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Lose My Senses #1

See Through Me

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There's only one person Katie Flynn wants to see when she returns home. But she knows he won't be waiting for her. It's the reason she feels safe enough to finally come back.

She's wrong.

Ash Townsend isn't the same quiet boy from next door. He's tall, dark and demanding answers. He wants her, but he doesn't trust her. Who can blame him? When his own family tried to break him down, he still sheltered her in a town full of liars. And she repaid it by leaving him behind without a word.

Because she'll do anything to protect him. She has the scars on her wrist to prove it.

Contains strong language, explicit sexual situations, and mature themes. This novel is not intended for readers under the age of 18. First in a 2-part series.

188 pages, ebook

First published May 8, 2014

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About the author

Sera Bright

2 books37 followers
My New Adult contemporary romance novel SEE THROUGH ME will be released in May 2014. Currently, my family and I live in the mountains of West Virginia.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Anastasia シ.
615 reviews211 followers
September 10, 2014
Wow!!!! See Through Me is the first book in the Lose My Senses series by Sera Bright. It is a New Adult novel told in first person past/present POV’s. I really enjoyed See Through Me thoroughly from start to finish. I loved the writing style, the characters were well thought out, it’s well-written, it has a steady pace, and just overall a great read! :D

There are many twists and turns, which keeps you on the edge, wanting to find out more, and keep turning the pages. I am eager to read the next installment, as well as reading more from this author!

I highly recommend it!

Read more of this post here:Blog Tour ~ See Through Me by Sera Bright
Profile Image for Mariℓina.
624 reviews201 followers
April 14, 2015
This little gem, truly made my day, It was great. Easy to read, fast paced, smart, interesting, with the right amount of sentimentality and plot variety.
Much needed heartwarming romance and a dash of mystery.

I liked it from the first page. Ash and Katie are a compelling couple with many secrets and a lot of past. Yes, there is something darker lurking in the shadows and out to get them both, but the friendly banter between them, lessened the suspense factor significantly.

After a year apart the former best-friends-turn-to-couple are finally back in their hometown. This place holds so many bad memories for them but it's also the only place they can see each other.

Ash is livid with Katie. The only girl he ever loved left a year ago taking his heart with her. She never called, never visited, but she had some good reasons for that.

Katie, left the boy she always tried to protect. It wasn't her choise to leave back then neither is her choise to come back now. What will happen next? Ash is also in town and desperate to find her, will she give a chance to their romance this time around?


- Flashbacks.
- Ash has been through so much..
- I don't know why i didn't read that one sooner.
- Trevor = what an asshole.
- Katie's struggle with Ash's parents was so heartwrenching..
- Full of emotions.
- I loved their friendship.
- I wonder why her father wanted her to stay.

ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review. Thank you!
December 15, 2020
ARC provided by NetGalley for an Honest Review
3 Stars
Cliffhanger warning with no end in sight smh. This book was released in 2014 and even 6 years later there's no sign of book two and that's just not OK with the ending we get. Sure I only picked it up now to go through old ARCs but I did not expect such a horrible open ending. When the book starts there's all these secrets and insinuations on things that happened but there is zero detail. The heroine ran away from home and her first love but we never really know why until the very end. This did not make me like the heroine any more than I already did. There's also this implied connection between the MC's that the author tries to portray in flashbacks here and there but I never really cared about them either way. It did not help that we had no reasons for why she ran or what they'd both been up to in the meantime. The secrets were stupid, annoying and the book is every bit stereotypical New Adult of the mid 2010's. Of course when things finally started coming out and the MCs finally acted their age and had a conversation but then it just ends and there's so much left unknown. I'm really just mad to not have a clue how all the pieces tie together. There's her mother who disappeared when she was a child and the lies her father told her about all of that. Then there's the affair her mom had with the heroes dad for years after she ran? Then there's the heroines crazy and aloof dad and his issues, why was he the way he was and why in the end did he call her all scared and actually acting like he gave a shit? How about the heroes parents and their hatred of the heroine and why heroes mom would tries to tarnish the heroines reputation so badly and even get a local boy obsessed to the point of hurting/stalking her? Not to mention the annoying-ness of them letting their lives be so manipulated by the heroes parents that I really want some redemption. For such a short book, so much is dumped on us in the end and I especially want to watch the heroes mother fall and fall hard. At this point I'd be happy watching her world implode. But guess that won't be happening and I'll just have to let it all go smh. Given there is so much unknown and there is no conclusion I can't recommend the book because what's the point?
Profile Image for Katie(babs).
1,836 reviews532 followers
August 26, 2016
See Through Me is your typical cliche New Adult that throws so many things out there than makes no sense. The actions of the characters are confusing and it drags with no real solution to the problems the female protagonist has.

The heroine, Katie has major issues that will make you roll your eyes. She has a chip on her shoulder because her mother left her when she was five, and her father is barely around and may be involved in illegal jobs. Katie left her hometown that were told treated her poorly in order to travel, but made everyone believe she went away for her first year of college, including her best friend, Ash, who she can't be around any longer. Ash's parents are nut jobs who have abused him his entire life. His parents are apparently very powerful in the town they live in. Why they treat Ash so poorly, but throw money at him so he's well off and can work on his art, which he loves, makes no sense. Ash loves Katie so much, but she pushed him away because his mother threatened to destroy Ash because she sees that Ash loves Katie with everything inside of him. The reason why Ash's mother is out to get Katie is revealed at the end, and makes you scratch your head because again it's a very strange twist and not all that shocking.

We see Katie and Ash grow up together in flashbacks starting when they are eleven, up to when they are eighteen and the summer before college. Ash, we are told at eighteen has become a big man-whore who has slept through most of his high school class, which I really don't know why that was important because from the beginning Ash comes across as a great guy who doesn't like to be touched and is brooding and silent. But then as we go from flashbacks to present day, his personality changes to easy going and approachable. Katie, of course, was only intimate with Ash, but her reputation that was spread by rumors makes it appear she is a player like Ash, while he flirts with girls and apparently is a Don Juan, which is acceptable here for some reason. Ash can be a player, but Katie can't and is regarded as a slut because of it. Got to love that double standard.

Katie is stalked, molested and almost raped by her ex-classmate for no real reason explained. He lurks around and doesn't have any real purpose, even when it's fully revealed why he is so cruel to Katie.

The love scenes are more on the salacious side and ruins the tender love Ash and Katie have for one another. Katie's constant pushing Ash away, but then reeling him back in and having sex, just because sex with Ash heals her and makes her whole, feels like a cop out.

See Through Me will most likely appeal to fans of New Adult romance but there's no real depth to the plot and story. The characters lack that dimension to invoke a strong emotional attachment to the reader.

A ho hum read that could have been outstanding but failed on the overall execution.
Profile Image for Rose  Puls .
1,867 reviews323 followers
January 7, 2015
Rough & quick...slow & sweet...
This is my first Sera Bright read and I was impressed. I enjoyed her writing style, the friendships and relationships were very well written. She had the ability to make me feel strongly, I seriously wanted to hurt a few of them. I found myself loving Ash and frustrated with Katie for constantly running away. I wanted to yell at her through my Kindle. I am drawn to broken, damaged characters and both of these have so much to overcome. I really want to see them get their HEA after all they've been through. It's so heartwarming that they lived next door to each other and have been best friends since hey were toddlers. They share so much history, so many memories, good and bad. The story is told in multiple POV and alternating past/present so it gradually unfolds. You get a glimpse into the head of both of them, so that means you are privy to things that they haven't shared with each other. It's a real page turner...but no matter how fast I turned them...I got to the end without getting all my answers...to be continued.
Profile Image for Shelley.
1,135 reviews10 followers
May 5, 2014
ARC generously provided by publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


My Ash Townsend


My Katie

Her mother left her, her father was always leaving her, never really being a father, and her best friend lived next door. He was the boy next door and she loved him. But she knew no matter how badly she had it, Ash had it worse. She was his haven, the place to escape when his parents abuse became too much. What Katie never expected was that in trying to save him she could end up hurting him. Now after disappearing for the last 10 months Katie has to go back to her small home town to help out her dad, a man who doesn't deserve it. There is only one person in that town Katie would ever want to see and he has moved on, or so she thought.

