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Venom is a fast-paced psychological thriller of abandonment, retribution and justice.

Michel Christian is born in a pauper’s hospital during a tropical storm. The nuns call him a punishment from God. At five years old, he is thrown out on the dangerous streets to survive as best he can. He is bui doi – the dust of life.

He grows into a ferocious manhood in the back alleys of wartime Saigon. He learns not only to survive, but to thrive, in a pitiless world. Brilliant, chilling and charismatic, there is no prison that can hold him, no policeman he cannot buy.

Michael remembers every beating and every betrayal, and declares vengeance on those who abandoned him.

From the notorious Tihar prison to Bangkok’s dark underbelly, along the 1970s hippie trails of Asia to the ancient Indian city of Varanasi, this is a tale of fate, love and obsession, loosely based on a true story.

Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 1990

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About the author

Colin Falconer

68 books612 followers
Part thriller. Part history. All adventure.

Colin Falconer’s popular Epic Adventure series of standalone historical thrillers includes the bestselling SILK ROAD.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08N92GHK4
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
March 4, 2017
This is one of the best books I have ever read. Nothing will prepare you for the rollercoster of emotions that this book is offering. I have only one regret, that I have read this book in romanian language and the translation sucks
94 reviews4 followers
November 6, 2017
I received a copy of this book from the author. Of my own accord, I’ve decided to review the book.

While the story is interesting, I couldn’t help being reminded of a couple of books I read many years ago about Charles Sohbraj. One was written by Marie-Andrée Leclerc (a French Canadian woman who was thought to be one of his accomplices) and the other by Thomas Thompson (Serpentine). Falconer’s story is very similar but, at the same time, different. It’s only at the end that I realized he had indeed been inspired by the story of Charles Sohbraj, so my hunch was sort of right.

As I said above, the story was sufficiently interesting to keep my interest going. The characters are rather well developed and one could feel Michel’s anger and hate. What did spoil the experience, though, is the amount of mistakes and typos – and the more the story advanced, the more there was. Something a round or two of proofreading/editing could solve easily. Because this is something rather important for me – blame it on former jobs as proofreader and translator – I’m giving this a 3,5 stars.
Profile Image for Harrylosborne.
76 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2023
I’m pretty surprised this has such positive reviews - it feels like a pretty soulless, uninspired and unnecessarily violent book, relying on violent imagery to draw you in.

The characters are all horrible people, the story is fairly devoid of any intrigue or nuance, and the writing itself isn’t anything special. I rattled through it almost hoping that something interesting or unpredictable would happen, but it never went further than your run-of-the-mill murder thriller.
June 3, 2022
Αισθάνομαι τυχερός επειδή ύστερα από ένα αναγνωστικό μπλοκ δύο και πλέον μηνών, επέλεξα να ξεκινήσω αυτό το βιβλίο που με βοήθησε... να ξεμπλοκαρω. Με γρήγορη, κινηματογραφική πλοκή, αρκετά πλούσιο λεξιλόγιο, έναν κεντρικό χαρακτήρα άψογα δομημένο και πολλαπλές ανατροπές στο φινάλε (αν και την τελευταία, την ψυλλιαστηκα, όχι πάντως με τον τρόπο που εκτελέστηκε!).

Δεν το 'χω πολύ με τα ψυχολογικά θρίλερ, αλλά το Venom μού άρεσε πολύ. Και μου κάνει εντύπωση που δεν έχει μεταφραστεί στα ελληνικά, όπως και τα περισσότερα υπόλοιπα βιβλία του Φάλκονερ.
432 reviews
October 1, 2017
I received a free advance e-copy of this book and have chosen to write an honest and unbiased review. I have no personal affiliation with the author. Michel is an extremely handsome and charismatic charmer who will treat a young woman like a princess and put her on a pedestal until he gets what he wants from her and then the next instant turn on her. He is like one of the snakes that Adrienne admires, beautiful but oh so deadly, a true wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is a narcissistic psychopath with survival and revenge as his main goals. Wow! “Venom” is proof that Colin Falconer is one of the greatest storytellers of all time. I couldn’t put it down. Hold on tight as you follow the bloody trail full of twists and turns with an ironic surprise twist of turnaround revenge at the end. I highly recommend “Venom.” This book ranks extremely high on my list of great books that everyone should read. I look forward to reading more from Colin Falconer in the future.
September 15, 2017
VENOM BY COLIN FALCONER - Colin Falconer has caused me to become a speed reader - wanting all information ASAP but also reluctant to reach the conclusion. His eloquent writing style flows along smoothly; hooking readers attention from the first word of the first page. Rich in historical detail and geographical scenes set amid volatile and turbulent stages in history. Characters portrayed genuine and believable. Action packed, does not stop until the very last page. Cannot recommend highly enough, truly a MUST READ.
Profile Image for gerry.
413 reviews3 followers
November 17, 2020
Anatomy of a sociopath

