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Praying God's Word: Breaking Free From Spiritual Strongholds

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How do Christians learn to practice 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5, "tearing down strongholds by captivating our minds with the knowledge of God?" Beth Moore teaches that to be set free from each and every stronghold which claims our lives, we have to replace it with the mind of Christ and fervent daily prayer. Praying God's Word is a topical prayer guide addressing fourteen strongholds and what Scripture reveals about each issue. The Scriptures are presented in prayer form to be incorporated into the daily prayer life as a way of letting God's Word, through prayer, help you overcome the strongholds of bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, and other areas as well.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published March 31, 2000

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About the author

Beth Moore

343 books2,478 followers
Beth Moore has written many best–selling books and is a dynamic teacher and a prolific Bible–study author whose public speaking engagements take her across the United States to challenge tens of thousands. Beth is focused on teaching women all over the world and is known and respected wherever she goes. She is a dedicated wife and mother of two adult daughters and lives in Houston, Texas, where she leads Living Proof Ministries and teaches an adult Sunday school class. Beth is one of the best known women in the evangelical Christian market.

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227 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 230 reviews
Profile Image for Rebecca Jo.
35 reviews
August 18, 2009
I have been reading this book for quite a while now, it is an integral part of my quiet time with the Lord in the morning and I don't seem to stop reading it over and over. Praying the Word back to God these past few months has been powerful in my walk with Christ. There is POWER in praying God's word back to Him! By God's grace He has been so faithful to deliver me from many strongholds that have held me captive for years, misbeliefs and lies that I held as core truths and values in my life! Only God has that power, and through this book I have learned how to pray His Word back to Him, praises, requests, His promises, and each time He has given me a word to hide in my heart, a word that enables me to stand firm on His promises and has deepened my walk of faith, not sight. I'm grateful for Beth's passion for God's Word.
17 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2012
Awesome book, that can be an independent study, topical bible study or just a personal reference on several "trouble spots" of the christian walk. I have seen it used as a group bible study but because of the temptation to share outside of the group, I would recommend a very defined and disciplined fixed group to be the most successful. I use it as a topical reference and "check-up" for my heart condition and my walk.

The Insecurity of Feeling Unloved
Feelings of Rejection
Food-Related Strongholds
Ongoing Feelings of Guilt
Despair resulting from loss
Sexual Strongholds
The Enemy
Now it's Your Turn!( A challenge to evaluate your life/needs/desires and check them with scripture) Powerful!!!
Profile Image for Carmen.
30 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2012
Maybe I read this book at a wrong time in my life... Or it may be my catholic upbringing with "man made prayers" that makes me unconfortable with Praying God's Word. I prefer to talk to God instead. I read His word and reading it reminds me that what I am asking is within His will, which is mainly what the author says in this book. But I prefer to use my own words or just say "Lord, I don't know what I need, but I trust You. Please help!"
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,299 reviews7 followers
February 19, 2014
I read this book on my Kindle, but I have ordered a copy to mark up and use again and again. Not only that, but I have already ordered and given away three copies Beth Moore addresses strongholds with which people struggle, and she brings compassionate and loving insight into these issues, followed by scriptures that can be used to combat these strongholds as "the battlefield is the mind."
July 16, 2012
If I had to choose a single book that was pivotal in changing my life's direction, this is it. It's an amazing book. I have the audio version as well and often times listen to it as I lay in bed at night. Thank you, Beth, for listening to God's direction in your life. You've changed this life forever.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,220 reviews
November 17, 2015
loved loved loved reading this every morning with my coffee! Beth has worded the scriptures into prayers, topically, for focus on areas we need the Lord's help to overcome....pride, insecurity, guilt, etc. Can't recommend this one enough! Prayer is so powerful, much more so than any self-help strategies.
Profile Image for Allyson.
Author 2 books35 followers
August 20, 2014
Skipping ahead to strongholds that were relevant to me, I didn't find this book particularly fulfilling. The first chapter was excellent. It really got me thinking that I needed the same message Ms. Moore learned: Don't believe in God. Believe Him!

I found somethings didn't sit well with me. I need to find a book on the same subject by a Catholic. I just believe different things than her. We have the same basics, but I crave depth. I need depth that only Catholicism will (and has) satisfy (satisfied).
Profile Image for Dionne.
770 reviews63 followers
March 9, 2016
I can't even begin to say how much I love this book. I have never thought so highly of a book that I've gone out and bought copies of it for family and friends, but I've done that with this one.

