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East India

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The Great Southland, 1626

The Utrecht leaves Holland on an eight-month voyage to Batavia, on the other side of the world. The ship is overcrowded, and navigation around the Horn is down to the skipper’s dead reckoning – guesswork.

Below decks, Michiel van Texel is a sergeant on the company’s coin, on his way to fight the Mataram and escape his demons.

When the ship founders on the jagged reefs of the Houtman Rocks, and those around him begin to reveal their true natures, surviving the wreck is the least of his worries.

A chilling tale of power, religion, obsession and redemption, and what can happen when civilized men give way to temptation.

East India is loosely based on one of the great sea adventures of history.

This is a new and revised 2022 edition.

Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2000

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About the author

Colin Falconer

68 books612 followers
Part thriller. Part history. All adventure.

Colin Falconer’s popular Epic Adventure series of standalone historical thrillers includes the bestselling SILK ROAD.

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Profile Image for Петър Стойков.
Author 2 books314 followers
January 7, 2020
Във времето, когато големите търговски компании са върхът на острието на колониалното завладяване на света, лоялността към компанията е била по-важна от лоялността към цар, семейство, родина и дори собственият живот.

Всичко това обаче отива по дяволите, когато екстремни ситуации изкарват на повърхността най-примитивните дълбини на човешката природа.

(и разбира се, освен исторически трилър това е и розов роман, така че след като стотици хора измряха, бяха избити и изнасилени по най-дивашки начин, много е важно, че главната героиня искаха да я ебат всички, но успя да й го сложи само мечтания й груб, но и нежен мъжествен герой, след вълнуващо и продължително ухажване насред всички събития и това била нощта, която тя щяла да помни цял живот ;)
Profile Image for Linda.
1,032 reviews42 followers
November 28, 2015
I recommend this book to historical fiction readers and people who love to read. The author's writing mechanics are, as always, very good. I have read several of his books, and he has never disappointed me in his written word.

I am somewhat confused about the route the Dutch East India fleet took in traveling by ship from Holland to the East Indies. It just seems like they took the long way around, but what do I know about such distances by sea? This book is based on a true story that occurred in the 17th century when the money made in trade between Europe and the Indies outweighed the dangers on the high seas. Lady Cornelia of Holland traveled on the trade ship to join her husband who already lived in the Indies. Her character will change for the better on the voyage. She and Commander Ambrose were of the same class, and will keep company until disaster strikes. The Commander appears to be a strong and dedicated man to his employer and to Cornelia, but his true character is unveiled when the ship meets disaster on a coral reef. What happened to the crew and passengers thereafter is a sordid tale. In their actions, all of the shipwrecked people will fall to baseness rather than rising to their better selves, which is the meat of the story. What man will do to man because of greed is appalling . The saddest truth is that no one is above giving in to greed. Greed for fortune, shelter, food, and water is especially exhibited in Ambrose. Better, but not perfect, natures will be seen in Cornelia and Michiel. Every shipwrecked character will prove how low a person will go when opportunity comes calling.

Read the book, look at the characters, and then look at yourself.

Thank you, Mr. Falconer, for a good read.
Profile Image for Andzhelika.
108 reviews25 followers
April 9, 2017
Голямо разочарование. Очаквах историческа романтика, а получих брутална история, изпълнена с насилие и издевателства. Дори главните герои не бяха толкова главни, колкото би трябвало. Със сигурност това ще е последната ми среща с авторката, макар да беше и първата.
January 18, 2022
Макар че съм фен на исторически романи,преплетени с художествена измислица,тук четенето изобщо не ми вървеше гладко.Твърде много насилие,ама като казвам много,имам предвид наистина много.Любовната история нескопосано скалъпена и претупана.
А по принцип харесвам автора и другите му романи,и Харем, и Пътят на коприната...☹ .Май само заради това ще вдигна с една звездичка,иначе си е за 2.
Profile Image for Michelle Stockard Miller.
396 reviews158 followers
September 18, 2014
To me, few things are better than a great stand alone historical novel. I knew that the author had a talent for the historical fiction craft way back when I read, When We Were Gods: A Novel of Cleopatra, (in my pre-blogging days). And he does not disappoint with East India.

