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184 pages, Paperback

First published January 23, 2015

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About the author

Karuho Shiina

102 books578 followers
See also 椎名 軽穂
Karuho Shiina was born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan. Though Kimi ni Todoke is only her second series following many one-shot stories, it has already racked up accolades from various "Best Manga of the Year" lists. Winner of the 2008 Kodansha Manga Award for the shojo category, Kimi ni Todoke also placed fifth in the first-ever Manga Taisho (Cartoon Grand Prize) contest in 2008.

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Profile Image for Courtney.
460 reviews106 followers
February 27, 2015
Ayane and Kent, I have had my heart broken. I literally love Kent to pieces, he is just so adorkable and sweet and caring for Ayane. But I feel like Ayane and I are kinda one in the same. I understand her feelings towards Kent and how she was putting her future first rather than her relationship. Which is a good thing to do, go to the school you want to go to, don't settle for the same one your boyfriend is going to! Ayane-chan is such a powerful character, and I love her for being the one that isn't committing to her boyfriend but to herself.
Profile Image for Julie.
2,154 reviews187 followers
August 17, 2020
Yano's struggles with her insecurities, self-hatred, and fear of failure really hit. It was so raw and emotional.

The relationship with these two characters I feel was doomed from the start, but I'm glad that they both grew a little bit from it.

Going into this series I didn't think it would get this deep like WOW. It's such a good coming of age series.
Profile Image for Flor ):).
730 reviews158 followers
March 18, 2021
Pasó lo que tenía que pasar pero me dolió
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,708 reviews222 followers
December 2, 2020
"I told you to regret things more but as long as you remember how hard you tried, you can always rise up again."

I think I cried reading almost this whole volume.

I'm still crying...

That was so moving. My heart is breaking, but it's like a breaking where you know people will heal and there are second chances even if it's not the way one expects.

I'm proud of Ayane for stepping out and I'm thankful for sweet Kento, who has such a big heart. Well, really they both do…

I need to go find my box of tissues and volume 24...
Profile Image for shannon&#x1f3f9;.
392 reviews254 followers
February 24, 2022
this was actually so deep and personally we follow ayane and kento in this one, especially ayane and we see how she’s coping and see a lot about her mental health and self-image. it was sad but true
Profile Image for Isel.
1,290 reviews36 followers
July 7, 2018
Okay, Ayane kinda hurt me in this volume because she hurt Kento and I actually kinda like the guy (I'm not so sure I like Pin although I do see his good points 🤔), but I also felt bad for so there's that... this was like a feels volume. The whole volume not just a few chaps 😂😭
Profile Image for Shirley.
902 reviews83 followers
July 19, 2021
Aaah... I know it's coming and probably the best decision for both of them,but it still... a little sad though they still a good friends for each other.
Profile Image for a.
1,252 reviews
January 21, 2023
This entire volume is about Ayane and her long drawn out college/boyfriend storyline and while I'm glad it's finally wrapped up, I was a little bored with this one. It's an important volume for sure but I think I just missed Sawako and Kazehaya and of course Rye and Chizu. Oh well, on to the next!
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,490 reviews42 followers
July 31, 2019
Este tomo es todo sobre Yano y Kento, por ello la portada es perfecta.
Es muy triste, me rompió el corazón
Profile Image for Maude.
320 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2023
bittersweet volume, but it was definitely a long time coming. i'm glad to see that yano is finally getting some growth
Profile Image for Tania.
839 reviews8 followers
February 21, 2023
Se sabía lo que iba a pasar con Kento y Ayane desde el primer momento. Sin embargo, me gustó muchísimo la escena del rompimiento porque ambos se dan la oportunidad de hablar, explicarse y recordar, ya quiero ver qué le depara el futuro universitario a estos chicos, en especial a Yano.

Kazehaya por otro lado me sorprendió por lo asertivo que fue, si bien Sawako planeaba decirle otra cosa, él se adelantó y le mostró que no importa qué siempre tendrá su apoyo.
Profile Image for Miss Susan.
2,637 reviews59 followers
October 6, 2016
i'm so proud of my beautiful kindhearted daughter yano-chin
Profile Image for Liza.
695 reviews58 followers
February 25, 2016
This volume of KnT....

This has to be my favorite volume of the series. Hands down, favorite volume. I need to OWN this volume so I can have it with me forever. (good thing I'm going to a con next month...)

It features me favorite of the girls.


She is a very complex character, which is why I love her(well everyone is but I feel it more with Ayane).

This volume was focused on Ayane and her choice of the future about where to go to school and about her relationship with Kento.

I was happy where it ended up and honestly, I felt it coming.

Can't wait to see the direction the story goes in now!
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,640 reviews49 followers
January 25, 2018
This one made me cry. I have so much respect to Ayane and my heart goes out to her and Kento. They had a unique type of love, but it was a love where one party desperately needed the space to grow and wasn't ready for a relationship yet.

