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October Daye #12

Night and Silence

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The twelfth installment of the Hugo-nominated, New York Times-bestselling Toby Daye urban fantasy series!

Things are not okay.

In the aftermath of Amandine's latest betrayal, October "Toby" Daye's fragile self-made family is on the verge of coming apart at the seams. Jazz can't sleep, Sylvester doesn't want to see her, and worst of all, Tybalt has withdrawn from her entirely, retreating into the Court of Cats as he tries to recover from his abduction. Toby is floundering, unable to help the people she loves most heal. She needs a distraction. She needs a quest.

What she doesn't need is the abduction of her estranged human daughter, Gillian. What she doesn't need is to be accused of kidnapping her own child by her ex-boyfriend and his new wife, who seems to be harboring secrets of her own. There's no question of whether she'll take the case. The only question is whether she's emotionally prepared to survive it.

Signs of Faerie's involvement are everywhere, and it's going to take all Toby's nerve and all her allies to get her through this web of old secrets, older hatreds, and new deceits. If she can't find Gillian before time runs out, her own child will pay the price. One question remains:

Who in Faerie remembered Gillian existed? And what do they stand to gain? No matter how this ends, Toby's life will never be the same.

510 pages, ebook

First published September 4, 2018

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About the author

Seanan McGuire

484 books16.4k followers
Hi! I'm Seanan McGuire, author of the Toby Daye series (Rosemary and Rue, A Local Habitation, An Artificial Night, Late Eclipses), as well as a lot of other things. I'm also Mira Grant (www.miragrant.com), author of Feed and Deadline.

Born and raised in Northern California, I fear weather and am remarkably laid-back about rattlesnakes. I watch too many horror movies, read too many comic books, and share my house with two monsters in feline form, Lilly and Alice (Siamese and Maine Coon).

I do not check this inbox. Please don't send me messages through Goodreads; they won't be answered. I don't want to have to delete this account. :(

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews327 followers
November 8, 2020
Night and Silence (October Daye #12), Seanan McGuire

Best book in the series since The Winter Long. In the aftermath of Amandine's latest betrayal, October "Toby" Daye's fragile self-made family is on the verge of coming apart at the seams. Jazz can't sleep, Sylvester doesn't want to see her, and worst of all, Tybalt has withdrawn from her entirely, retreating into the Court of Cats as he tries to recover from his abduction. Toby is floundering, unable to help the people she loves most heal. She needs a distraction. She needs a quest.

What she doesn't need is the abduction of her estranged human daughter, Gillian. What she doesn't need is to be accused of kidnapping her own child by her ex-boyfriend and his new wife, who seems to be harboring secrets of her own. There's no question of whether she'll take the case. The only question is whether she's emotionally prepared to survive it.

Signs of Faerie's involvement are everywhere, and it's going to take all Toby's nerve and all her allies to get her through this web of old secrets, older hatreds, and new deceits. If she can't find Gillian before time runs out, her own child will pay the price. One question remains:

Who in Faerie remembered Gillian existed? And what do they stand to gain? No matter how this ends, Toby's life will never be the same.

تاریخ خوانش روز پنجم ماه فوریه سال 2019میلادی

عنوان: شب و سکوت: کتاب دوازدهم از سری اکتبر دای؛ نویسنده: سینان مک گوایر؛

در پی آخرین خیانت «آمانداین»، خانواده ی «اکتبر» شکننده و در آستانه ی جدایی است؛ «جاز» نمیتواند بخوابد، «سیلوستر» نمیخواهد او را ببیند، و از همه مهمتر، «تیبالت» او را ترک کرده، و در تلاش است تا از آدم ربایی خود بهبود یابد؛ «توبی» قادر به کمک به افرادی نیست که بیشتر آنها را دوست دارد؛ و ...؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 17/08/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Steven.
1,147 reviews427 followers
August 27, 2018
Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley publishing for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

No idea how Seanan McGuire does it so often, but she knows how to step up the stakes, over and over and over. And she sure knows how to make her characters suffer for the sake of the story!

If you've not been keeping up (but really, why wouldn't you be following me at this point?), Seanan McGuire is one of my absolute favorite authors. Her worlds are gloriously fleshed out, her characters are deep and nuanced, and her plots are inviting and twisty and chock full of surprises.

In this installment in one of the best series ever, Toby's family is front and center yet again - both the family she has built, and her blood relations - and yet again, those two things are at odds. Also, there are some surprising twists when it comes to villainy, one I wouldn't have expected (at least not yet!)...

But mostly, there's a cast of characters that will draw you in, make you care, and truly cause you to wish to be part of their little ragtag bunch.

Pick this one up if you're up to date in the October Daye series, but if you're not, start with book one - Rosemary and Rue. You've got plenty to binge - go on. :)
Profile Image for Kira.
1,261 reviews137 followers
May 28, 2019
Find this and other reviews at grumpy book grrrl

OMG!!! I loved it! Best book in the series since The Winter Long. To be honest I wasn’t sure what to think going into this. The blurb didn’t excite me. Gillian being kidnapped again and Tybalt taking off didn’t sound appealing. The plot tied things together and brought issues to light in such a good way despite the sadness of it all. This book is a game changer. Things will be really different from here on out.

Toby deeply loves her daughter. That has never been in doubt. I haven’t always agreed with the way she handled her relationship or lack thereof with Gillian. But I always understood why she made the choices she did; she thought she was doing the best she could to keep her daughter safe. Obviously Toby would have done things differently if she had known how things would work out. In hindsight she clearly should have realized anyone close to her, human or not, will always be a target. I am very curious to see where things go now that certain things have been brought to light.

It really bothers me that Gillian and Cliff always viewed Toby’s disappearance as her abandoning them. Why would they have assumed she left rather than being taken? Toby usually acquiesced to Cliff on this. She couldn’t tell him the truth but could have expressed that she was held captive and didn’t go willingly. Toby finally did address the issue briefly with Cliff and I was thrilled! It was long overdue.

