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One Small Act of Kindness

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What can you do to make the world a better place?

Libby helps a stranger, and transforms her life in the process.

Libby and her husband Jason have moved back to his hometown to turn the family B&B into a boutique hotel. They have left London behind and all the memories - good and bad - that went with it.

The injured woman Libby finds lying in the remote country road has lost her memory. She doesn't know why she came to be there, and no one seems to be looking for her.

When Libby offers to take her in, this one small act of kindness sets in motion a chain of events that will change many people's lives . . .

480 pages, Paperback

First published April 23, 2015

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About the author

Lucy Dillon

19 books943 followers
Lucy Dillon was born in Cumbria, worked for a while in publishing in London, and now lives in the Wye Valley with her husband and their Border terrier. She has written eight novels set in the fictional Midlands town of Longhampton, which looks a bit like Hereford, although the inhabitants tend to sound rather more Northern than that.

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61 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 365 reviews
Profile Image for Suz.
1,359 reviews726 followers
November 28, 2017
This is the second book of this author with an animal theme, she must love her dogs! There are notes at the end of the book highlighting the importance of pets as therapy, and encouraging reader to participate. ‘Lord Bob’ has a central role in this book, with a hotel that is pet friendly, the dog was everywhere!

Libby and Jason are a young couple trying to bring back their family hotel, The White Swan Hotel to life after years of neglect, physically and fiscally. These renovations take an unexpected deviation when a serious car accident occurs at the front of the hotel, leaving a young woman with serious amnesia. Libby comes up with the name of Pippa for this shell shocked young woman, and from there the act of kindness begins. Surrounded by an awesome and close knit community and friends, this hotel really starts to take shape.

Realistically this would be a 3.5 star read for me, quite a meandering story that at times slowed down a little too much to keep my interest keen. Libby was quite strong and capable woman but a little bit too weak to be entirely believable, and the ending was a tiny bit lacklustre with one of the sub plots left a bit in the middle of nowhere.

A good commute story for the wind down after work, Lucy Price-Lewis has a gorgeous voice, a very skilled narrator.
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books392 followers
December 12, 2016
Four and a half stars.
After a lot of financial woes when Jason loses his London job, Libby and Jason have moved back to his home town to take on the hotel his parents owned and ran for many years. Their plan is to make it an upmarket hotel. Jason’s mother, though pleased to have her favourite son home, is less than pleased with the planned renovations. Libby excuses Margaret’s negativity as being part of her still trying to come to terms with her husband’s death. Libby is a generous and warm hearted character. When a woman is injured in an accident near the Swan Hotel Libby not only stays with her, but visits her in hospital and forms a friendship with this women who has lost her memory. She has no memory of the accident or her life before it or even her own name.
Between them, Libby and the woman come up with the name Pippa. I enjoyed Libby’s story and that of Pippa. One of the lovable characters in the novel is Lord Bob who as a Pets as Therapy dog charms residents of a nearby nursing home. He doesn’t always charm Libby though.
This is a story about love, kindness, second chances and friendship. It is one of those stories that leaves you feeling good, although I have to admit to anger at times at the treatment dished out by some people in this story. Also a little anger with Libby too for being too forgiving and compliant at times instead of standing up for herself. But those emotions showed I was involved with the characters. Altogether this is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Just what I wanted this time.
Profile Image for Ian.
1,397 reviews185 followers
April 28, 2015
After Jason, her husband is sacked in disgrace, Libby's charmed life in London comes to an end. Together they take over their family's run down and kitsch Bed & Breakfast and immediately set about fixing it up in the hopes of attracting a more moneyed guest.

Then a young woman is hit by a car in front of the hotel and Libby is immediately on the scene. She survives but her memories are completely gone. After her hospital stay, Libby saves her from being sent to a woman's refuge and invites her to stay at the hotel until her memories return. A bond is immediately formed and the two work together to bring the hotel back from years of neglect.

I love the idea for this book. I've always enjoyed books about renovations and restorations; I love books about dogs; and I tend to read books about women who are finding the strength to move on after difficult circumstances.

So what's not to love? Well there are a few things to be honest. It feels a little overplayed. The relationships are quite melodramatic and on occasion it feels like I'm reading a book that was written 60 years ago. There was a little too much going on and I think the book would have been improved if the focus stayed on the two main women and the hotel.

It's not bad, but it didn't quite deliver. That said, there is enough good in there that I'm planning on reading another book by the same author when I get a chance.
Profile Image for Jessica (Jess Hearts Books).
714 reviews434 followers
March 19, 2015
A Hundred Pieces of Me was my first book by Lucy Dillon and ended up being one of my favourite reads of last year. Whereas A Hundred Pieces of Me was emotionally driven One Small Act of Kindness has more of a mystery to it although they both share a lovely life affirming message. One Small Act of Kindness is ultimately about the importance of identity and those small every day acts of kindness that make the world a brighter place.

