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Sisi #2

Sisi: Empress on Her Own

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In this sweeping and powerful novel, New York Times bestselling author Allison Pataki tells the little-known story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, the Princess Diana of her time. An enthralling work of historical fiction set during the Golden Age of the Habsburg court, Sisi is a gripping page-turner for readers of Philippa Gregory, Paula McLain, and Daisy Goodwin.

Married to Emperor Franz Joseph, Elisabeth - fondly known as Sisi - captures the hearts of her people as their "fairy queen," but beneath that dazzling perception lives a far more complex figure. In mid-nineteenth-century Vienna, the halls of the Hofburg Palace buzz not only with imperial waltzes and champagne but also with temptations, rivals, and cutthroat intrigue. Sisi grows restless, feeling stifled by strict protocols and a turbulent marriage. A free-spirited wanderer, she finds solace at her estate outside Budapest, where she enjoys visits from the striking Hungarian statesman Count Andrássy, the man with whom she’s unwittingly fallen in love. But tragic news brings Sisi out of seclusion, forcing her to return to her capital and a world of gossip, envy, and sorrow where a dangerous fate lurks in the shadows.

Through love affairs and loss, Sisi struggles against the conflicting desires to keep her family together or to flee amid the collapse of her suffocating marriage and the gathering tumult of the First World War. In an age of crumbling monarchies, Sisi fights to assert her right to the throne beside her husband, to win the love of her people and the world, and to save an empire. But in the end, can she save herself?

464 pages, Hardcover

First published March 8, 2016

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About the author

Allison Pataki

11 books2,856 followers

Her work has been translated into more than a dozen languages, has been featured on The TODAY Show, The NY Times, The Huffington Post, USA Today, FOX News, Morning Joe, and more.

Visit AllisonPataki.com to connect and find out more.

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Profile Image for Sara the Librarian.
808 reviews681 followers
April 4, 2016
Edit: April 4/4/15

A lot of you lovely commentators have been asking me for recommendations for Sisi books I actually enjoyed. I'm happy to very highly recommend a book I've finally, finally managed to review called Stealing Sisi's Star: How a Master Thief Nearly Got Away with Austria's Most Famous Jewel by the very talented Jennifer Bahaney (who you may recognize from her helpful comments in this review when she kindly corrected all the stuff I got wrong about the real empress!). She very kindly offered me a copy of her book and I'm very pleased to recommend it to all of you!!!! I was seriously amazed I'd never even heard this crazy story before, some of it is honestly too crazy by crappy Hollywood B movie standards but apparently it all really happened!!! Check it out! Yes, its a shamelessly fawning review but I swear we do not know each other are neither related, married, or the same person!

From the Journal of Her Highness Empress Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Queen Consort of Bohemia and Croatia -

Dear Diary,

OMG being empress is like so totally hard! Everyone keeps expecting me to do stuff like "rule" and "pay attention to my kids" and all I want to do is go horseback riding! I love horses. They're so pretty and they run so fast and I'm such a totally kickass rider!

Vienna so totally sucks anyway. Franz keeps insisting I go to all these state functions. He's all worried about some stupid impending world war and government stuff. I totally took care of that whole Hungarian thing already! What else does he want me to do!?

Dear Diary:

I went riding today. I'm awesome at riding!

Dear Diary:

I love Hungary!!! I'm never leaving!!! No one understands when I try to explain how the twilight is different here than anywhere else. Its like they think that's just some stupid faux poetic bullshit that doesn't actually mean anything and is totally pretentious but kind of sounds like what someone deeply romantic and amazing would say.

Dear Diary:

I went riding today. I'm awesome at riding!

Dear Diary:

I went riding today. I'm awesome at riding!

(the above entry subsequently appears everyday for the next ten years)

Dear Diary:

The kids will NOT listen to me AT all! No one understands why I won't like help them with their problems since I whined so much in my last book about how much I wanted to take care of them. Don't they know its my evil dying mother-in-laws fault!? Its aaaallllwwwaayyyssss her fault!!!!

*sigh* Andrassay's so hot....

Dear Diary:

I love Andrassayyyyyyyyy!!!!

Dear Diary:

Andrassay is so mean! He won't help me get Italy back for my sister! He's just like Franz! He doesn't even want me to go on my two year long vacations anymore!!!!

Dear Diary:

I think Rudolph is a serial killer. I'm almost positive that in years to come this will literally never be a thing anyone suggests about him but my editor says people don't want to read so many chapters about horse back riding and my love life so we're throwing this in to help sales.

Dear Diary:

I love England!!!! I'm gonna stay here FOREVER! Yay horsies!!!! Queen Victoria who?

Dear Diary:

Bay is so totally hawt. I love Bay.

Dear Diary:

Booo Vienna...Rudolph's getting married to a really ugly princess. I wish I could advise him about this but that would mean talking to him and I don't want to do that. Huh, my daughter got married. Nobody told me!!! Wow, I have a grandaughter? I'm too young to be a grandmother!!!! WWWWWAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh look a horsey!

Dear Diary:

I love Bay sooooo much.

(the rest of the journal is filled with repeated references to horseback riding, how much the empress hates everything that isn't riding, and probably references to a bunch more hawt guys because I am giving up on this horrible, boring book and simply do not care anymore).

Final Entry:

Dear Diary:

Some weirdo just poked me with a stick. I wonder how my horsies are? Is that blood!?

Profile Image for Debbie W..
858 reviews732 followers
August 7, 2023
If Allison Pataki's intention was to make Empress Elisabeth (a.k.a. Sisi) come off as being vain and selfish, then she succeeded! I did not have any sympathy for this woman, at least not like I did in the author's previous novel about the same person, The Accidental Empress.

I felt more in tune with the Austrian citizens' frustrations toward Sisi and the exorbitant expenses she blew on her beauty regimen and her frequent travels. Sisi's thoughts (real or imagined) that she was relieved that her daughters were not bestowed with beauty like she was made me roll my eyes in disgust. Also annoying to me were her persistent dalliances with unattainable men, usually while horseback riding, but she couldn't seem to understand why people felt she was an unfit mother.

Overall, I'll give this book 4 stars because it was extremely well-researched. The outrageous but accurate events woven into this story's plot were jaw-dropping.
The settings are written with sumptuous and dazzling detail!
Also, I preferred the font used for the page numbers in this book as being much easier to read than in The Accidental Empress. Oh, my poor aging eyes!
Profile Image for Linda.
1,465 reviews1,553 followers
March 3, 2016
I received a copy of Sisi: Empress on Her Own by Allison Pataki through NetGalley. Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing, and to Allison Pataki for the opportunity.

