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The Guild Codex: Warped #5

Mage Assassins & Other Misfits

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The weirdness level of my life has reached an all-time high. Which is saying something, considering I started out as a psychic conman and somehow ended up as a MagiPol agent. And not just any agent. Lately, I’ve been Captain Blythe’s right-hand man and most trusted confidant.

Yeah, I know. Super weird.

It’s also kind of awkward, because unbeknownst to her, I’ve also teamed up with her most loathed nemesis, Darius King, guild master of the Crow and Hammer and the number one guy on the Consilium’s “To Be Eliminated” list.

Oh, and the Consilium? It’s just a secret organization embedded deep in the upper echelons of the MPD that’s using its nefarious influence to take over the world. Or destroy it. We’re still figuring that part out.

“We” being me and Blythe. And me and Darius. But not Blythe and Darius. Like I said, it’s awkward.

Unfortunately, the Consilium knows we’re on to them. It’s only a matter of time before they reveal how much power they truly wield—and eliminate all three of us for good.

313 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 7, 2024

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About the author

Annette Marie

48 books6,772 followers
Annette Marie is the author of YA urban fantasy series Steel & Stone, its prequel trilogy Spell Weaver, romantic fantasy Red Winter, and sassy UF series The Guild Codex.

Her first love is fantasy, while fast-paced adventures and tantalizing forbidden romances are her guilty pleasures. She proudly admits she has a thing for dragons, and her editor has inquired as to whether she intends to include them in every single book.

Annette lives in the frozen winter wasteland of Alberta, Canada (okay, it’s not quite that bad). She shares her life with her husband and their furry minion of darkness—sorry, cat—Caesar. When not writing, she can be found elbow-deep in one art project or another while blissfully ignoring all adult responsibilities.

Find out more about Annette and her books at www.annettemarie.ca.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews
Profile Image for Noi.
366 reviews231 followers
Shelved as 'not-on-my-libby'
June 6, 2024
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll have you tomorrow (maybe)
Amazon says Jun 7, 2024 and not Dec 8, 2023.

Profile Image for Chloe Frizzle.
500 reviews96 followers
May 31, 2024
If you've liked the previous Warped books, you need to read this one.

What this book excelled at was upping the stakes for the series. I've loved the case-of-the-week structure of the previous books, but this one departs from that as our cast starts to dance with the Big Bad of the series. It's done well, giving us real consequences and new problems to tackle.

And *squeals* the romance balances both being slow-burn and giving us a little tidbit so well.

Thanks to Dark Owl Fantasy for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Alicia.
1,915 reviews74 followers
July 2, 2024
I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.
The crew is back!
This starts a bit slow, but there’s bigger stakes in this one, and broader more epic bad guys to track down. It’s full of constant action and political shuffling with a few side character reveals thrown in.
Romance definitely takes a backseat to political machinations and Kit evolution. I could have gone more exploration on Kit’s newfound abilities, which seems set to explode in the final book headed back towards his roots. (I think the next one rounds out this series. I could be wrong). The imagination that goes into Kit’s magic and his warped sense of humour are always the highlights of these books.
Kit has toned down his ‘Kitness’, which I know some people were calling for, but I wasn’t one of them. His snark and humour is what made the other books stand out for me. And I missed Lienna too. She reappears about halfway through with new bada$$ery, but this duo are my favourite. Sorry, Darius. You’re just not the same.
Profile Image for mith.
875 reviews285 followers
May 28, 2024
Holy shit

Listen, it's been a minute since I've read one of Marie's releases. Oh, how I have missed her writing. (Well. I've read her patreon shorts, but that's besides the point!) Dare I say, I've even missed Kit!

This book was a surprise and an enigma. I've not been the biggest fan of this series, unfortunately, because I was always hoping it would go a much darker route (and not have a romance arc). And now I think it's getting there. Evil political and corporate powers at play, but with magic? Bro. Say less. If this is what the entire series was leading up to, then I am all for it. Holy shit am I down.

