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The Crusades Trilogy #1

The Road to Jerusalem

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The hero of this phenomenally successful historical trilogy is Arn Magnusson, born in 1150 to an aristocratic Swedish family. THE ROAD TO JERUSALEM covers his childhood and education at the Cistercian monastry of Varnhem. There he is taught the best of spiritual and worldly learning, as well as being trained to become a master archer and swordsman by the giant Brother Guilbert, a former knight. At seventeen, equipped to become a monk or a warrior, Arn returns home, a young man and yet an innocent in the ways of the world. Two sisters cross his path: one seduces him, while with the other sister, Cecilia, he falls deeply in love. In loving two sisters he has committed a crime punishable by both civil and clerical authorities, and he is sentenced to serve 20 years as a Knight Templar in the Holy Land.

320 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Jan Guillou

89 books644 followers
Jan Oscar Sverre Lucien Henri Guillou (born 17 January 1944) is a Swedish author and journalist. Among his books are a series of spy fiction novels about a spy named Carl Hamilton, and a trilogy of historical fiction novels about a Knight Templar, Arn Magnusson. He is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies in Sweden, Piratförlaget, together with Liza Marklund and his common-law wife, publisher Ann-Marie Skarp.

Guillou's fame in Sweden was established during his time as an investigative journalist. In 1973, he and co-reporter Peter Bratt exposed a secret intelligence organization in Sweden, Informationsbyrån (IB). He is still active within journalism as a column writer for the Swedish evening tabloid Aftonbladet.

In October 2009, it was revealed that Guillou had been recruited by the KGB in 1967. The exposure of his activities came after the tabloid Expressen requested the release of documents from the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) and published information from the Säpo files along with information gained through interviews with former KGB Colonel Oleg Gordievsky about Guillou's case. The records showed that Guillou's involvement with the KGB continued for five years, until 1972.

From Wikipedia

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 408 reviews
Profile Image for Murray.
Author 147 books689 followers
June 14, 2024
⚔️ One of the greatest books I’ve ever read.

A novel that made me glad there were two more in the series and made me wish there were twenty more or two hundred more.

[Book 2 surpassed Book 1 delineating as it did the inexplicable friendship between this Templar Knight and Saladin and giving a story of inclusion for all time.]

This volume takes place in ancient Sweden circa the 12th century. (The Middle Eastern part of the story begins with the second book.)

🇸🇪 Sweden in the 1100s. You envision it, you sense it, you breathe it, you live it.

"Guillou tells a magnificent story while the reader is swept along in the slow rhythm, the kind of literary adagios, of the text. The setting is superbly depicted, and the novels portray the great seductive ability of the Scandinavian universe." El Periodico (Barcelona)

translated from the Swedish
Profile Image for Markus.
481 reviews1,867 followers
March 8, 2019
I might remember these books too fondly as it's been years since the last time I read them, but these are some of the best examples of Scandinavian literature, and also some of the best historical fiction books that I have read.

I can't speak for the English translation, but I'd highly recommend Jan Guillou and Arn to anyone even remotely interested.
Profile Image for Mohammed Orabi.
207 reviews621 followers
October 28, 2016

نحن لا نستطيع ان ندرك بمحدودية عقولنا وعدم نفاذ بصيرتنا ما تخبئه اقدارنا وما يحمله المستقبل لنا من خير .. نتذمر ونشعر بالضيق امام العقبات الصغيرة التى تظهر امامنا .. نحزن لفقدان من نحب او لفشل
موقت ونشعر بان الحياة اصبحت ترفضنا واننا لن نستطيع ان نكلمل
رحلتنا بها .. ننسى كثيرا أن رحمة ورعايا الله تشملنا فى جميع الاوقات
وان تلك الازمات ليست سوى اختبار إلهي وبدون تلك الاختبارات ستفقد الحياة قيمتها وستصبح مجرد رحلة لتمضية بعض الوقت فقط قبل
الرحيل عنها ، تلك المقدمة كانت ضرورية للغاية لوصف شخصية كان القدر هو كلمة السر فى مجريات حياتها ارن او القوطى .. تلك الشخصية الخيالية التى نسجها الكاتب من وحى خياله الا ان ما حدث له كان واقعى للغاية
ومن الممكن ان يكون الكثير منا قد مر بما مر به وحدث له بعض ما حدث
له .. ارن طفل سقط وهو صغير من اعلى فكانت تلك هى بداية حياته
وليس نهايتها كما اعتقد كل من حوله ، خسر والدته لموتها وهو صغيرا
وتم الحاقه بدير صغير الا ان هناك تعلم معنى الحياة واكتسب العديد من المهارات العقلية والجسدية وتعلم ما ميزه عن غيره واكسبه حب واحترام من حوله .. خسر حب الفتاة التى احبها وتم ابعاده عنها الى ابعد الاماكن
الا ان تلك الخسارة كانت ثمن زهيد مقابل ان يحى الانسان حياة ذات
قيمة ومعنى .. قد يكون ارن نعم شخصية خيالية الا ان الكاتب اراد من خلاله ان يعطى رسالة بان السعادة من الموكد انها ستأتى بعد الشقاء حتى ولو تاخرت لبعض الوقت ..