Draw back the lush velvet draperies of the Habsburg Dynasty and you will stare into the soleful eyes of a young woman ill-prepared for the royal life unveiled to her. Sisi is but sixteen years old when she becomes the bride of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary. She has taken residence at Godollo, a palatial country estate outside of Budapest in 1868.

Allison Pataki takes special care in her depiction of Sisi. She has absolutely armed herself with indepth research for the time period and for the historical facts surrounding the Habsburg Dynasty. Her writing is rich with details and her portrayal of Sisi is quite an undertaking. Ms. Pataki adheres to an abundance of background information and historical logistics that, at times, can bog down the storyline much to the chagrin of the reader.

Sisi is hardly a linear character. She is a complicated, multi-faceted, reactionary to her previous upbringing and to her royal set of circumstances. Sisi finds herself at the receiving end of those who outrank, out number, and out manuever her. The young empress is at the mercy of an extremely judgmental, disapproving court. Her own mother-in-law, Archduchess Sophie, has an iron will and has taken over the role of raising Sisi's own children.

My sympathy for Sisi was short-lived. Her son, Crown Prince Rudolf, was subjected to extremely harsh and abusive conditions in his early preparations for royal life. We understand that this was the reality of the times. However, we also understand that Sisi's intervention was weak at best. She became all but a phantom of a mother in regard to her children. Some circumstances were beyond her control and some circumstances were due to the lack of assertiveness on her part. Royalty, at times, relinquished parental rights and all suffered greatly because of it.

Sisi was obsessed with her beauty and with her hour-upon-hour of regiments to uphold a flawless facade. Lacking control in her public life was a causal factor for Sisi to be engulfed in her own personal pleasures of horseback riding, the royal court, and pursuit of Count Andrassy, the Prime Minister. Custom, order, and tradition were the ways of imperial protocol and Sisi was totally immersed.

Sisi found a bit of refuge in her cousin, King Ludwig of Bavaria, who lived in a remote mountain castle of Neuschwanstein. However, "Luddie" was not the most stable of characters. Sisi became crushed under the weight of tragedies. Her father died in 1888, her son Rudolf in 1889, her sister in 1890, and both her mother and her lover, Count Andrassy, died in 1892.

Royalty does not prepare you, nor is it inclined to insulate you, for the devastations of life. Sisi was weighed down in life by more than the carat weight of her crown. No cluster of precious pearls nor richness of rubies could ever replace the jewel that Sisi sought to possess......true motherhood in its finest array.
Profile Image for Erin (Historical Fiction Reader).
929 reviews683 followers
October 29, 2016
Find this and other reviews at: http://flashlightcommentary.blogspot....

*** NOTE: This review contains spoilers. Please take heed and proceed at your own risk.

I love the Hapsburgs. Their history fascinates me and I was understandably intrigued when I learned that Allison Pataki had chosen to feature Empress Elisabeth as a fictional heroine. I was overjoyed to get an ARC of The Accidental Empress, but the reality of the novel didn’t live up to my expectations. That said, my two year experience with the first book proved I was too addicted to the subject matter to walk away from the series and challenged me to approach the sequel, Sisi: Empress on Her Own, with a more open mind. Resolved to give the author the benefit of the doubt, I jumped straight into the latter and did my best to remain objective. Did the effort pay off? Sort of. The novel incorporated a number of references and I enjoyed the game I made of picking out historically relevant cameos, but I fell into old habits and quickly found myself wrestling to rectify the fiction against my own inner dialogue and understanding of the royal family. Fair warning folks, what follows is a soapbox series of complaints by an exceedingly nitpicky reader. I’m bias and make no apologies for it, but please keep in mind my ‘enthusiasm’ relates to my passion for the material and is not necessarily even-keeled. Spoilers abound in the following paragraphs. Consider yourself warned.

I feel the strongest moments of the narrative were the scenes relayed from Luigi’s point of view, but I am frustrated to report that these passages couldn’t have played out as presented in the book. Pataki’s illustration of Sisi’s assassination includes an evening of premeditation that contradicts the timeline. Luigi’s intended target was Philippe, Duke of Orleans, but a change of plans meant the Duke was elsewhere. Frustrated, Luigi looked for a new mark and settled on Sisi after finding her name in the local paper. The paper was published on September 10th, the same day Sisi was assassinated which means Luigi could not have meditated on her death the night before and while that observation means little in the grand scheme of things, I couldn’t help feeling the dramatic shift in context minimized the tragedy of the Empress’ death. She was selected as a target only hours before the attack which made it a crime of opportunity and I am not comfortable with the liberty taken in white washing that fact as it gave Sisi’s assassin far more credit than he is due.

I also struggled with the lack of complexity between Elisabeth and Franz. Pataki’s interpretation is very black and white, but I have reason to believe the marriage was in fact much more complicated. In a letter to his mistress, Franz Joseph wrote the following: “We are quite well physically. The Empress has taken up her lessons again... and she devotes herself to the study of modern Greek with her usual zeal, in her room and in her walks in the garden. It is a necessary distraction for her, and Valerie reads to her in the evenings before we retire, while I fall off to sleep in a very comfortable reclining chair. Otherwise, the Empress is composed, and occupied only with her concern for my welfare and for cheering me, but still I notice how utterly the deep, secret grief fills her. She is a great, rare woman!” Their history is convoluted and while their union did not have the hallmarks of a passionate romance, the Emperor’s correspondence appears to indicate that despite their difficulties, the two were companionable, warm, and mutually supportive of one another.

Those familiar with my comments on Daisy Goodwin’s The Fortune Hunter understand that I was a not a fan of the novel. The idea of Sisi doning her famed star jewels for an informal evening tryst in the stables of an English country estate still makes me laugh, but the fact remains that Goodwin spent a lot of time researching Sisi’s beauty regime and the details she worked into her novel earned her a degree of admiration from yours truly (Details on Goodwin’s firsthand research can be found here). Pataki, by contrast, makes no mention of Sisi’s extreme dedication to her physical appearance and I couldn’t help asking myself why. Sisi’s features and fashion choices made her a legend in her own lifetime and I found it difficult to understand how such an intense routine could be so completely omitted from a story centered on the ‘most beautiful woman in the world,’ especially when said rituals are referenced in the historic notes at the end of the novel in question.

