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Anna never knew werewolves existed, until the night she survived a violent attack... and became one herself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, she'd learned to keep her head down and never, ever trust dominant males. Then Charles Cornick, the enforcer—and son—of the leader of the North American werewolves, came into her life.

Charles insists that not only is Anna his mate, but she is also a rare and valued Omega wolf. And it is Anna's inner strength and calming presence that will prove invaluable as she and Charles go on the hunt in search of a rogue werewolf—a creature bound in magic so dark that it could threaten all of the pack.

It is recommended you read the prequel "Alpha & Omega" before reading Cry Wolf.

294 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 29, 2008

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About the author

Patricia Briggs

130 books29.1k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Patricia Briggs was born in Butte, Montana, to a children’s librarian who passed on to her kids a love of reading and books. Patricia grew up reading fairy tales and books about horses, and later developed an interest in folklore and history. When she decided to write a book of her own, a fantasy book seemed a natural choice. Patricia graduated from Montana State University with degrees in history and German and she worked for a while as a substitute teacher. Currently, she lives in Montana with her husband, children, and six horses and writes full time, much to the delight of her fans.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews328 followers
March 8, 2022
Cry Wolf (Alpha & Omega, #1), Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs (born 1965) is an American writer of fantasy since 1993, and author of the Alpha and Omega series. Set in the same world as the Mercy Thompson series but starts in at an earlier time. Starting with "Cry Wolf", which is set right after the events of "Moon Called", the series run parallel.

Cry Wolf (2008): Anna never knew werewolves existed until the night she survived a violent attack…and became one herself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, she’d learned to keep her head down and never, ever trust dominant males. But Anna is that rarest kind of werewolf: an Omega. And one of the most powerful werewolves in the country is about to recognize her value as a pack member—and as his mate.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز دهم ماه دسامبر سال2016میلادی

عنوان: زوزه گرگ - کتاب یک از محموعه آلفا و امگا؛ نویسنده پاتریشیا بریگز؛ مترجم بهنام حاجی زاده؛ ویراستار نیما کهندانی؛ تهران، آذرباد، سال1393؛ در375ص؛ شابک دوره9786006225579؛ شابک جلد یک9786006225586؛ موضوع: داستانهای خیال انگیز از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م

آنا از وجود گرگ‌ نماها (گرگینه ها) بی‌خبر بود، تا اینکه شبی خود مورد حمله ی آنها قرار گرفت، و از آن یورش وحشیانه، جان سالم به در برد...؛ و البته که پس از یورش به یکی از همان‌ها بدل، و گرگینه شد؛ با گذشت سه سال از آن رویداد، و اینکه «آنا» در پایین‌ ترین رتبه از گله قرار داشت، «آنا» یاد گرفت، تا هماره سر خویش را، پایین نگاه دارد، و هرگزی و هیچوقت، به نرهای چیره، اعتماد نکند؛ تا این‌که «چارلز کورنیک»؛ مأمور ـ و پسر ـ سردسته ی گرگ‌نماهای «آمریکای شمالی» وارد زندگی‌اش شد؛ «چارلز» نه تنها «آنا» را، به عنوان جفت خویش برگزید، بلکه باور داشت که او یکی از گرگ‌های «امگا»ی کمیاب، و ارزشمند است؛ و این توانایی درونی و حضور آرامش‌بخش «آنا» است، که در هنگام شکار، گرگی سرکش و گرانبها می‌شود؛ موجودی گره‌ خورده با جادویی چنان پلید و تیره، که همگی گله را تهدید می‌کند

نقل از سرآغاز متن: («مونتانا»ی شمال غربی: محدوده ی حفاظت شده ی طبیعی «کابینت»: اکتبر؛ هیچکس به خوبی «والتر رایس» نمیدانست که تنها مکان امن، جایی دور از سایر مردم بود؛ آن هم امن برای مردم؛ تنها مشکل این بود، که هنوز به آنها نیاز داشت؛ نیاز به شنیدن صدای انسانی و خنده هایشان؛ در میانه ی ناامیدی خود، گاه درمییافت، در حاشیه ی یکی از اردوگاهها پرسه میزند، تا فقط به صداها گوش، و تظاهر کند، با او صحبت میکنند؛ اما همه ی اینها، بخش کوچکی از دلیلش، برای دراز کشیدن به شکم، روی برگهای سوزنی کاج سیاه کهنسال، در سایه ی ردیفی از درختان، و تماشای مرد جوانی بود، که پس از بررسی نمونه ی بقایای «خرس»، و جادادن کیسه ی پلاستیکی تقریباً پر، در کوله پشتی اش، با مداد، در دفترچه ای فنری مینوشت؛ «والتر» ترسی نداشت، که پسر او را ببیند: «عمو سم»، اطمینان پیدا کرده بود، که «والتر» بتواند پنهان شود، و ردگیری کند؛ همچنین سالها تنها زندگی کردن، در برخی از خطرناکترین محیطهای وحشی طبیعی، در ایالتهای «آمریکا»، از او، نسخه ای برابر اصل، از سرخپوستان نامریی ساخته بود، که در میان کتابها، و فیلمهای محبوب کودکیش، جا خوش کرده بودند؛ اگر نمیخواست دیده شود، نمیشد؛ گذشته از آن، توانایی بقای پسر در جنگل، به اندازه ی یک زن خانه دار شهری بود؛ نباید او را به تنهایی، درون جنگل خرسهای «گریزلی» میفرستادند؛ تحمیل دانشجوها به خرسها، فکر چندان خوبی نبود، ممکن بود باعث شود، فکرهایی کنند؛ نه آنکه امروز خرسها بیرون باشند؛ همانند «والتر»، آنها نیز میدانستند، چطور نشانه ها را تفسیر کنند: تقریباً در چهار یا پنج ساعت آینده، طوفان بزرگی در راه بود؛ میتوانست آن را بو بکشد، و کوله پشتی غریبه، آنقدر بزرگ نبود، که برای طوفان آماده باشد؛ برای طوفان زمستانی زود بود، اما این سرزمین همین بود؛ دیده بود که در «آگوست» برف ببارد)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 27/01/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 16/12/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,696 reviews6,440 followers
April 20, 2010
I'm not sure how to write this review without excessive gushing. Gushing hurts my credibility as a reader. Well, I think it's clear that I'm not above a little gushing if I love a book. But I do try to be objective. However, sometimes a good book deserves gushing, and lots of it. Such is the case with Cry Wolf. My tastes are somewhat simple when it comes to a book. I want to be involved and entertained. When I read a book that takes me to that next level of pure emotional enjoyment, catching me where I live and feel deeply as a human, I wish I could rate it higher than five stars.