What the author does best in this novel is to really bring out the true grit of what travel by sea must have been like in the 17th century. I certainly can't imagine being on board a ship, in cramped and less than hygienic conditions, for seven to eight months at a time. And yet, this book had me feeling uncomfortable because it did make me imagine what it was like and I was thankful that when I was able to tear myself away from reading it, I was safely in my comfy home. And not only was there far from ideal comfort on board the ship, but there were constant undertones of danger and gossip. Mutiny seemed to always be a possibility among the ship's crew.

The main character, Cornelia, is a high ranking lady and beautiful as well. So, of course, she is admired by some and vilified by others, thinking she's haughty and high minded. What struck me about her was that she was just really unhappy. A loveless marriage and the thought of travelling to be with the man she did not love, coupled with the arduous sea journey could not have been a happy time for anyone. What befalls her only makes matters worse.

What we learn in East India is that a good portion of the seven deadly sins are very present aboard ship and this leads to a very tragic outcome. Not only is East India historically accurate (am I the only one who has never heard of a bosun or a provost?), but it also does an excellent job of showing us human nature through the vivid characterization and action. As I was reading, I could picture each character - what they looked like and what they were about. It was like watching a movie in my head.

The author has quite a back list of novels, some of which are sitting on my 'to be read/to be reviewed' stack, and after reading East India, I know I'm in for a treat in my future reading.
Profile Image for Erin (Historical Fiction Reader).
928 reviews682 followers
September 28, 2014
Find this and other reviews at: http://flashlightcommentary.blogspot....

Colin Falconer's East India was an interesting read for me. Past experience being what it is, I was immediately skeptical of the piece, but the praise of my fellow reviewers roused a curiosity I couldn't well ignore.

To get right to the point, I liked East India a lot more than I'd expected. The shipwreck was a perfect platform for Falconer to weave a gritty tale of doubt, danger and desperation. I enjoyed the romantic aspect between Cornelia and Michiel, but I was perversely enchanted with the darker elements of the plot. Falconer holds nothing back and in this context, I felt the explicitness of his descriptions really worked in his favor and conveyed a very realistic sense of the crisis his characters are meant to experience over the course of the novel.

What I liked most, however, were the number of underlying themes and abstract concepts the Falconer worked into the story. Beneath the surface, East India is a phenomenal exploration of social interaction and what happens when we are forced to struggle for limited resources. I don't mean to sound pedantic in my assessment, this is fiction after all, but from a behavioral and psychological standpoint I was fascinated at how Falconer depicted that degeneration within the narrative.

A fast-paced adventure, East India is difficult to put down. A brilliant choice for fans of 17th century historicals and drama on the high seas.
Profile Image for Meg - A Bookish Affair.
2,478 reviews205 followers
September 10, 2014
"East India" is a historical fiction that starts out during a archaeology dig in the present day before flashing back to the 17th century. Right from the very beginning, there is a mystery as to who exactly the bodies are that the archaeologists find in the present day. When we are swept back to the 17th century during the time of high seas adventures in the Dutch East India Company, we uncover those people. This book is billed as a love story and yes, a love story is present; however, there is something more sinister and gruesome that hides within these pages!

At the core of the story is a true life ship wreck. Before reading this book I had never really read much about the Dutch East India Company and wasn't really familiar with the places they went and what the company was like. I love when historical fiction is able to bring some of the lesser known historical events to life!

This book is definitely not what I expected. I was expecting more of a love story. The back of the book says that it was described by one credit as "Jack and Rose in the 17th century" referring to, of course, the famous ill-fated on-screen love affair in Titanic. Yes, again there is a love story in "East India." And yes, there is a boat. But the love story between rich Cornelia and soldier Michiel becomes a mere side dish to the main story. That main story is a fairly is a fairly depraved and violent one where are the people from the ship are now forced to survive after being brutalized by those that they thought they might of been able to trust once. All the detail in this book is very good! Though, readers who like gentler stories may want to steer clear of this one. To some degree, some of this book felt almost like a horror novel.