Mayerling makes its first appearance as the setting for a meeting between Elisabeth and Andrassy just after the World Fair in 1873. Pataki paints it as a royal property, but here again I found myself nitpicking. The notorious locale was acquired by Rudolf in 1887 from the Abbey of Heiligenkreuz which had owned it since 1550. This understanding being firmly rooted in my mind, I couldn't see the fictional scene as plausible and consequently assume it was invented to draw a tragic parallel between mother and son. I'll grant it's a creative idea, but I personally found it distasteful. After the incident, Franz Joseph ordered the property be converted to a convent and the Empress commissioned a striking and oddly prophetic Madonna for the chapel. In my eyes, the existence of this memorial is evidence of the deep and unrelenting pain Sisi associated with Mayerling and I don’t think the fiction recognizes those emotions.

Politically speaking, Sisi character shows significant inconsistencies. There are discussions with Franz, Andrassy, Ludwig that show her as possessing a great deal of political acumen. I personally agreed with this interpretation, but my opinion on that point is entirely irrelevant. I’d have been just as happy if Sisi had been painted as an independent, self-indulgent, social butterfly, but the fact that she flits back and forth between the two was difficult to swallow. Sisi couldn’t have been fiercely passionate about her role as Empress and repelled by execution of her imperial duties at the same time and as a reader, I found the inherent contradiction disorienting.

I understand Sisi to have been a complicated and deeply troubled soul with a host of personal demons, but Pataki’s Sisi was largely preoccupied with and defined by her love life. I struggled with that, but at the end of the day I don't hold it against the author. Pataki's understanding differs from my own, but I'd vowed to let go of my own preconceptions and at least try appreciate the character as Pataki envisioned her. I made a point of examining the contrasts Pataki created in Sisi's relationships with Franz, Andrassy, and Bay and ultimately appreciated those themes a great deal. On a similar note, I was also deeply impressed with Pataki's illustration of the Emperor's relationship with Katharina Schratt.

Chapter Fifteen was not my favorite as it omits much and peddles a number of anachronisms, but this review is long enough and I think I've illustrated my feelings well enough. When all is said and done, Sisi: Empress on Her Own is stronger than its predecessor and I'm glad to have read it, but that said, I found the completed work both unconvincing and inconsistent and would have difficulty recommending it forward.

Profile Image for Annette.
863 reviews532 followers
August 20, 2021
This is the story of Sisi, Empress Elisabeth of Austro-Hungarian Empire, unhappily married to Emperor Franz Joseph in the mid-nineteenth century. She looks for happiness in the arms of Hungarian statesman Count Andrassy as they share unhappy marriages. Later in the arms of Captain Bay Middleton as they share passion for horses, when she arrives for the legendary hunting season in England.

The book starts with Sisi debating why twilight looks different in Hungary than in Austria due to her unhappiness and that goes for about two pages. You have to like this kind of writing to be able to go through with this book. If you liked part I, The Accidental Empress, then you probably will like this book. If you didn’t, then I doubt you will like this one.

Sisi in her childhood enjoyed informal and unstructured upbringing. Therefore, she had difficulty adapting to the life at Hofburg Palace and its rigid protocols and strict etiquette. Her children except the youngest one were snatched from her by her mother-in-law, Princess Sophie. She suffered greatly, because of that. But I didn't feel any sympathy for Sisi. For me, she is not a likeable character. She is full of self-pity. We all should feel very sorry for her. What she cares most about is her lover.
Profile Image for Lolly's Library.
318 reviews98 followers
September 11, 2016
4.5 stars

As we learned in The Accidental Empress (which one must really read in order to understand Sisi's motivations and emotional handicaps, and not ignorantly write her off simply as a spoiled horse-lover), Elisabeth was not born to the position of Empress. Her childhood was unbelievably free and unstructured; her parents allowed her and her siblings to run wild, literally, through the Bavarian countryside. She never had to deal with convoluted and constricting rules of etiquette, procedures which dictated her every move from the moment she woke to the moment she went to sleep. So when she married Franz Joseph and became Empress, and found herself trapped by this system of stultifying rules, some of which were so ridiculous as to be unbelievable (there was a top-secret "Imperial Fold" of the napkin, people, that was a guarded state secret passed down orally to only a few living people at a time; that's the kind of detail-oriented, anal-retentive system we're talking about), her response was to run away. So that's what she did, through most of her career as Empress. And when she couldn't run away, she learned to control those few things which hadn't been stripped away from her: her toilette and dress, her exercise regimen, her diet, and her corset, all of which became near-obsessive rituals as the years went on, creating a woman who was more statue than human. But a beautiful statute nonetheless, one that became a favorite of newspapers and photographers, who documented her every look and action, turning her into a fashion icon and her style into the aspiration of thousands of women.

In Sisi: Empress on Her Own we see a woman who has lost some of the fragility of the earlier novel, who has grown strong from her success in helping creating the Austro-Hungrarian dual monarchy, who has found fulfillment in raising her third and final child far away from the stifling Hapsburg court, a child she's almost smothered with her thwarted maternal feelings. And yet this is still a woman who can't figure out how to have a relationship with her two older children, who can't figure out how to navigate the treacherous waters of the Hapsburg's Hofburg Palace without courting controversy or comment, who still hasn't yet come to grips with the enormity of her role as Empress. Pataki brings Sisi to life in all her heartbreaking, confounding, frustrating glory in a portrayal that's both sympathetic and unflinching in showing Sisi's flaws. After all, as Pataki says in her author's note, Sisi inexplicably stayed out of her son's, Crown Prince Rudolf's, life even though he displayed the same sensitive, high-strung temperament as she and would most likely have benefited from a closer relationship. Sisi also refused to intervene in Rudolf's marriage to Princess Stephanie of Belgium, vowing to be unlike her interfering mother-in-law Princess Sophie, even though she knew the marriage would create only unhappiness on both sides. And Sisi never seemed interested in regaining a relationship with her eldest daughter, Gisela, for what reason, as Pataki states, we can't know, but that lack of interest simply adds to the frustration we feel toward Sisi.

