgr .... I am a huge Adele parks fan and have been reading her books for as long as I can remember. 

Again as expected this was swiftly read in one gulp .

I think it's safe to say she gets better and better .

This explores siblings and the troubled relationship they can have.

What happens when you feel like you are living in their shadows?

This explores mental health.  . I can't say too much as don't want to give spoilers.

But I will say Adele writes about it sensitively and also portrays it in  positive light.in today's society of 24 hour media in a variety of outlets it's easy to focus on the scandalised events we are shown.  This has often mean mental illness is shown as a negative.

Whereas reading this and Annas story I could really relate to and I think other readers will find comfort in that.

You will be hooked !

This is unpredictable and compelling.

Another amazing read from a fantastic author and one I'm sure to be flying off the shelves in 2018.
June 13, 2021
*Shocking Twist*

This book started off about twins Anna & Zoe. Both very different, Anna almost like the girl next door who works for a charity and is a wholesome character.
Zoe very different and unapologetic for her brashness, confrontational behaviour, she is a model, drinks and drugs so very opposite.

Anna wants to meet a man and wants the fairytale & after a lot of heartache guided by Zoe she tries online dating. She meets Nick and all seems like it’s going well then in after a short while he proposes. Then she says she wants him to meet her twin who is the complete opposite and it comes as a surprise to him as Anna had failed to mention she had a twin.

The venue is set but Anna is delayed with work. He says they should put it off then Anna says he should meet her twin on his own. He sees Zoe and the attraction is instant………

Why are Zoe and Anna never together at the same time, Nick is in for a shock that he does not see coming and Anna is holding an even greater secret……..
Profile Image for Juliana Graham.
489 reviews8 followers
March 1, 2018
Mmm, an interesting enough read but not particularly convincing or suspenseful. I'd worked out the twist by chapter 11 and there were 52! I therefore read the rest of the book looking for things that would disprove my theory or to back it up.

It's hard to say much without spoilers but I'm not sure how Nick got himself into the situation he found himself in - seemed far fetched - and also why on earth HE felt the need to apologise to his fiancée at the end of the book after everything that happened. The ending of the book at the fundraising event also seemed ludicrously unbelievable, especially if Hal had any inkling of what had happened previously.

I've not enjoyed the last two Adele Parks books as much as I've enjoyed earlier books by her. I need to work out if it is her who has changed or me...!
Profile Image for Roz.
71 reviews6 followers
January 14, 2018
Took me a little while to get into this but once I did it was gripping.

I didn’t guess the outcome, there were several possible directions.

Totally recommend it.
Profile Image for PrettyFlamingo.
670 reviews8 followers
October 1, 2018
I once took a work contract to cover someone’s secondment. Her name was Zoe, and I subsequently became known as “Not Zoe”. That comment was in my mind all the way through reading this book.

The title along with the back cover sets the scene for us, and once we become aware it features identical twin sisters it could be seen as being predictable. It isn’t. The book’s title could refer to the image each sister has of the other or Nick’s image of the two sisters. Or even one’s self image; Anna knocks two years off her age fearing that being just over 30 puts her into another bracket (don’t we all see that when we fill in questionnaires that ask our age? Getting to 31 or 41 means you are lumped in with 50 year olds!) The Image means to me, in this context, making people see what you want them to see. Their minds can fill in the rest.

The prologue starts off with an indictment of life in the present decade – what do we even call it? – that is laden with cynicism. But that is not entirely unfair – I agree with much of the writer’s observations. The book has a lot to say about modern dating, in particular online dating. From experiences of a couple of friends I’d say it can be laden with problems. At least if you are not meeting someone’s eyes across a crowded room in the old fashioned way and staying at home, that has to be better than meeting an impostor or a player online!

The three key players are twins Anna and Zoe – yin and yang, opposites of the alphabet, different as can be – aren’t they? Anna is cute and socially conscious, Zoe a selfish party animal. Anna meets Nick online but Zoe is instantly suspicious of him and thinks he isn’t trustworthy. Characters are established at the beginning of chapters from these points of view – only Zoe’s is in first person, and the reason for this becomes clear at the end. We get the impression of a goody two shoes, a serial philanderer and an addict. But is this true? Is anyone really a caricature in that way? The very nature of meeting someone on line would raise a paradox for me – could they be trusted? How do I know that they aren’t still on the site, thinking that there might be something better around the corner if they look long enough? So for someone like Anna who has trust issues online dating proves something of a paradox.