It only takes a day before Katie runs into Ash and she knows she has to try to stay away from him for his own good. She just never expected to still be in love with him after all this time. Ash was her first and her only and he still owns her heart even when she tries to deny it. Katie's only problem is deciding to stick with her plan to protect him or to let him back into her life and she what happens.

I was really surprised by this book. Katie has a screwed up life but her one constant was Ash and the same goes for him. Ash's parents are horrible, and Katie was the only place Ash could go for comfort. Katie knew him like no other and he always loved her, even when she didn't know. Ash is determined to find a way back into her life. Yes he is a damaged soul but he knows Katie is his mate. This is an story of two damaged people who become whole when they are together. But, can they survive the consequences of deciding to finally be together.

Warning this is not a stand alone and now I will be comping at the bit waiting for the second book in this series.
Profile Image for Vfc.
1,532 reviews
November 22, 2019
See Through Me by Sera Bright (Lose My Senses, #01) First in a 2-part series, Part 2 has yet to be released.

Katie spent eighteen years of her life in the town and escaped ten months ago after forcibly being threatened. Ash Townsend and herself were once inseparable. Assuming he’s in L.A., she returns temporarily at her father’s bequest.

At twelve:::
Lifting his shirt, his back was covered in red welts, and thin trickles of blood wept from his shoulders.

“Was it your mom this time?” Ash’s mother was all about appearances, nice when everyone else was around, but privately an evil monster.

Katie’s mother’s disappearance - she went away but her father lied claiming it was because of her, she discovers her Mum’s absence was because of an extramarital affair.

Katie for all intents and purposes raised herself with an absentee father. She was self-reliant, took care of herself and kept silent about his “work trips.”

Ash is tall, dark, broody and endearing. An entrancing story flawed with corruption, malice, revenge and abuse.

It becomes clear that Katie Flynn’s self-harming was not self-inflicted. She finally confesses the evil personified as Michelle Townsend:::

A rustling noise came from somewhere. I tried to whip around but a hand landed on my upper back, leaving me to stumble against the open doorway.A slice of pain slashed across my wrist, and then again, deeper. The hands released me. I righted myself to face my attacker, my heart pounding.

Ash’s mother stepped back. In her hand, she wielded a scalpel with a plastic handle. Taller than me, with elegant features and frigid green eyes, her gaze slithered over my wet hair to her son’s varsity soccer t-shirt. Her mouth pursed in distaste.

I stared down at my stinging arm in shock. Two cuts marred the skin, one fainter and seeping a slow trickle of blood to the surface while the other poured out a slow stream of blood. Clean edges of flesh gaped wide. She’d slashed my wrist. “You know what I’m going to say.” She pointed the scalpel in my face, and said in a sing-song voice, “Stay away from my son.”

“What are you going to do? Tell someone I attacked you? The police? And what are you going to say? That you didn’t really do it to yourself? Are they going to believe you?”

My breath burned in my chest. They wouldn’t believe me. Why would they?
“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you.” The blood dripping down my fingers said otherwise, as did the scalpel she held in her hand. “I wanted to have a little chat,” she said, cheerfully, like a complete psychopath. “I know you’re taking a gap year instead of going to the University of Michigan. If you disappeared tonight, who would know?”

“Most likely Ash would, and that would be a shame. He’s so excited to go to that school of his, did you know the McCallums have a niece who attends the same school? It will be nice for him to have a connection to home, don’t you think? Such a nice family.”

“Just tell me what you want.” “want what every mother wants, of course.” The fine lines around her eyes wrinkled as she faked sympathy. “I’m sorry, I forgot you wouldn’t know about that since your own mother left you. I didn’t mean to bring up such a sore point.”

I willed my face to remain expressionless.
“Well. Like most mothers, I want my child to be happy and safe. You want Ash to be happy, don’t you? You want him to be safe.”

“I met a charming woman at a fundraiser this year. She used to work as a social worker for the county, and after a couple of bottles of wine, she had such sad stories to tell about her time at CPS. One story really tugged at my heart, about a young girl who called her office every day for a month, pleading for someone to look into fake claims of abuse for her childhood friend. It sounded like the young girl had some serious problems and just wanted some attention, poor thing.”

“Would you let him give up his future for you? Knowing you could’ve prevented it?” She chuckled. “Unless you think somehow he loves you enough that it wouldn’t matter. How long do you think that will really last?”

“Here.” She held out a newspaper clipping. “You’ll understand.”
I took it from her hand, careful not to come even close to touching her. It was a clipped article from a newspaper. The headline read: “Man Arrested for Narcotics Possession Accuses Police of Planting Evidence.”

She lowered her head with a mock-sorrowful expression. “Of course, I’ll do anything to help him. He has so many problems, all the psychiatrists I’ve taken him to over the years said so. If it got to this point, rehab wouldn’t be enough. My husband and I would have to think about fighting for guardianship over him. Hypothetically, we’ve already consulted with some of our lawyer friends about this.” She’d allow her own son to be brought up on drug charges, using her spies and her connections, and then take control over his life just because of our relationship. If she had the resources to fool everyone into looking the other way all these years, there was no doubt in my mind she and her husband could arrange for someone to hide drugs in Ash’s car and then have him arrested.

“What do you want me to do?” “I don’t care what you do, just think it through wherever you go. Preferably tonight. I would hate for anything bad to happen.” Her eyes narrowed. “I’ll know if you show up where you’re unwanted.”

Katie left that night disavowing her love, distancing herself, disconnecting all means of communication and vanishing.

Upon her return at the bequest of her father (it is unclear why she was summoned), Michelle Townsend and Trevor (Mayor’s son and Michelle’s puppet) “Most likely to be acquitted of date rape” McCallum begins a campaign of terror. Trevor and Ash’s mother presumably aligned themselves to scare Katie away.

They are intercepted by U.S. Marshals as her father is presumably within protective custody.

“We’ve been notified that there is a current active threat against Miss Walker’s safety, and she needs to come with us immediately.” Ash cannot offer promises or reassurances but he convinces her this protection is for her own safety.

No one is treating this matter as a temporary assignment. I glanced over my shoulder at Ash for the last time as he rubbed the back of his neck, rocking back on his heels. He wouldn’t—he couldn’t look my way. His distress was palpable from the distance, and there was nothing I could do about it.

A ribbon of irrational betrayal sliced through my chest. He’d lied to me. He’d said he would never let me go again, and that’s what he just did.

His mother is a stateswoman candidate for their district with her constant abuse of power ....

The revelation of Ash’s father having been in love with Katie’s Mum explains the benevolence and utter contempt and hatred Michelle Townsend has for Katie because of their similarities and the constant reminders of betrayal. Katie looks like her mother and Ash resembled his father.

