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Neighbor from Hell #8

Fire & Brimstone

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What happens when a Bradford with questionable OCD, a tempter and a reputation for making his employees cry falls for the woman that refuses to accept the fact that he’s fired her and was terrifyingly more of a Bradford than he was?

Well, we can’t share that here, because it would be seriously inappropriate, but we’re sure that you can see where this is leading…

To the altar or a stint in the slammer, either one is possible when it comes to the Neighbor from Hell Series.

Author’s Note: This book along with the rest of the series is intended to make you smile, let you relax and forget the drama and stress that plagues our lives even if its just for a little while. This is a drama free book. My goal is to put a smile on your face and I hope this book does that.

336 pages, Nook

First published August 23, 2016

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About the author

R.L. Mathewson

67 books15.4k followers
New York Times Bestselling author, R.L. Mathewson was born in Massachusetts. She’s known for her humor, quick wit and ability to write relatable characters. She currently has several paranormal and contemporary romance series published including the Neighbor from Hell series.

Growing up, R.L. Mathewson was a painfully shy bookworm. After high school she attended college, worked as a bellhop, fast food cook, and a museum worker until she decided to take an EMT course. Working as an EMT helped her get over her shyness as well as left her with some fond memories and some rather disturbing ones that from time to time show up in one of her books.

Today, R.L. Mathewson is the single mother of two children that keep her on her toes. She has a bit of a romance novel addiction as well as a major hot chocolate addiction and on a perfect day, she combines the two.

In 2019/2020, R.L. Mathewson will be publishing Devastated, the first Anger Management novel, Tall, Dark & Furious, the 6th installment to the Pyte/Sentinel series, Irresistible, the long anticipated novel for the Neighbor from Hell Series as well as many more books throughout the year, paranormals, contemporaries, and YAs.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 602 reviews
Profile Image for moonie.
37 reviews2 followers
August 31, 2016

What did I just read.


This. Book. Was. Awful.

I am just so shocked at how bad it was. There were times where the author tried so hard to be funny that I lost track of what was happening in the book, not because I was laughing or anything but because I was genuinely confused. BUT I don't want to get ahead of myself, so here's a list I made instead!

1. THE WRITING WAS AWFUL. It was so, so redundant. If I had a dollar for every time the author wrote "then again," "it really was the least she/ he could do" or went off on a long tangent about absolutely nothing, I could pay off my college tuition.

And I swear, all these characters did was either shrug nonchalantly, sigh every 5 seconds or (this was repeated several times in the story) doing something to make the other characters "suffer."

It made me cringe. The author tried way too hard to fill up pages, it was sometimes chapters of just nonsense. Like the karaoke scenes, what part of that was integral to the story?

She wrote an entire 3-4 pages about how Rebecca was "so devious" a "devil" etc and what was she doing?


Literally nothing. She sat on Lucifer's lap and just made the guys sing. Now imagine that scene written about 4 or 5 times. Because that's how many times the author claimed she was being "devious." *eye rolls.*

This book wasn't just over the top, it was ****OVER. THE. TOP.******

2. HER BEST FRIEND. The entire sub-character of her best friend was so awkward and weird?? Like, the author tried to make them seem like best friends for life but.. nothing tangible was there. It's one thing to write that they love each other and support each other, but you have to show them actually loving and supporting each other

"bitch!" "you biatch!" "ugh you raging bitch!!" I mean, that's great, sometimes me and my best friend talk like this too. But the author didn't provide enough background and context to let the reader know that that's not ALL they do.

Also, side note, Melanie is getting her own book and we already know that she is a human turd. What kind of supposed "smart woman" who "designs websites" would

3. FAMILY. This one is almost laughable. Again, in redundancy Rebecca and Lucifer state over and over again that she would "fit in so well with this family," ---what family...? Nowhere in this entire book do the girls from the previous stories show up. Only Trevor, Jason, and Aidan are HEAVILY mentioned and then there is a random line about "the cousins" (who??) and that's about all.

4. THE SEX. Please tell me why these two were having a full on conversation while having sex? They're literally switching positions, shes on top, hes eating her out, and the entire time they're talking about the restaurant. About her job offers, etc.


5. GRAMMAR AND EDITING. Seriously? There was a lot. No period sentences, words that looked like autocorrect butchered them. This is the author's 8th book, do better.

