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Red Lanterns

Red Lanterns, Volume 6: Forged in Blood

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Following the war with Atrocitus and his renegade Red Lanters, Guy Gardner finds himself in a Corps of one as he is one of the only remaining Red Lanterns. With no direction, Guy returns home to Earth to deliver his own brand of justice. But a new and almost unstoppable threat arrives as it's Sinestro, Green Lanterns and Guy Gardner vs the New Gods!

Collecting: Red Lanterns 35-40, Futures End

160 pages, Paperback

First published August 4, 2015

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About the author

Charles Soule

1,316 books1,554 followers
Charles Soule is a #1 New York Times-bestselling novelist, comics author, screenwriter, musician, and lapsed attorney. He has written some of the most prominent stories of the last decade for Marvel, DC and Lucasfilm in addition to his own work, such as his comics Curse Words, Letter 44 and Undiscovered Country, and his original novels Light of the Jedi, The Endless Vessel, The Oracle Year and Anyone. He lives in New York.

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Profile Image for Anne.
4,377 reviews70.2k followers
December 9, 2015

I'm not sure what happened in the previous volume, because my library like to skip around and order randomly...apparently.
*eyeballs librarian*
Anyway, as close as I can figure, a bunch of bad shit went down in volume 5, and it looks like OMG! What the what?!


I'm actually a little heartbroken...
BUT. It seems like Gardner sorta has his life back on track, because it open him taking a beach vacation with his lady love.


And then it all goes downhill.
He get into a fight with (what appears to be) some random bad guy, which lead into a crossover with the New Gods.

Guy partners up with Simon Baz, and they head into space to confront Highfather, only to end up captured.


I don't know, and it kind of ends abruptly...as these crossovers tend to do.
Then it's on to some weird story about Guy sucking up all of the rage from some Rage Monster? Again, I'm not sure what the backstory is here, but it was sort of cool, right up till the Rage Baby made an appearance.
And kicked his ass!
I'm not making this up, I swear!


That story ends with Guy's sister on an escape pod, orbiting the Earth, and giving life-advice to her brother. All while babysitting Rage Baby.


An while it's crazy that Guy's sister talks him into letting go of some of his anger, and giving back a little..


Well, it's still not as crazy as what happens in the Future's End issue.


Ok, the Future's End thing was actually kinda cool, even if it was a bit sappy.
This isn't my favorite story about the Reds, but without having read the previous volume, I don't want to rate it any lower. I know I'm missing a lot of pertinent information, so that may have had an effect on my enjoyment level. *shrugs*
This was a shockingly good title, and I'm sad to see it end. Great (overall) run though!
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,665 reviews13.2k followers
November 19, 2016
Charles Soule’s pretty decent Red Lanterns run goes out limply with this sixth and final volume. Red Lantern Guy Gardner teams up with Green Lantern Simon Baz to battle the New Gods of Apokolips - ooo, exciting! - and then halfway through the book that storyline is abandoned. Oh… I guess it was part of a crossover event or tie-in and got completed elsewhere? Fuck’s sake, DC…

Then Soule disappears and Landry Q. Walker takes over on a new storyline... that begins in the middle! Why…

Atrocitus apparently visited Earth and caused some damage that Guy is now mopping up. I felt gypped as we only get to see the dull aftermath once the interesting stuff was over.

But we’re not done with the idiotic jumping-around-in-time as the final issue sees Soule return but take the Red Lanterns story five years in the future for no reason! This is also the only time any Red Lanterns besides Guy Gardner appears as we see what happened to Bleez and Rankorr.

J. Calafiore’s art isn’t bad but it’s not terribly exciting - standard superhero fare and very much DC house style. Landry Q. Walker’s issues were poorly written and forgettable while Charles Soule’s were slightly better but still not very compelling, and the disjointed structure of the book ruined it for me.

So ends New 52 Red Lanterns: badly. Easy to see why they didn’t come back in Rebirth!
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
May 14, 2019
This was a major let down.

The first half is about Guy hating himself for what happened to all the Red Lanterns. When the new gods show up he decides to go after them and Simon joins him. The second half is after the event and it has Guy walking around being lonely and emo while meeting a baby...yes...does it make much sense? Fuck no.

