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Yoshiki zauważył, że coś zajęło miejsce Hikaru, jego najlepszego przyjaciela, z którym wspólnie dorastał. Mimo to, chłopak decyduje się dalej wieść życie w towarzystwie tej tajemniczej istoty. Tylko czym ona jest? By poznać jej prawdziwą tożsamość, Yoshiki postanawia zgłębić historię Kubitachi i Wielkiego Intry. Otoczenie nie zamierza jednak bezczynnie czekać...

196 pages, Paperback

First published December 4, 2023

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews
Profile Image for jay.
915 reviews5,269 followers
July 27, 2024
excitedly running over to my boyfriend to tell him about the morally corrupt blond man who’s my new favourite fictional character (it’s the fifth morally corrupt blond man this week. my boyfriend is worried about me)
Profile Image for Ana.
182 reviews12 followers
June 13, 2024
what if all the terrible things happening were related to my existence and we had to figure out what's actually going on while being actively hunted down (even though we don't know) and we were both boys
Profile Image for Ezra :].
38 reviews
May 4, 2024
I am actually going to kill mysel!?!? How could it end like that?!?!?!?! I need a 5 volume NOW!!!
(This was the craziest shit I've ever read and I can't get enough)
Profile Image for Laura.
63 reviews4 followers
September 8, 2024
The cliffhanger ending 🫣😲

Honestly don't know what's going to happen I'm vol 5 but it can't come quick enough. I love this series because I never know what's going to happen next.

I'm also excited for the anime that's just been announced as well.
Profile Image for Julieta.
47 reviews21 followers
September 10, 2024
that ending??????? slay……. *wink wink* *crowd starts booing*
Profile Image for Laura.
121 reviews4 followers
June 27, 2024
Deep lore…

Ciekawe ile tomów ostatecznie wyjdzie, bo kurczę wątków tylko przybywa. Chcę już wiedzieć co dalej a tu kolejne 2 miesiące czekania…

Bonus: trochę gejowe wibracje ✨
Profile Image for Mallory .
133 reviews1 follower
August 31, 2024
Wow. This cliffhanger is WILD. I am in love with this series and how I cannot predict where it will go and how amazing the characters are.
Profile Image for luxurydisease.
43 reviews2 followers
August 14, 2024
me gusta pensar, quizá de forma egoísta, que mokumokuren ha creado esta historia concreta y específicamente para mí. lo tiene TODO: dos chicos viviendo juntos un caluroso verano rural, pelo blanco/pelo negro, lore lúgubre de un pueblo de montaña, “es mi mejor amigo (algo más 🧐🏳️‍🌈⁉️) que desapareció y he came back WRONG pero tener algo que se asemeja a él es mejor que no tener nada”, una intriga y un misterio que te tienen aferrada al tomo como si fuera el último hilo que te mantiene con vida, una maestría increíble para usar las viñetas y las expresiones faciales y hasta las onomatopeyas??? qué maravilla de manga. qué ganas de saber qué va a pasar, especialmente después del final de este tomo que le pienso enseñar a mi psicólogo para que entienda por qué necesito triplicar las sesiones hasta que salga el tomo 5. 100/10
Profile Image for fox.
171 reviews2 followers
August 28, 2024
AAAA i love this series so MUCH! i love the building mystery and how intense everything always is + the amazing characters ... perfect as always!
Profile Image for Agnese Kogami.
205 reviews1 follower
July 15, 2024
… allora, io esigo il quinto volume tipo subito, ora, now, IN THIS MOMENT.
Ma che cliffhanger assurdo mi avete piazzato alla fine, ma stiamo scherzando??
Sempre più innamorata di questa serie, davvero, sono troppo felice di averla iniziata 🤧
Profile Image for Rocío García.
230 reviews
July 4, 2024
Me arrepiento de no haber empezado esta serie cuando acabó porque quiero más y no hay más...
Profile Image for kaylina.
452 reviews17 followers
September 1, 2024
4.25 / 5: “But if I’m a god, why’m I so troubled…?”

idk other-hikaru, but i love that we’re getting more deep into the mystery arc!!

depressing as hikaru & yoshiki’s relationship is, there’s a comfort in the way yoshiki yearns so hard and wants to protect hikaru, even if it’s not the real him….