“My dad had an affair with your mom, and it has to be the reason she left. I overheard them fighting about it the first night I came into your room.”
In the picture left for her in her vehicle there was a man wearing a wedding ring. “The affair didn’t end after she left, did it?”
“I don’t think so. I think it ended when she died.”
“How do you know?”
“Because it’s around the same time my dad started drinking,”

My father lied because he couldn’t handle my mother leaving him. He couldn’t handle staying around because he didn’t want to be reminded of her when he looked at me. Ash’s father couldn’t get over my mother’s death. Ash’s mother’s psychotic brain couldn’t take the idea of us being together, couldn’t stand the idea of us re-creating a mistake she couldn’t allow to happen again in her warped imagination. And my mother? Who the hell knew what she couldn’t handle? Probably life, judging by the chaos she left in her wake.

This book ends abruptly without resolution or closure. At the end of the book, there are contact methods to the writer - all of which are disabled.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for preppea.
268 reviews93 followers
May 22, 2014
3.5 Broken, Skittish Stars

Ash is Katie’s first memory and her best friend. She vowed to protect him since the first time he crawled through her window bloodied and bruised. But what happens when the best way to protect someone is to let them go? Ten months ago, Katie ran from Ash; breaking his heart to ensure he’d walk away and move on. She returns to her hometown to help out her dad, never expecting Ash to return to a town that brought him so much misery. But Ash never let Katie go and he couldn’t stay away from the only place he might find her again.

Reading SEE THROUGH ME is a bit like trying to read through smoke. Katie doesn’t say what made her leave Ash or what happened that left her with scars. Chapters alternate between present time and the past, with the past highlighting some of the most meaningful moments of Ash and Katie’s relationship. Through the flashbacks, the reader finds out about the abuse Ash suffered and the neglect Katie endured. Neither had a happy childhood, but they are each other’s best hope for a promising future. If only Katie can stop the lies and the running. But the same forces that separated Katie and Ash before seem to be at work again, only this time even Katie can’t be sure of who is to blame. The story is left on a cliffhanger and I believe the sequel will be told from Ash’s perspective.

I flew through SEE THROUGH ME and enjoyed it despite its dark undertone. Katie is very broken and scared and you can feel her turmoil throughout the book. I loved getting to know Katie and Ash through the flashbacks; it allowed me to see just how much love they had invested in each other. It was especially helpful since Katie has a habit of lying or cracking jokes to diffuse situations so it’s hard to really get to know the real her in present time. I think without the flashbacks I would have thought their relationship was all sex, no communication, but the flashbacks show that Ash sees right through Katie’s defense mechanisms. I myself couldn’t quite get a read on her since she was constantly hot and cold so it was good to know Ash got it. In some ways the entire book is like that, Katie isn’t very forthcoming and so the reader is left in the dark until almost the end as to why Katie really left. I do think if Katie had spent a little more time being honest with Ash in present time it would make it more compelling to the reader to read the sequel; it was almost too long to be left wondering. I also found some of the suspense aspects of the story a bit unbelievable and farfetched at times and in particular at the end, but that could also be because it hasn’t been fully explained and we should find out a lot more in the sequel.

I would recommend SEE THROUGH ME to anyone who likes a little mystery and sadness mixed in with their new adult romance.

**Complimentary copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

**Reviewed by preppea on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews.

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Profile Image for Cassandra.
449 reviews9 followers
May 30, 2014
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and am providing an honest review.

Let me start off by saying that while the description of the book said that this was not a standalone, it also said that there were two sides to every story and that this was Katie's side. That led me to believe that there would be a conclusion, but that we would just get a separate book for Ash telling the exact same story but from his perspective, as so many authors have been doing lately. Not the case. There is still a lot left unresolved. The author warned us, but I misunderstood. Not a big deal, though.

Katie had to grow up fast because her mom walked out on her and her dad wasn't very good at being a parent. For this reason, Katie knew how to take care of herself which made her a pretty strong main character. She was pretty wishy-washy with Ash in the beginning about their relationship, but it wasn't because she didn't know what she wanted. She knew that she wanted him, but that there could be negative consequences to her actions, so she had to figure out if it was a risk worth taking. Indecisiveness about relationships usually bothers me, but I felt it was done really well here because there was a legitimate reason.

Ash suffered at the hands of his parents and often turned to Katie for support. It was part of the reason they were so close. She was the only one that knew his secret, so she was the only one he was completely comfortable being himself around. He really wanted things to work out with Katie, so he often fought dirty. By that I mean, he made her jealous with other women. I couldn't decide if it was adorable that he worked so hard for her or childish that he played the 'make her jealous' card. But hey, he's only 19, so I guess it's appropriate for his age.

I felt that there could have been a little more resolved in See Through Me. I understand that this is a series and some things have to wait but there was a lot left to wonder about. We found out how Katie got her scars towards the end but we had a pretty good idea of who gave them to her before that based on context clues. But I did spend the entirety of the book waiting for a meet-up between Katie and her father that I'm guessing will happen in book two, which is kind of a disappointment. I would have settled for him meeting her and dropping a bombshell. I don't mind a cliffhanger in a book meant to be a series (though I know most people do). If it's a good cliffhanger, it ensures that I'm anxious to read the next one. It also leaves me on a 'wow!' Even if we couldn't get the meet-up with the dad, I would have liked to have an appearance or direct message from Ash's mom.

For this reason, this book is more of a 3.5 star read for me. I do believe the author did an excellent job writing, but I just wanted a little more.

ETA: The author, in response to early reviews, added a little more to the ending and kindly shared it with me. While it didn't really answer much in the way of questions for me, it ended on a bang like I wanted. There's definitely a cliffhanger here and I'm anxious to see what's next!
Profile Image for Erika.
375 reviews47 followers
May 15, 2014
*ARC received from author via NetGalley for a fair and honest review.

See Through Me did not live up to it's potential for me. There was enough there to make it an incredibly interesting story, but in the end, it just never fully formed as a story and ended all to abruptly. Yes, yes we get warned beforehand that there are two sides of the story, so to expect a cliffhanger. It wasn't a cliffhanger so much as screeching halt though.

This book tells us the story of Katie and Ash, in present time and through flashbacks from their tween years on. They both had a rough childhood, in different ways, but found a way to find peace in their friendship and eventual romance. This entire book focused on that, with a little side bit of stalker(ish) drama thrown in. It was that drama that messed up this book for me. It reached that grey area where it was not enough to brush aside, but yet not fleshed out enough to understand why it was there in the first place. I assume that was to draw you into the second book in the series, but it didn't work for me.

In the end, I just didn't have enough to go on, for anything really. So much happened, and yet none of it was fully formed for me. I wanted to like Katie and Ash, because I liked the idea of them together, but I never felt like I was able too. Maybe once we get Ash's story the everything will come together. Sometimes we really do need two sides of the story.

2.75 Stars--(because I feel like being difficult tonight)


The author has decided to tweak the ending to give us more of a resolution at the end. Let me rephrase, not a resolution but ends the book at a different point so you have more of an understanding of what is going on. My biggest problem with the original book was that it came to a screeching halt. So much was thrown at you, but we had absolutely nothing to go on. The new ending changed some of that. It's still ends with a massive cliffhanger, which you are warned about beforehand, but at least you still have SOME clue about what is going on, which does help the overall feel of the book and makes me actually want to know more. I still want to read the next book before I form a complete opinion, but now I'm more inclined to do that than I originally was.

On a unrelated note, I have a lot of respect for an author who was willing to take the initial criticism of the book so respectfully. Even more so that she is willing to use that criticism to put out a more finished product.
Profile Image for Emily♥.
251 reviews30 followers
September 28, 2015
Running Up That Hill by Placebo.
“Unaware that I’m tearing you asunder”

That single lyric describes Katie and Ash’s relationship completely. They’re both hiding secrets from each other.