Overall, the first half is decent. It has the signature humor moments, badass fights, and cool moments. It's not amazing but it works. The 2nd half? Garbo. Bad dialogue, bad pacing, and a story no one cares about. A 2 out of 5.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books107 followers
July 29, 2015
I'm going to get a stamp made up with all the reasons why DC are awful at collecting multi-series crossovers, so I don't have to repeat myself in every review. Suffice to say, the first three issues of this trade make 0 sense on their own, because they're part of the 18 (or so) part Godhead crossover, and yet there's no previously pages or help given as to what went on between the pages. So my actual review will be for the last four issues of the book.

Charles Soule departed this title early as part of his Marvel exclusive agreement, and so up steps Landry Q. Walker to finish off Red Lanterns for him. Guy Gardner is now the lone Red Lantern in the universe, and finds Earth infested with pure rage energy thanks to Atrocitus' attack in the previous volume. It's an interesting status quo, and could have lead to the series continuing on for a bit longer as Guy travels the planet and tries to drain away all the rage before it can do too much damage. Along the way he fights an entire city, and a Red Lantern baby, which is more hilarious than it sounds, trust me.

The volume ends with the Futures End one-shot, which (like Batwoman and other series which collect their Futures End one-shots at the end of the trade instead of the front where they came chronologically in the release schedule) actually makes a really good epilogue to the series, as well as Guy's character arc in general. Of course, it's non-canon, but it's still nice to have.

The artwork is all by the inimitable Jim Calafiore, whose work I've loved since Secret Six, and the heavy inks he uses really helps highlight the rage that pours out of these issues.

Red Lanterns took about 20 issues to get somewhere, but once Charles Soule took over, the book became something to love rather than the Lantern book everyone avoided. Whilst it didn't survive the Convergence culling alongside Green Lantern or Sinestro, it's actually a decent Lantern book when you get down to it, and fans of Guy Gardner will especially love the second half of the series.
Profile Image for Jesse A.
1,514 reviews98 followers
June 6, 2017
Pretty weak volume. The only saving grace was the last story with Green Guy Gardner and Bleez. Charles Soule did a good job with this title. Landry Q. Walker needs some work.
Profile Image for C.J. Edmunds.
Author 5 books26 followers
September 21, 2015
Pretty much for most of the Red Lantern stories, is either you don't care much for them or you just go where it takes you.

This 6th volume collects issues #35-#40 and Red Lanterns: Future's End #1. If you followed the recently concluded GODHEAD arc of the Lantern storyline so far, then you would be happy to know what fate befell our hotheaded redneck Lantern, but if not then the first 3 issues in the trade would prove to be disorienting, not to mention, spoilerish.

But like me, if you didn't mind the deviation and would the follow the Reds where ever they go, then like the past compilations so far, you would appreciate the journey that Guy Gardner has taken so far and his means to achieve it. In this volume, the Red Lanterns have control now of Sector 2814 (yup, including Earth) and Guy is tasked now to keep the peace while at the same time harnessing the power of Rage to make things right and keep things in the balance.

While currently I know Guy has gone through another "change" of sorts, call this volume as the-road-to-finding-the balance that he is currently enjoying in the current Lantern run. Alas Charles Soule has departed the project and Landry Q Walker has taken the writing reigns to continue what Peter Milligan has begun in the first issue. While Landry is adequate in continuing the work, I still feel that Milligan has given the initial run some depth with regards to the essence of anger and the catalyst for Atrocitus' anger. This in turn has paved the way for other writers to take up the Red mantle and continue what he has successfully begun.

Geekgasm moments for me are the appearance of Green Lantern Simon Baz and Cyborg. Always great to have other DC characters guest star in other character arc and stories. Hope Landry considers that as he continues the run. But not too much, as it may become too predictable and formulaic. And doing that would mean that the Reds cannot hold their own ground and would have to depend on guest appearances to bring in readership.

