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A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume: Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers

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Offers ecumenical meditations on love, perception, forgiveness, eternal life, and theoretical concepts in theology

580 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1976

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Foundation for Inner Peace

71 books212 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 701 reviews
Profile Image for Robin Berry.
169 reviews
July 30, 2009
I live by this book. I've read it a couple dozen times over the last 25 years and still read it daily. It's not for everyone. If you are drawn to it, please begin by reading the Clarification of Terms in the back of the book so that when you begin, you'll know how certain words are being used. It's important. The language stopped me several times at the beginning. Then a friend told me to begin with the Workbook (Part II). This is a day to day reading and meditation. It's weird at first but before long you may find it very compelling. Once you do, it's time to begin at the beginning of the book.

I can't think of a book I recommend more highly.
Profile Image for Alesa.
Author 6 books117 followers
July 3, 2014
You don't read this book. You live it. I studied it for several years back in 1980, and it transformed my life then. Now I am re-studying it, slowly so as to not miss a single insight, and it is transforming me yet again. This is not a philosophy. It is a new way of actually perceiving the world, a course in practical Christian mysticism. If asked to select only one book to have with me for the rest of my life, this would be it.
Profile Image for David Hoffmeister.
Author 61 books127 followers
January 19, 2015
You can live by the beautiful Introduction in A Course In Miracles:
"This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God."

ACIM is the book that Helped change my perception of everyone and everything to a happy Perspective. -David Hoffmeister (Author of Awakening through A Course In Miracles).
Profile Image for Alex Wilson.
9 reviews19 followers
February 17, 2013
This spiritual work is a miracle in itself. It is probably the most challenging book I've ever read. It is also my most treasured book. Many years ago I read it and underlined every page and the top of each page I wrote one sentence that stood out to me from that page. The whole book was written on and marked all over. I got involved with A Course In Miracles (ACIM) group in town and found that there was a good deal of skimming over whatever seemed most impactful in the book. When you realize what is really being said, it can take you back abit. I've put is aside several times, but have found myself irresistably drawn back to it. In fact, I find this the most difficult review I've ever tried to write. ACIM is a masterwork of language, thought, spirit and is written from a perspective that seems as if it comes someone who views this human world from such an objective such clarity and depth that it jars one from the hypnosis of being involved in all the details of worldly existence. Basically, it shows this world as created to "prove" that division and separation really happened and is still happening. ACIM turns this around and shows how there can be no real separation or division at all. And the miracle is that it succeeds in demonstrating this in such brilliance and radiance of love that all your previous beliefs about the "real-ness" of conflict and pain are demolished. And it does so in a most exquisitely poetic, sensitive and yet piercing manner. My goal with this review is simply to hopefully raise your curiosity and to pick up the book and see if it draws you into, anything but a typical "new age" book. I hope I succeeded.
Profile Image for Debbie.
902 reviews
February 25, 2011
This book is not at all what I thought it would be. First, it is difficult to wade through the cumbersome prose, and I consider myself well-read and -educated. I read, and understand, difficult things! But wouldn't a spiritual self-help book try to be more, well, accessible? A subject is not made more weighty or philosophically-worthy because of circuitous prose.

Second, I also found too many tenets to be contrary to everything I believe. Everything is an illusion? Really? Sickness is my own fabrication? How damaging a tenet to hold. The course's extreme focus on self, on ME - isn't this contrary to becoming spiritual - wouldn't the emphasis be on the divine, on God? Wouldn't I be urged to be grateful, to be in awe at God's miracles? No. I am told that is completely unnecessary, if not wrong.

As a Christian, I am not totally shut off from other spiritual books; I do not consider myself so dogmatic as to not consider other ways to grow more spiritual. But I found the book's redefinition of Christ disturbing, and when the writer/author/narrator told me I am "pathetic" for believing in the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, I was offended. I am told "[I] can overcome the cross." Why would I want to??? If the writer is the voice of Christ, then I wonder why He doesn't preface the volume with this statement: "Your Bible is completely wrong and misguided, and your perception of Me is skewed. Let Me redirect your thinking." Instead, the writer quotes liberally from the Bible when it seems to be useful but then contradicts the Bible's messages in the very next paragraph if not the very next sentence.