الطريق الى القدس الرواية الاولى من اربع اعمال مترابطة للكاتب السويدى يان غيو تتناول حياة فارس من فرسان المعبد يدعى ارن ماغنوسون يتعرض للعديد من الاحداث المتتالية والمتعاقبة فيجد نفسه اخيرا فى الاراضى المقدسة منضما لجماعة فرسان الهيكل ويحارب من اجل ما يؤمن به .. الرواية فى اجزاءها الاربعة كذلك تدور فى ثلاثة اماكن او حقب
مختلفة .. الاولى فى شمال اوروبا مصورة صراعات ممالك الدنمارك والنرويج وما ينتمى لهم من اسر حول الحكم وتوحيد تلك المنطقة تحت راية حكم واحدة وبالتالى لو كانت اجواء روايات جيم اوف ثرونز الملحمية يستهوي عقلك فمن الموكد ان تلك الحقبة سوف تحبها للغاية .. اما الحقبة
او المشهد التالى فيدور احداثه فى الاراضى المقدسة والصراع بين
المسلمين والمستعمر الصليبى حول امتلاك ممالك الشرق .. وتلك الحقبة سوف يتم مناقشتها بشكل موسع فى الجزء الثانى من ذلك العمل تحت
اسم " فارس المعبد " .. اما الحقبةالثالثة فهى عودة ارن من الاراضى المقدسة الى اراضى اهله وانخراطه فيما بها من صراعات واتوقع ان هذا سوف يكون محور الجزئين الثالث وربما الرابع والذي لم يتم ترجمتهم
للعربية وحتى وقتنا هذا .. واما فى هذا الجزء الاول فكان فيه الحديث
عن حياة ارن ونشأته حتى بداية الرحيل للقدس وعلى الرغم من سابق معرفتى ببعض الاحداث نتيجة مشاهدتى للفيلم الذى تم انتاجه عنها فى عام ٢٠٠٧ الا ان الانفعالات لم تتركنى طوال احداث الرواية .. فالرواية جاءت اعمق واكثر حبكة من الفيلم على الرغم ان هذا الاخير كان جيد للغاية من حيث مشاهد العمارة القوطية والحروب فى الشرق وغيرهم ،
تلك الحبكة ربما تغفر للكاتب بعض ما جاء بها من مغالطات تاريخية ربما
فيما يتعلق بالقائد العربى عماد الدين زنكى وفتوحاته التى سعى الكاتب
فى اظهارها بشكل اكثر دموية ربما عن حقيقتها وكذلك موته او قتله بالمعنى الادق والذى تم وصفه بما يخالف ماحدث او ما روى لنا .. كذلك الوصف المسئ لمحاربين الشرق والذى وصل الى حد الاهانة وربما كان الغرض من ذلك هو اظهار تعصب رجال الدين المسيحى فى اوروبا والذى
يدفعهم لتلك الحروب الصليبية الا انه كذلك اثار استيائى للغاية اثناء القراءة غير ذلك فالرواية ملحمية وتستحق القراءة ..

Profile Image for Edith.
455 reviews26 followers
February 6, 2012
Nordic or Saxon-based fantasy or historical novels, when written by those outside of the respective countries, tend to turn into a gamut of stereotypical scenarios involving ale and whore houses, lootin' and pillagin', and some booze fueled mano a mano manly combat, with some barbaric execution and torture practices thrown in for good measure. All this is supposed to exude that rugged sense of manhood and bonding and brotherhood that kept life going in the longhouses on the icy land. Instead these just present a crass, stereotypical view of life in the north. In today's post-Tolkien fantasy realm (such as Game of Thrones) where the audiences crave that "gritty, realistic" factor in their stories about heroes of bygone era, I'm happy to find a story that neither whitewashes the past, but also doesn't depend on shock value or lowbrow humor to please the reader.

Instead the story moves forward through engaging dialog between characters. Sometimes the conversations help characters develop their internal compass as they grapple with decisions. Other times the dialogues are more for the reader, helping them navigate the complex ties of politics, kinship, and Nordic customs as they are happening, without resorting to a clumsy info-dump. The quasi-omniscient perspective is also used well, and it explains events according to the worldview of the person witnessing it (such as when there is a "miraculous" event), but not in a way that's pushy to the reader, but rather helps them understand the mental process of the characters better. It's also used well to introduce humor into the story, when the characters thought one way but the reader understood otherwise.

As for the plot itself. I was initially interested in reading a historical novel set during the Crusades, and was grumpy to find out that this first volume takes place entirely in medieval Sweden, and mostly concerned the childhood and youth of the protagonist Arn, as well as the clan intrigues in the country before its unification. Bah, just a bunch of longboats, long names and family lineages, and drunken swordfights >.<. And it has a cast list in the beginning organized by clans and lineage. But the author introduced the complex political tangles and clan relationships and rivalries in an engaging manner. Even the main character's youth growing up in a Cistercian monastery (what I thought would be the slowest part of the story) is very interesting. The details of everyday life, the philosophical conversations, and the personality of the brothers brought the experience to life, and makes the reader identify with Arn's spiritual upbringing and the way it shaped his outlook in the base world beyond the walls. (But then I might be more enthusiastic about monastic life than most).