This book features two main characters that we follow throughout the story. Libby is the recent new owner of the Swan Hotel when Pippa quite literally comes crashing into her life. When Pippa is in a car accident outside of her hotel Libby goes out of her way to help her. She mysteriously has no phone, purse or ID on her so when she loses her memory in the accident it’s impossible to identify her. Unable to remember her real name she decides to go by Pippa and with no other options Libby welcomes her into her hotel while she recovers. Both women have lost their sense of identity in different ways but Libby’s one small act of kindness sets off a chain reaction of new beginnings and self-discovery for both them and those around them.

Usually when a book has more than one heroine I tend to have a favourite whose story I enjoy that little bit more but that wasn’t the case with One Small Act of Kindness. I equally loved both Libby and Pippa and enjoyed reading their journey. Libby is such a kind soul it’s impossible not to warm to her and Pippa’s situation is so curious that you can’t help but be sucked in by the mystery of it all. There are lots of brilliant secondary characters (I especially loved Lord Bob!) and even some familiar faces from A Hundred Pieces of Me who I was so excited to catch up with!

Overall One Small Act of Kindness was a wonderfully uplifting read about being true to you and how even the smallest act of kindness has the potential to change somebody’s life for the better. I already can’t wait for Lucy Dillon’s next book!
Profile Image for Amanda Em.
347 reviews19 followers
July 3, 2017
Ugh ... It was not an easy read. Everything took SO long. And once the action FINALLY started the book ended.

And what happened with Fido?????
52 reviews
February 27, 2015
I received this book from Goodreads in a giveaway so this is a first reads book.
This is such a good book! The only thing I disliked about it is that it ended. This book being an uncorrected copy meant it did have a couple of typos but this didn't bother me in the slightest. The characters were realistic and I felt I could relate to them even though I have never been in a similar situation as them. The plot was fantastic and inspiring, the idea of the tree of kindness was heart warming and the novels ending left me with many unanswered questions, the way a novel should be ended. I thank Lucy Dillon for writing such an inspirational novel, that in itself is an act of kindness that deserves to be put on the tree!
Profile Image for Lydia Bailey.
425 reviews23 followers
May 23, 2017
I really enjoyed this, the first I have read by Lucy Dillon. An original plot & characters I cared about all wrapped up within an easy going but absorbing writing style. A great light read, perfect for a holiday read.
Profile Image for Isa (Pages Full of Stars).
1,163 reviews111 followers
Shelved as 'didn-t-finish'
October 15, 2017
DNF at page 105.

I gave this book a fair chance but the story just didn't engage me at all and I caught myself at drifting off a few times. I was hoping it will be a great read but I guess it's just not for me.
Profile Image for Hannah.
530 reviews112 followers
May 7, 2021
Libby and Jason had the love story of two people travelling on the same commute into London each day. Jason spilled his drink over Libby to get her attention. They have now moved out of London in his hometown, the town with Libby's mother in law. They have an enjoyable love to hate relationship.

Libby and Jason run a B and B. Libby trying a little more than Jason lately. However they are both characters you are rooting to stay together. The story progresses to Libby finding a woman injured in a road. Her name is Alice She becomes her only visitor until a man she knows arrives. It becomes obvious that he controlled her in the past and tries to Again until her memory returns from an event with the dog.

Libby and Alice start as strangers and become good friends. 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Tânia.
337 reviews58 followers
December 8, 2016
My one small act of kindness is to give away this book to someone who can appreciate it better than I did.

On my part, I thought it was yet another dull storyline about house renovations and financial probs which are def not my thing. Alice's memory loss could've been so much more than plain predictable: I only had to read the synopsis to know what it was all about. The end was rushed with a couple of loose ends. Not her finest.

Sadly, I can't seem to click with Lucy Dillon's most recent work.
Profile Image for Vivian.
Author 6 books82 followers
November 3, 2018
Dit was zo’n heerlijk boek! Traag, maar wel zo’n verhaal waar je met alle liefde lang over doet. Het is liefdevol, warm, aandoenlijk, lekker Engels en Jojo Moyes-achtig... en ik vond het mooi om de personages te leren kennen, hun relaties te zien ontwikkelen en ze naar hun gelukkige einde te zien toewerken. De perfecte feelgoodroman! Uitgebreide recensie volgt binnenkort.
Profile Image for Carolina.
116 reviews4 followers
March 3, 2016
Lucy Dillon gör mig aldrig besviken. En lite seg och nästan tråkig början. Men sen hettade det till ordentligt på många plan. Spännande och man hoppades på ett lyckligt slut för alla. Dock tyckte jag att de få hundar som fanns med i boken kunde ha fått lite mera plats.
Profile Image for Jessica.
38 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2018
Ok. So, I loved Lucy Dillon’s other book ‘One Hundred Pieces of Me’. Can’t say enough great things about it.

