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On their first meeting, Varic Maedoc, prince of the vampyrs, told Jason Thorpe that loving him was not for the faint of heart. He wasn’t kidding. In the past two years, Jason has been kidnapped, lived through several attempts on his life, and foiled a coup. Now, his new life as the prince’s consort and adviser to the king is made even harder by Varic’s prolonged absence. With his prince off hunting down a traitor, Jason must fend for himself.

While the separation doesn’t last, even Varic’s return won’t stave off the wicked plotting of others, and Jason soon finds himself—again—fighting for his life while navigating ancient betrayals and revenge put in motion before he was even born. And he must prevail because his prince needs him to bring a place without honor back into his realm.

But what festers in rage and bitterness is something Jason never expected, and nothing he’s experienced in his human life, or in the decadent court of the king, could’ve prepared him for the wrath that’s about to be unleashed.

Varic needs both his crown and his consort to be the king he’s always wanted to be, and it’s up to Jason to make sure their bond never breaks.

334 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 16, 2024

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About the author

Mary Calmes

123 books4,869 followers
Mary Calmes believes in romance, happily ever afters, and the faith it takes for her characters to get there. She bleeds coffee, thinks chocolate should be its own food group, and currently lives in Kentucky with a six-pound furry ninja that protects her from baby birds, spiders and the neighbor’s dogs. To stay up to date on her ponderings and pandemonium (as well as the adventures of the ninja) follow her on Twitter @MaryCalmes, connect with her on Facebook, and subscribe to her Mary’s Mob newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews
Profile Image for Achim.
1,213 reviews76 followers
April 21, 2024
Have to admit House of Maedoc is not my favorite Calmes series so I don't remember much details about the previous books but in the end that didn't matter much because it's more important that you're familiar with Mary's kind of magic. If that's the case you feel immediately at home in the first part of this book. She does what she does best: rambling about the every-day life of an empathetic, nice guy who's a odd combination of grounded and airhead with the ability to create a found family from scratch. Doesn't matter if this every-day life is being the only nearly-human being and seneschal at the court of the vampyr king. That adds only a little exotic to the Mary magic. Of course he's only in that position because he became the mate and consort of the crown-prince but if you expect the get a romance you would be wrong because in the first part Varic, the vampyr prince, is mainly there on the phone and even later before the start of the 2nd part of the book he's easily to be confused as a support character, an important one but nevertheless. I don't know how I feel about their relationship anyway: after Varic confessed that he hid a life changing information from him, Jason is only shrugging it off and that wasn't the only case he went over nonchalantly.

Then there is the 2nd part of the book and action/adventure is added but what can I say: I got confused and didn't understand what it's all about or why. A North Korean like vampire enclave at Greenland with normal normal digesting vampires and a century old obsession? Regardless of my doubts about reasoning or intrinsic logic it got emotional and I could shed some tears, so I was reconciled somehow. Then I expected a short wrap-up and the postponed marriage as the end, maybe followed by an epilogue where they hold their newborn twins. Unfortunately the wrap-up wasn't anything but short. Somehow it reminded me of the last part of Lord of the Rings where there was an end after an end after the next end. Wasn't the best part of that movie and wasn't the best decision for this book. An epilogue with kids would have been better.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
594 reviews552 followers
May 16, 2024
Jason and Varic finally get their much-deserved and earned HEA. I love every adventure with these two. Jason being a trouble magnet never ceases to amaze me. His huge heart and endless kindness center so many amazing moments as those around him are constantly befuddled and shocked at his continuous optimism in the face of endless peril.

I love every adventure Jason has embarked upon in this story, which includes his separation from Varic, their reunion, and finally, the planning of their wedding are all wonderful character-building moments that I could not get enough of.

These characters, their growth, and the constant surprises made for a grand finale that I am very sad is over. I will miss reading Jason's adventures, but love that I can always go back and return to this wonderful world.
2,402 reviews3 followers
April 18, 2024
character and plot development issues dragged it down for me

Rating: 3🌈

As much as I’ve enjoyed the previous books in the series, His Realm was just a disconnect for me in many ways. From certain aspects of the character of Jason specifically to moments in the plot that weakens the couple and their dynamic, I just found I had issues here.