In short, I was expecting greatness and I got...blegh. The plot was stuffed with filler stories, the crappy best friend/main character relationship totally threw me off, and there was a lot of saying and not doing. I need to go re-read the first 4 books to wash my brain.
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,194 reviews29 followers
August 28, 2016
I discovered this author a few years ago and and was taken by her writing style.I loved her first book in this series and Jason is and will always be my favorite Bradford,there is something about that food stealing Alpha that just sinks me,he can sneak in thru my bedroom window and use me as his pillow any nite.Enough about him ,the hero of this book,Lucifer aka Christopher,I loved him!He was so caring towards Rebecca and I loved how crazy he was for her.He has all the Bradford men's traits,but he was not overly so in the food obession mania.When Rebecca was diagnosed with Cilliac disease,Lucifer was there to support her with her pain and change in her dietary habits trying to find food that will be better for her.
Rebecca was a different story,it took a while for me to like her,for a 29 year old woman,I felt she was too immature and not age appropriate, what 29 year old calls her best friend "bitch and then you have fights rolling on the floor.The ladies in this series are now foodaholics,this one guzzlers Cokes like it was nectar and polishes off Hershey bars like Diabetic on a binge!Her roomates who I love has a thing for Hostess goodies,made me want a twinkie and a cherry pie.
For the most part I did enjoy this book,some funny moments and hot times to be had.
With a title like Fire and Brimstone,and the male lead called Lucifer,one would think this was going to be a PNR which this author also writes,the Pyte series,but it is actually the name of the hero's resturant where the heroine works as a waitress who he has been trying to fire from the moment she was hired but can't quite pull it of.She is his tennant also in the apartment next door to his.
I am looking forward to the next book which features the hero's brother and the heroine's bestfriend,and the bun in the oven he does not know about yet,good times to be sure.
3.75 stars for me on this one.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews426 followers
August 31, 2016
**3.5 Stars**

Christopher a.k.a. Lucifer, owns a restaurant, Fire & Brimstone. Rebecca is one of his waitresses or rather his P.I.T.A...Pain in the ass. She has been there for 5 years and pretty much runs the show. After a steamy kiss in the hallway things begin to change between the two.

This was very funny and I found myself laughing out loud numerous times as well as just smiling. These two were hilarious in their banter and thoughts. The sex was steamy and I love the way Christopher was with Rebecca. They had some really sweet moments as well. That being said, I gradually got tired of it all. Not a lot happens...there's no real angst (which personally I did not miss) but there's also no real drama either. There are some pathetic attempts at push/pull but really, they are both all in whether they want to admit it or not. It is just humorous everyday life. I think it could have benefited by being 50-100 pages shorter if there was not going to be any real conflict. I found myself skimming at times just to hurry up and finish. But it was still a fun read.
573 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2016
I honestly just feel that these are the same books reused. It's not even funny anymore. Corny jokes and over exaggerated situations. I don't laugh anymore. There are different books with different characters, and yet it's the same thing book after book. I'm sad to say that if it continues this way I'm going to give up. I loved the first two books in the Neighbors from Hello Series, but the ones after have just gone downhill.
Profile Image for A_Ryan.
665 reviews195 followers
September 29, 2017
1 "urgh this is so awful" star

What's it about?: Another Bradford reluctantly falls in love with his neighbour, who is also the waitress at the restaurant he owns.

The best bits: I really don't know. Maybe its the memory of what this series used to be.

The worst bits: The truth is, I don't think anyone has ever fallen in love with an R.L Mathewson book because of her literary style. And that's fine because her books (or at least the first four) are fun and the characters are memorable.

But with Fire and Brimstone, it's as if Mathewson gave up on the idea of a re-read, or editing of any kind. The phrases are so repetitive that I often found myself mistakenly thinking I'd read that page before. And it seemed that her run on sentences were so long they eventually made no sense at all. For example:

"Lucifer just stared at him in that unnerving way of his as she stood there, deciding that the least that she could do after everything that he’d done for him was to give him an opportunity to see the error in his ways."


"His lips were surprisingly soft for a man that spent most days frowning that she just couldn’t help herself that she brushed her lips against his one last time before reluctantly pulled away and- Found her lips back on his, parting along with his that they could deepen the kiss."

Also, with phrases like "His soul purpose in life" (as opposed to his sole purpose in life) and "He was so conceded" (where I think she actually meant conceited ) I became more and more frustrated. And angry. This is not Mathewson's first try at publishing. This is the eighth book in this series!! I think a little bit of editing is the least she could do for her fans.

