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Seven Words of Jesus and Mary: Lessons from Cana and Calvary

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Analyzes the relation between the seven recorded words that Mary spoke in the Gospels and seven last words of her Son as He hung on the cross. Offers solace for the fears and dilemmas of today's Christian by interpreting the Gospel from the intertwined perspective of Mother and Son.

98 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1945

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About the author

Fulton J. Sheen

383 books652 followers
Archbishop Fulton John Sheen, born Peter John Sheen was an American archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio. His cause for canonization for sainthood was officially opened in 2002, and so he is now referred to as a "Servant of God".

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Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.
3,409 reviews144 followers
February 7, 2017
This book is available in a few different editions, this one published originally in 2015 is a slightly edited version of the 1945 original. Another edition has a subtitle 'Lessons on Cana and Calvary'.

In the first chapter of this book Sheen states: "It is interesting that Our Lord spoke seven times on Calvary and that His Mother is recorded as having spoken but seven times in Sacred Scripture. Her last recorded word was at the marriage feast of Cana, when her Divine Son began His public life. Now that the sun was out, there was no longer need of the moon to shine. Now that the Word has spoken, there was no longer need of words." And he goes on to say: "Saint Luke records five of the seven words which he could have known only from her. Saint John records the other two. One wonders, as Our Blessed Lord spoke each of His Seven Words, if Our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross did not think of each of her corresponding words. Such will be the subject of our meditation: Our Lord's Seven Words on the Cross and the Seven Words of Mary's Life." Then the book goes on to compare and contrast the seven times Mary speaks with Jesus seven phrases from the cross.

The seven chapters in this book are:
The First Word: The Value of Ignorance
The Second Word: The Secret of Sanctity
The Third Word: The Fellowship of Religion
The Fourth Word: Confidence in Victory
The Fifth Word: Religion is a Quest
The Sixth Word: The Hour
The Seventh Word: The Purpose of Life

The first section compares Jesus statement "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" Luke 23:34 with Mary's own 'know not' from "And Mary said to the Angel: 'How shall this be done, because I know not man?'" Luke 1:31-34.

This book is the 9th by Rev. Fulton J. Sheen that I have read in the last year. With each book I am realizing what a treasure we have in the writings that he has left behind for us. This book is pure biblical exegesis. For other than quoting a few prayers or poems this entire book is written around the scriptures, and Rev Sheen teaching to us directly from the word. In this work he draws predominantly from the gospel of Luke, but also from other gospels to compare wording or to support his teachings from the broader New Testament. In Fact he quotes from the followings books:

Luke 27
John 19
Matthew 6
Mark 5
Old Testament 7
Rest of New Testament 7

This book was an excellent read. The more of Sheen's writings I encounter the more I want to read. This is another excellent book that I highly recommend.

Read the review on my blog Book Reviews and More and reviews of other books by Fulton J. Sheen.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!
Profile Image for Klara Rawdanowicz.
58 reviews10 followers
May 5, 2023
In this book, Sheen did a seamlessly beautiful job of linking both Christ’s 7 last words and the 7 words Mary was recorded to have said in Scriptures to present ways we can change and sanctify our lives. Loved it!
Profile Image for Jon Beadle.
485 reviews20 followers
March 25, 2023
Getting past some of the Marian theology, this is quite good.
863 reviews
May 30, 2017
The Archbishop in this slim volume draws parallels between each of Jesus' seven utterances from the Cross with each of the seven times Mary spoke in the Bible. He highlights their states of mind and shared experiences, and for each, he takes the opportunity to expound on a topic of suggested by the connection. As seems typical for the author, the ideas are simple but deep and thoughtful.

I. The First Word: The Value of Ignorance

Jesus' first words on the Cross are, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."Mary recalls her first recorded words, at the Annunciation, saying, "I know not Man." There is a blessing in not knowing evil. Mankind is often ignorant of the import of its crimes, opening the door to absolution.Mary was unstained from even the experience, making her a fit vessel for the Lord himself. You may be wiser after making a horrible mistake, but you can never return to innocence. Once evil is met, seek forgiveness in Reconciliation. It the only way to restore the blank slate you were.

II. The Second Word: The Secret of Sanctity

Once upon the cross, the good thief recognizes his guilt and makes a plea to be remembered in Heaven, and Jesus responds by him, "This day thou shall be with me in Paradise." Mary would have recognized how the man aligned his will with God's, as she answered the angel of the Annunciation with her fiat, "Be it done unto me according to thy word." Everyone has a cross, but it is not the same for any two of us. It doesn't matter what we do on Earth but how much love we do it with (doing His will). Those things you can control, do for the love of God; those you cannot, submit to in God's name

III. The Third Word: The Fellowship of Religion

Jesus tells Mary, "Woman, behold thy son," and John, "Behold thy mother." We are in the Lord's family, identifying with Him with Mary as our mother. Develop a relationship with Jesus and Mary. Pray to her. Pray the Rosary.