Patricia Briggs is an author that I was not expecting to come into my life and rock my perception of what I consider good urban fantasy. Now, the standard is much higher. She has found a way to make the werewolf tale that much more enjoyable to this lover of the genre. She writes characters that convince me that there must be werewolves out there, and that they aren't all ravening beasts. That there is an entire spectrum. That they are lonely, in need of love, always fighting a battle of control against their animal natures, or that some have completely given into their animal side. That they form bonds of family and love that wrap around them, and when those bonds are taken away, it has the power to destroy them. Conversely, the bonds of love and pack, can heal a long-broken heart.

The characters in this story show that spectrum of wolves very well. By the end of the story, they felt like people I knew. Oh, and there were some characters that I crossed myself in hopes that I never encountered their likes. Mariposa, oh, how she gave me the shudders. Oh, and Bran.... Could I love him more now? Even though he has some really scary aspects to his personality? Although that just increased his appeal to me. What control this man has. How tortured he truly is. Ms. Briggs, do write a separate story for Bran, I humbly ask.

Charles and Anna: More continued goodies with their nuanced, layered relationship. It's a symbiotic relationship, almost. It would seem that Anna is the weak one, and Charles is the strong one. Not so. Anna's presence brings strength and calmness to Charles. She saves his life numerous times in this story, in fact. And Charles gives Anna that reason and that purpose she had not found before. She loves him so much it scares her. He heals the broken places deep inside of her with his love and devotion. And, he brings her to a home where she had been lost before. I love that not only does this couple come together, but Anna comes to form deep, important relationships with other wolves in this story, who are in need of the peace that she can give them as an Omega wolf.

There were scenes that clutched at my emotions and wouldn't let go. When Anna sings to Asil and Bran, and they fall with their heads in her lap. These troubled wolves finding the peace that an evil adversary had denied them. It was just wonderful to watch.

There are dark and scary moments in this story, as Charles, Anna, and Walter, a wolf they encounter, face a very malevolent entity from the old wolf, Asil's past. Oh, there was plenty of horror in this story. Of the more subtle, not in your face, but very unnerving variety. And the power of this person, powerful enough to take over a character who is known for his absolute strength and control. Shuddering thinking about it.

Yes, I'm gushing. I waited a few days to write this review, trying to get my thoughts in order. For me, this is urban fantasy at its best. Cry Wolf truly is an exemplary werewolf story to me (and that's saying a lot from me). It's the kind of book that you don't want to put down for anything. Ms. Briggs with her misleadingly simple way of telling a story, will have likely a profound effect on you, if you appreciate really good storytelling. Watch out if you haven't read her yet. In the end, I can't speak for other readers. I won't even try. I can only speak for myself. This was a fantastic story. I hope that others who read this enjoy it as much as I did.
June 13, 2022
Friendly warning: if you love this series in general, and this instalment in particular, you might want to consider stepping back a bit. This is going to hurt. But hey, I'm kind-hearted and compassionate and understanding and stuff, so I promise to try and make this as painless as possible. What? Don't believe me? Oh, good.

Just so you know: if it hadn't been for the Freaking MacHalo TBR Cleaning Challenge of Doom and Destruction (FMTCCoDaD™), I would have DNFed the shrimp out of this one before making it to the 10% mark. I might be a complete masochist when it comes to my reading choices, but I don't love pain SO much that I would inflict this book thing upon my little self willingly. But I needed to finish it so that it would count towards the FMTCCoDaD™, so here I am. In a great mood, I might add.

Soooooo, introducing PoC™ #21,258! I could brilliantly and ever-so cleverly go on and on and on about how absolutely delightful this book is, but I am desperately pressed for time (tourists to kill and all that), so I'll just give you the Absolutely Delightful Alpha Beta Gamma I Know My Greek Alphabet Shortlist (ADABGIKMGAS™) in its stead (sounds much cooler than "instead," if you ask me). You are, as usual, very welcome.

💀 The lovely heroine in this lovely story makes all pity partying, whiny woeing is me heroines look like ridiculous amateurs. Someone should give this pathetic crybaby a lifetime achievement award or something. Well, either that or shoot her in the head to put an end to her misery. Uncharacteristically enough, I think I'd like that option better. Weird.

💀 The male lead is the most boring male lead in the history of male leads. QED ← don't you you love it when I back up my arguments with solid facts? Pretty awesome, isn't it? What can I say? It's a gift!

💀 If the above mentioned nitwits stopped wondering about what the other might be thinking about for a single freaking second, maybe the story would get somewhere. But they don't, so it doesn't.

💀 There is more Deadly Mating Crap (DMC™) (aka not-so-camouflaged lovey dovey crap) in this book than in all the Crappy PNR Books Things (CPBT™) I've ever read in the entirety of my entire life. And let me tell you, my Little Barnacles, it hurts like a bitch. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure this is PNR in disguise, what with the fascinating alternating POVs and Suicide Inducing MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE BS (SIMMMMMBS™). I swear, this one is so bad my murderous crustaceans have been coming up with new, inventive ways to slaughter their formerly ruthless little selves. This is sad. Really sad.

💀 The DMC™ is delightfully layered with tons of Manufactured Drama Crap (MDC™), courtesy of Ms Whine-O-Matic. What joy.

💀 This book features the silliest, most eye-roll worthy, most ridiculous wannabe villain in the history of silliest, most eye-roll worthy, most ridiculous wannabe villains. My eyeballs got a really good workout out of this one. No more cardio for me for a whole month! More free time to read more crap! Yay!

💀 The pathetic excuse for a plot is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a plot ← yes, this is yet another solidly backed up argument.

The end. And stuff.

➽ And the moral of this Some of My Friends Loved This They Are Clearly Out of Their Silly Minds Review (SoMFLTTACOoTSMR™) is: Patricia Briggs. I am sure you are a lovely person. I mean, you are a self-confessed Kate Daniels fan, so you can't be that bad. BUT Moon Called + this = this is the last time I fall into your deadly trap, lady.

· Book 0.5: Alpha & Omega ★★★★
· Book 2: Hunting Ground ★★
Profile Image for Christy.
4,214 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
4 Omega stars

 photo 144127b9-6738-4d12-a230-46eab1666b3e_zpsb725f02d.jpg

I am a huge Patricia Briggs fan. Before I started reading a lot of romance and indie reads, Urban Fantasy/PNR was my genre of choice. I started reading her Mercy Thompson series in 2006 when I was still in college and I was hooked. I’m not sure what took me so long to read this spin off series, but I’ve really enjoyed the first book!

