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Where Willows Won't Grow

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Undercover agent Alex Kley is a long way from home. Six months of investigation have brought him to Willow House, a high class brothel on Omanai Station, as beautiful on the outside as it is corrupt on the inside. Sold into sexual slavery to infiltrate an illegal prostitution ring, Alex must find the evidence he needs to bring down the leader of a powerful criminal cartel—a man who may not even be human.Illythe, the manager of Willow House, is a long way from freedom. The jet-skinned beauty with the face of an angel walks the halls of Willow House with serenity and authority, but underneath his cold and beautiful facade, Illythe is as much a slave as any of the young men working in the brothel.In an undercover operation, falling in love is the worst thing an agent can do, but Illythe is a mystery that Alex can’t resist.It doesn’t take long for Alex to realize that Illythe is not in his role by choice. Yet Illythe holds the holds the information Alex needs. The more Alex learns, the clearer it becomes, that when the cartel falls, Illythe will be buried in the rubble.In the end, Alex must make a save Illythe and forfeit the mission, or leave him behind in a place where willows won’t grow.Important Note to This work of fiction is for adults only. Please see content warnings in "story info" front matter before download.This story was written as part of the M/M Romance Group’s 2014 “Love's Landscapes” event, and is available for free download from the M/M Romance Group site and to members of the GoodReads M/M Romance Group. All proceeds from the sale of this book before Amazon price-match will go to the Ali Forney Center charity, which protects LGBTQ homeless youth in New York.

165 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 9, 2014

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About the author

Lia Black

10 books138 followers
Lia Black tends to do everything the hard way; beginning with being born backwards into the world and now raising a teenage daughter by herself in conservative Upstate NY. Her career choices are no less extreme, including occupations of fine artist, computer geek, firefighter, and mortician’s assistant— just to name a few.

A fellow Author describes Black's mind as "a glorious kaleidoscope of f*ckeduppery"; she loves the challenge of writing about people who probably have no business being together on the same planet, and who occasionally deal with questionable sanity/morality. It’s fun to glue broken things together and try to make something interesting and new.
--She especially loves broken boys who have lots of fascinating pieces.

Her characters often suffer through the worlds she creates for them, which leaves them a little cranky and sometimes less lovable than others in a romance genre. Yet Black swears that someday, "there will be comedy."

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews
Profile Image for Rain.
2,089 reviews28 followers
February 8, 2023
The book opens with Alex, an undercover detective in the sex-crimes unit, being sold to aliens.

"You’ll fuck who we say, when we say, where we say. In return, you get food, shelter, medical attention, and maybe a couple of years added to your worthless lives."

There is a cage fighting rape scene between the human men purchased for a pleasure house.

"No punching, scratching, biting, or goddamn hair pulling. You win by pinning your opponent and fucking him in the ass."

Alex wins his match and off he goes to Willow House. His goal is to find the ringleaders of the sex trade and bring them to justice.

This story has the most painful alien/alien sex scenes I've ever read.

While the writing was decent, there were too many plot holes and a sadly disappointing love story.
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,891 reviews473 followers
July 10, 2014
Alien sex auction and placement. Now, that's just the opening.

This is a darker one, folks. There is malevolence and torture, but like a snowdrop pushing through in Spring, there is also hope. Tenuous at times, but there. The impersonal, voyeuristic, objectified beginning gives way quickly to something deeper with a lot more emotion and sinister. Nice intrigue, backstabbing, and political shifting.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,247 followers
January 28, 2015
BR with Adam - tent virgin no longer!

(Once you see it, you can't unsee it.)

I appreciated that boot in the butt to read this story because I kept meaning to read Lia Black. Her stories always caught my eye, her story tags always got me excited: non-con, dub-con, interspecies sex, dark stuff, etc = fun times to me.

WHY THE HELL DID I WAIT SO LONG?! <~~~I have a feeling this will be my recurring theme for the year 2015.

And this was free? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'd have paid for this.

Alex is an undercover law enforcement type in this sci-fi prostitution ring, human trafficking novella. Heis morals are questionable at best, so he seemed perfect for the job. He's chosen by the obsidian skinned, silver eyed alien prostitute/ brothel owner, IIlythe, for the exclusive and highly dangerous, Willow House. IIlythe has been broken down so many times in his life, he seems to have no hope. But he's drawn to the human, Alex. Alex reciprocates those feels. And while there's non-con tentacle sex (this is the first time I've read deadly tentacles), political intrigue and a little suspense.

