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The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life

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A key team member behind The Secret and his business partner offer the specific tools and mental strategies to help readers leap ahead in any career or business venture and achieve major financial success.

In this visionary work, New York Times bestselling author John Assaraf and business guru Murray Smith reinvent the business book for the twenty-first century. Two of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, they combine forces to bring their special insights and techniques together in a revolutionary guide for success in the modern business environment.

Assaraf and Smith know how to minimize risk and maximize success, and The Answer provides a framework for sharing their wisdom, experience, and skills with the millions of people who want to accomplish their own dreams in life. Using cutting-edge research into brain science and quantum physics, they show how readers can actually rewire their brains for success and create the kind of extraordinary lives they want. By teaching readers how to attract and use newly discovered "uncommon" senses to achieve business success, the authors demonstrate the beliefs, habits, thoughts, and actions that they have used to build eighteen multimillion-dollar companies.

Any reader who follows this step-by-step process to build his or her career will experience an enormous life transformation and reach an exceptional level of living.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2008

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About the author

John Assaraf

43 books115 followers
For over 25 years, John Assaraf has been seeking and finding the secrets to success—both in business and in life.

John Assaraf is a two time New York Times bestselling author, lecturer, business growth expert and entrepreneur.

His expertise for achieving the psychology and strategies for success in life and business has him as a frequent guest on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360, The Donny Deutsch Show, Ellen DeGeneres and numerous radio and print media worldwide.

John appeared as one of the featured experts in the movie “The Secret” which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon and in the PBS special “Quest for Success” with the Dali Lama and Richard Branson.

In the past 25 years, he has grown four multimillion dollar companies and
his current company OneCoach has helped over 5000 small business owners’ increase revenues profits and value.

His first book, Having it All, made it to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. In 2008 his Second Book "The Answer" Grow any business, achieve financial freedom and live an extraordinary life, also became a runaway hit making it to New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists with 60 days of it's release, see www.readtheanswer.com

His business passion is OneCoach, a company dedicated to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs grow their businesses so they can live extraordinary lives.

John resides in Southern California and his passions are spirituality, his family, traveling, cooking, exercise, and making a significant and positive impact in the lives of others.

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27 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews
Profile Image for Pamela.
1 review4 followers
May 15, 2012
This is an important and critical book to read if you want to take your business to the next level. Assaraf and Murray Smith are brilliant and make an impressive team. They use the Law of Attraction, and other laws of the universe, brain science, and blend it into a step by step to create a successful business. You learn how to clarify your vision for your business, write personal declarations to switch your mind set from limiting beliefs to reality, create your unique selling points and strategies to attract your ideal client. Loved it. Just like "Think and Grow Rich" you need to read it five times. It's that important.
Profile Image for Rai.
Author 11 books153 followers
December 9, 2009
Use The Answer as Your Compass to Point the Way…

There are many books out there that promise insights so powerful that they will change your life. The Answer is a book that not only promises that, but also delivers on it. As the book itself states, this is not merely ‘pop psychology’ - it is something much more. This is an unofficial follow-up book to the wildly popular DVD The Secret. John Assaraf, one of the participants in The Secret - you will remember him as the likable vision board guy - co-wrote this book, and he applies his strategies for manifesting his own visions to this book. It is a welcome follow-up - though I enjoyed and was inspired by The Secret, I found its substance a bit lacking at times, especially when it told you that ‘thoughts become things’ and showed a kid wishing for a bike, then one magically appearing. That seemed too simplistic and silly; there is much more to it, of course. The Answer tells you how to actually go about successfully manifesting your carefully thought out visions in very detailed terms through a multi-pronged approach.