PS. I still miss Peter Milligan's work. Volume 1-3 are still the ones to beat.
Profile Image for Chantay.
233 reviews31 followers
January 16, 2016
Green, Red, Blue... It's like reading an episode of Rupaul's Drag Race where the girls had different colors of the pride flag. Yet that episode worked because I understood what was going on.
Profile Image for Krzysztof Grabowski.
1,576 reviews6 followers
August 17, 2021
Miałem znany mi problem z "Wykutym we/ze krwi", bowiem część tego tomu wchodzi w skład wydarzenia zwanego "Godhead", czyli jeżeli ją czytałaś/czytałeś, to trzy zeszyty tutaj są powtórką. A ja bardzo nie lubię przepłacać za coś co już jest w moim posiadaniu. Pytanie tylko czy druga część tego tytułu jest na tyle atrakcyjna, aby nabyć omawiany tom? I tak, i nie.

Kolekcjonerom zapewne taki stan rzeczy nie przeszkodzi, ale ja czytam komiksy dla rozrywki. I o dziwo ta część "wtórna" jest ze sobą zaskakująco kompatybilna i sytuacja kiedy zastanawiasz się co się u licha zadziało pomiędzy dwa zeszytami jest tutaj bardzo rzadka (a nie jest to regułą vide seria Superman w New 52).

Ważne, że w drugiej części mamy interesującą przygodę, gdzie Guy jako jedna z ostatnich Czarwonych Latarni, mierzy się z tym co w poprzednim tomie zgotował Ziemi pewien wróg. A że ludzi są jednostkami z natury chaotycznymi, emocjonalnymi to po globie szerzy się szał/gniew, który niestety nie pomija nawet niemowlaki, a co daje pola na dosyć zabawnie wyglądającą sekwencję walk.

Na dokładkę mamy całkiem niezła opowiastkę z Futures End, gdzie Guy występuje w nieco innych ciuszkach. Mało prawdopodobne aby się wydarzyło, ale mi się podobało. Kreska okazuje się dobra, tempo komiksu niezłe i całość wydaje się mocno chaotyczna, ale w tym szaleństwie jest metoda. No i kunszt Soule też coś tu robi. Można zerknąć, ale nie trzeba. Szkoda tylko, że całkiem niezła serii o mało znanych postaciach dobiegła już końca.
Profile Image for 47Time.
2,979 reviews91 followers
July 28, 2024
The New Gods led by Highfather are destroying lanterns left and right. Guy and Simon Baz head for New Olympus and swiftly get captured. Malhedron betrays Highfather and releases his captives - many lanterns, including Guy and Simon. I guess they are victorious, but I don't care that much for another crossover.

The rest of the volume features Guy's struggle. The inner monologues, his doubt and self-critique offer a different feel from what the series was to this point. The Earth was infected by Atrocitus. Guy is sworn to protect Earth, no matter what, but this is not a thing you can swat with a ring construct.
Profile Image for Charles Hamel.
89 reviews1 follower
September 25, 2019

I really don't know why everyone is complaining about this one! It's such a great end to the series; way better than considering the last book as the end.

We find out the damage Atrocitus has caused Earth, we see Guy's broken psyche, even more, we then see at the very end, how wrong his thinking was. Then, we get a happy ending, one that Guy, the Earth, and the reader, needs.
Profile Image for Shane.
1,375 reviews19 followers
April 13, 2024
The red lanterns are like grim dark superheroes. They actually were villains before but with Guy Gardner taking over they've got a sense of purpose. Still they treat each other like crap and are heavily into violence. It works for me, makes them different from the other corps (other than Sinestro's corp, who are also cheeky bastards).

As with the other Vol 6 Lantern titles, this is mostly the Godhead arc, then a wrap up to the series with a mini-plot. Also Guy gets a haircut.
Profile Image for Will Cooper.
1,680 reviews5 followers
March 31, 2019
The first two issues are the class DC bit where they collect issues of a series that don't make sense by itself in the series, but should only be collected in the crossover collection. Hilarious bit!

The last few issues are interesting, though, with Guy dealing the rage of the world and how to handle it.
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews32 followers
March 14, 2017
Wow utter garbage.

World: So the art is messy and not really good to look at. It's messy in a bad and lazy way. The world building is just a wrap up for the series. After the events of Atrocitus and also Godhead the series needed to end and so the stage was set for Guy to do his absorb thing...zzz.

Story: These last three issues are just bad, they are pointless and a mindless end to the series. It pretty much just wraps up his story and it's fine for the most part other than the fact that the story is stupidly edgy for the sake of being edgy. It's not the end that Guy deserves, what about the other possibilities with Ice and all his friends...jeez.