Once again Pin surprised me with his honesty and wisdom. We have to regret a lot so that we remember for next time and work hard for what we really want. It's crazy and scary but we all deserve to do what we believe is right for us.

I sat reading and crying over this break-up in the library- I half regret it, but I also don't because I'm glad and grateful that the author's talent could elicit such a strong emotion from me.

Thank you.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amber.
640 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2016
Yeah, I knew that wouldn't last. This bracket is spending a lot of time on thinking of the future, but not necessarily resolving it. One character at a time. I'd be happier with it all happening at once rather than these volume break ups by character, but it's a common occurrence in manga--I guess I just want it to get back to the main characters. It's weird having Sawako as only a supporting role.
Profile Image for Barbara.
96 reviews2 followers
December 14, 2016
Aaaaaah, I saw the ending coming. Glad to see Yano's development as she starts making serious decisions about her future.
Profile Image for Sara.
426 reviews32 followers
November 17, 2018
I love this one soo much! Augh! It's so bittersweet. It made me cry, a lot! Poor Kento.
Profile Image for Aidan .
243 reviews6 followers
August 29, 2022
I'm glad, I'm not rating individual volumes anymore, because I would struggle to quantify my feelings for this volume.

I was never a big fan of Kento, I found his character annoying and felt like he was really full of himself. I think he is the most teenager like character of the bunch, and that can be taken in any way you want to take it. His character, to me, felt off, even from when he was first introduced. Kento in my opinion was used to fill in the gap that Kurumi left. He was there to cause misunderstandings and mess with the flow of Sawako and Kazehaya's growing relationship. It is a staple trope in Shojo manga, but Kento's character was probably also extremely popular, and so unlike Kurumi, he was in almost every chapter and every volume. Kento became a part of the main cast unlike Kurumi.

I feel that Kento and Yano's relationship was too quick and felt awkwardly forced. Kento likes Sawako for all of a minute, and then in the next frame he's falling for Yano. This is what I mean when I say he is the most realistic teen character of the manga. That relationship was never going anywhere and it seemed that Kento was preventing Yano from being with her friends, and that separated her from the main story. Also Kento forcing himself on Yano, and simultaneously making her feel like it was her fault is not it chief.

To me Yano is at her best when she is independent, even though she grew a lot in the past two volumes, her character is stifled. Yano would thrive on her own, because she always changes herself during relationships to fit the need that the other person wants. She dated that boy during the school trip because he asked her, and she fulfilled his fantasy of just making out with a girl who is perceived as being "easy." Honestly, the best person for Yano I feel is Kurumi, they are both women who want to achieve, and will put in the work. They could help each other grow as people, and learn to love themselves for who they are.

Now, I feel like I have only been shitting on this volume and the character choices, and the plot, but I think what this volume, and series does well is show that a relationship does not mean growth, and that you do not need to be in a relationship to be happy or grow. Being single doesn't mean you are destined to struggle and be left behind or be sad, it can be a good thing. We need more friendship based series, and honestly I think Karuho Shiina could write a fantastic friendship based series. Don't get me wrong Sawako and Kazehaya's relationship is great and I have no qualms with Chizu and Ryu's budding romance. I'm just saying that there needs to be more non-romance focused manga out there as well as romance focused manga.
Profile Image for Luana.
1,425 reviews60 followers
October 23, 2023
Questo volume è dedicato tutto alla nostra Ayane - una ragazza tosta, in gamba, sempre pronta ad aiutare e a sostenere le amiche, ma che inspiegabilmente continua a disprezzare se stessa. Continua a definirsi egoista e crudele. La verità è molto più semplice: è un'adolescente piena di dubbi e paure. Purtroppo, si vedeva fin dall'inizio che la relazione con Kento non sarebbe mai potuta durare a lungo, il loro livello di coinvolgimento era troppo diverso. Ayane ha provato a dare una possibilità a questo rapporto ma senza provare alcun sentimento particolare. E nei suoi piani per il futuro, Kento non era mai incluso - mentre il ragazzo era pronto a seguirla ovunque (anche se, opinione personale, questo non mi sembra un atteggiamento molto saggio: va bene l'amore, va bene l'affetto, ma non si dovrebbe mai prendere delle decisioni così importanti basandosi su questo). È davvero sensato continuare una relazione viste queste premesse? Ovviamente no. Anche se Kento si rivelerà il fidanzato migliore tra quelli frequentati da Ayane, l'unico capace di farla sentire amata e apprezzata. Ma ora è il tempo di affrontare la realtà: il vero sogno della ragazza è quello di iscriversi a una prestigiosa università di Tokyo che le permetterebbe di studiare all'estero. Non sarà facile, ma non si può mollare senza nemmeno aver provato a fare un tentativo. È giovanissima, ha tutto il tempo davanti a sé per provare, sbagliare, rialzarsi e riprovare. Le amiche sono con lei. Pin ha creduto in lei e nel suo potenziale fin dall'inizio. Ora sta a lei prendere il coraggio a due mani e fare un passo avanti.
Comunque sia, è facile empatizzare con il personaggio di Ayane - scappare via per paura di rimanere feriti o delusi, scegliere la via più facile e comoda in modo da proteggere i propri sentimenti. Stima per chi riesce a seguire la propria strada senza farsi scoraggiare già in partenza e per chi non smette mai di crederci.
Bene, una coppia è implosa, vediamo che ne sarà delle altre due.
Profile Image for Vintage Veronica.
1,508 reviews133 followers
April 22, 2019
Rating: 4.7 / 5