I definitely recommend The Answer if you are truly ready to make quantum leaps in your life and in your business. You will need to put in your own effort, daily effort in fact, to truly effect positive, lasting change in your life. This is not just something you can read and reflect on, that will magically improve your circumstances through osmosis. That’s actually the great thing about it, we all intuitively know that to create the life we seek, we can’t just read a book or watch a DVD and have it happen for us, we will need to work for it, and apply our solid, consistent efforts to gain the best possible result – it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter. The Answer imparts utterly fascinating and important knowledge about quantum physics and neuroscience, and shows you how to tap into these powerful things to bring about the vision you have for you life. Using that knowledge, you will then need to closely examine your goals and break them down into useful, measurable, quantifiable elements. The book will help you clear up any gray areas that might have existed and overcome any roadblocks, real or imagined, conscious or not, and get you to the point of three very important things – crystal clear clarity about what you are aiming to achieve, laser-sighted focus and sustained, well-placed effort.

The strategies in The Answer can be applied to absolutely any business or creative endeavor - you do the work to personalize the techniques to suit your business, life and goals. No one knows your aspirations like you do, after all. It doesn’t just provide simplistic and rehashed ‘motivation-speak’ that we have all heard a thousand times, it gives you concrete techniques and deep, proven knowledge to back up what it’s teaching. I encourage anyone who needs some inspiration in their lives, and/or to kick things up a notch in their business or creative activities to read The Answer, do all of the exercises, and make the changes it recommends in your life. To me, intuitively, it makes a lot of sense. I am implementing these things myself. There is also a line near the end of the book that I found especially meaningful, and in my opinion, is really at the heart of the passions we pursue:

“The real purpose of building your dream business is to express and support the person you are in the process of becoming.”


Rai Aren, co-author of the adventure novel Secret of the Sands
Profile Image for Ronny.
6 reviews
April 29, 2011
This book is amazing!

What in particular I found amazing was the research about how the mind works. In fact, I probably wouldn't have believed it, if it wasn't for the thorough research that has gone into understanding exactly *why* thing are like they are, not just stating the fact.

If you aim to live an amazing life, this is the book you need to read first of all. It is so good it probably competes with Rich Dad Poor Dad when it comes to changing people's lives. Mind you, they are not direct competitors - they slightly different aspects of how to achieve success, I wouldn't recommend reading one or the other - I recommend reading both!
Profile Image for Anne Walbridge.
85 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2009
Read this for work. I didn’t find much new here, since it pulls key ideas from a lot of other self-help and business books. If you’ve already read “The Secret” and taken a marketing class, you can probably do without this book.
Profile Image for Kane Barton.
2 reviews
March 28, 2018
Heading off to a new chapter in my life leaves me with many questions about what I will be facing. After reading, "The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life," by John Assaraf, I feel like many of my questions were answers and I started to get a deeper meaning of life. The author does a great job telling stories of real life examples and going out to work on studies. This book is great for people who are looking for a new outlook on life or just need some guidance in their personal life.

John Assaraf is known worldwide for being a self-made millionaire and being a best-selling author. He has built five different companies from real estate to brain research which are now multi-million dollar businesses. In the last decade he has 2 books that are New York Times best sellers; "The Secret" and "Quest For Success." He often shares his stories on TV with Larry King, Ellen, and CNN and also goes to lecture halls. With all the success he was able to buy a six-acre house and travel the world with his family.

Assaraf splits the book up into two parts, the first is the Law of Attraction and the second is how it is applied. He talks about how our brain works and the quantum mechanics behind what he is saying. Also, he says that there are many components when we think and how influential our thoughts are. The first part will either want to make you read more or put the book down. If you kept reading than you did the right thing because I like the second part the best. You are amazed by how he can make you visualize the Law of Attraction. He puts his words to action by telling examples of making a business and a brand that will be able to succeed under any circumstance. In this section he uses case studies to give real life examples to the readers. He makes the studies easy to understand and outlines the lesson that you are supposed to take away. These two parts complement each other perfectly because the explanation comes with real life visuals.