Colin Falconer has an incredible ability to write knowledgeable about the world and this story moves through many different countries. The reader can't help be impressed by his descriptions and details, from Tet celebrations in Viet Nam to death practices on the Ganges in India. The plot follows a lost boy who becomes a serial killer, one whose complicated psyche eventually contributes to his demise.
Profile Image for Truffli.
11 reviews
October 13, 2011
One of the best books I had the luck to read. It was a reccomendation from a friend and I was skeptic after receiving it and hearing the summary, in which the owner told me that this wonderful book was filled with sex scenes and obscene, detailed parts. It is not as bad as it sounds, I would warmly recommend it to anyone (anyone above 16 years old, that is).

Definite 1000/5
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
35 reviews2 followers
February 26, 2022
What a thriller!

I just could not put this book down until I read the last page! The ending had me in a tail spin! So unexpected! You must read Venom! Wow!
June 16, 2022
Venom bite

Another great book by Colin Falconer,certainly my go to author at the moment.
Storyline may be similar to an actual case,but this reads better.
What next to read?
Profile Image for Dani Bonam.
169 reviews3 followers
February 8, 2023
Main Characters: Michel, Valentine, Detective Budjinski

Michel is the unwanted child of a wealthy French woman and a local in occupied Saigon, Vietnam. Eventually, Adrienne, Michel's mother, chooses to abandon her son to return to the life of leisure and luxury she had before the deceitful love of the local man. Watch the only person who'd ever care for him walk out of his life; Michel will never overcome this betrayal.

The next two decades of Michel's life are filled with innumerable hardships, but Michel is only concerned with finding his mother and getting revenge on his father. Casualties begin to pile up around Michel as he refuses to let anything stand in the way of his final goal.

Detective Budjinski wants to know how his young daughter came to be murdered. He comes to believe that young women, murdered throughout southeast Asia are all victims of the same sadistic killer, including his daughter. However, the multiple countries involved and the varying descriptions of the suspect keep Budjinski from convincing others of his theory.

Michel's plans of retribution are thwarted when he learns of Adrienne's death. Dismayed that he'll never fulfill his cruel design, Michel learns of Adrienne's daughter, Valentine, his half-sister. Valentine can take Adrienne's place and like numerous other women, she easily falls for his charms and adaptable good looks. Yet, it is Valentine that becomes his undoing.

The novel begins and ends at the Indian-held trial of Michel. Budjinski finally apprehended him following a sting using Valentine as bait. Budjinski is disheartened at the trial as witness after witness fails to convince the judge of Michel's guilt. Until Valentine comes forward, she is mutilated by Michel's last attempt to carry out his punishment of Adrienne. But Budjinski is dismayed when Valentine lies to protect Michel. Budjinkshi believes he will never get justice for the murder of his daughter.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Socrate.
6,700 reviews229 followers
December 3, 2021
De la fereastra biroului său din centrul vechiului Delhi, judecătorul Sikander Reddy privea potopul musonului care se abătuse din zori asupra oraşului. Pe acoperiş, răpăitul ploii părea o rafală din mii de alice.
— Cinci minute, domnule judecător, îl anunţă un chip ivit în uşa întredeschisă.
Reddy încuviinţă absent şi continuă să se uite pe fereastră. Ploaia îl fascina. În anotimpul musonului existau momente când se părea că va continua la nesfârşit, fără oprire, până ce totul urma să dispară sub apă. Dar apoi, trecea ca orice alt anotimp, ca viaţa însăşi.
Cinci minute până la amiază. Cinci minute până la cel mai aşteptat proces din istoria Indiei. Judecătorul nu era obişnuit cu asemenea publicitate. În mod normal, modesta lui sală de tribunal din complexul Tis Hizari era aproape goală. Însă acum nu mai era un caz obişnuit.
În primul rând, acuzatul nu era cetăţean indian. Ba mai mult, adevărata lui naţionalitate trebuia stabilită. Era foarte posibil să nu aibă nici una. Se născuse în Saigonul postbelic, fiul nelegitim al unei franţuzoaice cu un indian. Dintre multele paşapoarte despre care se spunea că le folosise, nici unul nu fusese al său.
În al doilea rând, deşi acuzaţia era doar de tentativă de omucidere, poliţiştii din alte state asiatice continuau să strângă dovezi care-l implicau în crime nerezolvate din ţările respective. De pe plajele aurii ale Filipinelor şi până la poalele verzi ale Himalaiei, fuseseră găsiţi oameni sugrumaţi sau cu gâtlejurile retezate, şi fiecare dintre ei avusese o legătură cu acest individ.
Atâtea crime pe scară internaţionala erau suficiente pentru a atrage atenţia reporterilor. Mai era însă şi fata; tânără şi frumoasă. Franţuzoaică, un manechin al cărei chip apăruse pe coperţile unor reviste precum Vogue şi Cosmopolitan.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,032 reviews42 followers
November 7, 2021
Good Read