Katie and Ash have these horrible childhoods that happen way too often in the real world. I really just wanna hug them both!

Oh, Ash. With your rage issues and brooding, sweet hazel eyes.

I guess his past gives reasoning to his anger problems, but he’s got severe issues. He’s the spitting image of overly possessive.

Katie runs away from her issues and has a wishy-washy mind about what she wants. The girl is really never sure of anything.

Their relationship was sweet, sickeningly sweet, until it wasn’t. Until Ash would overreact and chase Katie down the street, to her doorstep, restrain her, and take her inside. Which of course, leads to tableside entry sex? Whatever floats your boat, darling.

I suppose that if you’ve known someone that long, actions like this are nothing new. But it bothered me way too much. I think they’re just looking for a normal life, but their past keeps getting in the way.

There are so many questions that I have pertaining to her dad! Hopefully they will be answered in the next book.

This was a quick read that I enjoyed getting lost in. I’ll be on the lookout for the next installment of Katie and Ash’s screwy relationship.
Profile Image for Rachel.
312 reviews36 followers
April 22, 2014
Rating 3.5 stars.

See Through Me is a story about 2 people who have grown up together in the midst of many secrets and terrible parents. The story grabbed me from the beginning, and I was invested right away. I really loved Ash. His character really made this book shine.

However, it was not perfect. Mainly, Katie's character was a large flaw. She did the push him away to save him thing to the point of stupidity. It was tiring, and made me care less about her character.

I liked that there was no insta-love, but it didn't take forever either. The use of a personal history between the characters before the story began (them growing up together) was very nice. It allowed the romance to begin in early chapters without feeling forced or fake.

On the other side of things, this book is guilty of my biggest pet-peeve. It doesn't end. The romance arc ends, but the main conflict of the story is left unresolved. So, had I bought this, I would have bought half a story. It's not as terrible as some other books I've read. There is at least half a conclusion, but I still feel like this is just another way to suck money out of me.

Recommended for fans of New Adult Romance.
Profile Image for Christine.
649 reviews85 followers
May 12, 2014
Oh, man. From the very beginning I knew that Katie and Ash would be one of those couples. The couples that from the start are connected and meant to be. And as soon as they see each other it was HOT! These two have some serious chemistry even when they're fighting. Maybe that's what makes for a volatile real-life relationship, but fictionally, these two are PERFECT!

A combination of romance, intrigue, and some suspense, this book totally did it for me. The only problem I have is now having to wait for the end of Katie and Ash's story.

Will they be able to keep each other safe? Will they still maintain the friendship that they've had since they were children? What about Ash's parents? What does Katie's dad know that no one else does?! Seriously, this story left me with so many unanswered questions, I can imagine the next installment will be busy with tackling all of these issues.

I may have to read this again just to tide me over until I get my (hopefully!) happy ending.

Christy @ Captivated Reading
Profile Image for Jessi.
62 reviews5 followers
August 1, 2014
* copy in exchange for review *

I am left baffled by this book. I'm not sure I understand what happened, how it happened or what is going to happen? I believe the three stars could be higher when the next books come out because I am really thrown by the storyline. I didn't feel really connected to the characters, as much as I would have hoped. They could have been deeper and probably will be in the series.

The plot was enjoyable, but somewhat confusing. I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting, waiting, waiting. It didn't drop. Instead I lost my shoe in the course of the book and am walking around with no shoes with question marks over my head.

I would recommend this book, especially if you like suspense and new adult. I think that this review will change when the other books are released but for now, I'm kinda lost.
Profile Image for Amanda G. (Nellie and Co..
285 reviews48 followers
May 6, 2014
See Through Me is one of the most impulsive requests I've ever made on NetGalley. I fell in love with the cover, which surprisingly for a NA cover, doesn't feature a half naked kissing couple, and the model actually portrays the leading lady perfectly, and found the synopsis a little confusing and alluring, so I requested it, received it, and read it, all in two days. It was far from perfect for my liking, but neither do I regret it; I got a lot of entertainment out of it, and Katie's character was wonderful to read about. I would like to mention however that while this book is labelled New Adult, it crosses dangerously into erotica land, and does have some very vivid scenes that are not advisable for anyone under the age of 17.

I feel like the plot in See Through Me is a little, unclear. As I was reading the synopsis, it leads to you believe that it's all about romance and long lost lovers, and some self harm and mutilation in there too, but there's a lot more to this book that first meets the eye. This book covered the harsh truths about domestic violence, child neglect and conspiracy in a close nit neighbourhood, as well as societies acceptance over public abuse, rape and GBH. I know what you're thinking; how can a book so short cover all this? Well, for one, it's written in past and present perspectives, which in the past have annoyed me and made me feel disjointed from the story in question, but See Through Me's case, it only helped to improve the depthness of this story of Ash and Katie, and how their past and present intertwine and affect their futures. Some of the issues I've mentioned have, for the characters, happened in the past, and while they're not the focus of the story, nor developed hugely within the story, I feel they are mentioned enough, and highlight what needs to be said. I also surprisingly like how the style of writing; there was no superior wording, but it didn't feel drab or as if it was written with no effort, is was clean, clear and really had this crisp passion to it that made the sweet scenes so beautiful, and the not so sweet but 'romantic' scenes just as entertaining.

Katie and Ash could quite possibly be accused of being your typical characters for a New Adult novel. Katie is a young lady who doesn't know what she wants form her future, drives a big truck and has bright hair and tattoos over her body. Ash is an artist who is tall, dark and brooding, handsome and charming, but for me, the difference between their relationship and others I'd read is that it was a story from friendship to relationship. No more 'my best friend likes me, but no' rubbish, a full on, mutual and extremely steamy relationship between these two was what made it so believable. The support they gave one another, the sacrifices they made for each other and how they felt safe with the other was really kind of wonderful. Simple scenes of hand holding and cuddling on couches was enough to make my heart flutter, but then, the dreaded curse of New Adult found it's way in and the personality traits of Katie and Ash being obsessive and possessive over one another would sometimes be too much. She would get unfairly and immaturely jealous, while Ash wouldn't even let Katie walk home on her own without thinking she was going on a 500 mile trek across the states; it definitely became a relationship that I found myself both swooning over and feeling very distressed over. I don't particularly want to delve into the sexual nature of their relationship and of this book too much, but to me, there's a line between talking about sex in books and writing an erotica, and sometimes, only faintly, See Through Me would just slip over the line and be a little too graphic for what I expected, or a be little too clumsy with the writing, and use phrases I didn't particularly want used, but this was a personal preference, and overall, I found the use of sex in this book to be realistic and complimented the relationship well.

There isn't much else I can really say about See Through Me; I feel like there's a real mystery to come in this series or collection of standalones, and I feel there's a lot more room to grow and develop the characters more, and the intrigue too, but I just don't feel that it's had a lasting impression on me. I feel like it's a book a may forget in a week or two, and who's details will become blurred and misplaced, and while I loved Katie's personality and Ash's compassion, I can't help but feel like I've not connected to them quite enough. Whether I continue with this 'series' is still unknown, but I do think this could be a real winner for New Adult fans, and even some Young Adult fans who aren't afraid of some steamy scenes.*

*For people who might be interested in this book, there's a giveaway available on Goodreads.
Profile Image for Hazel *Craves the Angst Reviews*.
770 reviews291 followers
May 19, 2014
Find This and Other Reviews At Craves The Angst.

