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Fables: The Deluxe Edition

Fables: The Deluxe Edition, Book Twelve

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The award-winning Vertigo series continues with a new introduction by former DC Comics President and Publisher Paul Levitz, and a special sketchbook section by series artist Mark Buckingham.

Imagine that all the characters from the world's most beloved storybooks were real-real, and living among us, with all of their powers intact. How would they cope with life in our mundane, un-magical reality?

The answer can be found in FABLES, Bill Willingham's celebrated reimagining of the venerable fairy tale canon. From Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf to Goldilocks and Little Boy Blue, the folk tales of old are reborn here as exiles living in the magically camouflaged New York City neighborhood of Fabletown.

FABLES: THE DELUXE EDITION BOOK TWELVE includes the worlds-shaking events of "Super Team" and "Inherit the Wind," as well as the pivotal tales "The Ascent" and "All in a Single Night" from FABLES #101-113.

312 pages, Hardcover

Published May 24, 2016

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About the author

Bill Willingham

902 books2,791 followers
In the late 1970s to early 1980s he drew fantasy ink pictures for the Dungeons & Dragons Basic and Expert game rulebooks. He first gained attention for his 1980s comic book series Elementals published by Comico, which he both wrote and drew. However, for reasons unknown, the series had trouble maintaining an original schedule, and Willingham's position in the industry remained spotty for many years. He contributed stories to Green Lantern and started his own independent, black-and-white comics series Coventry which lasted only 3 issues. He also produced the pornographic series Ironwood for Eros Comix.

In the late 1990s Willingham reestablished himself as a prolific writer. He produced the 13-issue Pantheon for Lone Star Press and wrote a pair of short novels about the modern adventures of the hero Beowulf, published by the writer's collective, Clockwork Storybook, of which Willingham was a founding member. In the early 2000s he began writing extensively for DC Comics, including the limited series Proposition Player, a pair of limited series about the Greek witch Thessaly from The Sandman, and most notably the popular series Fables

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Profile Image for Chad.
9,112 reviews994 followers
June 19, 2022
Super Team
First we check-in with Bufkin. Then,Pinocchio has convinced the Fables they need to build a super team to defeat Mr. Dark who is knocking on the doors. It's some good fun as they try and build their own X-Men. The final confrontation blows through like a hurricane and is over way too fact. But I get it. Sometimes that's just the way things are, especially when we just had that big confrontation in issue #100. Finally, we check in with Briar Rose and the remnants of the Empire. Overall one of the weaker volumes of the series. The final issue does lead in to Fairest.

Inherit the Wind
The main thrust of this volume is about the Wolf family. Now that the North Wind is dead, a new North Wind must be crowned so trials are concocted to determine which one of Snow and Bigby's children will succeed their Grandfather. Meanwhile, Bufkin is running around Oz trying to drum up a revolution. There's also a Christmas issue about Rose which will play in later in the final arc of the series. Your usual interesting stories from Willingham and Buckingham.
September 30, 2021
Un interesante relato que va anticipando el final de Fábulas. Vértigo siempre ha tenido historias que me han fascinado y con esta serie no hace más que confirmar la buena elección de creativas/os para sus productos.

Aquí el "Súper grupo" se constituye para enfrentar al enemigo, mientras Bufkin continúa sus aventuras en las tierras de Oz.

Es muy buena la resolución del conflicto principal porque no nos esperamos el desenlace que Willinghan propone para cerrar los enfrentamientos con el Oscuro. Eso, a su vez, le permite abrir otro hilo en la historia que se desarrolla en "Heredarás al viento".

Me encanta Fábulas porque los personajes entran y salen de la escena, van adquiriendo protagonismo unas u otros en función de los devenires de la imaginación del guionista y eso conduce a que siempre haya agilidad en la trama.

