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Of Aragon

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Kat Cooke, a young girl captivated by the allure of Henry VIII's magnificent Queen, Katherine of Aragon, embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries of her own birth. As she navigates the intricate web of Tudor court politics, Kat witnesses both the splendor and deceit that define life within the Queen's inner circle.

Amidst the grandeur of the royal court, Kat discovers love but is confronted with the painful reality of having to choose where her loyalties lie.

Of Aragon offers readers an intimate glimpse into the Queen's private chambers, from the solemnity of the marriage bed to the anticipation of an heir's birth. Caroline Willcocks skillfully transports us to a bygone era where even royal women must contend fiercely for their lives and loves.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

Expected publication September 3, 2024

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Caroline Willcocks

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Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews
July 17, 2024
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

historical fiction is not typically a genre I enjoy but I did enjoy this read! while I do feel like this specific family is a story thats been told over and over again, i ate this up. It was fast paced and enjoyable. I rated it 3/5 stars because while I enjoyed the read, I’ve already started to forget the details of it. the writing was a little modern, which took away from the immersion for me. the brother sister thing also made me slightly uncomfortable to read about.

thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to review this!
Profile Image for *TUDOR^QUEEN* .
535 reviews608 followers
August 9, 2024

A passion of mine has been reading and learning about The Tudors, something I've done for decades. For this reason I no longer wish to read straight, dry historical biographies on this subject. However, I am open to reading quality historical fiction involving The Tudors- if the synopsis is intriguing. The Tudor Queens I am especially drawn to are the first and second wives of King Henry VIII: Katharine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. Both were exceptional women and tragic figures. Both play prominently in this story, as well as the character of Kat- a foundling who through unfortunate circumstances wound up serving both Queen Katharine and Queen Anne at The Tudor court.

As the book begins, Kat in her youth lives with her twin brother Will in pleasant but modest conditions near The Thames river, her father a very busy cook working most of the time in another household. When "The Sweat" epidemic sweeps through London Kat finds herself adrift, but the mysterious woman who lives upstairs guides her to her destiny at The Tudor court. It was a very well-written and clever piece of historical fiction that held my interest.

Thank you to the publisher Atmosphere Press for providing an advance reader copy via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Christine Cazeneuve.
1,275 reviews29 followers
August 8, 2024
I enjoyed this book but just for fun as the story is just way too "out there". For the most part it follows Catherine of Aragon's story correctly (except for the main characters involvement) and I liked hearing Queen Catherine's side of it. However, I found it very hard to connect with the main character Kat. I know she was young - starting at the age of 8 and ending mid teens - but I just found her annoying and wishy washy. Also like others have reviewed, the language was modern for those times and there was repetition such as we didn't need to be reminded every other page that she recognized her father - who is really not her father - as her father. Overall it is fun and fast entertainment but that is all. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Leanne.
97 reviews5 followers
July 22, 2024
I appreciate the opportunity to read this book as an ARC through NetGalley. The author had a creative idea and I enjoyed the delivery of the story through a letter to the main character’s daughter. I also appreciated telling a story that was Tudor-adjacent rather than trying to retell the stories of the six wives of Henry VIII.

The biggest drawback of this book was the fact that I was constantly taken out of the story with the use of “modern” language. I read a lot of historical fiction, especially Tudor-era fiction. There were phrases like, “world spun on its axis” that didn’t feel as if they fit the time, as well a number of terms/ phrases used when describing sexual activity that were definitely not used at the time. Katharine of Aragon literally says, “He never came inside me.” The more accurate phrasing would absolutely be something about “spilling seed,” etc.

The characters also spoke beyond their maturity at the beginning of the book. The main character and her brother were 8 years old. The way they spoke and their “ideas” were not in line with their ages. For example, Kat asks, “Is the midwife experienced?” Definitely not the question of an 8 year old.

There were also many times when redundant language was used (“she was a widow whose husband had died”) and the characters would contradict themselves. Within a few pages, Kat mentioned not seeing Will much but a few paragraphs later, she said she saw him “fairly often.”