Characters: Guy is Guy but this is not the end that he deserves, it's sloppy and messy and is dumb, it's simple and not what Guy as a character is, he deserves better than this.

This is just a terrible end to a series that should not have existed in the first place. Guy gave the series direction...and then this end...

Onward to the next book!

*read last 3 issues, other issues were read in context of Godhead and my review of those issues are found in that review*
19 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2023
I felt I was missing something while reading this. Where were the other reds? What is happening? You can forget about the Red Lanterns, cause now is all about Guy Gardner (which was not interesting at all). What a huge letdown, especially after a very good prior volumen.
34 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2024
A choppier read than the other volumes, apparently because of different events involved, but overall ok. Nice to have some sort of conclusion, and nice to spend more time with Guy figuring things out on his journey through the life of a ring-bearer.
531 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2017
Very good illustrations and great story!
Profile Image for Carly.
Author 3 books11 followers
January 26, 2024
skipped issues #39 and #40 cause I don't care for Gardner's self pitying. The series as a whole was good, but what the fuck happened to Atrocitus and Dex Starr?
Profile Image for Roman Colombo.
Author 4 books36 followers
February 26, 2017
I'm definitely glad I read Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead first, as the three issues involved would have just made a really incoherent story. The rest of the book wrapped up okwith Larry Q. Walker takin all the hope Soule had at the end of Volume 5 and crushing it. Not a bad story, but inconsisten with what we've seen from Soule. Luckily, Soule writes the Future End installment, that the book ends on, and that is great. Exactly how the series needed to end.

I really was not a fan of the Green Lanterns, and still think the Greens aren't very interesting. And I still hate Hal Jordan, but I loved the Red Lantern series. I don't know what compelled me to try this series, but I am really glad I did.
Profile Image for Adam Fisher.
3,169 reviews17 followers
February 20, 2016
4.5 Stars.
I've enjoyed the Red Lanterns title since the beginning. When the title switched over to being completely about Guy Gardner, I still thought it had a lot of punch to it. I'm glad I stayed with it.
Unfortunately, the first couple stories here are linked with the whole "Godhead" storyline, and thus feel a bit disconnected. I have read most of that crossover though, and it seemed to fit well for me.
The true gold of this Volume, and of the whole series in general is the last 2 issues.

Might as well call it "No More Reds". In this 2 part tale, Guy, being the only Red Lantern left on Earth, tries to heal the world by absorbing all the Rage Energy left behind in Atrocitus' attack. He runs in to situations where rage is the motivator and stops it by simply absorbing all the rage into himself. At some point, this tide of hatred is beginning to consume him, and he feels like lashing out at the whole world. With some encouragement from his sister, Guy comes to the realization that rage is just a part of who we all are, not the entirety of us. We are also love, fear, compassion, hope and all the other scale of emotions that makes us human. His overwhelming power of rage is full of the other colors of the emotional spectrum and thus becomes tainted by the overwhelming call to never give up hope that you can overcome anything. His powers consume him and cover the world, but disperse and dissipate leaving only the light of hope, and changing Guy Gardner into a Blue Lantern. (though by Lantern color rules, why not White? Because hope overcame everything else inside him?)
The second part deals with Blue Lantern Guy and second to last left Red Lantern Bleez. They track down Rankorr, the remaining Red Lantern, calling himself Red King Jack, and Guy convinces both of them to let go the way he did and taking all the rings from them both, destroys them with the light of Hope.
I'm REALLY interested to see what happens past issue 40, as the title was cancelled. Will we now see a growing of the previously decimated Blue Lantern Corps? My knowledge of the DC universe post-Convergence is very limited, but I look forward eagerly to seeing how the lights of the universe continue on.