I realize Christians are not the book's intended audience, and because of that, an editor should have inserted quotation marks every time the Bible is quoted as well as given Scripture references in case a reader would like to search out these words in the Bible for him/herself. Reading those passages in context might help a reader understand the volume (and/or the Bible) better or, perhaps, see the inconsistency and contradiction.

Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,119 reviews620 followers
October 24, 2019
Sencillamente genial! Es.... bueno, tratar de explicar o puntuar un libro escrito supuestamente por Jesús, es un ejercicio inútil. Lo maravilloso de este libro, a parte de las enseñanzas, es el modo cómo fue creado. Dos psicólogos que no se soportaban, trabajando en el mismo sitio. Hasta que un día, ella, Helen Schucman, empezó a oír voces en su cabeza que le pedían que escribiera. Asustada, pensando que se estaba volviendo loca, fue a hablar con su colega y este le aconsejó que se sentara a escribir. A partir de aquí, nació Un curso de milagros.
Profile Image for Charlie.
107 reviews12 followers
December 10, 2010
What if the words of Jesus were expanded upon and instead of taking up a few dozen pages as they do in the first four books of the Bible they went on for 669 pages? What if the thees and thous were replaced with normal straight talk. What if the words were suddenly believable and more consistent with the non-dualistic philosophy of One? Would you think this impossible because it is a "channeled" text? Most Christians I speak with about it hate this book. The more philosophically open minded people I speak with about it say it is too difficult to take in the simple but profound prescriptions offered. All people are brothers and the only path to salvation is forgiveness. Despite some of the triple negatives the grammar is flawless and the philosophy is not your typical new age type.
Profile Image for Stacey M.
70 reviews18 followers
February 26, 2009
This is my new scripture! I find more love and peace than in any bible or other religious writings I have ever read. I truly believe these words come from our Guardian and have way more guidance in these words than anything! I feel at complete peace and although I didn't completely understand on a human level, I felt something happening on a spiritual level--energetically. I recommend it to EVERYONE! Very deep, but so worth it!
Profile Image for Christine.
182 reviews
March 10, 2008
This book really laid out for me the differences between the ego and the true Self and allowed me to see which was operating when in my life, mostly in myself but sometimes in others. The concepts in this book are amazingly powerful and the kind of simple that is not easy. But the writing is pretty stilted and gender biased/ Christian-y. I had to really force myself to focus on meaning rather than form (which is part of the point!)

It took me a year to read the text part, a little each day. I continue to try to do a lesson each day. I sometimes revisit the text with study groups. I found the following helpful for practical strategies to help live principles from the Course: _Heartmath_ by Doc Childre & Howard Martin; _Nonviolent Communication_ by Marshall Rosenberg; _Loving What Is_ by Byron Katie; various kirtan cds (for calling God's name = calling your own); _Teach Only Love_ by Gerry Jampolsky.
Profile Image for Donald.
4 reviews4 followers
January 13, 2013
This spiritual work is a miracle in itself. It is probably the most challenging book I've ever read. It is also my most treasured book. Many years ago I read it and underlined every page and the top of each page I wrote one sentence that stood out to me from that page. The whole book was written on and marked all over. I got involved with A Course In Miracles (ACIM) group in town and found that there was a good deal of skimming over whatever seemed most impactful in the book. When you realize what is really being said, it can take you back abit. I've put is aside several times, but have found myself irresistably drawn back to it. In fact, I find this the most difficult review I've ever tried to write. ACIM is a masterwork of language, thought, spirit and is written from a perspective that seems as if it comes someone who views this human world from such an objective such clarity and depth that it jars one from the hypnosis of being involved in all the details of worldly existence. Basically, it shows this world as created to "prove" that division and separation really happened and is still happening. ACIM turns this around and shows how there can be no real separation or division at all. And the miracle is that it succeeds in demonstrating this in such brilliance and radiance of love that all your previous beliefs about the "real-ness" of conflict and pain are demolished. And it does so in a most exquisitely poetic, sensitive and yet piercing manner. My goal with this review is simply to hopefully raise your curiosity and to pick up the book and see if it draws you into, anything but a typical "new age" book. I hope I succeeded.
Author 1 book48 followers
August 4, 2018
This is my ultimate "desert island" book. It is easily the most important book I have ever read. A Course in Miracles (ACIM or The Course) has been my companion for the last 12 years, and will continue to guide and comfort me for the rest of my life. I fully agree with the other reviewer that this book is not something you read, but rather live. It can't be reviewed like other books, because it is a way of life. It can't be "finished" like a normal book, because its benefits are always ongoing. Five stars don't suffice to express the tectonic importance of this book and its eternal messages for all of us who thirst for the Truth.