Alex and IIlythe's emotion & lust filled tug of war? That's the magic of this story. All while having to servicing others, they form a bond.

This is 4.5 stars because the world building, the different aliens, the sexual tension, the detail given to the growing relationship between the MC's and Illythe.

Oh man Illythe. Damn. I think he was spot the fuck on. The warring sides of him that made for one damaged soul but he has redemption. He was flawed and just awesome. That last scene and his internal dialogue? PERFECTION! The abused can't jump right into warrior without still having a thread of being a victim in them. And Illythe was broken and deconstructed from a young age, he wouldn't know anything else but his pain. His characterization...was just...excellent. Enjoyed the hell out of the ending. I liked the storytelling overall.


There were a few minor niggles:

- Alex - I think he was just fleshed out enough (could've been more - I wouldn't have minded) however, the undercover plot kinda fell by the wayside towards the end.
-Mel - Alex was nervous around him. There seemed to be something off and then, poof! He's written off. Alex thought there was something off and I'm expecting some big 'aha moment' and nothing.
- The 'I Love You' - I'm iffy on them saying it so soon.

And this one is probably a me thing. I won't factor it into my rating but I couldn't help picturing the Scion like this:

And while I did think of him as the big baddie that he is...it kinda turned into a weird Davy Jones tentrape thing in my head.

Story was dope. I really liked the style, there was an ease to the tone. Totally reading more Lia Black in the future.

My thanks to the author and the team behind this story! This prompt was one of my favorites, totally wasn't disappointed.
Profile Image for Giulio.
262 reviews48 followers
July 10, 2014

Oh my god; this story is awesome. Dark, twisted, pervy and at the same time deeply emotional and romantic. The sci-fi setting was perfectly crafted and the epilogue highly satisfying.

My favorite part: the auction. So scary and arousing!

My favorite quote:

What a fucked up time to realize a new kink

Almost every imaginable kink was contemplated, even a few I didn't know existed.
I don't know if the Author read my mind or has somehow gained free access to my browser history but she really fulfilled many of my darkest fantasies. Even tentacle sex!!

A huge thanks to Lia for creating this wonderful free work of art out of my prompt and to all the volunteers who made the Love Landscape's event happen.

Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
July 11, 2014
Pleasure and pain, how the two mix. It's a theme in the story, but it also describes my experience reading it. It's beautifully written, but the darker parts were painful to read.

I think Lia must have a very dark imagination. This was not an easy read, but everything that happened fit the story. Nothing felt gratuitous or over the top. For me to tolerate torture in a story is kind of amazing. And then to read about the hate for a tormenter all mixed up with a messed up love for a protector and how that impacts someone...
The psychology of it was perfectly demonstrated in a stunning fashion.

Lia's talent for writing shows in the fantastic world building and compelling characters. It was all so well done. I was firmly stuck in the story and it didn't shake off easily.

I was impressed by the variety of aliens and I liked how the author painted such a clear picture of them. I did get freaked out by some of the alien sex, though. Freaked out by what happened, and by my reaction to it; it left me cringing and turned on at the same time. Later, though, I only cringed. Illythe touched my heart, and then put it through a shredder. His despair, desperation, cautious hope...it all just stomped all over my poor little heart.

Well done, Lia, well done.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,788 reviews3,926 followers
September 30, 2014
Now, That's how you write dub-con!

3 Things:

1. Kinky wrestling.
2. Sounding.
3. Pierced peen.

Alex has been working undercover to discover who's been abducting male prostitutes and wends up on the auction block himself where he's crudely inspected by a three fingered alien and mortified to discovered he's got a touch of the exhibitionist in him. He's chosen and has to go through the initiation process. Alex, the stuttering Mel and the giant Bryant (Hey, that rhymes!) and some other human captives must battle to determine who's worthy of Willow House. WOOT!!! K-O-M-B-A-T-W-R-E-S-T-L-I-N-G!

What? You're not convinced by kinky kombat wrestling? They're oiled up and shi-nyyyyy.
*eyebrow waggle*
You know you want to.