After reading this book I was very impressed by how the author presented all of the information. He didn't overload the new information and it was easy to understand. After learning about the Law of Attraction, the case studied did a great job giving deeper meaning and a visual.

Overall this book was great because I learned a lot and feel prepared for whatever comes my way. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking down on life, are in a rough patch, need guidance, or want to learn new ways to be successful.
Profile Image for Dustan Woodhouse.
Author 7 books219 followers
May 21, 2016
I am going to go back and listen to this book a second time, I pulled out references to other books, authors, and studies that I will be following up on as well.

An excellent read.

Most applicable line to my own business: "In the absence of information about value, clients will always default to asking about price." - Murray Smith

That line should stimulate tens of thousands of words of thoughts and actions on how you run your own business.
Profile Image for Cherish.
11 reviews2 followers
May 12, 2009
This was my first positive thinking book and I am totally converted. I have to admit I just read the first 8 chapters because I was specifically looking for the thinking part not the business part. But I bought the book for my husband to read it all to get us rich!
Profile Image for Sabbath Natalie.
65 reviews3 followers
November 23, 2023
Investasi terbaik yang pernah saya beli. Sebuah panduan yang sangat saya butuhkan setelah sekian lama bergumul dan dipenuhi keraguan. Hingga akhirnya saya berhasil membangun sebuah bisnis yang masih terus berkembang dengan lebih banyak peluang yang terbuka.
Profile Image for David Rohwer.
23 reviews
February 24, 2024
A few years ago, I would probably have given this book 5 stars. Why only 3 now? Back then I was more in my "spiritual phase" and I was a firm believer in the law of attraction. In recent years though, I started to question this concept more and more. In my opinion, teachers of the LOA are making it themselves too easy. They will always argue: "well if it’s not working for you, then you aren’t doing the work properly." Yeah, maybe.

Oftentimes, the claim is successful people only made it, because they consciously or unconsciously used the LOA. Well, maybe.
Or maybe they were just lucky. The right person at the right time. Or they were simply hard workers. One sentence of the book that stuck with me was "all olympia winners visualized the gold medal." That’s probably true. But so did every other athlete, as well. Why didn’t it work for them?

I don’t think that general concept of the LOA is bad. Positive thinking will always be helpful, but I feel like those LOA advocates are making it themselves too easy. There is a reason it’s a pseudoscience. There‘ll probably never be a legit way to find out, if the LAO really had something to do with someone’s success. So, it’s up to you, if you wanna believe in it or not.

Nevertheless, I believe that some people will find helpful information in this book. Specifically, the second part of the book provides some useful tools for when you’re just starting out your business.

And they’re probably "coaches" out there, who basically teach everything you‘ll find in this book, but for a lot more money. So, I‘d rather buy this book.
Profile Image for Noel Lyons.
Author 4 books2 followers
June 9, 2013
I found the first half of this book much better than the second because this part was all about building clarity and confidence of Vision based on a mix of experience, neuroscience & even quantum physics!

I particularly liked the idea of planting the seed!
eg Create a strong viable seed. Plant that seed in good soil:
1. Take an inventory of your passions, core strengths & unique abilities
2. Identifying those traits and strengths you don't have tells you where you need to bring others in
3. Take the gifts you have and make those your pillars (become extraordinary)
4. Recondition your mind to believe you can have it and achieve it.
5. Understand how to make money at it and take daily action.

And then building on that to align your nonconscious with your conscious brain:
#1 Create a vision. Make it emotionally rich & crystal clear
#2 Create powerful declarations and affirmations that support that new vision
#3 Develop emotional anchors for neural linking
#4 Imprint with written, auditory, visual & subliminal pieces
#5 Repeat 3X daily
#6 Employ neurotechnology to reinforce images throughtout the day