One of the interesting aspects of the book was watching the descent into madness, through Sisi's eyes, of King Ludwig of Bavaria, Sisi's cousin. Ludwig was yet another tortured soul, much like Sisi, who threw his country into bankruptcy with his reckless building projects, which were undeniably magnificent (like the remote mountain castle Neuschwanstein) but just as undeniably frivolous, and into scandal with his strangely intimate relationship with the composer Richard Wagner. There is a reason Sisi and King Ludwig II are referred to as the "Fairy Queen" and the "Fairy Tale King" as they both seemed to be slightly not quite of this world, as if they were perhaps changelings left in place of their more mundane copies. After Ludwig's sudden, mysterious death in 1886, Sisi's life seemed to become one, long string of tragedies: her father died in 1888, her son Rudolf died in 1889 in the scandalous murder-suicide with his lover, Mary Vetsera, which became known as the Mayerling Incident after the hunting lodge where they were discovered, her sister died in 1890 along with Sisi's close friend (and rumored lover) Count Andrassy, and her mother died in 1892. Is it any wonder that after Rudolf's death it was rumored that Sisi dressed in black for the remainder of her life?

Pataki's writing is rich, dramatic, lush, confident, and an utter joy to read. As another reviewer pointed out, one finishes this book with a great many "What if?" scenarios running through one's head, a great many questions and a near-sadness over the choices made by and made for Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Sisi: Empress on Her Own is a book that leaves you wondering, pondering, and wanting to know more, and that is the sign of a well-written, well-researched, well-structured book. (Just for comparison, Philippa Gregory's books simply leave me wondering how the hell she got published in the first place, so putting her and Pataki together in the same league is a head-scratcher for me.)
Profile Image for BAM doesn’t answer to her real name.
1,991 reviews441 followers
February 22, 2017
What I'm enjoying about this second book about the Empress Elizabeth is the deliberate placement in history her story takes. King Ludwig, Prince Frederick and Princess Victoria, Esterhazy, Lord Spencer, Tsar Alexander are all in the storyline, and Jack the Ripper as well as Sigmund Freud were mentioned.
Sisi was married to Franz Joseph during the golden age of the Austrian-Hungary empire. In book two Sisi continues her personal practical exile from court this time visiting the fox hunting manors of the English countryside and where she meets one of the loves of her life, Bay Middleton.
Throughout the book, we read vignettes from a peasant with a death wish named Luigi. His importance to the life of Empress Elisabeth was completely unknown to me. Part of me wishes I had been kept in the dark til the end.
The two tragedies she faces are the deposition of her cousin, the Mad King Ludwig, and the combustion of her son, Rudolf. Nothing like his father and tortured by his tutors as a child, he grows to be an alcoholic, drug user, philanderer, and sadist. His legend his well known to history.
The grief Franz Joseph faces at the end of the book broke my heart. The author's expressiveness in the last few chapters is put to good use. There is so much sadness and death. I truly felt it and even thought about copying a couple of paragraphs to keep in my journal. Then I remembered I don't have one. Hmmmm
Profile Image for Justina Neliubšienė.
314 reviews44 followers
March 27, 2023
Buvau labai pasiilgusi stulbinamai gražios, nenuspėjamos, nesutramdomos Imperatorienės Sisi. ❤️ Gal kiek ištęsta vietomis palyginus su pirmąją dalimi, bet man patiko, buvo smagu ir gera skaityti apie imperatoriškąją šeimą ir spalvingą jos gyvenimą.
Profile Image for Sandra.
200 reviews29 followers
October 3, 2023
Širdį skaudėjo kai skaičiau šią knygą. Sisi buvo graži imperatorienė, dauguma ja žavėjosi, tačiau iš tikrųjų ji jautėsi labai vieniša, jos sąntykiai su vaikais ne patys geriausi, jautėsi nemylima nors labai norėjo būti mylima. Dar ta tragiška Sisi gyvenimo pabaiga mane nuliūdino. Knyga būtų labiau patikusi jeigu prieš tai pirmąją dalį būčiau skaičiusi.
Profile Image for Taury.
828 reviews201 followers
May 2, 2024
Sisi by Allison Pataki. I am going to miss Sisi. A wonderful series. She has become one of my favorite characters! This is the 2nd in the series.
Profile Image for Susan.
184 reviews12 followers
December 4, 2016
During the time period this novel covers, Empress Elisabeth of Austria may have been fascinating, but she did not evoke sympathy. During the time period the first novel "The Accidental Empress" covered, Sisi was a young, naive girl who had spent a carefree, unstructured, unrestrained childhood and then was put in a difficult situation, not of her choosing. She was not the first or the last to marry into a difficult or challenging royal situation. The way a person meets their challenges shows their true character. Sisi chose to literally run away from her challenges involving the royal court, her marriage, and her two elder children. Sisi fled from her husband and children, as well as her duties at court, by frequent traveling. Because of the nature of the historical Sisi, she does not make a sympathetic character in this novel at all. Instead, she is selfish and self-centered, and that is the major problem with this novel. I simply can't find anything to like about her.

The first half of the novel was OK, but somewhere near the middle it started to really drag. I've been to all the Habsburg sites in Vienna, but I would have appreciated more description as Sharon Penman and Elizabeth Chadwick do in their medieval works. Those authors make readers feels as if they are there with the characters. There was too much wonderings of Sisi with too many rhetorical questions (pages and pages of wonderings) and too much about riding horses and Bay Middleton, so I started to skim. There were too many errors with facts that could have been easily checked, so I started to ask myself if I could trust any facts at all. Yes, it is historical fiction and I will give historical fiction writers some artistic license, but I do expect some things to be factual. The following are just several of the things I have issues with. I am a Queen Victoria and family buff and the factual errors about her children drove me bonkers!

1) When she visited the World's Fair in Vienna in 1873, Crown Princess Victoria of Prussia, the eldest child of Queen Victoria, was not a "young princess" or living in her "new home Berlin." So very wrong and so easy to check facts. Crown Princess Victoria was born in 1840 (she was 33 when she visited Vienna) and was only three years younger than Sisi (born in 1837, she was 36 at the time of the World's Fair). Victoria married in 1858, had lived in Berlin for 15 years and was the mother of eight children by the time of the Vienna visit.

2) "Edward was closer in age to Rudolf than Frederick had been..." insinuating Albert Edward (not Edward, see #3) and Rudolf would have more in common. OK, but Albert Edward was still 17 years older than Rudolf. They were hardly contemporaries. Rudolf was a 15-year-old and Albert Edward was a 32-year-old married man with five children. Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia was born in 1831, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales was born in 1841, Crown Prince Rudolf was born in 1858.

3) Queen Victoria's eldest son and heir would never have been called "Prince Edward". His name was Albert Edward and his title was Prince of Wales, not "Crown Prince." He would have been called The Prince of Wales or if using "Prince," Prince Albert Edward. He was called Bertie in the family. He used his second name when he became king, reigning as King Edward VII, but he was still called Bertie in the family. He chose to reign as Edward (his mother wanted him to reign as Albert Edward) so as not to diminish the status of his father's name.