The ultimate tension in this volume was how this young man would fare out in the world, where his values acquired from the brothers from the simple, cloistered life would come into tension with the practices of his kinsmen in matters such as having to choose between the comparative evils of strategic murder or even regicide, or risk inflicting greater harm through civil war; and through the process the character grows up and reconsiders his point of view. (A contemplative, self-searching protagonist - something bildungsroman heroes don't do enough, as they typically just rage or mope). In the next volume, I'd imagine this tension between what he learned inside the cloister will be found deficient against the reality as he encounters the much maligned Saracens; and yet he would preserve what the wise monks [despite their own prejudices] taught him about how man will ultimately be held accountable for exercising his own free will in matters of judgment.
Profile Image for Barefoot Gypsy Jimerson.
624 reviews49 followers
February 12, 2021
Long Road

The story line about a boy that becomes a monk , that's sent out in to the world as a young man. Turns out to be a good read. But the history of this world is just a little long winded .
Profile Image for Adrienne.
518 reviews126 followers
September 21, 2019
Incredible reading. (Book 1 of 3 books). This the story of the fictional character who became the great crusader Arn de Gothia with the Knight's Templar. Based on historical facts
In book 1 Arn is sent to a monastery where he learns the obvious ie Latin and religious lessons; including being able to reason. In addition he learns practical skills: horse riding, swordsmanship, long bow and arrow, smithing, gardening, building...and his faith is devout.
Eventually he is excommunicated and becomes a knight templar.
Unputdownable. Great prose.
Now racing through book 2.
Profile Image for Nada.
24 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2024
Zaboravila sam koliko u stvari volim povjesnu fikciju i to dobru povjesnu fikciju. A ova knjiga to jest. Jer iako je radnja bitna ono što je još bitnije je životnost okruženja koje se doima stvarno (i dobro istraženo) i u kojem se likovi doimaju uvjerljivo. Prije ove knjige nisam znala baš puno (ništa?) o skandinaviji u dvanaestom stoljeću na razmeđi staroga i novoga, paganskog i krščanskog. I iako je lik Arna naravno malo romantiziran, bar u prvoj knjizi trilogije, puno se može naučiti o ustroju samostana, odnosu između crkve i države, vlastelina i robova/kmetova i svim drugim zanimljivim detaljma života u srednjem vijeku. I jedva čekam drugu knjigu kada se selimo na Bliski istok i krećemo prema kraju Jeruzalemskog kraljevstva.
Profile Image for Ibrahim.
282 reviews117 followers
November 14, 2015
يان غيو كاتب وصحفي سويدي مؤلف هذه الثلاثية (الطريق إلى القدس - فارس العبد - المملكة في نهاية الطريق). قام بترجمتها المترجم الجزائري مدني قصري الذي ترجم من قبل روايتي (فتاة البرتقال) و (سر الصبر) للكاتب النرويجي جوستاين غاردر، والتي صدرت عن دار المنى.

تدور أحداث الرواية في القرن الثاني عشر في أوج الحروب والغزوات الصليبية. بطل الرواية آرن شائت له الظروف أن يعيش في دير للرهبان، وجد معلمه فيه مهارات قام بصقلها بتعليمه استخدام السيف والقوس، بجانب اتقانه لأمور كثيرة في مجال البناء وبالتأكيد العلوم الدينية والتي لم تمنعه بمسائلة الرهبان حول بعض النصوص التي وجدها تخالف فطرة البشر كالعبودية والحب العذري.

الجميل في هذه الرواية التاريخية أنها تنقلك لعالم ممالك الشمال آنذاك، بأجواءها الباردة وطبيعة تعامل الناس والطقوس المتبعة في المناسبات.

وتأتي أهمية هذه الثلاثية أنها تنقل للقارئ وجهة النظر الاسكندنافيه للصليبين، وعلاقة الكنيسة بسياسات الممالك، والصراع الداخلي بين العائلات الملكية.

تبدأ الرواية بوصف العرب أنهم “أهل الشرق الملحدون، حثالة الأرض وطلائع أعداء المسيح”، وبالرغم من تكرر هذه الأوصاف على ألسنة بعض أبطال الرواية، تشعر بتحيز الكاتب للمسلمين في بعض المواقع كقوله: “كان اليهود بالفعل أقرب إلى المسلمين منهم إلى المسيحين، بعد أن اكتسب هؤلاء المسيحيون تلك العادة الغريبة في إبادة اليهود كلما التقوا بهم” وكذلك عندما فاجئ معلم آرن بثلاثة خيول عربية جيء بها بعد أحدى الحروب واطلق عليها “نصير” و “خديجة” و “عائشة”. لعل ذلك سيعتبره البعض اهانة للمسلمين، ولكن في سياق الرواية لم يبين المعلم سبب هذه التسميات بعد واكتفى بالقول لآرن: سترى لماذا اطلقت عليهم تلك الأسماء عند تجربتها. واعتقد أنه قصد أن قوة وأصالة هذه الخيول العربية كانت وليدة هذه التسمية، ولغز هذا المعلم وتلميحاته المنحازة للشرق لم تتبين في هذا الجزء من الثلاثية.

