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Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1

Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

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After living as a Mundane and a Vampire, Simon never thought he would become a Shadowhunter, but today he begins his training at Shadowhunter Academy.

78 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 17, 2015

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About the author

Cassandra Clare

195 books272k followers
Cassandra Clare was born to American parents in Tehran, Iran and spent much of her childhood travelling the world with her family, including one trek through the Himalayas as a toddler where she spent a month living in her father’s backpack. She lived in France, England and Switzerland before she was ten years old.

Since her family moved around so much she found familiarity in books and went everywhere with a book under her arm. She spent her high school years in Los Angeles where she used to write stories to amuse her classmates, including an epic novel called “The Beautiful Cassandra” based on a Jane Austen short story of the same name (and which later inspired her current pen name).

After college, Cassie lived in Los Angeles and New York where she worked at various entertainment magazines and even some rather suspect tabloids where she reported on Brad and Angelina’s world travels and Britney Spears’ wardrobe malfunctions. She started working on her YA novel, City of Bones, in 2004, inspired by the urban landscape of Manhattan, her favourite city. She turned to writing fantasy fiction full time in 2006 and hopes never to have to write about Paris Hilton again.
Cassie’s first professional writing sale was a short story called “The Girl’s Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord” in a Baen anthology of humor fantasy. Cassie hates working at home alone because she always gets distracted by reality TV shows and the antics of her cats, so she usually sets out to write in local coffee shops and restaurants. She likes to work in the company of her friends, who see that she sticks to her deadlines.

City of Bones was her first novel. Sword Catcher is her most recent novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,196 reviews
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65.3k followers
February 22, 2016
People say that this tale isn't the best out of the bunch and if that's so, The Shadowhunter Academy must be fan-flipping-tastic (I mean of course it is going to be since it's written by Cassie & Sarah & Maureen)!!!
Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.9k followers
February 19, 2016
SIMON I LOVE YOU! Going to get to the next novella ASAP
Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews998 followers
March 18, 2015
Okay...so the book focuses on Simon.
meh photo: meh joker mehjoker.gif
Simon being the main character was probably one of the few highlights for me in what was otherwise a very 'meh' book.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, let me explain:
- Meh refers to ice-cream that isn't blow-your-mind yummy but isn't disgusting either
- It can be used to talk about that one relative of yours you only see at the annual family BBQ
- It's the word Harry Potter fans use to describe characters like Ernie Macmillan or Hannah Abbott...or Hufflepuff in general (no offense at all to any Hufflepuff lovers! It's a great house.)

To sum up: if something is 'meh' it just is. It doesn't make you ecstatic, it doesn't wow you, and it also doesn't make you upset/annoyed. It conveys complete indifference.

I love Cassie Clare's writing. But I feel like the Shadowhunter concept has been dragged out as far as it can go. It feels sort of...boring, you know, reading a book full of characters I've already read about in six books (not counting the other novellas/spin-offs).

Do I need to rehash Isabelle and Simon's relationship?
Nope. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Do I need to be told again how much of an adorable dork Simon is?
Nope. Been there, done that, got the $5 souvenir.
Do I need to be reminded that Simon and Clary are great as friends?
Nope. Been there, done that, saw him get rejected, got a box of tissues.
Do I need even more explanations of how the Shadowhunter world is run?
No. Just...no.

Seeing that this series is centered on a Simon who has completely lost is memory (six books worth, I might add) we, the reader, are forced to take a trip back down memory lane. Nearly every chapter is full of déjà vu moments that are a little tiring at times.

It just doesn't feel like a unique book about Simon. It kind of feels like Cassie re-wrote City of Bones, except the main character has memory issues, is male, and is not a redhead.