I also felt as if the author tipped her hand way too often and early when it came to the big “twist” at the end. This caused the story to drag.
Profile Image for Kristen's.
48 reviews
July 9, 2024
This book is a solid 3.5 stars for me.
While the history of King Henry VIII and Queen Catherine is widely known, this story gives us a look into that period of time within that family with an extra twist. I thought the story was great and the additional characters the author added into this historical family and around them were well developed and interesting. A few of the "scenes" I found overly dramatic, almost written like a soap opera script. The book also seemed to be sprinkled with words that I'm not sure would have been used during that time and it kinda screwed with my immersion in the story. A paraphrased example: Crimson and emerald tapestries were hung in the great hall which was starting to get crammed with people. The whole book is written as a letter from a mother to her daughter explaining their family history...would the word "crammed" have existed then? There was a word every few chapters that just seemed too modern to fit.
Any historical fiction book I will pick up and read once. Would I read this one again, probably not. I feel like books on this specific family are a dime a dozen. Would I recommend this book to friends, a specific few that I know would enjoy it, but I wouldn't yell from the rooftops that everyone has to read it.
I didn't like the brother/sister that turned out to not be related at all and then they fall in love and live happily ever after. That dynamic gives me the ick in any story.
Profile Image for Vaithx.
66 reviews3 followers
July 29, 2024
Of Aragon is a story of Queen Katherine and the English court during the reign of Henry VIII from the narrative point of Kat Cooke a foundling who came to the employment of the Queen as she was trying to find more about her own lineage. This story was told through a letter written by Kat Cooke to her daughter Alice.

I loved the show Reign and being transported to time like that, with the court politics, scandalous rumors, court drama, power play, glamorous clothes and high fashion was a treat for me. It’s more poignant being told from the point of view of a maid who loved the the Spanish Queen of England.

Who was with her every waking moment of her life and privy to her secrets and most intimate moments. Yes it’s an unreliable point of view but I loved it. It showed the core of a Queen when she isn’t burdened and burned by her crown, when she is expected to hide her intelligence to placate the egos of powerful men.

How she is expected to be strong and not prone to outbursts like the king or other dignitaries lest she be proved unfit for being a “woman”. It was heartbreaking watching her being cheated on, utterly disrespected at every turn and slowly cast aside because she wasn’t able to provide a male heir when she already had a daughter who was as fit to be an heir.

If the throne was to pass to her daughter, there must be no talk of women’s emotionality or feebleness of spirit.

Through the view of Kat Cooke the maid the Queen accepted into her court and cared for as a child you can feel her immense love for her Queen. Queen Katherine as gracious and kind as she was loved Kat Cooke so dearly it was never a question of her love to me. Kat Cooke saw her as a mother figure and was dazzled by her from the moment the Queen saved her as the journey to figure out her parentage keeps flaying with not hope insight.

I believe the way her lineage was revealed was executed well. Yes it was obvious, yes it was right under our nose but I was touched by it. But i forgot as much I loved being transported to the reign of kings of old England I forgot that was one of the places where misogyny was at its height. It’s ridiculous,utterly absurd.

Queen Katherine story was immensely distressing to me in this retelling. She suffered so much, suffered more injustice at the hand of a man who was supposed to love and protect her.

I may be a strange woman, daughter, but it has never seemed to me to be right that a man can pleasure himself with any number of women, while us women are meant to be pure and chaste.

My heart entirely went out to her. Her story was inspiring and captivating. I was in awe of her intelligence and strength. She was fierce and courageous in the face of all her plight. I believe the author took a delicate care to write this story and I thoroughly enjoyed her writing. No can say Queen Katherine of Aragon did not love the King of England, Henry VIII.
And I was pleased to see that Kat Cooke got the happily ever after as she deserved.

“Kat, I have many rosaries from my mother. Confirmation, birthdays, saints’ days. What is important is that she loved me, and this rosary will carry my love for you. Now, let me give it to you.”

it comes out on the 3rd of September 2024.

Thank you Netgalley, the author and the publisher for kindly sending me this ARC.