This is key for me for avoiding the Bright Shiny Object Syndrome and for staying on course (minimising doubts, distractions & procrastination). For me, the process John teaches is worth way more than the price of the book alone. A must read for anyone new to entrepreneurism and a keeper - a great resource!
Profile Image for Kenneth Lund.
178 reviews
November 1, 2023
The second half of this book was much better than the first, with much sound, but basic, marketing advice. But the first half of the book is appallingly bad. Never allow a Realtor to try to apply principles of quantum mechanics and neurology as the authors do here. The first half of the book is a nonsensical word salad of pseudo-scientific applications of principles of quantum physics and neurology interposed over reasonably sound concepts like beginning with the end in mind, creating a lucid and present sense vision of what you want your life to be, and regular affirmations. The result is a buffet of junk science. Don’t get me wrong, there are kernels of truth mingled throughout—they just take it way too far.

The second half is far more grounded in sound principles. Although the marketing advice is not unique to the book, it is sound and succinct.

The book massively over promises, but is very light on substance. But the authors have been successful at selling a lot of books, and I have no reason to dispute their professional success or their sincere belief in their particular applications of these concepts. But I found the authors’ constant boasting and their hyperbole off-putting.

In short, I did not like it. At least it’s short.
Profile Image for Ken.
2 reviews
November 13, 2017
At first I was skeptical of this book, and now I am a promoter. The authors give you the “key steps it takes to envision your dream business, grow it with ideal customers, articulate its essential value and Unique Selling Proposition, and communicate that value with compelling messages through channels and media that will reach the people for whom they are ideally intended.” And more. Also, I strongly recommend completing the exercises as they are presented. I did and am much better prepared to embark upon my business as a result. To your success!
Profile Image for Rick Wallace.
Author 2 books6 followers
March 20, 2018
John Assaraf is one of the most successful businessmen on the planet and reveals some powerful principles and laws that govern his thinking and behavior. If you would want to understand the Law of Attraction on an immensely high level, then you need to read this book.
Profile Image for Tom Harman.
10 reviews1 follower
February 7, 2019
First half of the book is amazing. Taking the law of attraction and putting into practice was absolutely well worth the read. The second half of the book that addressed growing my business was too general. Overall, four stars.
Profile Image for Katy Jo Turner.
Author 1 book24 followers
July 26, 2019
I liked it and gleaned some valuable information, but it annoyed me when it started talking about proper copywriting. It didn’t really fit in the book—a mention and move on would have been perfect.
Profile Image for Eric.
686 reviews9 followers
December 22, 2019
So glad I took a chance on this book, I do not regret reading. Plan on reading more material from John Assaraf.
Profile Image for Brad Lockey.
267 reviews2 followers
August 29, 2019
Speak to yourself (you already think to yourself, so make it vocal).
Create affirmations.
Build vision boards.
Watch The Law of Attraction take place.
Create/set goals.
Work hard. Every. Single. Day.
Attain goals.

The beginning of the book speaks to neuroplasticity and how to start re-wiring your brain through visualization and consistency.
Something I took specific note of was the idea of subliminal media being a "powerful way to feed selected thoughts to your nonconscious brain..."
Homework is cool in my old age, especially if it helps me obtain my "Answer".

Many case studies thrown in the middle of chapters which I enjoy as it helps my brain anchor and recall the lessons.

Great book.
Simple title.
Get to work.
Profile Image for Ruth Klein.
Author 10 books11 followers
February 25, 2021
This book covered areas of the brain, quantum physics, goals, and finding the essence of your business. I continue to reread passages for their insights and functionality. Thank you, John and Murray.

