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La Passe-Miroir #2

Les Disparus du Clairdelune

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Officiellement introduite à la cour comme Vice-conteuse, Ophélie découvre les mondanités d'un univers où complots et tensions politiques sont à l’œuvre derrière les belles apparences. Entre l'arrivée de sa famille au Pôle et les exigences de Farouk, elle n'a d'autre choix que de s'appuyer sur Thorn, son énigmatique fiancé. Quand des nobles disparaissent les uns après les autres, la liseuse d'Anima doit user de ses talents pour mener l'enquête. Une mission qui va l'entraîner beaucoup plus loin que prévu, au cœur d'une vérité plus redoutable que tout ce à quoi elle s'était préparée...

560 pages, Paperback

First published October 29, 2015

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About the author

Christelle Dabos

18 books3,421 followers
Christelle Dabos was born in 1980 on the French Riviera and grew up in a home filled with classical music and historical puzzles. More imaginative than cerebral, she begins to scribble her first texts on the benches of the faculty. Settled in Belgium, she intends to be a librarian when a disease occurs. Writing then becomes an escape from the medical machinery, then a slow reconstruction and finally second nature. Meanwhile, she enjoys the society of Plume d´Argent, a community of authors on the Internet. It was thanks to their encouragement that she decided to take on her very first literary challenge: to enter the First Youth Novel Contest. Great winner among the three finalists, Christelle Dabos has written 4 books in the "La Passe-Miroir" series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,183 reviews
Profile Image for Lucy.
422 reviews753 followers
December 11, 2020

I just loved this the second time around as well that I had to round my rating up! I just have so much love for Ophelia and Thorn ❤️

Original review:

I loved this ! This book continued on from the first one and I actually preferred this over the first installment. Here, Ophelia is still trying to understand the Citaceleste and the inhabitants from the Pole. Not only that, she now has to deal with the whole of her charismatic and overbearing family coming to the Pole to keep an eye on her.

Unexpectedly, she is promoted to Vice Story-teller to the ancestral spirit of the Pole, Lord Farouk. This thrusts her directly into the spotlight- tasked to perform in front of courtiers who love nothing more than to tear others down and be snobbish. The only person she feels she can turn to sometimes is her cold, distant and secretive fiance Thorn.

This book answered many questions from the first book and developed the characters we loved so much. We get to learn more from the praised Lord Farouk, more on his obsession with the book, Thorn's past and more development and use of Ophelia's powers. However, with some of the questions answered, we still get more questions and possible theories that will need to be answered (I hope) in future books.

When courtiers keep going missing from Clairdelune, Ophelia is unexpectedly drawn into the detective work of why and where these courtiers keep going. To solve this mystery and the secrets of her future husband, Ophelia must employ her abilities and keen mind to discover the truth. She is weary on who to trust and has to see above the illusions, before she loses herself in them as well.

One thing is for sure- I desperately need the translation of the third book to come out!
Profile Image for Stancy ✨.
313 reviews52 followers
June 16, 2016
C'EST FINI. Genre, j'ai tourné la dernière page de ce bouquin. Qu'est-ce que je vais faire de ma vie en ATTENDANT le tome 3. Sans rire ?! Aidez-moi.
Je suis VIDE. au bout de ma vie. Je ne vais pas pouvoir dormir. Je. MAIS.
C'était... Je n'ai même pas les mots. J'aurai voulu ne jamais le finir mais il FALLAIT que je sache la suite.

C'était magnifique, génial, incroyable. J'ai été littéralement transportée. J'étais dedans à 3000%. C'est une pépite et c'est français. C'est merveilleux !
Il était encore mieux que le tome 1 même si le 1 était déjà fabuleux.
Olalala, j'espère que les autres livres que je lirai cet été ne me paraîtront pas trop fades à côté...
Je <3. Voilà.
Profile Image for Chantal.
306 reviews693 followers
January 2, 2019
Bellissimo! Sono ancora nella fase di delirio più totale e con "delirio totale" intendo dire che sono riuscita a reperire il terzo in francese e io non so NULLA di francese. Comunque a breve uscirà la recensione sul canale dove ve ne parlo per bene e senza spoiler!
Profile Image for rain.
673 reviews431 followers
January 10, 2022
reread 01/10/2022
i almost forgot how much of a Journey the last few chapters were. goodness i really love how big brain this series is. excited to finally pick up where i left off and read the third book!