تعرض الكاتب لهجوم كبير بكتابته هذه الثلاثية لأنه كتب عن حقيقة بلده والبلدان المسيحية الأخرى في ذلك العصر، وصور الكنيسة وعلاقتها بتلك الحروب التي تدور في القدس بأن لا علاقة بمشيئة الله ومباركته لها.

الجزء الأول من الثلاثية بنى قاعدة محكمة بولادة آرن ونشئته والظروف التي حكمت عليه أن يترعرع في دير الرهبان، ثم الحوادث التي واجهها والتي جعلت الأعين من حوله تتسائل من أين له هذه المهارة وسرعة البديهة. تتشكل شخصية آرن بصورة جميلة ويكون القارئ شاهد عليها خلال صفحات الرواية.

“آرن لم تكتب عليه حياة الرهبنة، بل إن مشيئة الرب أرادت أن يكون واحدًا من المحاربين الذين سيلتحقون بصفوف جيشه المقدس في الأرض المقدسة”.

يقول مدني قصري مترجم الرواية: “يبين غيو الظروف التي جعلت من هذا المحارب القوي، صاحب العقل المتفتح، يشعر باحترام جم للقائد المسلم صلاح الدين، وباحتقار عميق لممثلي الغرب المسيحي في فلسطين، ومدى فرحه بهزيمة الصليبيين في الأرض المقدسة”

ويضيف: “أن القارئ العربي سيجد في "الطريق إلى القدس"، وفي الجزئين المتبقيين من ثلاثية آن غيو، أحداثا تاريخية تنصف تاريخ العرب والمسلمين، وتعيد الاعتبار لقائد عربي فذ، وتجري رياحها بما لا تشتهي سفن صناع العنف، قديما وحديثا!”

استمتعت كثيرًا بأجواء الرواية والشخصيات والحوارات. وذكر صلاح الدين الأيوبي سريعًا في بدايات الرواية أضاف جمالية مميزة بالإنتقال من الأجواء الإسكندنافية إلى الأجواء الشرقية. وكانت النهاية مثالية ومحفزة لقراءة الجزء الثاني (فارس المعبد). وأنا على أمل تتم ترجمة الجزء الأخير قريبًا.
Profile Image for Brent.
492 reviews64 followers
November 1, 2023
I dnfed this book on page 255. It really has two things I can't get past. First is that it is incredibly slow. This is supposed to be a trilogy about the Crusades but the book starts with the main character not even born yet and instead of anyone joining a Crusade at any point of this book it instead concerns itself with medieval Scandinavian politics which is not interesting to me. Second the author's chosen style is just personally something I don't like. It feels like 90 percent "tell not show" as facts and plot points are relayed to the reader like a history book about a fake person. It feels very disconnected, and even though I wanted to get invested in Arn and his story I couldn't because we aren't actually in his head very much. I know book 2 actually takes place in the Holy Land so maybe it's more interesting, but I'm guessing the style is the same. Just not for me.
Profile Image for BridgeBurger Spoony.
119 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2023
It’s not bad. I’m just mad I bought a book called Road to Jerusalem (book one of The Crusades Trilogy) and got 400 pages of Swedish politics.
Profile Image for Michael Campbell.
392 reviews65 followers
October 12, 2018
Maybe it's because I went in expecting a book about the crusades and found myself reading a book entirely about Medieval Sweden, but I found this book a bit slow. The characters are all solidly developed, and the writing is well done and well researched.

Arn is a fairly interesting protagonist, a bit too gullible and naive, even for someone who grew up in the church. This whole novel is really just his coming of age story, focusing on his trials and shortcomings.

There is some political intrigue and plotting, and I did feel well immersed into the time period. Reading the particularly circuitous logic used by the church at the time was interesting as well.

Overall though, I liked this book but felt like it could have been a good deal shorter or just the opening to a book about Arn's adulthood as a Knight Templar.
Profile Image for Howard.
11 reviews5 followers
February 26, 2012
The Crusades Trilogy tells the saga of Arn Magnusson in the late 12th century. The story of Arn itself is fascinating although entirely fictional. Written history of the Northern people in that time period is extremely sparse leaving much wiggle room for Jan Guillou to create a fantasy-like tale set in an extremely vivid period of history.
Although I only rated the first book "The Road to Jerusalem" with two stars I gave books 2 & 3 a better rating. The greatest strength of the trilogy is its ability to seamlessly bring the reader close to the history surrounding the story of Arn (the Crusades mixed with the struggle for power in what is now modern day Sweden). At many times I felt as though the main characters were actual people.
Even though I found reading this series to be worth my time I was overall disappointed in the writing. Mr. Guillou tends to dull one of the most interesting periods in history with a monodrone style of telling events and facts as is it were a history book. The style of writing was so off-putting that is took me half of the first book to simply adapt to it. The book is about 90% narrative and description with 10% dialog and action thrown in for trimming. Thus Mr. Guillou has an ever-annoying style of telling the story & characters instead of SHOWING it. This makes the reading especially hard in the first book. There are also a few events and scenes in the series that come across as extremely coincidental or glaringly contrived.
Jan Guillou does do an excellent job however of putting the crusades into a context that simplifies/reduces (in a good way) a very touchy and not-so-simple history. I was especially impressed with his handling of the events that take place in the Holy Land at that time. It also gives the reader a great feel for what life was like not only in the Holy Land but in medieval Scandinavia as well. There are times in the series when the differences between the monks and the native Northmen are a bit exaggerated and strain author's credibility but on the whole it was decently accurate.
Overall I would recommend these books to any persons interested in the people or events of the time period (approx 1150AD to 1225AD).
Profile Image for Christopher Taylor.
Author 10 books79 followers
January 15, 2018
The first of a trilogy about a Templar crusader named Arn Magnusson, this story is about his parents and the circumstances that surround the birth and teaching the young man. Apparently a classic and one of the biggest sellers and most praised books out of Sweden, it is quite long and contains significant information about early medieval Sweden.

