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Dark Cloth #1

Dark Warrior: To Tame a Wild Hawk

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Amanda Kane has always had visions of the man she's destined to marry--a cowboy who will help her save her ranch. But Hawk is no ordinary cowboy. He carries a powerful secret. A secret that leads to betrayal. Amanda spent years, as a child, with a secret society of Lakota women, women who taught her the ancient ways. Now, she must seek the Grandmothers, from beyond the veil, if they are stop a man from taking her ranch. But he is no ordinary man either, and he seeks a different kind of power.

274 pages, Paperback

First published June 14, 2010

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About the author

Lenore Wolfe

77 books240 followers
My novels, novellas, and short stories tap into the magickal realm, a realm that brings to life the world of the Land of the Fae, where magickal beings really do exist, and you can come to visit for awhile...

I write stories placed in these various worlds of Witch Fantasy and Dark Fantasy. I also writes mystical Native American and Western Historical Romance.



Lenore Wolfe writes for Triquetra Press

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Jayde Scott.
Author 16 books841 followers
June 5, 2011
Dark Warrior: To Tame a Wild Hawk is a historical romance with paranormal elements that drew me in from the very first sentence. I'm into paranormal romance bit time, usually because I love to read about paranormal creatures, but here it was the beautiful writing and voice that grabbed me from the start and didn't let me go until the very end.

It's 1871. Mandy has been fighting off Ashley's advances for years. She's neither interested in him as a husband, nor in the possibility of losing her land and ranch to the one evil person that seems to intimidate everyone in the village. Her heart has been filled with love for Hawk with whom she shares a deep spiritual connection, one that keeps calling to her, sending her visions. And while they're destined to be together and they both know it, Hawk's been hiding a secret for years, and this secret could cost them both everything they have --- even the love they share.

I thought Dark Warrior: To Tame a Wild Hawk was a beautiful romance with excellent writing and a loveable heroine. Mandy's as feisty as she is beautiful, and she won't let a man walk all over her. I also liked Hawk, who's sexy and brooding and who comes with a dark past that just won't let him get on with his life. The atmosphere was a foreboding one; one moment there's hope that everything will turn out as it should, and the next the reader can sense something's about to take place, but just won't be able to point out what it is.
This was a fast, action packed read with well-developed characters. While the plot was one of twists and turns, it was the characters and beautiful writing that kept me glued to the page. I know this is one book I'll read again!
Profile Image for WildAboutBones.
328 reviews29 followers
June 18, 2011
This is a good historical western romance that ends up with not one but two romances with two more burgeoning romances. It also features a brutal massacre, a man with no face who stays in the shadows, betrayal, Indians, land grabbing cold murdering cattle barons, cattle rustling and a couple of subplots.

Mandy, the female lead, is a strong willed young lady whose father has been murdered leaving her a ranch that McCandle wants. She is able to talk telepathically with the Grandmothers and she sees visions. The Grandmothers tell her she is to marry Hawk but she doesn't want to nor is the alternative acceptable. It is not Hawk she objects to but marriage itself. She's dreamed of him for years and loved him for as long. She knows they've been together in other lifetimes she and is actually drawn to Hawk. He awakens feelings in her she didn't know existed. With just one smoldering look, he set her blood on fire.

Six year old Jordy McClain, raised by the Cheyenne, becomes Hawk (the male lead) - the "White Indian", when going to live with the Lakota after seeing his birth father murder his friends and their families. Hawk is a bit on the gifted side. He fights his attraction to Mandy even though he knows they are destined to be together. He feels his soul is already lost, he can't drag her down too. And when she learns his secret, he's sure she won't want him.

Hawk and Mandy are perfect for each other - both strong willed, stubborn and willing to do what needs to be done to get what they want - revenge.

The story has a slow beginning but like a snowball rolling downhill, or an avalanche, it gathers speed and mass. The first quarter of the book is told solely from Mandy's point of view. Then the story starts to get better when we get Hawk's point of view as well.