Volume recommend, title recommend, series recommend.
Profile Image for Cale.
3,809 reviews24 followers
January 27, 2016
I'm not sure which I found more obnoxious - angsty Guy Gardner or hopeful Guy Gardner. He spends most of this volume as a kamikaze, trying to get himself killed because 'everyone around me dies.' Really? Sorry, but Guy Gardner was always too into himself to care about things like that. So seeing him mope for issues is just really out of character. I appreciate the use of Simon Baz to get him out of his funk, but so far as I can tell, it doesn't work (another problem with this collection is that it is part of the Godhead crossover, so much of the story is missing). And then, without any resolution to that story, we get thrown into Future's End, where we have Guy as a Blue Lantern? At least there's a little bit more story here, giving a nice wrap up to Guy and other Red Lanterns, but it still feels really out of character for him. And it would be nice if a series called Red Lantern had more than three appear (and two of those only for one issue). Guy is interesting on occasion, but he really can't carry a series on his own. He's too dependent on other people to rub the wrong way; without a foil there's no friction, and the closest he has in this series does everything he can to avoid the conflict. The action is okay but nothing memorable (and the Red Lanterns abilities seem really underpowered), which I guess is true of the entire volume.
Profile Image for Will Robinson Jr..
881 reviews18 followers
September 15, 2015
The only down side to this book is that is crosses over into the Green Lantern/New God God Head event. So you really enjoy the first half of this collected volume of the Red Lanterns series but it will leave you hanging for what happens in the rest of the event. Charles Soule continues to do a great job of building up Guy Gardner's importance to the Green Lantern mythos. Guy's hero's journey really shines here. I think what Charles has done with the character is really display the idea of the tired warrior. Guy is a wounded warrior psychologically who just does not understand why all his friends in the lantern corps. give their lives and perish in battles but somehow he always to survive. He is ever the good soldier. Whether he is a green, red or blue lantern never really matters but its all about what he chooses to do with the powers. That is what is so great to me about the Lantern books that DC is doing they are space opera's that can be truly fantastic but often hint at very powerful philosophical questions. In this volume we explore the idea of anger and its purpose.
Profile Image for Daniel Butcher.
2,693 reviews2 followers
September 17, 2015
Honestly the Future's End story is really cool.

But the volume is really.

Parts of Godhead with no resolution.

Ramifications of last volume.

Future's End.

So you get no resolution from the main story, get tossed into the fallout of a past story and a one shot tie in. So it does not read well as a unit at all. Sigh...because I really like Guy and some of the things that he does here but since the GL group insists on massive tie-ins we can't get a Guy story that's just a Guy story.
Profile Image for Thomas Maluck.
Author 2 books32 followers
September 16, 2015
As with Sinestro Vol.2, I'd like to give this 4 stars (especially for Gardner fighting + teaming up with a baby and the Futures End tie-in that does the Blue Lanterns justice), but the Godhead tie-ins make for a clumsy addition to the book. DC, just let readers digest the complete Godhead event in its own book instead of forcing the individual chapters across separate titles!

Anyway. Charles Soule was wonderful while he lasted.
Profile Image for Joshua.
265 reviews21 followers
September 6, 2015
The artistry and the writing is still awesome; however, almost halfway through it the storyline just immediately took a right turn and changed to years after a certain section. I was slightly annoyed by it because the action was just starting to really ramp up and then it kind of just flatlined into a different storyline. I'm hoping where it stops in the first half of the block it picks up in the Green Lantern new guardians series.
Profile Image for David.
72 reviews
November 7, 2016
The first few issues are part of the Green Lantern God Head Crossover, which really works better if you read the entire event. The last few issues are interesting and is the concluding story arc for Red Lanterns. The overall battle of anger using anger is an important message that Guy Gardner grows as a character from experiencing. Overall an interesting read, the Futures End issue concludes the book and it's one of the better one shots from Futures End.
Profile Image for Milo.
805 reviews105 followers
September 14, 2015
Charles Soule may now be a Marvel writer but his best stuff has come from DC and his run on Red Lanterns has been one of the best series that DC had. Some awesome things going on here but it's sad to see him go. It's always good to explore more Corps that aren't necessarily the main Green Lantern ones as well.
Profile Image for Brannigan.
1,291 reviews10 followers
April 13, 2016
This was an odd book. The first part dealt with events from a line wide tie in and then the last part of the book made you feel like you missed out on a huge event that was mentioned but never shown in the book. I don't remember the "event" happening anywhere else but I could be wrong. Regardless it disrupted the flow of the trade. The last two issues gave a satisfactory ending to the series.
Profile Image for Tomas.
451 reviews9 followers
July 29, 2015
Red lantern look on godhead arc. Pointless to read separately
Displaying 1 - 30 of 35 reviews

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