Alex is drawn to Illythe, his three fingered inspector, when he first sets eyes upon him after he calls an end to the bout between himself and Bryant. Thereafter he calls him his "angel", but they're forbidden. Illythe belongs to the Scion, who's Alex's target. The Scion is a Gengian which is the most feared species in the known universe. He also sounds disgusting and vile. Poor Illythe. He's owned Illythe for the past three decades and subjected him to all sorts of unimaginable humiliations and torture.

Somehow Illythe has managed not to turn into a monster himself and finds himself feeling protective and possessive of Alex as well, mostly because he reminds him of his former, human lover, Neil, who also happened to be a Federation officer. This wrinkle niggles me still. I didn't care for Neil playing that large a role in their relationship. They even look alike. >___>

Regardless of their feels, the facades must be maintained or Illythe will suffer the wrath of Scion. Naturally, the entirety of Willow House is under constant surveillance forcing them to find stolen moments in corners. Alex also has to contend with his fellow abductees who aren't exactly trustworthy. Still, it's a great love story formed under inhospitable conditions.

The investigation doesn't seem well conceived, so if you're looking for CSI, look elsewhere. Where Willows Won't Grow focuses on the relationship development of Alex and Illythe with some decent world building and fantastic aliens.

I'll admit being skeptical of all the aliens/tentacleyness, but I'm happy to report I was wrong. Ms. Black did an excellent job both sticking to the prompt and letting her imagination soar. I'm landing somewhere in the 4.5 Star range rounded up. Thanks to her and her team for this addition to the LL event.
Profile Image for Sofia.
1,266 reviews256 followers
July 14, 2014

A dark, painful story about a man cut adrift, living a nightmare, totally forgotten because there is no one to remember him


Another man also cut adrift, alone, no real ties but not forgotten, so with him comes hope, connection and love.

Black got the tormented mix of feelings Illythe had for Scion down pat. That mix of hate, anger, love, need, despair, loneliness. All those basic human emotions concentrated on that one ‘person’ because all there is, is that one person, because that person made that so.

Somewhere along I lost my initial connection with Alex but the connection with Illythe remained, it grew stronger and stronger as I continued to read and this became his story and I liked that, that we had this build up, just as Illythe built up the strength in himself.

Compliments to Giulio for his prompt and to Ms Black to taking that prompt and give us this.

Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,166 followers
July 20, 2014
Gosh, what a great response to the prompt. Ambitious in scale, with characters that stick in the mind. The writing is evocative: I spent part of the story with gritted teeth, peeking from behind my fingers. Great descriptions of Scion; I can totally see the bastard.
Profile Image for fleurette.
1,534 reviews159 followers
February 10, 2020
I've enjoyed this one more than I've expected.

Generally, I don't like BDSM and here it was supposed to be in an extreme version. And all in all it was. Still, I like this story. Probably due to the fact that there is quite a lot of good plot here. And well-created, interesting characters. Not only the two main characters, but also the supporting ones who create additional conflicts and intensify the tension. I am pleasantly surprised by this story.

I definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for Kim Alan.
Author 7 books199 followers
July 23, 2014
Content Warnings: graphic violence, rape, dubious consent, references to child sexual abuse, character death (secondary), extreme taboo: gruesome alien sex, sounding, sadism

Holy Hell. This was so far beyond my comfort zone... and I couldn't have stopped reading if I'd wanted to. The writing is so compelling (and evil and sadistic and horrifying) that despite my discomfort I was in a constant state of NEEDING to know what happened next. The bad guy is by far the baddest, most twisted bad guy I've ever read, mostly because of his psychological and physiological hold on Illythe. This is not at all an 'implied' hold. It's explained (from Illythe's POV, which for some reason I hadn't expected) in graphic detail how it came to be and how it continues to be ... and it ain't pretty.

The characters - whether human or alien - are believable and easily imagined. In an odd (yet probably brilliant) choice by the author, the two humans in place with Alex are extremely unlikeable, even given their backgrounds. I appreciated how they garnered very little sympathy from Alex, because it was far easier to buy than some altruistic hero mentality that somehow managed to survive in that environment. Because by this point, Alex, too, has become a product of his ... life. His capacity for empathy had already been drained almost dry before he even arrived at this place, only to be tested here at every turn. In fact, in addition to the literal, physical challenges Alex endures, he has these frequent, uncomfortable moments of facing the deterioration of his own morality ... Like in his apathy towards his fellow 'companions', or the unexpected excitement and arousal he feels at moments that should have warranted fear and disgust.