Anyway onto bigger and better things. Halfway through there was a huge revelation. HUGE. My mind was blown. I never ever had a clue. It was a holy shit moment. It made perfect sense but it was hard to wrap my head around at first. It was twisted and has made and will continue to make things complicated. I’d love to say more but don’t want to give anything away.

The Luideag was around a fair amount. She made plenty of cryptic comments that left me wondering exactly WTF they mean. Every time Toby learns something important it seems to unravel more things that need to be solved. This did not end the way I thought it would but in a good way. The best way to describe the ending is tragically happy.

I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,771 reviews1,584 followers
September 18, 2018
This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

The October Daye series has really grown on me and gotten better book by book. The characters are well thought out and complex, the plot lines all different and the dialogue is funny and smart. If you would have asked me at Rosemary and Rue (book 1), I wouldn’t have known if I’d make it to the third book in the series, let alone the twelfth book. October Daye became one of my favorite UF series to date.
“As Sir Daye’s squire, I must apologize, again, for her having the manners of a kelpie.”
“Don’t be silly, Quentin,” said Danny. “Kelpies are politer.”
“Kelpies are aquatic murder horses that want to rip you apart and eat everything but your liver,” I protested.
Danny smirked. “As I was sayin’.”

One reason is October. She isn’t perfect and she needs the help of her friends all the time but she is a character who has grown so much from the first book of the series. In Night and Silence, we get to revisit October’s past as her child has gone missing again. You’d think that would make this plot similar to the other book where Gillian was kidnapped but you would be oh so wrong. This is different in so many ways as Toby goes in search of the daughter that decided to be all human and leave Toby’s world behind.

I loved the banter and snark this series brings. Toby is irreverent as always in the presence of both danger or anyone with a Royal pedigree. She is who she is and she is the same to everyone no matter where your nobility lies. But cross Toby and you will have to remember she has some very powerful allies in the King of Cats, the Sea Witch, a death spirit and a future king of the realm. But you should be most wary of the Sea Witch, she is scary even if you are her friend.
Arguing with the Luidaeg is like arguing with a mountain: in the end, all you wind up with is a sore throat and an implacable landmark. Only in the case of the Luidaeg, she might wind up turning you into a toad for your impertinence.

This delves even more into the fae lore and we finally get some answers into who Amadine’s mother is. I really love how SM spins this tale using folklore of the fae and twisting it into this story. Toby’s grandma was a surprise and a trip I never saw coming.
"You lost a great deal of blood.”
“I didn’t lose it,” I said. “I know exactly where it is.”

Tybalt is one of my favorite leading men in fiction. Probably because even in a modern day setting of this story he sounds like a hero out of a historical romance. I love it and eat it up. Tybalt has been hurt deeply by the events of the prior book and has something akin to PTSD. I missed him for part of this book but loved how he showed up for Toby when she really needed him even though he is broken. The other plus is that he didn’t have to be perfect for October to love him, she realizes he needs to heal and I adored how their relationship is and the tender moments the two of them share.

Overall: Some interesting movement on the greater plot arc of the series, October possibly getting a second chance at being a mother to Gillian and the relationship with Tybalt made this book for me. Still the bill to the Sea Witch is pretty high and I’d hate to be Toby when she decides to collect.

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,622 reviews236 followers
September 21, 2023
The re-read continues full speed ahead (unlike the read of the giant pile of books I mean to get to someday). Toby’s daughter Gillian is in danger again and of course Toby is going to do everything she can to save her. I have to admit the books with Gilly are hard for me, probably as they’re meant to be. I know this world primarily through October’s eyes and it leaves me protective of her and while Gilly never had all the information she was never fair to Toby (not that Faerie is ever fair). This book comes with a huge twist and another mythical figure from Faerie’s history is found to be living in San Francisco. I love this book and I especially love the novella at the end and getting to see Gilly interact with the Sea Witch’s youngest daughter. Really a neat extra piece.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,918 reviews592 followers
September 12, 2018

Going back to the world of our dear Toby is always a pleasure. I have come to love this series. How can I not when Tybalt makes me want to swoon when he says things from his heart. Le Sigh....

After the events which occurred in The Brightest Fell, Toby is trying to avoid discussing what is troubling her, her relationship with Tybalt. She loves the King of Cats and she's not sure how they're going to move forward after what Amandine did to him. Her friends are worried about her and Tybalt but she rather not think about it.

Then, her ex-human boyfriend, Cliff comes knocking on her door. He's looking for their daughter, Gillian. She has gone missing (again!). Toby can't believe someone has taken her. She loved Gillian so much that when Gillian chose to be human and stay with Cliff, Toby walked away believing she would be safe in the human world. But, too many people remember that Toby had Gillian and she's sure a fae is involved in her disappearance.

With the help of her squire and her fetch Mae, she will go looking for Gillian. The search takes her to places where as you can guess, Toby has to fight for her life and she will end up being covered in her own blood. Nothing new there, right? That's mostly why she wears black anyway. There are many close calls and at the same time, I could feel that time was running out for her.

There's a huge plot changer. The reveal is a WOW moment where I wasn't sure if I read it right and I had to go back and reread it. Holy amazing Batman! I just couldn't wrap my head around it. Yet, it makes perfect sense. Not vague enough for you? I guess you're just going to need to read it.

The ending is perfect is an imperfect way. It leaves you with so many open questions and without a way to know the answers.

For all Tybalt fans, the man does make a good entrance. Perfect timing too. It broke my heart to see how hard everything is for him right now. I truly hate Amandine for what she did to him. Despite everything, every heartfelt spoken word by him is beautiful in its deliverance.

I really can't wait to see what happens next. I truly hope to see more of Gillian in the next book.

As always the Luidaeg is amazing in a terrifying way. One of my favorite characters in this series.