See Through Me is book one in the Lose My Senses series and is a New Adult, Contemporary Romance written by Sera Bright. I was gifted a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review through Xpresso Book Tours.

3.5 Sweet and Angsty Stars!
Emotional and Intense and Also Unresolved!

The Review:
I really enjoyed this read. It had a great story where the characters were once bff’s turn “something more” and I’m a sucker for those kinds of stories. But as much as I enjoyed it, it also frustrated me. There were a lot of times I just wanted to shake some sense into Katie. She was totally out of touch with her surroundings and all because she let fear rule her. Her denial and her avoidance issues were so strong, she avoided everything, to the point of overshadowing her good qualities. And Ash was just as bad! Told in two different time frames, I really loved getting glimpses into their painful past and I really loved their history but I had some issues with the “adult” characters themselves.

This was a heartbreaking read. From the moment we meet Katie and Ash, you can sense the tension and the layers of guilt they both seem to have, even though you don’t know what's happened, other than Katie ran from her childhood best friend, turned lover, Ash. All told from Katie’s POV, we only have her say in what’s happened but it’s obvious from the start, Ash is hurt but very much in love.

Katie’s first memories are of Ash. From toddlers, together they weathered abuse, neglect, bullies, heartbreak and fear, always at each others sides. Katie has always loved Ash but another kind of fear kept her at bay. The fear she would somehow make his life harder than it already was so she denied her feelings and kept way too many secrets.

I totally enjoyed the flashbacks we get in this book. You can tell these two really are all each other has ever had and they love and care for each other but both of them are completely broken.

Katie comes back to town from a ten month separation after a pleading phone call from her absentee father to handle pending foreclosure of their house. She never expected Ash to be there waiting. But he was and he wanted answers.

But here’s where things drag out, in my opinion, way too long. Katie refuses to talk or express her feelings to Ash... or to anyone for that matter. There’s a lot going on, between why she left, mysterious photo’s that keep popping up out of nowhere, vandalization and a stalker. She’s very closed off. And she has a right to be. Her trust was broken as a child but scene after scene, we have Ash questioning her or patiently waiting for her to open up and she won't. It was frustrating and I just wanted them to scream and fight and get on with it already.

But... and don't get me wrong, my heart broke for Ash and no doubt, his childhood was traumatic but that’s the problem. He’s too traumatized to fight for Katie. Both times, he let her go without asking questions. He shut down and just accepted it was happening, I’m sure, not feeling he could protect her or that he deserved her because of the abuse he’s suffered in his past. His spirit is hanging on by a very thin thread and he has absolutely no confidence in himself or in the world.

My hope is when the next book is released, we find them both ready to fight for what they want instead of cowering away, not asking questions, letting go, running, taking the easy way out or just accepting what other people do to them. At this point, both of them are too weak and that was my problem the whole way through.

As much as I liked this read, I was “waiting” for something... anything... to happen. I wanted her to confess everything, open up and tell him what was going on. He was keeping secrets to, that much is obvious and there is definitely something more going on with her father but again, even in the end, she was too scared to ask what needed to be asked.

If someone came to take me in the middle of the night, that would be the first thing out of my mouth. “Why??” Not denial or acceptance.

The Wrap Up:
I liked this book and this story enough to be excited about the second book, especially since it’s going to be a continuation of the story, told from Ash’s POV. They need each other, but they also need to fight for each other. I’d love to see two strong, ready-to-fight character in the next book. Two people who will do whatever it takes to make sure they fight for what they want... and win! They deserve their HEA. However, with the way things ended, this might just push Katie further away. I’m excited for book two to find out!
Profile Image for Guia.
112 reviews12 followers
May 21, 2014
*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

First of all, I’ll try my best to not give MUCH of the plot away since this book has a bit of a suspense/thriller vibe going for it.

See Through Me by Sera bright left me with mixed feelings. I must admit though that it was a book that I DEVOURED in one sitting. Straight. No Breaks. It was just THAT engrossing. However, the whole book felt like one giant build up shooting for an explosive climax and then missing the target.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

There was all this build up right from the start. The tension between Katie, Ash, Trevor... I felt like it was all setting the story up for a big revelation. The big reveal, as it turned out, wasn't as big as I expected. I thought the climax of the story kind of fell flat and did not warrant that kind or amount of build up. As I read the very last page, with the rain pouring hard and the fast driving, I was actually waiting with bated breath for an accident or something. Color me mainstream but I sort of felt the story going that direction, so you can just imagine what I felt when I read those two damning words: THE END (This was before the author released the revised ending).

Okay, a part of me is happy that Sera Bright did not choose to end it like MANY other authors would have (tragic car accident + death) but another part of me is not satisfied with the ending (I'm hoping against all hope that this is NOT the end, though.) I mean, it could have done better with a little more kaboom (maybe not literally). The story would have been better if it ended with a bang instead of a fizzle and a pop.

I can't help but feel that there's A LOT of loose ends that need tying up. I understand that this is the first in the series and I am seriously hoping that there's some sort of resolution to Katie and Ash's dilemma. I mean, there's got to be more than this to it. It's actually kind of frustrating for me at the end because I was expecting for something BIG to happen. The ending found in the published editions of the book is the extended version. I appreciated the fact that the author considered early feedback about the book and her effort to make tie it up more nicely. However, I still feel like there’s a big chunk missing. The last chapter is now like one giant ellipsis. It doesn’t explain anything or provide some sort of resolution (I can understand why, though) but it now shows a much clearer premise of the next book. I guess the main improvement from the original ending is that the book now ends on a legit cliffhanger with a promise of something more to look forward to instead of ending abruptly.

May I just say that one of the characters scared the living shit out of me. S/he is a freaking sociopath (and in the spirit of keeping the suspense intact, I'm not telling you whether it's a boy or a girl because that would give too much away). Anyway, that character was one hell of an antagonist. One fact about it that I love is that as you're reading through the book, you don't have the certainty on who's behind everything. It could have been anybody and no one would be the wiser. If this were a movie, I would have been rooted to my seat because I honestly had no clue who the real bad guys were.

I just loved how each character was a character all on their own. This, like, it says in the synopsis, is definitely Katie's story. Katie owned SEE THROUGH ME. Just by reading SEE THROUGH ME, it's evident the story isn't complete. I don't just mean that there are loose ends left to tie, I also mean that I'm dying to know what Ash thought and felt during the events of this book. I don’t if it’s just because I’ve been reading a lot of multiple POV books lately but See Through Me felt a bit one sided. I didn’t see much into the other characters and I would have loved to see a richer backstory for Ash.

So, generally, See Through Me is one hell of a book and I’m definitely gonna be looking out for the next books in this series. Even now, the suspense is killing me.


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Profile Image for Casey.
2,574 reviews45 followers
March 22, 2016
Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

See Through Me is Sera Bright's debut novel, and it is also the first in her Lose My Senses series. Debut novels are always a bit of a gamble and add to that the fact that this book isn't standalone, I was a bit nervous going into this one. I have to say that I honestly couldn't tell this was a debut novel at all! This story was great, and I really loved it. I loved the characters and the writing style. Knowing that the ending would leave me hanging, I both wanted to get there faster to find out what happened, and delay because I knew I wouldn't want to wait for more! This book was so good though, and I would definitely recommend even with the cliffhanger ending. This one is definitely worth the read, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

When Katie's father asks her to return home to save their house from foreclosure, she decides that it is finally time to head back because she knows that Ash won't be there. But when she shows up, she finds out that he actually is there and has been asking about her. He isn't the same quiet nerdy best friend that she left behind though. He is sexier than before, and now he is wanting answers. When she left a year ago, she was doing what she had to do to protect him. But Ash has no idea what happened or why she up and left without a trace. As Ash and Katie get to know each other again, they realize that while they have changed their feelings haven't. Can they learn to trust each other again after everything that has happened, and what happens when their relationship is threatened by the past?