There's a lot I enjoyed about this book. Part of it might be the fact that it's been so long since I've read one of Marie and Jacobsen's books, but it was so easy to get into. The signature humor, nonstop action, and rising stakes are more than enough to hook, line, and sink my attentions. The addition of more MPD lore—more insight to the web of this whole system—was very interesting to read. I've always enjoyed that bit about this series, and it's one of my favorite things about Marie's writing in general. Her worldbuilding? Immaculate. Fourth series in this world, and she has not stopped giving, for lack of a finer term.

I wasn't even thinking about the romance, honestly. Like, I know it's there, but it just doesn't feel important in the grand scheme of things. Also, I still don't care for Kit and Lienna together.

Loved that ending. Absolutely adored it, and that final third of the book. I never know what to expect with these books, so they easily override my expectations, but this one! Like I said, it's what I've been waiting for. The next book is about a year away from release if it sticks to the plan, and I know by then that not only will I forget the entire series (again) and be okay with it, but also be verrrryy glad to see what the next book entails. 4 stars!
Profile Image for Kaitlynne.
1,560 reviews51 followers
June 20, 2024
I've missed reading (new)Annette Marie books so much. I'm so happy.

The stakes were so much higher this one, and I wasn't ever really sure what was going to happen. And especially in the very first chapter. It was something that I wasn't expecting (but probably should have) So the gasp I gusped was LOUD.

I've missed this series and the characters so much, and I'm so glad that I have them back.

ta ta, I'm off to do a re-read to catch all the things I might have missed.

Thank you so much to Annette Marie and Dark Owl Fantasy for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Lola.
1,714 reviews269 followers
June 3, 2024
I received a free copy from the authors and voluntarily reviewed it.

I really like The Guild Codex: Warped series and was excited to get my hands on a copy of this latest book. It had been a while since I read the previous book so I did struggle a bit remembering what exactly was going on with the Consilium, who they were and why Kit is after them. Luckily that didn't diminish my enjoyment much and I was swiftly pulled into the story. And the further I got the more reminders there were about the Consilium which helped.

This was a great read, I really enjoyed it. There's plenty of action and Kit being awesome and using his powers. There's this big thing going on with the Consilium and their plans and Kit and the others are trying to stop them. The ending has some important scenes and the way things end makes me look forward to the next book.

I really like Kit as main character and it was so fun to follow him again in this book. I like reading about his psycho warp powers, which become even more awesome with every book. I like his point of view on the things and the way he handles everything. There's a bit of romance progressing with Lienna as well which was nice to see. Lienna is absent in the part of the book and I was glad when she was back again as I like reading about them together. This book also has more about Darius, the GM of the Crow and Hammer, as well as his past and how that intersects with the current events. I have to admit I would rather read about Kit and Lienna, but I was happy to find out what was the deal between Darius and Blythe and what caused her to dislike him so much.

To summarize: I had a great time reading this book. There's plenty of action and Kit using his awesome psycho warp powers that become more awesome and powerful in every book. While I struggled a bit remembering what was going on with the Consilium as it had been a while since the last book, I was quickly pulled in the plot, and the further I got the more details about the Consilium got mentioned. I like reading about Kit and also was happy to see some romance progression with Lienna in this book. The ending left me excited for the next book!
Profile Image for Kayla.
397 reviews94 followers
June 7, 2024
First of all, I just want to say thank you to Annette Marie for giving me an ARC of this book to read in exchange for an honest review. No compensation was given, offered, or taken to alter the opinion.

Mage Assassins & Other Misfits is the fifth book in The Guild Codex: Warped series. It took me a second to remember what happened in Stolen Sorcery & Other Misadventures because it has been a year since I read that one, but I quickly jumped back into the Guild Codex world. I have to admit... I have missed Kit's personality with his humor and "movie buff" pop culture references. He never fails to make me laugh. This book moves at a rapid pace, going from one high-stakes action scene to another. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading. This book definitely upped the stakes for the series and leaves us on a cliffhanger. If you have read the other books in this series, this one is a must read. I'm not going to be able to wait another year for the next one!! Please Annette and Rob hear our cries and write the next one as fast as Kit can warp something. ;)
Profile Image for Penny.
2,547 reviews72 followers
May 25, 2024
I started this book thinking that it was the last one. But I read relishing every word, every action, and boy was there a lot of action. Kit is still on the trail of the Consilium and its members, trying to maintain a balance between working with Darius and not letting Blythe know. This is an action-filled, thoroughly engaging, surprise-laden, neck-breaking twists and turns book, and I couldn’t catch my breath until the end. When I had reached almost the end, I wasn’t sure how it was going to wrap up and then I realized this can’t be the last one because…well, you’ll have to read it to find out. Kit is my hero is all I can say. Don’t miss this latest book; you’ll regret it if you do. Highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Marguerite.
566 reviews31 followers
June 9, 2024
4.5 Stars!!!!