If you’ve read the Mercy books, you’ve met Charles. He’s the only ‘born’ werewolf, brother of Samuel, and son of the Marrok. Charles is also known as the ‘enforcer’. He’s a bad ass. He keeps wolves in line. He’s also called his da’s ‘Pet Assassin’. Apparently there is a prequel novella I missed (luckily my husband read it and filled me in) where Charles goes on a mission and ends up saving Anna. More than that, their wolves decide to mate. This is not a normal way of doing things. Usually, its the people who mate first, then the wolves see if they’re comparable. Things are different for Charles and Anna. Everything is happening so fast and backwards and it’s confusing for her.
“It is your right to know that although we’re compatible, you can still refuse me.”

“Can you refuse me?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never heard of a biding happening backwards like ours. Brother Wolf chose you, chose your wolf and left me to follow him. But it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to refuse you.”

Anna is a rare breed of wolf. She is an Omega. This is not the same as submissive. She can calm other wolves, it keeps a pack in line. It’s so useful to have. When Charles goes to his next mission to track down a rouge wolf causing trouble, Bran (aka the Marrok) decides it would be best for Anna to come along. Maybe she can defuse the situation before the enforcer has to come out.

While on the hunt, they find a newly turned wolf named Walter. I adored Walter. He doesn’t know much about what’s going on, but he wants to help.
“Welcome to our world. Witches, werewolves, and things that go bump in the night.”

This is were things start to really get interesting. A rouge wolf out in the woods killing is what they signed up for. What’s really going on is so much more!

Charles and Anna must work together to fix this with as few casualties as possible. And while they’re doing this, they’re also working on them. Figuring out their relationship as they go.
“She understood his passion because she felt the same way: as if nothing was more important than the touch of her skin to his, as if she'd die if he left her.”

I love love love Charles. I was such an Adam fan in the other series, not caring much for Samuel, that I didn’t pay much attention to Charles. I love his protectiveness, dominance and I love when his wolf takes over. Anna was great too. She has been through so much and is finally healing.

I think it’s worth mentioning that you get multiple pov’s in this story. Not just Charles and Anna, but also Bran, Walter, and another wolf who plays a large part, Asil (aka the Moor). I think that the writing was great and the narration in the audiobook was fantastic. The only reason I’m not giving 5 stars is I just didn’t feel this was focused enough on Charles and Anna, their actual relationship etc. Also, there was one or two rushed sex scenes and I wanted more than that. I’m hoping as the series continues, there is more steam and we get more of a focus on the main couple! Still, this was good read for me and I’m looking forward to reading more of the series.
Profile Image for Maria V. Snyder.
Author 72 books17.2k followers
April 19, 2017
When I first started this book - it read like a second book in a series, but I checked online and it said "Book 1" but as I kept reading I knew I was missing something so I looked a bit deeper - there is a short story titled "Alpha and Omegas" that is really the first story of this series. It's in the book "On the Prowl" by a number of authors. After I read the short story, I returned to the book.

On the Prowl (Alpha & Omega, #0.5) by Patricia Briggs

I liked seeing more of the world Patricia Briggs created with her Mercy Thompson series - she focuses on Charles - the youngest son of the Marrok, who is alpha of all the werewolves in the US. I would have liked to seen a longer more satisfying wrap up at the end
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,641 reviews1,147 followers
November 21, 2022
“Identity was partly heritage, partly upbringing, but mostly the choices you make in life."

There’s a few things that making reading life a little glum, and one of those things is being excited to read a well-loved book by the genre community only to find out that, for irritating reasons, you have absolutely no idea where the other readers are coming from with their devotion.

That’s what happened to me with Cry Wolf, the first book in the Alpha & Omega series. I’ve been reading the Mercy Thompson books for years now, and every so often when I review one of the sequels with a less than stellar rating, someone will pop up and say – “oh, you have to read the OTHER series, it’s better!” Or, “you have to read about Anna and Charles, their stories are just as good.” I’ve seen the same recommendations in groups as well. So…I have finally hopped on board, only to fall off again!

From the start, this book lost a brownie point and a half when I found the first page was diving into an already-existing relationship. Ugh bug. I know from internet snooping that there is a prequel to this, a short story, where the two first meet.

But on principle I’m stomping my foot and saying I don’t want to have to read a short story to fully enjoy and connect with a first book in a series. That’s not how my reading life typically works. So, I still kept digging into the book and ignoring the fact that the mated pair have already met, they’ve already established this serious life-changing bond off-page, and we’re starting a book where she’s moving out of her apartment and into his house.

I kept thinking there may be recaps later that would make me see how they first met and understand the connection, something that would explain the bond and make me actually care about their situation, but no. It continues as is and I had issues accepting that. It didn’t help that I felt no spark from Charles – people seem to love him but I don’t get the charm. To me he lacked naughty humor, he was serious as a nail, and I couldn’t find much personality in there. Anna was average as a heroine but didn’t stand out for me either – she seems sweet, but nothing that makes me sit up and take notice. Together I couldn’t’ observe their sizzle and chemistry.

What I DID like reading about was seeing more of Bran (the man just draws attention whatever series he graces), more background story on his bitchy mate Leah, and I seriously liked the intro of sweet Warren. Those side characters were much more interesting. The book was finally picking up until the author did a “sad, bad thing” to a person I connected with.

The storyline was dull for the first half – it became more interesting when they set out to find the rogue wolf and do investigations. There was tension and well-done scenes – the villain was a worthy, witchy one. I don’t find flaw with the conflict, crisis and resolution – but I did find the first half of the book unnecessarily lackluster. The last of heart and emotion from the two mains didn’t help that.

I doubt I’ll give the series another shot, even though some have encouraged at least trying the second book. I won’t order it fresh, shiny and new, but I’ll do an attempt if I run across a used copy. Meanwhile, I’ll have to continue having fun with Mercy’s characters and seeing Bran from a distance.

UPDATE WITH RE-READ Put to 4 stars on 11/20/22.
July 8, 2018
Sometimes I have the urge to conquer large parts of Europe. ...
Usually he only said it when my brother or I were being particularly horrible. (c)
I hope this means you'll quit asking me to kill you. It gives me indigestion. (c)
The wind in the trees...And there are some birds that stay year-round. Sometimes when the wind is still and the cold is upon us, the quiet is so deep you can feel it in your bones. (c)
Identity was partly heritage, partly upbringing, but mostly the choices you make in life. (c)
She opened her eyes and met his. The impact was so strong he was amazed that his fingers continued playing without pause. (c)
Fortunately, he'd found that most people were easy to locate at five thirty in the morning. (c)
Tis the gift to be gentle, ’tis the gift to be fair,
’Tis the gift to wake and breathe the morning air,
To walk every day in the path that we choose,
Is the gift that we pray we will never never lose. (c)
Profile Image for Paula K .
440 reviews412 followers
May 19, 2018
What a great new fun fantasy series!