Ruth Klein, Brand and Marketing Strategist, Author of Time Management Secrets for Working Women and Generation Why Not?®: 7 Principles to a Purposeful Business and Life, Driven by Attitude, Not Age
3 reviews
November 29, 2017
The answer

Muy completo y facil de entender, un libro escrito por alguien que ha puesto en practica lo que dice. Abarca varios aspectos tanto externos pero sobre todo internos para liberar la mente de limitaciones inconscientes. Recomiendo tanto este libro como los cursos de este autor, a todo aquel que ya tiene un negocio o que esta pensando en iniciar uno
Profile Image for Shravan Venkataraman.
82 reviews20 followers
June 23, 2019
Any entrepreneur should read this book, re-read it, and revisit it atleast quarterly once. This is a phenomenally simple book that makes you go "damn!" and "wow". Insights are pretty awesome. If you're starting up something, or if you're on your way to taking your startup towards what you consider a place of success, this book is a must read.
Profile Image for Thunradee.
22 reviews2 followers
October 17, 2022
Bag SZN 💰🤑✨

gratitude for the mentors that align in my path. Time to heal ancestral wounds, time to build generational wealth ✨🙏🏼🌱
Profile Image for Genevieve Ducharme.
297 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2019
A very interesting book with a nice and clear way to phrase things. It helped me realised a few things I had read in previous books. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to clarify some points in their life and their business.
Profile Image for Debra.
Author 13 books115 followers
April 11, 2010

There are a lot of how-to-build-a-business-and-grow-rich books out there, and though I hadn’t thought of myself as a business person, I’ve realized over the years that any writer who wants to sell more than twenty copies of their books should really have some business knowledge. So when I came across The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life in a book store, I couldn’t resist picking it up. It didn’t take too many pages to learn that authors John Assaraf and Murray Smith have plenty of experience and scientific theories to back up their title’s claim.

This book covers many of the principals from famous business books, including Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich, but these authors take things a few steps further, first by providing a detailed explanation and description of how and why we can change negative thought patterns to produce positive results in our lives (principles that could apply to any area of one’s life). The latter half of the book deals with the nuts and bolts techniques of building a successful business that involve defining what you want, what your customer wants, and exploring, through exercises and strategies, how to improve sales. There’s far too much information to go into here, so I recommend that anyone struggling to build a business read this helpful book.

Profile Image for Seemy.
850 reviews8 followers
February 24, 2024
A good book about the inner game and mental frameworks it takes to become a successful entrepreneur- specifically in relation to growing a successful business - this was good in a sense that it was typical self help foundational knowledge and beyond - but specifically taught to help you apply it in growing your business.and ambitions which helps you understand/remind the importance of the mind even more if it was apparent already - especially to people familiar with this kinda self help material.

To Our Continued Success!

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P.P.S 😅 - You probably noticed from my profile that I’ve reviewed a LOT of books over the years now - if you love seeking knowledge like me I’d love to connect with you further as a like minded person (send me a friend invite! 😀) - Also if you are curious - here is my preferred and recommended resource for seeking timeless wisdom - Check it out via the website invite link below 👇🏼 (You’ll be able to claim some awesome books for free 📚)


Profile Image for Laura Lynch.
Author 4 books1 follower
August 31, 2009
The Answer builds on the concept of the Law of Attraction and how to apply it to running a successful business. The book asks relevant questions about what success means to you and who your ideal customers are.
Following are a few positive affirmations from The Answer
1) We are absolutely certain in our abilities to generate any amount of income we choose.
2) Money flows to us from both expected & unexpected sources.
3) We are calm, joyful and outstanding in all things.

4) We live each day with passion and purpose.

5) We live and give in abundance.
6) We think and believe BIG!

Profile Image for Savvymaami.
17 reviews3 followers
December 10, 2009
I was so excited when I picked up this book just based on the title (thus the moniker DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER). However, once I got into the book, actually chapter 2, I was SORELY disappointed.

Although they were setting up the playing field for the rest of the book, they spent WAYYY too much time on metaphysics, neuroscience and other psychological behavior studies for my taste. I just wanted to know how to "Grow My Business, Achieve Financial Freedom and Live an Extraordinary Life" just as the subtitle suggests. Instead I get Psychology 101, or my first class of medical school.

I personally respect these authors and what they do, but this book was a dud. 2 stars is the best I can give.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews

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