I can't finish my review without saying how amazing Seanan McGuire's writing is. It's almost poetic. Her characters are brought to life full of light and darkness.

Cliffhanger: No

5/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by DAW Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews287 followers
September 3, 2018
After the ending of The Brightest Fell I wasn't sure were McGuire was going to go with October Daye but I'm happy to say at Night and Silence met every expectation and more...and I loved it. There is just something about McGuire's writing that captivates and keeps me clinging to the pages. I say "something", but what I really mean is Seanan McGuire's ability to master that illusive character connection that makes you become a part a written word's world!

I received this ARC of Night Silence from Berkley Publishing Group - DAW. This is my honest and voluntary review. Night Silence is set for publication Sept. 4, 2018.

My Rating: 5 stars
Written by: Seanan McGuire
Series: October Daye
Sequence in Series: Book 12
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: DAW
Publication Date: September 4, 2018
ISBN-10: 0756414768
ISBN-13: 978-0756414764
Genre: Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance

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Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,608 reviews2,218 followers
April 11, 2021
I knew better than to get excited after how good the last book was.

Seeing this installment be dedicated to Pamela Dean should've been a clue I was getting another Tam Lin story. And it sorta was. But seeing as I thought we'd already had our homage, I thought we had been there, done that.

I was wrong.

What I found interesting about the introduction of the actual Tam Lin myth was McGuire made it more about Janet than the self-named male. And offered a view from a different perspective where maybe the humans weren't the heroes after all. And how that particular moment had started, and ended, so much. That was delightful.

Less delightful? How we have yet another new character introduced who is inconsistent, confusing, and additionally whose actions have had huge ramifications for Toby and changed so much of the course of her life. Beyond being turned into a fish for fourteen years. Someone who should've cared about her, someone who had taken what was hers, was actively working against her, actively malicious, right up until this book. Sure, she tries to explain it away, maybe there's a smidge of understanding in her reasons, but the rest? The behaviour in this book, before and after the reveals? None of it makes sense.

I don't attribute much to McGuire in the way of complicated characters in this world, at least none of the main ones are particularly complicated (exception as always goes to the Sea Witch), but they have grown over the course of the series, and even though they frustrate me, I sorta get them, understand them. I will never understand the way McGuire introduces new people, often in the role of “save my child/friend/lover or else and ps I'll work against you or criticize you or suspect you throughout the course of me asking you for this help” and expects us to feel any sympathy for them whatsoever. So of course no one is surprised that the character in this story.. was, well, exactly that. Someone I didn't sympathize with, didn't forgive, didn't understand, and overall thought her to be kind of.. skeezy. I mean, really.

Yes yes it's all vague, you're welcome for all this complain-y nothingness.

I'll shift back to some of the good, though. I also liked that we got some casual perspective to things from early on in this series. Things that explained behaviours, sequences of events.. it answered a lot of questions. However, do I like that it took eleven books to answer stuff from book one? Fuck no. But the way McGuire eased that information in was natural. So.. half points?

One of this book's villains was supposedly vaniquished like three times already. Supposedly it's going to stick now. Who knows. This book was mostly a frustrating chore, with just enough good to make me exceptionally frustrated by how wasted it was, but the big point of it all was to reintroduce someone who had been lost to Toby, out of reach, and bring them back into play. I'm interested in that dynamic. Less interested in yet another warped and backwards mindset we'll likely have to suffer through. Hoping that gets sorted pronto stat so we can move on and move forward. Lets not take bets on the likeliness of that happening, though. Leave me my delusions. It's how I've made it so far into this series, after all.


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,522 followers
January 27, 2019
Damn. This one hit me pretty hard.

Tybalt's situation is already bad enough, but to learn that Toby's now 100% human daughter has been abducted under bad circumstances? It could have been just the start of a cool adventure. Off to the college campus, hunt down clues... but what we learn is something much more insidious. Toby's grandmother. The reveals. The NASTY reveals.

I got pretty emotional over this novel. It's not just the fact that Toby lost 12 years as a freaking fish, coming back to the world with her daughter already a teen, her fiance hating her, and her daughter wanting nothing to do with her. It's worse because of all the OTHER lies. Ahem. Gillian's adoptive mother. *grrrrrrr*

Okay. I'm angry. A lot angry. I wanted to rage at her throughout this novel. I've never felt more pity for Toby. She's made her share of mistakes. Tons of mistakes. But this one wasn't hers.

What a ride!
Profile Image for Emma.
2,622 reviews1,031 followers
January 12, 2019
Who’d a thunk it? When we first met Toby Daye, fresh from a loooong dip in a pond, how far she was going to come, how complex her history and bloodline would turn out to be, how she has gone from knowing almost no one,to knowing and loving and being loved by so many...who could have predicted all that?! It takes some skill to build layer upon layer with such a complex story, so seamlessly" I am in awe of Seanan MCGuire. There is an awful lot of blood in this story and most of it is on Toby! Tybalt has his own learning curve to go through. We meet a different type of shidhe. I must confess, I wasn’t that excited to learn Gillian would be in this book. But of course, it’s Seanan, so no worries. Also we some unexpected returns, but not welcome ones!
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,344 reviews1,236 followers
August 29, 2019
Every time I'm convinced this series can't get any better Seanan McGuire writes a book like Night and Silence and proves me wrong! I have to admit I was nervous after reading the blurb and saw that not only are Toby and Tybalt having problems but also that Gillian is abducted again, I was a little bit worried this would feel like a rinse and repeat of stories we've had in this world before but I'm such a huge fan of this author and she's never steered me wrong before so I really should have more faith in her by now.

Seeing how distant Tybalt is was pretty heartbreaking but after everything Amandine put him through his withdrawal was understandable. That doesn't make it any easier to read but there was no way he'd carry on as normal after everything he's experienced. The man always knows how to make an entrance though and there has never been a time when he has let Toby down when she really needs him so you don't need to worry that he'll be absent for the entire book.