I’m a big fan of Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series. Alpha & Omega is another of her werewolf fantasy series that I hadn’t read till now. What a pleasure to see many of the same characters in Cry Wolf. It’s great to get some background on Charles Cornick and his father, the leader of the North American werewolves community.

I read a lot of serious books, but really enjoy tapping into fantasy on occasion for some good fluff. Couldn’t put this book down. I will definitely be continuing the series.

Thanks to Jonetta for the referral!

5 out of 5 stars

Profile Image for Maditales.
611 reviews32.3k followers
October 29, 2022
Do not ask me why I read this when I do not really like Alpha stories. I bought this second hand because of the cover a long time ago and found it again and decided to read it because "Halloween vibes".

This book made me so mad and wanted to throw it against the wall. Gosh this is like the definition of men wanting to pee a circle around women to show how masculine they are and just growl because apparently that is the definition of a "strong powerful man".

We have three of those men in this book and guess what all three annoyed me. On top of that the female mc has a very dark backstory and her mate just kind of brushes it of instead of maybe Idk thinking a bit about why she would act this way??

I also just found the book very confusing because we have sooo many characters so much magic and so many exception and coincidences that made it weird for me.
For example the entire witch back story. I get the infatuation part but it was still weird and kind of reminded me of the movie Orphan but with magic and in a weird alpha male way?
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,873 reviews6,083 followers
May 28, 2019
Before reading Cry Wolf, PLEASE make sure to read the novella Alpha & Omega! It functions as #0.5 in this series and is absolutely crucial to the beginning of the series.

“Tis the gift to be gentle, ’tis the gift to be fair,
’Tis the gift to wake and breathe the morning air,
To walk every day in the path that we choose,
Is the gift that we pray we will never never lose.”

After reading a couple of novels, a few novellas, and a graphic novel by Patricia Briggs, Cry Wolf was what sealed the deal for me: this author has earned herself a new long-time fan, because I cannot get enough of the world she's created or these characters. She is so incredible at writing characters that I can't help but adore and treasure and want to protect, and storylines that keep me on the edge of my seat, unable to put the book down until it's done.

She wondered that hope was so much harder then despair.

As I mentioned before, it's crucial that you start with Alpha & Omega, which I enjoyed, but found myself struggling slightly with at times only because the whole werewolves finding their "mates" theme can throw me off at times. That said, any ounce of doubt in me was wiped out pretty quickly in Cry Wolf, because I genuinely can't imagine not rooting for Anna and Charles. They are so precious together, and even though there are some reservations (Charles worrying he'll scare Anna off or ask too much of her, Anna worrying that she's hindering Charles or unworthy of his love) and the occasional misunderstanding, watching them slowly come to trust and learn each other is so damn rewarding.

“I hope this means you'll quit asking me to kill you. It gives me indigestion.”

Of course, when they aren't being swoon-worthy as hell, or going off on an adventure to scare me half to death with rogue werewolves and ancient enemies, these books are so freaking funny. I don't even know where Patricia Briggs comes up with some of these one-liners, but they literally made me laugh out loud so many times. I love some of the side characters tremendously (especially Bran — I've adored him since the moment we met him and I need more of his character!), and they offer so many fun, interesting, and exciting moments.

“Sometimes I have the urge to conquer large parts of Europe.”

All in all, Cry Wolf was my favorite installment in the Mercyverse thus far. Speaking of, I also loved the little nods to Mercy's side of the story, and I really recommend reading these series intertwined in the author's order listed below, because it's so much fun to get little hints as to what's going on with Mercy, Adam, and Sam, while it's happening. I can't wait to pick up the next book in the series, and I have high hopes that it's all just going to keep getting better and better from here!


MercyVerse — Author's Order (MT, A&O, novellas, etc.):
novellas: in progress
GNHomecoming: ★★★☆☆
MT — #1 Moon Called: ★★★★☆
AO — #0.5 Alpha & Omega: ★★★★☆
AO — #1 Cry Wolf: ★★★★★
AO — #2 Hunting Ground:
MT — #2 Blood Bound:
MT — #3 Iron Kissed:
MT — #4 Bone Crossed:
MT — #5 Silver Borne:
MT — #6 River Marked:
AO — #3 Fair Game:
MT — #7 Frost Burned:
AO — #4 Dead Heat:
MT — #8 Night Broken:
MT — #9 Fire Touched:
MT — #10 Silence Fallen:
AO — #5 Burn Bright:
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23k followers
December 17, 2015
3.5 stars. I'm still grumpy about the fact that you need to go dig up a Briggs novella, Alpha and Omega, in a separately published book, On the Prowl, to read the (pretty much necessary) first part of this story. I would be even grumpier if my library hadn't happened to have a copy of On the Prowl.

I also got a little impatient with Anna, our main character and an "Omega werewolf," although you need to cut her some slack because of the events in the Alpha and Omega novella. But the overall storyline, with ancient, bitter events coming back to haunt our characters, was really very good.

Review to come.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,771 reviews1,584 followers
August 10, 2021
Sale Alert: Currently the limited time deal on Amazon 10Aug21 $0.99

This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

4.5 hearts

I’ve been in a bit of a book slump.  I’ve been so caught up in what is going on in the world that it is really hard to find anything else that can hold my interest for even just a little while.  This is the worst it has ever been for me.  My solution was to take an author I have really loved and read another series written by them.  I am all up to date on the Mercy Thompson series, thanks to the Read-along last year, but I’d not read the side series in the same world Alpha & Omega Cry Wolf is the first book of that series set directly after Moon Called the first book of the Mercy Thompson series.

I know some about Charles from the other series.  He is portrayed by Mercy as scary, well at least to her and Bran’s enemies.  The story starts with Anna having just been rescued from an abusive pack by Charles.  Their wolves recognize a connection right away and connect as mates immediately, a little backwards to the regular way things are done.  Anna is coming back to Montana with Charles and Bran as they figure things out.

Anna is so easy to like.  She has been through hell with her pack, being forced into becoming a wolf and then abused.  She is a strong woman and an Omega (they are able to sooth the wolves in others) but that kind of abuse leaves some pretty big emotional scars for her to work through.  Good thing there is a possible rogue wolf in the mountains and Charles and Anna will go together in order to find the wolf and see if they can save him.