I really loved Ash and Katie. They were both young and made mistakes. They made decisions without talking to each other, and seemed to have communication issues from the start. But all those things were just age and their maturity level. Their feelings and love for each other was really clear right from the start. I loved that they would both do anything for the other, and they were really protective of each other. Ash was sweet and determined, and I loved that he never gave up on her. He was sexy and committed, and I felt so bad for everything that he had been through. Katie was strong and capable, and had to deal with things that kids shouldn't have to worry about. She was used to looking after herself, and wasn't very good at letting others in. She didn't trust easily and had a hard time opening up to anyone, even Ash. But you could tell just how much she really did love Ash, and everything she did was for him. I liked that they were friends from such a young age and that their friendship and history gave them such a great bond to start a relationship. These two brought out the best in each other, and were the perfect match for one another. I thought that they had amazing chemistry together, and you could really feel the emotional connection as well as the physical.

I was not ready for Katie and Ash's story to come to an end, even if it is temporary and we will get more of them in the next book. I loved these two, and their story is definitely one that will stick with me. I love the friends to lovers trope, but this one is one of my favorites that I have read. These two are just so sweet with each other, and I loved that it was always about the two of them. They always turned to each other and that kind of connection is rare. Sera Bright really impressed me with this book, and I loved how easy it was to become invested in this story. I didn't want to put this one down even as I kept dreading the end and the inevitable wait for the next book. I will admit that the ending was not something that I was expecting, and definitely leaves you hanging and wanting more. The second book is titled Only Your Touch and expected to be released sometime this summer. I know that I will be stalking goodreads for any information I can get on this one while I try to patiently wait for more Ash and Katie. I highly recommend this book to all NA fans, and I think that this is one that most readers will enjoy just as much as I did. These characters are easy to like and relate to, and to me their story is a definite must read. I look forward to reading Only Your Touch and more from Sera Bright in the future.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**
Profile Image for Jena.
128 reviews5 followers
May 26, 2014
I was given this book for an honest review.

I really liked the concept of the book. It was a really good story and had good characters. It just had some issues for me that I struggled with.

I liked Katie and Ash's friendship and I like that you get glimpses of how it changed into something more than friendship throughout the book. That was probably my favorite part of the story was getting glimpses of their relationship. Probably my favorite character was Linda. Here was a women that didn't take any crap and told it how it was and I liked it! If only Katie would have listened to her and actually taken her advice. I understand why Katie believe she knows best considering her father left her alone a lot and had her take care of everything, but she was still a teenager and didn't know everything.

Some of the things that bothered me about this book:
- I would love a character who finally stood up for herself. Someone that had a crap life, but still didn't let people walk all over her. I was so angry when she lied about when Trevor punched her, or when he was sexually harassing her and the one teacher said she probably misinterpreted it. I want a character that is like "NO!! This asshole molested me and I am going to make sure someone does something about it!!" Not every teacher is going to disregard her and it would naive to think that. But that is my personal preference in a character. I want a strong lady who doesn't take $#!t!
- Another thing is that throughout the story Katie keeps mentioning why she had to run away, why she had to lie. There are no hints as to what happened, just that something did happen. It was kind of annoying and made me want to skip to the end to figure out what the hell it was. I was hoping it was something amazing with all the build up. It ended up being good, but not great.
- Then I had an issue with Ash and Katie's current relationship. It was like beating a dead horse about the trust and lying and going back and forth about if they would be together. Then, as soon as they finally get together we don't get a chance to relish the excitement that they have finally decided to be together ... because immediately something happens to make them not be together ... and be start all over again.
- Finally the ending was a little disappointing. Once again, they are finally together .... and then they're not. And it's a cliffhanger for the next book. But I'm not really sure I want to read the next book if it is more of the same. Especially since we end again with Katie not trusting Ash .... I would have given this book four stars if not for the ending.

Here is a solution to the book without needing a second one (without giving anything away) ... they leave and don't tell anyone where they are going. Done!

What I did like about this book:
- Linda!
- I really really like the idea of this story and if you can get past the whole constant build up and going back and forth, it is a good story with good characters. They just happen to be unable to make up their minds about what they want.
Profile Image for Fidah.
244 reviews23 followers
May 22, 2014
3.5/5 stars

See Through Me is the first book in the Lose My Senses series. It is also Sera Bright's debut novel. The story is told from Katie's pov. Katie Flynn returns to Havenwood about a year after she left behind her childhood friend turned lover, Asher Townsend. The story starts off immediately with her arriving at Havenwood. It was not long before she bumped into Ash. See Through Me is mainly about Katie and Ash trying to rebuild their friendship and trust again while dealing with obstacles that try to push them apart.

This book went by really fast. The story took place over a span of 5 days and there was so much going on from rebuilding their friendship to dealing with jerks and horrible parents. One aspect of the book that I really liked was when the author wrote about main events from their past through Katie's perspective. Through that, we managed to take a glimpse of their relationship and eventually, the reason that caused Katie to flee.

The relationship between the two was definitely built on a lot of trust and understanding. The two struggle with family problems from abandonment to neglection to abuse. They depended on each other which is exactly why their relationship is now strained as Katie had broken Ash's trust in her.

I have to admit though that Katie got on my nerves a little bit. I was frustrated whenever she pulled and pushed Ash. I know she genuinely cares for Ash but I hated it whenever she felt like running away again. They should have sat down and communicated which is why I really admired Ash. Ash has been persistent in wanting to have a talk with Katie and sort out issues.

I think the problem with this book was that there wasn't really a huge climax. The story builds up as you read and there's this undeniable tension that you're waiting on to be revealed. I definitely didn't see 'it' coming and wasn't able to put the pieces together until it happened. Which made me feel a little stupid to be honest because some of the clues were already given and I should have put it together by then. However, it didn't really have that much on an impact as I would have liked it to be. For that reason, the storyline felt a little flat if I'm being honest.

Sera Bright changed the ending of the novel and after reading it, I really want to read the sequel because if you do not know, it is written mainly from Ash's pov. I would love to get inside his head and find out what he was thinking, especially after that cliffhanger! This is one of those books that leaves you with a big question mark at the end. I just...I'm speechless.

On the whole, I thought this was a pretty good debut novel. The writing was able to make me feel connected to the characters and I finished the book in a sitting. It lacked in certain points but that didn't change the feelings that I experienced while reading and I think that is important.

Originally posted on Met In Eleven
July 13, 2014
4.5 stars!