Hopefully the next few books in this spin-off take the plot to higher levels and really bring home a new tale that truly showcases the Simon we know and love :)

Pre-reading review:
Simon's getting his own book, guys!
so happy photo: BABY SO HAPPY tumblr_lnfasnQnxY1qavkujo1_500.gif
so happy photo: Happy Endings - Alex Crying tumblr_m4pfv2Uj1J1r3zat8.gif
so happy photo: tumblr_mmm6wccW2Q1ry1utqo5_250_zps9498333f.gif

After everything the poor guy's been through in The Mortal Instruments series, he deserves to have a whole library dedicated to him. It's about time he got his chance in the spotlight!
Profile Image for Maureen.
574 reviews4,238 followers
March 9, 2016
I really enjoyed this! Mostly I just love Simon a lot because Simon is the best.
I would definitely not want to go to Shadowhunter Academy at this point tho, it seems intense and also terrifying.
Profile Image for Katerina.
423 reviews17.3k followers
July 9, 2017
“He had to escape. He had to go and become a hero, the way he had been once.”

Oh my sweet, dorky Simon.
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy brought back all the bitterness and hurt City of Heavenly Fire provoked, but it wasn't (that much) sad and frustrating. It's true that I am all too eager to find out the person Simon became after the events that took place in Edom, but by the Angel what I really wanted was the trademark Simon sassiness and his witty retorts! This novel offered lots of fun, plenty of laughter and filled me with a sweet longing for all those great moments I experienced while reading The Mortal Instruments! But bringing Jordan into this? That was cruel, Cassie. Cruel, cruel, cruel.

P.S. Oh, how I've missed you, Lord Montgomery!
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews327 followers
May 27, 2021
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #1), Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan

Judith Lewis, better known by her pen name Cassandra Clare, is an American author of young adult fiction, best known for her bestselling series The Mortal Instruments.

Shadowhunter Academy is a series of connected novellas featuring the character of Simon Lewis from Cassandra Clare.

It consists of 10 e-novellas written by Cassandra Clare in collaboration with other authors that are being released on a monthly basis.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy was released on November 15, 2016.

After living as a Mundane and a Vampire, Simon never thought he would become a Shadowhunter, but today he begins his training at Shadowhunter Academy.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش

عنوان: به آکادمی شکارچی سایه خوش آمدید؛ نویسنده: کاساندا کلر؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

داستان درباره ی پسری به نام «سایمون لوئیس» است، که یادمانهایش را از دست داده، و به «آکادمی شکارچیان سایه»، برای آموزش کنترل توانایی‌هایش و فرا گیری فنون مبارزه می‌رود

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 05/03/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Anastasia.
139 reviews57 followers
March 21, 2016
4.75/5 stars
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy was the first novella in Cassandra Clare's new bind up. I really enjoyed the take on the shadowhunter world from Simon's point of view. I can tell the new, and old, cast of characters are going to mold together perfectly. They all have such unique personalities that play off of each others really well. There were a couple of awkwardly worded scenes and dialogue that didn't flow, but other than that it was beautiful. I recommend starting this collection of novellas if you are a big geek, nerd, or Simon Lewis lover.
I will write a full review on the bind up once I finish all of the novellas.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.2k followers
November 27, 2017
"My previous riding experience is the carousel at Central Park, forgive me for not being Mr. Darcy!"

"Mi experiencia previa montando es en el carrusel de Central Park, ¡perdóname por no ser el Sr. Darcy!"

¡Ya era hora de que volviera al Shadoworld! Llevaba cuatro años sin leer nada de Cassie, madre mía. Y, si soy sincera, Simon no es mi personaje favorito y me desespera un poco, así que no se imaginan las ganas que tenía de leer diez relatos centrados en él, jajaja. Ahora, cuando te dicen que para leer The Dark Artifices lo más recomendable es que te leas los Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy pues te replanteas las cosas.

En Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy, el primer relato, nos encontramos con un Simon que ha perdido gran parte de sus recuerdos y que quiere volver a ser el héroe que todos conocen y con el que todos se sienten cómodos. Ahora, voy a hacerles un favor y les recordaré cómo Simon perdió la memoria: .

Lo que me gustó de este relato es ver las secuelas que la Guerra tuvo en el mundo de los Shadowhutnters. Sus filas están muy menguadas y necesitan recrutar a cuantos potenciales guerreros puedan para protegerse... y es precisamente por eso que se reabre la Academia Shadowhunter. Simon, a pesar de no gustarme mucho, consigue con este relato que entienda por todos los dramas por los que está pasando. El pobre debe vivir con las miradas expectantes de todos los que lo conocen y no hacen más que desear que recupere todos sus recuerdos, pero para eso debe Ascender y convertirse en Shadowhunter, cosa que no es nada fácil.