Which is a shame because I do enjoy so many of the scenes that the author has created here for the main characters and between others just as important.

House of Maedoc is an entertaining series that, in books one and two, creates a unique world and populates it with dynamic characters. It’s been wonderful to go along with Jason and Varic throughout their journey from their first meeting to their current position in their relationship. It’s been a tumultuous journey with both individuals undergoing major changes in their lives and their personal emotional development.

I’ve loved watching them. Up to now. Because it’s worked til now. Each story has contained huge amounts of dramatic elements and forward momentum in the vampire world and relationships. Even with characters who are not readily likable or beings seen as worthy of emotional connection, like the King himself.

It is Jason who should anchor his own story alongside his Prince, Varic. But Calmes makes some interesting choices for the story and characters that , for me as a reader, dilutes their impact as a strong couple and for their personalities, which spend so much time apart.

Here, Jason’s emotional responses to various highly complex or tragic situations just seem off. These ‘light hearted’ sort of particular personality traits are ones we’ve seen before in other Mary Calmes characters. But usually they were contemporary characters and the events that caused some of the same reactions were less likely to be as violent or extreme as the events that occurred here.

A grin or teasing comment from Jason when one would necessarily or reasonably expect a serious, thoughtful response to a question or situation where it’s been a an ongoing tragedy or people have lost their lives or subjected to loss.

It’s so jarring that it causes the reader to question whether the character’s actions are credible and think how shattered you’d be in the same situation.

There’s more. Repeatedly, Jason warns of serious threats and is dismissed. Even after being informed his advice won’t be ignored anymore. But Jason himself is a major problem. He,as the consort of the Prince, and therefore a member of the royal household, refuses to adhere to security measures and protocols. He constantly goes out without his guards, not reflecting on the ramifications of this for Varic and his staff.

He’s become an inconsistent character. As has Varic in relation with communication with Jason, what distance does to their relationship, etc.

It’s one element after another which weakens them, the story, their relationship, for the sake of a narrative drama that involves so many frustrating scenes and dysfunctional dynamics that it’s hard to care at times how it ends.

With a wedding and more things that just are pulled together quickly enough for the sake of the series rather than in keeping with everything that’s gone on before, with all the threads and characters’ personalities.

I like this author and feel that she has other, stronger series and characters to choose from.

Read this if you’re a fan, and to finish this series.

House of Maedoc :
- [x] His Consort #1
- [x] His Prince #2
- [x] His Realm #3
Profile Image for Aure7ia.
421 reviews15 followers
April 17, 2024

A bit disappointing. Varec is mostly absent and Jason makes the same mistakes time and again.
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,915 reviews261 followers
May 30, 2024
Weeeeeeellllllll...I'm going to round up with my rating but I am just not sure exactly how I feel about this one.

Jason is still unprotected and getting kidnapped or protected and sneaking out. Varic is still gone and not communicating. Oh, and they never got married.

I'm not sure exactly how much time has passed since the last book but I was very surprised this didn't start with a wedding.

I am again sad. There was again a lot of loss.

The King's betrayal was to me, unforgivable and where his storyline goes at the end made me sort of sick to my stomach. He should have been executed. Sorry!

I wonder if this is the last one?

I don't know. I mostly liked it and it had some exciting moments. The Greenland vamps were nasty! I guess overall it was good and maybe reading three in a row was Jason overkill.

I'm also a little pissed this never made its way back to New Orleans.
Profile Image for rebecca.
516 reviews15 followers
June 7, 2024
“Thank you for clarifying why the rules don’t apply to me. I love being your consort more than anything, and it’s good to know that the law doesn’t apply to mates.”
“No, it does not. Love eclipses all else.”

I am so incredibly glad I kept going even though book one wasn’t that great. This was one fantastic series. I loved this final part almost just as much as part two.