I really enjoyed Cry Wolf, I might even like the characters more than its side series.  Charles and Anna are a really good fit together, both are strong and vulnerable in their own ways.  Charles as Bran’s enforcer is feared by many.  He is worried that Anna seeing him kill others will fear him too.  I loved getting some back story on both Bran and Samuel that we didn’t see in the Mercy Thompson series.  The characters in this series really open up more discovery of the past and how greater wolf politics work along with some of the dangers in the world.

What a great side series, I was engaged the whole time and was able to relax out of the world’s happenings, which was really what I was going for.  This was a good way to start my reading slump recovery.

Holter Graham has a truly enchanting voice that fit Charles really well.  He performed the story so well and made it easy to connect with all the characters.  I listened to this at my usual 1.5x speed.

Listen to clip:
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,190 followers
July 25, 2015
Cry Wolf is the 1st book in Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega Series, which concentrates on Charles Conrick, who we met previously in the her Mercy Thompson Series.

This also is the start of Charles, the only true born werewolf and son of the Marok and Anna Latham, turned werewolf against her will… photo alpha-couples-6-anna-charles_zpsjwknaczl.jpg
Whilst on a mission for his father to track down a rogue wolf, he’s asked to find Anna and bring her back to their pack.
Anna Latham has suffered physical and mental abuse by the members and the leader of the pack that turned her. When Charles meets her, he not only realizes her special abilities – she’s an omega wolf, who is able to calm wolves – but that his and her wolves have mated…something extraordinary as it’s usually as humans that they mate and then as wolves.

Anna has struggled coming to terms being a wolf and her treatment by her pack has caused her pain and she finds it hard to trust Charles at first….afraid of his possessiveness, his dominant side….and at the same time, unable to understand her feelings and connection to him.
 photo huntingground_zps5zedvmwq.jpg The attraction between Charles and Anna unnerves them both. Anna feels torn between feeling safe with Charles and at the same time fearing him. He feels a loss of control by his feelings for her and the need to protect her….
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The best part of this book was the development of their love story…..Anna’s growing strength and beginning to trust and believe in that there was good in others and not everyone was like her pack members……and being able to find someone who cared and loved her as much as she did him…
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Charles, who has also distanced himself from others, slowly begins to get closer to someone in his life…..
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The plot is filled with suspense, action, mystery interwoven with characters, old and new that are totally fascinating and engaging…werewolves, fae, witches, vampires…….

I loved this book…..and ending off my review with one of my favorite words in the story….
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Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,005 reviews2,441 followers
July 10, 2019
Audio reread 2019

Enjoyed this much more after having read the prequel novel, the plot makes more sense. I had a hard time following it the first time around but it made more sense this time. Rating upgraded from 3 to 4 stars.

So, this was wonderful until about halfway through to Chapter 9 where it just went all over the place. I still liked it, but Briggs has produced much better work than this one. I ended up skimming a lot in the later chapters.

A+ to the romantic storyline, but a C grade for the mystery/suspense aspect.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,065 reviews891 followers
February 15, 2021
I guess I'm continuing with my parallel dates from 2018. Re-read for the 3rd time February 14th, 2021 and loved it all over again! Witches are flipping scary, and they seem to be playing a big role in both the Mercy Thompson series and Alpha and Omega with some overlap.

Re-read February 14th 2018. Even better the 2nd time around!

4.5 Stars
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books556 followers
November 11, 2023
I love that we get a series where we get to see the inner workings of the Cornick family. And Charles, mysterious Charles, we get to see you unlocked at last!

I loved CRY WOLF in the Alpha and Omega series. The biggest thing I liked about this was seeing Anna's relationship develop with Charles and also see glimpses of Bran's relationship with Leah. I felt so sorry for Leah, after reading this. I thought it was really clear that Bran, while he has one face in front of Mercy and Anna that is sweet and endearing, is just as much dislikeable and complex in many ways as Leah. And I say that as someone who appreciates the nuances and gray areas in both characters. And dislikes them at times. Leah may be hard to like. She is cruel to Mercy. But she shows you her true face. Bran is an out and out manipulator. He is Alpha of all North America for a reason. Hard to blame Leah for feeling put out over being used to subdue the monster. It's so wonderfully clever how Patricia Briggs sets up all her characters to be so flawed... and how she has put them into interesting scenarios of their own making.

Anyway, I loved seeing Charles so protective of Anna. I loved seeing the beginnings of that relationship form, how instantaneous it was, and I just love this series as a whole.
Profile Image for Felicia.
Author 47 books128k followers
June 13, 2009
I enjoyed this book but WARNING: Get the novella before you read this. Only reason I gave it 3 stars is because it's VERY CONFUSING and not satisfying to not have read the novella first. Believe me, I did it. Bad idea, shoulda added it to the book I think. Enjoyed it though, the character was very unlike Mercy but still I enjoyed!
Profile Image for Annie .
2,480 reviews945 followers
March 24, 2011
As much as I love Mercy Thompson and her world, I absolutely love the change to third person! I think it suits Briggs much more and the fact that she has more romance in this series makes it all the more better! I really enjoyed reading from Anna and Charles’ perspective. It gives us a look into a newly developed bond and there are just so many precious moments between the two! The romantic aspects of the story really lured me in. I couldn’t get enough of them when they’re together!

Anna is such a sweetheart. Reading about her abusive past makes me understand why she can be so skittish sometimes. But there’s also this quiet strength in her that I really like. Her vulnerabilities don’t weaken her. I see it as something that adds character to an already complex and strong female heroine. I can’t wait to see where she goes from here!

Charles is his father’s pet assassin and although he’s the quiet, lonesome guy, he opens up to Anna a lot. I love the way he looks out of Anna without smothering her. I can definitely see how compatible they are with one another.

But my favourite new character has to be Asil, the Moor. I LOVED THIS GUY! His story is so tragic and heartbreaking! It’s the one thing that really carries this book from a good novel to an amazing novel! My eyes were glued to the page whenever Asil had page time. From his very first appearance in the book, I was hooked! Love, love, LOVE him!

I also enjoyed reading from Walter and Bran’s POV. We see Bran in the MT series but in this series, we get a closer look inside the mind of the Marrok. I would love to read more about his relationship with Leah even though she is such a bitch to everyone. It’s still interesting enough to hold my interest, because Bran is one of my favourite characters!

Being a huge Mercy fan, I have to say that this Alpha & Omega series is really making a good impression so far! I can’t wait to read Hunting Ground next!
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
November 10, 2010
I don't know how popular completos is in America, only that nobody has heard of it here in Australia except those of us who are tight with the ever-growing Chile population.

Basically, Completos is madness in a bun.

[image error]
Sweet, sweet madness...

It's a hotdog with guacamole, tomato, mayonnaise, mustard and sauerkraut.

See what I mean? Madness! But a good, delicious kind of madness.