Más allá de eso, este primer relato es plenamente introductorio y nos abre las puertas a nuevas aventuras en la Academia, a nuevos personajes como George y a nuevas facetas de personajes que ya conocemos.
Profile Image for Emma Giordano.
316 reviews107k followers
February 18, 2015
Profile Image for Lucy Qhuay.
1,283 reviews151 followers
March 2, 2015

Well, this was awesome and heartbreaking and funny and bittersweet, all at the same time.

Simon feeling all that, not knowing why and wanting to escape from all the pain was the saddest thing, but I'm sure he's going to find himself again. Maybe not the person he used to be exactly, but the one he wants to be.

So, if you're a TMI fan, read this soon. I'm so looking forward to the other short stories, particularly The Lost Herondale. Hurry up, time! :)



I'm so freaking excited I can't even...

And to all those who are bitching about Cassie squeezing the Shadowhunter cow or some crap like that...
Profile Image for Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile.
2,245 reviews877 followers
May 9, 2023
Loved this story about Simon entering the Academy. I'm looking forward to the others and watching him come into his own, and I have high hopes about how things will play out with Isabelle. Also, LOVING Cassandra's character.

reread 2023. I still adore Cassandra's character. I'm ready to be done with this series/world, but at the same time, I low key wish Clare would write a trilogy or something from the viewpoint of the warlocks. Bane Chronicles were great but I need moreee!
Profile Image for Sofii♡ (A Book. A Thought.).
406 reviews442 followers
April 2, 2016

“None of this is fair. It isn't fair that part of your life was ripped from you. It's not fair that you were ripped away from me. I'm so angry Simon.”



aww so many feelings comes to me with the reading this novel, the memories of the first time I read City of Bones.!

As I love the world of Shadowhunters!

This novel is great !, a very good start, where we know the Shadowhunters Academy and Simon's initiation on that world. Where I can see again that wonderful personality that characterizes Simon, is so human and kind .I love him so much! :)

And knowing to George I have nothing but good words for him, I think it will be a great support for Simon in the process of initiation, which makes me very happy because he will not be alone ... So I'm delighted and excited to go for the second novel :)
Profile Image for ☣Lynn☣.
765 reviews220 followers
Shelved as 'nope'
June 11, 2014

Seriously, this is getting out of control!
Profile Image for Angelina.
130 reviews39 followers
August 21, 2016
Wow this was an amazing start, I enjoyed it so much!

It was hilarious and heartbreaking and I really get to see how Simon cope with what happened to him after then ending of the mortal instruments... Don't worry no spoilers.

When Simon Said:

He did not know the warrior ways of being bros.

I was like:

He had so many hilarious lines...

And George... Let me tell you he was Scottish and I listened to it on audiobook.

In general, the plot wasn't something huge, I don't think it had it was rather an introducing to Shadowhunter Academy.

But near the end, the scene with Simon and Isabelle was just:

Looking forward to reading the next and I definetely recommend it!
Profile Image for Pinky.
530 reviews563 followers
March 6, 2016
I don't know why, but recently, I have had a thing for nouvellas. Back in the day when I first started reading, I loved reading with physical books. I wasn't a huge fan of ebooks and reading online. And I still feel that way, but recently, I had no choice but to read on my phone because there are some short stories that haven't been released in a bind up. Or there are some really good books online that are not released in physical form. I really love The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I knew that this series came out but I was waiting for the book bind-up. Michelle, one of my friends on Goodreads recommended this to me, but I was still waiting until the physical book with all of the nouvellas came out. But then I watched Christine's video, and she convinced me and I felt that I had to read this ASAP and catch up with everything because if you don't read this before Lady Midnight, apparently you will be spoiled... And I don't want that. (Christine is one of my favorite booktubers, her YouTube Channel is called Polandbananasbooks, if you haven't heard of her, I definitely recommend you watch her because she is awesome!)