Las ilustraciones acompañan la brillante narrativa, lo cual supone un aditivo más para seguir el tren de nuestros ya familiares y queridos habitantes de La Granja, Refugio y Villa Fábula.
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books149 followers
August 12, 2016
It would have been cleaner to break these Deluxe editions so that the Dark Man plot stays together and the Cub plots stay together, but even with this volume covering two different eras of Fables storytelling, it's an interesting volume with a fair amount to like.

The Ascent (101). It's great to get back to the Bufkin plot, and it even greater to see his return to Oz. However, this story is also a bit slow because it's really just a setup [6/10].

Super Team (102-106). I've long thought of superheroes as modern Fables, and this is the arc where Willingham offers his agreement in an amusing but shallow deconstruction of the genre. The first time I read this arc, I found its plotting a bit more problematic because Willingham yanks the ground out from under you three and a half issues in and offers a sudden wrap-up that could feel anticlimactic. In rereading it, it's more obvious that the whole finale was actually set up in the previous volume and that it suggests that the real problem isn't actually Mr. Dark, but familial obligations, which is very nice messaging for the series as a whole. So, unlike the end to the Adversary arc which *still* felt anticlimactic on a reread, this one fits [7+/10].

Waking Beauty (107). A wonderful one-off because it plays with the tropes of fables (here: Sleeping Beauty) in a way that only the best Fables did, but also because it offers a great coda for the story of the Empire [8/10].

Inherit the Wind (108-111). With the abrupt end to the Dark Man plot, the question was whether there were any more stories to be told. The answer is happily "yes" and Willingham kicks right in by putting Snow and Bigby's children center stage. More widely, this decision was somewhat controversial, because Willingham was shifting the focus away from the classic Fables, but I quite enjoyed it, because it allowed him to create new Fables and fables of his own.

"Inherit the Wind" does a good job of really differentiating the kids and putting the question of the North Wind center stage, as a nice spin-off of the super-team arc. The story is never that deep, and stops pretty quickly, but it's a nice one nonetheless.

The Bufkin plot that shares pages with "Inherit the Wind" is a little less successful, mainly because it ends on a cliffhanger without having gotten much of anywhere. Still, it's enjoyable while we see it, and it promises goodness in the future [7/10].

All in a Single Night (112). An excellent advance of Rose's plot, told in the style of the three Ghosts of Christmas, but totally twisted. It's feels important, like we've got a major new element of the plotline starting up, so the frustrating thing is that the final shoe, of which Hope Rose will be, doesn't drop. Still, this is an enthralling, sometimes touching issue [8/10].

In Those Days (113). An OK set of stories, though the long story of Kadabra feels like it undercuts the agency of all of Fabletown, and is best forgotten [5/10].
Profile Image for Alex.
779 reviews34 followers
April 3, 2019
Great closure for the Mister Dark arc (if it's really a closure ;) ). It's impressive, with well placed subplots and mini stories, Willingham manages to keep the readers' interest in the series high after ~110 issues. Another 5/5 volume that I read in a glance, honestly I couldn't let it down.