This is a period of moving away from the old ways, although fairly established as Christian, and Sweden's politics have much of the old system and its fights. This is a part of Medieval history I know little about, instead of France, Germany, and England. The young character is somewhat naive at this point having been raised in a Cistercian monastery, but is very skilled and gifted with combat in all its forms.

The book ends with him being sent to Jerusalem to fight along side the rest of the Templar knights, in a period of difficulty and struggle for the Outremer forces.

Its pretty well written, and well translated but at times drags a bit with side plots and political actions that are probably quite important to Swedish history, but I would have preferred a bit more tight a focus on young Arn and his life.
Profile Image for Dan Ryder.
Author 15 books5 followers
December 13, 2014
A lovely book. Unlike some other reviewers, I found the distinctive writing style to be quite delightful. Guillou can move effortlessly from the point of view of the naïve Arn, to that of a timid mother in law, to a wise priest, to a calculating nobleman, all in the space of a few pages. It must be admitted that the character of Arn seems almost drawn from a fairy tale, but the encounter of such a character with the (historically accurate) political complexity and occasional brutality of medieval Scandinavia proves to be highly entertaining. I very much enjoyed rooting for Arn while at the same time laughing at his naïveté, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series when his newfound knowledge of the real world will no doubt continue to transform him.
Profile Image for Sotiris Karaiskos.
1,223 reviews103 followers
January 18, 2020
A very interesting and particularly enlightening book about life in Sweden at the time of the Crusades. Theoretically, it belongs to a trilogy of books about the Crusades but in fact we are not particularly concerned except some brief references as a fact that is in the minds of the protagonists but does not affect their lives. Paradoxically, though, I find this book's function as a very large introduction something positive. As it is well known, in order to tell a story correctly you have to tell it from the beginning and that is exactly what the author does, with a careful writing style and a slow pace that allows us to pay attention to details. Thus he takes us to Sweden of the time to show us a society that is seemingly Christian but retains many of the traditions of the past and the Viking culture. This does not mean, of course, that the Christian element is less intense, on the contrary Christianity is a dominant element in its life and largely determines the behavior of the Swedes.

The protagonist of this story lives a life influenced by his faith, so his whole course is a constant struggle to reconcile himself with the harsh and violent reality, with his anxiety to avoid sin and the search for God's will prevailing in his thinking. Trying to find his way is involved in the violent political games of the time but also in matters of an emotional nature, with the results not being particularly favorable and thus leaving him only the road to Jerusalem. Of course, this path is paved by the author with a few exaggerations, and this slightly distorts the very good effort he has made so far. But that does not distort the very good impression that the book made for me in general. It may not yet seem to be something really great, but it is certainly an interesting work that shows respect for history and the sequel seems to be even more interesting.

Ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον και ιδιαίτερα διαφωτιστικό βιβλίο για τη ζωή στη Σουηδία την εποχή των σταυροφοριών. Θεωρητικά ανήκει σε μία τριλογία βιβλίων για τις σταυροφορίες αλλά στην πραγματικότητα δεν μας απασχολούν ιδιαίτερα πέρα από κάποιες σύντομες αναφορές ως ένα γεγονός που βρίσκεται στο μυαλό των πρωταγωνιστών αλλά δεν επηρεάζει τις ζωές τους. Παραδόξως, όμως, αυτή η λειτουργία του βιβλίου ως μία πολύ μεγάλη εισαγωγή την βρίσκω θετική. Ως γνωστόν για να αφηγηθείς σωστά μία ιστορία πρέπει να την αφηγηθείς από την αρχή και αυτό είναι ακριβώς που κάνει ο συγγραφέας, με έναν προσεκτικό τρόπο γραφής και έναν αργό ρυθμό που μας επιτρέπει να προσέξουμε τις λεπτομέρειες. Έτσι μας μεταφέρει στη Σουηδία εκείνης της εποχής για να μας δείξει μία κοινωνία που είναι φαινομενικά χριστιανική αλλά διατηρεί πολλές από τις παραδόσεις του παρελθόντος και τη νοοτροπία των βίκινγκ. Αυτό δεν σημαίνει, φυσικά, ότι το Χριστιανικό στοιχείο είναι λιγότερο έντονο, αντιθέτως ο χριστιανισμός είναι ένα κυρίαρχο στοιχείο στη ζωή της και καθορίζει σε μεγάλο βαθμό τη συμπεριφορά των Σουηδών.