Things with Gillian are far more complicated. When Toby offered Gillian the Changeling's choice and reluctantly turned her human it broke her heart but she honestly believed it was what Gillian wanted and needed and she's kept her distance since then trying to respect Gillian's wishes. Toby mistakenly thought that leaving her alone would keep her safe but now she's missing Toby has no idea if the fae are involved. It's always been painful to see how much Toby has suffered because of her abduction, I've hated the way Cliff treats her for a long time now and I would really love to see her build some bridges with her daughter.

The story was everything I'd hoped for and gave all the characters I love most a chance to shine, May has a bigger role than usual, the Luideag steals the show as always, Quentin never fails to make me smile and of course I still love Tybalt no matter how damaged he is right now. There is plenty of action as Toby tries to track down Gillian and encounters some interesting new fae along the way and a totally game changing revelation has given me a new character to loathe but I can't say more about that because SPOILER so you'll just have to read the book to find out more (I guarantee you'll know exactly who I'm talking about once you have!).

Events in this book are going to have a huge impact as the series continues so I'm really looking forward to seeing how Toby copes with the latest developments in When Sorrows Come! This series is definitely one of my favourites and it's still going strong 12 books in.
Profile Image for Craig.
5,554 reviews134 followers
February 24, 2019
Night and Silence is another well-written October Daye adventure, full of suspense and humor and derring-do, but when I finished it this morning I was left with a vague feeling of wishing there'd been a little more there. Gillian gets kidnapped again, October bleeds a lot again while running and rushing about with her loyal band of compatriots, Walther and Tybalt and "Annie" step up to save the day (Dayes?) again, the bad guys you thought were out of the way pop up to create evil mayhem... There wasn't a whole new that hadn't already happened in earlier volumes. There's also such a rich backlog of backstory that has to be summarized for new readers that it slows the opening down a bit too much. There's a novella included at the end of the novel that follows what Gillian and The Luidaeg experience while October & Co. are wrapping up the main adventure that's an excellent bonus.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
1,321 reviews257 followers
October 1, 2018
The previous book left Toby and her friends traumatized with both her fiancé Tybalt and her sister's girlfriend Jazz damaged. Things are not well, and when October's former human fiancé Cliff and his wife Miranda turn up at her apartment and with the news that October's daughter Gillian is missing, the situation does not approve. Toby is soon on the case and traveling all over the Kingdoms of the Westlands and with a chance to get to know her child again and learn much more about her and her family.

Seanan McGuire is a prolific author of quality urban fantasy, science fiction and horror, and in my opinion, this series showcases her growth as a writer and her sheer talent at this stage in her career. There aren't too many authors that can go twelve books into a series and still be producing work of this quality. There's an interesting turn in the last few books in this series where there's a focus on the mental health consequences of the trauma that the protagonist and her friends routinely encounter. It's well done and makes a lot of sense. Just because the elements of the novel are fantastic, it doesn't mean the trauma is any less real.
Profile Image for S.R. Harris.
Author 1 book65 followers
February 12, 2022
I put off reading this because I wasn't a fan of Gillian in the previous book.

Gillian gets kidnapped again and of course October goes on a mission to find her. I was shocked by the twist that this book took, but I am happy that Gillian finally learns the truth about her mom and know that she didn't abandon her. Now that she is part of that world, if she is in future books I hope that her and October can have a relationship.

All in all this was really good.
Profile Image for Lexxi Kitty.
2,044 reviews467 followers
September 10, 2018
I had been disappointed, in a way, with some of this author’s recent works, but I found this one enjoyable enough. If I was to look for and report on the negative I'd note something I noticed in the beginning that was irritating me - this is the 12th book in the series, a certain amount of 'remember, this is who this character is' backstory kind of goes with the book, but it seemed more irritating this time, like every three seconds we'd get this info dump to 'help us remember' story and characters that came before. But that's what I'd mention if I was looking for something to mention. That's negative. Enjoyed the story, actually.

Right, so, book opens with the consequences of the previous book impacting stuff. One of the main characters was traumatized and is still suffering (). The reader knows this because Toby is on a hunt for magical creatures who were/are running around San Francisco, and the people she’s with keep throwing questions her way regarding the situation (and she keeps thinking about it herself).

Eventually, though, they find all of the flying pigs (‘they aren’t really pigs’), and the actual main story-line could get started: Toby is resting after a job well done when there’s a pounding on her door. And by resting, I mean sleeping in her bed. She rushes down and finds two people she never expected to find at her door: her ex-husband and the woman who came after her (her daughter’s step-mother). They inform Toby that Gillian has, yet again (it’s a reoccurring theme), been kidnapped by accusing her of ‘doing something’ with her. Toby sets them straight then immediately sets out, with her friends and underlings, to track down her missing daughter.

There’s much ‘stuff’ going on in this book, but that’s the main plot line – Toby trying to track down her missing daughter.

Quite good/quite interesting.

Rating: 4.0

September 10, 2018
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
October 6, 2018

I did not expect this! I love this novella that is from Gillian's point of view from the remaining chapters of Night and Silence, book 12 in the series. This is definitely a read that is not to be missed, what an amazing addition!

Merged review:

I thought the last October Daye book was my favourite.. and the one before that... but here I am again panting over yet another superfantastalistic installment! This one is DEFINITELY my favourite... I absolutely love the way these characters just grow from strength to strength and still remain mysterious and yet intriguing throughout the entire series.

I can't wait for the next book -- I'm sure that will be my favourite too!!!
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,087 reviews444 followers
November 13, 2018
I guess the fact that I’ve read to book 12 in this series would be an indication that it’s a hit for me. I don’t know how much longer McGuire can continue to spin the faerie tales, but I am a willing victim.