375 reviews14 followers
August 27, 2024
Tudor courtly life as seen through the eyes of Kat, a young foundling, brought up to believe she was a twin with her brother Will.
Kat is the narrator. She is telling her life story to her daughter, Alice, many years later, a strange story in which the truth must be kept secret.
Kat finds herself at the court of King Henry and Queen Katherine following the death of her mother, due to the sweating sickness, Kat is only 8 years old. She is trying to find her Aunt Meg, who is believed to be a laundress at the Royal Palace, but Queen Katherine takes pity upon Kat, and gives her the position of Mistress of the Pincushion. She is to take care of the expensive sewing threads, serve food and drink to visitors and to learn to sing for the pleasure of the Queen.
Kat is determined to find out the secret of her birth, and being at the Royal court brings great opportunities for her. She is privy to events concerning the “” Kings Secret Matter”, and her loyalty is tested, especially when she becomes aware of Anne Boleyn and her bid for power and the King.
Kat finds her answer and great happiness in her life, unlike Queen Katherine and Anne Boleyn.
Novels about the Tudor are usually told from the perspective of the rich and entitled members of the court. It is lovely to read about events that would have happened below stairs.
This is a good introduction to this volatile period of history, full of schemes, deception and religious upheaval, a time when women’s opinions were ignored when they don’t chime with the perceived superiority of men’s wisdom and ambition. Even a Queen cannot go against her husband, but sometimes, feminine wiles can succeed.
My thanks to Netgalley and Atmosphere Press for my advanced copy, freely given in exchange for my honest opinion. I have given this a four star read.
I will post to Goodreads and Amazon UK upon publication.
Profile Image for Sofia.
737 reviews29 followers
August 7, 2024
I usually read more sci fi, dystopian or post-apocalyptical stories, but once in a while I like to make a break and read other genres, and historical fiction is one of my guilty pleasures, this one takes place around one of my favourite historical characters Catherine of Aragon, our main character, Katherine, more know as Kat, is writing a letter to her future daughter telling her how things came to be and how she got to know Catherine and the mysterious connection that exist between the two, but if you want spoilers you wont find it in here, anyway is not that difficult to discover by yourself, the revelations in the book were more like confirmations than a twist and turn.

Is this book based in a true story?, not quite, some characters and situations are real, maybe they didn’t really take place how they did in this book, but that’s the funny aspect for me, of reading a historical fiction, some characters are grounded in reality and that keeps you coming for more and see what the author wanted to share with us. I did like this book, for me it was quite similar to The Constant Princess, but with a focus in a different character and life story.

I recommend this book for fans of historical fiction, the language is more modern, yes I can see people complaining about it, but for me, helped me understand better the story and I liked it anyway.

Thank you Netgalley and Atmosphere Press, for the free ARC and this is my honest opinion.
August 6, 2024
A very solid 3.5-3.75!
I enjoy Tudor history and wasn't sure what to expect in this book, I do recommend it.
Author Caroline Willcocks has taken a much written topic, the life of Katherine of Aragon, King Henry the VIII 1st wife, and made it a fresher and yet intimate historical story through the eyes of Kat, a young "foundling" added to her court. It is through her eyes that this tale is told as she tries to solve who she is and where she belongs.
The details of court life, its political and dangerous intricacies, and historical context are presented in an engaging, pressure building manner.- you know what's coming and yet you are captured in the distinct way that the author unfolds history.
Katherine is portrayed in a sympathetic light, yet respected for living her convections and the utter love for her husband and daughter. Anne Boleyn is also represented in a multi-faceted manner, also living her convictions in a situation that has a profound impact to an entire nation.
I was surprised at how much it engaged me despite some modern dialogue and recommend it as a good read for those who enjoy historical fiction. It was a quick read and I would have liked to see Katherine's story not end so abruptly.
A deep appreciation to Atmosphere Press and NetGalley for the ARC, it was a privilege. All comments and opinions expressed are mine.
Profile Image for Shaina.
552 reviews3 followers
August 26, 2024
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Caroline Willcocks for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Of Aragon coming out September 3, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Kat Cooke, a young girl captivated by the allure of Henry VIII's magnificent Queen, Katherine of Aragon, embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries of her own birth. As she navigates the intricate web of Tudor court politics, Kat witnesses both the splendor and deceit that define life within the Queen's inner circle.

Amidst the grandeur of the royal court, Kat discovers love but is confronted with the painful reality of having to choose where her loyalties lie.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I really enjoyed this book. I love Tudor history, but haven’t read a lot about Katherine of Aragon. I think the writing was good and well-researched. There were a couple parts that felt a little dry to me. But overall, I enjoyed it and it was a good insight to what times were like then. I would check out more books by this author.
Profile Image for Nicki B..
12 reviews
September 1, 2024
Rating: 5/5⭐️


If you like historical fictions with a sprinkle of drama and intrigue you we love getting lost into this book’s short but fascinating universe!!

I did not expect to fall in love with this book as much as I did but it captured and captivated me pretty quickly!!
I’ve always loved reading about Kings and Queens of our past so I might be a little bit biased but reading about Queen Catherine of Aragon’s court life, Kat and the mystery surrounding her life, and the strong bond that connects these two women who have suffered through so much and managed to overcome each and every obstacles coming out stronger than they were before was truly fascinating!!