the ending caught me so much by surprise, and i can’t even imagine how yoshiki is going to cope however long it takes *** to recover, if so :’)

content warnings:

moderate: body horror, and exploration of grief
Profile Image for Raaven&#x1f496;.
561 reviews40 followers
August 22, 2024
Yoshiki has way too much on his plate for someone his age. I feel so bad for him more and more. The way he obviously loves Hikaru is admirable. He isn’t quite sure HOW to love Hikaru in the state they are both in. I applaud him for his loyalty and willingness to help and try to teach Hikaru the best he can. I guess you could call Hikaru morally grey? He’s just unaware of everything and isn’t able to react rationally. Despite this, I would protect him at all costs. There’s a lot more horror elements in this volume and mysteries beginning to be solved. I like the direction it’s going and there’s just a few more little things we need to fully understand and get the bigger picture. The ending is a killer cliffhanger. I’m so excited for the next volume and hope there’s more than 1 left.
Profile Image for Rose.
52 reviews20 followers
September 4, 2024
This was waaaay scarier than the last volume... I got chills! Good return to terrifying form and it was satisfying to start to see some of the mysteries come to more concrete answers.

The way this series plays with flashbacks to seemingly innocuous past conversations and how they reflect on the current dilemmas the characters face now are just masterful.

Specifically this exchange broke me:

"Yer real fond of animals, aren't ya?"
"Well it's not like I like 'em cos they're friendly with me. I like how they live by rules that have nothin' to do with humans."
"Ohh, so ya like their way of livin?"
"Yeah. I even like animals that eat an' kill people."
"Sounds like ya just hate people, then!"

Just the way Yoshiki embodies queer estrangement from society and how it draw him towards the otherworldly and supernatural.... 👌
Profile Image for Irene.
62 reviews
April 29, 2024
"Io non capisco bene la gravità della morte. Potrei anche mollare tutto e scappare. Però Yoshiki non lo accetterebbe mai... E ciò che è importante per Yoshiki lo è anche per me."

Volume veramente bello. Vengono dipanate alcune parti del mistero intorno a "Hikaru" e la ricerca si fa più pressante a causa di tutti gli spiriti che cominciano ad apparire sempre più spesso nella cittadina. La parte horror si fa più presente a livello visivo con alcune scene stupende, decisamente il mio volume preferito finora.
Profile Image for Lorena.
152 reviews4 followers
April 30, 2024
autor* pagherai per i tuoi crimini (non mi vuole dare hikaru e yoshiki canon)
Profile Image for Paulina Potocka.
57 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2024
The plot is picking up and it's getting darker and darker every chapter. Can't wait for the next volume!
Profile Image for Katrina.
1,133 reviews39 followers
August 28, 2024
Very upset because even though there are two more volumes out in Japanese, the next one doesn't even have an English preorder up yet, so it'll be ages before I find out what happens next. And we're solidly in the Finding Out Answers arc now.

It seems pretty widely accepted that Hikaru is the mountain god, so I'd be surprised if there's any sort of twist on that front. He's not an impurity himself, but they are drawn to him and he can defeat them pretty easily. Or could, anyway, before he gave away the majority of his power to make Yoshiki feel safe.

The local lore isn't super hard to track down once they start trying, which honestly makes sense...it shouldn't be that huge of a mystery, since people in the town were actively keeping the impurities locked away in the mountain. But most of the people who knew the old stories have been dying off - natural causes or taken over by the impurities or killed by Hikaru - so the legends are fading away with them, since they didn't do a good job of passing on pretty important information.

I can't remember if Hikaru's dad died abruptly? Why didn't he pass the family knowledge down to his son properly? Hikaru did know something, judging from his scribbled notes and the fact that he went into the mountain with his ancestor's shrunken head to begin with, but it seems he didn't know how to perform the ritual properly.

What doesn't make sense to me is that the other village elders never come to Hikaru to find out what happened. They don't know he's been taken over by Nounuki-sama. Wouldn't they want to know what he did in the mountain, why the ritual failed, and if he's planning to try it again to stop the impurities from flooding their town? That seems like a pretty big plot hole.

We cut out on a dramatic note in this volume, with Tanaka tracking down Hikaru...it sure didn't take him that long...and most likely becoming the person who can fill in a lot of the missing pieces.