This installment takes us back right to the beginning, as it once again involves Toby’s human daughter, Gillian. In an earlier book, Gillian had made the choice to become fully human (the changeling’s choice) and Toby honoured that wish, despite her own heartache. But thinking that the Fae would leave Gillian alone seems to have been wishful thinking and once again some difficult decisions need to be dealt with.

At least Toby has her beloved Tybalt back at her side, although I didn’t find his sudden switch back to be the most believable plot point that McGuire has written! She’s going to need his support as her life becomes even more intertwined with The Luidaeg and she tries to re-establish family bonds with her genetic family, not just her chosen family.

There are certainly plenty of loose threads, where McGuire can pick up the narrative and spin us more of the adventures of Toby. I, for one, will be waiting impatiently for the next volume.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
February 24, 2019
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy.

NIGHT AND SILENCE is a classic October Daye adventure, in that all such adventures have consequences. Despite coming late in the series, and showing still healing and struggling after prior attacks, this book felt fresh and interesting.

NIGHT AND SILENCE is particularly well set up to be a refresher for those who may have lost the threads of this series. Even new readers might find this an easy entry point for the series, though they would not get as much emotional heft from the prior events (and would miss out on a lot of wonderful writing along the way). Much of Toby’s current relationships and accomplishments are touched upon in this book, but not in a way that detracts from the main story line.

A satisfying read for fans, NIGHT AND SILENCE contains layers within layers. According to the author, the October Daye series has been purchased by the publisher out through book 13, and though I'd love to live in this world of faerie forever, NIGHT AND SILENCE is a fantastic penultimate book.

Sexual content: Kissing.
Profile Image for Lexxi Kitty.
2,044 reviews467 followers
September 10, 2018
I can't say if this story is from the point of view of a character who hasn't had a voice before now, as I've rarely actually read the short stories. It is the first time I personally have witnessed a story from Toby's daughter Gillian's point of view, though.

I cannot really say much about what occurs in this story as the entirety of the story is based on what occurred in the previous full length book in the series. There were some 'bad stuff' that occurred and some 'compromises made' and part of the story that unfolds in this short work is from the book, but from Gillian's point of view, some corresponds in time to the book but wasn't in the book, and some events occur . . . potentially, after that book ended.

It is interesting to see things from the college aged daughter of October's point of view. I sometimes forget how much life/history/etc. Toby has faced - though the recent book kind of pounded certain points home so...

Right, well. Interesting enough story I can't tell anything about because of spoilers.

Rating: 3.75

September 10 2018
Profile Image for Ina.
233 reviews47 followers
February 9, 2019
My family was so damn broken, and we were still holding on just as tightly as we could.
We were still holding on.
WARNING: Contains spoilers for the previous October Daye books!

How does McGuire keep coming up with this stuff? How does she intertwine all of these old ballads and fairytales and twists them into something new and interesting?

Some people don't understand why I love re-reading books so much. The thing is, when I read a book for the first time (such as this one now), I want to find out about all the twists and turns as soon as possible, so I read it quickly and I don't pay too much attention to the little things. Therefore, it's much more enjoyable for me when I re-read it and can fully appreciate all the intricate details. And the same thing happened now. I was so eager to find out how the story would end, I devoured the whole book in less than a day and it seemed to go by way too fast. Which was entirely my fault. However, the fact is that the story of this book takes place in less than a day, so I was basically on schedule.

There were several things in this book I would like to address and I will probably forget about some anyway. First - things I didn't enjoy. The plot of this book seemed like an annoying deja vu. Gillian has been kidnapped. Again. Someone took her to get to Toby. Again. Cliff was an asshole. Again. Even though it served to move the story along, I wasn't fond of the parallels between the two books.

The other thing I'm getting kind of tired of is Toby bleeding/dying ALL - THE - TIME. If she did it like once a book, okay. But seriously, the girl keeps having near death experiences every other chapter. I won't lie, it's getting a bit old and it doesn't serve the purpose of making the scene seem dramatic anymore, because we all know she will just get better.

However, those were my only complaints about this book, because like most McGuire's works, the story was artfully crafted. I didn't really love the twist with the Luidaeg and the selkies in the end, but I believe it will serve a higher purpose in the upcoming books, so I'm willing to let it slide. I was also kind of heartbroken there wasn't Simon in this book, but I will be no doubt even more heartbroken when he finally appears. I'm still not sure whether I like Nolan or not. I was a tiny bit disappointed Jazz was given so little space, but I liked the way Tybalt's storyline was handled.

Also, am I the only one curious about who Dawn really was - Evening's supposed sister who was murdered many many years ago, the murder of whom Toby helped solve? She was once again mentioned in this story and knowing who Evening is, I think she might also play a bigger role in the overall story.

Speaking of overall story - when will we FINALLY meet Oberon and his ladies? (Not that I didn't appreciate the bit of Oberon trivia we got in this book. But I really want to meet the big guy himself.) And when will we find out what the deal with the Luidaeg and the selkies is?! I have SO MANY QUESTIONS.

P.S.: I will be honest, it's low key giving me anxiety how many enemies October made along the way and how many of them are stranded in forgotten places, plotting their revenge. I have no doubt all those loose ends will come to bite her in the ass, whether it's Amandine, Rhiordan or Evening. Oh well, that's her problem, I guess.
Profile Image for Lisa Wolf.
1,732 reviews296 followers
August 31, 2019
Seanan McGuire never fails to amaze me... and to wreak utter havoc with my emotions. Night and Silence is a strong addition to the October Daye series, with new twists and turns and some totally startling revelations and developments. How many series can get to book #12 with no signs of slowing or slumping? The October Daye series has always been excellent, and this new book lives up to all the rest.

Since this is a pre-release review, I'm going to be vague about just about everything. I know I'd hate to discover spoilers before the book even comes out, so I'll be discreet, I promise! If you're reading this review, chances are more than good that you're a Toby fan, and that you're panting (and maybe drooling a bit) to find out what happens next, after that doozy of an ending from book #11, The Brightest Fell.