Although every book had a different plot (with the same kind of idea anyway) I loved how this final part just brought it all together. The end was heartbreaking but beautiful, with just as much action as the other books had and with just as much cheesy romance (even more so to be honest).

I’m really just rather sad this has come to an end.
Profile Image for Kelly.
56 reviews1 follower
April 19, 2024
Rating: 3.5⭐

I just was so excited for this to come out, I love Jason and Varic. This series so so rich with found family, h/c, and the love between Jason and Varic is so epic. But this just did not hit the way I thought it would.

I think my expectations were too high or skewed maybe. The end of His Consort they were supposed to get married like the next day then this book starts out like a year later (I think? The timeline was a littleeeee unclear to me) and they still aren't married, and Varic is MIA.

Varic is actually MIA for like 87% of this book. Which is another point of disappointment for me. I love J & V together so much and you'd think after the 700 attempts on his consort's life that Varic wouldn't leave Jason in that palace alone for any period of time.

I understand Jason is supposed to be this like calm and understanding guy, but if your fiance left you in a palace where you're the only human for 5 months, you're father in-law doesn't seem to appreciate the endless effort you give and then cancels your vacation, which you later find out was him trying to MARRY YOU OFF TO HIS UNCLE.....I think some more emotion would be applicable. I've never wanted a character to have a lil breakdown more, like babe just snap a little bit, go crazy for 5 minutes, I'm begging. I just feel like Jason's flippancy about everything felt a little.....stupid. It was cute in His Prince, but now you've been In It for 2 years(???), I would think a trained soldier would get it into his brain not to go out alone when someone was just plotting to ship you off to Greenland less than 48 hours ago.

Things I wish were lingered on a bit more:

• Varic and Jason as rulers
• the kings betrayal
• the fact that Jason actually knows when something bad is about to happen and everyone just pats him on the head and is like silly human do you need a snack?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sanna.
581 reviews19 followers
April 18, 2024
His Realm is the trilogy third in House of Maedoc. HEA. MM Paranormal Romance. PNR. Royals. Vampires. Action. Kidnapping.

1POV, 1st person, past tense. This kindle edition 334 pages, April 16, 2024.

Now this was a fitting trilogy third! Whoa!
Everything got properly wrapped up into a fitting HEA.
Very dramatic! Exciting. I fell hard also for this one but no surprise there 😍
I love the good story. And I love HEA. I can only sigh the happy sigh of a fan of the series that's completely happy with what I got! I only wish for the series to GO ON!

43 reviews
April 17, 2024
Hmmm - I probably won't read this one again. Unlike the first two, which I've read/listen to repeatedly. Storyline doesn't really change from the first two. Jason is chased/attacked/kidnapped, Varic saves him. Rinse and repeat.
Profile Image for BeckieLouLou.
331 reviews14 followers
August 6, 2024
5 stars. What a fantastic series, three books total, all following the same couple, reviewed as a whole as it’s really just one big story. Starts with some delightful misconceptions when a human stumbles into a paranormal situation. The conclusions he draws are great and watching him piece together and figure out what he’s seeing and hearing is a treat. This excellent beginning is followed by a fantastic cat and mouse chase, an eventual meet-up and then romance and as venture. This couple gets together early in the series and stays together in an us-against-the-world, bad-things-around-every-corner, someone-is-out-to-get-me story. Excellent writing, excellent character development, fantastic trove of found-family and friends makes a rich story that hurts when the bad-things happen. And there are bad things, there is sadness and grief as everyone does not make it through this story unscathed. It is an HEA, rest assured there, but we suffer with the characters to get there.

Excellent world building, loved that we changed scenery, spent an entire book in the human world and then the next two books were in the vampire world. Intrigue, plotting and light royalty/court drama. This court/courtier drama was perfect, a bit catty but not too with much more page space devoted to the running, escaping adventure parts of the story.