The cover of the girl with the red hair on it is actually what drew me to this book to start with! I have seen another cover floating about for this book with a couple on it, so I'm not actually sure what the cover is like at the moment lol! I have to admit that I prefer the cover of the girl with the red hair for the book for several reasons! The plot of this book was amazing! There was a mystery aspect to it and I was desperate to find out answers! It did take quite a good portion of the book to get answers though and the secret wasn't that huge in my opinion that the main female character couldn't tell the main male character! The plot was developed brilliantly though and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the relationship between the two main characters develop and their old feelings for each other come back! The characters were amazing! Katie was the main character and she was a hard character for me to read at the beginning of this book! As it progressed though and Katie opened up more, I was able to understand her more and I could understand why she did what she did! There was something about Katie that made me love her! She acted tough on the outside, but on the inside she was quite vulnerable and she had such a soft side to her! I could understand why she hid behind a tough exterior though! She was hiding secrets and the only way she was able to keep them hidden was to change her personality! Ash was the love interest of Katie and he was so freaking hot! In the flashback scenes, Ash was a sort of almost-geeky, stocky guy, but he grew into a total hottie! Ash had endured a tough childhood and my heart completely went out to him because of this! I wasn't expecting him to have had such a tough childhood and it showed me why Ash acted the way he did and made the choices he had! I loved Ash! I loved his hot, brooding personality and I loved how protective he was of Katie! I could see how much he wanted her to open up to him and I could see how far he was willing to go to get her too! I was kinda expecting this book to be written from both Katie and Ash's point of views, but it was actually only written from Katie's! I really wanted it to be written from both Katie and Ash's point of views, but then I discovered that there's going to be another book and it's going to be written from Ash's point of view! I'm really excited to read the next book in this series! As I said, I know that it's going to be written from Ash's point of view and that it's not a re-telling of this book, so that makes me even more desperate for it! I can't wait to find out what's going to happen! The cover for this book is stunning! As I said, it's what first attracted me to the book! The girl on the front also really suits the character of Katie perfectly as she has red hair and tattoos!
Profile Image for Jeannie Zelos.
2,838 reviews56 followers
May 8, 2014
See Through Me, (Lose My Senses #1), Sera Bright.
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
Like another reviewer I too thought this was a complete book, with the second telling the story from Ash POV. Its not, there's a kind of finish, no cliffhanger but there are so so many unanswered questions its clear there's a lot more to come. My mistake, but clearly an easy one to make.
So, Katie?? Well, I felt for her in some ways as she'd had a troubled childhood, little support from her dad, and it seems no other family but...somehow I just didn't really warm to her. She seemed just that bit too self obsessed, not in the “I deserve everything good” way, but in the way she saw everything as to how it impacted on her. Then there's her so called best friend – well all I can say is the old “with friends like her who needs enemies” applies here - I think Helen from the café was a far better friend to her, even though she wasn't same age group. Ash, he's a lovely guy and clearly loves Katie, but his way of showing it was...odd at times :-) Given she'd disappeared for a year I thought he'd have been trying harder to find out where and why, but no. Then there's the mysterious dad, he's summoned Katie home over something to do with the house but he never actually appears, though we do get to hear a phone conversation with him eventually.
I think what most didn't work for me about this was it was so slow, it seemed nothing happened, except for a few more tantalising hints about the past and some mysteries still to be revealed, it seemed so vague, unfinished ....I didn't get the sense of love – real love – between Katie and Ash, lust and sex yes, but anything more? Well, they'd surely need to talk and learn more about each other for that, and though they grew up in each others pockets they seem to know little about the real person each is. Then of course there's all those hints about some deep mystery...why does Trevor hate Katie, why has he belittled her so much over the years, and why does her best friend seem to just brush off her boyfriend's actions ( though she did seem high at the time …) What’s with Katie's mum's disappearance, thought I think after the ending I know some answers no doubt there's a lot more to come. I just got the feeling there were a myriad of vague hints, but I’m not sure what or who is exactly the problem and why...and I’m not sure this book made me care enough to read the second part – which it is, not just a story telling Ash POV, but a continuation of this part.
Stars: two, it just didn't work for me :-( but then again I am past the NA tag though I’ve read and loved some fab books from this genre. I'm sure others will love it, as always its great we have such a diversity of choices.
ARC supplied via Netgalley
Profile Image for Sorcha O'Dowd.
Author 2 books51 followers
September 11, 2016
Such an amazing book! The writing style was so brilliant, witty and emotional all at once. 5 stars! Full review will be posted on my blog on the 19th May for my stop on the 'See Through Me' blog tour. http://www.oldvictorianquill.wordpres...


Reviewers note: Since reading this book the author has changed the last chapter, please note this review is of the previous edition, therefore may not be relevant to the ending of the new edition.

From the word go I was so enthralled by ‘See Through Me’. I was sucked in by the brilliant writing style that the author had, and the strong narrative voice that held its own and really made me feel connected to the characters and story. There was a quality about this book that made it very different than the average New Adult book, and it’s something that I can’t quite put my finger on, but nevertheless it made the reading experience that much more fresh and exciting.

I adored Katie as a heroine. I admired her strength and bravery as well as her weaknesses, which made her a very real character, and showed that despite the need to be strong, she was human and was allowed to fall at times. What made this story really great was how Ash never gave up on Katie. So often in these books, the heroine returns to find the hero has turned to drinking, sleeping around and giving them the cold shoulder, but Ash was waiting for Katie all the time she was gone, and still wanted to protect her and keep her safe. Although a little rougher around the edges after their separation, he was still the same Ash that we saw in Katie’s flashbacks to their time before she left.

Sera Bright very cleverly entwined the mystery and suspense throughout the novel as Katie finds herself targeted after she returned home. Her car being smashed up, and finding anonymous letters gave me shivers as it was so well executed and were added in not all at once but very subtly which built up the tension and had me on the edge of my seat and desperate to know what was going on and who was behind it.

The thing that stood out for me in this book was the incredible character and story development for Katie and Ash. I loved seeing how they had to fight their demons and their insecurities for them to come out stronger, and I know that no matter what awaits them in the future, even if they are separated and no longer in a relationship, their devotion and love for each other will have them finding their way back to each other.

This was a really wonderful, suspenseful and heart-warming read that started the story of Katie and Ash, and gave a brilliant opening to the series.

5 Stars!
Profile Image for Michelle Schroer.
231 reviews2 followers
September 12, 2016
Twists and turns.
Abuse and meddling town-folk.
Lies and manipulations.
Steamy scenes and heart-wrenching confessions.
Sound good?

A very stunning 4.5 STARS!!!

This book has nothing to do with baseball, yet I can't stop thinking this is the PERFECT analogy for how it made me feel. It continues to remind me of the baseball fan in me. It's a great pitch and when it leaves the bat it's sent soaring high, out to center-field. The whole crowd is cheering and the batter's got that 'It's-over-the-fence-for-sure' jog going on. Just when you're standing to cheer for the home-run...some stupid out-fielder jumps up and catches it! Game. Over.

This book ends on such an unresolved note that I wanted to throw my kindle - but then I wouldn't have it for the next book! Ok... so seriously though - Sera Bright made me feel. And she connected the characters complexities with her swift writing style. The story was told from Katie's POV. The way she shed light on the past, with alternating chapters, was brilliant! I was able to get a real hold on her past with Ash. How Ash seemed to know her better than she knew herself. Knew all her defense mechanisms. The awful abuse they each had to endure. The reasons why, as a reader, I felt I needed to root for them. The past chapters were extremely relevant to their relationship in the present. Without the past - without all they ways they dug deeper, all the ways they loved each other, all the undeniable way they were connected - Katie and Ash's connection would seem superficial. To be forever connected because of something so dark... beautiful. They became the light for each other. Even with Katie's running and her lies - she was still his haven and she still loved Ash after trying to deny it.

"I loved him and he loved me... Loving him with my whole soul was all I knew who to do."