As the official synopsis makes clear, things are NOT okay at the beginning of this book. Toby and Tybalt are more or less estranged, since Tybalt is suffering serious trauma after his ordeal at the hands of Amandine in book #11. And this just breaks my heart. I love the two of them together, and I love Tybalt as an individual. It hurts to see him suffering, and it hurts to see Toby suffering from his distance and her inability to reach him and help him.

When Gillian is kidnapped and Toby springs into action, it brings her back into contact with both the humans from her past and some nefarious folks from the fae part of her life too. Still, it's great to see Toby on a mission, and to see her allies rallying round to back her up and give her their support.

There are some MAJOR reveals, including the answer to a question that's bugged me almost from the start of the series. But see, I'm being discreet, so I won't even say what the question is, much less the answer.

The hunt for the kidnappers and the outcome are not what anyone would expect. Let's leave it at that. The ending of this book is a game-changer, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

It's startling to me to realize that as of the beginning of this year, I had not yet entered the amazing world of October Daye. What a difference a few months make! I love this series to bits and pieces, and can't recommend it highly enough! Seanan McGuire must be part Fae herself, because she spins the best magical stories. I love everything she writes, and Night and Silence is a treat. Read it! And if you haven't read any October Daye books yet, start with Rosemary and Rue. I dare you to stop after one book!


As an afterward to Night and Silence is the long short-story Suffer A Sea-Change. I'm not going to tell you who's in it (okay, obviously the Luidaeg, but I'm not saying who else) or what it's about, because anything I might say would be majorly spoilery. Suffice it to say that Suffer A Sea-Change picks up from the end point of Night and Silence, and is a fantastic side note to the main novel -- absolutely not to be missed.

Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley. Full review appears at Bookshelf Fantasies.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books715 followers
December 6, 2018
I never felt completely ok with the resolution of Toby’s relationship with her daughter. A few books back, Gillian made the Changeling’s Choice and she opted to become fully human. Toby honored those wishes and stepped out of her child’s life. But now, Gillie has been kidnapped again, and human or not, she will never be someone who Toby could turn her back on. So our heroine must put past hurts aside to help her ex-fiance and his current wife find the girl they’d raised as their own.

Right away, we know this kidnapping has a connection to the Fae. There are hex bags in Gillie’s room and someone is leaving clues that count on Toby’s special skills to track her through false trails and traps. The story follows her efforts to figure out who snatched her daughter and bring the girl home, all while mending the relationship with Tybalt so badly damaged by his kidnapping in the last book.

It was a pretty good story, though the “rescue Gillian” plot felt a little familiar. So did Toby’s succession of near-death experiences. The poor woman is constantly savaged from the beginning of the book to the end and I’ve grown kind of accustomed to her nearly bleeding out in every installment. All that being said, I still enjoyed the ride, because the writing is great, the world building is immersive, and these characters are ones I have grown to care about over the course of the series. I wanted Toby to get another chance with her daughter; I never tire of the Luidaig; and Tybalt is an awesome hero, one who never fails to put Toby first (something that she’s never had from anyone in her life.)

The book does manage to squeeze out a few surprises, like the hidden secrets revealed about Gillian’s stepmother… or the resolution to the Gilly storyline. But I’m not sure where we’re heading for any kind of climax in a series arc. This felt like a very insular chapter, rather than part of a bigger picture, even if some old snakes do come back to bite the good guys. I know there is another book ahead; I’m curious if it will be the last.

Overall, I think fans of the series will enjoy this, and the end will have some repercussions. It just doesn’t feel as big as some of the books that came before.

(PS – There is also a bonus novella included: “Suffer a Sea Change.” It gives us a peek behind the curtain from Gillian’s POV. I have to admit, I’m not a fan of hers. The way she has behaved toward Toby has been… less than stellar. But the novella made me hate her a little less.)

Rating: B/B+

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.4k reviews518 followers
June 1, 2023
At the start of this one Toby is very unsettled. The events of the last book caused distance with
Tybalt, who has, among other things, has become her touchstone. That along with the oddness at home due to things being weird with Jazz seems to be wearying on heavily on Toby. Things go from bad to worse when she is woken up by pounding on her door, her ex accusing Toby of taking their daughter. Understandably Toby is heartbroken to know the daughter she loves with all her heart, but had to walk away from for Gillian's sake is missing. Toby being Toby jumps in to find her girl!

During the search Toby learns a lot, some good, some not so good, some will have to be pondered for a while. Along the way Toby talks to her allies, gets help and at the end of the day things are sort of better. They have changed, a lot and it remains to be seen how everyone will react, but Toby is in a much better mindset at the end of the book, than the beginning, maybe even almost happy again.
Profile Image for Marzie.
1,180 reviews98 followers
September 23, 2021
4.5 Stars, rounded up because seriously DAW, we need more books in this series, okay?

"A little more than kin, and less than kind." ~ from Hamlet, Wm. Shakespeare

In late 2009 my friend Diana (The Literate Kitty) pressed me to read Rosemary and Rue, the debut novel by an author by the name of Seanan McGuire. It had everything she knew I loved- Shakespeare, Celtic fae, cats, and a contemplative tone. Oh, and lots of coffee. Twelve books later and if anyone asks what some of my favorite urban fantasy series are, they're going to hear all about my love of Toby Daye and Kate Daniels (by Ilona Andrews) and how these two series, though very different in tone and their heroines' nature, have given readers some of the finest urban fantasy out there. (It's been a stellar week in urban fantasy with both series releasing books within a week of one another!) If pressed to choose a favorite between the two, I honestly don't think I could. But let me tell you about Toby.