Once they ship wrecks, the real action really starts. Although this book was a lot different than I was expecting, I must admit that the writing was very good and pulled me in. The author makes you feel the fear that the shipwrecked people feel with a lot of realness!
Profile Image for Leonide Martin.
Author 6 books143 followers
October 28, 2017
The story of the Dutch ship Batavia, shipwrecked off the coast of Australia in 1629, has been told many times. It is a tale of unrelenting brutality and horror, a testimony to the worst possible of human behavior. In East India, Falconer relates the essential parts of the Batavia shipwreck, the plot following actual events quite closely, but enriches it with a love story that transcends class and wealth and shows the heroic potential of men and women. Readers are quickly drawn into the intrigues aboard a newly built Dutch ship on a 9 month voyage to Java. Relationships of mutual sympathy, animosity, jealousy, and revenge weave into a complex web in this small inescapable community facing the stresses of sea voyage. If I ever am able to actually time travel, please remind me NOT to return as a seaman on a 17th century vessel!

Descriptions of conditions on board are vivid and disgusting, and plots unfold as tensions mount. The mutiny plotted by the skipper and undermerchant (second in command) slowly plays out amid lust after the fine lady on board. The commander is revealed as conflicted and uncertain how to maintain his command, seeming to abandon the ship's survivors on barren rocks after the wreck. Their struggle for survival is hindered by the undermerchant, assuming leadership but acting as a king after his own interests. We might think the gruesome things he and his henchmen did are unrealistic, except that their behavior was documented during the original Batavia shipwreck. Falconer takes this grim story and makes it fascinating, compelling, and a testimony to the highest and lowest human potential.
Profile Image for Margaret.
1,341 reviews62 followers
July 30, 2014
Colin Falconer is fast becoming a favorite of mine. Isabella: Braveheart was what introduced me to Colin Falconer.

The first chapter is enough to grab ones attention, as it takes place in present day, then jumps back to 1629 where the story unfolds. I have never heard of the shipwreck of the Utrecht which took place off the coast of Australia. But as soon as I was finished reading I googled what I could to learn more.

Here is a story of total depravity and inhumanity that I could not turn away from. Rich in detail that had me totally engrossed in this story. The author has a definite talent for writing scenes that were authentic but not over the top. I got the picture loud and clear about this wreck.

I will not go into details about the chain of events that lead to this disaster. But I was say that this is a story of greed, jealousy, lust, murder and total lack of compassion for others (amongst other things too). There is l a light that does shine with Michiel van Ttexel and his feelings for Cornelia Noorstrandt. How to find the strength to carry on when so much is going on around you.

Written with feeling, compassion and well researched this book will appeal to lovers of nautical books, historical fiction and those that just want a really good book to read.

Still, he had learned in battle that you never knew when things would turn; you think it's all over for you, then something turns up to save your skin. You had to keep going, that was the mark of a man's strength.

Profile Image for Danito.
186 reviews30 followers
June 29, 2019
Изключително много ми хареса тази книга!Автора се нарежда до любимите ми след ,като съм чела и Харем.Тази книга е толкова реалистична,че накрая се оказа,че е написана от факти от най—шокиращото корабокрушение в историята.Книгата не е лека и не е подходяща за дами търсещи леки четива с романтика.От книгата има всичко,но основата му е да покаже различните среди как изострят нравите на хората.Как от добър можеш да станеш лош и обратното.Поставят се темите за честа,морала ,първичното в хората.
Сюжета се движи от няколко гледни точки всичко е стегнато и ясно,няма празни разтягащи глави.Всяко действие в книгата не е излишно.Четях я с голямо удоволствие и напрежение,какво ще се случи.Описанията и условията не са леки и са силно интеигуващи за мъжкия пол заради екшъна вътре.Определено ще се чете от него още!
Profile Image for Expat Amber Reads.
78 reviews203 followers
September 7, 2014
Highly recommended for fans of historical fiction on the high seas! The living conditions on an ill-fated trade ship during the early 1600s were horrendous, and the descriptive realism often made me nauseous. Yes, it is technically a love story, but there is much more mayhem, misfortune and murder than mushiness. In my opinion, it was interesting and obviously thoroughly researched yet just an okay read.

*I received this free copy in return for an honest review, and opinions are mine alone.