IV. The Fourth Word: Confidence in Victory

Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me." Palm 21 finishes in glory as the Lord rescues the humble man. Mary would have recognized what Jesus was saying and recalled her Magnificat: "My soul proclaims the Lord... He hath put down the mighty from their seat and exalted the humble." This speaks of trust that God will prevail. This speaks of faith. When in despair, take your cross to Mass. Always speak to God in prayer. Ask with hope. He will answer.

V. The Fifth Word: Religion is a Quest

Jesus said from the Cross, "I thirst," demonstrating how God seeks Man. Mary would recall finding the child Jesus in the temple at age 12, where she asked where he had been, demonstrating Man's search for God. Even atheists are looking for God, even as they hate the institution they think they know. God wants us even though we are sinners.

VI. The Sixth Word: The Hour

Just before dying, Jesus said, "It is finished," not meaning simply that his life was done but that he had completed his mission. Mary would have recalled when his mission began, with her stating, "They have no wine," at the wedding in Cana, which prompted his first miracle. Between the start of any mission and its completion, there is a time when we must carry our cross.

Note: At the wedding, Jesus calls Mary, "Woman." This was not His being impersonal but Him acknowledging that with the start of his mission, Mary would in a sense become a universal mother of all mankind.

VII. The Seventh Word: The Purpose of Life

Dying, having satisfied His purpose, Jesus commended His spirit to God. Mary asked for the same at Cana, telling the stewards to do whatever He told them. Use your freedom as permission to do what is right, not an opportunity to do wrong.
Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.
3,409 reviews144 followers
February 7, 2017
This book is available in a few different editionsoriginally published in 1945. Another edition does not have the subtitle 'Lessons from Cana and Calvary'.

In the first chapter of this book Sheen states: "It is interesting that Our Lord spoke seven times on Calvary and that His Mother is recorded as having spoken but seven times in Sacred Scripture. Her last recorded word was at the marriage feast of Cana, when her Divine Son began His public life. Now that the sun was out, there was no longer need of the moon to shine. Now that the Word has spoken, there was no longer need of words." And he goes on to say: "Saint Luke records five of the seven words which he could have known only from her. Saint John records the other two. One wonders, as Our Blessed Lord spoke each of His Seven Words, if Our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross did not think of each of her corresponding words. Such will be the subject of our meditation: Our Lord's Seven Words on the Cross and the Seven Words of Mary's Life." Then the book goes on to compare and contrast the seven times Mary speaks with Jesus seven phrases from the cross.

The seven chapters in this book are:
The First Word: The Value of Ignorance
The Second Word: The Secret of Sanctity
The Third Word: The Fellowship of Religion
The Fourth Word: Confidence in Victory
The Fifth Word: Religion is a Quest
The Sixth Word: The Hour
The Seventh Word: The Purpose of Life

The first section compares Jesus statement "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" Luke 23:34 with Mary's own 'know not' from "And Mary said to the Angel: 'How shall this be done, because I know not man?'" Luke 1:31-34.

This book is the 9th by Rev. Fulton J. Sheen that I have read in the last year. With each book I am realizing what a treasure we have in the writings that he has left behind for us. This book is pure biblical exegesis. For other than quoting a few prayers or poems this entire book is written around the scriptures, and Rev Sheen teaching to us directly from the word. In this work he draws predominantly from the gospel of Luke, but also from other gospels to compare wording or to support his teachings from the broader New Testament. In Fact he quotes from the followings books:

Luke 27
John 19
Matthew 6
Mark 5
Old Testament 7
Rest of New Testament 7

This book was an excellent read. The more of Sheen's writings I encounter the more I want to read. This is another excellent book that I highly recommend.

Read the review on my blog Book Reviews and More and reviews of other books by Chris d'Lacey.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!
Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.
3,409 reviews144 followers
February 7, 2017
This book is available in a few different editionsoriginally published in 1945. Another edition does not have the subtitle 'Lessons from Cana and Calvary'.

In the first chapter of this book Sheen states: "It is interesting that Our Lord spoke seven times on Calvary and that His Mother is recorded as having spoken but seven times in Sacred Scripture. Her last recorded word was at the marriage feast of Cana, when her Divine Son began His public life. Now that the sun was out, there was no longer need of the moon to shine. Now that the Word has spoken, there was no longer need of words." And he goes on to say: "Saint Luke records five of the seven words which he could have known only from her. Saint John records the other two. One wonders, as Our Blessed Lord spoke each of His Seven Words, if Our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross did not think of each of her corresponding words. Such will be the subject of our meditation: Our Lord's Seven Words on the Cross and the Seven Words of Mary's Life." Then the book goes on to compare and contrast the seven times Mary speaks with Jesus seven phrases from the cross.

The seven chapters in this book are:
The First Word: The Value of Ignorance
The Second Word: The Secret of Sanctity
The Third Word: The Fellowship of Religion
The Fourth Word: Confidence in Victory
The Fifth Word: Religion is a Quest
The Sixth Word: The Hour
The Seventh Word: The Purpose of Life

The first section compares Jesus statement "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" Luke 23:34 with Mary's own 'know not' from "And Mary said to the Angel: 'How shall this be done, because I know not man?'" Luke 1:31-34.