Recommended for: Don't do it. Re-read the first four instead... because this is all kinds of wrong.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,488 reviews524 followers
October 9, 2019
Lucifer Bradford wants to fire his annoying waitress. He has hidden her mysterious clipboard that he thinks may have magical powers, he is ready to fire her. Rebecca though doesn't seem to listen, he has had fired her multiple times and she is still there. When she finally says okay, he knows something is wrong. Lucifer doesn't want to care about the menace, but he kind of does.

Rebecca has been dealing with an elusive illness her whole life and she can't take it anymore. She is hurting but everyone thinks she is a hypochondriac, as if. When Lucifer helps her, she finds herself falling for the unshakable man who carries her around, tries to tell her what to do, which she doesn't. Lucifer is falling as well, but now he has to get Rebecca to fall for him as well. She is his perfect match and scary in some ways, even worse than a Bradford.

Extremely delicious fun. Loved this couple, Lucifer is a hoot and Rebecca is devious. One of my favorite series of all time. Couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews386 followers
September 4, 2016
I am so disappointed with this book and I am sad to give it such a low rating because I have enjoyed reading all the Bradford books but I just couldn't stand the heroine. I found her to be quite manipulative instead of endearing (like the other heroines are).

Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
September 2, 2016
3 Stars!
Love this series but I'm sad to say the last two books I didn't enjoy as much. This one was defiantly better than the last one. It had the enemies to lovers vibe going on that I love. But around 70% I was finding myself bored. Not sure if I'll be continuing with more or not. Guess I'll have to wait and see:)
Profile Image for Melanie.
2,873 reviews22 followers
November 22, 2016
2.5 stars
2 stars

I don't know why but I find the more recent books of this series no where near as good as the first couple (the first four books being the best IMHO). I found myself getting lost in the story and not in a good way. I would be reading and I would have no idea what's going on and felt the story to jump around a bit.

I couldn't connect to the story or any of the characters (even though I really did like Lucifer and Rebecca) and felt that the story dragged and was drawn out in many places. Sometimes I feel like sometimes the story line can get a lot OTT. Also I would of loved to see more of other Bradfords and their women as they are a main part of why I really liked the series to begin with.

I really don't like focusing on the negatives but in this case they outweighed the positives (which there were a lot and I still quite enjoyed the book). Overall it was okay but in the end I was rather disappointed.

However I'm hoping for Melanie and Aiden's story and I have been looking forward to Reece's story for a while plus I love reading the chronicles on the authors blog each week.
Profile Image for (ツ) Hache.
700 reviews54 followers
September 1, 2016
DNF 70%

I’m putting this on hold. I might come back to it once it stops annoying me.

I think this would be great for people who aren't familiar with this series. When you've read over 5-6 of them then it all sounds all the same and very very repetitive.

I liked the story just not how it was executed. Like I noticed the author likes to use this dash- alot. One sentence then dash- and jumps to a new sentence - can’t really explain it. Just soo many of these - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -!!!

Once I got towards the middle the smallest things just annoyed the shit out of me. The constant cutesy swearing the constant ‘pain in the ass’ ‘bastard’ mention, the bickering and bantering during sex -not hot.

Also it was hard to distinguish who was who when the pov changed. It’s like every character was acting and talking like a Bradford would. Rebecca and her bff could secretly be Bradfords the way they sounded.

I think i'm done with this series and author =(
Profile Image for Holly Douma.
10 reviews
September 1, 2016
I used to LOVE this series but now I have to agree with what is being said I feel like I'm reading the same recycled foul mouthed, food obsessed story with different character names. The first 3 stories had charm and originality, the more recent books in the series are seriously lacking. There was a time I would have lost sleep to read an R.L. book, now they put me to sleep. Boring and redundant,
Profile Image for rj.
695 reviews330 followers
August 26, 2016
One word to describe this book would be: fun. It was just silly and not to be taken too seriously. I really enjoyed the relationship between the H/h, it was different from what I usually read. I loved how she pushed all his buttons, how often he glared at her (lol), but also how sweet he could be under the tough exterior. Not quite 5 stars because towards the end the way they acted got kind of tiring but it was still great overall.

75 reviews
August 30, 2016
These books are just getting too repetitive, even the h is sounding and talking like a Bradford, hard to know who's head I was in at times.

Also there's too much inner dialogue, even during sex scenes, like I would forget that they were having sex because there's just too much chit chat -not the dirty talking kind. The h even mentioned he was a dirty talker... that's dirty talk? um no. it became unsexy and boring.

Nice story.. just I don't know.. I guess i'm over this now. First 2 books were awesome, should have stopped there.
Profile Image for Lakshmi C.
346 reviews103 followers
September 2, 2016
4 Chocolate chip Cookies

I love the Neighbour from hell series, its like the bookish version of comfort food. Perfect to read when you are exhausted, these books always make me smile and feel lighter.