I will probably buy this book one in officially comes out this September 3rd!!

This is a must read for fans of Historical Fiction and other readers alike!! Definitely recommend reading at least once!!
Profile Image for Cathy Demming.
9 reviews
August 27, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel.
A young girl named Kat becomes the maid to Queen Catherine of Aragon. Through the lens of this maid, we got to witness the Queen's life with her King Henry viii , while Kat tries to discover herself and her place in the world.

The characters were well developed, and although most of the language was modern and not affiliated with the times the content was written about, it still held my interest. The life of the Tudors sprang to life with this one.

Those who enjoy TV shows like Reign and The Tudors would enjoy this book, very much.

Huge thanks to the author Caroline Willcocks, Publisher Atmosphere Press and Netgalley for this eArk in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Lisa .
14 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2024
As someone who has adored Tudor history since my teenage years, Of Aragon by Caroline Willcocks was a deeply personal and enthralling read. Katherine of Aragon has always been my favorite queen, and this novel offered a beautifully intimate glimpse into her world.

Kat's journey of self-discovery, love, and loyalty amidst the grandeur of the court was both compelling and relatable. Caroline Willcocks has a gift for bringing history to life, and Of Aragon is a testament to her skill. This book is a must-read for anyone who loves Tudor history, offering a rich, emotionally resonant narrative that stayed with me long after I turned the last page.
278 reviews4 followers
July 29, 2024
Thank you NetGalley and Atmosphere Press for this eCopy to review

I thoroughly enjoyed Of Aragon, it was a well paced moving story that managed to contain much historical detail in an engaging way. We follow Kat as she becomes a maid to Queen Katherine of Aragon and follow her fall from grace and Anne's rise through Kat's eyes. Full of well developed characters Of Aragon really brought the Tudors alive

I enjoyed the finding out who Kat's parents were storyline, how true this is, is anyone's guess.
Profile Image for Georgia.
50 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2024
A lovely historical novel about Tudor England centering around Catherine of Aragon, but the modernity and age of the main character threw me out a bit. The way it was written, as if from a letter to the main character's daughter, didn't really transpose as well as I'd have liked.
Still, if you love shows like Reign, The Tudors and more recently, My Lady Jane, you'll probably enjoy this!

Thank you to Atmosphere Press and Netgalley for the review e-copy.
Profile Image for Maddie.
411 reviews17 followers
August 31, 2024
For fans of the Tudor period and historical fiction, Of Aragon tells the story of Katherine of Aragon through the eyes of a girl who works in the castle. The parts about Katherine of Aragon were more interesting than the main character. Outside of characters I quite liked how you are able to see glimpses into what life was like in that time. The book was fast paced with easy to get through chapters.
Profile Image for Jessica Minton.
30 reviews1 follower
July 10, 2024
As someone who loves tudor history, this was a lovely quick read, I enjoyed how the author made you feel like you were living kat's life. The characters were written well and had me invested in their lives
Profile Image for Samantha Gunn.
10 reviews
July 11, 2024
I am a sucker for a historical fiction that feels like this does.

The writing style makes you feel like you are really reading her letters or journals.

It was a quick read, but highly enjoyable.
July 19, 2024
A delightful story of Katherine of Aragon’s court in turmoil and the mystery of a young girls birth. While she works to unravel the secrets of her own life and the politics of Katherine and Anne’s competing demands. A well developed but quick read I enjoyed.
Profile Image for Christy Bailey.
88 reviews
August 16, 2024
This version of Catherine of Aragon's life is both intriguing and interesting. I enjoy reading about her, and this book is easily absorbed. The search for Kat Cooke's (servent) lineage at the end is remarkable, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
506 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2024
While I love a good Tudor court story, I couldn't get through this one. It moved very slowly, and the characters were also quite flat. I understand historical fiction gives room for creativity surrounding real people, but it felt like quite a stretch on where they were heading with this one.
Author 1 book22 followers
July 9, 2024
The interesting if improbable story of a young woman in the Tudor Court and her relationship with Queen Katherine of Aragon. I hope there will, be more?
Profile Image for Jean Roberts.
Author 11 books180 followers
July 31, 2024
A bit hard to believe but has some good period details. Not sure about the brother/sister thing.
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews

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