Venom is full of twists and turns and ups and downs worse than a roller coaster. The book is loosely based on a true story about a serial killer. There is an unresolved issue at the book's end that still worries me. Read with close attention! Michel, the main character, uses other people to commit crimes that enrich him but leave his victims dead. Michel might be insane, but is such insanity that of a truly depraved individual or is it caused by his environment? That is such a good argument on college campuses or on the campaign trail! The author uses sordid settings that mimicked the sordidness of Michel's soul. That method made me see the sordidness in my own soul. If I say more about the storyline, I will spoil the read.

The author's writing mechanics were excellent. A few typos or editing problems did not hinder my reading.

My son got married yesterday by mail. Due to Covid, people are getting married in some very strange ways. After licking the stamp, the couple came to my house for a little wedding luncheon of George's take out chicken and a supermarket bought cake. I was trying to ready the house and myself, but I could not put this book down! Well, I managed to finish this book and get myself and the house cleaned up just as the newlyweds were turning into the driveway. The groom's mother wore cutoffs and a sweatshirt. The other members of the wedding party wore jeans and hoodies. A good time was had by all!

Thank you, Mr. Falconer, for a good read.

Profile Image for Nila Ish.
14 reviews
April 23, 2024
Colin Falconer's Venom is a gripping blend of historical fiction, suspense, and revenge thriller. It follows Michel Christian, a man born into poverty and violence in Saigon during the 1940s. Abandoned and left to fend for himself, Michel develops a potent mix of charm, ruthlessness, and a burning desire for vengeance.

Michel Christian is a complex protagonist. Despite his dark past and ruthless actions, readers can't help but be captivated by his determination and survival instincts. Falconer creates a character both fascinating and morally ambiguous. The story unfolds at a fast pace, packed with action, twists, and turns. Readers are kept guessing as Michel navigates a world of crime, betrayal, and his relentless pursuit of revenge. Falconer paints a vivid picture of Saigon in the throes of wartime, the bustling streets of Bombay, and the opulent world of French society. The diverse settings add depth and authenticity to the narrative.

Venom is a compelling and fast-paced read that will stay with you long after you turn the last page. While the violence and morally gray characters might not be for everyone, Falconer's skillful storytelling and exploration of vengeance make it a rewarding read for fans of historical thrillers and tales of dark redemption.
Profile Image for Nicoleta Deca.
633 reviews3 followers
October 30, 2023
O carte care te tine cu sufletul la gura de la prima pagina pana la ultima. Un amestec de cultura asiatica si occidentala si o imbinare fina a realismului vietii din Vietnam cu lupta pentru supravietuire a personajelor si povestea copiilor metisi din marile colonii . Cartea incepe cu procesul lui Michel, arestat pentru uciderea mai multor femei si spargerea mai multor magazine de bijuterii. Desi cunostii mare parte din ce se intmpla cu personajele finalul e unul foarte bun. Pe parcursul a douazeci de ani vom afla povestea cruda a vietii lui Michel Christian si intmplarile prin care trece ca sa ajunga un criminal. Michel Christian este abandonat de mama lui, Adrianne la varsta de 4 ani. Copilul crescuse in casa cu tatal lui, indian, fara sa fie recunoscut oficial. Viata lui va fii pentru cativa ani putin mai linistita dar dupa bombardarea orfelinatului va ajunge pe strazi unde va invata sa supravietuiasca in orice conditii. Singura lui dorinta este sa isi gaseasca parintii si sa nu mai sufere de foame si saracie. Viata dura il va transforma intr-un psihopat si un criminal cautat in toata lumea. Unele scene sunt descrise infiorator de realist.
Profile Image for Nadine Wiseman.
73 reviews3 followers
December 21, 2019
Absorbing and exciting