I think I might jump into spoilers now because I NEED TO DISCUSS THIS BOOK!

“I am here to determine my relationship."

This is a story that takes place after a bunch of events from City of Heavenly Fire. Simon is the main character in this series. After losing his memory, he has to go to Shadowhunter Academy and learn to find himself along with learning how to fight demons and other things. He needs to find the inner hero that he once was and has to live through the pained looks of his loved ones. This is basically a book where we might get some insight on what happens to Simon and where will this series take us next.

“Simon," Isabelle interrupted, "you're talking like a nerd."

The characters were all amazing, I loved everyone... OBVIOUSLY! Simon was awesome as always but I hated the fact that I had to see him suffer. The pain of not knowing anything and forgetting the most important things that have happened to you. The pain of forgetting the people you love is just so horrid. And seeing the others try to move past what happened hurts so much. Isabelle misses Simon and has to deal with the fact that he forgot about her... About them. We get to see a little bit of Jace, Clary, Alec and Isabelle and I loved that scene.

Reunited with Simon (Me in my dreams):

“Hey, Clary. You take care of yourself," he said. "I know you can." He paused. "And take care of Jace, that poor, helpless blond."

I loved the part where Isabelle decides to walk into the classroom and tells everyone to back off from Simon. She is so awesome, beautiful, and fierce, I look up to her in ways because of this. Simon and Isabelle's lines to each other were painful. He wants to be the guy he used to be but he doesn't remember anything and he doesn't feel like he will be the hero.


“None of this is fair. It isn't fair that part of your life was ripped from you. It's not fair that you were ripped away from me. I'm so angry Simon.”

I was glad that I listened to everyone and read this because I was missing out on so much. If you haven't read this short story or whatever it is called, I highly recommend you do so. It's best if you finish this series before Lady Midnight because of the spoilers. Also, you get to revisit the world and reunite with the characters you love!

“Maybe warlocks only liked other warlocks. Though Magnus did seem to like Alec quite a lot.”

P.S Happy Valentines Day!

Profile Image for Alexa ❤️.
243 reviews137 followers
March 12, 2017
5 Stars - Wishing I got a shadow hunter academy invitation just as much as I want a Hogwarts letter!

I just love reading about the shadow hunter world and after City of Heavenly Fire it's great to catch up with Simon again. I love his nerdy sense of humour like weeping Angel jokes!
I'm glad to see that even though he's lost the majority of his memories that his personality has remained the same.
I jut love the SIzzy ship and hope they fully work things out soon!
Also enjoying reading about Simon's cool mundie roommate George and can't wait to read more about their endeavours in the rest of the book.
Profile Image for Carolina Carriço.
543 reviews688 followers
February 17, 2015
I loved this story! I specially adored seeing everyone again. I missed them so, so much! I also really enjoyed seeing the Academy and how it works or how it tries to work.

Catarina has confusing me at first but then she became the warlock I remembered! George surprised me, I ended up really liking him, I can see him and Simon being very good friends. The rest of the students were okay.

Simon... I just want him to get his memories back or make peace with the fact that we won't ever be the guy he once was. I really loved the way he spoke him mind about the way he saw things. But the way he's dealing with Izzy? I think he should tell to start again. If only she could forget the boy he once was and just enjoy meeting this new Simon it would me a lot easier. And speaking of Izzy, I loved her class!

Sizzy for life

PS. Does anyone remember why Alec has a problem with Simon? I'd like to know.
Profile Image for Liam.
294 reviews2,273 followers
February 6, 2017
Reading this made me realise how much I have missed Simon Lewis... He's literally such a dork and super genuine and funny, I love him so much and just want to be his friend really!

This story was really great and actually gave me Harry Potter vibes due to the whole Academy and lessons thing and I loved it! I am well and truly already in love with George to be honest and I'm so excited to see where this series goes!!
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,241 reviews101k followers
October 18, 2018
“He waved good-bye to all these people he barely knew and somehow loved anyway, and he hoped they could not tell how relieved he was to be going.”