Full review: http://casualreadersbookclub.blogspot...
Profile Image for L F.
261 reviews13 followers
July 14, 2016
Adventure on the historical high seas. The Company owns everyone, their property is held above all else. The East India's premier boat becomes shipwrecked on a reef, where society turns to the primeval. It shows how quickly society can breakdown. Each of the characters show the different directions a personality can go when under severe circumstances. Will good ultimately win over evil? Will the overrated commander be able to find the ship and island in time to save the stranded. A wonderful historical romance.
Profile Image for AdiTurbo.
762 reviews89 followers
April 21, 2019
Based on the true historical event of the Batavia drowning, this novel takes the reader into a bottomless pit of despair and horror experienced by the survivors of a Dutch ship headed to the East Indies. The problems on the ship start as soon as it leaves the dock. The admiral is weak and sickly. Other men on the ship, ambitious and blood-thirsty, get more and more difficult to master and control as time goes by. They are lustful for the goods, money and women on board, and plan to take the ship by force when an error of judgment by the ship's navigator causes it to hit the rocks next to a group of small islands. All hell breaks loose then when the admiral leaves the survivors to go look for help. The undermerchant on the ship, a dangerous psychopath, takes over and turns the islands into his own little dark kingdom. He has men, women and children brutally murdered and abused in different ways. This part becomes harder and harder to read as things deteriorate rapidly.
However, even in the darkest moments there is some effort to maintain humanity by a few survivors. There is some love, morality and friendship found here and there.
The historical and geographical background is fascinating and there is much suspense throughout the book. It is written with great flair and feels like the writer enjoyed his work. The pace is fast and the characters well developed. A worthy historical fiction read.
Profile Image for Richard Myers.
509 reviews8 followers
March 17, 2021
Great book

This is about a voyage of an East India ship from Holland to east India. The ship never reaches India because of storms and recks on a reef near present day Australia. The descriptions of the ship and crews and the way people turn into animals trying to survive on a small island is wonderful.
Profile Image for Diana.
808 reviews26 followers
August 5, 2014

copy received from: Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review

I’ve never read Collin Falconer before so I had no idea what to expect! Wow! This was an unexpected adventure with twists and turns.

On its maiden voyage from Holland to Batavia, the East India Company sends Utrecht on a five month journey. Cornelia Noorstrandt is one of the passengers on the ship. She is on her way to meet her husband that is already in Batavia. It’s obvious from the first couple of pages that she is not madly in love with her husband. Since she is the only person on the ship that is of “upper class” she often finds herself very lonely. Cornelia, although wealthy now, came from humble beginnings.

Other noteworthy characters are Ambroise Secor who is the captain of the ship and who develops a friendship with Cornelia. Jacob Schellinger and Christian van Sant are second in command. Then, my favorite, Michael van Texel. Michael is a soldier on his way to Batavia also. He does not share the same ranks as the before mentioned but plays a very pivotal role in the story. Although he is not of the same ranking as the captain or Cornelia he does share conversations with her and often seeks her out.

While on the ship, life is very rough and I thought that the author really portrayed the discomfort and limited provisions that were available. The maggot covered meat made my stomach turn but made the uneasy feeling of life on the ship more credible.

Cornelia is a wealthy lady but life on the ship is not safe for her and she suffers from a horrible “occurrence.” The divisions of the social classes are evident aboard the ship and atrocities happen even in the middle of the sea.

Although life on the ship is horrible, when they become “lost” life becomes hell for everyone. The turn of events was so quick and so much happened I had to take a breath!

The story quickly becomes a “Lord of the Flies” as everyone aboard the Utrecht is shipwrecked (Everyone that survived that is) they start to fight for survival. This fight for survival turns to deprivation for some of these characters. The cruelty and viciousness of some of the characters was shocking.

Although there are many different parts of the story, my favorite was Michael and Cornelia. Both of them were such valiant, kind and genuinely good people in the middle of what at times was hell. I couldn’t put this book down and there are scenes that are imprinted in my brain. Falconer is a fantastic storyteller. He pushed so many boundaries and shocked me! Although a very intense book I really enjoyed it. His clever lines took away some of the tension from the story, “he’d rather lick arse than eat cheese” made me laugh. My all time favorite “ even if God forsakes you, I will find you.” Amazing!
Profile Image for Mirella.
Author 84 books77 followers
July 19, 2014
In the novel, EAST INDIA, internationally bestselling author, Colin Falconer, has written a fictionalized accounting of a terrible tale of depravity and barbarity that is known the world over – that of the shipwreck Batavia in 1629 that became one of the most incredible stories of shipwreck ever recorded and one of the bloodiest chapters in Australia's history.