From the publisher's description I was expecting it to be more paranormal. A little mystical is a better description. Stick with the Goodreads description - it is more accurate.
Profile Image for Dennis Sharpe.
Author 20 books150 followers
April 23, 2012
Okay, I'll be honest... the cover kinda freaked me out. This isn't from my "comfort zone" genre of books, but I gave it a shot. From only a little way in the quality of writing helped me want to keep reading. I am not sorry I read this book... it was worth the time I spent on it. I felt the ending dragged a little, but overall I was pleased, and am happy to have gone on this journey into a different literary landscape.
Profile Image for Christi Snow.
Author 68 books745 followers
June 3, 2011
I'll have the full review up tomorrow.

Full review reposted from my Smitten with Reading blog....

My Review:
This was a powerful story and I really enjoyed it. Set in 1871, in Wyoming, this is the story of Mandy, who is fighting to save her ranch from the local bad-guy, McCandle, who wants her ranch and plans to marry her to get it. For years, Mandy has had visions of the man that she will marry and it is not McCandle, it is Hawk.

Hawk is a white man with way too much tragedy in his life. At the age of 6, he was forced to abandon his new-born sister and saw his wagon train murdered by his father. Playing dead in the high grass, he was found and adopted by a Cherokee warrior. At the age of 10, his Cherokee family died and he was adopted by the Lakota. Now he is in Wyoming as a gunslinger with his own ideas for McCandle.

Both Hawk and Mandy have spent a lot of time with the Indians and understand the mystical qualities of the visions that they have both had about each other. But that doesn't stop them from questioning the wisdom of their joining, although with circumstances the way that they are, and with their explosive chemistry, there really isn't any other way for them to go.

I loved this story...quite honestly, much more than I expected to (you did notice yesterday what I said about historicals, right?) From the very beginning of the book, I was hooked and read it pretty much in one sitting (and it's a full-length book.) There is a lot of action and a LOT going on in this book. Hawk is a tough, strong guy, but he is hiding a HUGE secret. He has withstood a lot in his life, but now he is all about protecting Mandy and saving her ranch. To help facilitate that, he brings in Jake and Kid...also, gorgeous tough guys (you can't have too many of those in a book, you know?) But you know, Mandy is pretty tough too. She has been running the ranch by herself for 3 years and doesn't like Hawk pushing her around. There are some great scenes with them as they have a battle of wills. The chemistry between the two of them is wonderfully written.

This is a wonderful western full of the mystical, magical Indian lore. It features a great romance (actually a few of them as you see some of the side characters fall in love too) and great cowboy action. There were a few minor issues with the book...the first half has some disjointed scenes that were a little distracting, but the quality of the story line (for me anyway) just made these a minor annoyance. The author also lists this as paranormal. I am not sure I would agree with that although seeing the bits about the next book in the series, I think that I can see where it's going to a more paranormal slant as a series. This particular book, though, I would simply consider historical with some heavy mystical qualities. ;o)

I definitely would recommend this book especially if you are a fan of western romance. It was emotional, beautiful, and even suspenseful. A fabulous read!
Profile Image for Miranda Lynn.
Author 31 books643 followers
November 10, 2011
I got this book as part of the Adopt an Indie event going on right now. This is the first work of Lorne Wolf that I have read and let me tell you I will be going back to check out what else she has available. This story pulled me in from the start and wouldn’t let me go till I had finished it. The way she weaves emotion throughout the book is very well done from the pain of losing loved ones, to the true hatred of those that took them. The strength of a woman determined to keep what is rightfully hers, to a love that comes on so fast and so strong it scares both involved. I loved how Amanda would do anything to keep what is hers. Her strength, determination, and faith in herself and her spiritual teachings. It is an inspiration to us all.

I loved the weaving of romance, mystery, and intense spiritual belief that comes out of the pages. A great western romance, with a twist that pierces your heart. Amanda and Hawk are a couple you want to root for, though at times you want to shake one of them and say wake up, look right in front of you.
Profile Image for Pam.
177 reviews
May 20, 2011
This book confused me in the beginning but ...then I figured out who was who. I loved the hero/Hawk and his heroine/Mandy. They were great together. The confusion came in when all the secondary characters showed up all at once. Also the visions (about the H/h's future together and the danger ahead of them) the H and h have back and forth were confusing. Once you get halfway through the book the visions stop. The story really took off at this point. That's why I gave it 3 1/2*s..... I wish we could have 1/2 of star here on Goodreads.