For years I've wanted a book that had done the research on scriptures that could be turned into prayers. Beth Moore has done that and so much more. I have yet to read or study anything done by Beth Moore that I wouldn't rate with 5 stars!!

I give this book my highest recommendation! You don't want to just get this from the library, you'll want a copy of your own to be able to highlight. She also has a journal and a devotional book that are related. I'm using the journal right now and I plan on getting the devotional when I'm done.
Profile Image for Silvia Maria.
170 reviews13 followers
August 15, 2021
Was not expecting the format to be what it was but I loved it! Took me all summer to really soak all the prayers in and it’s definitely a book I’ll be referencing in time of prayer. So beautiful! (*please note that it’s not formatted like a normal book… it goes by topics and then literally a bunch of prayer examples filled with scripture regarding that chapter topic!)
Profile Image for Scarlett Pierson.
274 reviews5 followers
May 27, 2015
Must buy this book immediately! Not a book to borrow! The prayers listed are so great. If you are struggling with truth and strongholds this book must be purchased, then studied, read, recited, meditated on because it's all scripture to the specific need. What a great book!
Profile Image for Adam Shields.
1,754 reviews113 followers
October 26, 2010
Short review: After reading the cover story in Christianity Today in August on Beth Moore, I thought I should probably read something by her. I had a copy of Praying God's Word in audiobook that my mother had purchased on our shared Audible.com account a couple years ago. So I started listening to it. It was great content. If you have heard about praying by using scripture, but have never done it or would like more instruction, this is a great place to do it. But DO NOT get this on audiobook. It is designed to be used, not listened to. Much of the book is re-writing of scripture into prayer and organized into topical sections for regular prayer use. You cannot do that with an audiobook. So I am back to needing to find a good book by Moore to check out. If anyone has a suggestion, let me know. I gave up about 2/3 of the way through because it just didn't make sense to continue a book that I could not really process as it was intended.

Full review on my blog http://www.mrshields.com/praying-gods...
Profile Image for Sarah .
851 reviews38 followers
April 26, 2016
Straightforward and comprehensive, Moore's Praying God's Word is just that: a topically organized set of scriptures she has written into prayers and organized according to the strongholds that have the greatest impact on most believers. Each chapter begins with an outline of a stronghold-- addiction, despair, and unbelief among others-- often including personal anecdotes and testimonies of having overcome a particular stronghold.

This may not necessarily be a book to read from start to finish. There's no narrative to speak of. It's much more a reference work, despite the warm feeling, easy-to-read prose. More than once I thought I out to make myself a notecard deck from her suggestions and just go through them every day. I probably still will.

We are have spiritual strongholds. If you're serious about praying your way out of bondage and oppression, this is an excellent guide and reference.
222 reviews
September 18, 2012
Intense book if you work through it front to back. It has so much content. And I can see it being a great book to refer back to when I'm going through any of the specific problems it breaks down in the individual chapters.

This book definitely made me read the Word in a new way. I search more for application and ways to pray and connect with the stories.

I definitely recommend this book, but I don't know if it's the best book to go through in a small group setting. I think it would be better self paced. Or maybe it's my fault for trying to read the chapters right before small group meetings and being overwhelmed with content!

The verses Beth picks are awesome though. So much good stuff to refer back to in the future!