The book had a great lead couple : Lucifer and Rebecca.

Lucifer is serious, controlled and dedicated to his restaurant Fire and Brimstone. He is terrifying, he can reduce others to a quivering mess, but the waitress from Hell is unaffected.
When he tries to fire her, she ignores him, distracts him or drives him crazy.

A classic case of Fire, Distract, Repeat
This has been going on for 5 years and Lucifer is determined to get Rebecca out of his way.

Rebecca was an entertaining character. She was the only person who could stand up to Lucifer, she drank too much coke and loved scary movies.

She also turns into a twisted genius and messes with people when she is bored. She does this unapologetically, just for her entertainment. ( Now you know why I like her)

Everyone around her is convinced she is a hypochondriac but she is scared and going through real pain. Her best friend, Melanie, is the only person who believes her and she was a treasure.

Melanie was the type of friend who would drag you to the doctor, fight with you, make sure you never forget an embarassing or silly situation and stand by you when things turned crazy.
She would probaby share the silly story with everyone you knew so it gained legendary status.

I loved that they both had issues and helped the other through it.
After learning about Rebecca's problem, Lucifer goes out of his way to help her find answers. He was patient, protective and understanding.
Lucifer had OCD and Rebecca sneakily helped him manage his restaurant.
She also helped him relax, have fun and she made him laugh.
She did not plan to 'fix him' or look for the nice guy hidden deep within, she adored Lucifer, just the way he was.

As always, I love the Bradford family. They are funny, food obsessed and loyal to the core. Jason remains my favourite but Lucifer comes close.

"Your vicious, psychotic dog beat the shit out of me, stole my wallet and then went on a joyride to Vegas where he married a slutty poodle named Fluffy."

“Your father offered me fifty-thousand dollars to kill you,”

 “Bieber lover!” Melanie growled as she put Rebecca in a headlock and earned a gasp of outrage, because clearly that was crossing the line.

The major reason I keep coming back to this series is that the author promises No Drama reads. And she delivers.

I'm a huge fan of love stories that make you laugh and this book was as addicting as a box of chocolate chip cookies.
Profile Image for Jessa.
1,111 reviews317 followers
August 26, 2016
I didn't finish this so I won't rate it, but I was seriously disappointed. I know in the past I've enjoyed books in this series, and maybe it's my fault for trying to read an enemies to lovers after the perfection of The Hating Game, but this seriously fell flat for me, and there were numerous editing issues I don't find acceptable when an author has written so many books already. This isn't your first rodeo. Get an editor to add periods to your sentences.
Profile Image for solomiya.
515 reviews52 followers
December 12, 2022
Original read 12/27/16
Re-read 1/14/19
Re-read 12/31/20: Lucifer and Rebecca are my favorite couple in this series, I love them so much! This series has definitely become one of my comfort reads that I can go back to when I'm in a rut or a bad mood and there are more books coming! Yay!
Profile Image for Fre06 Begum.
1,260 reviews207 followers
August 26, 2016
This author is still an auto buy for me after all these years.
Profile Image for Raine.
2,470 reviews51 followers
June 21, 2018
Loved it the 2nd time around!

I just re-read this book for the second time and still found it enjoyable and funny! I love the cranky Lucifer and how he can make grown men and women cry except for Rebecca whom he wants to murder and has been trying to fire for the last 5 years. I am surprised that it took 5 years before their story really started.
Profile Image for ValerieC.
1,337 reviews58 followers
September 10, 2016
Not one of the best in the series, but it was 3 stars good. The author gets the use of 'perspective' and 'prospective' mixed up, which was annoying. I am looking forward to finding out what happens to Melanie and Aiden, because an unforgivable thing is happening there...
Profile Image for İlkim.
1,433 reviews11 followers
February 28, 2018
Rebecca Lucifer'dan daha Bradford gibiydi, çok acayip bir ilişki okudum :D Sonraki kitapta Aidan'ın çekeceği çileleri okumak için de sabırsızlanıyorum.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,788 reviews2,314 followers
March 27, 2021
Get it here:
Amazon US * Amazon UK

I love the Bradford's and the women that are crazy enough to put up with them but I do have to say I think this is one of the weaker books in the series. I enjoyed it for the most part but there were too many parts that seemed rushed or unclear and sometimes I didn't feel any connection between characters. Even Rebecca and her best friend/roommate, they're whole relationship didn't make sense to me. The weird constant yelling obscenities at each other really felt out of place. Don't get me wrong, one or two scenes like that wouldn't have been hated but so much of it mixed in while not seeing anything actually making them as close as we were supposed to think they were just didn't do it for me.
Profile Image for Irene.
258 reviews87 followers
August 24, 2016
Another unforgettable Bradford story that is a must read!