The H/h have been given visions about one another for many years. When they meet she recognizes him as her future husband....even though she fights against this. He knows he's going to marry her too. They have to get married very fast because in her father's will it states she must marry within a certain time after his death or lose the ranch. He has a secret that comes out toward the end that could totally ruin their marriage forever.

Hawk is helping his wife/Mandy fight Ashley/bad guy for her ranch her father left her. Ashley had planned to marry Mandy but Hawk stepped in out of no where and claimed her for himself. Ashley is very mad about that. He is a terrible man and very abusive. The one that steals everyone elses cattle and takes their land for lack of payment. He is EVIL...I could picture him with a black hat on and an evil laugh like Snidely Whiplash of long ago.

I love when Hawk takes Mandy away, back to the Lakota people (he was adopted by a Lakota warrior when he was very young and Mandy spent time with the Lakota when she was young too). They help them learn to love one another.

The big ending was .....Wow! I am not going to give any spoilers....so you'll have to read it for yourself. They get a great HEA and Ashley, and his evil men get their just deserts.
Profile Image for Chandra.
366 reviews24 followers
May 27, 2013
AUTHOR: First, I’m not a Western fiction type of gal but the dark cover with the hawk feather fooled me and so I read. I found author Lenore Wolfe to be an action type of gal with knowledge of the West and Native Americans. BUT… Lenore you had way ay ay too many people related to too many people and too many incidences. I got lost.

GENRE: Western. (romance?) (paranormal?)

SETTING: 19th century Wyoming

CENTRAL CHARACTERS: MANDY has the gift of being able to communicate with Native American Spirits. But she will take chances necessary to get what she needs. HAWK is considered a gunslinger but stands for what is right.

SYNOPSIS: We have the woman doing whatever it takes to prevent her ranch from being stolen from under her. We have the bad guy who wants to steal the ranch and marry the woman that owns it. We have the man that is guided into the life of the woman to help her from having the ranch stolen from under her.

SEXUAL EXPLICITNESS: some caressing of breasts, bucking of thighs and pushing through …. usual boring stuff.

WHAT I LIKED: Give me a minute. I’ll try to think of something that was not monotonous or mundane.

WHAT I DID NOT LIKE: Who is related to whom and to what tribe and to who’s father and at what age did things happen when they happened that made the relationships come together, etc???? AND Alright already, enough with “fingers lifting up chins to stare into eyes” and “eyes that were narrowed”.

I give this book (3) stars because nothing new in a Western. Romance was boring sex between a married couple that went on and on and on and nothing new. Many but not all who, what, when, where and how were not clear.
Profile Image for Mary Ting.
Author 50 books2,165 followers
July 4, 2011
I had never read a book with a western romance theme. After reading this book I was pleasantly surprised. Amanda has visions of a man she’s destined to marry, a cowboy name Hawk. At first she tries to fight her destiny, but she can’t help but be swoon by him. Amanda is an easily likable character. She is strong, independent and wise. Hawk can be overly possessive, but he loves Amanda and wants to protect her. There are many twist and turns and the story keeps you on the edge of your seat. This beautifully written story draws you in from the prologue and the details of the story makes you feel like you’re right there with them.
Profile Image for Brenda Sparks.
Author 12 books214 followers
July 23, 2012
This is an innocent, sweet read. The author made well-developed world full of interesting characters that transports you back to the Wild West. The narrative voice is third person, which is an unusual choice for a romance novel, but it does allow the reader to know what various characters are thinking in the scenes. The hero is very Alpha, however the heroine gives him a run for his money, keeping him on his toes. If you like a good western romance then saddle up and read Dark Warrior.
Profile Image for Zabada Campbell.
13 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2012
I think I can hardly wait to read the rest of the series. It was everything I expected and more. The action and charater twists keep you mesmerized to find out just what is gonna happen next. Historically balanced with location, habitation of tribes and historically based. It's a great read and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Katy.
1,293 reviews297 followers
November 30, 2011
This is a paranormal romance set in the Wild West - Cheyenne Wyoming - in the late 1800s. Romance is not my preferred genre, so I don't feel comfortable with any sort of rating. However, fans of romance novels should love it.
Profile Image for Dale Ibitz.
Author 10 books118 followers
January 4, 2012
This is a western/romance/supernatural type book...I'm not really sure I can pinpoint a specific genre. Mandy Kane inherits (sort of) her father's ranch upon his death...except that in order to keep the ranch, she must marry. One family, the McCandles, are out to get the ranch whether by threat, theft or marriage. Mandy wants to run the ranch herself, but in the old west it's unheard of to work for a lady rancher. So Mandy fabricates a fiance, a man she's dreamed about since she was a little girl. This dream man turns out to be a real man, Hawk, who is a white man raised by the Indians, and happens into town to help Mandy protect her ranch from encroachers.