4) Rudolf bought Mayerling in 1886 and converted it into a hunting lodge. Previously, it was a possession of the nearby Heiligenkreuz Abbey for over 300 years and was not a Habsburg royal hunting lodge as stated at the time Sisi rode to it in the novel. I also doubt Sisi would have been allowed to ride the 25 or so miles from Vienna to Mayerling alone and in the winter, and the 25 miles is using today's roads. I've driven from Vienna to Mayerling, which is literally in the middle of nowhere. Once we got off the highway, it was all country roads. It took about 1 1/2 hours to drive there. Sisi would have been riding 50 or so miles (back and forth from Vienna and Mayerling) in one day in winter conditions, probably unlikely in reality.

5) It's stated that Rudolf could not marry any of Queen Victoria's daughters because they were Church of England. In 1881, when Rudolf married, all the daughters but one, the youngest Beatrice, had been married for years. Beatrice was born in 1857, her sisters were much older, born 1840 - 1848. Yes, make the case that there were not a lot of Catholic princesses, but not that Queen Victoria's daughters could have been major prospects if only they were Catholics.

6) “...the young German emperor, younger than Rudolf , will expect to be honored as an old friend" Kaiser Wilhelm II was only five months younger than Rudolf which is insignificant, and yes, Wilhelm would expect to be treated as a friend as Austria and Germany had a treaty.
Profile Image for Ghost of the Library.
358 reviews67 followers
October 28, 2018
Here you go boys and girls....

To go the same route as I did with the first volume of this....ahem....thing, would be to give it a lot more credit than it deserves.
Suffice to say, regardless of quoting all the proper correct sources and extoling on how lucky she was to have traveled on Sissi's footsteps ( I confess myself very jealous there), I am forced to conclude that the one book which stayed in the author's mind was the one she doesn't quote - Countess Marie Larisch's "memoir" of her Aunt Empress Elizabeth ( which I read and reviewed here so I won't waste time repeating how absolutely disgusting that one is).

There's some historic facts here that are correct but mostly I cant shake off the feeling I'm reading simply gossip...the bad, non verified, written for sales gossip one would expect to grace the pages of such newspapers as ....I won't even mention them.
This isn't worth the time of anyone who enjoys History and whoever decides to go ahead and read this please keep in mind - THIS IS VERY BAD FICTION.
Want the real Sissi? Brigitte Hamman's The Reluctant Empress is your best, most accurate and factual option - in the English language.
I don't doubt Sissi, with her unique approach on life, would have found some of this drivel amusing, but I have also read and studied enough of her, her life and times, to know she was imensely aware of her position (and loved taking advantage of it) to put it at risk by behaving in this frankly ridiculous manner.
She was Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary (and some other 3 dozen tittles) ...to insinuate, even if for fiction sake, that she would behave as a love struck pampered moronic teenager is a clear proof that the author never fully grasped Sissi's persona....sad but true and I stick by my opinion.
Go ahead and hate me....I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
Profile Image for Rachele.
409 reviews108 followers
December 12, 2021
Per fortuna l'ho finito!!!
Sono un'amante della figura storica di Sissi e per questo sono molto esigente con i libri e le opere che trattano questo personaggio!
A parte due piccole parti interessanti il resto è stato moooolto pesante per me da leggere!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
145 reviews20 followers
December 17, 2015
Thank-you to NetGalley for my advanced reading copy of this novel.
This was a wonderfully written novel that I enjoyed immensely. After reading “The Accidental Empress” I was pleasantly surprised to discover there was a sequel, as I was eager to learn more about Empress “Sisi” of Austria-Hungary.
This novel begins where the last novel left us and therefore I strongly recommend reading them in order. I enjoyed this novel even more than I did the first one as I found it to be more educational about who Sisi was as a person and how she dealt with the issues in her life.
Sisi is a much stronger, independent woman in this novel and I was intrigued to learn how she was able to cope with the rigid structure of being a Hapsburg and all that it entailed. She struck me as a true free spirit–a “Fairy Queen” as she was named by her people–and therefore she ran away from the Hapsburg court as often as she could.
I do not use the term “ran away” lightly. There were many things that I felt Sisi was running away from, to name a few: the slander about her in the press, the tension between her husband and her son, even the prospect of too many Imperial functions would cause her to flee at times. If you read this novel by itself I could see how it may cause you to view Sisi as selfish and irresponsible, however if read after “The Accidental Empress” it becomes evident that Sisi HAS to take a step back from these things for her own well-being of body and mind. This is a woman with a much better handle on herself and her emotions than the Sisi of the first novel. I really enjoyed seeing this change in her and therefore found myself rooted firmly in her camp when it came to the backlash surrounding her urge to flee the court.
Yet this is not to say that I agreed with every decision she made. Her avoidance of her son’s issues in particular was disturbing to me. The author voices this same concern in her author’s note. The author muses upon whether or not the lack of control Sisi had in her children’s upbringing led to this distancing of herself from them later in life. Another thought is that she was reluctant to exert any kind of influence or control in fear of being too much like her mother-in-law Archduchess Sophie, who strove to control the Imperial Family’s every move. It was upsetting to read of the deteriorating relationship between Crown Prince Rudolf and his parents. I couldn’t help but wonder if the fate of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire would have been different if their relationship had not become so strained. I was amazed by some of the events that transpired in the family. As the author states in her author’s note: “one cannot make this stuff up”.
A particularly fascinating figure that appeared in this novel was Sisi’s cousin, King Ludwig II of Bavaria. “Mad King Ludwig” is most famously known for his creation of Neuschwanstein, the extraordinary fairy-tale castle set amongst the mountains of Western Bavaria. Ludwig was an eccentric recluse who became the patron of the composer Richard Wagner. He bankrupted himself through his building work and his patronage of Wagner, causing serious discontentment in the Bavarian government. Although it was mostly through letters written between him and Sisi, the author still managed to create a vivid character in Ludwig that I greatly enjoyed reading about. I adored the descriptions of Neuschwanstein that were shown to us through Sisi’s eyes and I found myself staring at photographs of the castle in wonder. Ludwig’s story is a sad one but his legacy of Neuschwanstein is awe-inspiring all the same.
Overall I really enjoyed this novel and I was able to get a good sense of who Empress Sisi actually was. Her life story is very interesting and there are many things that are curious enough to give me pause for thought. I’ve found myself pondering many “what-ifs” after finishing this novel and this is truly a sign of a good read: one that stays with me for a long time afterwards. I am very glad to have read this pair of absorbing, intriguing and well-written novels.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
April 6, 2017
The Accidental Empress was a book that really captivated me. Partly because of the author's writing style, but mostly because, while I knew a smidgen about Empress Elisabeth of the Hapsburgs, I didn't know much so I was eager to get her story.

