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Almost You

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He’s beautiful, kind, hurting…and a ghost.


I have no memories, no name. This new world is strange, and I’m afraid. Christopher is the only thing that makes any sense. Christopher might be gruff, but I sense he’s a kind teddy bear underneath.

Hiring him to help me recover my memories allows me to keep him close and feel less alone. Now the unexpected is happening…I’m falling for him.

Even a ghost deserves a happily ever after.


Being a medium, I’m more comfortable with the world of ghosts. Raised in foster care, I’m not close to many. And my love life? It’s never been exciting.

Until him.

He’s gorgeous as hell, but I’m straight. Aren’t I?

My overwhelming desire for him is new and confusing, considering the only person I’ve been with is my ex-wife.
Crushing on a hot mess of a ghost isn’t in my plans.

Yet I can’t seem to stay away…

Almost You features ghost kink, amnesia, Bi-awakening, voyeurism, sensory play, size difference, hurt/comfort, spicy channeling, and mutual pining.

This is a story for the Sunshine and Happiness series. "Ghost" needed to be happy, so I went out on a limb and told his story. The rest of the series is not paranormal.

Almost You can be read before or after the other books. It can be read as a standalone.

95 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 12, 2024

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About the author

Skylar M. Cates

26 books292 followers

Skylar M. Cates loves a good romance. She is happy to drink coffee, curl up with a good book, and not move all day. Her novels feature strong and passionate men. Skylar loves to craft stories where realistic characters are challenged with emotional situations. Although lately the laundry room is the farthest place she has visited, Skylar loves to chat with folks from all around the globe.

Please feel free to follow Skylar on other social media.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 43 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey.
327 reviews18 followers
June 21, 2024
Honestly I loved the concept of a ghost world and how they could change it to fit their mood. Whatever they pictured, they got. So that was cool. I enjoyed the toy scenes and how they figured out how to be with each other in the human world and the ghost one too. That was cute. It was honestly the rest of the story just made me mad.

The author mentioned this story was created to give Ghost a story and with it being a romance, I expected a HEA. There isn’t one. It’s not even a HFN. You start to see pieces of him remembering his death and his friends who are mourning him AT THE VERY END OF THE BOOK, while the whole time I was hoping he was in a coma or something. But nope. He’s actually dead. And Christopher is a medium and that’s the only reason they can interact. After he remembers though? It’s over. Done. It ended so suddenly that I was just confused as heck.

It’s mentioned it’s a standalone but if you want to figure out what friends he’s actually talking about, you’d have to read the entire series. I went back and scrolled through reviews and I’m pretty sure this is Brandon who died in a motorcycle accident. So the bump on the head makes sense. But literally spilling out that he can see his friends and family and not explaining WHY is bothersome. It felt like maybe he was actually alive and that’s why he can see them? Like they were maybe visiting him in the hospital? But nope. Still dead. This whole thing felt there were loose ends everywhere.

For instance, Christopher and Ghost both feel this connection to each other, like they were something to each other in some lifetime but that’s never really fleshed out so it’s more confusing than anything. What was the point of delving into it if it’s just kind of ignored? It was mentioned through this whole book, this sudden INTENSE connection so I’m just like, WHY. Why bring it up and then just never come back to it again? Tell me if they were lovers in another life! CONFIRM it. Don’t just vaguely bring it up and NOT give us that confirmation. Otherwise, what is the point?!

The random bits with the client and so much about Christopher’s ex wife was annoying. This story was already SO short that we didn’t need so much backstory as I’d rather try to understand how they actually fell in love with each other than understand that Christopher is guarded for 2.5 seconds before he’s just… not. Like was this to show us that his connection to Ghost was more than anything to the ex? Was it to show us that he was bi? Demi? Idfk!