I liked the characters in this book. In fact, the characterization was by far the best part. Mandy was strong and likeable, as was Hawk. She has a sweet best friend. Some of the minor characters could have been a little more developed in order to allow some of the story line to pack more punch, but overall, I liked the characters. And there's a dark shadowy type man (apparently with no face) who is able to shadow Mandy's powers...who or what he is I couldn't tell you.

The plot and the writing, however, most times left me confused. In the beginning, there is a supernatural, dream-like reality going on, which interrupts the flow of the story. The supernatural, dream-like reality is not maintained throughout the story...whereas in the beginning it's quite heavy. And it's never fully explained what this dream-like connection is, though there are references to Mandy being a witch (however, I don't know if she's a real witch, or if that was just some nasty name-calling).

I think I would have preferred this story to be in Mandy's POV only, as the focus was all over the place. At times I didn't know who was talking or acting or thinking. Also, especially with a romance, leaving the story in one person's POV (especially the girl's) leaves more mystery and suspense as to the conflict and tension with the partner. Some of that element of surprise is taken away when you know what everyone's thinking...for this type of story, I don't think you want that.

As for the romance, it left me feeling 'meh'. I like my romance to be fraught with tension and miscommunication (though the erotic scenes were nicely handled), and it has to be maintained through to the end of the story. While there was tension and miscommunication, it was always resolved almost immediately. And sometimes, I couldn't understand the basis of their conflict. They'd be mad at one another, and I had no understanding why anyone was mad...it almost seemed contrived in order to build a conflict that needed resolution.

Some of the dialogue, especially in the 2nd half of the story, rose to soap opera proportions...you know, those tacky lines that no one would ever be caught dead uttering out loud and are so saccharine that you have to see the dentist to have the cavities filled from all that sweet talk.

So while the story started out with strong characters, the writing seemed to weaken (even more so than the befuddled beginning) around the middle, and the story quickly lost its "oompf"...it really couldn't be saved by strong characters.

At least for me.

So while the title leads you to believe a wild hawk needed to be tamed, he was tamed far too soon and far too easily.
Profile Image for Inga.
265 reviews49 followers
October 19, 2012
My review:

I loved this book! To Tame a Wild Hawk by Lenore Wolfe was a sweet historical romance, which had lovable characters and interesting plot with twists and turns. It was easy to read, the descriptions and dialogues flowed very smoothly and it is a book which you don't want to put away before it is finished.


Meet Amanda Kane - Mandy who is struggling with keeping her own ranch. She is fighting with the local man McCandle, who wants to get Mandy's ranch and marry her and he does everything to get what he wants, no means too cruel to achieve it. Mandy keeps getting visions of her future with another man though - Hawk. When Mandy and Hawk meet, sparkles fly, but Mandy is determined to fight her destiny.

I really enjoyed the Native American part of the storyline combined with the Wild West. It's not very often I read good westerns and To Tame a Wild Hawk was awesome representative of this genre. I think author did great job with Wyoming settings in historical 1870s.


I adored Hawk! He is an interested character with a lot of luggage to carry. He is tormented, but when meeting with Mandy he becomes more lively, he seems to get a new purpose in his life. When I am saying, that Hawk is tormented, then you will have to read the book, I don't want to spoil anything for you, but hawk has seen enough death for his entire lifetime and a day. he is strong, spirited, stubborn and you find an Alpha male roaring inside him which comes out quite significantly. I loved that!