But under it all is the love story of Alex and Illythe, which quickly becomes the driving force behind their every action, and thankfully for my poor psyche, makes it all worth while in the end.

Take the content warnings seriously! This is a dark and difficult read. (I'm pretty sure I've developed a chronic, clenching twitch in my ass.) But if you're a fan of dark, twisted, non-con, dub-con, freaky aliens, gut-wrenching violence and wicked (not in a good way) tentacle sex ... this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Alona.
674 reviews12 followers
October 7, 2014
I will start with what I loved in the book.
The times when Illythe and Alex showed their emotions toward one another. it was sweet, beautiful and heart warming.
I loved the end (thank god my husband is a dentist ;))
The writing was nice and the author's imagination was great, but that is also where I had a bit of a problem.
Now, I am not a "serious" ci fi reader, but I read some that I really liked, but they where also somewhat "tame" on the alien side of the story.
I mean, I need the characters in my books to be somewhat attractive, especially when they're having sex. NO, they do not need to be stunningly gorgeous at all, but while reading the story I kept seeing this images in my mind:


other issues that I had with the book was that it wasn't really dark, it had so much potential to be full of heartbreakingly dark moments that will make the reader feel for the MC's, but to me, it was a miss.
For example, there was NO training at all! so except for it to be a bit unlogical to send kidnapped whores, to highly important clients, without training them and "breaking" them first, it was also a shame that the reader missed the potential in it to deliver angsty moments.

There where other things that did not come to a complete fulfillment, like Alex mission, or Mel, one of the side characters, that was acting fishy, and raised Alex's suspicion, but nothing came out of it.

so, for me, if it was a bit more dark, with more about the MC's connection and despair, and had a notch less "unatractive creatures", it could have been a lot more.

Well done Giulio, for a great prompt!
Profile Image for Lori.
Author 2 books98 followers
August 14, 2014
This story contains many things I would not consider reading normally, in fact I wasn't going to, I had no plans to read it at all. Then I saw all the great reviews for it and decided to give it a go. I'm so glad I did.

A great story, well written and thoroughly enjoyable, despite the hard and horrible themes involved. Thank you Lia Black.
Profile Image for Samantha.
539 reviews55 followers
July 9, 2014
So if you want a light, fluffy read about puppies and flowers... well, keep looking. In fact, you should go to like the other side of the globe from this book, because you won't find any puppies or flowers here (unless you count oddly adorable Admiral, 'cus yeah, he's kind of like a dopey puppy.)

Lia in these past two years has seemed to develop a way to take a prompt and just run with it. She did it last year, and she did it again this year. If I could just play in her dark imagination for a day, I'd probably have nightmares for the rest of my life, but also be gleeful for just the chance to see where this all comes from.

There's an edge of dark, but a certain bit of hope that just lurks at the edges and draws the reader forward.

With great attention to detail, Ms. Black builds a wonderfully terrifying world that left me wanting more... and more... and more.

In sum, I loved it.
Profile Image for Elizabetta.
1,230 reviews34 followers
July 14, 2014

Enter with caution, this has a badass bad guy to end all bad guys. He almost steals the show.

The Scion is a tentacled monster who owns a brothel for aliens. And human rentboys are at a premium with his customers. The beautiful alien, Illythe, runs the brothel for the Scion but is also his personal pet slave. This takes a darker turn in that Illythe has been a slave since he was a child. While there is only off-page reference to the child abuse, there is certainly on-page sexual abuse/torture for the adult Illythe. Not for the squeamish, it can get pretty gory and explicit— the Scion is in his element as a soulless tormentor and abuser.

Alex, an under cover cop, infiltrates the brothel— he is hand-selected by Illythe as the newest human sex slave, fresh off the auction block. He and Illythe get a thang goin’ on and the romance is pretty sweet. Alex’s job is to uncover the mysterious death of a colleague in the brothel and to break up the sex trafficking. His growing feelings for Illythe certainly complicate things.

I really like the sense of despair we get from Illythe. He is kept as a precious pet at the whims of his evil owner and has accepted this fate. Almost. This is an ambitious effort— some great world building, good grizzly tentacle wielding, and the prompt is nicely met. Really enjoyed this one.