Well done, brilliant. I love this author, her style and story telling just DO IT for me. Sweet, sexy, spicy, interesting with some possessiveness. Mmm,mmm, good.

Vampire, human, fated mates, m/m, prince/commoner, contemporary, paranormal, series, t/b roles, really spicy.
Profile Image for Fernanda Fatio.
374 reviews
April 22, 2024
While I really liked the last book, this one felt underwhelming. There’s no character development here, the plot is weak and repetitive. There’s a time lapse between books 2 and 3 and they’re not married yet. Instead of focusing on that and thr upcoming coronation, we have a new villain, of course.
Jason gets himself kidnapped-again- because he did not listen to Varic and Zed -again and decided to go frolicking into the town alone -again, so Varic had to go rescue him -again.
Varic is absent for most of the book and Jason is still in this annoying flippant/unworried self. Varic is away for 5 months and they’re barely talking on the phone. Instead of taking charge of the situation, Jason simply goes with the motions. When people disrespects him, he doesn’t do anything despite his position. When he finally talks to Varic, and finds out the separation is slowly killing him and that Varic knew about it, the only thing he does is demand an apology. Groveling? Remind Varic he is not a toy? Of course not.
When the king tries to send him off as slave and bring Varic’s old lover to replace him, there’s no extra angst or discussion about that. He mentions he’s sad about the situation given he did so much work for the king and everyone was “yes, he is like that, don’t take it personally”.
The gaslighting with the vampires dismissing his security concerns was infuriating. He would point at the problems and everyone was like “it’s ok, weak human. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Have some snacks”.
The book ends with the wedding and we don’t see the coronation. Why is that? It felt unfinished and rushed since we don’t know if there will be a 4th book.
Profile Image for BWT.
2,215 reviews243 followers
April 23, 2024
3.5 stars

I love Jason and Varic, I love all the courtiers and courtesans, I love the action, and I mostly enjoyed the story.

There were 2 reasons why I'm not rating this higher:

The first is how a pivotal moment is handled. Because the story is told from Jason's sole POV, when he wakes up is when we pick up the story and the reader misses so much that happens. And the result is the whole final quarter and end feels very rushed and, if this is the last in this series which I really hope it's not, I would've liked an epilogue in the future when they have their kids and Ode's kids playing together and Varic has been king for a while...

I guess they're both really just "but I want more!" complaints. 🤔

I recommend the series, especially if you enjoy fantasy, vampires, shapeshifters.

A note for audio lovers like myself: The first two books are on audio narrated by Scott R. Smith, but Mary wrote in her group that he's stepping away from voice acting for a bit and the third audio, if it's made, might be with a different narrator. 🥺
Profile Image for Showarst.
713 reviews
April 20, 2024
I was super excited to see another House of Maedoc story! I love Varic and Jason. However, I was really disappointed that Varic was missing for a good chunk of the story. Then the fact he had been gone for 5 WHOLE MONTHS? That seemed hard to believe when he told Jason over and over again how he couldn’t live without him. Then he wasn’t even calling. Hard to believe in this deep love when they’re not even speaking. It was better when they got together.

Plus, as much as I love Jason, sometimes he is TSTL. How on earth has he not learned his lesson to trust no one and always have his guard with him? 🤦🏽‍♀️

The king can rot and I will never forgive him no matter how much the queen and Varic love him. I’m also not going to forgive Carice no matter how pretty she is (or if Nerilla’s ghost tells me it’s okay). 🙄 I did like Varic’s former lover when I honestly thought I wouldn’t. It made me laugh how Varic just completely only had eyes for Jason even when the FL was around.

It did bother me that they hadn’t gotten married yet. At the end of Book 2, Varic said they were getting married like in two days. Yet when the book opens 2 years later they still hadn’t married? That was frustrating.

Still miss Nerilla. She totally deserved someone who would love just her. Cassius was a jerk and it’s hard to like someone who threw Nerilla aside for his courtesan, Carice.