Well, Cry Wolf is kind of like Completos only not quite as awesome.

It's a good book, enjoyable, interesting, nicely written with good pacing.

It's just weird. It doesn't seem like it should work together. Does the Sauerkraut romance go with the guacamole mystery and the diced tomato action? Mostly, it does.

I can't say I loved it because I found Anna's personality shifts to be inconsistent and frustrating and since the romance wasn't exactly steaming I just took the book for what it was. A good book with elements of romance and paranormal.

Now this will be a short review because I'm REALLY hungry and I want me some completos!
Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews440 followers
July 14, 2014
5/5 stars


Anna is a very rare Omega wolf, this means that she has a calming effect on other wolves as long as she is calm. Omega wolves are to be cherished and protected above all others because they keep the pack sane. Apparently though her last pack didn't get the memo. Anna was changed against her will, was beaten and passed around the pack at the orders of her previous Alpha. Three years later came her salvation, a salvation named Charles.

Now after what was done to her it is logical that Anna was a bit skitish during the book. 3 years of abuse have left her flinching every time a dominant wolf so much as breathes in her diraction. This isn't to say that the girl doesn't have a backbone, something that becomes obvious every time someone corners hers and as she slowly comes to the realization that no one is going to hurt her at her new home.


Charles is a very, very dominant wolf even though his father is the Alpha of his pack. When he realizes how Anna has been treated every protective instinct in him goes wild. If you combine this to the fact that his wolf recognizes her as his mate you get an overly protective and overly possessive wolf.

I like Charles. He is a dominant but he doesn't try to assert his dominance over Anna. He is protective of those he loves(even when they can take care of themselves), he is loyal and he doesn't show any bitterness over the fact that he follows his father and has become his "pet assassin". I also enjoy the fact that for a change in a shifter book the male is happy to have found his mate. He wants Anna, no fighting, no resisting.

The wolves

We see a lot of new wolves in this book and we also have Walter's, Bran's and Asil's POVs besides Anna's and Charles'.

Bran I love Bran. The Marrok seems a bit Jaded in this book. not really all this strange since he is hundreds of years old and he has seen many loved ones die. I think Bran brings a little tragedy to the story.

Leah Leah is Bran's mate and although she is a bitch I think she has every reason to be. On that account I think Bran's at fault.

Samuel Another sad spot in the overall story. I want to know if and how he becomes happy.

Asil And here we come to the side story. Asil is a wolf who is over a thousand years old. Asil has some issues as well. I found his story heart-breaking and maybe even a bit more interesting than Anna's. I loved Asil.

Sage Sage is a wolf in the pack. We don't see much of her but I do hope she will end up with Asil.

Walter Walter was a newly turned wolf. He was turned against his will and lived in the mountain for months before Anna and Charles found him without knowing exactly what he had become. He was a good man who lived on the mountain alone to save others from his flashbacks to the Vietnam war.

We have some other wolves but they are not as important.

The story was nice. More sweet than full of action although it did have some of this as well. Although reading about the people you might think the book was overly dramatic I have to say it wasn't. It was nice to see how Anna and Charles develop during the story, how Anna starts to trust people again, how Bran and Asil go on with their lives after their tragedies.

I won't tell you more, read the book. It is worth it.


BR with Aly!!

Profile Image for Becca.
256 reviews
August 4, 2008
It was okay. Maybe 2 1/2 stars if I want to be nice. It wasn't Mercy Thompson, that's for sure. The suspense was never really there for me since I knew already, from the Mercy series, that Bran and Charles would be alive in the end.

Anna was rescued by Charles (a tall, handsome, half- American Indian). He saved her from a brutalizing Alpha wolf in Chicago, who had kept her captive for 3 years. Injured, but in love, he brings Anna to Montana to be his mate. After arriving in Montana, it is discovered that there is a crazy werewolf out causing trouble in the woods. Bran, the local Alpha, sends his injured son Charles to solve the case. Of course, he brings along his peace giving (Omega) sweetie, Anna. There was a stronger romance vibe to this book, than in the Mercy books. The plot seemed more contrived. 1. Make it clear that Anna and Charles are soul mates. Cue love scene. 2. Have the lovers trudge through the snow in pursuit of the rogue wolf who is killing people in the wildernees of Montana. 3. Make the Alpha (Charles) wolf vulnerable and soft by keeping him injured, from delayed healing of silver bullet injuries, for the entire book. 3. Have a nasty, black witch, who is seemingly unstoppable appear out of nowhere. And, wa ha ha, cackle, cackle, discover that she is behind the rogue wolf in her attempt to find Asil, another ancient wolf with a secret past. It was just like a dance: 1, 2, 3, kill the witch, marry and be happy. What did I like best? There was a preview of the next Mercy Thompson book, due in 2009, at the end of this one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews390 followers
November 21, 2014
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads.

Before you say anything, I KNOW. Any werewolf nut worth their salt should be up to date on all things Patricia Briggs. Well, this is me fixing it, ok? The delay actually worked out in my favour because I tackled the SHIFTING SHADOWS anthology prior to this audiobook, and it contained this series’ prequel which really helped to put this story into context, and as a result I avoided the whole lost feeling that many readers experienced. That point aside, I’m still kicking myself for having postponed CRY WOLF for so long because as much as I adore MERCY THOMPSON, she can’t hold a candle to Charles & Anna! I loved the characters, learning more about what it means to be omega, and the author’s switch to the third person POV writing style. It was howling good!

I’ve always been drawn to Bran, Charles & Asil, so no arm twisting was necessary in order to convince me to spend more time with these alpha males. I enjoyed digging deeper into Cornick’s Native American half, and getting a closer look at the aspects that make him so unique among his kind including his ability to spawn clothing, and his Brother Wolf. Up until this point I hadn’t interacted much with The Moor, but I really liked him in the ROSES IN WINTER short, and was ecstatic when I discovered that this novel’s main plot line revolved around him. The reasons behind Asil wanting Bran to kill him are now crystal clear, and I loved that Anna was able to bring him some much needed peace. And, hanging with the Marrok is always a pleasure, even when he goes Beowulf.

Mercy went through some tough times in Briggs’ other series, however she’s got nothing on Anna—the poor girl! Who would have thought that she’d find solace in the arms of a hitman among a pack of psychotic werewolves, but that’s true love for ya. Exploring what makes her character tick was a real delight, and I enjoyed learning about her omega traits. She’s also a rarity among weres, and when combined with Charles’ oddities, the two satisfied my fur craving to the nth degree. I liked how the author took her time in developing their relationship, and transformed Anna’s unfortunate past into a healing balm for the Marrok’s misfits. Her confrontation with Leah was extremely gratifying, and this book’s ending made a big puddle of goo out of my heart.

