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Blood for You: A Literary Tribute to GG Allin

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Think GG Allin was extreme? You don’t know the half of it.

GG Allin's exploits are legendary. The music, the shows, the violence, the bodily fluids. But GG Allin was confined to a world where he couldn't fulfill his potential. He punched and kicked at the boundaries, eager for something bigger, something crazier, something much more fucked up. But the real world refused to give him the adventures he needed.

Now, thanks to underground fiction’s most talented scumfucs, GG is cast in a series of adventures that truly befit his outlaw spirit. In these pages, GG Allin is a secret agent, engaging in cult-smashing missions in exchange for dirty sex with George and Barbara Bush. He’s a shit-eating, spaceship-piloting and time-traveling savior of humanity. He’s an orisha, called upon to save prisoners from ‘roid rage mutant guards. He’s one half of a deepfried onion ring ouroboros with his soulmate John Wayne Gacy. He’s thousands of clones living inside your giant robot body.

Get ready to see GG Allin like you’ve never seen him before!

190 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2015

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M.P. Johnson

52 books149 followers

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews
Profile Image for Rick.
373 reviews15 followers
October 9, 2016
Boy did I ever drop the ball on this one! Firstly it took me forever to finish since I took many months off in the middle. Then when I finally did finish it some time ago I didn't write my review right away.

Even though I'm old enough I had never heard of GG Allin until I found the Kickstarter for this book thanks to several great people in the Bizarro community. It sounded like it would be right up my alley though, in fact not only did I buy the book but later bought one of the signed, limited editons also. Truth be told I like the standard cover better but can't pass up signed books.

Let's get on to the actual stories then, shall we? You may see this section as a bit thin but I normally write my reviews for an audience of prospective readers and don't want to minimize spoilers as much as possible. Kentucky Fried Christ was a funky little number to get the book started. In retrospect I feel like this wasn't as wild as some of the later stories.

Bath Salt Fetus was short but very good, baby GG was funny. Dream Quest for Dope was great, I knew what type of stuff was in store as soon as Pickman appeared. I hadn't expected Leng to make an appearance in this book but it was a good one. There's a Little GG in All of Us was hilarious. The main concept was very interesting but then once the plot unfolded I started laughing my ass off.

The Coprophagus was another really good one. Casting GG as a Sin-Eater, one of a long line of supernatural beings involved in keeping the universe running was intriguing. San GG was enjoyable as well, I loved the character of The Cuban. The prison setting was a good choice and the story unfolded quite nicely. Tipsy Motherfucker was a short one but the line about GG's vibrating jockstrap was great.

The highlight of The Scumfucs Tour to Toyland was definitely Dahlia, I didn't see that one coming (so to speak). The Final Flight of the Chrysanthemum Byzantium had more going for it than just a great title, how could it not be a good story with Gacy and Houdini in it? Apologies to the authors whose stories I didn't call out here, they were all good but I neglected to take notes so I don't remember everything. My bad.

I still don't understand why MP Johnson put his Bored with Brutality in the Bonus Tracks section, it was one of my favorites and it should have been in the main part of the book. The idea of GG rebelling against his very nature by becoming a regular dude. I won't spoil the plot but trust me, it was awesome.

In case my point wasn't clear you definitely need to pick up a copy of this book and read it (that is unless you are faint of heart or have a weak stomch in which case you should buy a copy and give it as a gift or something).
Profile Image for John Bruni.
Author 68 books84 followers
October 26, 2015
A great anthology. Not a stinker in the lot. It's really hard for me to figure out what my favorite story was. I think it's a tie between two. "There's a Little GG in All of Us" by Kevin Strange is a frenetic, chaotic story that matches exactly with GG's nature. Then again, Jeff Burk's "The GG Effect" is an incredibly sad story of self-sacrifice. "The Scumfucs Tour Toyland" by Shawn Milazzo is gratuitously messed up and funny as hell. "San GG" by Gabino Iglesias is wonderfully action packed and vile. And Nicholas Day's "The Final Flight of the Chrysanthemum Byzantium" is a very clever story about saving humanity. I could go on forever. Every one of these stories impressed the hell out of me. You don't even have to be into GG Allin to like this book.
Profile Image for Rodney.
Author 5 books70 followers
November 27, 2015