Thank you to Edelweiss and the publisher for giving me an advanced copy for an honest review.

It's official: I am now declaring this series as one of my favorites. When I was approved for an eARC of A Winter's Promise last year, I didn't expect it to steal my heart as it did. At first, all the talk of Rupture and the atmospheric writing confused me so much. The protagonists also seemed so unconventional—Ophelia is a clumsy and timid Animist capable of "reading" any object she touches and Thorn is a block of ice brought to life who doesn't seem to show any signs of emotion whatsoever. Now, I AM ABSOLUTELY AND UNAPOLOGETICALLY SMITTEN with this world and its protagonists. I have read hundreds of books but this series, by far, is one of the most special because it has captivated me with its elaborate world-building, unique magic system, page-turning court intrigue, and complex characters.

I was so excited to read this sequel and I'm so happy that it met my expectations. The Missing of Clairedelune brought me back to the Pole, where the court of Citaceleste is as chaotic as ever but there's an underlying threat brimming on the surface as some courtiers disappear one after the other without any trace. I loved the mystery subplot in this sequel (allthough I did guess the culprit in the end). This book also gave more depth to the family spirit of the Pole, Farouk, and I was once again amazed by his peculiarity. He's an immortal revered by everyone but he's also gravely imperfect with his forgetful memory.

The slow burn romance between Thorn and Ophelia also kept me on my toes. They make a very... unusual (this is an understatement tbh) couple but I'm drawn to them all the same. I must also admit that I have a soft spot for Thorn. He's as affectionate as a sack of potatoes but his lines always punch me straight in the chest:

“You want to solve every problem on your own,” she continued in a choked voice, “even if it means using people like chess pieces, even if it means making yourself hated by the whole world.”
“And you, do you still hate me?”
“I don’t think so. Not anymore.”
“Good,” Thorn grunted between his teeth. “Because I’ve never made such an effort not to be hated by someone.”

“I trust only the science of probabilities. I have studied mathematical statistics, combinatorial analysis, mass function, random variables, and they have never held any surprises for me. You don’t seem fully to grasp the destabilizing effect that someone like you can have on someone like me.”

The stakes are also higher in this book, as the truth of the Book and God's motives for breaking the world are addressed. The bigger picture is finally starting to unravel and I'm looking forward to the next books to shed some light to all the mysteries remaining to be solved.

The Missing of Clairedelune is a page-turning read with enough action, intrigue, and a bit of romance to spice up your reading experience. I highly recommend this series to everyone as it obviously deserves more recognition and love.
Profile Image for Megi Bulla.
Author 1 book7,909 followers
March 25, 2021
Ancora meglio del primo. Ora che siamo familiari con le dinamiche del Polo, la dinamica degli avvenimento ci è più chiara.. nulla è come sembra e non ci si può fidare di nessuno, ma in questo libro i colpi di scena sono ancora più inattesi! L'ho letto in 2 giorni e finalmente si vede qualcosina in più di Thorn e Ophelia come coppia Si riconferma un Fantasy che mischia intrecci politici, inganni e colpi di scena, il tutto incorniciato da un contesto assolutamente geniale e originale. FORSE, un pochino più "rosa" del precedente
Profile Image for Mirko Smith.
145 reviews1,232 followers
January 15, 2019
Un degno seguito di uno dei libri più belli letti l’anno scorso.
Questo secondo romanzo è ancora più strano e assurdo del primo, una trama che si fa sempre più fitta di avvenimenti e misteri ma che comunque mi ha lasciato qualche perplessità.
Nonostante abbia apprezzato tantissimo questo seguito mi ritrovo a dargli quattro stelle per delle cose che non mi hanno convinto al 100%.
Il finale ti lascia talmente tanto con il fiato sospeso da voler prendere lezioni di francese per leggere il terzo volume!
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,940 followers
June 11, 2020
Extraordinary storytelling and so full of surprises! Ophélie is a great heroine! Loved this 2nd of 4! The world of the Pôle is one of treachery and hypocrisy (why does that feel so relevant just now?) and Ophélie is working hard to survive and learn as things change and the mystery of Dieu continues to unfold. Archibald is a fantastic character (not just because I named my kid with that same name though!) and we get to hang with Renard and Gaëlle some more as well. And excellent followup to the first book in this quartet!
Profile Image for Giulia - Divoratricedilibri2.0.
273 reviews222 followers
January 31, 2022
Non toccatemi perché devo piangere