Mandy is one heck of a woman. Can you imagine what it means running a ranch in Wyoming in 1870s? She has lot of guts, courage, stubbornness and feminine cleverness to survive the world of men. She does more than just survives. She finds solutions to her problems and when loved gives herself a chance to be vulnerable.

I liked the relationship between Mandy and Hawk. It wasn't just a sweet romance, it was like a game between equally strong personalities and players. There was a perfectly nice balance between these characters and what one lacked, the other had and visa verse.


I would highly recommend To Tame a Wild Hawk by Lenore Wolfe, especially if you like historical romance. It's a book which you will definitely enjoy!
Profile Image for A.R. Von.
Author 32 books1,183 followers
September 14, 2012
Lenore Wolfe created an exciting, romantic, fun, mystical and magical story; a real gem of a read that touched me in many ways. I found myself with smiles, tears and a pounding heart at moments due to the humor, emotional scenes and suspenseful moments in the book. I will tell you all that it is a bit confusing at first with the who’s who. But it was remedied a little further in and then easily forgotten about because of how wonderful of a story it is. A great read for anyone looking for a romantic read or something different and exciting with just the right touch of Indian magic :)

Mandy is a fascinating woman that has trained with a Native American tribe and taught a variety of amazing and useful things. She’s learned all of their ways and knows how to adapt easily but she needs help to save the land she knows and loves from being taken over by a nasty peace of work that just wants to destroy it. Her dreams have told her that a man will come to help her save the land, become her husband and the grandmother’s agree for her to just be patient. Her patience pays off dearly once she meets Hawk in person; she’s immediately taken by him yet hesitant at the same time to ask for help or his knowledge on the situation at hand. Unsure what to think of this amazingly handsome man and his gruffness, but is willing to do anything to keep the land as hers she uses her smarts to accomplish what needs to be done.

Hawk is one hot, tough and resourceful male. He knows not to ignore anything the grandmothers say and always goes with his gut instinct. Having a traumatic past, losing loved ones and living day by day getting rid of the pests that harass the people in many villages, towns and lands he is used to being solo. A lone man that does what he needs to. But he cannot stop what the fates have in store and the feelings that arise once he meets Mandy.

Together Hawk and Mandy are a force to be reckoned with. An unstoppable and powerful team that complete one another in ways we only dream of. They both grow in amazing ways as the book progresses and become what they’ve both seen in their dreams for years.

Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,327 reviews388 followers
June 25, 2013
Mandy a.k.a Amanda Kane has a vision about the man she would marry one day...Hawk. Not McCandle,the most powerful man in Wyoming that time, the man who intended to marry her to have her ranch...
She has teachers, that she called grandmothers, whom always told her to follow her heart...and her heart leads her to Hawk, the white Indian.

Until one day, when some bank robbers, tried to rob a store where Mandy was there,and wanted to have Mandy as "souvenir" [image error] , Hawk , a man of her dreams, came to save her.....and got shot ! [image error]
Even Mandy was save that time from that criminal, Hawk was injured, and told Mandy "someone has betrayed us"....

Their journey become more interesting by some surprises...and it's quite interesting read...and really good for a first book.

It took awhile finishing this book, not because its not good, but I was kinda distracted by some new genre :)

Overall, this one is a good pick .
Profile Image for Michelle .
219 reviews41 followers
March 7, 2012
Pretty well written, but there was something off that I can't quite put my finger on. Something about their interactions just didn't ring true. She dreamed about him for years but kept running away from him. He wanted to walk away from her, but refused to let her run. And she was afraid of him. She gets scared of him and runs away (again!) when she thinks he's going to beat her, even though he never would. That right there kind of killed the romance for me. How can you love someone if you don't trust them? And I thought it was a bit much that (spoilers ahead!!!)

all of his friends get little HEAs too. It just detracted from the story a bit. So yeah, three stars.
Profile Image for LadyCalico.
2,151 reviews49 followers
June 16, 2012
This was your generic Western story about a stranger riding into town and helping to save a beautiful heiress's ranch from the evil rich man who killed her father, with the reader wondering will he stay when all is said and done or kiss his horse and ride off into the sunset. However, in between this one has Wiccan Indians, some really bad grammatical errors, much irrational behavior, and protagonists with enough bizarre mood swings to go beyond a bipolar diagnosis--just to make it different. It just wasn't my cup of tea.
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
February 5, 2013
I wanted to like this one, I really did. It had a great set up -- little boy witnesses horrible atrocities at the hands of his father, is taken in by the natives and raised as one of them, becomes a gunslinger, looking for revenge.. A heroine raised by the Lakota who has visions of the man she's destined to marry...