The plight of the women is especially tragic and horrendous.

Some survivors of the shipwreck made it to some tiny islands that lacked water and food and they suffered dehydration, starvation, and heat illness. Others remained on the ship and were either washed off deck, drowned when the ship collapsed, or failed trying to swim to the islands. 48 people packed into a longboat set off to make a 2000 journey to Batavia to get help. For the people left on the islands, they would face bloodshed, rape, and murder at the hand of the madman and his group of henchmen who seized control. The group began to systematically reduce the survivors to preserve food and water. First, they exiled groups of people to various nearby islands without sufficient food or water, hoping they would perish. When that failed, the group of murderers began drowning people in the ocean. One group of people on one of the islands who had survived on seals, seal’s blood, and urine, became the victims of a secret slaughter by these henchmen. Soon the murders were no longer conducted in secret. One boy was beheaded for sport, and the women were herded into a tent and used as sex slaves.

With his usual style of sharp, succinct writing, Colin Falconer captured the facts of this dreadful drama, skilfully mixed it with a little fiction, and created a powerfully passionate novel that shocked me and held me in its grip! In fact, I read the entire book in one sitting, unable to stop reading. The plight of the survivors at the hands of a few controlling madmen is one that I will not soon forget, and Falconer tells it like it is with blunt honesty and intense narrative.

I have long been a fan and follower of Colin Falconer. I found this novel as spell-binding, expertly written, and compelling as all his others. His tales offer something of interest to both men and women. With poignant characterization, dazzling dialogue, and impeccable research, there is something for everyone that will please. I can’t say enough about this book. Although it is a dark tale, there is a bit of a love story within that lends the tale some closure so the reader is left with a feeling of satisfaction! Nothing short of brilliant, Colin! Can’t wait for your next book on Cleopatra!
Profile Image for Sarah.
449 reviews25 followers
August 9, 2014
I feel by far this book's strongest point is its story. It's incredible the amount of emotion and drama Colin has been able to plug into this work. There's betrayal, murder, horror, survival, heroism, insanity, the extremes of human behavior, and a dash of romance for flavor. The author chose the shipwreck of the Batavia well as a backdrop for his dramatization. He's able to bring to life the extremes these people experienced as they tried to survive being wrecked on rocky, barren islands, all while being under the sway of a madman bent on creating his own perfect, little world.

The characters were also very vibrant in this novel. From the main character Cornelia to the minor Hendrika, from wily Christiaan to heroic Michiel, everyone has their own distinct characterizations and motivations. Everyone was nuanced and three-dimensional to a degree that is not all that common in every book I read. I think I was especially fascinated with Christiaan. He starts the novel sounding decent and not that bad of an individual, if a bit cunning and a bit of a plotter. To see his descent into the madman and coward he becomes was an incredible journey in characterization and fascination. I was held spellbound like his subjects at how depraved he became, yet how bewitching he sounded.

My one disappointment was the lack of anything that could really be justifiably called a romance. Yes, there were some tender feelings and moments between Cornelia and Michiel, hence the "dash of romance" comment. However, for a good chunk of the book, Michiel isn't even talked about, either exiled to the long island or just not there. For a book description that pushes the romantic elements of the book so hard (I mean, really? Jack and Rose?!), I found the actual substance of said romance very lacking. Almost to the degree that I would completely disregard this description altogether. *sigh* And I was actually looking forward to that element...

Even though that romance was lacking, strong characterization and an incredible story of survival, rescue, and madness made up for it. If you're looking for an all encompassing romance, look elsewhere. However, if you're looking for rock solid story-telling with a gripping plot and characters that shine, look no further. Colin has you well in hand.

Note: Book received via GoodReads FirstReads program for free in exchange for honest review.
Profile Image for Hallie (Hallie Reads).
1,580 reviews137 followers
July 11, 2018

Colin Falconer’s East India fictionalizes the history of the Batavia shipwreck in 1629, a piece of history I had never known before this novel, and brings it to life in fascinating, horrifying and vivid detail. With all his well-crafted and distinct characters, Falconer believably and authentically explores the whole gamut of human depravity. Manipulation, greed, lust, rape, murder, betrayal… It’s all right there. Appalled yet captivated, I couldn’t seem to stop reading this dark, intense story.