Another spectacular installment within the Guild Codex world overall, but also specifically the Warped series. So great to be back in the world with Kit and Lienna again! Particularly fun to be chuckling over Kit's funny quips and movie references.

The plot was fun, fast-paced and certainly building to an amazing conclusion with the final book... although it is a year away *sob*. I really enjoyed having Darius more in the plot and revealing some more interesting levels of his character that have been hinted at, but not revealed yet. My favourite component was the reveal of some really interesting details about the dynamic between Captain Blythe and Darius... not going to say much more, but long time readers will be fascinated and invested!

This book has got 4.5 stars this time, losing that .5 star, mainly because I was hoping for some more Darius and Captain Blythe tension and drama (granted, this is just my interest and preference for these characters... not really a shade on the book, but still a little part of me is slightly disappointed with this first read, ha!) and also that cliffhanger (again, with the one year wait for the final book) is emotionally tough!!

Can't wait for the final book next year!

I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Lindsey Reads).
184 reviews40 followers
June 8, 2024
Note: I received an Advanced Reading Copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

“Somehow, it was up to us—a ragtag band of misfits from Vancouver pitted against the seemingly unstoppable tide of the Consilium and its secret faction of the MPD’s most powerful leaders. I’d never wished that “the underdog always wins” movie magic applied to real life more than I did now.”

I didn’t know just how much I had actually missed Kit and the world of the Guild Codex since my last read. But then I dived into this book and (to put it in “beloved” bookish phrases) I could finally release the breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding. Not only was it just so amazing to be back inside of this wonderful world, but it also felt really natural to dive back in. I wasn’t lost, my goldfish brain didn’t need to do a re-read or refresh my memories. I just slipped right back in and felt as if I never left. That’s when you know you’re reading something exceptional.

What can I say about book 5 that I haven’t already mentioned in any of my previous 4 rave reviews? Well, that somehow this book has upped the stakes tenfold. Which is a feat after so many books in this world. But still, Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen keep on expanding on this world and its characters. We keep learning new things about the world and the characters in them. In this story in particular we get involved into a political power struggle where our favorite misfit heroes have to take on a huge anonymous net of corrupt members of the most powerful organization in the mythical world in a quite literal race around the world. (And no, no time for sightseeing, sorry Kit!) So yes, the stakes are higher than ever and Kit and co definitely have their work cut out for them. This is a thrilling, action-packed and intense rollercoaster ride of book that will be almost impossible to put down.

And yet, despite all of the action and politics and intrigue, Kit is still a character to steal the spotlight every single time. Our favorite underdog is facing his biggest challenge yet, and still he’s learning and growing and discovering new aspects of his power along the way. All that, and he still manages to be witty and real and empathetic and just a First Aid Kit (hah!) for the people he cares about. Can you tell I adore Kit? I’m just gonna go out and say it, Kit is my favorite Guild Codex character (sorry Zak, sorry Zylas…).

While we are talking about amazing characters, as the title suggest and many fans have been highly anticipating for a while, this book also heavily features our favorite silver fox guild master and former assassin, Darius! No spoilers here, but let me just say his backstory was intense and heartbreaking and I hope he gets everything he wants in the next book.

As for the romance fans, while the romance aspect is a bit on the backburner with all of the running/flying around the world going on, there are still a few lovely scenes in there that will definitely have you swooning!

Overall, I just can’t not rave about this book in particular, nor the series as a whole. If you haven’t picked it up yet, I highly recommend you to. It has an amazing well-built and ever-expanding magical world, epic action-scenes that read like you’re watching them play out on a movie screen, complex and loveable characters you’ll fall in love with and slow-burn romance that will have you swooning your little heart out.