Sisi: Empress on Her Own takes up where The Accidental Empress left off and follows the middle and later years of Sisi's life which also happens to coincide with the latter years of the Austrian Empire of the Hapsburgs. I appreciate how the author paid attention to historical detail even while she didn't bury the story in minutiae. There is so much here that I feel to do what she did in a duology was to pick and choose what to include that would further her story of Sisi along. I say it that way on purpose because I'm pretty sure that- as it is with any historical figure written about in a fiction story- its a take on that person and not a biography.

In the first book, I had a great sympathy for Sisi and was rooting for her to come into her own. This book struck me rather differently.
While this is the story of the Empress who broke away from the court and was allowed to live her own life, I was constantly struck by a person who was extremely self-absorbed. The Sisi of this story lived her own life on her own terms and refused to give attention to her duty- at least not for very long- as Empress and wife and mother. She kept falling for men (three of them) whose duty took them elsewhere, but she couldn't see why this had to be.
This woman was a runner. Constantly running away from anything that cut up her peace and then once she got where she was going, she wasn't satisfied there either. The most beautiful woman in the world, an Empress, treated well by her husband (as state marriages go) and she shuns it all only to sit there wondering why her people rip her to shreds in the newpapers and why her own children want nothing to do with her. I think this portrayed the humanity in her and her flaws mingled with her strengths rather well.

So, while I enjoyed learning more about Sisi the Empress and her personal life, I think the biggest enjoyment from this book was the overall history of the times and the colorful people Sisi encountered. I got emotional near the end because I was attached as Sisi was to many of these people. And yes, it is so sad to think how she met her death.

All in all, I'm glad to have gotten this second half of her story. I definitely want to read more about the key figures in this story including Sisi and I like the author's writing so I want to get more of her work, too.

I received this book from Penguin-Random House in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katerina.
200 reviews10 followers
September 25, 2022
Sequel to the first book, this is the second half of Sisi’s life. Very enjoyable read! Highly recommend!

Found myself enjoying this book more than the first one for a few reasons. First, Sisi is no longer portrayed as the whining teenager with no voice of her own, but rather as a woman, strong and flawed. Second, she no longer blamed everything and everyone else for life’s blows, but started asking herself what she did wrong.

We follow her life with her strained relationship with her husband, her older daughter, and her only son. The people she loves are in Vienna but she tries and finds every reason to leave court and be away from them as to heal the damage her own family did to her. It’s heartbreaking how much she loves her kids but they don’t seem to need or care for her. Or how she spends countless hours every day trying to look her best.

It seems she cannot forgive her husband, the emperor of Austria, for cheating on her and letting his mother take over the care of their children. He, however, keeps loving her, and lets her go wherever she wants, whenever she wants. It’s a very broken relationship.

Good portrayal of Sisi’s life and those around her. I was mad at least once at absolutely every major or even secondary character. They were very real with all their strengths and flaws. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Tracy.
635 reviews50 followers
July 6, 2017
I highly recommend reading this book after its predecessor, The Accidental Empress. Otherwise it's like stepping into the middle of a play and trying to figure out what's happening.

Growing up as a kid and in my teenage years I heard mention of the Habsburgs quite a bit. I never knew who they were or where they were from. I certainly do now and I found the whole thing fascinating!

Sisi reminds me of Princess Diana a bit. Her story is tragic. Her life is full of love and loss. She had quite some power and didn't always know how to use it.

I enjoyed learning about Sisi, Mad King Ludwig, Franz Joseph, Rudolph and even Hungary. I would love to visit Vienna and see the Hofburg Palace where Sisi felt so trapped.

If you enjoy historical fiction, this 2 book series about Sisi is worth it.
Profile Image for Marla.
1,271 reviews238 followers
August 24, 2017
This is a wonderful story. Allison does a great job of bringing these historical figures to life. I found it so interesting that I started Googling the different people to see what they looked like and to read about them. I felt sorry for Sisi because she thought she had true love with Franz but like history, the Emperor can have a mistress but the Empress can't have one. Sisi fell in love with a couple men who could never be with her romantically. I didn't know there was an Emperor in the late 1800's like them who ruled several countries. This was well worth my time. I do recommend reading Accidental Empress first. You will not be disappointed.

I won this on Goodreads.
Profile Image for Michelle.
Author 14 books1,479 followers
September 17, 2018
Another winner from Allison Pataki, definitely made better by reading the first (Accidental Empress) though this is a standalone novel. Sisi was a tricky character in real life and the author painted her with great empathy. I'm impressed she could make me feel so deeply for her. Granted, certain foibles felt overlooked (e.g. her eating disorder and extensive beauty routines that bordered on the obsessive), but I can also see why the author didn't want to spend too much time on these things. It's a somewhat long book, but I flew through it.
Profile Image for Erika Robuck.
Author 11 books1,246 followers
October 31, 2015
From luscious moonlit gardens to sumptuous castles, the settings of SISI: EMPRESS ON HER OWN are as dazzling as those of Vienna’s Imperial Court Theater, and the drama enacted on its pages is no less impressive. Pataki resurrects the unforgettable Empress Elisabeth in a rich and exquisite tragedy of passion and heartbreak—a true tour de force.
Profile Image for Ann Marie (Lit·Wit·Wine·Dine).
199 reviews247 followers
February 26, 2016
I really loved The Traitor's Wife by Allison Pataki and was super-excited at the opportunity to read and review Sisi: Empress on Her Own. Unfortunately, it fell a little flat for me. I'm not sure if, in part at least, it's because I didn't read The Accidental Empress. I found the comparison to Princess Diana to be quite a stretch since Sisi seemed to face consistent criticism for her lack of attention to her royal duties and detachment from her subjects. There was really nothing about her I found endearing or relatable. In fact, I found her to be really seemed rather selfish. And though I'm sure that "troubled" would be the preferred light in which to paint her, I really just didn't get that. For example, when her daughter Gisela wrote imploring her to come home and address the cruel measures being used to discipline and strengthen the constitution of her young son Rudolph, she did do so, but she never followed through in any way to try to alleviate the emotional damage that had already been inflicted; in fact she turned an absolutely blind eye to his own cruel actions. Throughout the book, it seemed that she really just wanted to skate by, getting away with accepting the bare minimum of responsibilities. Though the result of a long marriage having gone loveless, she actually had many freedoms for a woman of that time and I would have liked to see her use them for endeavors that were not always self-serving. I suppose I just wanted her to be a stronger woman in general. One who would face her problems rather than run from them.
I did enjoy learning about Sisi's cousin, Ludwig II of Bavaria, who proved to be an interesting story and character unto himself. Probably gay, an eccentric patron of the arts, a wild spender of his empire's fortunes, and possible clinically insane, he made for an actually likable, if not conventional man of his times. Throw in a suspicious and untimely death and there's another novel in the making, I think.
Though I can't give this book an overwhelmingly positive review, I would certainly look forward to reading Allsion Pataki's next book. She's a great writer who clearly does her homework. I think part of the problem for me, with this book, is that I didn't find Sisi to be a great heroine. And while that not the author's fault, it's hard to separate from my overall feelings about the book.