Eager to see how the "North Wind" plot will evolve.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,590 reviews27 followers
June 11, 2020
Bill Willingham plots Fables so perfectly its pretty amazing. The book is a great series. Here, he finds another way to flip the script and turn things around while making perfect sense. The storyline with Snow and Bigby's kids is a treat. I'm going to hold off on the changes Rose Red is going through because I didn't love them to start. Mark Buckingham is such a treasure. His pages are amazing. Overall, another great read that only had a few missing elements.
Profile Image for Heather.
636 reviews
March 20, 2022
Okay, there is a LOT happening in this weighty volume. The Mr. Dark story line finished up (maybe??!!) with less of a war and more of a battle of brawn and brain. We get some backstories, some cliffhangers of yet-to-come, some beautiful, magical faery-tale interludes, a Dickens-like nod to the Christmas Carol, but not too many questions answered. We travel to Oz, we travel back in time, we travel to the Sleeping City of the Old Empire, we travel to the North Wind's Castle, and of course, Haven, the Farm, and Manhatten/Fabletown. We also meet some new players in the game -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Told you it's a lot but I am here for it!
Profile Image for Ruz El.
837 reviews19 followers
January 25, 2021
Another fun volume. Mister Dark is back, so the Fables have to mount a super team in the fun opening story. this allows for some low key Jack Kirby tributes which is really fitting and nice to see in the series. The rest is as interesting following the events that would lean heavy into spoiler territory so trust me on it. The filler issues are nice little bites that feed into the narrative. All things are firing as this heads into the ending pages of the series.
512 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2021
The last book contained one of my very favourite story arcs Frau Totenkinder vs. Mr Dark, with some back story bonus. So this book had a lot to come up to. It isn’t quite as great but it is classic fables fun. The Fables superhero pastiche was a little to tongue in cheek for my taste but I love the way they went with he Mr. Dark storyline. Clever, and a little out of left field without coping out. I can’t wait to see what’s in store next.
Profile Image for NevaReads.
480 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2020
I like when they branch out into shorter tales where we can learn more about different Fables that aren't given large parts in the main story. The trials for the position of North Wind is a good example, showing us what the Wolf children's personalities are like (one is definitely a brat). The Christmas tales are my favourite. It takes A Christmas Carol to a new level of fun.
Profile Image for William Hayman.
Author 3 books3 followers
November 21, 2019
Good, original plot which is easy to follow, at times even predictable but still a clever page-turner. Only down side is that segments of the plot might be the hard to follow if one has not read the spin-off stories. Overall, a good series.
Profile Image for Joey B.
418 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2019
Fables barrels onward, moving past the stunning #100 issue and settling into Haven and the new status quo. Willingham continues to keep things feeling fresh, and the Mister Dark mega-arc continues to unfold while we deal with some other issues that of course crop up. If you've been enjoying the Mister Dark cycle these past arcs, this oversized hardcover is worth getting as Fables remains a good series, even if it doesn't quite live up to the Adversary arc.