And if you have picked it up, please let me know so we can rave together as we impatiently wait for the next and final book in the Warped series!
60 reviews
June 6, 2024
Yet another fantastic instalment of The Guild Codex: Warped series!

As always, Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen deliver a story with great worldbuilding, interesting characters and fast-paced plot. Though it starts a little slow, Kit’s investigation of the Consilium takes off fast, and soon unearths deep-rooted evil/corruption, political machinations, and nefarious power-plays in the upper echelons of the MPD. Throw in the “cold war” between Darius King, the Silver Fox, and Captain Blythe, and Kit has got his hands full trying to navigate their complex and definitely “once-were-still-are-maybe” relationship and the investigation.

I loved reacquainting myself with Kit and his quick-witted, unapologetic humour, though you can really tell how much he has matured in this instalment. Additionally, we got to learn a lot more about his powers and how he is slowly overcoming his limitations (or what he perceives as his limitations) and making them into his strengths. Kit is super relatable and continues to have a heart of gold! At one point I was laughing out loud on the train! Here is a little snippet, though you would probably need to read it to understand fully 😊

“…was this actually the afterlife? Maybe there had been some horrible clerical error at the Pearly Gates and I’d been sent to Valhathletica…where the rivers ran thick with protein shakes, it only rained creatinine, and the angels had six-packs but skipped leg day”.

On a side not, somehow, while reading the book, I couldn’t stop thinking of and compare the dynamics between Darius and Kit with Dinozzo and Gibbs from the NCIS series (probably because I have been binging it just recently).

Anyway, while Lienna was absent from Kit’s side for part of the book, she makes a blazing reappearance midway, thus completing the “Kit and Lienna duo”. Additionally, there is quite a bit of progress in the romance department (though you should read the book for more info 😉).

Then there was the ending…it was enigmatic!

So, to sum up, we’re in for yet another long wait, and I am really looking forward to meeting Kit and the crew again.

I was provided a free copy from the authors and voluntarily reviewed it.

Profile Image for K.A..
Author 2 books23 followers
June 7, 2024
Actual Rating: 4.5 stars

Note: I was provided an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, opinions, and notes are my own.

"There are countless ways to kill a man with a blade, but only one is instant death."


This book starts off S T R O N G.

If you're reading this review, chances are you're a Guild Codex fan. And not just any GC fan, but an OG, been reading since Spellbound, I've read all your posts in the spoiler group uber fan. I mean, we don't make it to book 5 of a spinoff if you aren't right?

And as all OG fans know, this book features the enigmatic Guild Master: Darius "The Mage Assassin" King.

At the beginning of the book, Kit & Darius are an epic duo jumping in and out of the line of fire to stop Kade & uncover what the Consilium is after. Between tense fight scenes, a few heart-stopping moments, and a little romance ;) (No spoilers here, folks) it's hard to put the book down.

What I found truly interesting was that this book features more moving parts & politics than the other Guild Codex novels have previously, slowing the book down at the right times and adding a dose of intrigue befitting an ex-assassin who's stepped from supporting character to main character.

Kit is as witty & hilarious as ever, but we do see the darker side to him in this book. It's hard to keep all that optimism when you're running into road blocks at every turn, and scheming definitely isn't his style. It was refreshing to see this side of the story, and with that ending, I can't wait to see where it takes our MC next!

Book six, you cannot come soon enough.

I'd like to thank the authors for the opportunity to review this novel. See you all in the spoiler group!
Profile Image for Lesley.
398 reviews11 followers
June 17, 2024
4.5. This book caused me so much anxiety! Kit’s usually so laid back, so when he’s scared of something, I’m completely terrified.

Kit and Darius are working together (behind Blythe’s back) to find and capture Kade and learn who’s behind the Consilium.

Kit has always been an amazing character, but it’s so interesting to see how he handles his powers continually growing and changing. I am so thrilled there was more Darius in this one, and I really enjoyed learning about his past (including his connection with Blythe!). It was also nice to have Lienna back. I know she was only gone for part of the book, but it seems like she’s been away forever. Of course, one of my favorite things about the Guild Codex books are the cameos, and MAAOM has its fair share.