Yikes, we aren’t off to a good start. Okay, this anthology picks up right after the events of City of Heavenly Fire, but Simon still doesn’t remember everything that happened, but he is now enrolled at the New York Institute. We get to meet so many new students, since the Shadowhunter world is in desperate need to replenish their fighters! I already love George. I already hate Jon. I will say that at first, I was so happy with Izzy’s declaration of love for Simon, but the more and more I kept thinking about it, I kept realizing that I was showing double standards, because if a dude would have done that to a girl I would have really disliked it. I will say that I always appreciated that Simon is the *nerdy one* and Izzy is the *popular one* and how Cassie Clare really plays that opposite trope up to perfection, but Izzy’s speech was a little too much even for me. I want good angst, not forced angst.

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(I read this in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy!) ✨
Profile Image for Mikee (ReadWithMikee).
203 reviews1,347 followers
February 9, 2017
This was a pretty good start to a new chapter in the Shadowhunter World. A tad bit slow, but an interesting start and introduction to the Shadowhunter Academy nonetheless. I can really see these novellas taking off.

I was devastated about what happened to Simon by the end of City of Heavenly Fire but I'm glad things are starting to turn around for him.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how Simon's novellas will go. I love the new characters especially George Lovelace. He's an absolute sweetheart!

I'm hoping to finish all of the novellas before Lady Midnight! I don't think it'll happen but I'm hoping to get a few novellas down at least. :)
Profile Image for Seekerofhugs .
58 reviews110 followers
March 2, 2015
I want this more than anything. I need it now!! And I will be happy, very happy.

Profile Image for Laura.
471 reviews571 followers
June 25, 2015

I said I wouldn't let Cassandra screw me over again, yet here I am.

So, let me tell you I was absolutely happy when Cassie announced these short stories were coming out because we were going to see how Simon may become a Shadowhunter if he survives the Ascend.

Anyhow, here we see how Simon struggles with not remembering everything that happened and we also see how difficult is for everyone else. They, who love him so much and expect him to remember a little more everyday, but that doesn't happen and Simon is afraid, disappointed on himself and lost, so he goes to the Shadowhunter Academy so he can, maybe, be that hero again. Soon, though, he will realize that things aren't the way he expects them to be and he will have to let go in order to move on.


I missed these characters so much but damn, watching them struggling was really hard for me. I cannot really tell you how hard it was. It's like they can't really catch a break. Man.
Anyways, I liked how the Academy was set, like we all know how Nephilim are so that wasn't a big surprise but what I absolutely adored was George Lovelace. Yes, Lovelace.
I wasn't prepared for the emotion I felt just by seeing that surname, sue me.
And he was so damn awesome, I loved him.

And then we have my girl Isabelle, *sigh* she was just Izzie, amazing.
I mean, going there and claiming him? AWESOME.
And you know how I feel about her, right? Like it's her.

And then we got the end. Bad Cassandra, bad.
This story was such an emotional one because we relived some of the losses we got in CoHF and it was all raw new.
I need to read the rest of this.
Profile Image for Thibaut Nicodème.
560 reviews138 followers
December 13, 2015
Full review on my blog, the Snark Theater.

So…this was on the verge of getting two-stars for being an unnecessary story about a character I don't like which undid said character's sacrifice and thus most of the consequences we had for City of Heavenly Fire at all. Because aside from the context, it starts out pretty okay. It's basically Mean Girls with Shadowhunters. And less witty.

But then the book kind of forgets that, in Mean Girls, the protagonist isn't in a school that will make her join the Plastics when she graduates. Which is exactly what everything is wrong with Julie and Jon: their bigotry is entirely a byproduct of being Shadowhunters, and Simon and his new no-homo best buddy George are going to become Shadowhunters. You're not making a good case for the "Shadowhunters are morally complex" when they're also framed as the be-all, end-all, is what I'm getting at.

Add the random Isabelle appearance at the end for a Sizzy break-up (which I'm sure won't last very long), completely wrecking the otherwise okay pacing of the story, and the need for several mentions of Jace's uncanny hotness even though Jace isn't even on the same continent, and I'm not feeling very indulgent towards this short story, or the rest of this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,196 reviews

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