Also, what irritated me the most and made me want to yeet my phone, was that only Christopher says I love you while Ghost over here doesn’t say it back, only mentally. The end is spent with them talking about how they’ll live their lives together and grow old… and MAYBE FIND EACH OTHER WHEN CHRISTOPHER DIES.
MAYBE. Find each other. In the ghost world. MAYBE. But it’s not a guarantee.
No. Just…. No.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Natalie.
385 reviews50 followers
August 5, 2024
Ghost & Christopher
Rating: 3.4 ⭐

- Paranormal
- Human/Ghost
- Amnesia
- Mutual Pining
- Divorced MC
- Hurt/Comfort
- Bi-Awakening
- Ghost Kink
- Spicy Ghost-Channeling
- Size Difference

I'm not really sure what I expected from this read. I liked it but really wish it was longer because it just abruptly ends right when Ghost is starting to remember who he was and his life before death. It says that this can be read before or after the Sunshine and Happiness Series, but keep in mind that the series is not paranormal. With the way this one ends I could see it as prequel to the series.

Christopher is a medium and he meets Ghost while he's looking for someone else for a client. Ghost has no memories of his life and wants to hire Christopher to help him remember, of course he has no way to pay him though. Christopher is grumpy in the beginning of this, with good reason, and he's a bit confused with his attraction to the ghost since he's never felt anything for another ghost or man before. Ghost feels a strong need to stay close to Christopher, to not be lonely and to get closer to the mysterious medium. They connect quickly though and then their love story begins.
"In this life, I’d been careful and unable to connect, but his kiss made me believe that my past lives were rich and decadent. Maybe I had been with him before, or his essence. Maybe we’d crossed lifetimes ago. Crossed realms. Maybe this life had been just an echo waiting for him to arrive. To find me."

They are hot together and the ghost-channeling was a new one for me to read. Considering this is a bonus story, I wish we got to see more about the couple's future. Instead, the story just ends and all your left with was their intentions that they discussed a little earlier. They at least came up with a sweet solution that would work for both of them.
"Before you, I might have been alive, but I wasn’t living."

Content Warnings:
- Graphic sexual content between consenting adults
- Voyeurism
- Sensory Play
- Mentions of the death of both MC's (off-page)
- Mentions of physical abuse to a minor (off-page)

I received a free copy of this book via GRR and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Verse: No
POV: Dual
Breakup: No
Cheating: No
OM/OW Drama: No
Ages: Not given; Early 20's
Profile Image for Hugo #freepalestine .
498 reviews41 followers
July 17, 2024
Although this has a happy ending, I felt unsatisfied especially with the way the story going, it was half-cooked
This could've been a better story if it was much longer had a different storyline but pretty much the same character and trope because I love me some ghost x human love story but this was just meh.
Profile Image for Miss S..
169 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2024
❥ Dual POV
❥ MM Romance
❥ Paranormal
❥ Human x Ghost
❥ Amnesia
❥ Hurt/Comfort
❥ Mutual Pining
❥ Queer Awakening
❥ Ghost Kinks
❥ Size Difference
❥ Spicy Channeling

This was definitely something different, and that's exactly why I was intrigued. Who doesn't want to know what spicy channeling is?! Well, I did, and now I do. It was interesting.

I haven't read the books in the Sunshine and Happiness series, but I can understand this is a little spin-off as the actual series isn't paranormal.

Christopher is a medium and meets Ghost during one of his sessions, and Ghost is new in the ghost realm, and has no memories of his life as a living person. So he's looking to hire Christopher to find out who Ghost is/was. Christopher is a grump at first, he prefers to be on his own and he's also a bit confused about his attraction to the ghost since he's never been attracted to a ghost before, or a man. They quickly connect though, and yea, their love story begins.

The kinks and spice confused me a little bit, but I have to admit that I don't have much experience with ghost shenanigans in that department, so I just went along with it.

The ending was as happy as could be, I think.

"Before you, I might have been alive, but I wasn’t living."