Devo dire che forse l'inizio è un po' lentino, ma sicuramente si riprende quando ci sono tutte le scene Thorn-Ofelia. Io sotto un treno per questi due scemi. Diciamo che in questo libro, sopratutto dalla fine, e da pag 300 in poi, incominciamo a fare 2+2, anche se le sotto-trame di corte si fanno ancora più fitte.
Niente, innamorata anche di questo, la fine è illegale e sento proprio che questa saga mi distruggerà nella maniera più distruttiva di sempre.
Archibald sposami con quello scarpone bucato.
Profile Image for violetisoverit.
45 reviews13 followers
November 2, 2019
Ho bisogno di terapia dopo quel finale. Non è legale far finire un libro così, MA.
La cosa che mi fa soffrire di più è il fatto che il terzo libro esiste, è già uscito. In francese. Unica lingua che non ho mai studiato in vita mia.
*parte Recovery di LP in sottofondo*
Ne farò una recensione seria quando il mio cervello si sarà ripreso.

Edit rilettura 17/10/2019: in ritardo ovviamente perché sono pessima a ricordarmi di usare Goodreads.
Ad una rilettura, ho avuto la riconferma di quanto sia innamorata di questa storia, di questo mondo, di questi personaggi.
La scrittura della Dabos è magia allo stato puro, ti prende per mano e ti accompagna in mondi fenomenali. Non so se sia un paragone corretto, ma i suoi libri mi ricordano molto le ambientazioni dei film dello Studio Ghibli, in particolare di "Il Castello Errante di Howl".
E nonostante sia passato del tempo, il finale di questo libro non ha fatto meno male, anche se stavolta c'era il seguito ad aspettarmi. Thorn, che mi combini?
Nonostante tutte le problematiche che questa saga può avere, non riesco a non amarla. Dabos, ti prego, non mandare tutto in vacca con il quarto volume. Ti prego.
Speravo di farne una recensione seria almeno stavolta, ma vado in brodo di giuggiole per questo libro e il raziocinio vola fuori dalla finestra.
Forse alla terza rilettura andrà meglio? 😂
5 stelle piene riconfermate, per favore scrittori là fuori regalateci più libri come questo.
Profile Image for Ellie.
579 reviews2,418 followers
April 28, 2019
ARGHHHH CLIFFHANGERS *wails piteously*

There’s positives and negatives to getting advance copies for review: you get the story early, yes, BUT YOU ALSO HAVE TO WAIT LONGER FOR THE NEXT BOOK 😭😭😭 why didn’t I study French in school just so I could read this series in its original language fml

I am incredibly enchanted by this series. It’s so different: the worldbuilding is so unique, a blend of beauty and steampunk that’s reminiscent of Ghibli works; the writing is gorgeously translated into illustrious scenes of beauty; the storyline is just so interesting - why did the world break, who is this God figure, what really is the role of the Mirror Visitor; and the characters are such colourful creations that sometimes you hate but then you love. Argh. Not to mention the extreme slow burn romance that’s less like a slow burn and more like a slow glacier, and the Byronic hero capabilities of Mr Thorn.

Though this book did feel a little bit like a filler, the ending set up some questions to leave readers grasping for the next book and UGH I just need it. And filler or no, I found the mystery really interesting and I just love these books so it’s not like I could ever find them boring. Whilst it probably is closer to 4 stars, the way this world and these characters occupy my mind makes me bump it up just that little bit more.

Full review to come soon! Thank you to Europa Editions UK for providing me with a proof copy in exchange for an honest review.

> 4.2 stars
Profile Image for The Artisan Geek.
445 reviews7,370 followers
June 13, 2019
Aaaaah this was everything I wished for and MORE. This was so good!! Dabos did not disappoint, I've got to insta add this to my favourites shelf! A review will be up on my channel soon!!

My copy from Europe Editions came in two days ago and OH MY GOSH. I finished A Winter's Promise today and I can't wait to delve into this one!