My rating: 3 stars


Many thanks to Random House Publishing Group via NetGalley for providing me with a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Delphine Demets.
15 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2022
I am still dipping my toes into the historical fiction pool, finding what works for me and what doesn’t.

I feel that Pataki glosses over troubling aspects of Sisi’s behavior: her obsession with her appearance (putting raw veal on her face during her sleep to prevent wrinkles), endless travelling to Hungary and England to be with her 'lovers' instead of raising her children and reigning with her husband in Vienna (she spends so much time away from her two eldest children that it is sort of heartbreaking), actively disliking her only daughter-in-law from the moment she met her because of her ‘frumpish’ wardrobe…

Before I picked up this book I thought poor Sisi was just misunderstood. Right now, I have kind of a love hate relationship with her. On one hand, I admire that she is, essentially, a modern woman trapped in a different time. On the other hand she was kind of a bitch.

Overall, Sisi is a page-turner and immersive novel with a unique setting and intriguing set of characters. Her story is truly fascinating.
Profile Image for Jane.
1,627 reviews219 followers
March 19, 2021
The author's recreation of the life of Empress Elisabeth [Sisi] of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from her reign as empress to her death. Ms. Pataki [daughter of a former NY State governor and of Hungarian descent herself] has fashioned an interesting tale of the later 19th century and the imperial family dynamics. The beautiful and complex Sisi struck me as a sympathetic person in one way--she was thrust into her role at a naïve young age--but in others also self-absorbed and escapist. She was neglectful of certain of her children, most notably Crown Prince Rudolf, who bore a tormented childhood, and suffered trauma all his life, ending in the sad Mayerling episode. The book contained ill-starred romance.
Profile Image for Petra Miocic Mandic.
146 reviews23 followers
December 7, 2016

Sve djevojčice maštaju o tome da jednog dana postanu princeze, sanjare o raskošnoj odjeći, veličanstvenom dvorcu i zaljubljenom, zauvijek odanom princu. Djevojački su snovi, kažu, danas ponešto osuvremenjeni jer vrijeme princeza odavno je prošlo. Osim u bajkama gdje one žive i dalje, a upravo su bajke krive za čarobnu koprenu kojom su zakriljeni ne toliko bajkoviti prinčevski životi. Stvarni prinčevski životi. I tako, svaka djevojčica mašta o tome da postane princeza misleći kako će joj upravo to osigurati njeno sretno do kraja života.

Postoje, ipak, i one rijetke među djevojčicama čija se sloboda ne dopušta ukrotiti, čiji se nemir ne da zauzdati krunom i čiji su snovi ponešto drugačiji. A upravo je jednoj takvoj namijenjena uloga ne princeze već carice na najvelebnijem, ali i najstrožem od svih dvorova druge polovice devetnaestog stoljeća; onom austrougarskom.

Kada bi priča o carici Elizabeti Austrijskoj, od milja prozvanoj Sisi i njenom suprugu, austrijskom caru Franji Josipu potekla iz pera neke maštovite autorice povijesnih ljubića i kada njeno uporište ne bi bilo tako čvrsto ukorijenjeno u povijesnoj zbilji, njihova bi ljubav možda i mogla imati sretan kraj, a kći bavarskog nadvojvode, slučajna carica, pronašla bi svoje sretno do kraja života. Ali nije. Premda povijest Elizabetu Austrijsku nije zapamtila po važnim preustrojima dvorskog života, čeličnoj volji ili svakodnevnom savjetovanju supruga pri državničkim poslovima, Sisi su povijesnom zaboravu otrgli neuobičajen način života i nepokoravanje dvorskim konvencijama. Prije no osobu, povijest je upamtila mit. Književnost je, kao i mnogo puta ranije, od mita načinila legendu.

Mlada američka novinarka i spiateljica Allison Pataki nije se prva našla na putu rasvjetljavanja Sisina mita. Vjerojatno nije ni posljednja, ali njena knjiga Sisi : U potrazi za slobodom idealiziranu caricu prikazuje bez filtera, u nešto promijenjenom, jasnijem svjetlu. Bilo zbog povijesnog ili geografskog odmaka, Pataki je u svom romanu Sisi udahnula život na način koji su svi dosadašnji književni proučavatelji njena života izbjegavali, skinula ju je s trona nedodirljive, nepogrešive i vječno prognjene, idealizirane careve žene i na njena leđa položila dio krivnje za događaje što su se oko nje odvijali. Na taj joj je način, možda, oduzela ponešto od čarobne prašine kojom je priča o vilinskoj kraljici obavijena više od stoljeća, no poklonila joj je nešto mnogo vrijednije, učinila ju je vladaricom vlastitog života.

U potrazi za slobodom čitatelju neće otkriti kako je došlo do sjajnog zaljubljivanja mladog cara u njegovu vragolastu bavarsku rođakinju, kako su zbog te ljubavi otkazane unaprijed dogovorene zaruke između Franje Josipa i Sisine starije sestre Helene te kroz što je sve mlada i naivna, za život na dvoru nepripremljena, a ipak carica prošla u prvim godinama svog bračnog i carskog života. Za to je bio zadužen, u nas nepreveden, prvi dio duologije o Sisinu životu iz Patakiina pera naslovljen Slučajna carica. Otkrit će mu, ipak, koliko je nemira bilo u tridesetogodišnjoj ženi koju na početku romana susreće i koliko ga je preostalo u šezdesetogodišnjakinji od koje se na koncu oprašta, koliko je čežnje za povratkom bilo u svakom od njenih bjegova i koliki su razmjeri utamničenja što ga je, ma koliko slobodna bila ili mislila da jest, uvijek nosila sa sobom. Otkrit će mu svu dubinu caričine potrebe za iluzijom, za prividom, za osjećajem čiji ju je nedostatak proždirao, a nije zapravo bila sigurna postoji li taj osjećaj uopće.