Ο πρωταγωνιστής αυτής της ιστορίας ζει μία ζωή επηρεασμένη από την πίστη του και έτσι όλη του η πορεία είναι μία συνεχής προσπάθεια συμβιβασμού της με τη σκληρή και βίαιη πραγματικότητα, με την αγωνία του για την αποφυγή της αμαρτίας και την αναζήτηση για το θέλημα του Θεού κυριαρχεί στη σκέψη του. Προσπαθώντας να βρει το δρόμο του εμπλέκεται στα βίαια πολιτικά παιχνίδια της εποχής αλλά και σε ζητήματα συναισθηματικής φύσεως, με τα αποτελέσματα να μην είναι ιδιαίτερα ευνοϊκά και έτσι το μόνο που του μένει να είναι ο δρόμος προς την Ιερουσαλήμ. Βέβαια αυτόν τον δρόμο ο συγγραφέας τον στρώνει με μερικές υπερβολές και αυτό λίγο αλλοιώνει την πολύ καλή προσπάθεια που κάνει ως τότε. Αυτό, όμως, δεν αλλοιώνει την πολύ καλή εντύπωση που μου δημιούργησε το βιβλίο γενικότερα. Μπορεί ως τώρα να μη φαίνεται να είναι κάτι πραγματικά σπουδαίο αλλά σίγουρα είναι ένα ενδιαφέρον έργο που δείχνει σεβασμό στην ιστορία και η συνέχεια φαίνεται να είναι ακόμα πιο ενδιαφέρουσα.
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,305 reviews73 followers
October 14, 2014
It's an uncomplicated read. Often boring. Sometimes interesting.

The extreme naivete of Arn is not my most favorite trait in a main character. While later in the story he has a more 'in the world but not of the world' quality that stems from his religious upbringing, it wasn't enough to make up for the earlier naive innocence that annoyed me so much.

The characters had no real depth for me. They haven't been fleshed out to real people, just distant foreign historical figures thrown into a story. I did like Arn's mom, though how she magically seems to make money and be innovative with everything she does, seems a bit much at times.

The best part of the book is that the Scandinavian history is very clear. It's not just another medieval story that could technically be set anywhere, this one is very involved with it's backdrop. I think I would prefer a non-fiction work from this author though. His mix of too much fact and not enough story didn't work in this fiction setting, though I do really like the history, the location and the era.

The writing comes across as very simple, childish and choppy throughout. I'm not sure if this is from the translation alone or has been carried through from the original text.

The author has tried to create a story from medieval times, not just of medieval times and I appreciate that, but it didn't catch my imagination enough to read the next volume.

Profile Image for ala'.
352 reviews
December 9, 2011
أربع أشهر من القراءة كانت هي الفترة التي استغرقها هذا الكتاب لأنهي قرائته رغم انه لا يتجاوز ال 400 صفحة - أقل قليلا - أي أنه بحطجم أي كتاب عادي آخر أقرأه ، لكن هذا الكتاب كان مرهقا فعلا.
ينتمي الكتاب الى أدب الملاحم ، الذي لم أستسغه في أحد الأيام ، ورغم اسماء الاماكن والاشخاص المعقدة والكثيرة ، وفحوى الصراع السياسي الذي لم استطع كشف اغواره جدا ، والذي ويقف حائلا بعض الشيء بيني وبين الكتاب ، لكن المؤلف استطاع ان يقنعني بطريقة -لا أعلمها حتى اللحظة - ، الى العودة الى الكتاب في كل مرة أتركه فيها ..
والغريب ان الكتاب كان يتسكل في اللاوعي الخاص بي ، وكأنه فيلم سينما ، بطيء الحركة ، يعرض بكل هدوء وثقة في ثنايا عقلي ..
أكثر ما جعلني مصرة على قراءة الكتاب ، هو أن الكاتب يكتب عن الحروب الصليبية من وجهة نظر الصليبين - وهو ما افترضته من العنوان - لكنه وان لم يكن قد وصل الى هذه المرحلة من الامر في ثلاثيته وانهى الكتاب دون ان يصل ارن البطل الى القدس حتى ، لكنه اسطتاع نقلي الى جو اروويا في ذلك العصر.
دائما ما قيل لنا ان اوروبا في ذلك العصر كانت تغرق بالظلام ، والحروب ، و الامر صحيح ، ولكن يبدو انني كنت بحاجة الى سماع تفصيلات الاخر ، ما يرويه تاريخهم هم لا تاريخنا نحن .
استمتعت جدا في الكتاب .. واحد من اكثر الكتب المرهقة التي قرأتها في حياتي :)
وأ‘تقد ان قرائته يجب أن تكون فرض عين على كل قارىء في الوطن العربي .. ربما لا بد من العودة الى تاريخهم بروايتهم هم أيضا ! .. ليس من الضرورة ان نلتزم برؤية واحدة للأمر ..

متشوقة جدا لقراءة بقية السلسلة ..