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

Read the full review on my blog here.
1,314 reviews11 followers
July 10, 2024
Christopher is a medium who meets Ghost in the spirit world of the deceased. Ghost remembers nothing and Christopher is very cynical and mistrusting but their kiss is the first passion Christopher has ever felt. It's the story of the love of a living man for a deceased one and the sorrow Ghost feels as he finally remembers and doubts he should be with Christopher. This book ties up the series that started with Ghost's death. I received a copy of this book through Gay Romance Reviews and this is my voluntary opinion.
14.6k reviews80 followers
July 18, 2024
He is a ghost who is hurting yet beautiful and kind. All his memories are missing and he hopes finding them will help him recover his memories. They are a medium and they know he is a ghost but a connection is being built. Will he get his memories back? How will he get on? See how he gets on
Profile Image for Guardian.angel54 .
876 reviews33 followers
July 17, 2024
While I really liked the idea of a medium, who can not only talk to/see ghosts, but also psychically transport to the spirit realm and interact with them, and a lonely ghost who is struggling with his new existence, the actual execution fell a little off of what I was hoping for. The MCs - Christopher, the medium and Ghost - were fairly well developed and likeable and the plot was quite engaging. My issues come from a feeling that the story was rushed and the relationship between the two went from 0 to 60 quite suddenly. It seemed like Christopher was one minute struggling with his new found feelings and perception of his own sexuality and the next minute he was obsessively all-in! I really felt for Ghost and his situation but, again, it seemed that he did a 180 - going from desperate to recover his memories to, once he began to, dismissing them for his relationship with Christopher. The ending had little in the way of resolution and brought up more questions than it answered. I was left kind of floundering with a "what just happened" feeling and disappointment that there wasn't any more to the story. There was a definite strong idea here, and it started out well, but somehow fumbled in trying to wrap everything up in such a short space. I'd really love to see this developed further and expanded. I think it would be amazing with a little more length. 3.5/5*
1,002 reviews7 followers
July 19, 2024
This was a very strange story with an unusual setting (?) but it left me with a feeling of satisfaction and hope, although not sure why. Christopher is a medium with the ability to pass between the real world and the ghostly realm, making his living finding ghosts for his clients, then passing on messages or channeling them at seances. He meets “Ghost” while seeking a ghost for a client. Ghost is apparently newly dead, very confused and lost, seeking help from Christopher to find out who he was. As Christopher spends more time in the ghostly realm with Ghost, he realizes he has a connection with Ghost that he has never had in the real world, especially never with a man. As the relationship grows, the question becomes “can there be a future for them in either realm?”
I really got caught up in the characters and the way Ghost fulfilled a need for Christopher that he never had filled in the real world. Moving back and forth between realms had its own challenges and set of rules. It felt unfinished, but it felt hopeful to me, overall strange but beautiful. I will check out the other books in the series to see if there is more to learn about Ghost and if it all ties together. The story definitely held my interest and kept me engaged, so if you like the unusual, it is a short, interesting, thought-provoking read that I would recommend.
Profile Image for Emily Hernandez.
1,167 reviews12 followers
July 5, 2024
Christopher and Ghost's romance was a sweet story with an emotional ending. I was intrigued by the concept of a medium and a ghost searching for connection to his prior self finding each other, and their surprise chemistry was a welcome change of pace for both men. Christopher had recently gone through a bad breakup and wasn't really expecting to find someone new, but he and Ghost felt a pull towards each other they couldn't ignore. It was really sweet to watch them fall in love between two realms and make plans to keep their relationship going, and some of their steamy explorations were particularly inventive. As Ghost began to embrace his new identity and find ways to help new spirits who'd recently crossed over, I did wonder if he would ever get the closure he'd been looking for from the start. When the time came and he regained his memories, it was a bittersweet close to the last chapter of his life that made me ache. I feel like if I'd read the other book loosely connected to this one the ending would have held a happier meaning, but I was left saddened by all Ghost had to leave behind to continue things with Christopher.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions.
650 reviews3 followers
July 15, 2024
3.5/5 This is an intriguing novella, showing the afterlife of “Ghost” as he meets medium Christopher. I thought the author made wise choices that fit the novella format well; rather than dwelling on the past (which would also be known if you read the main series, which I did not), it focusses on Ghost’s present experience and the growing relationship between Ghost and Christopher. It’s relatively instalove, but given the unique circumstances, it seemed pretty believable, especially given how much time the two of them can spend together in the ghost realm.