This book is the 9th by Rev. Fulton J. Sheen that I have read in the last year. With each book I am realizing what a treasure we have in the writings that he has left behind for us. This book is pure biblical exegesis. For other than quoting a few prayers or poems this entire book is written around the scriptures, and Rev Sheen teaching to us directly from the word. In this work he draws predominantly from the gospel of Luke, but also from other gospels to compare wording or to support his teachings from the broader New Testament. In Fact he quotes from the followings books:

Luke 27
John 19
Matthew 6
Mark 5
Old Testament 7
Rest of New Testament 7

This book was an excellent read. The more of Sheen's writings I encounter the more I want to read. This is another excellent book that I highly recommend.

Read the review on my blog Book Reviews and More and reviews of other books by Chris d'Lacey.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!
Profile Image for Rose Collins.
216 reviews
March 21, 2017
Another wonderful book by Fulton J. Sheen! The comparisons of Jesus' and Mary's words are enlightening and inspiring. A great book for a devotion to Mary and for spiritual reading during Lent. For my own reference, Mary's seven words are 1) How can this be as I do not know man; 2) Behold the handmaid of the Lord; 3) Be it done to me according to thy word; 4) the Magnificat; 5) Son, why hast thou done so to us?; 6) They have no wine; 7) Do whatever He tells you. Jesus' words are 1) Father forgive them for they know not what they do; 2) You will be with me kn paradise; 3) Behold thy son, behold thy mother; 4) My God why hast thou forsaken me; 5) I thirst; 6) It is consummated. 7) Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.
March 3, 2015
This was my first time reading anything by Fulton Sheen. I had heard a couple of his talks on Life is Worth Living series and really enjoyed it. This book was informative but direct; which was a welcome change from the book I am also reading-- Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety. I will be sure to check out more of his books.
Profile Image for The Nutmeg.
263 reviews25 followers
April 7, 2023
Fulton Sheen’s meditations on Christ’s last words are the best for Good Friday! This book draws parallels between the seven Last Words of Christ with the seven times Mary speaks in Scripture—lovely meditations. Highly recommend.
40 reviews
January 11, 2021
Rediscovering An Old Friend

I remember watching Bishop Fulton Sheen as a young at my grandparents house many times. I was touched by some of the things that he spoke of but so very young to understand what he was saying. I happened to see this book while browsing and bought it. His words and presentation touched me so very deeply to my very core now as an older adult. I highly recommend this book to all those who are searching for a deeper purpose in life. You will not be disappointed.
352 reviews3 followers
June 18, 2019
Seven Words of Jesus and Mary

This book was as meaningful today as it was in the past. I remember my parents, brother and I would finish dinner then go and watch Bishop Sheen every week. Most Catholics did. He said things we could all follow. This is a very good book.
153 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2024
I was quite young, but I remember my parents watching Archbishop Sheen on television. To reconnect with him through this inspirational, thought-provoking book is a blessing. I borrowed Seven Words from the library; I definitely want my own copy now.
Profile Image for Robert.
3,640 reviews25 followers
July 19, 2024
While some of the phrasing is a bit old fashioned (the use of 'words' as opposed to 'sentences' most of all), the theological ideas shine through, and the structure of the story makes for an easy read - unusual for such a heavy concept.
Profile Image for Rowena.
128 reviews12 followers
December 29, 2022
An interesting perspective of the relations between Virgin Mary and Jesus and us.
Profile Image for Carlos.
6 reviews22 followers
February 4, 2011
Wow! What a truly wonderful and inspirational book! Very short, at under 100 pages, but so deep and rich in content. Fulton Sheen writes in a very fluid and easy manner, however, his simplistic sentences were so deep that I found myself constantly meditating on what I had just read.

The book focuses on 7 words spoken by Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary. Jesus spoke 7 times at Calvary, while Mary was quoted a total of 7 times in the gospels. There are a total of 7 chapters in the book, one for each verse from Jesus and Mary respectively. Somehow, Bishop Sheen is able to connect the words spoken by Jesus and Mary and find a theme (usually pertaining to God's plan for us) and reflect on it.

This book is very Scripture-centered, as Bishop Sheen is consistently quoting from it. This book would be an ideal companion for a spiritual retreat.

I was blown away with the material in each chapter, but the amazing thing was that each subsequent chapter kept getting better and better. At the end of each chapter there is a afterword, usually written by Fulton Sheen, but there were some great ones by C.S. Lewis, Leslie D. Weatherhead, Paul Claudel, and Helmut Thielicke.
Profile Image for Ce.
239 reviews13 followers
December 25, 2012
Fulton Sheen is a master of the written word, and on top of that he writes with such authority about God and Christ, that the least you can do is feel in awe after each page you turn. The part that I enjoyed the most is to discover new things of something I though old and well known. F. Sheen reveals new sides of a story we have read many times, but we might have not had the time to think in a deeper perspective. Bonus? When he uses the principle of "no" suction to explain how GOD feels us with love.
Profile Image for Annie Harton.
3 reviews
April 3, 2021

These are powerful reflections on how Jesus and Mary are models of faith for us. There are some connections made that are brilliant and thought-provoking. Highly recommend :!
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews

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