I received a copy from Europa Editions, but bought the first book last week so I can read that one first.

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Profile Image for Stefania.
9 reviews17 followers
February 19, 2019
“Ofelia contemplò l’oscurità calda contro cui stava rannicchiata, e in quell’istante seppe con certezza assoluta quale fosse il suo posto. Non era il Polo né Anima. Era il punto preciso in cui si trovava in quel momento. A fianco di Thorn.”

“Una lacrima le scese sulla gota. Le parole di Thorn le scavavano dentro un vuoto abissale. Sapeva con assoluta certezza che dal momento in cui si fossero separati non avrebbe più conosciuto il calore. Thorn deglutì contro la sua spalla. << A proposito: vi amo.>>

Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,578 reviews4,253 followers
August 5, 2023
So far this series is really fascinating. Dark in an unexpected way with disturbing politics, a mysterious history, an inventive world, and an unexpected heroine determined to survive on her bravery, wits, and compassion. There are moments of incisive commentary on things like negative French attitudes towards immigrants or the ways that uncomfortable history is covered up or glossed over. Thorn is an interesting character and I wonder if he's intended to be autistic coded? He's one of those characters you like more as you get to know him. Ophelia is a wonderful character to experience this complicated and dangerous world through and I'm rooting for her. I would have loved these books as a teenager and I'm enjoying them now too.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
179 reviews84 followers
February 12, 2017
Quel coup de coeur pour ce deuxième tome ! Autant j'avais apprécié le premier mais lui avais trouvé quelques défauts, autant ici je me suis totalement laissée emporter par ma lecture.

L'histoire prend son envol et Christelle Dabos développe ici un univers passionnant mêlant plusieurs éléments mythologiques connus. Tout au long du livre et encore plus pendant la deuxième partie je n'ai pas pu décrocher de ma lecture tellement l'histoire m'intriguait.

J'aime toujours autant le personnage d'Ophélie, qui est tellement à contre courant des autres héroïnes de roman YA et Fantasy ! Je sais que beaucoup la trouve ennuyeuse, ce n'est pas du tout mon cas ! Au contraire je trouve son côté réfléchie et maladroite très rafraîchissant par rapport aux héroïnes "tout terrain" qu'on trouve habituellement. Idem pour Thorn, on en apprend plus sur son histoire et j'ai hâte d'en savoir plus sur les zones d'ombre à son sujet.

Bref, ce tome m'a passionnée de bout en bout et je le conseille en particulier à ceux qui, comme moi, n'avaient pas été convaincus à 100% par Les fiancés de l'hiver !
Profile Image for Guglielmo Scilla.
6 reviews2,483 followers
October 18, 2019
After reading the first book of this saga, I thought the setting was charming, but the plot (which a friend of mine described as a never-ending introduction) scant and scarcely enticing. This second book has had me take such critique back. starting off on the backburner, there was a moment I was about to give it up. Then, something changed and the book turned abruptly into a real page-turner. Now, I’m craving for a film adaptation.
Profile Image for Camilla (thecrazyreader).
959 reviews167 followers
October 12, 2020
4.25 stelle!

Questo libro è decisamente migliore del primo.
E' più movimentato e ci porta direttamente all'interno della storia, che finalmente inizia.
Thorn e Ofelia mi uccideranno con questo slow burn, ma li adoro.
Il finale, che è molto interessante, mi è stato un po' rovinato dal fatto che la trama dietro il libro lo spoilera.
Profile Image for Mara YA Mood Reader.
342 reviews289 followers
November 6, 2020
I don’t know what it is about this series that keeps me feverishly tearing through pages but it’s working.

I can only describe this series in question form:

-I can muse perhaps that’s it’s akin to Harry Potter without being Harry Potter at all??
-It feels middle grade while not being middle grade at all?

It’s just something. Something of its own. With intriguing characters. It’s not the ✨cruel-boy I enjoy hurting myself on✨ plot that I hoped for but I still love what’s going on between the two in the arranged marriage because it’s not what we all thought it’d be.

And it’s weird. Quirky weird. You’ll either love it or hate it.