I came into this as a stand-alone, and while it was clear that I could learn more from the main series, I thought it stood up well on its own the way it was crafted. There’s a bit of mention of Ghost’s past life at the end, which might leave you wanting more (in which case, to read the original series), but for me here, I believed that Ghost was making the choice about what was important to him now and prioritising his current relationship in his new existence. Christopher and Ghost certainly have an unusual relationship, but it sure seems to work for them.

I received an ARC from GRR. This is my honest review.
382 reviews5 followers
July 16, 2024
(3.5 stars) I've never read anything quite like this story. It is a very original approach, relating the tale of a romance between a man who is a medium and a young man who is a ghost. Christopher, the medium, has never felt like he belonged anywhere in his life. He is divorced from a woman he loved, but he never felt passion. Ghost does not remember anything about himself and his prior life, but Christopher is teaching him how to cope with his new existence in the world of the afterlife. Here is where we get some wonderful world building, as I love the idea that spirits can create whatever world they think of and they can have access to their senses in their world. There are some very intriguing ideas in this book, which I enjoyed thinking about. The writer creates a unique romance between the two men, where both of them can have their HEA in this world and in the spirit world. I just wish the ending had not been so abrupt, just as Ghost remembered his past. Although this book is related to a series of books, it can be read and enjoyed as a standalone.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Amanda Winter.
182 reviews3 followers
July 17, 2024
Paranormal romance isn't usually my thing, but after loving "Here For You," I decided to give "Almost You" a try, and I'm so glad I did! This book is a touching and heartbreaking tale of a newly dead ghost who has lost his memories and a medium who can navigate both the living and spirit worlds.

The story is vividly imaginative, with beautifully painted scenes that bring both the earthly and supernatural realms to life. Although it's rather short, the book packs in a lot of story, offering depth and emotion in every chapter. The characters are richly developed, and their journey is both haunting and heartwarming.

The unique premise of a ghost struggling to remember his past and a medium bridging the gap between worlds adds a layer of intrigue that kept me hooked from start to finish. The author’s descriptive writing style makes every scene come alive, creating an immersive reading experience.

Almost You is truly enjoyable. It's a quick read, but it leaves a lasting impact. Whether you're a fan of paranormal romance or just looking for a beautifully crafted story, I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Eimear.
171 reviews
July 19, 2024
This was a new one for me. I’ve read a little paranormal romance before but never between a ghost and a human so I was intrigued to read how it worked.

I thought the author did a great job with the world building for the ghost realm because I had no issues going in between realms while reading and I found that it all made relative sense to me.

I enjoyed Ghost and Christopher as characters though I did find myself feeling more connected to Ghost.

The relationship between Ghost and Christopher is such an intriguing one. I thought the channelling aspect was clever and not something I would have ever thought about. Not going to lie though, it did make me picture the likes of Tyler Henry being ‘channelled’ by a ghost and I’m not sure I like that picture! 😂

I did think that their relationship went from ‘get out of here’ to ‘I can’t live without you�� a little too quickly but I guess that’s what you get with Novellas. I probably would have liked an extra 50 or so more pages just to get a little more pining!

All in all, a short and sweet novella with a super interesting concept!

Thank you to GRR for providing me with an advanced copy of the book.

3.5 ⭐️
Profile Image for Steph.
99 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2024
I really enjoyed the concept of human x ghost. I loved the ghost world, their ability to manifest said world the way they wanted, and change their own appearance, etc.

Christopher first appears in the ghost realm looking for another ghost when he meets Ghost. Yep, that’s his name. Christopher is attracted to Ghost but adamant that he’s uninterested. Then he has a dream that turns out isn’t a dream. And then the next scene he tells Ghost “you’re mine” with no real lead up or development. It doesn’t fit. Their relationship is cute though once established, some spice, some conversations. Then Ghost starts to remember his past life and then… the book just ends. It’s jarring.