From Saigon to Paris to the Ganges and Varanasi, this is the tale of an abandoned boy, half French, half Indian, whose brutal, lonely early years leave a desperate desire for vengeance in his damaged soul. He grows into a beautiful, ruthless demon and one dogged Interpol officer, whose daughter was a victim, sacrifices his career to hunt him down. Absolutely mesmerising.
Profile Image for Steven Nowak.
88 reviews
September 1, 2022
this book doesnt really follow the same formula as Falconer's other Epic Adventure books but he is just such a great writer that I still ended up liking this book.
ITs not even my genre, but I still enjoyed it. There are many twists and turns in this story. Its a thriller for sure. This book makes me wonder how my own life may have turned out if things had been different for me as a child. Defiantly worth a read
January 19, 2024
Amazing and scary!

How can this man write such amazing books, one after the other? I have loved his historical novels, but this one just blew me away. When he writes you can just smell the atmosphere, his words are so descriptive. This novel was so hard to put down. No little hints from me, why spoil your anticipation, but it took me just 24 hours to read and now I'm sad because it's finished.
28 reviews
August 23, 2024
Evil Surpassed

Writer Eric Ambler created a charming rogue called Dimitrios in a classic 1937 thriller and Hollywood immortalized him, but he was a punk compared to Michel, the psycho mixed race schemer from the streets of Saigon. Falconer once again grabbed me with an exciting, well plotted, and well researched story filled with realistic characters. He certainly got Saigon right; I could smell the place all over again.
1 review
September 22, 2017
A Must-Read

This book was brought to my attention via a daily book blog that comes to my email. It captured my attention and didn't let go til The End. I had to admit I was a little nervous about HOW it would end. It went in a direction I wasn't expecting for a brief moment. The author had me nervous but didn't disappoint.
December 12, 2018
S good read!

I chose the 4star rating based on story lines and edge of your seat anticipation of what next. However, as with previously read related books by this author, proof reading is seriously missing - fractured sentence structure, missing words, misspelled words - just enough errors to interrupt and break the readers spell of engagement.
December 27, 2020
OMG!!!!! This book was not at all what I expected... BETTER!

This book and the story absolutely sucked me into a vortex of sights and sounds and personal stories and personal fears And personal dilemmas. I've read many books by Colin Falconer. I have to say this is by far his best. The plot twist left me with my mind blown! Loved this story.
58 reviews
April 26, 2022
Karma at it's best

Saw this advertised on Facebook. The synopsis was interesting so I had to get the book. Very clever how the author finally got lots of twists and turns into the story. Michel is one bad evil man who is out for revenge. You had to feel sorry when his early childhood was so horrendous, however, it does explain how he grew up such an evil criminal!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
91 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2023
Grabbed me and held on from beginning to the end.

Excellent book. I have no idea how close to actual events this book follows but wow! The story is both sick and enthralling. The author deftly weaves a tale that leaves you anguished for each character while needing retribution for their life choices. I'm looking forward to reading more of Colin Falconer's books.
74 reviews1 follower
February 6, 2024
Dark and Brutal

I'm not much of a fan of crime books but this one sucked me in very early. The story is dark in a way that's a little hard to explain. It is also very Brutal, not in a way that the violence is gory, more so in a way that the violence happens and the lack of any emotion attached to it. I think 'venom' is perfect title for the book as it sums it up pretty well.
May 31, 2024
dark predictable

If you are looking for historical fiction, you won’t find much of it here. I read about 60% then gave up. Book was about revenge and murder. Torture scenes were gruesome and plot was predictable. If you are into this kind of thing, you will enjoy this book. Otherwise skip it.
19 reviews
August 27, 2024
Man! This guy has mad talent!

I avoided this for awhile, though I've read six Falconor books before and I loved them. But Vietnam? I grew up in that era and had more Vietnam info than I could stand. But this book is complex and phsycologically challenging, and even if it weren't, the ending is worth every minute.

Profile Image for Sandy.
6 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2020
Almost a plagiarism of

Thomas Thompson's 1979 book, Serpentine, which is a fictionalized narrative of a true story (a very good read, as is Blood and Money, another true story).

Although I usually thoroughly enjoy Mr. Falconer's books, this one was beneath him.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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