And I’m about to spend $12 for a kindle version for book 3. So I guess that means I love it.
Profile Image for Andrea Belfiori.
125 reviews1,022 followers
May 30, 2020
Brillante, bizzarro, sconcertante e mozzafiato. Ma anche un po' problematico. Ve ne parlerò presto sul canale!
Profile Image for Pauline.
Author 8 books1,278 followers
April 11, 2022
Très bien ! Très très bien ! Je suis énervée !

Mieux rythmé, mieux écrit, moins intrigues de cour et plus mystères universels, de vrais liens qui se tissent : c’est oui.

Et voilà bon autant Thorn reste un grand échalas à la capacité de verbalisation émotionnelle similaire à celle d’une petite cuillère, autant j’ai été socialisée comme une femme hétéro alors je reste sensible à cette romance improbable que je ne voudrais pourtant vivre pour rien au monde.

Bravo Mme Dabos, bien joué ! (Faut que j’aille réserver le tome 3 maintenant.)
Profile Image for Kalena W.
734 reviews457 followers
May 31, 2024
4.5 stars 🌟

I thought the first book in this series was strange and twisty-turny, but this book was even more so and it was so fun to see even more mystery explored in the sequel to A Winters Promise. The first book barely scratched the surface, and while this book started to drive an ice pick into the mystery, I really feel like we have soooo much more to go before learning the true secrets holding this world together. There were a lot of chapters that hinted at things that I think will be super interesting, especially in the context of the 'world before' all of the islands came to be. The worldbuilding for this series is near impeccable, I just wish there had been a little bit more lead on to some things in this book, but I understand it's to keep people reading.

Lots of the mystery in this book felt like finding dead ends, backtracking, finding hidden doors, and then finding more dead ends. Or slipping down a hidden corridor and not being able to find your way back out. Which was so fun for me, because while there were little crumbs to follow about things that were happening, I still really had no idea about what was happening. I felt as the reader, about as lost as Ophelia did trying to trace things together, which was actually really fun for me. Usually, I am able to predict or come up with ideas about where things in the story will go, but I really had no ideas with this book and it was so enjoyable because of that!

Ophelia is a really fun main character for this series because she's such as juxtaposition to the rest of the people on the islands, especially the pole where Thorn her fiance lives. They're all obnoxious and boisterous but she is quiet, and a bit timid though she definitely found more of her voice in this book. She is also really good at picking up little details that others may not catch, which is a really valuable asset to this story and all the mysteries that exist in this world.

Thorn is a fantastic character but he's so complicated to try to explain to someone who hasn't read the series. He comes off as a quiet and rude man, with no care for anyone but himself and his business or estate, but in reality, that's not the case. The amount of character growth he goes through in this book is astounding, even if it's just him peeling back the layers of himself more and more. I think he's my favorite character so far in the series, and I hope be continues to be that way.

Archibald is one of the characters that is really expanded upon in this book, and it was such a treat because he is so interesting and also so much more than what's on the surface. While he comes off as a flirt and uses people to get what he wants, but there's so much more going on with his family and his powers that make his story so interesting. I loved getting to know him more and seeing how Ophelia and his relationship (friendship?) changed throughout the story.

More characters were introduced in this story but I can't quite remember all their names, but this novel had so much worldbuilding around the pole that I believe was so necessary. Even if I can't remember them all, they all played critical roles in moving the story forward, either to the detriment of the main characters or by helping them.

One of my favorite things about this book, and series so far in general, is the subtle evolution of Ophelia and Thorn's relationship. It's not that obvious if you don't pay attention, because the subtle growth of their relationship is SO subtle it's almost not there. But it felt so realistic in this book that I couldn't complain, and I am completely here for the extra slow burn between them. I hope that it continues to develop and evolve in the later books to come, because their dynamic is so fun to read about and see Ophelia's perspective on.

[TW: gun violence, blood and gore, physical violence and assault, death and murder]
Profile Image for constance.
161 reviews8 followers
July 28, 2024

Confusing? Yeah. Did I love it? Yeah.