McGuire's October Daye books are a series that looks at marginalized races (changelings, mixed bloods, shapeshifter fae, humans), mental health issues, and families and their secrets. The series is largely set in the San Francisco Bay area, in a fae kingdom call the Mists. Toby Daye holds onto her last traces of humanity proudly and is undoubtedly one of the most productive and useful changelings in the Mists. She's not alone, though. We've also met a slew of changelings with remarkable talents, including the powerful portal-punching Chelsea, sisters with rare gifts of sight, Karen and Cassandra, and (in theory) brave Marcia, who manages to make herself indispensable wherever she serves. (So many people suspect Marcia is more than she seems.) All in all, while most pureblooded fae have looked down on the changelings, it seems that the present crop can possess rare skills. Overlooking them and trying to marginalize them has proven foolish, especially for one False Queen, and her collaborator in a neighboring kingdom, King Rhys. Also, we've recently seen in one of McGuire's best-deal-on-the-internet Patreon stories, some pretty important changelings have been changed, via hope chests, into pureblooded fae. Who knows how many people in this 'verse were initially part human in origin? Certainly not Toby Daye. After all, when we first met her, Toby knew very little about her own family and those that surround her. She was too traumatized by her upbringing and some searing life events.

Part of the reason that Toby was in the dark about goings-on in her own family was due to having lost fourteen years of her life after being turned into a fish by the man that turned out to be her stepfather, Simon Torquill. (Some significant relationship information withheld from her by her liege, Sylvester.) Toby went through a serious depression after recovering her original form and finding her daughter Gillian and Gilly's father Cliff had moved on with their lives and wanted nothing to do with her. Cliff married a woman named Miranda, who has embraced Gillian, a toddler when Toby disappeared, as her own daughter. Toby's depression and risk-taking behavior made those around her careful with what they have told her. But the truth will out, eventually. Over the course of eleven books we've come to see Toby's mother as cruel and mentally unstable, learn that Toby had a missing older sister, August, that her stepfather Simon might have been trying to spare her a worse fate than being a fish, and that Toby's mother and two of her fearsome aunts are Firstborn among the fae- direct descendants of Oberon. While Toby's growing friendship with the Luidaeg, her aunt Antigone, has become surrogate mother-like in some respects, her relationship to her other aunt, Evening Winterrose, has become one of overt enmity. And in the most recent book, The Brightest Fell, Toby parted ways with her mother, Amandine, after Amy forced Toby to find her missing sister August, by doing some pretty despicable stuff to Toby's fiancé, Tybalt, and her Fetch sister May's girlfriend Jazz.

Toby has come a long way since we first met her. She's been something of a wrecking ball, taking down a False Queen and installing a real one, and doing the same in a neighboring kingdom. All while solving mysteries, murders, and championing changeling rights. The Dóchas Sidhe race that she, her mother, and sister August belong to was supposed to be one of hope (and more than just a hope chest kind of hope) but Toby is the only one that's currently supplying it in her family line. Though she represents hope, in multiple respects, Toby herself hasn't been able to catch much of a breather. We can assume that there are times where she and her chosen family (Tybalt, May, Quentin, Raj, and Jazz) can just chill. Of course, chilling doesn't make for a dramatic plot, so usually when we see Toby she's literally bleeding all over everything and running on fumes.

One of the plot devices that McGuire has used in this series, several times now, is the idea of "look again." Toby can go somewhere and brush by someone that a few books later turns out to be a crucial person she's been looking for. (Impressive plot planning by McGuire here.) The idea of looking deeper and realizing that you don't really know what you're looking at until you need to know, is an interesting one. (It's also one that an author has to be careful not to overuse.)

"We stood there, wounded, frozen, exhausted, and waited for home to start feeling like home again. We waited for safety to come back. We were going to be waiting for a very long time." ~ The Brightest Fell

In Night and Silence we see a Toby who is still reeling from what her mother did to force Toby to find her sister August. Her relationship with Tybalt feels like it is hanging by a thread and Toby is in despair about how to fix things. Toby's friend Danny ineptly tries to encourage Toby to rectify a relationship she fears is irretrievably damaged by talking to Tybalt, who doesn't want to talk to her at all because he has such terrible PTSD. (Ironically, Toby's never been the sort of person to feel very hopeful. Also ironically, when you look a lot like your cruel mother, your mistreated loved one may have issues with you.) May, Toby's Fetch sister, is also trying to hold things together for Jazz, who has recovered a bit better than has Tybalt, but remains deeply shaken. Raj, Tybalt's nephew and heir, treads lightly and often furtively, to avoid too many questions from Toby. Quentin, Toby's squire, ponders whether there is anything he can do other than just be there for all of them.

It is into this messy well of sadness that a new crisis falls- Toby's now-human daughter Gillian is, once again, kidnapped. This time it clearly isn't Sylvester's mentally unhinged daughter Rayseline, since Raysel was elf shot several books back and is still deep in her now full Daoine Sidhe one hundred years' slumber. And Toby is pretty sure that it isn't even a once-again ensorcelled Simon, lost somewhere in deeper Faerie after the events of The Brightest Fell, a failure of Toby's that has her on edge yet again with Sylvester, her uncle, and liege. (Sylvester has asked Toby to keep her distance because his wife Luna is so upset over Simon's being on the loose again.) So who is it and what do they want? Because the only reason to take Gilly is to get to Sir October Daye, Knight of Lost Words, Hero of the Realm. In the process of solving the kidnapping and rescuing Gillian, a question long held by readers of the series will be answered and lives will be forever changed.

It's obvious that the events of this novel have been long-planned by McGuire, over the arc of twelve novels. The payoff is huge. In some ways even bigger than in The Winter Long. I was caught off-guard by the events of the book, which were so very different from what I had expected. On the one hand, the revelations, the outcomes, were rather stunning. On the other hand, part of me was uneasy with Gillian being kidnapped again (she was first kidnapped back in One Salt Sea), and the fact that yet again, we have the revelation that someone wasn't who they seemed to be. Plus, another round of demands we've heard before. (How many times can you viably do this, dear author?) Yet there are major developments built upon this platform. Even the revelations come with their own revelations in this book.