This is a wonderfully twisted homage to the unique persona of G.G. Allin. His character is brought into an awesome and original array of stories by some familiar authors. The editors have done a stellar job in choosing their final selections. Whether he was a Pulitzer Prize winning doctor, a drug addicted fetus, a time traveling hero, an addict on an epic fantasy drug run, a modern day martyr for the sins of mankind, or a secret agent paid in drugs and sexual favors by the president and first lady, I honestly did not want this book to end and cherished the experience. Standouts were:

Kentucky Fried Christ by Andrew Wayne Adams

The GG Effect by Jeff Burk

Dream Quest for Dope by John Bruni

There’s a Little GG in All of Us by Kevin Strange

The Caprophagus by David C. Hayes

Tipsy Motherfucker by Joel Kaplan

The Final Flight of the Crysanthemum Byzantium by Nicholas Day

Bored With Brutality by MP Johnson

Fuck the Universe by Sam Richard

It should go without saying that anyone who is a hardcore GG fan needs to experience this.​ Pass this on to any of those you know even if they do not read. You may actually turn one into a reader after they realize that there are books and authors like this out there. ​I sadly was exposed to G.G. posthumously. Yet, he will always stand out as a true individual that consistently pushed boundaries and simply did not give a fuck. I anticipated this book for about a year before seeing it’s release. I am impressed, it did not disappoint.
Profile Image for Joel Donald.
25 reviews4 followers
November 19, 2015
This is a fucktastic 5 star make your dumb friends learn to read kind of book. Conceptually this book is as brilliant as it gets. Anyone who is into bizarro or has appreciation / healthy curiosity about GG Allin the needs this book. This book is action packed with lots of shining moments and is goddamn genius and hilarious. hard to pick a favorite stories theres a number of excellent ones in there. the EDs did a great job and the book has the smooth flow of a beloved punk mix tape. The EDs also give us two great bonus tracks at the end of the book. MP's BORED WITH BRUTALITY was one of my top tales. He had one of the funniest takes on GG and being that this book is his baby it's no surprise that he would have the fire in him to deliver a great cut. This book is full of awesome concepts. GG and Merle as scientists. GG and John Wayne Gacy hang out at a KFC lost in time and space. GG's cock goes all jack and the beanstock and becomes the girthiest punk club around. GG has hellish shenanigans with Houdini. San GG was a really inspired one as well. In a book like this where the authors were free to throw of all normal constraints of decency you can find some fantastic wild and inspired writing. 666 stars.
Profile Image for Frank.
Author 35 books123 followers
November 28, 2015
Right out of the gate, I have to admit I'm not a G.G. Allin fan. Its not that I dislike him, its just that I never really bothered to find out about him other than knowing what everyone else knows about the guy: he shits on stage and throws it at the crowd.

Then M.P. Johnson decided to create a literary tribute to the guy. Suddenly I saw G.G. Allin in a different light. He was now a character, someone real yet fictional. Instead of a musician I didn't have interest in I saw the possibility of him being a tragic figure of literary legend and then I was intrigued.

So I sat down to read BLOOD FOR YOU. It did not disappoint. This is a weird fiction/splatterpunk/bizarro whack festival of fun. The contributing writers presented some very unlikely scenarios all staring the lovable poo flinger, G.G. Allin. You get exactly what you would expect. Lots of poop, lots of blood, lots of vulgarity and a healthy smattering of cum.

BLOOD FOR YOU is not going to turn the literary world on its head. But if you like G.G. Allin or really extreme gore fiction, you're going to enjoy the shit out of this book!

For a more in-depth breakdown of the contents of this anthology, please listen to this episode of the Booked. Podcast that I took part in. http://www.bookedpodcast.com/281-bloo...
Profile Image for Waffles.
151 reviews21 followers
July 11, 2016
I bought a copy of this book at the 2016 Printers Row Book Festival in Chicago.
There was a table of Bizzaro books and M.P. Johnson was present. He told me about this anthology
and I bought a copy. I'm not a GG Allin fanatic, but I respect his influence.