In this collection we see Bufkin discover the kingdom of Oz and get caught up in their world and its strife, Ozma herself settles in as her role as leader of magic users at Haven while assembling a "super hero" team of Fables, the Fables move against Mister Dark, and there's some drama regarding the North Wind and of course Bigsby's cubs get dragged into it. Overall this collection delivered pretty well on all fronts; writing, story, and art. The pacing feels natural and there's some surprises in store.
Profile Image for Petra Valković.
Author 4 books35 followers
August 16, 2024
Bajke 12: Naslijeđe vjetra mi je vjerojatno jedan od zanimljivijih brojeva Bajki jer se većinom radi o meni najdražoj bajkovitoj obitelji, onoj Vuka i Snješke Bijelić i njihovo sedmero djece. Glavna nit koja se proteže kroz ove brojeve je ta tko će od djece naslijediti tron velikog Sjevernog vjetra, njihova djeda. Taj dio mi se najviše svidio jer mi je u ovim danima vrućine donio dašak hladnog vremena i snijega 💙❄️.
Nastavak narativa o Crvenoj Ružici mi je također bio zanimljiv kao i njeno putovanje na kojem mora otkriti i izabrati kakvo će utjelovljenje nade postati.
Majmun Bufkin uvaljuje se u još veće nevolje, a sreća mu ovaj put nije baš prijateljski nastrojena.
Tu je i Božićni specijal u kojem se pojavljuje jedna od Bajki koju još nismo imali prilike vidjeti u ovim stripovima, a koja predstavlja utjelovljenje nade u bolje sutra.
Ne moram više niti spominjati fenomenalne crteže i boje. Već sam se toliko navikla na njihovu kvalitetu da su me razmazili.
Profile Image for Shuprova.
38 reviews24 followers
September 20, 2020
Started with Fables 60 and finished with 129 but don’t have the patience to review separately, so counting it all as one giant book! Loved the new “adversary” and the attack on the empire although the story line about Haven seemed a bit too easy. Would honestly have liked Mr Dark to have stuck around for longer. Have also been really curious about the North Wind and that story arc was interesting enough. Not sure how I feel about the Bufkin spin off though! More political intrigue and less comic relief in the next ones hopefully! It seems to increasingly get less dark as the series progresses
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Skip.
3,517 reviews534 followers
August 25, 2021
Flycatcher/King Ambrose is doing all he can to keep Mister Dark out of Haven, but his powers are weakening. Meanwhile, Ozma and Pinocchio are organizing and training a team of superheroes to battle Mister Dark when the inevitable occurs. Bufkin finally escapes from the Business Office in Manhattan to find himself besieged in the many problems in Oz. Bigby's father (the North Wind) is reminded of his solemn oath to destroy zephyrs, placing him in an impossible position versus Bigby and the wolf cubs so he devises a most honorable solution, opening a competition among the wolf cubs, which is quite entertaining. Onto Book 13...
Profile Image for Yersey Owen.
Author 6 books27 followers
January 13, 2022
Este volumen mezcla trama principal con otras subtramas que, para mí, no han sido tan interesantes como otra veces. No obstante, se nota que se acerca el final con los sucesos principales que giran en torno a la batalla que lleva fraguándose unos cuantos tomos atrás, que se han entrelazado con otras tramas que parecían no tener que ver, y que ha culminado en algo fantástico. Lo mejor de este número 12, sin duda, es la trama del Viento del Norte.
Profile Image for Luly Ceballos.
177 reviews1 follower
November 26, 2018
I love it, of course I do. But, I can't help thinking that Mr. Dark grew too bigger to be destroyed by The Avengers. Of course, one thing leads to another good and bad in the life of Bigby and his cubs, but hey, Deux ex Machina!! And, of course, The little match girl had to be there right? There to make me cry as usual..at least I wasn't crying alone (Thank you Rose).
Profile Image for Christina (A Reader of Fictions).
4,451 reviews1,762 followers
March 27, 2024
The big battle against Mr Dark is surprising and the whole story arc is funny and heartbreaking. The next story arc about the North Winds is a bit of a let down compared to how strong the series has been for quite a while. It's not bad of course, but definitely lacking in intensity and humor compared to the rest.
Profile Image for Brittany.
613 reviews19 followers
June 20, 2017
It took me way longer to get through this volume than it should have, but only because life got really busy. This one was far better than volume 10. A lot got resolved in this one, but it also set up plenty and left us with some questions. Looking forward to getting into #13!
Profile Image for Mike Klein.
467 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2019
It is easy. If you like graphic novels at all read the Fables series. Start at the beginning and enjoy the art and the story. The deluxe editions are the best, but in whatever version they are well worth the read.
412 reviews
July 26, 2021
Somewhere between two and three stars. I felt that the stories were fragmented in a way that I didn't like (and I'm the one usually all-in for the fragments).

The story about Rose Red however was a gem, and the part about cubs has some potential in it.
Profile Image for Erik.
2,037 reviews10 followers
April 6, 2023
I'm glad the Mr. Dark saga is over for now, with an ending that sets up a good story about the Wolf kids. There are several fun smaller stories included as well, with some adventures in Oz, a superhero parody, and a nice Christmas story.
178 reviews
December 17, 2017
The series continues to stay engaging and I just love the deluxe edition for its quality paper and print.
Profile Image for Doreen.
2,881 reviews79 followers
January 31, 2017
Hunh, not sure if my library stocks the last two? three? volumes so I may do my overall series review. Will keep searching.
Profile Image for Koen Claeys.
1,321 reviews22 followers
August 31, 2017
The conclusion of the Mister Dark story-arc is disappointingly anti-climatic but Fables is still a delight to read.
Profile Image for Zachary.
90 reviews3 followers
May 2, 2018
The Mr. Dark saga comes to a rather unfulfilling end, but the volume picks up a bit with some good character interactions with the Wolf family.
Profile Image for Chris.
214 reviews3 followers
June 10, 2018
We are getting to the point in this series where you wonder how the stakes can get higher, yet here we are, suddenly reading a pastiche of a superhero comic.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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