I should mention that the back-of-the-book summary is misleading. Before starting to read, I assumed the plot would focus on the developing romance between Cornelia and Michiel after the shipwreck. However, this is not entirely the case, since the shipwreck does not occur until a third of the way into the narrative. Of course, the preceding build-up is important and explanatory, and told from multiple perspectives, it sets the scene well for the ensuing conflict. But for most of the novel, Michiel makes very few appearances (compared to other characters) and when he finally begins interacting with Cornelia, their romance covers a few pages at most. So, I would not recommend East India to readers looking primarily for a romance – but for lovers of historical fiction, it’s sure to be an intriguing and thrilling read.

Thanks to Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, I received a copy of East India and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Sekhar N Banerjee.
303 reviews2 followers
December 12, 2017

I do not know how these books get published. It was a nightmare - the plot is banal and to a great extent amateurish. My caution to would be readers - do not make the same mistake as I did, do not buy the book
March 31, 2020

I kept on reading hoping something happened. I found the descriptions of the shipwreck typical and not very exciting. I hopped to start liking it so I continued reading but half way through I had to put it down.
February 10, 2021
কাহিনী সংক্ষেপঃ কাহিনীর শুরু ১৬২৮ সালের আমস্টারডাম হতে। সেখান থেকে পৃথিবীর অন্য প্রান্ত ব্যাটাভিয়ার (তথা ইন্দোনেশিয়ার) উদ্দেশ্যে আট মাসের সুদীর্ঘ যাত্রা শুরু করে 'উট্রেখট' জাহাজটি। রাস্তার অনেকটাই অনুমাননির্ভর। জাহাজের এক যাত্রী সম্ভ্রান্ত কর্নেলিয়া নরস্টান্টড, যাচ্ছেন স্বামীর সাথে দেখা করতে। আরেকজন মিখিয়েল ফন টেক্সেল, কোম্পানীর মার্সেনারী, ব্যাটাভিয়ায় যাচ্ছেন মাতারামদের সাথে যুদ্ধ করতে। স্বাভাবিক অবস্থায় তাদের মধ্যে কোনো অন্তরঙ্গতা চিন্তার বাইরে। কিন্তু পথ হারিয়ে উট্রেখট সম্মুখীন হয় এক অস্বাভাবিক পরিস্থিতির, সাথে নাবিকদের একাংশের বিদ্রোহ পরিস্থিতি আরো জটিল করে তোলে। অন্য সব ভদ্রলোকের যখন নিজেদের রূপ পালটে ফেলে তখন মিখিয়েল হয়ে যায় কর্নেলিয়ার রক্ষাকর্তা।
ব্যক্তিগত মতামতঃ সামুদ্রিক যাত্রা বা বিদ্রোহের কাহিনী পড়তে আমার সবসময়ই ভালো লাগে, বাউন্টিতে বিদ্রোহ থেকে এই ভালো লাগার সূত্রপাত। ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়াতে কলিন ফ্যালকনার তেমন চমৎকার এক কাহিনী বর্ননা করেছেন। এই গল্প ভালোবাসার, প্রতিকূলতার বিরুদ্ধে টিকে থাকার, সঙ্গীর প্���তি বিশ্বস্ততার। তবে লেখকের অন্যান্য বইতে বিভিন্ন দেশের আর্থ সামাজিক প্রেক্ষাপটের যেমন নিখুঁত বর্ননা পাওয়া যায়, এই কাহিনী সেখান থেকে কিছুটা ভিন্ন। তবে সেই সময়ে ডাচ ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানী কিভাবে কাজ করত, সে সম্পর্কে কিছুটা ধারণা পাওয়া যাবে।
Profile Image for Steven Nowak.
88 reviews
March 29, 2023
Colin Falconer does it again!!!

WOW this was a dark and brutal ride. I love a good shipwreck story . Falconer does a deep dive into mans's nature and what men will do when there is no law to keep them in check, no one too see what they do in the shadows. I wont spoil this for others but this book got very gritty. The scary part, is that men have done such evil deeds in history and will continue to do so in the future.