With the Guild Codex books, Annette Marie has created a truly magical world. You can envision the different settings, and it’s really fun to learn about the different kind of mythics and their powers. For the Warped books, she partners with Rob Jacobsen, who adds humor, sarcasm, and pop culture into the mix. There’s a little something for everyone. If I had to rate the books, I’d probably give them a PG. There are some violent scenes and occasional curse words.

The Bottom Line:
From the get-go, Kit’s books have been the perfect combination of action, suspense, and humor, so I knew MAAOM would be worth the read. This one has a tiny bit of a cliffhanger at the end, and the final book in the series isn’t out for another year. I am not very good at waiting, but there's no way I'm going to miss that one.
119 reviews
June 28, 2024
Fantastic book. Buddy-cop vibes balanced with action, mystery, new magic and a viking tomb raid

Annette Marie (here in collaboration with Rob Jacobsen) has mastered different "voice" for her different characters, and it's fun being back inside Kit's pop-culture saturated thousand mile a minute monologue on life as a morally grey Magical Police agent. Everyone among the Guild Codex world readers has been begging for a peak into Darius (sexy, mysterious, wise salt-and-pepper haired Guild Master of the Crow and Hammer, Vancouver's hub for magical misfits), and this was a real treat and answer to that.

"Is that what I think it is?"
"That depends on what you think it is"
(Here, you can already tell who's who -- great 'voice' differentiation in the characters)

The big bad (or, at least, the only face we have so far for this organization) is back and really well researched. If you've read the Psycopath Test (fascinating nonfiction), Kade's backstory ---that Kit is piecing together between jumping onto trains and collaborating with Darius to super power sneaking around --- leaves no room for any redemption arc (or weakness!)

"Holy shit, we were really doing this" -- Kit

A lot of (Urban) fantasy, characters just roll with things that would make the average person quake. Kit plays a great 'straight man' to the people in the story doing this, which brings you, the reader, more over to his side.

Kit's honing his skills and leveling up as a member of a magic class usually seen as weak but Kade is keeping pace.

Darius' past is slowly having a light shown on it.

Action! Adventure! Allusions to romance!


Excited about it all.
Profile Image for Heather.
150 reviews9 followers
June 7, 2024

**A Thrilling Ride with Kit in "Mage Assassins & Other Misfits"!**

Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen have outdone themselves with their latest installment, "Mage Assassins & Other Misfits." This book is an absolute gem in the urban fantasy genre, blending action, intrigue, and humor in a way that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

The main character, Kit, takes us on a wild journey that’s as hilarious as it is heart-pounding. Once a psychic conman and now a trusted MagiPol agent, Kit's life is anything but ordinary. His dual role as Captain Blythe's confidant and secret ally of her nemesis, Darius King, creates a delightful web of tension and excitement. The dynamic between Kit, Blythe, and Darius is brilliantly written, adding layers of complexity and humor to the narrative.

The plot thickens as Kit and his unconventional allies uncover the sinister plans of the Consilium, a shadowy organization bent on world domination or destruction—details are still a bit murky. The stakes are high, the action is relentless, and the twists are expertly crafted. Kit's wry commentary and the awkward, yet fascinating, interactions between the trio keep the story lively and engaging.

"Mage Assassins & Other Misfits" is a masterful blend of fantasy, mystery, and wit. Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen have created a captivating world with characters that are as endearing as they are formidable. If you’re looking for a book that will keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat, this is the one. Highly recommended for all urban fantasy fans!
Profile Image for Sydney.
13 reviews
June 8, 2024
I’m so glad Kit is back! He’s a fun main character and I love how he views the world. The wittiness, the charm, the epic eye-rolls are still here, but when things are serious, you know he’ll do what’s needed.

When we left Kit last, we were teased with a huge conspiracy and an adventurous Darius-Kit team-up. Without going into details, it was so worth it. Darius and Kit are similar and yet super different, which makes for an interesting time. Don’t worry though, Lienna is not in California forever. And she’s badass as always.