Profile Image for Felicia.
9 reviews24 followers
November 8, 2012
I highly recommend this book to anyone experiencing (or close to someone who is) anxiety and/or depression. This is an excellent tool for prayer and meditation in hard times, you can read the whole thing or pick out sections that speak to you. Ms Moore prepares prayers you can use and references scripture, also, you can build from her prayers or look at how she constructs them and make your own. I'll be referring to it again and again.
27 reviews
October 27, 2009
This book gave me some wisdom I was needing, particularly the chapter on Belief. Many chapters do not apply, but Beth Moore covers just about every stronghold in this book and how to pray yourself or others out of it. I found it helpful to have read the other chapters because it allowed me to be more compassionate to others with different struggles.
9 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2010
This book is a wonderful prayer guide for praying about the strongholds of idolatry, pride, lack of forgiveness, hurts. Moore once again does a great job of making God's word apply to our lives, particularly our prayer lives. I've prayed all my life, but I found the book added a new depth to my prayers and a new meaning for my prayers.
Profile Image for K.
985 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2014
This book wasn't really what I was looking for. It is mostly just a series of short prayers that are just paraphrases of scripture. Not easy to read and pray, I am finding the Day by Day version of the book to be more useful. Nothing against Moore's writing, I was just looking for something to inspire my prayer life and this format didn't do it.
October 24, 2016
I have wanted to learn more about praying scripture for quite some time and this book has definitely helped in getting me going. It's a process and as she writes in the end not all topics will be found but the Word of God will always have an answer.
Profile Image for Sydney.
95 reviews5 followers
October 2, 2022
What a powerful journey! This book totally changed my perspective on praying through the Scriptures, and I commend it to anyone who is feeling stuck in their prayer life.
Profile Image for Nedra Haymon.
340 reviews9 followers
February 13, 2020
Excellent Bible study book. Really helps in the area of praying scripture. Speaking those verses back help me feel more in tune with talking to God. It's a keeper. One I can refer back to if I need help with dealing with certain areas. I highly recommend. It's an easy read also. The chapters aren't long and drawn out. Just enough to cover the topics, give you some sample scripture prayers for direction and then you're onto the next subject. I loved that about this book. It would be good to read this in a Bible class, book club or with a friend to feed off your feelings and get some feedback.
Profile Image for Blair Johnston.
91 reviews10 followers
July 29, 2020
This is the kind of book that sits on your bookshelf & you come back to time & time again. Unfortunately, for me, this is a book I borrowed from someone and read straight through. I wish I was able to savor a bit more and come back in years to come.
A good read. But not a great read to sit and read from front to back.
Profile Image for Joy.
331 reviews21 followers
February 27, 2018
I’ve finished reading through this book but I can’t say I’ve finished the book bc it’s really a reference of sorts. This will be one I refer to from time to time.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,389 reviews8 followers
February 9, 2021
This is a great resource and overall guide. I'm sure I'll be returning to it often.
Profile Image for Sakeenah Graham.
320 reviews10 followers
March 16, 2021
Somehow Ms. Beth has made me think I have every stronghold listed in her book. Or I just liked praying all the scriptures. Great job showing us how to use scriptures correctly when we pray!
Profile Image for Ashley.
299 reviews13 followers
February 4, 2015
What an awesome resource! This book takes God's promises from scripture and turns them into heartfelt prayers. Even more importantly, the book encourages you to use your own words and gives you some opportunities in the last chapter. This is not a book you read cover to cover, so I focused on the chapter about praying through depression. There was a lot of truth and hope in that chapter. It was so encouraging to see other characters from the Bible crying out against their own darkness, and clinging to hope in God.

Of course this book can't cover every issue you run into, but the last chapter talks about how to find relevant topics and scripture with a concordance. It is a great teaching tool.

I only found a couple verses in the depression chapter that seemed to be taken out of context. Overall this is a terrific resource; especially a must-have for counselors looking to provide spiritual nourishment to Christians. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Chris.
38 reviews
July 2, 2008
This is so helpful! It's not mystical or name it claim it, it's just the bible and prayer. For instances I was struggling a lot with hurtful people and really just wanting to rage against them. This book had a chapter on praying God's word when rejected. She has a chapter full of verses that applied directly to my situation and ways I could turn those into prayers! printed some out and kept them in my immediate area. I prayed them A LOT! They changed the way I reacted to abuse and helped me keep from hurting them back!

I love this book!
Profile Image for Queen  Diva.
21 reviews6 followers
October 5, 2010
I was given this book by my spiritual mom, who is also a first lady waiting for her husband to be obedient before he will be appointed a pastor over a church again, four years ago. I read it from time to time as a reminder that I have power and dominion through the word of God. When I pray God's word things shall come to pass. I must be mindful of the power of God's words when praying for HE hears me and angels are commanded to take my words to heaven and to bring them down to earth to come to pass. Hallelujah!
Profile Image for Nicole.
173 reviews14 followers
January 23, 2014
More of a devotional than a book to read, per se. Wonderful prayers based on Scripture arranged by topic. I have the Kindle edition and the format doesn't lend itself to be utilized as easily. I got the devotional that accompanies this book at the same time (both were offered for free for a limited time along with a number of other books by Moore) and that works better for me on the Kindle. I think a print book would be better for this title because one could just flip to different prayers based on need. An excellent introduction. Terrific thoughts from Moore, as always!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 230 reviews

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