I had some concerns about the male narrator because I’ve had problems with their female voices in the past; however Holter Graham quickly proved his worth as Anna and Charles. The former was soft without being breathy, and I adored his Native / Welsh lilt, it was very well-done. The third person POV certainly helped on both accounts, and he definitely added an extra layer of enjoyment to my listening experience. I always use the first installment to gauge a narrator’s performance, and Graham’s suitability for this series is uncanny. When I reached the midway point, I was already downloading HUNTING GROUND to my iPhone because I just couldn’t get enough of Briggs’ characters or his voice.

CRY WOLF left its mark on this audiobook buff! *muah*
Profile Image for Richard Derus.
3,280 reviews2,120 followers
October 28, 2019
DNF @ p116

Real Rating: 2.5* of five

I just can't. I don't like reading about straight people having sex. So that's why I don't wanna go on...I know your sensitivity to this unpleasant reality is likely to be different, but this issue increasingly makes a book unreadable to me. I am not straight, I didn't like straight sex very much when I was having it, and I am just not willing to compromise my remaining reading time with overlooking stuff not aimed at my pleasure centers.
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
August 13, 2012
"I'm not threatening to kill myself. But you need to know this about me because—if you want to be my mate—I won't be like Leo. I won't let you sleep around with anyone else. I won't be forced either. I've had enough. If that makes me a dog in the manger, so be it. But if I am yours, then you damned well are going to be mine." - Quote from Alpha & Omega: A Companion Novella to Cry Wolf

This series is urban fantasy done right. I can't remember the last time I was so engrossed in a UF, nor the last time I fell in love with a series and its characters this fast. Five pages into Alpha & Omega: A Companion Novella to Cry Wolf and I already loved Anna. Another five and I was completely head over heals for Charles.

Loving Charles was expected, but I was surprised at how much I came to care for Anna. I don't usually like her type, but Briggs depicted her character so well, I couldn't help but adore her.

I love the relationship between Anna and Charles. They're absolutely perfect together. I'm extremely excited about finding out what adventures these two will have next and how they'll develop as individuals as well as a couple.

4.25/5 stars

For more reviews, visit my blog.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,365 reviews2,657 followers
December 22, 2015
*** 3.75. ***

A buddy read with the MacHalo Freaks!

A very pleasant read in the world of Mercy Thompson. While I was reading this book it actually reminded me of the native American storytelling meets around the fire I used to go to with friends in the Summers... It had the feel and even the melody of those stories, which was exactly what the author meant to express, I am guessing...

It starts with Anna from the horrible Chicago pack moving to the mountains of Montana to live with her potential mate, the very alpha male Charles. There are adjustments to be made, a new pack to get acclimated to, and to learn about each other most of all.

A rogue Wolf is hurting falks in the mountains and the pack's alpha, Charles dad, sends him and Anna to deal with it. While looking for the elusive lone wolf they stumble upon something malevolent and cunning which poses a serious threat to all wolfs in the aeria and possibly in North America.

Bad guys do some damage, good guys survive, mostly... It is an example of an earlier style of writing an UF novel, which is more linear and compact than the more aggressive style the genre has gone towards in the last 5 years, but it is a good read.

I recommend it to all UF fans and especially those who can do with less violence and slower character development. Have fun reading:-)!!!
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,371 reviews29 followers
April 27, 2020
My second helping of this wonderful book. I still love it. Indeed, it is my favorite urban fantasy series involving werewolves. I enjoyed Cry Wolf for the plot, the primary H/h relationship development (but it does begin with almost instant soul-mate recognition), the secondary characters, and the grim-dark spookiness.

Werewolves tackle the wicked wicked witch. Bloodlust and madness is about to descend on the icy mountains of Montana. An age-old berserker rage threatens to rip the world apart, starting with the unsuspecting town of Aspen Creek.

Told in 3rd person, I liked getting various perspectives as the POV transitioned from Anna to Charles to Bran to Asil, with the prologue in Walter's eyes. (Some readers might not like the head hopping, but I was fine with it.)

My take on CRY WOLF: The villain is wicked, credible, and textured, the plot cohesive, suspenseful, and contained (but the beginning is abrupt if you've not read the prequel, Alpha & Omega: A Companion Novella to Cry Wolf. In the prequel, set in Chicago, Anna meets Charles and moves to his home in Montana. It's good!).

Of all the books I have read by Briggs, this plot is quite possibly the best. It makes complete sense. The characters add up, too (except Anna psychologically recovers from the abuse in Chicago too quickly, but that is explained away as a function of her inner wolf, so okay). A few secondary characters are quite sympathetic, namely Walter (loved him !!) and Asil (intriguing and tragic).

The book might disappoint fans of nonstop fight scenes from page one. The action doesn't really get going till about 50%, but I was fine with that. I appreciated the normal pace of the first half of the book, getting to know the setting and the characters, and enjoying a mildly smexy scene or two. Once the battle begins, it's supercharged action till nearly the end.


Main characters, Anna Latham and Charles Cornick:

Black hair flowing to his waist, Charles Cornick, his powerful father's enforcer and -- well -- killer, is an alpha werewolf by nature, even though his sire (Bran Cornick, "The Marrrok") bears the true title Alpha, commanding all the werewolves in North America. (see what the term "Marrock" refers to, further down).

Distanced from others by his "enforcer" position, alone and aloof for much of his 200 years, feared by all except his beloved father and older brother Samuel, Charles finally finds his mate in Anna Latham, an omega werewolf. Yup! It's sweet. Charles, the stoic son of a mystical Salish native (Blue Jay Woman) simply cannot believe the fierce joy and deep peace Anna brings to his very soul -- and to his inner beast (Brother Wolf).

Like Charles, Anna has also been lonely, but only for three years, since she "changed" into a werewolf at age 20 and was isolated from friends and family. Before that she was happy enough, attending college for a music degree, working in a music store, running in marathons, etc. After the change, she suffered vicious abuse, both sexual and physical, from the pack in Chicago (see prequel, Alpha and Omega). As a result, Anna has learned to retreat into her inner wolf, to let her animal endure the pain and terror.

Now, with Charles fiercely watching her back, there's no need for fear, so Anna, an "omega" by nature, can finally become a gentle (but non-subservient) peace-bringer to her pack, perceptive and intuitive. She can develop the gift she was born to give, aided by her protective instincts, her music, and her sensitive compassion for tortured souls. Not a moment too soon, either. Together, they must defeat a very wicked, very old witch.