I would have loved more development around the lead up to their relationship; would have loved more info on who Ghost is or was; and would have loved an epilogue with a HEA or at least a HFN.

A very interesting concept though.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nina Diab.
3,530 reviews36 followers
August 3, 2024
“I never did this with a man before. Or a ghost.”
'And I was happier than I’d ever been in my life.'

I enjoyed this book. I liked both Christopher and Ghost. It was interesting that Ghost had amnesia and couldn't remember his life- or his death. I liked the connection and relationship that he forms with Christopher. I liked that Christopher had only ever loved his ex wife, so this was all new to him (bi-awakening and... ghost-awakening? *wink*) It was interesting in ways that the author made this work.

'The realization hit me that maybe this was fated to be. He needed me. I needed him.'

I only didn't like that the ending was abrupt. He started to remember things- and people who'd loved him. But then it just ended. I wished I could have seen beyond this point.

This is the first book I've read by this author. 4 stars.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,264 reviews481 followers
August 1, 2024
A Joyfully Jay review.

4 stars

Almost You is part of Skylar M. Cates’ Sunshine and Happiness series and with the first book in that series being published in 2015, it’s been a while since I have been in this world. There is a prominent and sad death in the series and, if you have read prior books, you might then know who Ghost is.

This book is listed a standalone and, while Christopher is a new character, it was helpful for me to know Ghost’s original story. The writing is good and the imagery is vibrant and this is the type of book that will hit each reader differently.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

312 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2024
This is the most unique book I’ve ever read!!! Not only was it sweet and sad in equal measure but at times it was downright odd as well. I guess with the subject matter being a romance between a human and a ghost, it couldn’t help but have its moments.

The one that never changed though was its consistency. It never waffled back and forth, throwing what it had already said in doubt and with as much detail as it offered, how the author was able to keep it going in one direction, while still making sense, was a major feat in itself. So, odd or not, I can totally appreciate what they’ve done. 4.5 stars!!!
4,001 reviews15 followers
July 19, 2024
Well, this is fun. Ghost, manifests and realizes that he may no longer be alive but he also can't remember anything. He encounters Christopher a medium that helps the otherworldly. Chris acquired the gift when he was a child and took a while to accept what he can do. He finds himself strangely attracted Ghost, which is new because he considers himself straight. It was a intriguing watching Ghost start to learn his new entity as a ghost and work through his choices. The relationship between Ghost and Chris was beautiful to watch. Good story. Well done! I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Mandy.
792 reviews
July 9, 2024
4.5 stars
This is a sweet and short novella in the Sunshine and Happiness series, which I very much enjoyed. It tells the story of a character we did not meet in depth in the series because he is a Ghost. Lost in the afterlife Ghost meets Christopher, a medium, and they form a bond of hope, comfort, and love. While the story has more of an HFN than a HEA, these two characters do find their best future together for now. It's a lovely addition to the series.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
Profile Image for Traci S.
1,262 reviews9 followers
July 19, 2024
Creative, wonderfully written, and a perfect mix of gloomy sweetness. I enjoyed this a lot, there’s tons of emotion in Ghost and Christopher’s story. The author creates a very atmospheric setting and a genuine sense of longing and loneliness that I liked. Ghost is trapped without his memories until he meets surly medium Christopher. Christopher is in his own kind of limbo, you can really feel his loneliness. I loved seeing him slowly come to life as he grows closer to Ghost. The ending is clever and pretty satisfying, a touch rushed over the last chapter maybe- but a fun and original story.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
Profile Image for Justine.
63 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2024
This was such a cute quick novella. I haven’t read the other books in the series, but I was intrigued by the paranormal aspect. It was different and an interesting concept, obviously since it caught my attention. Lol but it was good! There was sweetness, some spice and a whole lot of weird. I love weird. Christopher was a grump who felt like he didn’t belong anywhere, and Ghost was a sunshiney little shimmer. They complement each other so well and I enjoyed the story.
Profile Image for Jeanette Waters.
1,309 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2024
"Before you, I might of been alive, but I wasn't living."
Okay, why would I want to read a ghost love story? There'd be heartache. And tears.
There was. But Christopher and Ghost fit so well together. Despite the whole pesky non body problem. Amazingly, this story is about hope. And love. And connection. This one is gonna stay with me awhile.
I received an advance copy of this book and this is my review.
Profile Image for Collandherbooks.
165 reviews12 followers
July 13, 2024
Really sweet romance between a live person and a ghost. I didn't know how it would work going into it - I've not read a ghost romance before - but it worked really well.