I will miss these characters. Even Jason who I sometimes want to throttle for his stupid decisions. 😆
Profile Image for llv.
2,138 reviews12 followers
April 17, 2024
Rating: 4.5 stars

I love this series and really loved this book. I must say that the series as a whole is very violent but this book in particular was extremely so. My one complaint is the author keeps trying to give the king a redemption arc and I'm just not buying it. I don't think he can make up for his actions. I really hope the author writes more in this series. Overall, a wonderful book.
64 reviews
April 16, 2024
A fitting end

I was a little scared to read this thinking that it would be full of angst and conflic. But I should have trusted Mary as she delivered a wonderful story that tied up every loose end inn a beautiful big red bow or sash!
April 16, 2024
Loved this series

I have loved this series, and I will really miss the characters. I would love to see a novella or two showing Jason, Varic, and the fam with the potential children. Great ending though.
Profile Image for Anna.
935 reviews17 followers
June 8, 2024
10 stars and I need a whole lot more! I need to see all the babies and the passage of time! *Heavy Sigh*
April 18, 2024
I would have loved an epilogue or bonus scene

A bonus scene 100 years later or something. Featuring the children, and Ode etc would have been wonderful and would have finished this better.
Profile Image for Chancey Knowles.
1,105 reviews16 followers
July 28, 2024
Mary Calmes has a distinct style that I typically enjoy. It is not for everyone, but for me she's a comfort read. This last story in the Maedoc series was good, a solid 3.5 stars. It just wasn't as good as the previous 2. For me, it didn't flow as well. Part of that was, I had to keep checking on the roles of all the multitudes of characters. Thank goodness for the ability to search names within books on the Kindle. There were small things like in the final battle that just didn't quite make sense to me; the lack of the Wolf of Maedoc making an appearance (for one example). There are lots of reviews. I still enjoyed it. Mary Calmes is Mary Calmes.
Profile Image for Ravin 104.
36 reviews3 followers
April 24, 2024
I’m about 56% in and I know I *will* finish, but I needed to get this out now. Honestly, was Jason dropped on his head as a child?

The plot devices used to keep this book moving are mostly annoying and dumb. Seriously, no one is that dumb. So Jason’s life choices just yank me out of the story immediately.

He’s in danger, but instead of being worried/scared, he’s admiring the view, he’s thinking about random nonsense, he’s asking random unnecessary questions that have nothing to do with anything. It’s like he can’t keep his brain on topic. And his eternal optimism is grating.

I’m supposed to believe that this man was a combat marine? I mean, how? He’s like an annoying puppy that’s incapable of self preservation or logical thought. And he just loves and forgives everyone, even when they’re absolutely horrible beings.

It just feels over the top and the emotions don’t connect with the actions actually happening in the story.

Ok back. All finished now.

The whole book just had a very weird tone. Actions and reasons for things that happen never really make any sense. Everything just lacks logic. And the whole twist to the baddies motives seems very convoluted.

Also, at one point towards the end, Jason thinks “I got the feeling he (Hadrien) thought I doubted Varic’s devotion or worry.” Dude, *I* doubt his devotion and worry. Varic is NEVER there. He turns up, does some saving, sprinkles pretty words, they have sex, then Varic is back off doing everything but ensuring his mate’s safety. That is until he needs to show up again to do a little more saving. I mean, after the events of book 2, you’d think the guy would be around a bit more to make sure no more shenanigans were gonna be happening. But, there’s really very little interaction between them. Jason spends more time with a new character named Cirillo throughout this book than he does his mate.