How did I discover ACIM? A friend who survived a Near Death Experience recommended it as the only spiritual approach that fit with what she saw on the other side, namely: its message of Oneness, forgiveness and love.

I understand that some readers might get discouraged by the length and density of ACIM. It's a long read. Actually, I believe that the best way to get started with the teachings of ACIM is to start with other books. I would recommend the short Introduction book, also published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. I would also suggest the excellent books by Gary Renard, which introduce the Course in a very digestible way. YouTube has many videos of my late mentor Ken Wapnick, of the Foundation for a Course in Miracles (FACIM). FACIM's website is a great resource for Ken's insightful books and recordings about the Course. For those new to ACIM, I can think of no better quick introduction than the Facim.org website, under What it Says.

What is the Course's message? It is one of forgiveness. ACIM's philosophy says not only that we "should" forgive other people, but that we can ONLY forgive them, because their perceived offences actually never took place. The reason for this is that their "sins" are merely projections of our ego, reflecting our perceived state of separation from other people–those feared "competitors" who wish us harm. The Course differentiates between these false perceptions and true Knowledge, which is always available to us when we think with our so-called Right Mind. This Right Mind, personified in the Course by the Holy Spirit, is the inner voice that reminds us that space, time, sin, guilt and separation do not exist, being only the paranoid and confused perceptions of our body. The book encourages us to see things differently, with the forgiving vision of an awakening mind: "Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world." This changing of our mind is the true "miracle" of the Course.

Many spiritual faiths claim to be based on love. Yet what passes for "love" on this planet is the shabby substitute the Course calls "special love," in which two partners trade favours for mutual benefit. We humans could not understand the awesome universality of Heaven's true Love. Thus, the Course does not even attempt to explain love, but presents forgiveness as its closest earthly approximation. The key to the Course's forgiveness is accepting our fundamental Oneness. By seeing our essential unity with all other people–the shared innocence of brothers and sisters–we learn that forgiveness is the only sane response to any offence, which is merely a cry for help.

The book is divided into three sections: the Text, the Workbook, and the Manual for Teachers. All are overflowing with practical spiritual wisdom. Yet the "engine room" of the Course is its daily Workbook lessons, one for each day of the year. As students of the Course, we are expected to complete this one-year study program at least once. While the Text explains the overall Course philosophy, the Workbook provides the central structure of the Course's teaching process.

The Workbook is also a great source for quick inspiration. A brief stroll through the Workbook provides a priceless cornucopia of succinct and memorable lines. I could never forget #121: Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness. Or the iconic #195: Love is the Way I Walk in Gratitude. Or Lesson 34: I could see Peace Instead of This. One doesn't need much time with the Course to appreciate the timeless wisdom of these jewel-like sound bites.