I was immediately an Ash fan and a bit frustrated with Katie. But that never stopped me from rooting them on! And knowing that this book ends so abruptly - should NOT deter you from reading it. Generally, I try to steer clear of cliffhangers unless all books in the series have been released. Not all my questions were answered but that never bothered me the way I would have imagined it might... There was a quality about this book I can't quite put my finger on - that's what kept me going. I feel I read this book on the edge of my seat! The twists and turns kept me salivating. Needing to devour more and more! The way the author takes the situation and gives you a glimpse and then pulls back - just stunning! I am a fan - no doubt!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,047 reviews90 followers
May 23, 2014
A complimentary copy provided by author for blog tour

Amazon Buy link--->> See Through Me (Lose My Senses)

~~ 4 "Intriguing" Stars ~~

This book was filled with lies, mystery, intrigue and love.  As a debut book for Sera Bright I thought she did a great job.  She created a story and characters that kept you wanting to turn the page.  This story was told in both past and present tenses.  The past was told in flashbacks and created the history between Ash and Katie.  This book really is just the beginning to Ash and Katie's story.  The writing and flow of this book was wonderful.  The author did a great job with developing these characters and a storyline that will suck you in.  I thought the pace was good...it's a fairly quick read but that is more because you can't turn the pages fast enough....so it moves the story along.  This book is NOT a standalone....I would say that this book has a cliffhanger , but more of a To Be Continued.  The couple ended in a great place, but the author created questions in your mind throughout the whole story and only a few were answered.  This book will definitely leave you wanting more.  This story is a friends to lovers story but also a second chance love story.  I thought the amount of steam the author added was perfect.

Ash and Katie had been friends since they were little.  They were best friends and over time they grew to really love each other.  I'm not going to say much about this storyline because I think this is a book you need to go into blind.  Plus I don't do spoilers :).  Katie and Ash were such broken characters and my heart broke for them on more then one occasion.  They each had a crappy childhood and they truly did lean on each other to get through it.  They both were willing to do anything to protect each other.  You'll see that as the story unfolds.  I really believe these two were really special characters and I can't wait to see what happens next.

I would recommend this book to everyone.  If you are looking for that sweet friends to lovers love story, but also a story that has the element of mystery and suspense then this one is for you.

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Profile Image for Barb.
46 reviews15 followers
July 28, 2014
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

I would have to rate this book 3.5***, 1* off the top for the cliffhanger although I knew going into the story that it was. I liked the book, but I didn't. I found the beginning slow going and hard to get into. There's a lot going on and many, many unanswered questions, a little confusing.

Katie is a young women that abruptly left her home town one night, not telling anyone where she was going and cutting all ties with her past. One day, after a year of being away for almost a year, her father reaches out to her to save her family home from foreclosure and return to the one place she never thought she would see again. Her life has changed so much in that year. She has become independent and somewhat bitter. Returning would only bring back terrible heartache and memories. Especially, upon her return she hears that "the boy you always hung around with is looking for you." He wasn't supposed to ever be looking for her again, it was something she was sure she had taken care of the night she left.

Ash was "that" boy next store with family secrets of his own. Secrets that only Katie knew about, the only person he could trust and she left him that night without a "goodbye". He went to L.A. and was never supposed to come back looking for Katie. Ash was back and determined to find out why Katie left him, never contacting him again.

Katie and Ash are finally reunited and the fire is still there between them. We learn a lot about each of them through flashbacks of the past. I really liked that about the book, it allowed us to understand both characters and the decisions that were made and why. Just when you think that they are on the right road, they are forced to make difficult decisions.

This is where it fell short for me. I read other reviews that said they didn't care for Katie and loved Ash. I actually loved Katie, she has had a tough life and at 18 years old had a lot weighing on her shoulders that could alter so many lives. I loved Ash's persistence and protectiveness, but when it came down to it and mattered he let her down. I was so disappointed with him at the end.

The cliffhanger left me wanting to know what was going to happen. There are so many different directions this story could take and yet it left me confused. So much doesn't add up. I can only hope that it can be wrapped up in a nice little package, not to long from now. Also, I haven't seen anything to indicate when the next book will be out.
Profile Image for Kristal & Charmaine.
178 reviews90 followers
April 26, 2014
Full review at www.onceuponabookblog.com

ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

***3.5 Stars***

I got hooked on this story pretty quickly. It was a typical New Adult read but it had a little bit of mystery and intrigue that kept me reading. Even now, after the story has ended, I’m still thinking about possible outcomes in the next book in the series.

There's only one person I want to see when I return home. But I know he won't be waiting. It's the reason I feel safe enough to come back.
I’m so wrong.
Ash Townsend isn't the same quiet boy from next door. He's tall, dark and demanding answers. He wants me, but he doesn't trust me. Why should he? When his own family tried to break him down, he still sheltered me in this town full of liars. And I repaid it by leaving him without a word.
But I'll do anything to protect him. I have the scars on my wrist to prove it.

One of my biggest loathes in a NA book, or any book really, is feeling disconnected from the characters. I hate feeling like I haven’t got to fully know the character over the course of the book. In See Through Me the story is told in the present with flashbacks to the past. I know some people don’t love flashbacks but these were all really short and straight to the point. The timing of the flashbacks is perfect too. I really loved being able to see Katie and Ash’s story from start to finish. It was sweet and captured the characters perfectly.

At times this story did feel pretty same, same. It has the usual NA recipe – hot, slutty guy and sweet, virginal girl. I’m so over virgins in books but I have to (grudgingly) admit that it did fit in with the story though. And I felt less blah about it than usual because Katie did have a bit of spunk. She didn't constantly play the sweet, innocent victim. She had an edgy side as well.

See Through Me is not at all bad for a debut novel and I really enjoyed the writing. It flowed seamlessly keeping me interested all the way through. Beware though - While this story doesn't end on a relationship cliff-hanger is does leave you with unanswered questions. No doubt I will be picking up the next book just to find out what the hell is really going on with Katie’s’ parents!

A quick note - This is not for younger audiences. There are themes of child abuse, neglect and violence. Not the worst I have ever read but it’s never a picnic to read about. Definitely 18+.
166 reviews
June 8, 2014
I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I found this to be an interesting read. The characters are extremely like-able and interesting. The story is interesting and moves along at a good pace. Although it did follow a similar formula for a new adult book with the young woman coming home and the angst of seeing the young man who she loves, has always loved but had to give him up. But that is where it also differs. Katie left town and Ash, who she loves dearly because of Ash's mother. The woman is a nasty piece of work. She's never known what was behind the woman's vindictiveness and it wasn't just Katie that she had a problem with. Ash has been abused by both of his parents and when Katie tried to help, she only made things worse.

Now Katie is back in town, after a year away, to sort out the financial mess that her father is in. She's hoping to get the problem solved and be out of town before anyone knows she is there but nothing goes her way. From the first day, she is harassed by Trevor, who made her life a living hell in school and who could never take no for an answer.

When Ash shows up, she realizes that she has always loved him and nothing has changed. She will do whatever it takes to keep him safe, even sacrificing her own happiness again. This time though, he doesn't let her get away with not telling him the truth. He slowly worms his way into her heart and a relationship starts to develop again.

When her truck is vandalized, she tells Ash to leave it alone but he ignores her and calls the police. When his father shows up, he gets angry with him. When she finds a photo of her mother she gets spooked as the house was locked and no-one has the keys. When she finds another photo in her truck, she realizes that Ash's mother is up to her old tricks. She just doesn't know why she hates her.

This is a story about love but also about sacrifice, Katie has always put others before herself. It isn't until the end of this book that you find out why Ash's mother is the way she is and that is the only part of the book that I was disappointed with. The reason for the abuse that Ash lived with wasn't explained clearly and was, to a certain extent, glossed over and there could have been more scenes showing how manipulative his mother was.

Overall I found this to be a well-written story with a great story-line and I would definitely recommend it.
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