It, all in all, was a very weird conclusion to the series.
Profile Image for Sahsa.
258 reviews15 followers
April 21, 2024
This book was exhausting. There was so much discussion about what they were going to do, then something chnages, then they change plans, then something else happens and they have to plan all over again. Plus, the premise of being separated for five months was idiotic. Varic is supposed to go insane if he is separated from his Matan. The flip flopping of characters from good guy to bad guy to good guy was infuriating. Jason (like so many of this author's MCs) thinks he is invincible and such a good judge of character but he never learn from the times he misjudges situations and people.
Profile Image for Michele R..
68 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2024
Mary Calmes is one of my favorite authors and I loved being back in her books again! Book three felt similar to book two. Varic was away from Jason most of the book. Once he returns, we get to see more of them as a couple. Books one and two are favorites too. Jason and Varic finally get their happily ever after!
Profile Image for Bella.
44 reviews
May 5, 2024

A big problem of this story was the exposition. It was just out of control, even for a Mary Calmes book. Every character had a different story to tell and another aspect of vampyr lore to impart. That was 70 percent of this book. World building. Why is there so much world building at the end of a series??? Sometimes they had 30 page conversations about yet another vampyr we didn't know. Also, I have to mention the comma abuse. I also will never understand using eight or nine commas in a sentence. Just...break it up into another sentence. It's clearer, more concise, and flows better.

I'd have to say the biggest fail of the story was that one of the main characters was absent for most of it. Why was Varic gone so much? It was like he was a paid actor and the author could only afford him for a couple scenes. Varic swore up and down that he and Jason could never be apart and then did his best to make sure they were apart.

Even at the end, when Jason wakes up, Varic is nowhere to be found. Pages and pages of reunions with other characters happen first-the queen, Dae Jung, Cirillo, Zev, Brenna, Hadrian, Tiago-the list went on and on. Of course they all had about a thousand pages of dialogue (EACH), and they all assured him that if Varic could be here, he would, but he's just SO BUSY, you know?

Jason leaving after the baker calls him to pick up a cake was ridiculous. Especially since he'd been told numerous times not to leave without a guard. Especially since he had four guards and a champion. Especially since in previous books he'd already been kidnapped, nearly killed several times, threatened, etc. It didn't make sense. It was also strange that among thousand-year-old vampyrs-some of whom are warriors who've actually fought in wars- Jason is the only one who can see assassins coming. Always. Also, his protective barrier is fickle and the reasoning for how and when it works is spotty.

I could go on and on, but I'll just say this book was not a good addition to the series. Do not recommend.
Profile Image for Snow.
1,102 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2024
my thoughts:

22%: so far i hate four things in this book with every fiber of my being.
1) the hero jason, who is the prince's consort, a ROYAL, has a job wherein he basically has to fire the king's fuckbuddies. HOW is this an appropriate job for someone of his stature. literally what???
2) suddenly all the characters that were in awe of jason in the first+second books all talk to him like he's an annoying idiot that they wish they'd never met.
3) the heroes haven't seen each other in FIVE MONTHS. and varic doesn't pick up the phone when jason calls. and yet varic just says sorry and jason forgives him?? nah. leave him, varic obviously doesn't care enough. he's the next in line for the throne, he could tell the king no if i really didn't want to be away for that long.
4) a lesser problem than the first three. the conversations are so far pretty annoying and not enjoyable. jason asks questions every five fucking seconds. almost everything he says is a question. reviewers have pointed this out in the other books too, but it never bothered me before now.

27%: sooo much info dumping. i can tell I'll be skimming through some of this book.

final thoughts after finishing:
i obviously had my problems with this book in the beginning. it got better around the ~40% mark, which is a bit late in my opinion. but still, a good ending. i loved their wedding. varic and jason make for such a good couple.
if i ever want to reread this trilogy, I'll probably read the first two books, and then the last ~15-20% of this one, since most of the important relationship development happens in the first two books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Moon.
398 reviews
April 20, 2024
The more I read from His Realm, the more I felt this book was unnecessary.

Let me explain.

The story starts with Jason being overworked and overwhelmed by his duties to the court and longing to go on vacation. Varic, who has been away for some time (I believe it was around 5 months) since he last saw Jason, is heading home with his entourage via plane. During this time, a lot of secondary characters—some whom I could not even remember—sit around and do A LOT of explaining/talking with Jason (i.e. the viewer) to refresh our memory. NOTHING HAPPENES.

This book is quite dialogue-heavy. Almost to where it read as if the author was trying to dumb it down by telling the reader what was happening, rather than show us.

