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An unstable utopia...
The nine-world Arcturian Confederation have imposed five centuries of peace across more than five hundred human colonies. If orthodynamics, the technology behind faster than light travel, fell into the wrong hands, this utopia could end in a catastrophic interstellar war.
The Arcturian Space Fleet grew old and inflexible waiting for the wars that never came. Now two unscrupulous adventurers believe it would be easy prey. They plan to take over a recently colonised planet, and they don't care how many colonists they kill.
One small and seemingly fragile woman stands between them and success. A woman with a core of pure steel.
Space Fleet's Jane Gould alone can save the colonists, but at what personal cost?

192 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 4, 2015

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R. Billing

2 books10 followers

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for J C Steel.
Author 7 books186 followers
October 27, 2017
The Arcturians are the only space fleet in human space with faster-than-light drive; the conduit through which all interstellar commerce and travellers must flow. Following a kidnap attempt that she successfully derailed, Jane Gould was recruited by the Arcturians, and she’s never looked back; the Space Fleet is her life. However, an old feud is heating up between planets, and when Jane goes undercover, things get complicated fast.

Run from the Stars is an explosion-filled, think-on-your feet read, with a protagonist who looks about as dangerous as a candyfloss cone and uses that appearance to kick a lot of ass. Jane is one of those absolutely non-stereotypical heroines who will make you breathe a sigh of relief – she rarely needs rescuing, she’s a top-rank pilot, she can shoot straight, and she doesn’t do gooey. I felt that some of the secondary characters could have been fleshed out a little more, and sometimes the explanations run a little long, but by and large this was a highly enjoyable read. R. Billing’s writing is action-packed and technically sound, with enough tech to make it fun but not enough to mire the pace of the story in technobabble. Definitely one to recommend to any sci-fi fans on the hunt for their next book.

Reviewed for By Rite of Word.
Profile Image for Lizzie.
372 reviews35 followers
April 16, 2016
Jane Gould is an interesting character. A space fleet pilot, on the side of the good guys, who can kick ass, dress up and impress, and shoot quickly; even better, she has brains to go with her physical attributes.

The first book in this 2-book series (thus far) sets up the politics, the technology, the planets, the confederation, the bad guys, and Jane's "brothers and sisters in arms". In actuality, I would give this a 2.5, so I rounded up to 3. It's not quite there though. For me, it was not a smooth read, all the information just didn't seem to flow as part of the story for me. I finally stopped to look up ortho because I kept wondering what braces for teeth (orthodontist) or carpal tunnel and tendonitis (orthopaedic) had to do with space engines. I admit it; I was never great in chemistry and physics was a total regurgitation process in high school. I am not a writer, so I have no idea how this is done correctly. I just know when it works for me and when it doesn't. However, I was interested enough in the characters to keep reading.

The universe itself is somewhat in stasis. No war and the worlds are settled, slowly building, without having their resources wasted on war. The worlds are named after Old Earth cities, states, and countries, which was amusing in some respects. Think Texas and New Texas is not much different. Think Hong Kong and imagine a city spreading across a world. Think California and liberal. Like you would expect, there are always some people and some groups who are either crazy, greedy, or think they deserve better. Using terrorism and ineffectual anti-government groups to do his bidding, our bad guy advances his plan and Jane's job is to protect the people and catch the bad guy.

The Arcturian Confederation keep the peace and the science and are a bit like a federal government undercover agency. No one else has the secret of faster than light space travel and they will protect it with their lives. The book was reminiscent to me of a bit of the original Star Trek for reasons I can't name. Just the flavor it left me with, which is not a bad thing from my perspective.

For those of you who look for "clean" novels, this one didn't have any sex scenes or bad language, so safe to give to your teenagers too. A little bit of romance. Definite violence and death, but not in an overly graphic manner.

I received this book for free from the author. (He didn't specifically request a review, I had just expressed my interest in the Jane character and asked where I could find it.)
Profile Image for Dr susan.
2,715 reviews42 followers
August 26, 2024
I read Run five years ago and posted a review on Amazon. I'll post that review after I add that Run is great but sad. Jane is dedicated, young, and thoughtless.

"Absolutely awesome

I took a chance, and I'm so glad I did. Run is great sci fi with an engrossing plot, wonderful characters, and fantastic worldbuilding. I highly recommend Run From The Stars."
35 reviews
August 11, 2018
Space Opera Extraordinare

Read this exciting title, with a heroic female lead by the name of Jane and spend a few hours immersed in adventure.
Profile Image for Rebecca Armstrong.
67 reviews15 followers
May 20, 2016
I got a free copy of the book when i asked as i found the premise interesting.

The main character Jane is a smart, sneaky space pilot who can dress up like a girl but kick ass with ease. What caught my attention first was the cover as I am a space book binge at the moment.
Jane is a well respected but understood no to do things by the book and those who understand her love her for that.

Jane is living in a universe that no no major war meaning all worlds are slowing building its way forward without the loss of life and resources war can bring.

Like in every story there is a bad guy trying to control the power dynamic. Using the age old plan of terrorism and anti-establishment groups to help his plans. Jane's job is see what is going wrong and stop him. Jane is doing this in the name of The Arcturian Confederation.

A federation set-up by scientists not politicians who planned to keep the peace and not let politicians get in the way of stopping them. They do this by control the way ships go faster than light as if they control the space ways they can control who has access to others world thus keeping the peace.

I really enjoyed this book and made me emotionally invested cant wait to read the next.
Profile Image for Ray Tayek.
3 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2016
This story take place in a futuristic interstellar utopia, with only local, planet-side pockets of bad guys, due to a monopoly on FTL travel by the good guys.

The protagonist is a strong, well-developed female character. Perhaps the support characters could stand a little more development. The antagonists were a bit thin on development.

Jane, the heroine, finds the bad guys and after a couple of narrow escapes, gets captured by them (they do not manage to hold on to her for very long!) I was a bit disappointed that the romantic interest did not pan out.

I liked this book. The beginning is very good, sucks you right in. It moves along, it does not dawdle. I would have read it in one sitting, except my tablet powered down and needed to charge! Anyone who enjoys science fiction should enjoy this book.
Profile Image for Don DeBon.
Author 12 books3 followers
June 10, 2016
Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author on the condition I would post a honest review.

Run From The Stars is a interesting space opera centering around the protagonist Space Fleet Operative Jane. While still young, her ways of thinking get her out of situations that leave everyone else scratching her head. The language of the novel is very descriptive and the action (with rare exception) keeps rolling from the first page. The technology used is interesting, as is the methods of use, something a Sci-Fi buff will like. I found the novel a relaxing and enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Fiannawolf.
414 reviews14 followers
October 4, 2016
I have to admit that opening was fairly interesting. Jane has a quirky kind of luck I wouldn't want. Rough landing and not the best kind of greeting at the door.

She's an interesting character. I bought both books a while back but like everything on my kindle most of its on my TBR pile.

Decent world building. She can hold her own as a protagonist.

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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