And we get so much Darius and Blythe that’s been hinted at in earlier Guild Codex books. Well worth the wait. I knew it was gonna be something … just because of the snippets we’d gotten before. Finally getting details about them was incredible. No matter how it ends up (even though I’m sure most of us want a certain ending), I know it’ll be earned for the characters and cathartic for me.

The romance has always taken a back seat, but it’s been there, quietly burning and increasing in intensity. Pretty realistic for a workplace romance, especially when there’s been so many bad guys running around doing bad guy things.

Everything in the series has been set up for an incredible payoff, and the ending of Mage Assassins & Other Misfits left us in a perfect spot. It’s gonna be real hard to wait for the final book.
Profile Image for Di.
415 reviews37 followers
June 14, 2024
** I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Any quotes were taken from the advanced readers copy and as such may not be accurate or present in the final version**

WOW. Here I thought that Rogue Ghosts & Other Miscreants was the best in the series and could not be surpassed... However I was happily incorrect. Mage Assassins & Other Misfits ups the ante of the Warped series and also delves into the background of everyone's favourite guild master and titular Mage Assassin. Everything is a bit more intense in this one - background knowledge, politics, magic, relationships - ALL OF IT HAS CHANGED GEAR.

Kit's character development has been strong in this entire series, but with many things culminating in this instalment I can't help but think that this is the pivotal book of the series.

Kit and Lienna's relationship has also levelled up. Through shared experiences, hardships, and triumphs, they have come to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, building a foundation of mutual respect and loyalty. Their dynamic is portrayed with nuance and sensitivity, showcasing the gradual shift from strangers in the first book, to trusted allies who are willing to sacrifice everything for each other. The connection that Annette has built between them is one that is both believable and relatable and their interactions are filled with tension, humor, and moments of vulnerability that make their connection feel authentic and deeply meaningful.

The world building in the entire Guild Codex series is nothing short of spectacular. I have loved reading along since I first entered the world in Three Mages and a Margherita up until now and getting to learn about different aspects of the world through different points of views. Annette Marie's vivid descriptions transport readers to a world teeming with magic and mystical creatures, ancient secrets and political machinations, and deadly challenges at every turn. The intricate details and for me, the story crossovers as well, truly bring the book to life, making it feel like a place that readers could step into and explore alongside the characters.

I can't say much more without going into spoilers, but trust me, this is a book and a series that you will want to read.
Profile Image for Lydia.
8 reviews10 followers
June 9, 2024
The trend of me NEVER being disappointed in a release in this series continues full force!

Kit is a delight, always. These pages are packed with his signature wit and humor, but also bigger and tougher challenges than he’s ever had to face before and watching his growth throughout this story was just thrilling. We’ve got globetrotting escapades, raising stakes, and typical shenanigans galore and I loved every second. (Not to mention FINALLY more Darius that we have been SO hungry for; he and Kit are an iconic duo.) Capping off everything with an absolutely breathtaking (if not gut-punching) climax that I feel this series always delivers so well and an ending with some insane implications and I am already foaming at the mouth for the next (and final) installment.

Finally I just wanted to give a huge shout out to the dynamic duo of Annette Marie and Rob Jacobson. Knowing everything that was going on behind the scenes with Annette’s recovery and how they both powered through like champs to get this incredible book put together, absolute legends they are!

We will see Kit and gang again in 2025 and I’ll be on the edge of my seat until then!
345 reviews10 followers
June 24, 2024

Kit is working with both Darius and Captain Blythe to try and stop the shadowy cabal corrupting the magic police, the MPD, but neither of them know that the other is working on the same goal. Meanwhile, Lienna is in Los Angeles and Kit's powers seem to be mysteriously changing.

As is typical for Annette Marie’s stories this is a funny, fast paced adventure with fun characters and cool magic. Kit and Lienna aren’t my favorite protagonists of hers (#teamdruid), but Kit has the BEST magic. All of Annette Marie’s books are exciting page turners and I love how the series intertwine and mesh characters and events.

This one ends on a bit of a cliffhanger and the next one is out in May 2025.