This book? It was cringeworthy. It was slow, boring, predictable, unnecessarily drawn out and I even found two typos in it! So. so. bad. I can’t say enough bad things about this book. The only reason I continued on, was to up the stats for my Goodreads account. Most nights I would have rather watched paint dry than pick up this book.
Profile Image for Julia Sarene.
1,475 reviews180 followers
October 6, 2018
Really liked this one!
You might want to read it after "A hundred pieces of me" as there are some reoccurring characters. You can read both on their own, but reading them in order will make them that little bit better in this case!

This one has some more darkness to it than the others, though my main complaint is still that most people are just a tad TOO nice again. Even the annoying ones often are really kindhearted after all in Dillon books - and sometimes it's just a little bit too much to feel real.

Aside from that is was once again a pleasure to read, and it leaves you with a feel good smile when you finish it. :)
Profile Image for Britt-Marie Kullin.
1,141 reviews93 followers
May 11, 2016
Betyg: 4 av 5.

Det här är Lucy Dillons sjätte bok som är utgiven i Sverige. Jag har endast läst en av henne tidigare, Tango för vilsna själar, och här är en länk till min recension av den.

När livet börjar om, känns som en riktigt klassisk engelsk feel good-roman. Och som dom flesta feel good-böcker är, så är den rätt så förutsägbar, lättsam, trivsam, och lättläst. Men den är också välskriven, smårolig, och stundtals lite gripande och rörande.

Jag tycker om att läsa den här typen av litteratur ibland. Underhållning för stunden, som man sen i och för sig snabbt glömmer.

Rekommenderar absolut boken till alla som gillar engelsk feel good.

Profile Image for Kim.
71 reviews2 followers
September 5, 2017
Pretty dull - not much actually happened for the majority of the book. Then the ending was so rushed! Also (and most importantly), what the heck happened to Fido?! He was the one "character" I actually cared about!!
Profile Image for Evie Pey.
163 reviews9 followers
July 3, 2015
I thought this book was well written with a good story, just needs a sequel as ending was a little abrupt and I need to know what else is happening in village.
13 reviews
June 6, 2024
First time reading this author’s work, won’t be the last.
Lovely uplifting book, intriguing, thought provoking and feel good
Thank you Lucy Dillon
970 reviews17 followers
December 21, 2016
När livet börjar om är välskriven och bra feelgood. Lucy Dillon kan det här med att hitta en historia och förmedla den rätta feelgoodkänslan. Det finns en äkta värme i hennes berättelse. Men ändå så har jag ett problem med boken, som jag inte riktigt vet vad det beror på. Jag fastnar aldrig riktigt, som jag brukar kunna göra med bra feelgood. Den drar mig inte in, det går flera dagar utan att jag läser något i den (fast så har hela hösten varit å andra sidan…). När jag väl läser så blir det rätt många sidor åt gången, för den är lättläst.

Personerna är bra beskrivna och jag gillar verkligen Libby och Alice. Men det finns ett mörkt drag i den här historien som jag tycker är jobbigt. Eller egentligen två. Det ena är att Alice tappar minnet. Det beskrivs stundvis väldigt bra, men stundvis som en bagatell och ytligt. Jag tror det är ännu mer traumatiskt än vad som framgår av boken. Det andra är Alice relation med sin pojkvän som ger mig ont i magen.

När livet börjar om utspelar sig i Longhampton och jag gillar att det är personer som återkommer i böckerna, fast i mer perifera roller. I Lucy Dillons böcker förekommer hundar och hon har ett fint sätt att beskriva dem och människornas relation till dem.

Jag kommer med all säkerhet att läsa något mer av Lucy Dillon

Omdöme: Välskriven feelgood med viss svärta om att lita på sina nära och sig själv
Betyg: 4

Profile Image for Karen Mace.
2,106 reviews80 followers
June 16, 2015
Found this to be another one of those books that you struggle to put down once you start it! A little more grown up than your normal chick lit books as it dealt with a couple of more serious subjects including someone trying to put their life back together after losing their memory in an accident.