Nick quickly becomes a reformed character (doesn’t he?) falls for Anna and proposes within a few weeks. But Nick is keen to retain his playboy image in front of his mates, which I think is the pivotal moment that kicks off the drama in the rest of the book. Nick hasn’t changed, not at all. He is selfish, a weak-willed self-apologist and even knowing what we know at the end, he has betrayed his fiancée, no doubt about what he tells himself. This also proves him a bad judge of character, and rather stupid, it has to be said!

Though Anna says she is seeking love, do any of these characters – and the secondary characters - know the difference between love, madness and obsession? Where does one cease to be and blend into the other? Perhaps the strongest example of love would be Anna’s for her sister, though that of both sets of parents for their children seems to be more honest. Nick’s sister Rachel is mistrustful of Anna when she meets her despite Anna behaving in an exemplary fashion. I think Rachel is highly perceptive and also sussed something out at the restaurant – the nail polish was the moment I clicked what was going on – but not the whole story.

I think that Alexia, the twins’ mother, was discerning and accurate in her assessment and reminiscences of the girls as children. Anna seemed to have a kinder view of Zoe and though Zoe says in the narrative that it is her job to protect Anna, I think the opposite was true.

The epilogue as the final chapter ingeniously reflects the comments at the end of the prologue – pay attention! I’d like to think that Nick has changed his ways for real by the end and that the final chapter – oh how cute! - is the start of a whole new episode but I wouldn’t guarantee it.

I’d highly recommend this as a departure from the usual domestic noir book with well developed characters, relevant current social issues and compelling narrative.

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217 reviews6 followers
May 7, 2024

An alluring and compulsive read with an impressive TWIST! 😍

Ermmm Adele Parks…. Whattttt!!!! This was amazing! I’ve not been this engrossed in a book or its characters for a while and I loved it. From the very beginning to the end I NEEDED more. And yes, I mean needed. I couldn’t wait for my next fix every time I put it down!

The prologue went from 🤣 to 🩸 in 0.2 seconds and I was so here for it. It really kicked started this read appropriately and made me super intrigued.

The book centres around identical twins Anna and Zoe. They both have different personalities, but their bond is unbreakable. This is until Anna meets Nick.
Anna is trustful and romantic and to her Nick is perfect. Zoe is dangerous and extreme and thinks that Nick is a liar. Zoe has seen Anna betrayed before so she’ll stop at nothing to discover if Nick is a good as he seems.

From the blurb alone I knew I’d be in for a treat, but this book is way more than that, it was a dessert! It was so easy to read, contained multiple POVs and varying chapter lengths which worked perfectly. The book did commence on the slower side and also had a slight sense of predictability to it, but the pace quickened and things became unpredictable and I found myself turning the page with speed.

Anna and Zoe were totally different to one another and I loved this contrast. I loved Anna’s whirlwind romance with Nick, but when the foundations of a relationship are built on tiny white lies, you know it’s not going to be a smooth journey. Zoe’s interactions with Nick were also brilliant to read. I loved reading each of the trio’s perspectives.

This book made me feel so mad at times, but Parks elicited this response in a very clever way. With themes of deceit, infidelity and romance, this was one seductive psychological thriller, but what was more ingenious, was THAT TWIST! What a climax! I had a sense that something was coming and a few ideas about it and I was defintely on the right tracks, but wow! I thought the epilogue was brilliant too and I did not see it coming either.

I’m actually going to miss these characters, which sounds totally bizarre, but I was so invested in this read. I am so happy that this has been turned into a film by Paramount Pictures and I CANNOT wait to watch. 😍

You all need to go and check out this book now! 🤩

💬: ‘This is their moment to set the world alight, to show that they are unique little snowflakes with the power to make an avalanche.’

⚠️ Please check out the trigger warnings! ⚠️
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