“An ex-conman with inexplicably growing powers, an abjuration prodigy trying to make up for her father’s corruption, and a former assassin who’d fought this battle once before.
We were up against a cabal of ruthless, untouchable, anonymous power players in the upper echelon of the world’s most powerful organization.”
Profile Image for Megan.
123 reviews
June 7, 2024
Another adventure with Kit! This was a slight change from the previous stories, and is really an intermediate book in what is now the larger plot (vs more of a case per book that we saw in previous installments). HOWEVER, it is still a great book and a must read to understand how everything starts to connect. Kit is slightly less Kit-ish than before - still some of his cheesy pop references but less annoying than some might have found previous stories. But Kit is now expanding his abilities and I am excited to see where that leads (I feel like I have an idea, but you just never know with these authors!). The stakes are upped by a LOT in this book. We get a whole bunch of Darius in this story too - and finally some more information about what happened with Darius and Blythe! The main romance with Kit and Lienna still seems a little off, but maybe that’s just me feeeling extra frustrated by the extra slow burn. And we get some cameos from our fave Crow and Hammer members. This book is definitely worth a read! It was so fun to be back in the Guild Codex world again, and I’m excited to see how everything shakes out in the final book coming next year!
Profile Image for Nicci.
713 reviews228 followers
June 11, 2024
It feels like forever since we've had a Guild Codex adventure so it was amazing to sink back into Kit's series and go on a magic filled romp full of humour and chaos!

This book was a rollercoaster and its safe to say that the stakes have never been higher! I'm actually a little afraid for our beloved characters...

Kit is as loveable as always and he is growing into quite the badass! His magical ability is something else... It's been nice to see his growth both magically and personally from the beginning of the series through to now.

Darius features prominently in this book and we learn more about the Mage Assassin's past.

The slow slow burning romance between Kit and Lienna finally seems to be moving...

All in all it was a wholly satisfying, fast-paced and informative, adventure in one of my favourite fictional worlds. If you're a fan of the series, I doubt you'll be disappointed!
63 reviews
June 9, 2024

This cliffhanger will destroy me….

This is the fifth book in the Kit Morris series by Annette Marie, but this one blows the last few books out of the water.

Spoilers ahead!!!!!

In this book, Kit discovers that his powers are not just as he always thought they were, but bigger and better.
He also has a new nemesis, Kade, the IA MPD agent killing fiend from the last book. And Kade wants Kit, not dead, not brain dead, working for the Consilium.

We learn about Kits powers, an unfolding relationship between alien an and Kit, we learn more about Darius and his relationship with Blythe and we learn about the Consilium.

This book was amazing, and this cliffhanger will make me reread all books in the Guild Codex until the new book is out on May 2, 2025……..
863 reviews14 followers
June 10, 2024
Wow! What a ride! Kit's story has slowly been ramping up both in stakes, magic and the antics, but this blew it all out of the water. I did feel sorry for Kit though, he's having a rough couple of days and he just can't seem to catch a break. The bad guys were so much worse than I was expecting and one thing these authors do really well is give us an evil villain to hate and we definitely have that here.
Kit's latest adventures see Darius as his partner in crime solving and I enjoyed seeing the amount of trust and camaraderie between them. Kit's banter and movie quips were spot on as usual especially as he literally travels the world from one movie cliche to another.
It was fun, nail biting edge of your seat stuff and I think I pushed my heart rate up for this whole read. And the ending, oh Kit we are all behind you and can't wait to see where you and your magic will go next.
Profile Image for Lynn Hacic.
68 reviews
June 21, 2024
Annette Marie and the Guild Codex series (all of them) are by far my most favorite fun to read books. It all started when I stumbled onto Three Mages and a Margarita (Book 1 of the Guild Codex: Spellbound Series).

The Warped Series (she writes this series with Rob Jacobsen) follows Kit Morris a MagiPol agent and in this book how he works with Darius from Crow and Hammer (again see above) to try and oust the Consilium. Sprinkle in a little Agent Lienna Shen (his partner), Captain Blythe (the boss), and is real life whit and humor and you have a fun loving twisty book.

I'm looking forward to Conquering Reality & Other Misconduct (The Guild Codex: Warped Book 6), the final one in this sub series, which releases next year.