Clearly, the sometimes Christian language of the Course has the potential to disorient some New Thought readers. References to God and the Holy Spirit run throughout the book. Yet the Course is closer to Buddhism than Christianity. This is not a "religious" book, and does not attempt to describe our Creator or the nature of Love, "for that is beyond what can be taught." Instead, the Course focuses on what can be taught (given our basic level of awareness): forgiveness, the theme that runs like a sacred river through the book. The practise of forgiveness is the foundation of its personal study program, in which all that needs to change is our inner perceptions of other people.

After 12 years of studying and learning from the Course, and completing the Workbook lessons twice, I still uncover profound new insights practically every time I pick it up. The Course is a spiritual masterpiece of our modern era, the priceless gift of a timeless Voice representing a hidden world of Oneness and love. The ultimate message of the Course is one of reassurance and hope: we have no risk of failure on our path to Heaven. Ours is in fact a "journey without distance" to a place we never left. We are absolutely guaranteed eternal peace: the only question is when we will decide to CHOOSE peace (through forgiveness). As Ken Wapnick would say, our ultimate goal as Course students is to FEEL better, as we gratefully accept the newfound joy of our shared salvation.
Profile Image for Ryan Davis.
12 reviews8 followers
July 23, 2007
This is perhaps the most bizarre and challenging book that I have ever read. It is said to have been given to the author in the form of a silent voice that would speak in her head, and she would then dictate the voice to a partner who would take it down. While the content is given in "the mode" of Christianity, the underlying concepts are universal in nature. The scope of the concepts is enormous, where ideas are presented in an amazing array of variation, yet somehow these variations all illuminate the central messages. The degree of internal logical consistency is amazing, creating a framework that at times delivers thoroughly mindblowing content. But the framework is not one of a definitive position or thesis. It's as if the proofs of the ideas comes from beyond what any mind could conjure up, so varied are they in their approach. So the framework is rather elusive and hidden, creating the anchor for the ideas in some uncreated depth.

This book is indescribable. It is tempting to call it spiritual writing, although going into it thoroughly dispels this as being too quaint a term. It is otherworldly, extremely frustrating at times, sublime, "churchy" or preachy, and lucid. It has been listed by a compiler trying to define propagandistic or tyrannical literature. It's crazy; you should check it out!
15 reviews4 followers
November 20, 2008
I highly recommend this as a way to peace. It's different from many other books in that it doesn't so much tell you what is or what to think, but to get past the illusions of your mind and ego, and get past the tyranny of your imagination to find the reality of love and divinity that's always been there. It's a great challenge to the ruts of indoctrinated thought, not only in religion, but in society. It's a deliberate gateway to an inner revolution.
Profile Image for Suzanne Singman.
178 reviews3 followers
July 12, 2016
While the ideas in the book are consistent with what I believe to be true. I had an incredibly hard time getting past the male pronoun. there is no reference anywhere in the book that women exist. There are only men, sons, brothers and fathers. there are no women, sisters, daughters or mothers. What kind of world is this? not really one i want to live in. I know the book is older, but it was still so troublesome for me. I tried to convert everything to Goddess, but it got tiring. I couldn't hear the message after awhile because it negated my very beingness.
Profile Image for Sherry.
3 reviews4 followers
March 15, 2010
Profound and utterly confusing. I begin to understand it in layers. I have moments when I think, "Ah, that's what it meant." It's like a window into another dimension. For instance, try understanding and picturing four dimensions instead of three. This book is like that at first. The mind needs time to open to understanding another dimension of truth. Studying this material is a way to help that process.
Profile Image for Michael Taylor.
46 reviews4 followers
May 8, 2016
I am a seeker of Truth, and am most grateful this book came into my life. Those who seek Truth know what I mean, and are probably the only audience this book has. So I will speak to YOU guys:

*Note = The writing style of this book may not be for everyone, it's very intricate and long - but only because the SIMPLE TRUTH it explains is so immensely HUGE... the Truth that it explains is All There IS, AND THAT IS PRETTY HUGE. So what little explanation that The Course has is necessary for those of us who've corrupted our thought system with our own complex view of life instead of the TRUTH's version of things, and therefore need elaborate explanation via our corrupt system of indirect communication ;-) see how complex I had to make that!?!! Kinda proves the point, eh?