But then came the reality of their meeting and all sorts of confusion and to be perfectly honest, Hawk was such a chode that I didn't have any desire to stick with it to try to sort things out.

DNF 22%
Profile Image for Sue Bastiani.
59 reviews16 followers
April 3, 2013
Well written for the most part. Love to read a good western every now and then. Some Indian (Native American) lore involved..seems like most of the characters were raised by them after being "rescued" or kidnapped by the kind Indians...ha she talked/prayed to the "goddess" a lot and I noticed that the author studied shamanism if that is the word. Lots of lovin in this...lots but not too crude and easy to skip. Not really like any western I've read before because of the Indian/captive angle. I'm tired from reading it all night so hope this makes sense!
Profile Image for Lizzie.
897 reviews58 followers
August 4, 2014
I started this book with such high hopes. I'd read others readers reviews and thought this would be a perfect math. It does have a good plot, several of them in fact. Unfortuanately that is also makes this book... boring. Too longwinded and confused. The title makes one think the story will be about Hawk. But its more about every one and every thing else. And why there had to be so many random sex scenes, no heart or pasdion, just words? Three days of being snowed in with no end in sight and I still can't find it in myself to finish. Its so drawn out I don't care anymore.
Profile Image for Jacky Faber.
305 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2012
3.5 I enjoyed the book and the characters and the story of Maddy and Hawk. However, the story was confusing at times and I felt like I should have read an earlier book to know what was going on. It might have been the editing, because early in the book Hawk comes to CO. from the South. Hawk mentions a beautiful young woman and a small boy being murdered. Then later in the book, Mandy knows that the woman was Hawk's sister and the boy his nephew.
2 reviews11 followers
May 9, 2014
Great storyline and characters

I gave this book a high rating because it was good. The story was not boring. When I started reading this book I couldn't put it down. I knew I wanted to read it it as quickly as possible. The author of this book did a really good job with all the characters in the story. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that enjoys reading a good book with an awesome storyline. Great job, well done!!!
Profile Image for Tory.
324 reviews1 follower
June 1, 2013
I liked the relationship between Mandy and Hawke. They have visions of each other, but still talk and look,at things realistically when they meet. The paranormal aspect was confusing for me. I didn't really get where Mandy's powers came from, or how she became involved with The Grandmothers. It seemed almost like an alternate reality old west, but the reality was never explained.
Profile Image for Deliasue.
489 reviews
April 1, 2014
Loved this book, love indian stories, being part indian myself grea, great grandmother was an indian, don't know what tribe, if she came from illinois, by wagon train, or she married mygreat great grandfather after getting to wva. This book takes place in Wyoming when settlers were just moving west.
Profile Image for Lisa C..
608 reviews
August 31, 2014
Too many unanswered questions and too many loose ends for me to enjoy this one. I kept trying to get through it because of the Native American mystical parts because I thought it'd be an interesting story.

If I'm reading a book and it gets so confusing and frustrating that I have to re-read sections to figure it out, it's time to put it down and move on. That's what I did.
Profile Image for Dee.
2,565 reviews19 followers
August 19, 2012
Two-haiku review:

She wants to keep ranch
Bad guy tries to force marriage
Saved by man of dreams

All over the place
Inconsistent characters
Too much random stuff
Profile Image for Carolyn.
885 reviews20 followers
January 30, 2013
All in all it was a good read. A little confusing at times but liked the story line since I couldn't put it down until I was finished...
9 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2013
Loved the action.. Loved the romance .... Loved the suspense Wolfe definitely steps up to the plate
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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