If you'd love to try this series - see the recommended reading order here.
Profile Image for Miki.
942 reviews40 followers
May 30, 2024
Oh my!! this one was great, first we learn a lot about Darius' past and it's very interesting but we see Kit growing up, i mean he got more mature but still stays funny and he sure is busy. After the event in the precedent books, MPD knows there is a mole but that some strange things are happening so in secret Kit is investigating but he is also investigating in a more secret form with Darius help

Really this was a great book and we can be sure more action will come but poor Kit while he is improving, mastering his skills better and opening his heart, he is also in a lot more danger. It'x not often that book in this series leave me edgy but this one does...so next book will waited for!

to be read in order
7 reviews
June 2, 2024
I never thought Pokémon, The Matrix, and the Old West would converge—but here we are and I’m LOVING it!

Aside from the jam packed action and slow burn romance I’ve come to expect from the Guild Codex books— what makes them so great and so engaging is that the the characters are relatable. Magical powers and crazy rizz aside— they’re just like you and me. All going through some sh***, and just trying to figure it out.

Speaking of figuring it out— WHO IS THE MOLE!?

Is being a mole in the MPD objectively wrong? Yes. Do I care? No.

So! Many! Great! Mustaches!


Don’t even get me started on Darius. The backstory is juicy baby, and I love him even more now. If that’s even possible.

This book was well worth the wait. And I’m on pins and needles for the next installment!

14 reviews
June 10, 2024
First of all, let me just say I really appreciate how much we got to see of everyone's favorite "silver fox" GM in this book. He was not just a supporting character, helping from the shadows this time around, but an integral part of the story. We finally get the backstory between a certain two characters, as well as some relationship development between others. As usual, we are given a heaping serving of Kit's trademark snark while he struggles to juggle several things all at once without collapsing from being overwhelmed, (favorite quote: "personal first aid Kit"). He is still growing in so many ways that is so great to see. I especially get warm fuzzies from Kit's interactions with members of the C&H crew. I am still holding out hope that we'll get to see him become an official full-fledged member by the end of the series. I would also like to mention that I now have a new appreciation for Kit's favorite frenemy that I never had before.
Overall, another homerun from Rob and Annette and I am both terrified and excited for the conclusion of the Guild Codex series next year!
Profile Image for Jeannie Jerolis.
22 reviews
June 8, 2024
I need more!!

I NEED the next book, I NEED to know what happens but I don’t want The Guild Codex universe to end!! OMG while the first few books were great, they got more intense as the over arcing story has gone on, this one upped the intensity level to max. I definitely recommend this series but you must start at the beginning not only of this part of the series to even understand this book, but the beginning of the Guild Codex series to get the full flavor, you will miss out on references and events otherwise. It’s not necessary to read the other 3 parts but you get so much more of you do. I personally like reading them in the order recommended on her site bouncing between the 4 parts to get the full experience. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Josie.
245 reviews21 followers
June 20, 2024
Setting/Worldbuilding: 6/10
Main characters: 8/10
Side characters: 6/10
Dialogue: 7/10
Plot: 6/10
Technique: 6/10
Prose: 5/10
Romance: 7/10
Ending: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 5/100
Total: 64/100 (3.2)

Hm, what started off as a hot mess ended up not too bad a read. In a way, I think I might be getting a bit tired of the whole “Jake Peralta” persona that Kit has - it’s not as fun a read as it had been at the start. But the pace picked up forwards the last third of the book and the read became far more enjoyable. I’ll keep going but I don’t know how much longer I can keep up with Kit….!

Also, I’m sorry, but Kit HAS to be gay or at least bi. I can’t buy his relationship with Lienna as much as I can with his infatuation with handsome men like Zak and Darius. Come on….!

Profile Image for Denise Esh.
241 reviews6 followers
June 8, 2024
What did I like? The entire story! Learning more about Darius and his history was to die for! Kit's revelations and growth, amazing! Lienna's new toys, absolutely awesome! The way the story flows and continues the previous parts of the story was fabulous. A true hit! Then the fact that I thought this was going to be the last book in this series and found out it wasn't! Even more amazing because I really want so much more of this story. What I didn't like? It ended far too quickly and the wait for the next installment is far away, but it just gives me something to look forward to and that's always a good thing! Highly Recommend anything Annette has had her hands in!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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