I'm glad this anthology was made and look forward to seeing what else M.P. Johnson comes up with in the future.

My expectation with anthologies is that I love some stories and not love others. I don't think I loved any of these stories, but I respect the effort.

Buy this anthology. Show some support for the small presses you claim to adore!
February 6, 2017
Not what I was expecting. When I first bought this book I figured it would be a bunch of old time punks talking about how the scene used to be. Nope. What I got was a clever collection of short stories, all using GG Allin as a character, that went from brutal horror to well-thought out science fiction. Not for the faint of heart, these stories are as uncompromising and unpredicatable as the man himself.
Profile Image for Michael Shields.
11 reviews
January 23, 2023
When I started this book, my expectations were low. Incredibly low. But somehow this book missed even the lowest bar imaginable. Each story reads like a high school writing prompt. “GG Allin wanted to get down the hill, so GG Allin walked down the hill. Now GG Allin was at the bottom of the hill.” It’s incredibly disappointing because he is such a fascinating subject, yet literally everything that has been done based on his life and/or character has been garbage. The documentaries, the terrible “I Was a Murder Junkie” book, now this. Ironically, the best story in the book was “AP-3498,” and it didn’t involve a single instance of GG Allin, at least not explicitly. One story was treated as an opportunity to fit as many GG Allin puns that they could into the writing. From song titles, to phrases from his stage banter and talk show appearances, to lyrics, the author tried so hard to fit in as many Easter eggs as he could, presumably to prove he is somehow the #1 GG Allin super fan, no matter how forced and unnatural the writing felt.
Prior to starting this book, I finished the 300+ page Oral History of Leftover Crack on a week. This book is less than 200 pages and it took me close to a month to read because I dreaded picking it back up. Easily one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Everyone involved should feel embarrassed.
This project could’ve been amazing. The potential is there, if only they had gathered people with a writing level that would exceed an autistic high school freshman.
Profile Image for Doug Brunell.
Author 32 books29 followers
December 31, 2021
This book is much like Allin himself: extreme, outrageous, raw, wet, and sometimes incomprehensible. There are some good stories. There are some bad stories. There are some very bad stories. There are not any really good stories. Ultimately, the book disappointed me in a profound way, though I still think it is worth reading.

I knew Allin. At the time of his death, he and I were working on a project together. This book only works for a reader if they are familiar with him and the Murder Junkies. There is no real insight to any character, including the main one. There is just the idea that you have a base knowledge of GG and that, apparently, will get you through the stories. It does . . . in a way. Knowing that this is fiction, I did not expect a biography, but I did expect to see some character motivation. Something that went beyond what someone could glean from song lyrics or some YouTube videos about the man. That was not here, though. Instead, you get Allin as a government agent, a fighter of werewolves, a normal family man (probably the best one at trying to capture a deeper side of the man), and more.

Maybe I was expecting too much, but when you can remove GG Allin's name and replace it with any name, that's not a GG Allin story. That's just an odd tale, which is what this all turns out to be. The main character could have been anyone, and that's why it disappoints.
Profile Image for Robin.
561 reviews14 followers
August 21, 2018
I only enjoyed two out of the sixteen stories. “Kentucky Fried Christ” by Andrew Wayne Adams (bonus points for mentioning the Ouroboros symbol in the story) and “Bath Salt Fetus” by Jorge Palacios.

This tribute book is about piss, feces, and how small GG Allin’s dick was. If that humor doesn’t get old, then try reading it for 180+ pages.

I understand to be tasteless is GG’s gimmick, but reading fan fiction about it in a redundant fashion was disgusting and, well, nerdy.
Profile Image for Dave.
172 reviews
June 12, 2021
I mean, this is exactly what you'd expect. Exactly. Like G.G. Allin's songs, this book gave me a couple chuckles, but only in small doses. If I had to read it all in one sitting I would hate it.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

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