Then some stuff happens with Varic's Father and their Uncle. It was pretty underwhelming.

Out of all the characters (and trust me, there are many ) the one who stood out the most was Zev.

As a whole, for me, this story would have made more sense if the book was told from Zev's POV, as I feel Varic and Jason's story came to an end in book two. There was nothing more to tell about them.

This read more like a repeat and refresh of the last book. Where I once felt an emotional tug on the heartstrings in the previous two books, this one failed to do so.

A disappointing end to an otherwise fantastic series. 2.75 stars.

Also—yes, I am complaining again—how does a vampire... sorry, vampyr get a suntan in the first place? That's ridiculous!

971 reviews10 followers
July 24, 2024
What a thriller, once Jason & some new/old "friends" help get him to Greenland.

While Jason's become infamous for falling and inadvertently stumbling into danger, intrigue, and dastardly royal/political plots ever since he's been involved with Varic Maedoc, the vampyr Crown Prince, complications and this latest situation forced upon him just because of his role as the king's caedyrn definitely aren't entirely his fault. Had King Messina simply revoked the permission to be independent of The Laws of Ascalon that Messina's father had given to Decimus, his brother, much of the plot and excitement wouldn't have occurred. Therefore, the author had quite a myriad of primitive, bloodthirsty, and eccentric twists and shadowy turns to play with. I'm in awe of the ingenious magnitude of imaginative creativity in this author's arsenal of ideas. The paranormal darkness and evil that existed in these far reaches of an entire court, removed from the one Jason has gotten familiar with, are a shock to him and most of his companions after he's kidnapped and thrust into a nightmare.

This book is really, really well written. The action and weird to frightening situations are practically nonstop. Throughout each subsequent trial he faces, Jason believes, down to his bones and the blood enriched by his prince, that Varic WILL come for him, and make it all right again. The power of their bond, love, and commitment -- beautiful, inspiring, and heartwarming. I very much liked this installment, and cannot recommend it and the previous books enough! Maximum star awards!
3,827 reviews56 followers
June 15, 2024
I wouldn't even really call this book that much of a romance because the pair spend so much of the book away from each other. On top of that, they both keep on making the same mistakes with each other. There is plenty of intrigue and action which keeps the book going. There are some interesting developments because much of it takes place in an isolated enclave of vampyrs in Greenland.

There was one comment that was made near the end that really annoyed me. It was stated to the effect that Jason made Maedoc more human. First off Maedoc isn't human and so that is kind of an insult. It was meant to mean that Maedoc has become, I guess the word would be empathetic, since Jason came into his life. He wasn't cruel and tried to be just but he wasn't as merciful or unbinding perhaps as he is now. But the biggest thing is that holding humans up as some example of kind, gentle beings is ridiculous. You don't have to go far, just look at the news to see the terrible things that humans are doing all the time. And they do just as terrible things as the worst of any of the vampyrs. Think of WWII, think of murdering sexual sadists, tyrannical governments. Need I go further. If the writer wants to use some word that implies the best of what humanity can do, because there are also plenty of people who do put others before themselves and are kind and good, then humane might be a word. But overall, humanity isn't any better than vampyrs, at least as she shows them.
44 reviews
June 18, 2024
Name association is hilarious.

Ok. The series had to many deaths of well-known characters. That made me too sad to enjoy the other parts of the book at times. If your goal is to write books that grab your readers, and you succeed, then accept that it's like we are losing the characters as well. I give it four stars because the book is really good. I am upset. I started to read the series period because once I am vested, I have to finish, and now I feel all kinds of a way.

On a funny note, My BF's name is Jason. He resembles Captain Caveman from the paper comics years ago. Round as he is tall. Wide shoulders, wears bib overalls and lumbers along, never in a rush. So when Jason is having wild fun times, it is just hilarious to me. Just cracks me up. So over all the series was wonderful. Just not for someone like myself who feels as if certain issues is not meant to be included in forms of entertainment.
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