A Course In Miracles can't express the Truth because the real Truth can only be lived. So for people to live according to the Truth and thereby experience the Truth, it has to be explained to them. That's what The Course is for... but The Course even says itself that there are thousands of other ways that lead to Truth. So if the way that The Course explains It doesn't work for you, feel free to pass it by and continue seeking. But I must say, I could hardly allow MYSELF to uncling from such a rock among the sands. I pride myself on an eye for detail, and I've spotted many religions and worldviews that contradict themselves. So for those of you hankering for a "religion" (or a more appropriate term is WORLDVIEW) that doesn't contradict itself AT ALL (because how could the Truth ever do that?), THIS IS FINALLY IT. Buddhism even has it's multifarious sects, almost mirroring Christianity and its many arms. And so what do you have to trust with all these divisions? Which church or spiritual practice contains the unmolested truth? It's impossible to know. But what's important is to seek for what can stand up to your impeccable request for just the Truth and nothing more.
30 reviews
November 14, 2010
No book has influenced me more, nor has had as profound an effect as "A Course in Miracles."

This is actually a 3 volume set of books: a text, a workbook and a teacher's manual, that I read from continuously, and have for the past 31 years. It is one of the most significant spiritual messages of our time. The Course combines 21st Century psychology with non-dualistic metaphysics. (Only God is real. The rest is but a dream…) The goal is healing the mind and coming to peace, as a result of re-trained perceptions and forgiveness. A Course in Miracles strengthens our awareness of choices we are already making and helps us to get in touch with our Inner Teacher.

The writing rivals Shakespeare in its beauty, The language is expressed in Christian terminology, but this is a universal course, which offers tools, both theoretical and practical, to undo fear, guilt, anger, denial and dis-ease, and thus reveal the Inner Light in us all.

The course, as I know it, does not bear Helen Shucman's name, as it does on Goodreads. There actually is no author listed. The Foundation of Inner Peace does appear where an author's name would be. This is a channelled work, said to be dictated by Jesus, through a scribe, Helen Shucman.

I would recommend it to anyone searching for Truth, who hasn't already found a way Home.
January 31, 2012
This is a long term self paced course.

You will know when you are ready to read this simply by reading the 1st few pages or visiting the reviews and synopsis of the book.

I guarantee it will change your life simply by changing and understanding more about yourself.

For me within the first 3 weeks of the exercises the changes have been enormous. Furthermore it puts to bed many mysteries from my pre-teen years and then to a lesser extent my tumultuous teen years. Now I know and understand so much better and can work and learn on using what I was already born knowing.

Consider reading The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness before starting this. It will assist you in deciding if it is for you.
Profile Image for Richard.
49 reviews15 followers
January 11, 2013
I believe the message, but the packaging is awful. This book seems to be written especially for dogmatic Christians in order to shine a different light on the interpretations of spirituality in Christianity.