Profile Image for Jud Tirawiyeh.
191 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2015
أشعر أني مخمورة الآن واني يجب ان لا اكتب هذا الكلام !
الا انني مشدوهة انه انتهي اي الجزء الأول , اشعر انني اريد المزيد , بل اني اتضور جوعاً إلى المزيد
كان الكتاب , نقلة حياتيه , وواقع لا يمكن غض الطرف عنه , لقد صوّر الحرب الصليبية و نشأنها في اعين الصليبين بدقة او بالأحرى الحياة المسيحية في الشمال , والمنشأ الأصلي لـ فرسان الهيكل اولئك الذي يقودون الحرب !
بغض النظر انني انتشيت حقاً بالأحداث , وبالسرد واللغة و القصة و التعقيدات , بـ نفسية آرن قبل ان يتوغل في الواقع , ب النفس البشرية التي لربما قصد الكاتب تصوريها او انها تجلت كـ تبعيه على تكوين الشخصية , النفسية التي لازالت الى اليوم تعيش الحالة ذاتها والمجتمع الذي يزال كما هو لربما تغير بعض المسميات او اخفيت تحت الاف الطبقات !
الآن أستنشق رائحة الكتاب و أشعر أنني ام رُدَّ اليها اسي��ها ولا استطيع التوقف عن استنشاقه كأنه هوس !
لربما سيخبرنا الجزء القادم ان سيسيليا التي احبها ارن قتلت حقاً وليس مجرد تلميح او جملة غامضه تدل على ذلك
بينما سيبين لنا رأي الاخ جيلبرت ب عرب الشرق
ومصير ارن مع فرسان الهيكل
يوضح الكتاب تناقض الآراء كما يوضح بطريقة غير مباشر النقاط السلبية و الإيجابية
لربما تشعر للوهلة الاولى انك لن تتذكر اية كلمة مما تقرأ , لكن ما ان تغمض عينيك حتى يخيل إليك ك فيلم سينمائي , يُعرض على الشاشة !
لا يفترض بي حقيقة ان أخبركم بـ أي من التفاصيل لأن أصغر تفصيل سيكون مجرد من متعة اكتشافه
حقيقة لم أرد لـ آرن ان يفارقني ولا خطاياه ولا اعترافاته
وشعرت ان لدي الكثير لاعترف به ! والكثير الكثير لاعاقب لاجله نفسي !
ربما سأقضي عمراً على الخبز الناشف و الماء !
في النهاية يمكن أن أخبركم بـ شيء واحد , كان أكثر ما تجلي لي في هذه الرواية , رغم انها مليئة بـ النقاط الانسانية و الدينية و الدنيوية , الا وهو , ان الله "الرب " خلق كل منا لـ مهمة معينة , لن يموت احدنا قبل أدائها , مهما ضاع في بقاع الأرض مهما غرق بالخطيئة بقدر المرات التي يطلب فيها العفو سيناله , في النهاية سينجز المهمة التي كُتِب له ان ينجزها و يفشل في تلك التي لم تكتب له !
ولربما حارب العاشقان لـ يجتمعا , كي يكتب الرب فراقها بالموت في اللحظة ذاتها

رواية اكثر من رائعة
لر بما اخدت وقتاً اطول بقليل من مماثلاتها , الا انها غاية في الرقة والقوة و الشعور , انها حياة حقيقية
ولربما كان صعباً احياناً أن تحتفظ بـ ايقاع القراءة , فتشعر بالفتور او ربما انا كنت السبب الا انك لن تقوى على التوقف حتى تعرف النهاية التي ما ان تعرف انها بداية جديدة حتى تتحمس اكثر <3
1 review3 followers
November 5, 2014
This book was fantastic. It has the proper historical accuracy that a historical fiction should have. Jan Guillou is a fabulous, well-versed author who can paint the world with his words, tickle the senses with his diction, and transport you into a world of love, betrayal, pain, sin and spirituality. If you're a reader who even has a passing interest in history, i would recommend this book to you. But we warned: the story is very complex and moves fast. Simply be careful and try to look at the bigger picture, rather than simply through Arns (the main character) eyes.
Profile Image for Ahmed Al-Emadi.
94 reviews45 followers
May 14, 2016
رواية مثيرة جداً للإهتمام تلقي الضوء على الجزء الآخر من العالم خلال فترة الحروب الصليبية. برغم حساسية الموضوع إلا أن الرواية تفيض بالصور الإنسانية و الروحية. كأن خلافاتنا هي نتيجة لسوء التفاهم الحاصل بيننا و أننا كبشر قريبون جداً لبعضنا البعض. كعادة دار المنى، إبداع في الترجمة والإخراج...
Profile Image for Christy Lené.
51 reviews2 followers
January 7, 2023
Excellent start to the series. Well written unique and easily immersive storyline with loads of relevant historical details. This series has great potential to become a new favorite.
17 reviews2 followers
June 30, 2014
By far and away the best trilogy that I have ever read. Having seen ARN, a movie that spun all three books into one movie - a gem, I had to read the books. The movie was the most expensive adventure that Sweden had ever put into a movie according to Wikipedia and it was worth it with one exception - the third book was cut short in so may ways. This first book sets up the characters in what will become the nation of Sweden.
Profile Image for Sergio.
1,153 reviews80 followers
December 19, 2022
Appassionante romanzo ambientato al tempo delle crociate nelle fredde terre della Scandinavia: inappuntabile la precisione storica, ben dosati i colpi di scena che impediscono cali di tensione narrativa
Profile Image for Homer reads.
63 reviews22 followers
February 21, 2023
E' sempre piacevole tuffarsi in avventure medievali dove l'azione, le battaglie, la violenza gratuita e il disprezzo per la vita umana sono un tratto distintivo, almeno nelle storie e leggende che si raccontano, di questa epoca; un po' mi dispiace non averne fatto parte...sarei voluto nascere anche vichingo, però niente da fare, ma non perdo la speranza.
Comunque mi aspettavo un po' di azione in più!!! Il testo l'ho trovato piacevole perché sembrava potesse esplodere in qualche battaglia epica, ma niente.