Iluzija… to je ono u što smo, kao da svojim romanom poručuje Allison Pataki, navikli gledati kada uperimo pogled u austrougarsku caricu, šećući sobama Hofburga, promatrajući njene portrete, gledajući filmove o njenu životu ili iščitavajući njegove romansirane inačice. Iluzija je ono što je Elizabeti Austrijskoj bilo potrebno kako bi se sačuvala od povijesnog zaborava, od protoka vremena.

Iako ga je sama smatrala jednim od svojih najvećih neprijatelja, vrijeme je i sada prema njoj blagonaklono, čuvajući uspomenu, ne dopuštajući mitu da izblijedi i da osoba iza mita padne u zaborav. U tom je smislu Sisi : U potrazi za slobodom vrijedno djelo jer prikazuje caricu razotkrivajući sve njene mane, a ne oduzimajući previše od njene ljupkosti. Svatko je od nas barem jednom pomislio kako bi lijepo bilo, poput Petra Pana, nikada ne odrasti. Allison Pataki iz povijesnih čitanki preuzima ženu i na njenom nam primjeru prikazuje kolike bi to potešoće nosilo sa sobom. Jer vrijeme se mijenja i mi se, htjeli ili ne, moramo mijenjati s njim. Kako na makrorazini, tako i na onoj vrlo osobnoj.
Profile Image for Cheryl .
1,016 reviews121 followers
December 14, 2015
Elizabeth, Empress of Austria-Hungary and wife of Franz Joseph was considered to be one of the most beautiful and captivating women of her time. Franz Joseph had fallen madly in love with her. They married when Elizabeth, called Sisi by family and friends, was only fifteen. The Habsburg Court was one of the world’s most respected dynasties, and rules of behavior were expected to be strictly followed. Life for Sisi became unbearable as everything she said and did, as well as her appearance, was scrutinized, criticized, and written about. As life became more and more stifling, Sisi sought ways to find happiness and peace away from the Imperial Court.

Using information taken from diaries, eyewitness accounts, letters, government reports, journals, and newspapers, Allison Pataki provides a well written historical novel which brings to life the Habsburg Dynasty and the world as it existed in the mid-nineteenth century. Readers of historical fiction will enjoy the story of the beautiful, strong-willed, and tragic figure known as Sisi.

Thank you to Netgalley and Dial Press for giving me the opportunity to read the advanced copy of this fascinating novel which will be released in June 2016.
52 reviews4 followers
February 6, 2016
**I received an advanced reader's copy of this book from LibraryThing**

"Sisi: Empress On Her Own" is the heartbreaking story of Empress Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary. Maybe not a household name today, Empress Elizabeth (known to her friends and family by her nickname “Sisi”) was a celebrity in her day, a trend-setter and legendary beauty who was simultaneously adored and picked apart by her public, her every move a subject of scrutiny for the newspapers and gossip columns.

I had no idea what to expect when I picked this up, and I certainly wasn’t expecting to fall in love with the characters the way I did. I’d never heard of Sisi and knew next to nothing about the Hapsburgs. Pataki says it best in the afterward: “This [story] was a fairy tales meets a Shakespearean tragedy meets a family soap opera meets an international saga.” Pataki’s use of luscious historical detail and meticulous research make Sisi and her world come alive, and the story swept me along from the first pages right until the end. I really enjoyed Pataki's writing style and pacing, and will be looking up the rest of her books.
Profile Image for Caroline.
326 reviews33 followers
May 28, 2021
It started off promising but it just dragged in certain parts of the book.

Allison Pataki certainly had in-depth research of the time period, Empress Sisi and the Habsburg Dynasty but it slowed down the story that the author was trying to depict through Sisi's eyes.

I found Sisi to be independent, introverted, a free spirit who felt happiest when traveling, or raising her youngest daughter Valerie but I found Sisi's lack of assertiveness and self-absorbing attitude taxing, perhaps I'm judging too harshly due to the times that this story takes place.

I understand Sisi to have been a complicated and deeply troubled soul with a host of personal demons who never truly adapted to her new home. I liked Pataki's illustration of the complexity of their relationship with their only son and heir. All in all, to my disappointment I found Sisi unlikable and selfish.
Profile Image for Aleksandra.
192 reviews33 followers
August 13, 2018
Sačekala sam da pročitam oba dijela pa da napišem osvrt i sada nakon što sam se izborila, da, izborila, sa gotovo 900 stranica što mi inače nije problem mogu reći da me je priča zamorila. Naravno svjesna sam da je to često problem kada se radi o biografijama povijesnih ličnosti zasnovanim na stvarnim činjenicama, ali ovdje se to moglo bolje uraditi. Sisi je živjela u vrijeme burnih političkih i drugih zbivanja u Evropi 19. vijeka i to se moglo bolje upakovati. Ovako smo dobili preopširnu priču kojom smo saznali kakvu je haljinu i frizuru imala u svakoj prilici, a ono što se stvarno dešavalo saznajemo zapravo iz fusnota. Iako vrlo lako osjetim empatiju prema likovima knjige koju čitam, ovdje je to izostalo. Nervirala me je njena sujeta i sebičnost i jednostavno nikako nisam mogla razumijeti njeno konstantno bježanje od svega, muža, djece koju je zanemarivala i svih bitnih zbivanja u njihovim životima. Više razumijevanja i suosjećanja sam osjetila tokom čitave priče, a posebno na njenom kraju, prema caru Franji Josipu iako je opisan kao kruta i državničkim dužnostima podređena ličnost. Sisi mi je do kraja ostala nezrela žena koja je takvim svojim odnosom uništila mnoge kojima je mogla pomoći samo da se nije toliko bavila sobom i svojom ljepotom. Dobro, ne moramo voljeti stvarne povijesne ličnosti o kojima čitamo, a mora se priznati i da je autorica pomno istražila život svoje junakinje, pa ukoliko vas zanima ovaj povijesni period i jedna lakomislena carica u njemu onda i pročitajte.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,042 reviews

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