I did feel sad for Ghost at the start because he seemed so lonely and sad and adjusting to being dead was hard for him. I like the way the author designed the worlds - it was very vivid like the way the ghosts could think up their surroundings.

A lovely, low angst novella for those looking for something a little different.
Profile Image for Jvles.
195 reviews
July 14, 2024
This is a short but cute story. We have a grumpy loner, who happens to be able to interact with ghosts, and a sweet, young ghost finding their way to get to know themselves and each other. The romance part is really sweet and I liked how the characters fit together. What I liked most about this story was the picture that was painted of life after death. The thought that everyone gets a blank slate and a chance to start over is kind of nice.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bridgette.
220 reviews
July 17, 2024
This was a short, sweet, and steamy novella featuring a ghost and guy who can talk to ghosts. Christopher can see and talk to ghosts but he’s focused on the job and doesn’t want distractions. But ‘Ghost’ pretty much attaches to him so he can help him with his memories. These two are exactly what they need and the short romance is sweet and very hot. It was very enjoyable and now I’m curious about the series that follows.
19 reviews
July 17, 2024
I wasted my time reading this book

The book was speedy fast. No resolution whatsoever. What happened to ghost? Is he really dead? How did he died? Etc. How can they move forward with the relationship? Sexy time was different but not interesting at all. It was a complete waste of time. I will not recommend. It’s like a huge cliffhanger with zero possibility of a second book about the same characters and better explanations.
Profile Image for Bkwrm24.
1,506 reviews11 followers
July 20, 2024

I was into this read and loving it until the end. To say that I'm disappointed would be an understatement and I will leave it at that, but don't expect an HEA. I'll leave this review open ended hoping that this is a two part story, I'd like to think this author wouldn't have put the effort into writing such a captivating story just to end it so abruptly without any glimpse of hope IMO.

* I received an ARC from GRR, this is my open and honest review *
Profile Image for Ida Umphers.
4,638 reviews35 followers
July 20, 2024
One favorite trope in this one - amnesia and a totally new one which is a medium falling for a ghost. The author has done a superb job of world building here as both Ghost and Christopher experience things as off kilter while still familiar. I love these kind of stories because I always wonder how the author can manage to get the two main characters together and I love it when that dilemma is solved as beautifully as it is here.
Profile Image for K-Me.
1,980 reviews
July 24, 2024
This was a quick little insta Ghost love story! Having read the Love and Happiness Series this novella was just what I needed. There was a death in the series that this little romance provides some Happiness closure for. For that alone I loved it! This story is powerful and healing for anyone who has read the series. I enjoyed that it was simple yet intriguing, steamy and romantic. I would definitely be up for more to Ghost's complete story.
43 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2024

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

- Paranormal
- Human/Ghost
- Amnesia
- Mutual Pining
- Divorced MC
- Hurt/Comfort
- Bi-Awakening
- Ghost Kink
- Spicy Ghost-Channeling
- Size Difference

Review: I liked this story but I didn’t love it. I know it was meant to be a novella but the ending had me wanting more I felt the ending just was bland, we didn’t get to know more, or what happened. It was different from any I have read before so I did enjoy that a lot 🤍
Displaying 1 - 30 of 43 reviews

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