Anno 1150, protagonista Arn, figlio del nobile Magnus Folkesson. Prima che nascesse sua madre Sigrid
ha una visione: vede un giovane cavaliere con le insegne da crociato mentre la voce dello Spirito Santo le consiglia di donare ai monaci cistercensi la sua tenuta di Varnhem: questo atto sarà visto poi come il segno della provvidenza che renderà Arn colui che deve essere.
In seguito ad una caduta di Arn, Magnuss e Sigrid promettono all'altissimo di donarglielo se lo avesse salvato: qualche tempo dopo Arn si ritrova tra i monaci cistercensi, nel monastero che hanno costruito nel luogo donato da Sigrid.
Arn conoscerà padre Henri, uomo dalla spiritualità aperta e preoccupato per la libertà del ragazzo. Tra i monaci incontrerà anche Guilbert, templare rinchiuso lì per un tempo di penitenza; da lui Arn imparerà l'uso della spada, dell'arco, inizierà a cavalcare e a comprendere l'arte della battaglia. Da questo padre Henri riconosce che Arn ha una vocazione lontano da quel luogo e lo rimanda a casa perché possa conoscere il mondo, ma la sua innocenza ed inesperienza gli procureranno una serie di difficoltà.
La storia va avanti tra trame politiche, tentativi di matrimoni di opportunità poi qualche affondo e qualche duello, niente altro.
Arn si innamorerà di Cecilia, ma per colpa di Katrina (sorella stronza) saranno costretti ad allontanarsi: Cecilia sarà rinchiusa in un monastero di suore con tendenze al sequestro e allo sfruttamento di persona, Arn partirà per le crociate.
Nota positiva è che la birra è la bevanda base: ho già detto che un po' mi dispiace non aver fatto parte di quest'epoca?
Profile Image for Tazitazitazi.
396 reviews27 followers
September 21, 2011
Jan Guillou je 3. skandinavski autor (nakon Stieg Larsson i Jo Nesbø ) s kojim se susrećem u zadnje vrijeme i moram priznati da su me zainteresirali za skandinavsku književnost, jer su stilom i žanrom različiti (ne padajte na reklamni slogan ''Jo Nesbø je novi Stieg Larsson''!).
''Put u Jeruzalem'' je jedan u podužem nizu povijesnih romana koje sam pročitala u zadnje vrijeme (mislim da mi treba barem kratka pauza), pa se ne mogu oteti potrebi da ga usporedim s Bijela kraljica by Philippa Gregory i Raskol by C.J. Sansom .
''Put u Jeruzalem'' i ''Bijelu kraljicu'' povezuje narativan karakter i iscrpni opisi; ali to ''Put u Jeruzalem'' čini usporenim, a ''Bijelu kraljicu'' dosadnom. Ovdje ide i velika zamjerka izdavaču (Znanje za sve 3 knjige) da stražnja strana korica otkriva prevelik dio priče što meni umanjuje užitak čitanja (u ''Putu u Jeruzalem'' i sam rasplet!).
''Put u Jeruzalem'' i ''Raskol'' povezuje tema samostanskog života koja je prikazana iz 2 suprotna kuta. ''Raskol'' prikazuje samostane kao izvore razvrata i dekadencije, a ''Put u Jeruzalem'' kao svjetionike znanja i humanosti u barbarskom svijetu. Međutim, upravo su opisi samostanskog i svakodnevnog života najzanimljiviji dio ''Puta u Jeruzalem''. Vrlo su detaljni, pa i poučni. U vrijeme kad nas tehnika u potpunosti okružuje vjerojatno ne razmišljamo o tome kako skladištiti meso bez zamrzivača, osigurati higijenu bez vodovoda, graditi bez cigle, pisati bez papira… Ovo nije prva knjiga koja to opisuje, ali to radi na vrlo dobar način.
44 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2022
The book was a bit of a let down as a fiction read. It failed to deliver on all fronts I was expecting from a book of this genre- neither was it a great page-turner, nor did it make me curious or teach me much about the era and time of the crusades. The narrative and story telling itself was quite flat and monotonous, and in the end I finished the book simply because of the sunk cost. Evident also from the fact that I am not very excited about the following 2 books in the trilogy.
2 reviews
February 28, 2016
This book really took me by surprise and is the best book I've read in months. It was so good that I'm actually writing a review, which I have never done before. The description of the book doesn't do the story justice. And the writing is phenomenal!! I would recommend this book to just about anyone.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 408 reviews

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