Well, I guess this is the "heartbreak" volume, in that one of the three main couples is finally broken up. Yes, this was quite a while coming along, since it's pretty obvious that the relationship was one-sided to begin with, more like "you'll like me in the future no probs!" on one-side and "meh, I don't really care" on the other side. Essentially, it centers around Ayane and Kento (no surprise there, since they're on the cover and all) and focuses on how they're finally breaking up--and all the drama that implies.

That being said, from the reader's standpoint it's a relief to finally get through this milestone, because it felt like it was inevitable anyway. Not that Kento's not a great guy and all, but it's clear that he was the only one putting any real effort into the relationship and so it wasn't as compelling to cheer for them. Ayane is, I repeat, the most complicated character in this series, in that she has self-confidence issues to the max, and as a result she can't really get into a serious relationship with any guy. She'll do what they expect up to a certain point, but then when they push too far she'll reject them because she can't make herself like somebody. And honestly, that's the truth of it, though I'm sure many people do still try, just to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.

Annoying to get through for some, I guess, but also necessary, so it still deserves a good rating in my book.
Profile Image for Galletasuertuda.
111 reviews10 followers
November 20, 2022
Yo deje de leer el manga años atrás por esta separación. Kento es mi personaje masculino favorito, lo amo muchísimo por eso odié que la autora lo utilizara para dar "desarrollo" o generar avances. Sin embargo, luego de haber olvidado todo lo que leí pero dispuesta a atravesar el dolor que recordaba de esta ship(Que es mi fav) volví a leer esta historia. Más grande me di cuenta que ambos Kento y Ayane tomaron decisiones por cuenta propia. Ya no puedo culpar a nadie. Fue tristemente hermoso leer esta separación. Kento descubrió el amor y como no debe imponer lo que piensa sobre otros; y Ayane sanó su conflicto de autoestima y relaciones. No todas las relaciones son un épico amor como hemos visto en esta historia, algunas simplemente están para ayudarnos a crecer. Lloré mucho. Por suerte ya no duele :')
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Greg.
693 reviews38 followers
March 10, 2021
3.75/5 While still dealing with college plans and thoughts of the future this volume offered a deeper part of the story. Kento and Ayane work through their problems for better or worse. Things could have been a little messier as they usually are in the real world but it was nice to see how things worked out for them. The rest of the cast is mostly missing from this one but it’s understandable.

Once again however the dialog is very brief and while the art does a great job pulling you through it means that you will have chewed through the book in 30 minutes which is disappointing.

Ayane and Kento on the cover this time and it does a good job encapsulating Volume 23.

Read 3/10/21
Profile Image for Mary.
442 reviews21 followers
August 6, 2024
This one follows Ayane and Kento as they end their relationship. I saw it coming but it still made me emotional. Both of them are genuinely nice people, but sometimes things just don’t work out and you can’t force yourself to feel something for someone else.

I’m glad that Ayane found her courage and is finally doing what SHE wants to do. This volume was honestly really deep and shows how Kimi ni Todoke is a coming of age story as well.

Their song is Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift ⛈️☔️

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t want Pin and Ayane to end up together, but I do see the vision 😩
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
September 1, 2019
Ayane es mi personaje favorito. Su historia siempre me ha parecido la más compleja de todas. Ame este tomo, a pesar de que me duele lo qué pasó me alegra que Ayane tuviera el valor de hacer lo que hizo. Kento me gustaba mucho para ella pero llego un momento en que incluso a mi me molestaba su dependencia hacía ella, y eso no está bien. No está bien que vivas la vida y sueños de la persona que amas y dejes de lado los tuyos. 😭 estoy muy orgullosa de ella 🤧
Profile Image for Green Yuki.
386 reviews4 followers
September 20, 2021
Aquí lloré por los 2, los dos sufrían demasiado. Cada uno por su lado, no me atrevo a decir que uno sufrió más que el otro. Simplemente no merecían sufrir, los dos de mis personajes favoritos y son de los que cualquiera querría conocer en la vida real. Ya sabíamos que esto iba a pasar, todo fue guardándose y llegó a su límite y los lastimó a los dos. Pero me agrada que ninguno se guarde riña ni odio.
Y Pin, él cada vez se gana más y más mi respeto.
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