Falconer's writing here is perfect. I felt for several of the characters and even understood how some of them slipped so easily into dark deeds. Right from the first chapter there is this ominous feeling. I could feel that many people on this ship had nefarious plans in the works. The suspense was intense.

There was no real hero here because it was so real. No one that survived in this story will ever be the same after this horrible experience.

A tragic story of man's dark nature.
432 reviews
August 31, 2017
I received a free advance e-copy of this book and have chosen to write an honest and unbiased review. I have no personal affiliation with the author. Wow! Another amazing piece of historical fiction by Colin Falconer. This book is based on the actual shipwreck of the Batavia. We see horror, murder, madness, survival and all sides of human behavior in those who are shipwrecked. There is a complete personality turnaround in some of the survivors of the shipwrecked. Finding water and surviving the elements is not their main concern but surviving each other is. Colin Falconer is a true storyteller and one of my all time favorite authors. ‘East India’ is an incredible story of survival that is well worth the read. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.
Profile Image for Studebhawk.
292 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2019
A Wreck in the Indies
In a story of 17th-century sailing vessels sailing missions of discovery in the Indies, all of the hardships of long voyages in wooden ships are detailed here in all of its suffering and hunger. With the poor quality food, heat and occasional foul weather, the sailing voyages of these vessels were hard enough even with the hazards of navigation in unknown waters with poor charts.

The stories of the Asia trading companies, the East India Company, in particular, are well documented This story is full of action with plenty of the strengths and weaknesses of man in full measure. The influence of the East India Company was both strategic and political. Great wealth was both won and lost, the lives of the native people of the area were impacted for generations.

Though this is a work of fiction based loosely on a real event, East India by Colin Falconer is a compelling story. It is a powerful narrative filled with suspense and horror and sorrow. Colin Falconer provides everything you want in a great adventure story.
533 reviews1 follower
April 28, 2019
I had never read anything by Mr. Falconer , but I will now. I enjoyed this book so much. The mixture of facts and fiction blended in so well. The description of the behavior of men more or less stranded on a ship for so many months is so vivid and realistic considering the petty squabbles to begin and then the hunger , lust and boredom that ensue for being so confined on a crammed vessel.
This book shows how humans reacted in 1629 much like today when people are caught in desperate situations and also the evil deeds that men still do today.
Michele Zito.
Profile Image for Silvia.
103 reviews6 followers
January 23, 2023
Ако ви се чете историчесска романтика, не се подвеждайте по корицата. Книгата се основава на реални факти за едно пътуване до Индия, корабокрушение и оцеляване. Първата половина е леко мудна с описание какво се случва на кораба, какво мислят хората по време на 8-месечното пътуване. Но веднъж заседнали, ситуацията става като в "Повелителят на мухите" - насилие, желание за власт, убийства и почти всичко неприятно, за което можете да се сетите. Честно казано дочетох книгата от инат, а не толкова от любопитство. Героите не са много развити, сюжетната линия на места е нечетима.
29 reviews
November 3, 2023
Salty yarn based on true story - desperate acts on a ship of doom.

This is a very good read, just enough historical detail to set the tone and give context, but it’s the character development and plot that really set this apart. They say a ship is like a microcosm of humanity, complete with the best and the worst; this certainly is reflected here. Bonus points for picking an era and episode that will be relatively new to most Anglo/American readers, the early 16th century when the Dutch maritime empire ( and its instrument, the Dutch East Indies Company ( or VOC) was in its ascendency.
September 18, 2021
I have been reading this series of novels from Colin Falconer for several weeks and have been so impressed that I undertook to provide this review. A task I very rarely perform.
All books are stand alone and not connected in any way. Set in various locations and culturee around the globe.
Every single book has been brilliantly written and packed with informative content as well as stories that grab the reader and provide rich, entertaining characters and plots.
Highest recommendation.
Profile Image for Bobby.
819 reviews3 followers
December 15, 2023

I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this fabulous take even though after reading several of Mr. Customer's books I should have known I wouldn't get much sleep. A trip to East India becomes a nightmare after their ship crashes upon a reef and a resulting mutiny had grave consequences for all. The characters are created to be obviously good or bad. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews

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