For this and other great reviews, author interviews, and general fabulousness, visit Love Bytes:

Profile Image for Jaye McKenna.
Author 24 books135 followers
July 9, 2014
This story is a like one of those rich, sinful desserts... dark, delicious, and I couldn't stop reading it. Not for the faint of heart, this one, but it pushed all my twisted little buttons just right!
Profile Image for Al.
Author 27 books155 followers
August 6, 2014
OMG Lia Black looked into my mind and wrote a book about what's in there!

It is dark, twisted and BRILLIANT!!! (also hot but don't hold that against me).
Truthfully it is all the things I like in a book. The only downside really is that because I couldn't put it down I did not eat and therefor starved to death.
So here is my grave
Dear Lia,
I heart you 4 eva.
Thank U for this book.
It made me smile/grimace at all my openings.
Love Al

Profile Image for Lilia Ford.
Author 15 books192 followers
August 12, 2014
I'm a big Lia Black fan dating from last year's M/M event with her contribution, Worthy, and was thrilled to see another dark, sexy tale on offer this year.

This year's is quite dark indeed, so much that it managed to raise a genuine fear about what would happen to the characters. By far the most interesting aspect for me was Illythe's relationship with Scion. I have a fascination with Stockholm stories, and Where Willows Won't Grow was sharp and effective in its exploration of Illythe's conflicting feelings for the abusive enemy general who'd held him prisoner for so long. Black is not afraid to ascribe real feelings and even love to both despite their horrific history together, and in a way that felt neither exploitative nor manipulative of characters or reader. It's both a plus and a minus that Scion is so horrifying. That Illythe has such conflicted feelings for him is a sign of how ruthlessly he was broken and conditioned, and it makes the tenderness between them all the weirder. But unfortunately, it is impossible for the reader to feel anything but horror for an 8-foot creature who is described as a combination of an insect and a sea monster--and who is entirely evil. The erotic mind-fuckery that goes along with that scenario is mostly sacrificed in favor of focusing the reader's sympathies and attention on Illythe and Alex's growing feelings for each other.

The rest of the story was all good, with solid world-building, characterization and plotting, though I did find the brothel strangely underpopulated--that might have been due to the time pressures for completing the story for the event. And of course the sex was hot, hot, hot.

Altogether another great contribution to the Love's Landscapes event.
Profile Image for Kristan.
379 reviews38 followers
July 10, 2014
4.5 stars

I had to force myself to push through this book. This was dark; I'm not one for dub-con and rape, and I don't often venture into sci-fi, but I'm happy I did. I'm shocked (in a really good way) over how much I ended up liking this story.

The world building was very well done and I especially appreciate that there where no large pieces of info dump. The attention to detail was excellent and the setting, as a result, was a rich, and unique alien environment that felt authentic.

I loved the two MCs and their struggle and I enjoyed the way in which the story conflict was resolved. My only complaint would be that the ending chapters read more like an epilogue. There was a gap in between the story and those chapters where I would have liked to see more (even if it was just one scene). It felt a little rushed where the rest of the story had wonderful pacing.

My small niggle aside, this was very well written, with excellent characters (good and bad) and I'm really happy I gave this a try.

Thanks to the author for their time and participation in this event.
Profile Image for M'rella.
1,397 reviews176 followers
August 29, 2015
I guess it's not a bad book... just not what I expected. Alex had it easy as a slave, while his alien "angel" handler was the one who had it rough.
The ending was way too sweet, though I have never complained about a HEA before.

Something was off in this book for me. 3 stars.

Profile Image for Joan.
2,199 reviews
July 15, 2014
Damn. I read this last night, read it again and re-read it this morning and I KNOW I will read it again later. Fabulous.

A wonderful story. I know exactly when a book is 'right' for me - it's that difficult moment when I want to skip straight to the end as I am so depserate to see what happens to the MCs.! ( I managed to restrain myself this time - Kindles are not co-operative as paperbacks!) That was the moment when I knew that I had fallen in love with this book.

But neither of those detracted from an incredibly lush and powerful story. Sexy, scary, plenty of angst and a HEA. Perfect.

(And I LOVED Kah!!)