What did Hikaru's ancestor do? What was the wish that tainted Nounuki-sama and turned it into a cursed being? How will they permanently solve it, without banishing Hikaru back to the mountain?

At this point, Yoshiki has accepted and grown to like "Hikaru" as an entirely different entity from the friend he'd been in love with. He cares about them in different ways, and we get some flashbacks of him talking to the real Hikaru about how Yoshiki loves animals more than people, even the ones that kill and eat people. They're not humans and they're not expecting to abide by human morality - something Yoshiki is understanding more and more about "Hikaru" now. Although he's still not going to let him go around killing humans while it's something he can stop. Unlike animals, "Hikaru" can be reasoned with.

The romantic element is still a sort of confusing part of this series, because while I'm a big fan of its inclusion, it doesn't feel particularly necessary. Especially since Yoshiki clearly states that he's not interested in "Hikaru" in that way, and that presumably his feelings died alongside the old Hikaru. I don't know if that will change at all along the way, but I guess it's nice to just have a queer character be the protagonist in a story like this, regardless of anything actually coming from it.
Profile Image for Afew*.
167 reviews17 followers
August 30, 2024
อย่างที่คุณโมคุโมคุเรนเขียนไว้ท้ายเล่มว่าตั้งแต่เล่มสี่จะเป็นบทใหม่ของเนื้อเรื่อง (ท้ายเล่มสี่คุณโมคุเรียกบทนี้ว่า บทไขปริศนา) ตอนที่อ่านคือรู้สึกได้ว่ามันคือองค์ใหม่จริงๆอะ

เล่มนี้เดินเรื่องเร็วมาก จะว่ามากก็อาจจะไม่ถูก มันแค่มีข้อมูลมากขึ้น เกิดเรื่องอะไรต่างๆ นาๆ มากขึ้น (ผีมากันฉ่ำ) และเค้าโครงปริศนาทั้งหมดก็ดูจะใหญ่มากขึ้นด้วย

บางหน้าบางฉากสำหรับเรารู้สึกว่าแอบหลอนอยู่ คือก็ลืมไปว่ามันอยู่ในหมวด Horror เนอะ เล่มนี้คือสยองเย็นๆ แบบตอนแรกๆของเรื่องอะ

เส้นเรื่องยังคงอยู่ที่ประเด็นเดิม การรับมือกับการสูญเสีย ความหมายของการเป็นมนุษย์ กับแอบคิดไปถึงเรื่อง Generation Trauma

มีอยู่ส่วนนึงที่ฮิคารุโดนต่อว่าประมาณว่า เพราะแกทำหน้าที่ๆส่งต่อมาไม่ดีคนแก่คนเฒ่าเลยต้องฉิบหายกันหมด มันก็เลยทำให้เราคิดไปว่า ก็รุ่นพวกปูพวกคนก่อนๆ นั้นแหละที่ก่อเรื่องไว้ พอเป็นอย่างงี้มาโทษคนรุ่นหลังซะงั้น ประเด็นเรื่องบาปกรรมหรือความผิดบางอย่างที่คนรุ่นหลังต้องรับผิดชอบแทนเป็นอะไรที่รู้สึกใกล้ตัวมากๆ กับรู้สึกโมโหขึ้นหน้านิดๆ

ใดๆ คือสนุก สเกลกำลังไต่ขึ้นไปอีกขั้นแล้ว อยากอ่านเล่มต่อสุดๆ
Profile Image for Julian.
8 reviews
September 15, 2024
The stakes are raising and the big questions are starting to be asked --- I love how they're continuing to explore what it's like to be "Hikaru" and how he feels and stuff. Also, I love Mama Kurebayashi 🤧
Profile Image for Rick.
2,845 reviews
September 15, 2024
I was actually kind of wondering, at the end of vol. 3, where all this was going. This really pick up again with this volume. There are some lovely creepy atmospheric moments in this one and the relationship between Hikaru and Yoshiki is deepening. Is that good or bad? 🤔
Profile Image for Chiara.
124 reviews3 followers
May 30, 2024
Mega creepy, alcuni disegni di questo volume mi hanno davvero fatto venire la pelle d'oca. La storia sta diventando più misteriosa e interessante.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews

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