Profile Image for Giorgia.
Author 3 books770 followers
January 3, 2019
Io sono completamente innamorata di questa serie fantasy. Il secondo libro amplia notevolmente le premesse su cui si basa l'intera storia, risponde agli interrogativi lasciati irrisolti e sviluppa in maniera molto più convincente i protagonisti (nonostante alcuni loro problemi che permangono).
L'atmosfera mi ha conquistata, sono stata travolta e catturata irrimediabilmente nella trama vorticosa del romanzo!
Profile Image for Laura.
806 reviews
January 22, 2019
Wow! Il primo libro non mi aveva convinta del tutto, così ho iniziato questo secondo senza alte aspettative e ho continuato la lettura molto a rilento... Non so come da un certo punto la storia mi ha presa e non mi ha più lasciata! Ho adorato i risvolti finali, ho adorato Thorn e ogni singolo personaggio!!! Non vedo l'ora di leggere i due libri finali! Sarà una lunga attesa..
Profile Image for Lena.
301 reviews
October 14, 2019
Boh, non lo so. Penso a Gli scomparsi di Chiardiluna e il mio cervello va in Error 404.
Così come in Fidanzati dell'inverno, ho impiegato circa un centinaio di pagine per prendere il giusto ritmo di lettura. Questo secondo volume, a differenza del primo, fa sentire meno "la pesantezza" del world building. Ci troviamo in un mondo che già "conosciamo" (lo virgoletto perché tanto lo so che la Dabos ci avrà svelato solo una minima parte) e in un'Arca piena di misteri e di segreti, ma a cui siamo stati abituati quasi sin dall'inizio del volume precedente.
In questo secondo volume Ofelia sembra aver perso, in parte, la sua immaturità e la delicata innocenza che l'hanno contraddistinta in Fidanzati dell'Inverno. Continua ad essere un po' sbadata e timida, ma si vede che sta cercando piano piano di abbandonare le gonne della famiglia e cavarsela da sola.
Il suo rapporto con Thorn cresce e si trasforma: se all'inizio non poteva vederlo senza provare una forte rabbia, piano piano si accorge che sta imparando a conoscerlo. Riesce a vedere oltre la sua composta freddezza e alle sue parole dure.
Un po' mi è dispiaciuto vedere Berenilde un po' sottotono rispetto al primo volume, avevo già capito che dietro al suo comportamento nascondeva un grande affetto per il nipote, Ofelia e la zia, però mi sarebbe piaciuto ritrovare il suo comportamento enigmatico.
Renard e il prozio di Ofelia sono altri due personaggi che adoro e ho amato averli ritrovati anche in questo volume.
Il finale è veramente un mindfuck assurdo.
Io avrei voluto aspettare gennaio 2020 per leggere il terzo capitolo uscito qualche giorno fa, ma credo che rientrerà a mani basse nella tbr di Novembre... sperando di non dover attendere secoli per il quarto ed ultimo volume.
Profile Image for Avada Kaddavra.
415 reviews68 followers
September 10, 2019
Wieder aufregend, dramatisch, herzzerreißend, spannend und unvorhersehbar!
Diese Reihe übertrifft alles, was ich bisher gelesen habe, vielleicht sogar Harry Potter, dessen Abenteuer ich doch so sehr liebe❤️
Profile Image for Gaelle ✨ (asparklingchapter).
287 reviews116 followers
May 29, 2019
Mindblowing and fascinating, I have no words. This book might be the best one I’ve read so far this year. WOW.

Ce n’était pas Thorn qui avait besoin d’elle. C’était elle qui avait besoin de Thorn. Ophélie se plongea corps et âme dans le miroir.

Every damn chapter has its importance. The main characters are amazing, Ophelie is just so excellent!
This story is so inventive, it blows my mind. The creativity is on a Harry Potter level to me for sure. Speechless.
I’m a mess full of emotions right now. That ending got me all over the place, and that cliffhanger ?! Oh my god, thankfully the third tome is out in France, I NEED IT RIGHT NOW.

5++/5 stars. Even better than Les Fiancés de l’Hiver. So glad to read in French after all this time! ❤️
Profile Image for Benedetta Marrelli.
124 reviews25 followers
January 7, 2022
Questo secondo volume decisamente più avvincente del primo, Ofelia molto qui è molto più intraprendente, prende in mano la situazione, dice la sua, così come Thorn invece si apre di più, scopriamo qualcosa di più sul suo passato e insieme formano una coppia per cui non si può non fare il tifo!

Non vedo assolutamente l'ora di leggere il terzo!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,183 reviews

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