Considering the way Christianity is experienced in some parts of America this book may contribute to a more open and loving way of living. Other than that, I would say there are books who get down to the core of our essence along a more simple and clearer path.
7 reviews
July 17, 2016
I did not finish this book because I could not get passed the circuitous nonsensical garbage. The more I read the more ridiculous and borderline nihilistic it became. I'm surprised by how many people have become 'hooked' on it; what's going on inside their minds and souls? That's none of my business though...
Profile Image for Roan Steward.
6 reviews12 followers
February 17, 2013
If freedom from fear, guilt, sin, and death interests you, then you might want to give this book a chance - an open-minded read. A COURSE IN MIRACLES is about the miracle of healing through mind-change. Anybody can do it. Just read the Daily Workbook Lessons and let Jesus lead you Home. Yes, I said Jesus. Jesus dictated the Course. Helen was his scribe. Upon reading this book - if you are a believer in miracles - that's the first one you come to accept. Until you read the book, you won't know what I'm talking about. I you do begin reading what Jesus calls "a required Course," you will be amazed. It's the book you've been looking for all your life. On the other hand, if you need a powerful God who keeps score, judges, and zaps so-called evil-doers, you won't find Him here. The God of this Jesus is a loving, non-judgmental God who wants only one thing for you: Happiness.
354 reviews150 followers
June 20, 2018
This was an other faboulas read. I shall give a full review later.
Be Blessed.
Profile Image for Scott Humphreys.
Author 5 books2 followers
June 10, 2013
It is not very often we come across a book that says so much about who we are and why we are here. The error in perception, the illusion of separation, and why there is no such thing as guilt and sin are all central to its theme, and yet there is so much more. The wording of the text is almost biblical in tone, but such is the strength of its message it cannot fail to inspire those who open its pages. If you are genuine in your desire to understand the true meaning of your existence, including the cause of all your pain and suffering, then this really is the beginning of a journey that will change your life forever.

`Truth is restored to you through your desire, as it was lost to you through your desire for something else. Open the holy place that you closed off by valuing the "something else," and what was never lost will quietly return.'

It is a truly inspirational book without comparison. My only advice is that you take your time and understand the true depth of its message.
Profile Image for Dr. R.B. James.
98 reviews5 followers
January 6, 2020
Life Changing.
It is a wonderful path to return to Love.

This is my daily study, my daily work, and inspires my daily mantras, and has been since I first read it years ago. I initially joined a year-long study group going through the Workbook to help me understand it. It helped significantly, and I suggest the same to anyone wanting to get more from the Course. I continue studying the lessons and readings to this very day.

"The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love,
for that is beyond what can be taught.
It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance.

The opposite of love is fear,
but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This Course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God."
Profile Image for Kirsten Buxton.
Author 7 books11 followers
February 19, 2015
This book is a profound, direct, non-dualistic pathway of awakening. The wisdom and clear instructions support a total transformation of consciousness, from identification with the voice and thought patterns of the ego (fear-based thinking) to identification with Spirit (Love) and the still, small Voice within.

If this book finds you, and you know in your heart that this is the answer to a prayer for help, then ACIM has everything you need.
Profile Image for Regina.
108 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2014
I've been studying A Course in Miracles for 16 years. It teaches only love. I'm only just beginning, I've only scratched the surface. It's a mediation, it's a prayer, it's a song of joy and peace. It comforts, inspires, blesses and motivates. It encourages reflection of belief and perception. One of the few books I read and refer to again and again.
Profile Image for Kathie.
804 reviews
September 9, 2011
This is like reading the Bible from cover to cover. It's quite the undertaking, but once accomplished it's quite the mind shift. Susan Dugan (in her book "Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness") describes the Course in Miracles as "a spiritual psychology that explains the constant conflic humans find themselves mired in, and offers a solution for resolving it at the level of the true mind, the only place in which it can be truly resolved. According to the Course, the world we think we navigate is really nothing more than an external projection of the mind's inner experience of repressed guilt over believing it separated from and in the process destroyed the one love we are and have never really left." Well, there you have it. I'd start with "Disappearance of the Universe" by Gary Renard, then read Susan's book while you're reading "The Big Blue Book" if you're interested. Happy travels!
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
45 reviews22 followers
September 11, 2007
I've actually had this book for over 10 years but didn't get too far, because what little I did read back then so entirely changed my perspective of the universe that I had to put it down for later study. I have just picked it back up again, and since there are a year's worth of lesson's I expect that it will be on my "currently reading" list for at least that long. However, this is a book that I would compare to the bible (which I've also just started reading from front to back for the first time in my life), you don't just read it once and put it down. You study it for your entire life.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 701 reviews

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