I really enjoyed this newest Bradford adventure that showcased the combustion of Lucifer and Rebecca. The romance has been that has been brewing for 5 years with Lucifer trying to fire Rebecca and this time it really does turn into a wild ride will laughs, passion that explodes into an unforgettable romance for the reader. I also liked meeting the Bradford family members again and remembering the enormous appetite for food
Profile Image for Camy.
1,643 reviews52 followers
September 20, 2016

Meh...too much slapstick humour and lame sex.
The author is trying too hard. The first and second books worked because they were natural.
There were a few okay moments in here but they were overshadowed by the extraness.

And when did women constantly calling each other "bitch" come to be endearing?

Ps: this author needs a grammar class stat. Wow. She has no clue about spelling, subject verb agreement, fragments, run-ons etc.
Profile Image for Mitch C..
465 reviews45 followers
July 2, 2020
Of course there should be a Bradford who owns a restaurant. That's how gluttony runs through their family.

H and h managed to annoy me some. Though this time they're not bickering about food and who devours the most (eye roll), they're bitchin' about firing before, during and after the job.

Cute but somehow came off pathetic.

Oh well. I'm almost max out on this series.
49 reviews1 follower
August 31, 2016
Unfortunately this book was too repetitive. I really like the previous NFH books, and I had really looked forward to this one, but the hero internally called the heroine the same 2-3 things.
Profile Image for TheEuphoricZat.
1,388 reviews56 followers
March 16, 2019
The books in this series just keep getting better and better, I am really looking forward to reading Aidan's story
Profile Image for Jessica Frances.
Author 26 books401 followers
May 25, 2018
A funny and rather sweet read! It made me laugh a lot, and that is something I needed after this week.
Profile Image for Jazzysmum.
642 reviews9 followers
September 5, 2016
Sorry but this is a little ranty. Afraid I have to agree with, the other reviewers who gave 1 and 2 stars and some 3 stars to this book.
Repetitive story lines from other books in the series: female lead sick, frenemies theme, female has no family to speak of, pregnancy scare for female lead, random storylines thrown in ( Zoe and Trevor with money problems, I would assume the reason Trevor had accumulated a property portfolio was to use to educate his kids!!), ridiculous behavior by family members, female lead has an accident and whole Bradford family shows up, horrendous editing and missed/ mispelt words ( what is a dinning room?) Poor continuity and confusing plot lines within the book, between books and characters.
This book had in one part Lucifer's restaurant (referred to constantly as THE Fire and Brimstone, which was grating), as a failing and the next as the best in Boston (Huh)
I have enjoyed the NFH series but this was was too long and tired and I struggled to read it ( took me 3 goes) I like Lucifer and found him to be one of the nicer Bradford men, but Rebecca was just a selfish, childish, whiny, immature female lead who really didn't elicit sympathy or deserve her man. The first one I must admit I haven't like .
I even found Trevor and Jason becoming tiresome, same antics, acting like 18 year olds. And I really like these two.
I expect better from a well published author who is trying to make a living writing, it is an insult to your readers to publish such poor, unproofread work and not keep a track of what you have written previously. Even if you have an enthusiastic fan base, who seem to accept anything.
Even the tag on bit about Zoe having Darrin and Marybeth's triplets was silly - the babies would have been born by C section early, as is common practice, to ensure their health and the mother's. Especially in America where C sections are much more common.

I really hope for better for Reese and poor old Aiden who can hardly do anything to support Melanie when he has no idea of the baby!
That's if I can bring myself to invest in another NFH book.

Sorry fans but really........... we deserve better.
Profile Image for Astraycat.
1,020 reviews85 followers
September 3, 2016
Ok read. I anticipated to read this story after finished last one; however, this book didn't go the way as I thought.

And h's conversation with her roommate was annoying as hell that I had to skip it whenever they were calling each other names: "Bitch." "Whore." "Slut." I got that author wanted to make the plot as hilarious as the whole series, but I was tired of their nonsense shouting at each other.

As for H and h's relationship, it was promising at first, and funny, but after they were together, the plot seemed to repeat itself. So this story would be better if it was shorter.

All in all, if you want a funny long read without insta-love, go for it; if you're in the mood for a romantic read that made you emotional, I will not suggest it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 602 reviews

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