Profile Image for Amy Spector.
Author 29 books124 followers
August 1, 2014
I was not familiar with Lia Black until just recently. In fact, this is the first of her stories I have ever read. So, perhaps everyone has the same reaction...

Holy hell! That was fabulous!

Despite the fact that she wielded her story content warnings like a sword, trying to keep everyone away, I started reading and couldn't stop. (I was actually late for work!)

I tend to shy away from stories (and movies) with rape content as I tend not to handle it well but I am glad I didn't let the warning deter me.

This story is nerve-racking, heartbreaking, uplifting and oddly healing.

It was absolutely wonderful.

Profile Image for Dee Wy.
1,455 reviews
July 21, 2014
Really good M/M science fiction/romance makes me very happy, so this story had me smiling from ear to ear. I really don't mind dark stuff when there is hope and characters haven't given up on finding a better life. The balance of dark, brutal scenes and sweet attraction in a cruel environment was perfectly balanced so that I could enjoy every word. And seeing the Scion get his due reward was hugely satisfying. Long live Alex and Illythe! More stories in this world of aliens would make me even happier.

Thank you Lia for a great contribution to Love's Landscapes.
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews499 followers
August 27, 2014
WOW. I really enjoyed this story and how it evolved. It was harsh and bloody and brilliant. It's just my type of story - no sugar coating of what's going on. I want to see it all - all the pain, all the emotions, all the drama. Great descriptions and setting mean I really felt like I knew this place and could "see" it in my head. Smooth flowing prose, great plot that had a point the entire time. I have liked this author's work before in the DRitC events so no surprise here!
Profile Image for Bookwatcher .
746 reviews118 followers
August 4, 2014
What I have to say about this book? Believe me, all the tags I added must not be taken lightly. Everything from rape to abuse is in this story... And well. I don't have more to say. I just want to stand up... To applause

Profile Image for Shelby.
3,055 reviews85 followers
September 30, 2014
God! Ms. Black's stories are always so dark, but yet so beautiful. I always end up falling in love with her worlds and her characters. My heart was breaking for Illythe! His life has been pure hell and yet he's still such a gorgeous soul. This is dark and twisty in all the ways things are best when they're dark and twisty.

Alex is a about to dive into one of the toughest undercover assignments anyone could undertake. Working in the sex crimes division means no assignment is ever easy, but this ring has been unbreakable for years. Now Alex is going in as a whore, expecting to be kidnapped and taken to god knows where to discover just what is going on and find out where so many lost whores have been disappearing to. He certainly never expected his first challenge out the gate though to even make it into the elite brothel, a wrestling contest where the winner is decided by who can rape the other first. Seeing the man who is going to be in charge of him though throws everything for a loop.

Illythe was taken prisoner by the Scion when his people attacked and destroyed his entire race. He is the sole survivor and the past thirty years have been long ones filled with pain and degradation twisting him up inside until the only the hatred he feels for the Scion is twisted into some kind of crazy need/love. Illythe isn't sure he can survive outside of the intense relationship the Scion keeps him twisted up in. When Alex arrives he is terrified. Illythe finds himself drawn to the man and it's about the worst thing he can imagine. He's already seen what happens when he allows himself to care for one of the men under his charge and it was awful. What little bit of hope remained was crushed and Illythe thought he'd never find any again.

Oh poor poor Illythe! He's had such a miserable existence and yet still manages to touch your soul. I just wanted everything to get better for him, to find a place he can be safe and loved without all the pain. I so clearly got where his mind was at and the mental trap he was locked in. Alex coming into his life threw everything into turmoil and I could just see the inner struggle as Illythe tried to figure out what to do next. I just wanted everything to come to rights.

Alex, I liked that he wasn't pure as the driven snow. I liked that as a cop he wasn't all about the job, his original drive to the job was different. It wasn't all about saving the world/universe. He's a little bit of a slut and he's ok with that. His reactions to everything really kept the story grounded. I enjoyed that the cop side of this story was down played but still present in the way Alex viewed things.

This is one of those stories where if you can't handle the graphic nature or the fact that it's very clearly non-con with virulent imagery, then don't read this. But you'll be missing out on a fantastic, fantastic read. I love this story and I love seeing Illythe finally get free, finally have a life that is his own. One with love and one without fear. LOVELY!!! Dark, yes, but gorgeous all the same!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews

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