Night and Silence left me with so many new questions. One of the most stunning outcomes was disquieting to me because of the looming settlement of Toby's debt with the Luidaeg, who called in the debt of the Selkies a year ago. What's going to happen? (Readers will see what I mean when they read the novella Suffer a Sea Change included at the end of the book and think about the Selkies and the Roane.) While things with Tybalt are better resolved by the novel's end, the means by which this is achieved still seemed precarious to me. Is that truly safe, given the way the Cait Sidhe work? One thing I was glad of is that Toby finally realizes the changelings of the Mists need more attention. And hey, the seneschal of Goldengreen could use a changeling hero's help with her present project. Finally, the other thing, that big reveal... Seriously, what is wrong with some of these fae and human people? The level of their racist hypocrisy is simply stunning. What does it all mean? Decide for yourself, Reader. This is one installment that will leave you thinking until The Unkindest Tide rolls in.

"The world had changed. The world wasn't changing back." ~ Night and Silence

I received an ARC from DAW via NetGalley and a paper ARC from the author.

Profile Image for Blodeuedd Finland.
3,520 reviews306 followers
September 28, 2019
I love these, but I also want them to end, I fear the day they will drag. I did like this one but at the same time it did feel like a filler for the next book. I fear fillers...

Toby's daughter is missing, they are on the case.
Tybalt is still suffering after the ordeals in the last books.

You know what, book 12. They save the day. There are consequences. There is a big secret coming out.

I liked it, I always do.
Profile Image for Katie.
2,825 reviews151 followers
September 24, 2018
What do you know, the series remains very good. I really appreciated how the events of the previous book were handled.

Profile Image for Susana.
1,009 reviews262 followers
December 19, 2021
The October Daye re-read continues...
This volume includes the novella "Suffer A Sea Change"- Luideag and Gillian

It's hard to say for sure if this was actually one of my favorite 2019 books, but I've read so few titles this year, that it would be hard for me not to include this as one of favorites... it's been an atypical year book wise...

But *sigh* I love Toby and the rest of the gang. I enjoy the world this series takes place in and all the world building. What I do not enjoy, is the author's constant repetition of facts well known to the series' readers...
I get why she does it, but no one should start reading an urban fantasy series on the twelfth installment and hope to know what the hell is going on! Stop being lazy and pick up the first book, and suffer through the second one like all of us dedicated fans had to do!

So... that constant info dump was boring. But manageable I guess. I did manage to finish it.
Some plots were the same old things: Toby's (usual) almost bleeding to death scenes... Tybalt's missing for a great chunk of the book, the Luideag saving the day and Gillian again, for crying out loud.
I did however enjoy the new "family" developments. They were straight out of a soap opera script, lol, but why not?
But hey, I definitely did not see that one coming, so cookie points for that I guess...
The author also seems to be paving the way for the new generation to take front and center, so let's see how it goes. I've never been a Gillian fan *understatement*, but this new development is interesting enough to keep reading. And since it involves the Luideag, I'm definitely in.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
502 reviews252 followers
March 1, 2019
2.5 stars. Tell me if this sounds familiar in the scheme of October Daye books: someone close to Toby gets magically kidnapped. Toby runs around frantically trying to sort things out, encounters various blasts from her past, battles novel magical entities, and nearly bleeds out at least once in the process.

I mean...it's fine; I like Seanan McGuire's zippy one liners and pantheon of fantastic beings. I really enjoy the setting in NorCal in cities I've actually spent time in, and I can't complain about the ease with which the pages turn themselves. This one has a cool sustained allusion to my favorite ballad (and the faerie perspective on the events of said ballad is, shall we say, not favorable). At the same time, book 12 in this sprawling saga feels distinctly unnecessary and redundant. It's not enough to get kidnapped once in the series: Gillian, poor girl, is on kidnapping #2. Nor are there new villains or new allies. People - even the safely dealt with - just keep popping up to reprise previous roles. Elfshot? Yawn. Sea witch antics? Been there. A little happens to advance the story arc of the series, but not enough to justify 292 pages, many of which are weighed down with backstory.

This series is starting to feel as familiar and comfortable as my fuzzy bathrobe. I have never been more than mildly invested in Toby and friends - this is a series I read opportunistically as books show up at my library - but I'm wondering if I'm almost done with this ride.
Profile Image for Bonnie.
1,414 reviews1,093 followers
September 21, 2018
4.5 of 5 stars

Short Summary: Toby is once again faced with the kidnapping of her mortal daughter, Gillian, terrified that she’s once again responsible for her daughter being in danger. During her investigation, she manages to uncover a few jaw-dropping mysteries that will no doubt play a role in Toby’s future.

Thoughts: I swear, just when I feel like I couldn’t love this series more, McGuire manages to sneak in a new facet to the story that opens up whole new avenues and makes the anticipation for the next installment even worse. I have no idea how far she plans to take this series but even with twelve installments under her belt, this series doesn’t seem to be heading towards an end anytime soon, and I’m certainly not complaining.

Verdict: I read the first two installments in 2017 and the remaining nine this year so I could finally be caught up in time for the new release of Night and Silence. I now have to wait for the next release of this ridiculously good series like a PEASANT. BAH.

I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,409 reviews481 followers
August 28, 2018
*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 3.5-4


Seanan McGuire's Night and Silence is the Twelfth installment in the authors October Daye series. As the story opens, things are not going well for October "Toby" Daye and her adopted family. Owing to her mother's latest actions, Toby's family is cracking: her sister's girlfriend Jazz doesn't sleep, and her beloved Tybalt has withdrawn from her and refuses to reach out for help. In order to keep herself from breaking down, Toby, Danny, and Quentin are tasked at hunting down creatures who are not supposed to exist, or be in this world.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*


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