Loved Libby and her kindness shown to the stranger, Pippa, and the fact that both women helped each other over the storyline added to the friendship that was created from the unknown! Really enjoyed the other family dramas that were introduced along the way and overall found it to be quite an uplifting read
Profile Image for Ann Brockbank.
Author 16 books7 followers
May 23, 2015
Lucy Dillon never fails to lift my mood. I love her books; they are full of everyday dilemmas and real life scenarios. I love the way she incorporates characters from her other novels, so that you get an insight to how they fared in life. In ‘One Small Act of Kindness’, Libby, who has moved from London, leaving all her friends behind to help to run her husbands widowed mother’s B&B, helps an injured stranger, who in turn, helps her to turn her own life around. I have read all Lucy’s backlist and everyone has been a joy. If you want a nice, easy, heartwarming good read, I highly recommend you dip into all of Lucy’s novels. #LucyDillon #OneSmallActofKindness
Profile Image for Christin Natalia.
413 reviews6 followers
August 6, 2017
So the supporting character loses her memory due to an accident. I thought the mystery would lead to a shocking revelation, as the synopsis seems to offer. But by the time she regains the memory, it feels anticlimactic and "that's it?" reaction comes to my mind.

Honestly the story drags on too long that I had no idea where it would go. Apparently it goes nowhere. It's hard to sympathize with the main character though she sure has a lot of burden going on. She strikes me as too soft and too stupid to let her brat of a husband bring more troubles to their life.

In short, there is nothing I like about this book.
Profile Image for Sockenmaedchen.
629 reviews22 followers
July 18, 2015
I really liked it till the very end, when all the suspension that has been building up was dissolved in such a very unexciting way. The happy ending was a little overachived.



when my boyfriendw, whom I can't rememer, lies to me about my beloved dog being dad, I pack my thinks and RUN.

And when my husband gambles away all our money TWICE I don't just want him back. I want to make sure he never get's a hold of the family's finances again and get's professional help...
Profile Image for Maxime.
190 reviews25 followers
April 9, 2015
I received this book via good reads first reads

I totally agree with the book blub that reads.. A vibrant and unputdownable novel of friendship, secrets and the kindness of strangers.
A great story really lovely charming warm feel good ... This Book is a great Sit in the garden with a cup of coffee read!! Recommend
Profile Image for D R Coles.
15 reviews4 followers
September 9, 2017

Just read it and you'll understand why it' s brilliant. Such an original idea a and I do love a happy ending.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,016 reviews78 followers
July 23, 2017
Book reviews and more on www.snazzybooks.com

One Small Act of Kindness strikes just the right balance: sweet without being too cloying, touching without being overly sentimental story, and featuring some really likeable characters who I'd happily read more about.

The narrative features some of the typical elements of this genre, yes, with romances and budding romances (I saw some parts coming a mile off, but again I feel that's just something that comes with the territory and I didn't mind this) but importantly it manages to avoid being overly cheesy or ridiculous. The plot is believable and has some more serious parts, but also plenty of light-heartedness mixed in there. It's well written, sweet and with a plot that moves along at just the right pace whilst still providing plenty of character development.

Without giving too much away, main character Libby seemed really lovely and a bit of a saint with what she's had to put up with, whilst Alice is suffering from memory loss and can't remember the person she was before the accident, but is equally likable as she tries to piece together the parts of her life from 'before'. Other characters enter the scene and either really charmed me (human or non-human - I loved Sir Bob) or made me want to throw things at them (but, either way, equally well written by Lucy Dillon), and made me want to continue reading on (or, in this case with the audiobook, listening on).

I enjoyed trying to piece together Alice's memories as the novel went on, and felt the amnesia part of the story was convincing (well-researched, I assume) and intriguing. I finished One Small Act of Kindness feeling satisfied and uplifted

The audiobook was well read, with a great narrator (though the Welsh accent was quite amusing; I'm not sure why seeing as I'm awful at 'doing' accents myself) and it's an ideal story to be enjoyed on audiobook. Some books, I feel, really work in audio format and some just don't, and often in that case I abandon them early on - this was really enjoyable!

The only other book I've read by Lucy Dillon (so far) is All I Ever Wanted, and I was really taken by that too [read my review here], so I think I can safely say Lucy Dillon is a winning writer for me in the 'chick-lit/ romance/ women's fiction' genres; I'll certainly be reading more by her in the future.
Profile Image for Valerie.
251 reviews11 followers
August 9, 2017
Geen zoetsappig en romantisch verhaal over liefde maar een prachtig verhaal over familieproblemen die zich weten op te lossen.

We volgen Libby die getuige is geweest bij een auto ongeluk. Daar leert ze een vreemde kennen die een belangrijke rol gaat spelen in Libbys leven.
Tijdens de opbouw van het hotel, waar Libby woont, gebeuren er een hoop dingen. Meerdere personages worden beschreven tijdens het boek, maar er wordt maar vanuit twee oogpunten gelezen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat het verhaal makkelijk te volgen is.

Verder zorgt Dat heeft voor een gedeeltelijk open einde gezorgd wat ik toepasselijk bij het verhaal.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 365 reviews

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