Secondary Characters:
Werewolves in Montana: Charles & Anna, Bran & Leah, Samuel, Sage, Asil "The Moor" (aka Hussan), Taggart (Tag), Walter Rice, the Vietnam war vet (loved him to pieces!) Others: Mariposa (Mary), Sarai, a few werewolves in Chicago (Boyd, George)

About Bran: This book contains some great scenes with Bran as the POV shifts to him several times. We learn the back-story regarding Bran (and Samuel's) days in Old England, when they were both controlled by a witch till they killed, escaped, and sought refuge in a Welsh forest. I read at Briggs' website that Bran was named after Sir Marrok, one of the knights in King Arthur's court. According to legend, Sir Marrok's wife forced him to remain in werewolf form for seven years, by hiding his clothes (no clothing, no shifting). So maybe Bran dates back to around the fifth century. At any rate, in this book, Asil reflects on how Bran's legend influenced poems like Beowulf (told around 850-ish).

Links to Mercy Thompson series: In Moon Called (MT#1) a teenager in Chicago is attacked by werewolves, changed, caged, drugged, and sold. His name is Alan MacKenzie Frasier (Mercy calls him Mac). In this story, Charles goes to Chicago to deal with the rogue werewolves who did it (Leo, Justin, etc.). Charles first meets his "omega" wolf Anna in Chicago. As far as cross-series characters go, Cry Wolf includes many scenes with Bran and a few with Samuel, but Adam and Mercy are only mentioned. Asil the Moor is a powerful werewolf who plays a good-sized role in this book and in MT #7, Frost Burned.

A&O series, with two shorts (books include werewolves, fae, vampires, witches, humans):

0.5 Alpha & Omega: A Companion Novella to Cry Wolf, a novella set in Chicago
1. Cry Wolf set in Aspen Creek, Montana
1.5 Strange Brew anthology introduces Tom and Moira in the short story "Seeing Eye" (Seattle)
2. Hunting Ground, set in Seattle (with Tom and Moira in secondary roles)
3. Fair Game, set in Boston
4. Dead Heat set in Arizona, at a horse ranch, and in Scottsdale (Phoenix area)
Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews527 followers
April 13, 2010
I was first introduced to Briggs' writing with the story Alpha & Omega in the anthology On the Prowl. The story is a prequel to this book in which we get to meet Anna, a reluctant member of the Chicago Pack werewolves. Three years ago, she was turned against her will and since then went through emotional, physical and sexual abuse by her Pack. This was done to 'break her' as Anna didn't automatically act submissive around more dominant wolves. Anna is special: she is an Omega, which means she's protective and brings peace to a pack with her natural ability to soothe the wolf-part of a Were.

When Charles Cornick, the enforcer and son of the Marrok (the leader of the North American Werewolves) comes to Chicago to investigate the issue, he has an immediate attraction to Anna. Better yet, his 'Brother Wolf' has too. As it happens Anna and Charles' wolf counterparts pretty soon see each other as "mated". The human counterparts however, especially Anna's -traumatized as she is- need a while to get to know each other.
And that's where Cry Wolf starts off.
Anna goes back to the Marrok's territory in Montana with Charles and tries to find her place in the new life she's got presented. In the mean time there's a rogue on the loose which needs to be brought in.

Unlike the Mercy Thompson novels, the emphasis in Cry Wolf was less on the action and more on the romance. Which was good for two reasons.
One: the love story was very well done. There's a lot of awkwardness, tension, misinterpretation of feelings going on between Anna and Charles. Charles, being his father's assassin for over 150 years, is not good with words, doesn't like to be touched and is feared by just about everyone... but with Anna he is so incredibly patient, gentle and sweet. And Anna: she just wants to like him back but she needs time and trust to overcome her inhibitions.
I loved how it was written out and it was very endearing in general.
Two: there really wasn't that much action to begin with. Only in the last half of the book is there more excitement in that department. And still, the ending is a bit of a let down. To me, Anna and Charles just as well could have stayed home and be awkward with each other for a while longer, I'd enjoyed that more.

In general: Briggs' writing style is simple but effective. She has a nice way of portraying her characters. I especially liked reading about Charles' perspective, I find him more interesting than Anna. The bad part is that Briggs' plot in this book seemed really simple too. Not much really happens and too much is based on coincidence. I think I wouldn't have minded a break from the romance if the action parts were better thought out.

Still, Cry Wolf was an enjoyable read. The 3 star rating seems a bit harsh, but 4 would have been just too much.
Profile Image for AH.
2,005 reviews384 followers
November 4, 2010
Before you read this book, it is highly recommended that you read the short story Alpha & Omega: A Companion Novella to Cry Wolf or On the Prowl. Otherwise, it will feel like three chapters are missing at the beginning of the book.

I think I am in love with Patricia Briggs’ world of werewolves. Ms. Briggs not only gives us original werewolf lore but she also puts the reader inside their minds. We get a glimpse of the constant battle for control over the animal instincts of the wolf. The author also weaves in some Native American magic into her wolf lore. The novel is set in Montana and the majestic wilderness of the Cabinet Mountains, a great playground for the werewolves.

I fell in love with Charles Cornick when I read On the Prowl. Charles is part Native American, part werewolf. He is magical, sexy, and deadly. Charles is Bran’s son, and the pack enforcer. Charles’ wolf or Brother Wolf as he refers to him, falls immediately for Anna and his protective instincts are dominant. Anna is a special type of wolf-- an Omega, a type of wolf that can calm other wolves. The Omega does not have to obey the Alpha wolf. Omegas are extremely rare and special.

Anna is damaged goods. Forced to become a werewolf against her wishes, she was subjected to horrifying abuse. Anna is a survivor and she proves to be brave, strong, and resourceful despite her hardships. Anna is also a very likable character. Charles and Anna are perfect for each other. It’s actually a very sweet love story. The inner wolves chose each other as mates before their human selves were aware.

The secondary characters make this story come to life. Asil is an old wolf, and he is very mysterious. I love how his past is slowly revealed.

I first “met” Bran when I read the first two Mercy books. Bran is a multi-dimensional character. He is the head of all the wolves and is very powerful, though at first glance, he does not seem to be so authoritarian. Bran chose to be in a loveless relationship because he did not want to lose another love again. I really wish Bran would get his own book.

I hope to get to the next book Hunting Groundsoon.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,992 reviews6,223 followers
September 1, 2016

**4.5 stars**

My first book by Patricia Briggs and I adored it. Really great urban fantasy combined with one of my favorite narrators (Holter Graham)= match made in heaven! Though I didn't read the prequel novella and I've never read the Mercy Thompson series, I had no problem following along with this book. Fab audiobook and a very promising start to a series.
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